HomeMy WebLinkAbout100388 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL October 3, 1988 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, October 3, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the City council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, city Manager Unmacht, City Engineer Anderson, Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director Schmudlach, and city Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the September 19, 1988 meeting were reviewed by Council. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE Minutes SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was Agenda as follows: consideration of the Consent Consent Agenda a) b) c) d) Invoices to be Paid Approve 1989 Payable Tax Levy Resolution 88-51 Approve North Shore Oaks sixth Addition Final Plat Approve Landsteiner Storm Sewer Project Invoices Rs88-51 N.Shr Oaks Landsteine: Councilmember Fitzgerald noted that on item (a) Invoices Paid, second page, under Prior Lake Construction, the Stephen Collins paYment of $76,748.11 for easement should be changed to paYment of $76,748.11 for purchase. MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE Consent CONSENT AGENDA WITH AMENDMENT AS NOTED. Agenda to be entry of purchase property Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Minutes of the Prior Lake city council October 3, 1988 city Manager Unmacht introduced Brenda Busse, a student at Prior Brenda Buss Lake High School, who is participating in the Mentor Program. Brenda will be attending Council Meetings and will shadow City Manager Unmacht and Department Heads to learn as much about City Government as she can within the next 3 to 4 months. The next order of business was Discussion of 1989 Road Construction Projects. City Manager Unmacht reviewed three issues connected with the 1989 Road Construction Projects and then introduced Commissioner Mark Stromwall. Stromwall reviewed Scott County's five year plan for the County road system and distributed new Scott County maps. Stromwall stated that a representative from the engineerin~ firm of Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch will attend a Council meeting wlthin the next 3 to 4 months to u~date the Council on plans for the new Bloomington Ferry Bridge. D1Scussion followed. The next issue for discussion under the 1989 Construction Projects was the Downtown Street Overlay Program. City Engineer Anderson presented overheads of proposed projects for street overlay, street reconstruction, sidewalk construction, replacement of existing sidewalks, sewer system, existing water main and sanitary sewer systems in the downtown area. Anderson also discussed proposed plans for parking lots at Cambridge Circle and Sand Point Beach. Costs for streets, curb and gutter, landscaping, proposed assessment rates, availability of funds and funding methods were discussed in detail. Councilmember Scott requested City Engineer Anderson to look into the possibility of sharing costs with the DNR on the Sand Point Beach parking lot. Councilmember White suggested access for the roads on CR 21 near Grainwood Circle be taken into consideration for alteration when Scott Count~ begins construction on County Road 21 west of County Road 83. Clty Engineer Anderson stated that Staff is looking for direction from Council on priority requirements for construction on the above projects. Cit~ En~ineer Anderson then presented proposed plans in con]Unctlon with the Fish Point Road Cooperative Agreement with MnDOT. Anderson outlined construction plans for widening of Fish Point Road at the intersection of Highway 13 and Fish Point Road including turn lanes, signals and sidewalks from Highway 13 along Fish Point Road to the hi~h school. Discussion occurred on whether or not constructlon of the proposed intersection at Highway 13 and Fish Point Road might jeopardize overall plans by MnDOT to improve Highway 13. Extensive discussion followed with regard to MnDOT's future plans and priorities in the next five years. Staff requested direction from Council with regard to the presentation of the overall feasibility study. Discussion followed. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO ADOPT 88-53 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF IMPROVEMENTS. RESOLUTION RS 88-53 REPORT ON Ordering Prep. of Report for Road Improvement 2 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council October 3, 1988 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 10:05 p.m. The next order of business was Update on Sand Point Beach PublicSand Access Task Force. Chairman of the Task Force, Councilmember Point Doug Larson, reported that the Task Force has had two meetings Beach and will ~e meeting one, more time in order to formulate a Discussion recommendatlon to the Councll. The next order of business was a General Discussion on Liquor Ordinance Issues. City Manager Unmacht reviewed previous actions taken by the City Council when they approved adoption of Ordinance 87-15 in May, 1988. Extensive discussion followed regarding the City's ability to provide law enforcement at establishments who hold a liquor license. Councilmember Larson suggested that the following statement be incorporated as an amendment to section 3.1.13 of the Liquor Ordinance: "No license shall be issued to a facility which cannot be readily accessible to enforcement personnel by means of vehicular traffic" (or motor vehicle traffic). Council concurred that the City Attorney's office should prepare an amendment in proper legal language for submittal to Council for further consideration. Discussion followed regarding the availability of six more licenses in 1990 and the procedure for allocating those licenses. Staff was directed to check with other cities and prepare a policy which would fit Prior Lake's criteria for number of liquor licenses issued and how they are allocated. The next order of business was Consideration of the Association AMM of Metropolitan Municipalities' (AMM) re9Uest for Contributions. Request Cit~ Mana~er Unmacht discussed the Assoclation of Metropolitan Munlcipallties' request for a contribution from the City of Prior Lake and other suburban cities. The purpose of this action is to help pay the cost of initiation, development and application of computer capabilities which will enable municipalities to form one central lobbying group which would work toward property tax reform. Discussion followed regarding the desirability of Prior Lake contributing to this fund. AMM Donatic ~~iON ~~~T~Y S$~~~' S~gOND~~EBY ~~6~IA~~~ TH~FCIT~ET~~poi~~~: of $500 MUNICIPALITIES FOR A FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS THE INITIATION, DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF COMPUTER CAPABILITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROPERTY TAX REFORM LEGISLATION EFFORTS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. 3 Minutes of the Prior Lake city Council October 3, 1988 The next order of business was Discuss Prior Lake Middle School Fee Proposals. City Manager Unmacht reported that the School Board has withdrawn their request for park support fee waiver. Unmacht requested that Council consider delaying the School Board's paYment on the three following fees: Building Permit, Parks Support Fee and Plumbing Fee. The estimated total is $26,440.00. A short discussion followed. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO DELAY THE PAYMENT OF THE BUILDING PERMIT FEE, THE PARK SUPPORT FEE AND THE PLUMBING FEE IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $26,440.00 UNTIL JANUARY 31, 1989. Middle Schc Delay of Payment for Bldg. Permit & Park Supp and Plumb Fee Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. Under Other Business the following issues were discussed: Consider establishing a workshop date for Capital Improvement Program and Zoning Code Review. City Manager Unmacht requested that Council consider setting a date to discuss these two issues. After further discussion Council concurred that sometime in late January would be a suitable time to schedule a workshop. City Manager Unmacht will select a few dates in January and submit them at the next meeting for approval. City Manager Unmacht reminded Councilmembers of the Metropolitan Council Meeting on Friday, October 7 at the Canterbury Inn at 7:30 a.m. An announcement of a public hearing to be held in st. Paul on October 10. The purpose of this hearing is to notify the public of changes in the proposed Shoreland Management Rules and Regulations by the DNR. City Mana~er Unmacht suggested that Councilmembers consider accompanYlng him to the meeting in order to testify at the hearing if necessary. Further discussion was initiated by City Manager Unmacht in order to obtain a decision on Resolution 88-52 regarding MnDOT participation on funding T.H. 13 and Fish Point Road intersection improvements. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION RS 88-52 88-52 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MNDOT PARTICIPATION IN Requesting FUNDING IMPROVEMENTS FOR T.H. 13 AND FISH POINT ROAD. MrnmT Participato Councilmember Fitzgerald stated he understood Staff would be in TH13 & ~athering figur~s on cost of the T.H. 13 a~d Fishpoint Road FP Road lmprovement proJect and the results of thelr research on the improvement effect this project would have upon the overall improvement being considered by MnDOT. It was stated that if it were necessary approval of Resolution 88-52 could be rescinded. 4 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council October 3, 1988 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. City Engineer Anderson reported on plans for repair of defective curb and gutter in the willows. Mayor Andren requested City Engineer Anderson to investigate the status of a ponding area located in the Raspberry Ridge development. Discussion occurred regarding complaints received from the Outdoor public with respect to a recent outdoor concert held by the B Concert & D Bar, and what position Council should consider taking on this issue. The possibility of banning outdoor concerts within a certain radius of a residential area were also discussed. A letter from George Koblas was summarized by Mayor regarding development on Reed's Island, Inc. and the formation of a committee to evaluate island usage Prior Lake community. Discussion followed. Andren possible in the A short recess was called. The meeting was called back to order at 11:15 p.m. for the purpose of conducting an Attorney/Client closed session. The Attorney/Client meeting was called to order by Mayor Andren. A~~ny Present at the meeting were: Ma~or Andren, CouncilmembersC le~t Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, Clty Manager Unmacht, CitySesslon Engineer Anderson, Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretaryon Birch. Collins Property The next Council meeting will be Monday, October 17, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Dee Birch Recording Secretary 5