HomeMy WebLinkAbout032387 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUTES OF '!HE CITY <XXJNCIL March 23, 1987 The Camoon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmanbers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Assistant City ManagerjEoonanic Developnent Director Unmacht, and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. '!be minutes of the March 16, 1987 meeting were rariewed by Council. Council requested that the first sentence on pige 3 be rarised. Instead of "before or after final plat approval" it should read: ~re-prF>J""'11i'i"'1l'i1f'lL~1Ipprnvaj-:JJr--* . before final plat approval n. '!he Mayor requested that the following be adcEd to Councll Page 3, Para 2, as the last sentence: "The City of Prior Lake be held harmless re~ues~ed stipulation ranain in the oontract. n thlS Ilne be striken IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONIED BY S<DTI', TO APPRaTE 'lEE MINUTES WI'lH Minutes <DRRECl'IONS AND AMENIJ-1ENT AS NorED. Approved Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion pissed unanimously. The next itan on the agenda was the Consent Agenda as follows: a) Treasurer's Report b) Addition of Another Patrolnan IDTION MADE BY LARSON, SEXDNIED BY SCOTI', TO APPRaTE 'lEE <DNSENT lt2ENJ:lA. Cmsent ~nda the lpproved Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, motion pissed unanimously. '!be next itan on the agenda was a presentation by Jeffrey Siegel of starwood Music Center. Mr. Siegel gave a brief outline of a proposed outooor music center in Soott County along with a slide presentation of music centers now in existence. Siegel then pissed out an information booklet on the Starwood Music Center. Discussion followed. '!bere was no action taken as this was an informational presentation only. A five minute recess was called at 8:03 p.m. The meeting was again called to orcEr at 8:08 p.m. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY <DJ~IL MARCB 23, 1987 The next item on the agenda was a presentation fran LakeRidge Developnent Corporation on the redevelopnent proIX>sal for cbwntown Prior Lake. Rick Schmitz of LakeRidge Developnent presented a draft of the proposed contract, and reviewed the Developnent process. Discussion fol10Ned. Due to lack of information the Council tabled any action until April 6, and requested Mr. Schmitz provide more information on LakeRidge Developnent such as financial information, a list of all officers and/or p:lrtners, bonding, etc. to the Council at this meeting. staff was directed to prepare an outline of the cbwntCMn plan timefrane. M)TION MADE BY~, SEXDNIED BY WHITE, TO CDNl'INUE 'lBE DISQJSSION AT 'lBE fukatdge APRIL 6, 1987 <DJ~IL MEETOO, OR UNI'IL MR. saIMI'PZ HAS j'lBE REQUESTED fuvebpmn1 INFO~ON. PROVIDED (Council requested Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Soott, and Whit~~is Jhee inserted) motion p:lssed unanimously. A five minute recess was called at 9: 29 p.m. '!he meeting was called back to order at 9: 39 p.m. '!he next item on the agenda was continuation of the Subdivision Ordinance review. '!he Subdivision Ordinance review was completed. City Planner Graser will implement the necessary revisions after oonsultation with Attorney Kessel and consideration of Planning Canmission and Eoonanic Developnent Canmittee recamrendations. '!he next item on the agenda was consideration of changing the Council ~etings to every other r-Dnday instead of every Monday. Council decided to change their meeting dates to the first and third Monday of each month, beginning April 6, on a temporary basis for three months before making a definite decision. '!his change will enable the Mayor, Councilmanbers and interested Staff to attend other important camnuni ty meetings. City Manager Md3uire then read and distributed a coW of his Letter of Resignation to the Council to become effective May 1, 1987. M)TION MADE BY WHITE, SEXDNIED BY SCOTr, 'lO CDMH.Y WI'lB 'lBE REQUEST OF MIKE kce}ltanc€: MmUIRE '!HAT '!HEY ACCEPl' HIS RESIGNATION AS CITY MANJlGER OF '!HE CITY OF PRIOR cf r-nuir€: LAKE SO '!HAT HE MAY ACCEPl' A CAREER AWANCEMENT '!HAT HAS BEEN OFFERED TO HIM, resitla tic AND '!HAT '!HE <DJOCIL WISHES HIM '!HE BEST OF GOOD FOR'lUNE IN HIS NEW roSITION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Soott, and White, the motion p:lssed unanimoUsly. Councilmanber White announced that Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Unmacht will be a s~aker at the League of Minnesota Cities meeting in Rochester in June. His presentation will be in oonjunction with the subject of Ecx:manic Developnent Future Planning and will be on the recent Prior Lake 2999 study. 2 MINUI'ES OF 'mE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUOCIL MARCH 23, 1987 The next Council meeting will be Monday, April 6, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11: 10 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager Dee Birch Recording Secretary 3