HomeMy WebLinkAbout012687 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUI'ES OF 'IHE CITY COUOCIL ~ January 26, 1987 The Cammon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilrrembers Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, Finance Director Teschner, Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Umnacht, and City Attorney Kessel. Councilrrember Larson was absent. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Andren extended a welcome to members of the Economic Developnent Committee and the Transportation Coalition who were in attendance. The minutes of the January 12, 1987 meeting were reviewed by Council. City Manager McGuire requested that the sentence: "Finance Director Teschner and City Planner Graser both stated that this deferred assessnent would not have shown up as an assessnent until the lot was divided" be deleted from p:ige 3, p:iragraph 8, line 4 of the minutes. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SEO)NDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE MINUI'ES WI'IH N:J1'ED DELETION. Minutes Approval Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unaniroously. The invoices scheduled for on payment January 27 were reviewed by Council. Discussion followed regarding clarification. M:>TION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOTl', TO APPROVE 'IHE INVOICES AS Invoices SUBMITl'ED. Approvej Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion p:issed unanimously. At 7:35 p.m. a public hearing was called to order by Mayor Andren for the purpose of considering the adoption of the Economic Developnent Policies "Strategies For The Future" as submitted by the Econanic Developnent Committee (EDC). Mayor Andren then read the public notice as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on Monday, January 26, 1987. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUl'ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUN::IL January 26, 198'7 Committee Vice Chair, Bob Barsness,spoke on behalf of Chair Jim Hill in presenting the Policies, and volunteered to answer any questions the audience or Council might have. Assistant City Manager Unmacht reviewed the Strategies For The Future with the Council and summarized the events and efforts which had gone into the creation of this document. The objective of the Economic Development Committee was to come up with a set of written policies to present to the City Council and ask for their consideration of adoption of the policies which would form the basis of their work program for the future years of 1987, 1988 and beyond. General discussion followed. Council cornrrended the EDC for a job well done. MJTION MADE BY WHITE, SOCONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE '!HE IOLICIES AND STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ECONGHC DEVELOPMENr COMMITTEE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Approval Err: Policies & Strategies for the Fut:url: MJTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO ADJOORN '!HE PUBLIC HEARIliG. Public Hearn Adjourned Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Next item on the agenda was consideration of a request by John Schmitz for reimbursement of money from the City for a faulty sewer connection. City Manager McGuire reviewed the history of the problem as it had occurred 23 years ago. Discussion followed on the request of reimbursement of $1,835 to Mrs. Schmitz for repair of the sewer line. City Attorney Kessel had sul:mitted an opinion that the City was under no legal obligation to pay this cost. Discussion followed on the issue. MJTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SEXX>NDED BY SCOTT TO DENY RmUEST OF MRS. RmUEST FOR PAYMENI' REX;ARDIliG '!HE SEWER CONNECl'ION. SCHMITZ'S Sclmitz IS Request for pl}'ll8lt denia.' Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, and Scott. Nay by White. The Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was to consider Resolution 87-03 reaffirming support and commitment to the Scott County Transportation Coalition. Assistant City Manager Unmacht introduced members of the Transportation coalition who were in attendance. Fred Corrigan, the Director of Operations for Canterbury Downs, gave the Council an update on the status of the bridge and higl'May projects for Scott County. Discussion followed regarding the efforts of the people and cities involved in this project. The City payment to the Coalition for 1987 will be $8,000; $2,500 of which is part of the 1986 payment which was not available last year; and $5,500 of which is the full payment for 1987. 2 MINUI'ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUN:IL 7 January 26, 198; IDTION MADE BY SCOTl', SFXDNDED BY WHITE TO APPROVE RESOLUI'ION 87-03 - A 1&-87-03 RESOLUI'ION REAFFIRMnG SUPPORT AND COMMITMEN.l' TO '!HE SCOT!' COUNrY TRANsroRTATION AWrovro COALITION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unaninously. A five minute recess was called by Mayor Andren at 8:25 p.m. Meeting called back to order by Mayor Andren at 8:30 p.m. The next itan on the agenda was to consider amendments to Water and Sewer Ordinances, 87-02 and 87-03, as presented by Finance Director Teschner. Finance Director Teschner reviewed the draft of the ordinances with Council and read the changes proposed. Ordinance 87-02 and 87-03 amends the connection fee policy for all new developnents effective upon passage. The ordinances were revised to follow logically and conform with already established administrative policies. Discussion followed regarding the amended changes. Council directed that where the word "City Clerk" appears should be changed uniformly to City Manager. Under Ordinance 71-10, 10-16-72 (City Code) Section E, Paragraph 3, line 4, should be changed to read: If no notice given, the applicant may be assessed up to an additional $100 administrative fee. Section 9-4-6: Payment of Permit Fees, Section B - (Ord. 77-11, 1-9-78), Council directed this entire section be deleted. Section 9-4-10: Water Use Restrictions, Section C - Abandoned Services - first paragraph, 5th line should read: -shall be disconnected at the main by the City and all pipes and appurtenances ranoved as warranted by the City Engineer. -- Ordinance 87-03 -Title 9-5-3 - Sewage Disposal- same changes and corrections shall be instituted to follow uniformity in both Ordinances with regard to Water and Sewer connections. Council directed staff to incorporate changes as reconurended and forward to City Attorney Kessel for legal opinion, and return with the final draft for approval by the Council before publication. Next itan on the agenda was to consider the purchase of Lot 1, Block 1 of Oakwood Hills 2nd Addition for Park Purposes. John MalX>ney is willing to donate the lot in question to the City. The City is asked to pay the 1986 and 1987 taxes. Attorney Kessel requested that the City obtain an upjated abstract and title opinion. Discussion followed regarding advantages to the City in purchasing this lot. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan explained the benefits to the City in having this lot, and how it would enable the Engineering Department to address the water drainage problems now existing in the adjacent lot, which also belongs to the City. Parks Director Mangan suggested the City could create a small park for use by tots and people who wanted to use the park as a rest area. 3 MINI!l'ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUOCIL "/ January 26, 1986' A five minute recess was called at 9:35. Meeting called back to order at 9:40 p.m. More discussion followed on the subject with regard to exact amount of taxes the City would have to pay. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SEO)NDED BY SCOTI', TO ACCEPl' LOT 1, OF BLOCK 1, IN OAKWOCO HILLS, 2ND ADDITION, SUBJECl' TO ACCEPl'ABLE TITLE AND PAYMENl' OF 1986 AND 1987 TAXES BY THE CITY. <Ekwocxi Hills Accepted Lot 1, mock 2n.l Addn, Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, Nay by Andren. Motion carried. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SOCONDED BY SCOTI', UPON ROCEIPl' AND ACCEPl'ANCE OF GOCD TITLE TO LOT 1, BLOCK 1, 2ND ADDITION, IN OAKWOOD HILLS '!HAT THE SPECIAL ASSES~S OF $676.27 PLUS '!HE REMAINIKJ PRINCIPLE OF $2877.07 BE ABATED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Next item on the agenda was to consider the quote for Liability Insurance for 1987. Finance Director Teschner outlined the renewal rates and presented alternatives. staff recorrurended the $10,000 deductible option because of the City's favorable past experience and the potential premium dollar savings. Discussion followed with regard to the past experiences of the City and the benefit in savings to the City by approving this plan. K>TION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SOCONDED BY SCOT!', TO ACCEPl' RECOMMENI:ll\TION FOR THE $10,000 DEDUcrmLE OPl'ION. THE STAFF Approvffi $10,(0) Liability the motion Option Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to review the City of Prior Lake Policies and Procedures Manual as presented by City Manager McGuire. The Manuals were passed out to Council for rev iew purposes. staf f proposes that Council rev iew and comIlEnt on changes before final draft is completed. Council directed that staff to include a complete index of each item within the Manual. Next item on the agenda was to review the funthly Reports for the month of December, 1986. Discussion followed. Council requested that Chief of Police Powell attend a meeting to update the Council on the increased police calls. Council accepted the reports as submitted. The next item on the agenda was to appoint a committee to interview Planning Commission candidates. Mayor Andren appointed two past Planning Comrrdssion members, Councilnanber Fitzgerald and Councilnanber Larson. The interviewing process will begin next week. 4 MINUrES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CO~IL January 26, 198i Councilnernber White asked the Council to reconsider their decision to hold a Council Meeting on February 17 in lieu of February 16 which is a legal holiday. It was decided by Council to cancel the meeting for the week of February 16. Councilnernber Fitzgerald suggested that staff prepare a resolution COITlIrending the Economic Development Carnrrdttee on their efforts in behalf of the City. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SOCONDED BY WffiTE, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A RESCU1l'ION COMMENDIN:; '!HE ECO~IC DEVELOPMENl' COMMITI'EE FOR '!HEIR SERVICE AND DEDICATION ON '!HE PREPARATION OF '!HE POLICIES AND STRATEX3IES FOR '!HE FUTURE IX>CUMENl' AND ENCOUAAGE '!HEM TO CONl'INUE ON WI'!H '!HE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENl'ATION. Approval Resolution to direct Staff to Ccmneni EOC Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion p;l.ssed unanioously. Councilrnember Fitzgerald announced that Prior Lake 2000 Carnrrdttee would be meeting next Tuesday, February 3, and at this meeting they will review the ranaining six values. It is anticip;l.ted that the report should be out within the next 45 days.. City Engineer invited the Gouncilrnembers to attend a demonstration of the new computerized program of the City's Water Systan when time ~rmits. The next Council meeting will be Monday, February 2, at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. McGuire City Manager Dee Birch Recording secretary 5