HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda & Draft Minutes 062507 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, JULY 23, 2007 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Consent Agenda: 5. Public Hearings: 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: A. EP 07- 131 A petition requesting a name change for North Berens Road located north of the Shepherds Path campus. 8. Announcements and Correspondence: 9. Adjournment: The Commissioners will reconvene for a workshop in the Parkview Room to discuss: · Planned Unit Developments - Section 1106 · Senior Care (SC) Overlay District - Section 11 06A L:\07 FILESI07 PLANNING COMMlSSIONI07 AGENDASIAG072307.DOC www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDA Y, JUNE 25, 2007 1. Call to Order: Chairman Lemke called the June 25, 2007, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Billington, Fleming, Lemke, Perez and Ringstad, Planning Director Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator Danette Moore, Planner Jeff Matzke, Public Works/City Engineer Director Steve Albrecht and Public Works Coordinator Jennifer Wittkopf. 2. Roll Call: Billington Fleming Lemke Perez Ringstad Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the May 29,2007, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: None 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner Lemke read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. EP 07-122: The City of Prior Lake is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a water treatment facility (16335 Itasca Avenue) in the R-1 Zoning District. Planning Coordinator Danette Moore introduced Public Works Coordinator Jennifer Wittkopf who highlighted a Power Point presentation of the following: . Neighborhood involvement and communication; . Landscape plan; . Architectural elevations; and . Current status of the project. BACKGROUND: Moore continued the Planning Report dated June 25,2007, (on file in the office of the City Planning Department.) L:\07 FILES\07 PLANNING COMMISSION\07 MINUTES\MN062507.doc 1 Planning Commission June 25, 2007 The City of Prior Lake has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a Water Treatment Facility (WTF) on the property located at 16335 Itasca Avenue. This site is zoned R-l (Low Density Residential). No variances are required for this project. The City of Prior Lake draws the majority of our drinking water from the Jordan Aquifer. In Prior Lake this aquifer is high in both iron and manganese. While the water is safe to drink, the levels of these minerals present in the water exceed secondary drinking water standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A). As a result numerous residents experience water staining, odor and even taste issues at their residences. These high levels also affect the life of water filters and softeners. In addition to the impacts on residences, these minerals cause build-up in the water system piping that can substantially reduce the capacity of watermains and water services. The proposed Water Treatment Facility will improve the quality of water provided to our citizens. In January of 2006 the City Council created the Water Treatment Plant Committee (WTPC). Since that time, several meetings have taken place including neighborhood meetings held with residents to discuss the site and facility. The proposed WTF will be approximately 37,135 square feet in gross area (including the upper level mezzanines). In addition, a 7.5 million gallon reservoir will be located below ground (covered with a grass roof). The interior of the building will house the treatment infrastructure, along with space for the storage of water related equipment (meters, lift station supporting equipment, back up generators, etc). The WTF will also house a lab for testing water samples, a garage for the storage of the Vactor (vacuum) truck, and a conference/office space (see attached main floor layout). No outdoor storage is proposed for the WTF. The traffic at the WTF will consist of Public Works vehicles traveling in and out of the site multiple times during the workday. The Water Department staff will be based out of the WTF and the facility will house the vacuum truck, portable generators, and other Water Department equipment. In addition, chemicals used for the treatment of water will be delivered approximately once per month. On weekends, traffic to the site will consist of the on-call water staff conducting rounds once per day. There may be traffic to/from the facility during non-working hours as the Public Works staff responds to emergencies at the treatment facility or out in the system. Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit request, subject to the following condition: 1. The City shall provide a Utilities and Stormwater Management Plan. 2. The City shall address all comments detailed in the June 20, 2007 Engineering Department memo prepared by Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer. 3. The City shall receive a building permit prior to construction on the site. L:\07 FILES\07 PLANNING COMMISSION\07 MINUTES\MN062507.doc 2 Planning Commission June 25, 2007 Questions by the Commissioners: Ringstad: . Just curious with the residents' input on the residential versus civic design, what if any, costs differences in either of those two. . Albrecht responded the City Council opted on a substantial cost upgrade to the facility. The residents supported the residential look. Essentially what we have is a double roof system on the facility. The facility has to have a span concrete roof regardless of the design because of the loads. The City is trying to blend in with the residential area. The Council was committed to going that route with the additional upgrade. Billington: . It appears to be an attractively designed project. Wondering what level of noise will this generate possibly impacting the neighbors? . Albrecht said there were two primary noise generators in this facility. The pumps are 250 hp that take the finished water and pump it into our system once the water is done. That building/room is completely enclosed and buffered. Outside you would only hear the hum similar to a residential neighborhood air conditioner. It is a very sound enclosed building. The other unique feature of this building, with the energy situation the City is in; is the installation of a "peak use" energy generator system. This facility will be able to operate on hot days like this completely on its own with electrical power. It will have a diesel generator which is a "hospital" grade generator. The sound packs on these systems are amazing muffling the air mitigation systems. The two major noise generators have been substantially buffered. We were very upfront with the neighbors on this matter. . This will be operating 24 hours a day. People will have to maintain the facility so there won't be a lot of headlights on the site. . Albrecht responded the only time there will be personnel in this facility after regular city hours are during an emergency situation. The system can be run mobilely so whoever is operating the system will actually bring home a laptop as a control for the system. We will also have our "on call" person who is in the city to respond to after-hour emergencies. . I am going to assume you will have someone on the site at all times for maintenance and security. . Albrecht said the after hours will be monitored with a security system. Only a portion of the site is gated. That was something very important with the neighborhood - to make sure it was secured with a security system and fenced. There were strong opinions about whether we should have a fence with razor wire all around the facility. There is very limited access on the residential side of the building. . Albrecht explained the windows and security; the fencing and gate. There will also be security cameras. L:\07 FILES\07 PLANNING COMMISSION\07 MINUTES\MN062507.doc 3 Planning Commission June 25, 2007 Fleming: . I noted in the bidding process you want to start construction in August. How long will the bidding process take? . Albrecht responded if we receive the CUP tonight the bidding ad will go into the paper for Saturday. It's about a minimum of three to four week period. Then it gives us a few weeks to get things in order and bring it back to the Council in August. . Has the cost deviated much from the original projection? . Albrecht said the cost includes everything - the design, the whole works. The construction cost is closer to $13.2 to $13.4 (Million). The only deviance from the cost of the city's estimate last winter for the purpose of bidding, we are carrying about a $200,000 additional contingency. The reason for that is that this building is all concrete and steel. To the tune of $6 Million worth of raw materials, a minor fluctuation in steel and concrete prices at the time of bidding - just a 1 % fluctuation can be a $60,000 change in bid prices. So the Council felt it was appropriate to add additional contingency money which we had available in the trunk fund to make sure we had money if we bid it and hit the wrong time. We are comfortable we will not need it. But that is the only change in the original budget. The roof and all the other elements were added in December of last year and the costs have stayed on track. Lemke: . Will all the water for the entire city be treated? Or just new construction? How is that going to work? . Albrecht responded all of the city's wells with the exception of Well #6, which is located in The Wilds will go through the facility. We have three wells on this facility site - the one to the north is piped to the site and the two new wells at the maintenance center will be part of the County Road 21 project. In our neighborhood project that will start next year, we will connect the two wells at the maintenance center to this facility and also a new well located by the fire station will be connected. This facility is designed to produce 7.5 million gallons a day. The City currently uses 6.2 million on our peak days. This will buy us several years. . Albrecht continued to explain the city is looking at options for a future facility to the west annexation area. Part of that facility may be incorporating Well #6, piping out to wherever that facility would be located. . (Albrecht) There are some parts of the city that have perfectly clean water while others have black sludge coming out of their pipes on certain days. The goal is to have all the water running through this system as we move forward. Comments from the Public: There were no comments from the public and the hearing as closed. L:\07 FILES\07 PLANNING COMMISSION\07 MINUTES\MN062507.doc 4 Planning Commission June 25, 2007 Comments from the Commissioners: Ringstad: · By the looks of it tonight with nobody speaking at the public meeting, with all the neighborhood meetings in 2006, the information must have been extremely effecti ve. The City did an outstanding job with respect to that so I complement you. · I agree with all the CUP criteria with the respect there is a need to the project. Treated water in a community like this is extremely important. . Support. Billington: · The city desperately needs this facility. There is no question about it. . It is attractive in appearance and appears to be well engineered. · Based on what we've heard tonight, the neighbors have had a chance to meet on this a number of times and apparently they are satisfied. At least we haven't heard they are not. · The noise, light and operation are of such design and configuration that they (neighbors) are not unhappy with it. . Based on all of that, I am supporting this. Perez: · Not to be repetitive, it is obvious the City does need this. It is an important step. · It meets all the zoning ordinances and the CUP criteria is also being met. . Support. Fleming: · I will also be supporting the proposal. Not to echo my fellow Commissioners about the extent and degree of public input and feed back, there may be some in the public who do a double-take at the cost of the facility. However, this has been planned and reviewed and is in the CIP projects. The Council has obviously given this a great consideration as well. · It is something we need and look forward to having clean drinking water. . Support the recommendation. Lemke: · Really don't have anything to add other than the Conditional Use Permit analysis the staff has gone through. I agree it is an important step forward. Danette spoke on the bids coming back higher than expected and to consider that option of the pitch roof versus the flat roof. Albrecht explained the roof bidding and outbuildings. Only wanted to bring the option to the Commissioners' attention. He also gave a little background on the neighborhood decisions on flat versus pitched - almost 50-50. Not overwhelming on either. The City Staff and City Council always made the budget clear at all the meetings. All along the L:\07 FILES\07 PLANNING COMMISSION\07 MINUTES\MN062507.doc 5 Planning Commission June 25, 2007 neighbors were aware of the financial obligations. It should not be an issue but wanted the Planning Commissioners aware of the situation. Lemke: . Given flexibility to the Council in this area, the treatment facility is really what is needed and let the Council make the decision. They can always bring it back to the Planning Commission if it changes too much. Moore noted the Commissioners may want to clarify the pitch roof is your preference however, if the modifications are made that they are in line with Council's direction. MOTION BY BILLINGTON, SECOND BY FLEMING, TO APPROVE CUP SUBJECT TO THE LISTED CONDITIONS AND A POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENT TO THE ROOF CONFIGURATION FROM PITCHED TO FLAT. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: None 8. Announcements and Correspondence: None 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m. Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\07 F1LES\07 PLANNING COMMISSION\07 MINUTES\MN062507.doc 6