HomeMy WebLinkAbout022387 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUI'ES OF '!HE CITY COUOCIL The Cannon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, February 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Acting Mayor Fitzgerald, Councilnanbers Larson, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Planner Garross, Parks Director Mangan, Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Urnnacht, and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren was absent. Acting Mayor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the February 9, 1987 rreeting were rf!ll iewed by Council. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SEXDNDED BY LARSON, TO APPROVE 'mE MINUI'ES AS SUBMITI'ED. Minutes Approval Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, larson, Scott, and White, the motion p:lssed unanimously. Invoices to be p:lid on February 24 were sul:Jnitted for approval. IDTION MADE BY SCOTl', SEXDNDED BY WHITE TO APPRaTE 'mE INVOICES AS SUBMITI'ED. Invoices Approval Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion p:lssed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was B on the Consent Agenda. Item #3 - A Consideration of S.A.C. Refund from M.W.C.C. was withdrawn from the Consent Agenda at the request of Councilrnember White for Council discussion later in the evening. The rest of the Consent Agenda Items were as follows: B. Optimist Club request for Gambling Permit sul:Jnitted for approval. Gadiling Permi Optimist Club C. "Ducks Unlimited" request for a temporary Gambling Permit to hold a GanDl.Penn. raffle on April 30, 1987 at the VFW. Dl.rks Unlmt D. Reduction of Project 83-2, Crest Avenue retainage to $2,000 submitted Proj 83-2 for approval. RErloctim E. Monthly Reports consisting of the following were submitted for approval: l} Building Permit Report (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COU~IL February 23, 1987 2) 2) IX>g Catcher Report 3) Fire and Rescue Report 4) Police Report 5) Treasurer's Report F. Final plat approval for the following Additions: 1) ..2ru:iAddition to Oak Ridge Court SUbject to: a) the developer's be responsible for utility stubs to Lot 1, and, b) Low slabs for homes on lots 1-3 at 958.3 feet. 2) Clayton's 1st Addition: SUbject to: a) Park fee of $840.00 be p;lid, b) Access to Lot 2 be at owner's expense, c) Service line to existing home be moved at owner's expense. 3) 2nd Addition to Lakeside Park which is in compliance with the preliminary plat approval of 5/12/86. G. Approval of a Feasibility study for the westerly extension of Carriage Hill Road to Femdale Avenue. MJTION MADE BY SCO'l'I', SOCONDED BY WHITE, TO APPROVE ALL OF THE CONSENT ITEMS WI'!H '!HE EXCEPl'ION OF ITEM 3-A. AGENm Coosent Agema Approval motion Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the passed unanilOOusly. The next item on the agenda was consideration of a VFW Lighting Proposal. VFW Commander Tom McCallister, and Chairman of the lighting committee, Jack Andrews of the VFW gave thei r presentation to the Council, and stated the VFW and AuxilIary would totally fund the lighting of Memorial Baseball Field for a total p;lckage of $60,000. This project is expected to be completed by May 15, and an official dedication would take place on June 14, 1987. The City will asSLmle all responsibility for maintenance, however, a five year warranty will be in effect upon installation. NSP has volunteered to p;ly for the three phase power to the panel which would otherwise have cost the City $13,500. Discussion followed. MJTION MADE BY LARSON, SOCONDED BY SCOTl',TO ACCEPl' '!HE VFW GIFI' TO MEMJRIAL PARK VFW WI'!H '!HE FOLIavIN3 CONDITIONS: THAT THE CONl'RACl' BE'IWEEN '!HE SUPPLIER AND M3mrial INSI'ALLER SHOOLD NAME '!HE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED COVERIN3 Park '!HE CITY OORIN3 '!HE CONSI'RUCl'ION PERIOD, 2) THAT ALL WARRANl'IES GIVEN TO '!HE VFW Lighting SHOOLD BE ASSIGNABLE TO '!HE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, 3) THAT '!HE CONl'RACl' rxx::tJMENl'S Approval ALIav FOR '!HE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE TO REVIEW FOR PRIOR APPROVAL ACl'UAL MATERIALS AND DESIGN OF '!HE LIGHTIN3 SYSTEM AND THAT THE CITY BE ALIOVED TO INSPECl' THE LIGHTIN3 PRIOR TO ACCEPl'ANCE OF THE PRillEel', 4) THAT ':mE INSI'ALLER/SUPPLIER FURNISH A PERFORMANCE BOND IN FAVOR OF BO'IH '!HE VFW AND THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AS PART OF ':mE CONl'RACl' rxx::tJMENl'S, 5) THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SIDlIN3 '!HE FULL INSI'ALIATION BE SIGNED BY A REX;ISTERED PROFESSIONAL EN3INEER, AND, 6) THAT THE POTENTIAL GLARE CONl'ROL PROBLEM BE SOLVED SATISFACl'ORILY. Commander McCallister stated the VFW would hold a 5% retainage until July 1 to assure the glare control situation was completed satisfactorily. 2 MINUrES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUN::IL February 23, 1987 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion p3.ssed unanimously. MJTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A RESOLUI'ION Approval CX)MMENDIK; 'IlIE VFW ON 'IlIEIR CONl'INUIK; CIVIC CONI'RIBUTIONS TO '!HE CITY OF PRIORResolution LAKE AND DEDICATION TO 'IlIE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, AND '!HAT 'IlIIS RESOLUI'ION BE to VFW PRINTED IN 'IlIE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN. & Auxilla.r Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion p3.ssed unaniJOOusly. Discussion followed. Council directed that this Resolution be put into plaque form for presentation to the VFW. The next item on the Agenda was consideration of Island View 5th Addition Preliminary Plat and Rezoning request by Alrnac, Inc. City Planner Graser outlined the details of the request for considerations of the preliminary plat and rezoning request by Alrnac, Inc. Consultant Linda Fisher, representing Alrnac, Inc. also discussed the details pertaining to this request. Discussion followed. Concerned citizens who live near the Island View Subdivision and on County Road 83 expressed concern over the large amount of dust generated by the increased traffic, and stated they felt it was a threat to their health and welfare. A problem they felt would increase with the additional 21 oomes now scheduled to be built in the Island View 5th Addition. City Manager McGuire stated the City has been in contact with Scott County officials regarding the p3.ving of County Road 83, and was told it has been scheduled for the fall of 1987. Councilnanber Fitzgerald then read a letter into the official minutes from a concerned citizen expressing opposition to Island View 5th Addition because of the dust problem. Council stated they would prefer to place the two combined request into two sep3.rate items: 1) The rezoning request and, 2) The request for the Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary Plat Approval <;;:H (,(),If'e.1i''N'J - /,//".tc: ~ ..'-res /V,,, I"- MJTION MADE BY WHITE, SOCONDED BY SCO'l'I', TO APPROVE 'IlIE REZONIK; REQUEST Islani BY APPLICANT FRG1 C-l CONSERVATION TO R-l SHGLE FAMILY RESIDENl'IAL. View 5th Rezoning Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion to R-1 p3.ssed unaniJOOusly. Discussion followed regarding the Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary Plat request. MJTION MADE BY SCO'l'I', SEXDNDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE '!HE PRELIMINARY PLAT Islarrl WI'IlI 'IlIE FOLIDVIK; CONl'ThGENCIES: View 5th Prelim. l. Developer delineate the floodway and provide the necessary easements to Plat protect the Creek, as specified by the Engineering staff and drainage studies for the creek and lake to the west of the creek as specified by the Engineering staff. 3 MINUI'ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUOCIL February 23, 1987 2. A 20 foot variance be granted for Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 2 3. Lot 1, Block 5 be permitted to ranain. 4. Council instructed City Manager Ma;uire to contact the Scott County HigB-iay Department and encourage better and more frequent dust control measuranents be taken. Approval was predicated on the section between Franont and County Road 81 being blacktopped by the end of the year. If this will not occur, then the City consider a study to determine the impact on the health and safety of the existing residents. 5. Sanitary sewer service be provided utilizing a tanporary lift station with flow south in the event the Mdewakankton Trunk sewer in County Road 83 is not available, and develo~r assume all expense in connection with the installation of the lift station. The City Engineer must determine if there is adequate capacity prior to this option being approved. 6. Outlot A of Island View 4th Addition become additional park land free and clear of all encurnberances. Discussion followed. Council requested that Itan 6 of the Planning Commission recoIIlIIendations (Franont Avenue be inproved to a width of 36' to County Road 83) be deleted from the discussions, as it ~rtains to City authority only. Upon a vote taken, ayes by, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Under the Conditional Use Permit a friendly amendment was subnitted by Councilmernber White that the Develop=r design the backlot A access for the 21 lots thru an Association document rather than in an undivided interest format. This was accepted by the author of the motion. Discussion followed. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, passed unanimoUSly. IDTION MADE BY SCO'I'I', SOCONDED BY WHITE, TO TABLE '!HE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Islani Vie UNl'IL A FUTURE mTE. 5th - rn Tabled Scott, and White, the motion ::: 4! ~ (!1J{IeHQ ,/ /v1l~v71:;-S. -f ,N'plC'1I ~- }/ Acting Mayor Fitzgerald called a five minute recess at 9:55 p.m. Meeting called back to order at 10:00 p.m. Next itan on the agenda was to Consider the Water Systan. City Engineer Anderson reported on the details of installing a one million gallon water tower at a cost of approximately one million dollars. City Engineer Anderson stated that anticipated future water connection charges would pay for the financing of the project. Slides of four styles of water towers were displayed. Three hundred survey letters were sent to surrounding residents in the area of the proposed water tower, and approximately 25 responses were received. Discussion followed. Council expressed approval of the Pedestal Spheroid style of water tower. 4 MINUI'ES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUN:IL February 23, 1987 MJTION MADE BY WHITE, SEX))NDED BY LARSON, TO DIRECl' STAFF TO CDNl'INUE Water Towe FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR A WATER TOVER BASED ON '!HE PEDESTAL SPHEROID STYLE. Stulies Approval Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. City Engineer Anderson then reported on the Water Treatment plant being considered. He stressed that the Iron and Manganese in the water, which causes the brown sediment in the water, could be eliminated with a water treatment plant. Discussion followed. Council instructed Staff to prepare additional information on a softening plant as well as a treatment plant. staff was also directed to see that information regarding an informational meeting be mailed out to the Organizations and a special notice placed in the Prior Lake American. IDTION MADE BY SCOT!', SOCONDED BY LARSON, TO DIRECI' STAFF TO CONDUCl' AN Approval INFORMATIONAL MEETlll; ON MARCH 16, 1987 AT 8: 00 P.M. ;:~ ~ting for Water Scott, and White, the motion =~t Discussion followed. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, passed unanimously. Next iten on the agenda was consideration of Resolution 87-09 Supporting the Application of the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District. Don Benson of the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District addressed the Council regarding the solicitation of their support for a M~ Grant to aid in solving the problems within Spring Lake. The amount of the Grant could be approximately $200,000. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SEmNDED BY SCDT!',TO APPROVE RESCLurION 87-09. RS 87-0) Approval the motion Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, passed unanimoUSly. Next iten on the agenda was continuation of discussion on Final Draft of Chapter 509 study. City Engineer Anderson commented on several changes or modifications to be considered. Discussion followed. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SOCONDED BY LARSON, TO DIRECI' CITY EN3INEER ANDERSON TO FOmARD THE CIfAN;ES AND MODIFICATIONS AS OO'lLINED TO '!HE 509 PLANNIN; TASK FORCE AND THE PRIOR LAKE-SPRIN3 LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICl'. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. 'J.'J) StWy crnJIfilts to be sent to Water- shed Board 5 MINUTES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUN:IL February 23, 1987 The next itan on the Agenda was Review of outline for Council/staff Workshop as presented by Assistant City Manager Unmacht. Discussion followed. Council directed Staff to investigate possibility of having sane working pa~rs before going into the workshop in order to be better prepared for the goal setting sessions. They also suggested any books being recoIIUIended by the facilitator be available at the workshop. IDTION MADE BY SCX>TI', SECONDED BY WHI'IE, TO APPROVE WORKSHOP OUTLINE AS RmUESTED BY STAFF. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion pa.ssed unaniIIDusly. Next itan on the agenda was the Consent Agenda Itan 3-A: Consideration of S.A.C. Refund from M.W.C.C. Discussion followed regarding the location of the refund areas and disposition of refund monies. IDTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY SmTI', TO DIRECr STAFF TO PREPARE '!HE Approval NECESSARY SUPFORrThG IXXlJMENl'ATION AND TO APPLY FOR A REFUND OF $16,950.00. S.A.C. Reftnl fron M.W.C. C Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, the motion pa.ssed. Nay by White. Attorney Kessel reported that the final closing on the Scott County Garage will be held on Monday, March 2. City Engineer Anderson reported that the City would be installing street lights on County Road 12 west frOOl HiglMay 13 to the edge of Prior Lake's city limits. Assistant City Manager Urnnacht handed out copies of the current Minnesota Real Estate Journal which featured an article on Prior Lake. The next Council meeting will be Monday, March 2, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager Dee Birch Recording Secretary NOTE: See corrections to these minutes on page 1 of March 2 Minutes. Street Lights for 002 West of HWl3