HomeMy WebLinkAbout070687 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUl'ES OF '!HE CITY COUNCIL July 6, 1987 The Caruoon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Morrlay, July 6, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chanbers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilnenbers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager Urunacht, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Planner Garross, Assistant City Manager/Eoonanic Developnent Director Schmudlach, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the June 15, 1987 neeting were reviewed by Council. Minutes M:>TION MADE BY LARSCN, SEXDNDED BY SmTr, TO APPRaTE '!HE MINUl'ES AS SUBMITI'ED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unaniIOOusly. '!he next item of business was consideration of the Consent Agerrla as follCMS: a) Invoices to be paid. b) Gambling License for St. Michael's School Calemar. c) Audit Management Letter. d) Life Link III <Air Ambulance Agreement). e) Relinquish Easements in Tup:l's First Addition. f) Consider purchase of Christmas decorations. g) Approval of Equipnent Certificate Plans and Specifications. h) Finalize bi-IOOnthly Council Meeting dates. i) Approve DCA stanton proposal. Invoices St. Mike's AulltLtr llie Ink m 'I'up:I.'s I ani.stmls Equip Cert. Mtg.futes fCASt.antm It was noted for the record that Councilnenber Fitzgerald stated he would abstain fran voting on Consent Agerrla Item (e). M:>TION MADE BY WHITE, SEXDNDED BY S<DTl' , TO APPRaTE mE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Cmsent Ag}I (a) '!HID (i). Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed; Fitzgerald abstained on Item (e). The next order of business was an introduction of the new Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Kay Schmudlach by City Manager Urunacht. '!he next order of business was viewing of the film "A Bridge To '!be Future" by the Soott County Transportation Coalition. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINt:1rES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL July 6, 1987 Kasma, Vice President, John Davidson, Project Manager and Tan Kirk, Engineer. City Manager Unmacht stated that the Contract between TKDl\ and the City is being reviewed and will be presented to the Council at the next meeting. The next order of business was consideration of the creation of a Highway 13 Task Force. City Manager Urunacht outlined the issues and stated the purpose of this agerXia item was to introduce the concept; receive feedback fran the City Council and make a preliminary determination on how to proceed to examine the issues surrounding Highway 13. Six areas of issues and concerns were listed as follows: access, aesthetics, design, improvement status, intersection, and s~ed. Discussion followed. '!he Council by general consensus instructed City Manager Unmacht to proceed with the formation of a Task Force and include Highway 12 and 42 in the plans with Highway 13 being the center of the study. '!he next order of business was consideration of a request for On Sale and Sunday On Sale Liquor and Cigarette License for Janis K. Ballard to be located in the Freddie's On The Lake facility at 3950 Green Heights Trail. Discussion followed regarding contingencies. A short recess was called at 9: 25 p.m. for Attorney Glenn Kessel to review the Purchase Agreement presented to him by Janis K. Ballard. fotaeting reconvened at 9: 28 p.m. MJTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCDTr, ro APPROJE '!HE RmUEST FOR "ON Liquor SALE" AND "SUNDAY ON SALE" LIQOOR LICENSE AND CIGARE'Pl'E LICENSE, SUBJECr '1'0& Ciagrette CERl'IFICATE OF INSURANCE AND PROOF OF OiNERSHIP, ALC:H; WI'!H A LE'l'I'ER FRCJot CITY license ATTORNEY KESSEL '!HAT HE HAS READ AND APPRaTES '!HE DOCUMENT BEING SUBMITl'ED. r-tWillies Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and White; nayes by Andren and Larson, rootion carried. '!he next order of business was consideration of a request frOOl Almac, Inc. to amem its previously approved Comitional Use Permit. '!he original ~rmit was approved May 20, 1987, and established the Island View 5th Addition Haneowners Association with 21 backlot limited memberships. Almac is requesting an increase in the Association membership eligibility fran 21 to 31 haneowners. City Planner Graser presented the details of the request. Linda Fischer, Attorney for Almac, Inc. discussed the reasons for the request with Council. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY LARSCN, TO APPROJE '!HE CONDITIONAL USE Islani PERMIT MDIFICATION TO 31 ID'I5 ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP IN '!HE ASSOCIATION View INSl'EAD OF '!HE 21 '!HAT WERE APPRCNED ORIGINALLY. rn Permit Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. 3 MINUrES OF 'mE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL July 6, 1987 The next order of business was an update on the Shako~e r-tJewakanton Sioux Community Sewer Extension. City Engineer Anderson sununarized the present status of progress on the project as it ~rtains to the Canprehensive Sewer Plan and the Prior Lake Urban Service Area. Discussion followed regarding the depth of the pipe and feasibility of oversizing the pipe. By unanirrous general consent the City Council decided not to proceed with oversizing the sewer pi~. City Engineer Anderson stated sewer stubs could be positioned strategically to enable homes on Drake and County Road 83 to conveniently hook up to the sewer system when necessary without oversizing. City Manager Urunacht and City Engineer Anderson will neet with a representative of the Shako~e l-klewakanton Sioux Canmunity to discuss the City Council's position on the oversizing of the pi~. The next order of business was a review of the final draft of the Prior Lake Subdivision Ordinance. City Manager Unmacht, COIl1IIented on staff request which included the following: 1) Ordinance 87-11 which provides for the deletion of Section 2.5 fran the City Zoning Ordinance, 2) Resolution 87-32 which provides for a Canprehensive Plan Amemment to the Natural Features Policies Section, and 3) Ordinance 87-10 which is Draft four of the Prior Lake Subdivision Ordinance. IDTION MADE BY LARSCN, SECDNDED BY SmTT, TO APPROIJE RESCLtJrION 87-32 PROJIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO '!HE NA'lURAL FEMURES POLICIES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE mMPREHENSIVE PLAN. RS8]-32 Natural Resources C'.cq)rehen Plan Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unaniroously. MJTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY LARSCN, TO APPRaTE ORDINANCE 87-11 AMENDING CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ZCNING ORDINANCE SEn'ICN 2.1 AND PRIOR LAKE CITY ODE SEn'ION 5-2-1. (JID 8]-1:: Zoning Ord. See 2.1 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanirrously. City Planner Graser reviewed the fourth and final draft of Subdivision Ordinance 87-10. Discussion followed. Changes will be made and Ordinance 87-10 will be sutmitted to the City Attorney's office for modifications, and will then be presented to the Council for approval. '!he next order of business was information fran the City Manager regarding the Futures Workshop for the City Council and School Board joint meeting to be held on July 13 at 5:00 p.m. at the Prior Lake state Bank. City Manager Urunacht handed out a news article fran the Rochester Post Bulletin relating to his recent puticipation at the League of Minnesota Cities Conference in Rochester. Councilnanber Fitzgerald reported that the final committee meeting of the Prior Lake 2000 Canmittee is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, July 23; at this meeting the final Prior Lake 2000 Ieport will be sutmitted. He also requested an opinion on the possibility of doing sane historical displays with old photographs and maps. Several Prior Lake residents have extensive collections 4 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL July 6, 1987 that could either be borrowed or copied for the displays. Discussion followed. Assistant City Planner Garross reported on her recent attendance at the Southwest Coalition ~eting in Carver County, and outlined the purpose of the Coalition and its future goals for the southwest regional cities. The next Council Ireeting will be Monday, July 20, at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11: 18 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Dee Birch Recording Secretary 5