HomeMy WebLinkAbout110287 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINt1l'ES OF '!HE CITY COUNCIL November 2, 1987 The CanIOOn Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session on fok>may, November 2, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Clambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilrcenbers Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, White, City Manager Dave Unmacht, City Engineer Anderson, Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Schnudlach, Parks am Recreation Director Mangan, am City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. 'lbe minutes of the October 19, 1987 meeting were reviewed by Council. 'lbe following amerxbnents/corrections were made: a) Page 2, paragraph 8 - 4th sentence: the word "revieww" mis-spelled, should be "review". b) Page 2, paragraph 8 - 9th sentence: the first word of the sentence "should" to be changed to: "must". c) Page 2, paragraph 12 - secom sentence: the word "supplying" to be changed to: "suggested". d) Page 3, paragraph 2 - secom line: the word "Canmuniry" misspelled, should be "Canmunity". e) Page 3, paragraph 13 - secom line: "October, 1988" should be changed to read: "October 1, 1988". MJTION MADE BY LAR.SCN, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO APPRCNE '!HE MINurES WI'!H lliE Minutes AMENDMENTS AND CORRECl'IONS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed. Mayor Andren abstained fran voting on the minutes due to the fact she was not present at the October 19, 1987 meeting. 'lbe next order of business was consideration of the Consent Agema as follows: a) Invoices To Be Paid b) Consider Amemed Resolution 87-48 c) Consider Franont Avenue Construction Options d) Approve Request for Fire Department Defibrilator e) Approve the 'lbi rd Canmuni ty Futures Workshop Date Consent Invoices Rs8748 Fremont Defibril. Futures ' Wkshop MJTION MADE BY WHITE, SEXDNDED BY LARSCIil, ro APPRCNE lliE <DNSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (e) WIlli '!HE EXCEPl'ION OF ITEM (b) WHI<lI WPS PULLED FRrn THE AGENDA Approved FOR FUR'IHER DISClJSSION. (612) 447-4230 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 MINurES OF '!HE CI'lY COUNCIL November 2, 1987 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was the introduction of Scott County Library Director, Janet Williams, by City Manager Unmacht. Ms. Williams reviewed for Councilnanbers the many diverse services which the County Library offers to the residents of Prior lake and Scott County. Ms. Williams reported that there has been a large increase in demand for these services, an increase that will continue as the City grows. A brief question and answer session followed. Ms. Williams discussed the sign plans for the Library and requested that the Councilnanbers consider appointing saneone to act as a liaison between the library and City Hall sanetime in the future. The Council expressed appreciation to Ms. Williams for the dedication of the library staff and for the many library services they provide to the City. The next order of business was the presentation of a Feasibility study for the Downtown Area. City Manager urnnacht stated that this was a workshop session and then summarized the procedure used for the Study, and introduced City Engineer Anderson who presented overheads of the seven areas covered by the Study, which are as follows: 1) Street improvements on: Anna Trail fran Duluth Avenue, Arcadia Avenue fran Colorado Street to Dakota Street, Cambridge Circle fran Dakota Street to north terminus, Colorado Street fran West Avenue to Main Avenue, Dakota Street fran West Avenue to Main Avenue, Duluth Avenue fran Pleasant Street to Colorado Street, and West Avenue fran CSAH 21 to north terminus. 2) Lakefront Park Parking Lot and road north of Cambridge Circle. 3) Library Parking Lot fran Erie Avenue to Main Avenue. 4) Extension of Duluth Avenue fran Colorado street to CSAH 2l. 5) lakefront Park Parking Lot adjacent to Main Avenue. 6) Sand Pointe Park Parking Lot and access roads frcm Carriage Hill Road into Park. 7) Fish Point Park Drainage Olannel. The work being considered on the above consisted of acquisition of right-of-way, street overlay/reconstruction, utility improvements, sidewalks, etc. Estimated cost, assessment details, and available Municipal State Aid funds were also reviewed. A lengthy discussion followed. staff was instructed to do more research and to possibly bring this issue back to the Council after the election on November 3 and the North Shore Oaks Public Hearing on November 16. Councilmember White requested that this issue not be brought before the Council for action until he returns fran his business trip in early December. other members of the Council agreed with his request. A short recess was called at 9: 50 p.m. 2 MINUrES OF 'mE CITY <DUNCIL November 2, 1987 The meeting reconvened at 10: 00 p.m. The next orde r of business was discussion on the possible acquisi tion of the McDonald Property adjacent to the Wagon Bridge along County Road 2l. Councilmember Fitzgerald abstained from the discussion because of past business association with Mr. McDonald. City Manager Unmacht summarized the events leading up to the decision to bring this before the Council. Parks and Recreation Director Bill Mangan addressed the COuncil as to the possibility of the City acquiring this property for parkland. He presented a conceptual drawing showing a proposed parking lot for 24 cars, a proposed fishing pier and walking paths. Mangan stated that the City could explore the idea of obtaining grant funding but this funding would not be available until 1989. Several nearby residents expressed their views on how the property should be used and questioned details of the proposed park. staff was directed to investigate the price of the property, the possibility of grant funding, cost of developnent, cost of maintenance if a park was created, how many people would use it, and how much money the city would loose in tax revenue over a 5 to 10 year period if a park were created instead of private developnent. Council directed Staff to notify nearby residents when this itan is brought before the Council again. No further action was taken by the COuncil. A short recess was called at 10: 46 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10: 50 p.m. The next order of business was a presentation by City Manager Unmacht on whether or not the Council wanted to pursue the creation of an ordinance regulating outdoor concerts. A lengthy discussion followed on what type of concerts would be included, whether or not it would be limited to business establishments, whether there should be a time limit on each event, ways to control the noise level, etc. Council directed Staff to look into what types of policies or ordinances other cities have developed to handle this problem. staff will return with their findings at a later date. The next order of business was the introduction of Mr. Ed Gregory, the only applicant interested in filling the vacancy on the Scott COunty Housing and Redevelopnent Authority Board. Mr. Gregory briefly outlined his qualifications to serve on the Board. A short discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCDTI' , ro RECOMMEND 'lllAT ED GREX;ORY BE lIRA APIOINTED TO FILL '!HE VACANCY CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF KEIlli '!HORKELSCl'l ON Appoint- '!HE SCOTT COUNl'Y HCUSING AND RIDEVELOPMENr AU'IHORITY BOARD. ment Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanim:>usly. 'lbe next order of business was the consideration of Consent Agerrla Item (b) RS8748 which COuncilmember White had requested be removed for discussion. Tabled Councilrcenber White requested that consideration of Amerrled Resolution 87-48 be tabled until at least the December 7 Council meeting. It was a consensus of the Council to table consideration of Amemed Resolution 87-48 until at least the December 7, 1987 Council meeting. 3 MINUTES OF '!HE CITY mUNCIL November 2, 1987 City Manager Unmacht requested that all Councilrrembers review the League of Minnesota Cities 1988 Policies and Priorities Manual and forward any comments to his attention before the November 18, 1987 League of Minnesota Cities meeting. The Amoco Proposal was discussed briefly, Oouncil agreed to look at the proposal at the special meeting on November 4th at 5: 00 p.m. Councilrrember larson requested that Staff look into who owns and operates the town homes on Tower Street. Councilrcenber White requested that anyone with any ideas for program topics for the 1988 League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference contact see him. Councilrrember Fitzgerald requested Staff look into ways to enforce rules on campaign posters that are displayed on right-of-ways am public property illegally. Mayor Andren requested Staff look into the legality of cars being displayed for sale on County Road 42 and also look into the possibility of having a sign displayed by the City which would list all the business in the downtown district. Discussion followed. A special Council r-Eeting to canvass the votes fran the November 3,1987 election will be held on Wednesday, November 4, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Council meeting will be Morrlay, November 16, at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:46 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Dee Bi rch Recording Secretary 4