HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Index 1988 INDEX TO 1988 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL ABANDONED PROPERTY ORDINANCE - Draft considered on 2/1/88 Approved 4/4/88 ACTING MAYOR l/4/88 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN 12/19/8 A-K CONSTRUCTION CO Payment for Pump House approved 7/5/88 AMM Approval of donation of $500 10/3/88 AMOCO - Basic plan for Amoco Development approved on 10/19/87 Approved Public Hearing for January 19, 1988 Approved Development Contract & Assessment Agreement - 5/2/88 Authorized Exec of PA 5/2/88 ANNUAL EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR AWARDS Presented 2/1/88 ASSESSMENTS Resolution 88-11- Ordering Reassessment of Parcel 25 926 025 0 - 2/1/88 Resolution 88-02 Public Hearing on Reassessment for Parcel 25 926 025 0 1/4/88 RS88-49 - Pleasant Street Assessment 9/19/88 RS88-50 - Fisher Avenue Assessments 9/19/88 ASSESSMENT ABATEMENTS * Resolution 88-01 Abating 1987 payment for parcel 24 926 025 0 - 1/4/88 Resolution for hearing on Proposed Reassessment for parco 24 926 925 0 1/4/88 ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Assessment Agreement with Scott County - 7/5/88 Approved ASSESSMENT POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE Review of Policy 3/21/88 2nd Draft of Assessment Policy - tabled - 8/15/88 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Kay Schmudlach was hired as new Asst. City Mgr/Econ. Dev. Dir. July 1,1987 1 ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHALL 1/4/88 AUCTION CITY PROPERTY, * AUDIO SYSTEM Discussed 11/7/88 AUDIT * 1987 Audit Report - 5/16/88 AUDITORS Approved George M. Hanson Audit Agreement - 8/15/88 B & D Softball Team Temp. Beer License - 5/16/88 BEACH LANE Decision to Close - 12/5/88 BENHAM 6/6/88 6/20/88 Tabled Approved Easement for $7,500 BERG, ARDIS Variance Appeal - 9/6/88 BERGLAND Lawrence Bergland Assess Refund - Tabled 7/5/88 Lawrence Bergland Assess Refund - Approved 7/18/88 BLUFF HEIGHTS Approved Abbreviated Plat - 12/5/88 BOND CONSULTANT 1/4/88 BONDS * BREEGGEMANN Sandra Breeggemann Variance Appeal - 6/20/88 " " Administrator Plat Appeal 7/5/88 BRIXIUS Conditional Use Permit - 6/6/88 2 INDX88(ll) BUDGET - 1988 * Public hearing on proposed 1988 Budget - 9/8/87 Public hearing on proposed 1989 budget - 9/6/88 Public Hearing continued 1989 Budget - 9/19/88 BUDGET REPORT 4th Quarter Report - 3/7/88 First Quarter Report - 4/18/88 Second Quarter Report - 7/5/88 Third Quarter Report - 10/17/88 BUDGET WORKSHOP Meeting - 8/30/88 BUILDING 1/19/88 2/16/88 3/21/88 4/18/88 5/16/88 11/22/88 PERMIT REPORT 6/20/88 7/18/88 8/15/88 9/19/88 10/17/88 12/19/88 BUILDING INSPECTOR Agreement.betweep City of Savage & City of Prior Lake 2/16/88 l-vJ..1.. T~ ~ ~~ ?/t;('pP BYLAWS Approved Bylaws for 1988 - 1/4/88 CABLE TELEVISION Public Hearin~ on Transfer - 2/21/88 Cable Televislon Advisory Board Equipment Request 3/7/88 Cable Franchise Transfer postponed to March 2l - Cable Franchise Transfer Approved 3/21/88 Approved Ordinance Amendment 11/21/88 CABOOZE CRUISE LINES P.U.D. for McWillies - for Cabooze - 5/2/88 CASH 21 Lighting Plans 12/05/88 CARRIAGE HILL ROAD Approved Final Payment - Project 87-14 -- 8/l/88 CANVASSING RETURNS FOR CITY ELECT 11/21/88 CENSUS CELEBRATE MINNESOTA Approved Grant Project 11/21/88 Approved Resolution 12/5/8 3 CENTENNIAL/CELEBRATE MINNESOTA Prior Lake Centennial & Celebrate Minnesota 1990 Festival - Celebrate Minnesota 1991 - 11/7/88 7/5/88 CERTIFICATES OF APPREC. To EDC Members -Stromwall and Prindle 3/7/88 Historical Display 5/2/88 Kathy Gensmer 6/2/88 Ramona Hennen 7/18/88 Ron Haberkorn 9/19/88 Debra Sunderman 11/21/88 CHAVES Approved utility Easement Release - 1/4/88 CIGARETTE LICENSES License renewals sent out to all 25 businesses - 11/4/87 Craig's Resort no longer sells cigarettes 11/16/87 Union 76 station - out of business - Amoco took over and will not renew until they build their convenience store. cigarette License for following were approved on 12/21/87 B & D Bar and Restaurant Big B's Gas and goods Dakota Liquor Crown Coco - E-Z stop Store Express Gas and Grocery Extra Innings McWillies-On-The-Lake Gast's Wine and Spirits Hauser's Iga Holiday station Stores #198 Hollywood Inn T. J. Hooligans Pub and Grub Junction Liquor Laker's Restaurant P.D.Q. Store Prior Place Radermacher's Red Owl Snyder Drug Joe's Pizza Tom Thumb VFW Post #6208 Viking Liquor Lone pine renewed license April 4, 1988. 1989 CIGARETTE LICENSES AMOCO STATION E-Z stop Extra Innings Saloon Holiday station Prchal Candy & Tobacco Snyders Drug Tom Thumb Store McWillies On The Lake Hausers IGA 4 B & D Bar Dakota Liaquor Express Gas & Grocer~ Gast's Wine and Spirlts PDQ store Radermacher's REd Owl T.J. Hooligans Viking Liquor Junction Liquor Hollywood Inn VFW Post #6208 Approved 12/19/88 CITY VEHICLES Quotes for utility Truck 12/19/88 CITIES WEEK/EARTH DAY 4/18/88 CIP CIP from 1987 - 1991 approved - 6/1/87 Discuss CIP preparation 12/19/88 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CODE Section 4-7-4 3/7/88 CITY MANAGER Performance Evaluation - 1/19/88 Salary Evaluation - 5/2/88 Performance Evaluation Discussion 12/05/88 CITY COUNCIL BY-LAWS Amended By-Laws on 1/4/88 to note Workshop meetings 1/4/88 CITY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES CITY GARAGE Approved Rental Lease agreement to R. Scherer - 1/4/88 CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR 1/4/88 CLERICAL AIDE 5/16/88 9/19/88 - Part time for Police Dept. - 9/19/88 COLLINS PROPERTY Approved Purchase Agreement 10/17/88 5 COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP Approved a Mgr/Council Workshop for sometime in Feb. - l2/21/87 COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY Compo Worth study Report approved and adopted 12/21/87 COMPOSTING PROGRAM Consider Prior Lake program Discuss Composting Program - 9/6/88 9/16/88 COMPUTER/CITY COUNTY MAINFRAME AGREEMENT - - approved 12/21/87 CONTINGENCY FUND Office Move - 2/16/88 CONSULTING PLANNER 1/4/88 COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURES Agreed to hold workshop meetings 1/4/88 POlicy 88-01 for cancelling meetings 3/7/88 COUNCILMEMBERS COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Joint Prosecution Agreem~pt - 4/4/88 I " I / I ~-J.A.<-/Ci.{ IIld II p J' COUNTY ROAD 42 * Improvement Project & Road Alignment - 3/7/88 DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS DEUTSCH (MARVIN) Approved Variance Request in Boudin's 11/7/88 DISASTER TRAINING Joint County City Plan approved 9/19/88 DOG CATCHER 1/4/88 DOG CATCHER REPORT 1/19/88 2/21/88 3/21/88 4/18/88 5/16/88 11/7/88 6/20/88 7/18/88 8/15/88 9/19/88 10/18/88 12/19/88 6 DONATIONS DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT A workshop session on Downtown RFP - instructions to proceed Tanner's Proposal - 5/16/88 Tanner's Proposal - 8/15/88 Development - January 11, 1987 5/16/88 DOWNTOWN PLAN 4/4/88 DOWNTOWN STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM Discussed 10/3/88 Resolution 88-55 for Project 89-11 Approved - 10/17/88 Resolution 88-59 11/21/88 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DULUTH AVENUE Public Hearing - RS 88-36 Public Hearing - RS 88-36 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - 6/6/88 Tabled - 6/20/88 Approved Reappointment of EDC Committee Members 9/21/87 Approved By Laws Change 12/7/87 Approved appointment of Dave Miller to EDC - lO/18/87 Approved EDC Appointments - 2/1/88 Accepted Resignations of stromwall & Prindle 3/7/88 Approve EDC Reappointments 7/5/88 (J. Hill, R. VanDenBoom, B. Barsness) Annual Report Presented 8/15/88 ELECTION 1988 * Resolution 83-18 Establishing Boundaries for Precincts - l/4/88 Resolution 88-04 Establishing three Election Polling Places for P.L. 1/4/88 Appointment of Election Judges 8/15/88 ENFORCEMENT AND ENFORCEMENT PENALTIES 4/18/88 EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE l/4/88 5/16/88 FEE SCHEDULE 1987 Schedule, 1/4/88 Review Change in Subdivision Fee - 2/1/88 7 FISH POINT INTERSECTION Cooperative Agreement with MnDot - FIVE HAWKS SCHOOL 10/3/88 Resolution 88-05 Commending Five Hawks 3rd Class Resolution 88-56 Commending Five Hawks School 11/7/88 FIRE DEPARTMENT Approved Pulltab Gambling at McWillies - 3/7/88 Pension Benefit Increase - 6/20/88 Emergency Disaster Training - 9/6/88 FIRE AND RESCUE REPORT 1/19/88 2/21/88 3/21/88 4/18/88 11/ 7/88 6/20/88 7/18/88 8/15/88 9/19/88 12/19/88 FIRE MARSHALL 1/4/88 FIRE DEPT PURCHASES FUEL BID Awarded for 1988 1/4/88 GAMBLING LICENSES Arrigoni, Inc. - for Halfway House pull tabs at McWillies - denied 1/4/88 MAGS Booster Club - Application for Pulltabs at Hooligans - denied 2/16/88 Fire Department - Pulltab Application at McWillies -3/7/88 Lions Club Pull Tab Application at Hooligans - 3/21/88 B & D Baseball for Temp. Gambling Permit at Hollywood Inn 5/2/88 (withdrew) Temporary Gambling License for Fire Dept Chicken Fry - 8/15/88 Temporary Gambling License for st. Chatherine's Church - 10/18/88 GAMBLING ORDINANCE 88-04 1st Draft Review - 2nd Draft Review - 3rd Draft Review - 4th Draft Review - Final draft approved 5/2/88 6/6/88 7/5/88 7/18/88 8/1/88 GREENS SUBDIVISION (TREES) Consider Preliminary Plat 1/19/88 Consider Developers Agreement - 3/7/88 GROUP HEALTH COVERAGE FOR CITY 8 HARBOR PROPERTIES Final Plan and Developer's Agreement Harbor Beach P.U.D. 5/2/88 JACK HAUGEN Drainage and utility Easement Approved 8/1/88 HEALTH OFFICER 1/4/88 HEDBERG (Ken) Lot Split - 4/4/88 Lot Split - 5/2/88 HIGHWAY 13 TASK FORCE Presented Poster Winners of HWY Task Force - 2/1/88 Final Report 4/4/88 Discuss Hwy 13 Public meeting held on 6/30 with Senator & MnDot - 7/5/88 Highway Task Force update - 8/1/88 - Resolution 88-39 Highway 13 Cooperative Agreement with MnDOT - 10/3/88 Highway 13 TF presented Work Program 1988-1991 11/21/88 Highway 13 Work Program 12/19/88 HIGHWAY 42 HRA Improvement Project & Road Alignment - 3/7/88 Denied HRA's Cooperation Agreement - lO/18/88 INSURANCE LIABILITY INVOICES TO BE PAID Approved 1/4/88 Approved 1/19/88 Approved 2/1/88 Approved 2/21/88 Approved 3/7/88 Approved 3/21/88 Approved 4/18/88 Approved 5/2/88 Approved 5/16/88 Approved 6/6/88 Approved 6/20/88 JANDORF/JOHNSON Assessment Abatement & Reassessment - 1/4/88 Approved 7/5/88 Approved 7/18/88 Approved 8/1/88 Approve 8/15/88 Approve 9/19/88 Approved 4/4/88 Approved 10/18/88 Approved 11/7/88 Approved 11/21/88 Approved 12/05/88 Add A & K Construction JAYS SOFTBALL TEAM Approve Donation of $100 for Tournament - 9/6/88 9 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT South Metro Drug Task Force - 1/19/88 Scott County & P.L. on CSAH 42 3/7/88 Transit Needs Assessment study 5/16/88 DONALD JOHNSON Appeal of Planning commission Decision - Upheld Plan. Comm. Decision - 8/1/88 K & S PROPERTIES variance - 1/4/88 LANDSEINER STORM SEWER PROJECT - 10/3/88 LIBRARY $7,500 approved to be taken from 1988 contingency - 1/4/88 Sprinkling System - 9/19/88 LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT Hennepin County Commissioner John Derus 6/20/88 LIONS CLUB Pulltab Gambling at Hooligans - 3/21/88 LIQUOR LICENSES Temp. Permit for st. Mike's New Year's Eve - 12/21/87 Approved Summary posting of Liquor License Ordinance - 2/1/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for st. Michael's Church 3/21/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for Jay's Home Games - 5/2/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for B & D Baseball Team - 5/16/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for Jaycee's One Day License - 6/20/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for Lakefront Da~s - 6/20/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for Yankee Classlc Softball Tourn 7/18/88 Approved Temporary 3.2 for Campbell Softball Team 8/1/88 Approved Temp. for st. Michael's ll/21/88 LIQUOR LICENSES FOR 1988-1989 Intoxicatinq: Extra Innings Hollywood Inn T. J. Hooligans First Frame d/b/a Prior Place McWillies on the Lake Discussed and approved B & D Bar & Restaurant - Approved 6/20/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/20/88 Sunday Liquor License Extra Innings Hollywood T. J. Hooligans First Frame dba Prior Place McWillies on the Lake Discussed and approved B & D Bar & Restaurant - Approved 6/20/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/20/88 10 Off Sale Intoxicatinq Dakota Liquor Extra Innings Gast's Wine and Spirits Junction Liquor Viking Liquor Discussed and approved 6/6/88 B & D Bar & Restaurant - Approved 6/20/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 Off Sale- Non-Intox. E-Z stop Store Hauser's IGA Holiday Stationstore #198 P.D.Q. Store Express Gas and Groceries Tom Thumb Discussed and approved 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 6/6/88 LIQUOR LICENSE COMMITTEE Met on 6/6/88 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL - STREETS 6/6/88 MCWILLIES-ON-THE-LAKE Approved PUD 5/2/88 MCDONALD Info on McDonald Space - park location - 3/7/88 McGUIRE, DAVID Approved Easement Acquisition - 8/15/88 MDEWAKANTON SIOUX COMMUNITY METROPOLITAN COUNCIL METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION (MWCC) MISCELLANEOUS MSAS PROJECTS 4/4/88 4/18/88 - Resolution 88-22 10/3/88 - Resolution 88-53 11 MISSION STATEMENT AND CITY COUNCIL GOALS 4/4/88 6/20/88 Mission statement Unveiling NELSON ( DALE) Sewer Connection 4/4/88 NORTH SHORE OAKS Approved Hearing and Receivin~ Report - 1/19/88 Approved Resolution for vacatlon of road easement within Plat of North Shore Oaks 5th Addition - 2/16/88 Approved Resolution ordering improvement & preparation of plans on Fisher Avenue/Library Parking Lot (Project 87-18) - 2/16/88 Sewer, Water & Paving Plans - 4/18/88 Televising of Lines - 5/2/88 North Shore Oaks/Library Bond Sale 5/16/88 Status of North Shore Oaks Septic System and Water Analysis 6/20/88 North Shore Oaks Septic S~stem Study 8/15/88 Resolution 88-45 Authorizlng Assessment Hearing 9-6-88 Resolution 88-46 Resolution Declaring Cost to be Assessed - 9/6/88 Resolution 88-50 - Fisher Avenue Assessment Hearing - 9/19/88 Septic System Study presented 12/5/88 OATH OF OFFICE Doug Larson/Carol Scott 1/19/88 OFFICIAL BANK 1/4/88 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1/4/88 ORDINANCES OR 88-01 Subdivision Ordinance Amendment Sect. 6-6-8 OR 88-02 Amendment to City Code Sect. 9-5-9 approved Outdoor Concert Policy - draft - 2/1/88 Gambling Ordinance - draft - 2/1/88 Abandoned Property Ordinance - draft - 2/1/88 Public Nuisance Ordinance - draft - 2/1/88 OR 88-03 - Concert - 3rd draft 6/6/88 OR 88-04 - Gambling - 3rd draft - 6/6/88 - approved OR 88-05 - Abandoned Property 3/21/88 OR 88-06 - Public Nuisance - to be revised OR to Zoning Code Sect. 3.2. Code 5 3-3 2/1/88 OR 88-08 - Amendment to Subdivision Ordinance approved 88 1/4/88 8/1/88 88-07 - Amendment passed 5/16/88 - 2/1/88 OR 88-09 - Amending Zoning Code Ordinance No. 83-06 P.L. City Code 3/7/88 OR 88-10 - Adopt Amendment to State Universal Building Code 4.1.1 4/4/88 OR 88-11 - Sign Ordinance - 4/18/88 OR 88-12 - Administration and Enforcement Ordinance 4/18/88 OR 88-13 - Signs 4/18/88 12 OR 88-14 - Garbage and Refuse - 4jl8j88 OR 88-15 - Excavating and Filling - 4/18/88 OR 88-16 - Animals and Fowl - 4/18/88 OR 88-17 - Flood Plain - 4/18/88 OR 88-18 - Plumbing Code 4/18/88 OR 88-19 - Election Signs - 5/16/88 OR 88-20 - Amending Section 9-4-10 (B) 6/20/88 OR 88-21 - Amending P.L. Ord. 83-08 11/21/88 OR 88-22 - Amending City Code Chapt 11 11/21/88 OR 88-23 - Amendment to SubDivision Ord 6-1-3 12/19/88 OUTDOOR CONCERT ORD. 6/6/88 6/20/88 7/5/88 PARK EQUIPMENT Aurhorize purchase of Equipment - 9/6/88 Tabled Approved Outdoor Concert License Fee PERSONAL SERVICE MASSEUSE LICENSE Approve fees, 1/4/88 P.F. INC (also See AMOCO) Approve Development contract & Assessment Agreement Authorize Execution of Purchase Agreement P.F., Inc. sign Variance Appeal - Denied 5/2/88 5/2/88 7/5/88 PASCHKE, ROBERT Variance and Lot Split - denied 8/15/88 PLANNING COMMISSION Reappointments Tom Kedrowski/Mary Ellen Wells - 6/20/88 Planning position - Data Entry - 7/5/88 PLEASANT STREET/DULUTH AVENUE and RS 88-28 - 5/2/88 and RS 8831 Feasibility Studies and PH date RS 88-27 RS 88-30 6/6/88 RS 88-20 RS 88-40 5/16/88 Pleasant Street & Duluth Ave. Public Hearing 6/20/88 Approving Plans and Specs & Ordering Adv. for Bids - Approved - 7/18/88 - Project 88-20 RS 88-43 - Resolution Acce~ting Bid of P.L. Aggregates - 9/6/88 RS 88-47 Resolution Authorlzing Assessment 9/6/88 RS 88-48 Resolution Declaring Cost to be Assessed - 9/6/88 RS 88-50 Resolution Authorizing Assessment,Pleasant Ave 9/6/88 Approved Purchase Agreement for 4-Plex - 11/7/88 Approved Purchase Agreement for Collins Property 10/17/88 RS 88-63 Approval of Celebrate Minnesota - l2/5/88 PHOTO CONTEST 5/2/88 6/6/88 13 POLICE Drug Enforcement Joint Agreement - 1/l9/88 POLICE REPORT 1/19/88 3/21/8 4/18/88 5/16/88 10/17/88 12/19/88 6/20/88 7/18/88 8/15/88 9/19/88 11/21/88 PROJECT 82-3 - Lametti Agreements - Approved payment - 2/16/88 PUBLIC ACCESS TO PRIOR LAKE Discussed 7/18/88 Task Force for Access study approved 7/18/88 Letter to be written to DNR - 8/15/88 Discussed 10/17/8 Discussed 12/05/88 REED'S ISLAND variance Application - tabled 7/18/88 Variance Application & Bldg. Permit Tabled 8/1/88 Variance application denied 8/15/88 Meeting tabled 10/17/88 Discussion 12/05/88 REFUSE HAULING PERMITS, Following ap~roved 8/1/88: for 1988/89 licenses Buckingham Dlsposal Prior Lake Sanitation Admiral Waste Management Quality Waste Control RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION 88-01 RESOLUTION 88-02 RESOLUTION 88-03 RESOLUTION 88-04 RESOLUTION 88-05 RESOLUTION 88-06 RESOLUTION 88-07 RESOLUTION 88-08 RESOLUTION 88-09 RESOLUTION 88-10 RESOLUTION 88-11 RESOLUTION 88-12 -Jandorf/Johnson Assessment Abatement - approved 1/4/88 - Jandorf/Johnson Reassessment Hearing Reso. - 1/4/88 - Amendment to Resolution 83-18 - approved 1/4/88 - Amendment to Resolution 83-21 - approved 1/4/88 - Resolution commending Five Hawks School - 1/4/88 - Resolution on Spring Lake Vacation - 1/19/88 - Resolution on North Shore Oaks Fisher Ave 1/19/88 - Resolution on North Shore Easement Vac. 2/16/88 - Resolution Commending Fire & Rescue Squad - 1/19/88 - Resolution for Walker Avenue Vacation - 2/1/88 - Resolution ordering Reassessment of Parcel - 2/1/88 - Resolution for Res. on Area Assessment Transit Study 2/16/88 14 RESOLUTION 88-l3 RESOLUTION 88-14 RESOLUTION 88-15 RESOLUTION 88-16 RESOLUTION 88-17 RESOLUTION 88-18 RESOLUTION 88-19 RESOLUTION 88-20 RESOLUTION 88-21 RESOLUTION 88-23 RESOLUTION 88-24 RESOLUTION 88-25 RESOLUTION 88-27 RESOLUTION 88-28 RESOLUTION 88-29 RESOLUTION 88-30 RESOLUTION 88-31 RESOLUTION 88-32 RESOLUTION 88-33 RESOLUTION 88-34 - Resolution Reserve Vacation Spring Lake Townsite - 2/16/88 - Resolution for North Shore Oaks Improve.Proj. Fisher/Hampt 2/16/88 Resolution Vacating Walker Avenue - 3/7/88 - Resolution approving Well House - 3/7/88 - Resolution Banning parking on Hwy 42 - 3/7/88 Resolution Street and Alley - Spring Lake Townsite 3/21/88 - Resolution approving Settlement & Agreement for Release for Project 82-3 - 2/16/88 - 4M Money Market Fund 3/21/88 - VOID RESOLUTION 88-22 - Establishing MSAS Streets - 04/18/88 - Plans and Specs - MSAS - 04/18/88 - Bid for Well & Pumphouse - 4/18/88 - Arbor Day - 4/18/88 - Pleasant st - 5/2/88 - Duluth Ave - 5/2/88 - Assessment Transit Study 5/16/88 Rec. Report & Cal Hearing on Improv Duluth Ave 5/16/88 - Rec. Rept. & Calling hearing on improve Pleasant st. - 5/16/88 Accepting Bid North Shore Oaks/Library Park. 5/16/88 A Resolution on the Proposal to form a Tax Increment Financing District Within Development District No. 1 and Adopt a Tax Increment Financing Plan and Call for Consultation with Other Affected Jurisdictions and Public Hearing 2/1/88 A Resolution of the city Council of the City of Prior Lake Ap~roving Tax Increment Financing Dlstrict 3/21/88 RESOLUTION 88-35 A Resolution Ordering the Improvement of Plans on Pleasant Street -proj 88-20 6/6/88 Approved- 6/20/88 RESOLUTION 88-36 A Resolution Ordering Preparation of Plans on Duluth Avenue -proj 88-21 6/6/88 RESOLUTION 88-37 A Resolution Restriction Sprinkling of Lawns Odd/Even 6/6/88 RESOLUTION 88-38 Authorizing Lawrence Berglund Assessment 7/18/88 Refund RESOLUTION 88-39 A Joint Resolution with Savage and Prior 8/1/88 Lake Ordering improvements on Highway 13 RESOLUTION 88-40 Approving Plans and Specs and Ordering 7/18/88 Advertisement for bids Pleasant Street Project 88-20 RESOLUTION 88-41 Resolution Vacating Utility Easement Gateway Shores 8/1/88 15 RESOLUTION 88-42 RESOLUTION 88-43 RESOLUTION 88-44 RESOLUTION 88-45 RESOLUTION 88-46 RESOLUTION 88-47 RESOLUTION 88-48 RESOLUTION 88-49 RESOLUTION 88-50 RESOLUTION 88-51 RESOLUTION 88-52 RESOLUTION 88-53 RESOLUTION 88-54 RESOLUTION 88-55 RESOLUTION 88-56 RESOLUTION 88-57 RESOLUTION 88-58 RESOLUTION 88-59 RESOLUTION 88-60 RESOLUTION 88-61 RESOLUTION 88-62 RESOLUTION 88-63 Support for Tanner Natural Regional Plan 8/15/88 Award Bid for Pleasant st 9/19/88 Scott County Disaster Training Program 9/5/88 Authorizing Assessment Hearing Pleasant st 9/5 Declaring Cost to be Assessed - North Shore Oaks 9/5/88 Authorizing Assessment Hearing- Fisher Ave 9/5 Declaring Cost for North Shore Oaks 9/5/88] Assessments for Pleasant Street 9/19/88 Assessments for Fisher Ave 9/19/88 - Authorizing Scott County Auditor to Levy City of P.L. Taxes in Payable 1989 10/3/88 Resolution Requesting MnDot Participation for T.H. 13 and Fish Point Road 10/3/88 Resolution ordering preparation of Report 10/3/88 Resolution for vacation of parts of 3rd and 4th sts. Spring Lake Town site Resolution approving feasibility study on Project 89-11 10/17/88 Resolution Honoring Five Hawks Elementary School Resolution Commending The Assembly of God Church On the completion of a Christian Education Building A Resolution finding the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Lakeside Marina a private action and does not require an environmental impact statement. 11/21/88 Resolution Ordering Downtown Improv. and pre~aration of Plans 11/21/88 Resolutlon canvassing returns for City 11/21/88 Resolution of Appreciation to Deb Sunderman, Gold medal winner- utility Drainage Easement Vacation priorwood - Joseph Thompson Celebrate Minnesota - 11/7/88 11/7/88 11/21/88 12/19/88 DG 12/05/88 KS RTB Update on RTB Assessment Study - 5/2/88 Joint Powers Agreement and Resolution 88-29 5/16/88 SAND POINT BEACH - DNR ACCESS Discussed 7/5/88 Task Force Appointed 7/l8/88 Task Force Report 10/17/88 Research Update 12/5/88 16 SCHOOL BOARD Discuss School Board Letter 9/6/88 Discuss Park Fee Waiver for School 9/19/88 SCOTTLAND BUILDERS DEVELOPMENT Update 12/5/88 SHANGRI-LA (KORTSCH TRAIL) 6/6/88) STATE BUILDING CODES section 4.1.1 4/4/88 Ord 88-10 - 4/18/88 S.A.C. REFUND SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 4/4/88 SOLID WASTE STUDY Report by Kay Schmudlach 3/7/88 SOLID WASTE Workshop Date set at 4/18/88 meeting - Workshop held on 4/25/88 SPRINKLING SYSTEM Approved for Well House and Front Lawn - 9/19/88 SPRING LAKE TOWNSITE See Resolutions 88-06, 88-06A and 88-06B ,88-13, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT ACQ. Middle School - 5/2/88 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS SECTION 6-7-1, 6-4-2, 6-4-3, 6-5-1 2/16/88 Subdivision Ordinance Amendment Policy 88-02 - 3/7/88 Amendment to 6-1-3 Admins. Land Plat - 12/19/88 SUMMER WORKSHOP 6/6/88 TANNER Stephen Tanner Phase One Proposal - 6/20/88 Approved Natural Study 8/15/88 TAX BILL Consider Constitutional Challenge to Omnibus Tax Bill 7/5/88 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING 3/21/88 17 AMENDED RESOLUTION 88-33 TITUS SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat 3/7/88 TKDA - approved contract for Downtown overlay - 11/17/88 THOMPSON EASEMENT VACATION Resolution 88-62 12/19/88 TRANSPORTATION COALITION opt Out Program - 2/1/88 opt Out Update - 3/7/88 Receive Funding for Transit Needs 4/18/88 TREASURER'S REPORT 2/1/88 3/7/88 3/21/88 4/18/88 5/18/88 7/18/88 8/15/88 9/19/88 10/17/88 12/19/88 TREES SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat for Trees - approved i/19/88 Developers Agreement for Trees - 3/7/88 UNION LABOR CONTRACT 4/18/88 WALKER AVENUE Public Hearing Continued - 5/2/88 Vacation 6/6/88 Tabled 6/20/88 Approved WATERSHED Watershed District Boundary change 2/21/88 WATERSHED BOARD APPOINTMENTS 6/6/88 7/5/88 Discussed 12/19/88 WELL HOUSE Plans & Specs Award Bids TKDA Change Orders Final Payment 3/7/88 4/18/88 5/2/88 1R and 2 Proj. 87-12 5/16/88 for Prj. 87-13 Well #5 - 7/5/88 WINDSONG Final PUD - 4/4/88 18 WORKSHOP MEETINGS * Workshop meeting for manager/council sometime in Feb. - Solid Waste - 4/18/88 DNR - 5/2/88 Summer Workshop - 6/6/88 DNR - 6/6/88 Budget Workshop - approved 8/1/88 for 8/30/88 ZONING Zonin~ Code Amendment to section 4.1.L Ordinance 88-09 -3/28/88 Adoptlon Universal Building Code Amendment - ORD 88-10 4/18/88 19