HomeMy WebLinkAbout011287 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUI'ES OF THE CITY COUl'CIL January 12, 1987 The Cannon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Momay, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilnanbers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, Assistant City Manager Unmacht, City Planner Graser, and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the January 5, 1987 meeting were reviewed by Council. It was noted that a motion to adjourn the public hearing had inadvertently been anitted fran the minutes and should be added to them. Also a note of clarification regarding the appointment of the City Attorney; "This would allow the Council to rev iew the I:e rformance anytime they deem appropr iate but not necessarily on a yearly basis". IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECOND BY SCOT!', TO APPRaTE '!HE MINUI'ES WI'!H IDl'ED ~ APmJVI CORRECl'IONS AS STATED. Wl'IH crmHn" Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. steve Mattson of Juran and Moody presented an informational session on the concept of the City entering into a joint powers agreement with other Minnesota Cities to sell a large issue of taxable revenue bonds. He explained the benefit of this concept to be the ability of local develoI:ers or current businesses of Prior Lake to draw down this bond issue for long term financing of hard assets. This allows the City an opportunity to provide developers with a competitive interest rate over a long term period. Discussion followed on the positive and negative benefits this concept would have on the City. By general consensus of the Council, Mr. Mattson was requested to return in two weeks with more detailed information on this proposal. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUrES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COO~IL January 12,1987 The next item on the agerrla was consideration of the Jody Rafferty Corx:litional Use Permit for a limited retreat on 5.1 acres of land adjacent to and north of County Road 42. RAFFm'IY (DID. USE PERMIT CXNillJERF.D TABUID UNITI. Jim 2, 1987 Councilmernber Larson withdrew from the discussion because he had served on the Planning Canmission when the ~titioner applied for this ~rmit. City Planner Graser presented the issues to the Council. He stated that the important issues confronting the Planning Commission are how this is affecting the character of the area, and what long range planning considerations it will have on County Road 42. Graser stated staff has no objections to this proposal subject to the following conditions to be implemented by the owner: l. Verify that septic system has capacity to accommx1ate the use. 2. Provide adequate on-site parking. The nlmlber of sp:lces to be determined once the maximLml OCCUtant load is determined. 3. No exterior expansion occur. 4. In the event the use fails, the home must revert to a single family home. Discussion was o~ned to the public. Norb Traxler, representing the petitioner, Jody Rafferty, explained their position and requested approval of the ~rmit. Elaine Kes and Chuck Pavlish spoke in opposition to the issuance of the Corx:litional Use Permit for a limited retreat. Councilnanber White stated he thought it was a good use for the area since retreats are normally in a rural setting where it is quiet and ~aceful, and he is in favor of the retreat. Councilrrember Fitzgerald questioned whether corx:litional use ~rmits are transferrable. City Manager McGuire replied that if there is any substantial changes in the permit, the Council would have a chance to review it again. Attorney Traxler stated his client would concede to the stipulation that upon sale of the pro~rty it would revert to a Non Conditional use, and his client would be willing to make any enhancements agreed upon by both tarties, such as number of tarking Staces, adequate screening, etc. It was the consensus of the Councilmernbers that ~titioner Rafferty and the surrounding neighbors work out a compromise on site plans (number of p:lrking sp:lces, plant screening, etc) and return to the Council with the results of their efforts on February 2, 1987 at 7:35 p.m. A five minute recess was called by Mayor Andren at 9:20 p.m. Meeting was called back to order by Mayor Andren. 2 MINUI'ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUM:IL January ~7 ,1987 The next itan on the ageooa was the consideration of Retainage Reduction on Project 86-1l. Discussion followed on the merits of approving the retainage reduction in the amount of $6,000 as recoIIITI'Ended by Staff. Clarification was requested by Councilnanbers as to what the normal procedures are in approving reduction of retainage fees for contractors. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, motion tassed unaniroously. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SEXl)NDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE RETAINAGE REDUCl'ION ON AIffiOVED PRQJECl' 87-11 AND 86-12 BY $6,000 AS ROCOMMENDED BY STAFF. ffiQJ 8]-11 & 86-12 Scott, and White, the REI'AINJ(;E RFlllCITOO OF $6~<n) Item #6 on the agenda was a discussion on a Special Census by Assistant City Manager Urunacht. City Staff's time will be limited except for administrative tasks. Sixteen people will be hired by the Federal Bureau of Census for the purpose of coooucting the enumeration. It will be the responsibility of the City to communicate the need to the public for sufficient census takers to complete the task. The census is tentatively scheduled to begin around the first week of March, 1987. l<<> action was taken on this matter by the Council as it was for informational purposes only. The next itan on the agenda was Indefinite Assessments for Lot 1, Block 1, 2nd Addition to Lakeside Manor. City Planner Graser outlined the issues in this matter, stated the budget imp:lct on the City and the alternatives. Staff recOIIUIeooed Council assess the princital portion only, of $2,340.00 and waive the interest. Discussion followed. Lee Urness presented his facts and requested that he felt the City should waive the assessment completely as he had asked for information on the assessment on the property before the purchase and was told there were no assessments at that time. Finance Director. Tcachne1. ClUJ City rlamwr Gr3eer oo.rn l=:T<;lted that thiE: QeTF> rr~ ~l=:!=:pl=:!=:IllPnt wOllld not h<;l'71=' shown .upasH an ~sessment until the lot was divirlPcL City Attorney Kessel stated that had Mr. Urness obtained a formal title search or assessment search this assessment would then have shown up, and if it had not he would then have recourse against the search comtany, but under the Tort Liability Law the City could not be held responsible for erroneous information supplied by an anployee in this instance. pP~ ;,v;r b ~ ~~IVI ~ Mayor Andren stated that while she sympathized with Mr. Urness and understood his position, she didn't think the assessment or the interest should be waived and this is a consistent policy of the City on assessments, and, therefore, the entire amount should be taid. 3 MINUrES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUN::IL January 12 ,1987 IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SEroNDED BY SCOTT, TO ACCEPl' STAFF'S ROCOMMENmTION MJTI(W FAlllID TO ASSESS '!HE PRINCIPAL roRl'ION ONLY, OF $2,340.00 AND WAIVE '!HE INl'EREST. ON AClE'I'INJ STAFF REInM-- Discussion followed as to whether this was considered an assessment or rather a ENDATIoo 00 utility oookup fee. Councilnember Fitzgerald stated he feels there should be a ASSES.'M'Nf workshop for the Councilrrernbers on deferred assessments in order to better 10 1m URNESS understand these situations. FlR WI' 1, block 1, 2ni Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, nays by Andren, Larson and White. ADDITIoo, ~ Nays carried, motion failed. SIIE MArm. Mr. Urness was then directed by Mayor Andren that he would have to p:iy the assessment in the amount of $4,212.00. Discussion occurred on forming staff procedures to check for future deferred assessments. City Manager Ma;uire was directed by Councilnanber White to investigate the subject of deferred assessments as an agenda itan for a future meeting. The next itan on the agenda was final purchase of Scott County Garage. 'IWo motions were requested by staff: (1) Motion to expend $19,600 from the 1987 Contingency Fund to p:iy for one-half of the costs to acquire the garage; and (2) Motion to adopt Resolution 87-03 which is Resolution Setting Hearing on Modifying Tax Incranent Plan l-l. IDTION MADE BY LARSON, SEroNDED BY FITZGERALD, TO ALLOCATE $19,600 FRrn THE 1987 ~ CXllNIY CONI'nGENCY FUND TO PAY FOR ONE-HALF OF '!HE COSTS TO ACQUIRE '!HE GARAGE. GAM:;E. MJTIrn APffiOVJ Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion p:issed unani rrou sly . 87-03 RESCLUI'ION RES-8]-03 1-1 OCHEDULED FOR RlHLIC JIIWUN:} ON MJDIFYIN} TAX :INmJ.tNf Discussion followed: Assistant City Manager Unmacht stated the reason this is a APffiOVED public hearing is that the original tax incranent plan was not specific as to the type of expenditures the City will have with the incranent. The original plan was prepared in terms and requires an amendment to address specific propety acquisition. IDTION MADE BY SCOTT, SEXDNDED BY LAROON', TO ADOPT RESCLUI'ION SE:TTIID PUBLIC HEARIN3 ON IDDIFYIN3 TAX INCREMENI' PLAN FEBRUARY 9, 1987, 8: 00 p.m. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion p:issed unanimously. Next itan on the agenda was other business. 4 MINUTES OF 'mE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUOCIL January 14,,1987 City Attorney Kessel gave a report on legal matters pertaining to judgment of a DNR access lot. Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 14, 1987. City Manager McGuire reminded the COuncilmernbers of the Minnesota Cities Workshop scheduled for January 30. They are to let him know if anyone wants to attend. Councilmernber Scott directed City Manager Ma;uire to check into a street light J.tiliire to on intersection of County Road 12 and Northwood Road regarding a request to the check into COunty for installation.. streetlight on intersectia of rn 12 & Northwocd Rd by general The next Council neeting will be Momay, January 26 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. consent of the Council. Michael A. Ma;uire City Manager Dee Bi rch Recording Secretary 5