HomeMy WebLinkAbout090887 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUI'ES OF '!HE CITY COUNCIL ~ September 8, 1987 The Canmon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tuesday September 8, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Olanbers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilrranbers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager Urunacht, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Schmudlach, Finance Director Teschner, Assistant City Planner Garross, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, Police Olief Powell and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the August 17, 1987 m=eting were reviewed by Council. Corrections are as follows: Page 3, paragraph 9, third sentence which reads:"$235,OOO construction fund money" should be changed to read: $235,000 General Cbligation Improvement Bonds n . Page 4, paragraph 6, --the following sentence should be added: "All public notices have been complied with." IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPRaTE '!HE MINUI'ES AS Minutes SUBMITl'ED WI'!H CORRECl'ION AND ADDITION AS STATID. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unaniroously. The next order of business was consideration of the Consent Agema as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Invoices to be paid Building Permit Reports (July and August) Fire and Rescue Report (July) Establish date for City Council/School Board Joint Meeting Ordinance 87-12 Ameming Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance Resolution 87-46 for Savage American Legion Dan Patch Post Subdivision Ordinance Publication SUmmation Resolution 87- 47Approving Plans and Specs for Water Tower Date for Bid Opening Gambling Permit for Prior Lake Fire Dept. Relief Association Gambling Permit for SnoTrails Snowmobile Association Harbor 7th Addition - Final Plat Invoices Bld Perm Fir&Rescl J oint Mt~ ORD 8712 Ord8746 SummatiOl and Set Rs8747 Gambling Permits Harbor 71 M)TION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOT!', TO APPROJE '!HE CONSENT AGENDA (a) Consent thru (k). Agenda (612) 447.4230 i) j) k) 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1987 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. '!he next order of business was a Public Hearing on Proposed Assessment for Carriage Hill Road Improvement Project - Resolution 87-50. Mayor Andren called the public hearing to order at 7: 35 p.m. and read the legal notice as it ap~ared in the Prior Lake Anerican. City Manager Unmacht reviewed pertinent information for the Council. City Engineer Anderson then summarized the details relating to the proposed assessment roll. '!he original rate of $39.52 ~r foot was adjusted to $17.35 t:er foot with an interest rate of 8% to comply with the Minnesota State Aid funding requiranents and to reflect the actual bids received for construction. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO ADOPI' RESCLUI'ION 87-50 ASSESSMENT FOR PROJECr 87-14, CARRIAGE HILL ROAD IMPRcm:MENT PROJECr WI'!H 'mE, STIPULATION '!HAT 150 FEET OF FRCNl'AGE FOR HARLAN V. ANDERSCN BE ASSESSED AND 150 FEEl' OF FRCNl'AGE BE DEFERRED OVER A FIVE YEAR PERIOD OR UNl'IL sum TIME AS '!HE PROPERTY IS DEVELOPED. RS8750 Carriagl Hill RD Assessml Rolls Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO ADJOORN '!HE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan reported on the recent meeting between the DNR and the residents of North Shore Crest with regard to the establishment of a second public access to Prior Lake. Discussion followed. Councilnember Larson requested Staff to review the current DNR/City of Prior Lake agreement relating to the public access. The Public Hearing for the proposed waterfront vacation requested by Vern B. and Water Eleanor K. Porter was called to order 7:45 p.m. Mayor Andren read the public Front. notice as it appeared in the Prior Lake American. Assistant Planner Garross Vacatlon reviewed the details of the proposed vacation and presented overheads of the Red Oaks Plat in "Red Oaks". Clarence Fischbach, 15548 Red Oaks Road and Dave Watzl, 15608 Red Oaks Road, both residents of the area, addressed the Council and asked questions regarding the vacation. Attorney Bryce Huemoeller addressed the Council in behalf of the Porters and spoke in favor of the vacation by the City. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY LARSOO, '!HAT COUNCIL DECLARE '!HAT THE CITY OF RS8749 PRIOR LAKE HAS NO PUBLIC INTEREST IN '!HE WATERFRCNr AS DESCRIBED IN RESCLUI'ION Waterfror 87-49. Vacation Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. IDTION MADE BY LARSCN, AMENDED LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION. SOCONDED BY WHITE, TO ADOPI' RESCLUI'ION 87-49 WI'!H '!HE Rs8749 Amend Legal Scott, and White, the Desc. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, motion passed unanimously. 2 MINUl'ES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY mUNCIL Septanber 8, 1987 staff was directed to notify all prop:!rty owners in the area to be vacated of the procedure to follow after the vacation. K>TION MADE BY LARSCN, SECONDED BY SCD'IT, ro ADJCURN '!HE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanilOOusly. A short recess was called at 7:55 p.m. ']be public hearing for the 1988 Budget was called to order at 8: 00 p.m. Mayor Andren read the public notice as it appeared in the Prior Lake American. City Manager Unmacht introduced all department heads and proceeded on to the highlights of the budget components and explained the process with charts and graphs on the proposed budget. ']be budget was categorized by departments which City Manager Unmacht discussed in detail. Finance Director Teschner answered questions on various details of the budget. staff was directed to review the budget again and look closely at the possibility of trimming the budget. Councilrcenber Fitzgerald requested staff to complete the survey comparing Prior Lake expenditures with other cities of comparable size on a per capita basis. Public Discussion followed. Hearing 1988 IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SEXDNDED BY LARSCl'l, ro <DNI'INUE '!HE 1988 OPERATIOO BUOOET Budget PUBLIC HEARING Cl'l SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 AT 9:00 P.M. Proposal Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanilOOusly. The public hearing was adjourned and a short recess was called at 11: 04 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:10 p.m. The next order of business was consideration of the plat vacation of Titus 2nd Titus 2nc .Addition. City Manager Unmacht summarized the past events with regard to the Addn decision to vacate the property. Attorney Larry Guthrie representing Mr . Henning was present and spoke against the vacation. Discussion followed. MJ'I'ION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SEXDNDED BY Sro:rr, TO ADOPl' RESCLurION 87-48 Rs8748 PARTIALLY VACATING '!HE PLAT OF TI'IUS 2ND ADDITION. Ti tus vacation Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, nay by White, the motion carried. ']be next item of business was the Drain Analysis Report on Shore Trail. City Sho::e Manager Unmacht presented the information as it related to the two storms on Tra:l July 20 and July 23. City Engineer Anderson presented overheads of an analysis Draln . done on the amount of rainfall in the area as determined by contour maps fran Analysls the ~tropolitan Council. Both Jerry Young, and Mary Young, 5465 Shore Trail, addressed the Council regarding the damage caused by runoff f ran the street during heavy rainfall. Jerry Bonneau, 5551 Shore Trail was also present and questioned City Engineer Anderson on details of the storm sewer design. Council directed staff to look into alternative methods to eliminate the problem at the east em of Shore Trail, and implement #3 on Page 6 of the Drainage Analysis 3 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Septanber 8, 1987 Report which reads: "To further increase the street capacity, a berm can be constructed along the south side of Shore Trail. 'lbis would involve regrading of boulevards and driveways to raise the slope behind the curb and thus increase street flow capacity. " and Itan #3 on Page 7 which reads as follows: "An increase in storm sewer capacity is needed to prevent further washing of the gravel driveway to the east and south of the cul-de-sac. Two alternatives are being considered at this time. Ole would require an additional pipe and inlets to convey water via spillway/pipe through DNR property to the lake. At this time, further study and evalulation is needed to determine what route should be constructed. Ol the interim, temporary measures to prevent further erosion of property should be implemented." No further action was taken. The next order of business was consideration of RasPJerry Ridge Developer's Agreanent. City Engineer Anderson presented an overhead of the plat as it relates to the Developer's Agreement. Mayor Andren expressed her concern that this project did not have public bids. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SECnIDED BY Sro:rr, TO APPRCNE '!HE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT Raspberr) FOR RASffiERRY RIDGE <DNl'IOOENT UOON RECEIPl' OF A LETTER OF CREDIT ACCEPl'ABLE ro Ridge '!HE CITY ENGINEER FRCM DEVELOPER BOB WALSH. Develop Agreement Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, larson, SCott, and White, nay by Andren, motion carried. It is noted for the record that Mayor Andren voted nay because of lack of municipal bidding on the sewer line project. IDTION MADE BY LARSCIil, SECONDED BY WHITE, ro AU'IHORIZE '!HE MAYOR AND CITY Authoriz MANAGER TO SIGN '!HE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR RASffiERRY RIDGE. of Sig. Rasp.Rid~ Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, larson, SCott, and White, nay by Andren, the motion carried. 'lbe next order of business was consideration of City Hall signage plan. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan presented overheads of the original signage plan and of the revised plan to be considered. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY LAR.SCN, TO ACCEPl' THE PRQJECl' PS PRESENTED AND Signa~e ro PROCEED WIlli lliE SIGNAGE '!HIS FALL AND TO ALIOCATE $8,500 FRGi '!HE 1987 ~o~l Clty CONI'INGENCY FUND FOR '!HE PRQJEcr. a Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanilOOusly. 'lbe next order of business was an update on the Franont Avenue speed problem. Police Olief Powell presented a video of traffic on Franont as observed by staff while in a patrol car. Discussion followed on the methods possible to solve the speeding problan on Franont Avenue. Mr. Johnson, a resident on Franont, was present to state his views. Staff was directed to investigate the use of either Playground or Slow - Children at Play signs as an al ternati ve. 4 MINt1l'ES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Septanber 8, 1987 The next order of business was a review of the present situation with regard to Schweid the Schweich property on Credit River Road and the introduction of Mr. and Mrs. Credit Bang who are property owners adjacent to the Schweich project. Council was River requested to take action against the Schweich' s as they have continued to Road disregard citations from the City of Prior Lake to cease and desist operations on the Credit River Road site adjacent to the Bang's property. Mrs. Bang circulated pictures of the erosion caused by operations on the Schweich property. Discussion followed. City Attorney Kessel was directed to take irrnrediate action on this issue. General issues of interest were discussed as follows: Procedures on the hearing McWillie for McWillie's on September 9; canposting and recycling center (Assistant City Manager Schmudlach is researching the recycling center); the used car lot at Waters Edge, report by City Engineer Anderson that the feasibility study for North Shore Oaks will be canpleted within the following week. '!he next Council meeting will be Morrlay, Septanber 21 at 7: 30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1: 55 p.m. by general consent of the Council. 1iI!Y-- City Manager Dee Birch Recording Secretary 5