HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Index 1987 INDEX TO 1987 MINUrES OF CITY mUNCIL AcrING MAYOR 1/5/87 ADMISSIONS TAX Approved concept of Admissions Tax For SCott Clty Entertainment Facilities on 5/4/87 ALBERffi (DON) Variance Denied 4/6/87 AIR AMBULANCE <DN1'RAcrs North Air Care Air Ambulance Rescue Contract approved 3/16/87 Life Link III Contract approved 7/6/87 ~- ,'--- Basic plan for Amoco Developnent approved on 10/~/87 Approved Public Hearing for January 19, 1988 ASSES~ ABATEMENI.'S * PSSESSMENT POLICY REVIEW mMMITTEE Council approved the formation of an Assessment Policy Review Committee 5/18/87 . Approved Assessment Policy Review Committee 6/1/87 PSSISTANT CITY MANAGER Kay Schmudlach was hired as new Asst. City Mgr/Econ. Dev. Dir. July 1,1987 PSSISTANT FIRE MARSHALL 1/5/87 AucrION CITY PROPERIY, * AUDIT * Approve 6/6/87 Financial Statements, For 1986 audit, *- AUDITORS Approved Audit Agreement with George M. HansonCompany 9/21/87 BEACH DRIVE ROAD Public Hearing for vacation. Approved 7/6/87 OOARD OF REVIEW * 1 BOND <DNSULTANT 1/5/87 BONDS * RS 87-07 Providing for public sale of GO refurning horns for 1987 2/9/87 RS-87-03 Tax Increment Financing District within Dist. 1 Approved 1/12/87 RS 87-04 Modifying Tax Incranent Financing Dist. # l.l Plan Approved 2/9/87 RS 87-08 RS for a proposal to undertake and finance a project under MN Statutes Sec. 471.59 Approved 2/9/87 RS 87-33 Equipnent Plans and Specs. - approved 7/6/87 RS 87-44 adopted providing for public sale of $1,500,000 GO Water Revenue Bonds - 8/17/87 RS 87-45 adopted providing for issuance & sale of $225,000 GO bonds and levying a tax for payment thereof 8/17/87 RS87-54 FOR SALE OF WATER TaVER REVENUE BONDS - $1,500,000 APPROJED 9/2JJ87 BOY SCOUT TROOP 331 Resolution 87-27 comrrending planting of seedlings - passed 5/18/87 BROOKSVILLE HILLS 8lli ADDITION Preliminary Plat approved with contingencies 6/15/87 Amended preliminary Plat on 11/16/87 Approved Finald Plat on 11/16/87 BUDGET - 1988 * Public hearing on proposed 1988 Budget - 9/8/87 Appropr iate Gen. Revenue Sharing Funds, * Operating Budget, Approved 1988 Budget Proposal 9/21/87 BUDGET REPORT 7/20/87 -2nd quarter BUILDING PEI~HT REPORT 1/26/87, 2/23/87 3/16/87 4/20/87, 10/19/87 5/18/87 11/16/87 7/20/87 12/21/87 9/9/87 for July and August) BUILDING INSPEcrOR Approved hiring of part time building inspector 3/16/87 CABOOZE CRUISE LINES Approved Operating Permit for March 1, 1987 to March 1, 1988 on 3/9/87 Approved change of departure point on 4/6/87 2 CANDY Q)VE Approved Installation of Flume - Payment of $400 to R. Soderstrom 8/3/87 CARRIAGE HILL ROAD Approved Resolution 87-11 Authorizing Feasibility Study = 3/23/87 RS 87-13 Authorizing Public Hearing for C.H.R approved - 4/6/87 Public Hearing held on scheduled for 5/4/87 postponed until 5/18/87 Public Hearing scheduled for 5/18 moved to 6/1/87 Public Hearing on RES 87-21 approved 6/1/87 RS 87-34 Approved Plans and Specs for Ordering Ad for Bids - 7/20/87 RS 87-38 Approved Accept Bid 8/17/87 RS 87-39 Approved Authoriz. staff to Prepare Assessnent Roll 8/17/87 RS 87-41 Approved establishment of Public Hearing Date 8/17/87 RS 87-50 Public Hearing for Carriage Hill Road Assessment 9/8/87 CENSUS Federal Census to begin in March 1987 Federal Census canpleted em of March, 1987 Report on results received 5/18/87 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Purchase approved 7/6/87 CIGARETTE LICENSES License renewals sent out to all 25 businesses - 11/4/87 McWillies On The Lake - Approved 7/6/87 Craig's Resort no longer sells cigarettes 11/16/87 Union 76 station - out of business - Amoco took over and will not renew until they build their convenience store. Cigarette License for following were approved on 12/21/87 B & D Bar and Restaurant Big B's Gas and goods Dakota Liquor Crown Coco - E-Z stop Store Express Gas and Groce ry Extra Innings McWillies-On-The- lake Gast's Wine and Spirits Hause r' s Iga Holiday Station Stores #198 Hollywood Inn T. J. Hooligans Pub and Grug Junction Liquor Laker's Restaurant P.D.Q. Store Prior Place Radermacher's Red Owl Snyde r Drug Joe's Pizza Tom Thumb VFW Post #6208 Viking Liquor Lone Pine closed for the winter - did not renew yet 3 CITY VEHIa..ES Approved sale of Police Cars 5/18/87 Approve Sale of City Vehicles - 5/18/87 CIP eIP fran 1987 - 1991 approved - 6/1/87 CITY ATroRNEY 1/5/87 CITY COUNCIL BY-LAWS Review First Draft, 2/24/86 Review Secooo Draft, 5/5/86 Adopted subject to changes, 5/27/86 Changed By-Laws for New Meeting Date 7/6/87 Ameooed by-Laws on 1/4/88 to note Workshop meetings 1/4/88 CITY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES Approved Equipnent Certi ficate Plans and Specs for 1987 Equipnent Certificates - approved 5/18/87 Approved purchase of Pickup and Plow on 9/21/87 CITY GARAGE CITY MANAGER Adopted Evaluation and performance std. frnt for 86-87 Evaluation and salary increase approved 4/6/87 Approval to Interview D. Unmacht for job - 4-6-87 Committee appointed to interview D. Unmacht - 4-6-87 Appointed Dave Unmacht as City Manager effective 5/1/87 - 4/20/87 Approved reinbursement of city non-autanobile related expenses 4/20/87 Approved payment of dues to civic clubs 4/20/87 Resolution 87-26 City Manager request to withdraw fran PERA approved 5/18/87 City Manager Review process set up and approved 12/21/87 CITY HALL SIGNAGE - Approved $1,500 from COntingency Fund 10/19/87 CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECl'OR 1/5/87 4 COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP Organize workshop, 9/2/86 Discussed, 9/22/86 Discussed, 10/6/86 Discussed Spring Workshop - 1/12/87 Workshop agenda approved - dates are: 3/27 thru 29 COMPARABLE WORIH S'ItlDy Update, 1/13/86 Approved DCA Stanton Approval 7/6/87 COOlp Worth Study Report approved and adopted 12/21/87 COMPUTER/CITY COUNI'Y MAINFRAME AGREEMENT - - approved 12/21/87 <DNSULTThK; ENGINEERS Consideration of Consulting Engineer Proposals - Approved 5/18/87 Approved TKIl.Z\ as Consulting Engineers - 7/6/87 Approved ~ Engineering contracts - 7/20/87 CONSULTING PLANNER 1/5/87 COONCIL MEETING PROCEDURES Discussed, 5/27/86 Agreed to go to every other Morrlay as a trial beginning 4/6/87 Agreed to hold workshop meetings 1/ 4/88 <DUNCILMEMBERS Swearing in new official, 1/5/87 COUNl'Y ROAD * Approved RS 87-40 supporting speed limit reduction on rn 12 8/17/87 CRFSl' AVENUE Final Payment Approved on proj. 83-12 9/21/87 DAVIS ALLEY VACATION (RES 87-01) 1/5/87 Approved Vacation 1/12/87 RESCLUI'ION 87-01 DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS - t .+- Approved Deferred Assessment procedures - 3-8-87 5 DOG CA'IQIER 1/5/87 , rx:x; C'A'lCHER REPORT 1/26/87 3/16/87 4/20/87 6/15/87 7/20/87 8/17/87 9/21/87 2/26/87 10/19/87 11/16/87 5/18/87 DONATIONS Donation of $100 to Prior Lake Jays approved 9/21/87 JJOVNI'OVN DEVELOPMENT PRQJEcr Proposed by lake Ridge Developnent Corp., 11/24/86 Motion to accept recanmerrlation of EDC committe as recommerrled by staff. Motion to table action on LakeRidge Developnent until further info is rec'd. A workshop session on Downtown Developnent - January 11, 198fS' JJOVNI'OVN PLAN Approve Plan Concept, 6/2/86 DUOOS 7/20/87 APPROJID DUOOS RmUEST TO UTILIZE EXISTING CABIN IN <DNJUNCl'ION WI~ CONSl'RUcrION OF NEW HGm. - P3ge 3 of minutes DEVELOPMENT <DMMITI'EE Approved RES. 87-05 commerrling the EDC for Service to Cannunity Approved EDC By-Laws 3/2/87 Approved Annual Report 4/20/87 Approved EDC Report 4/6/87 ECONrnIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITI'EE Approved Reappointment of EDC Committee Members 9/21/87 Approved By Laws Change 12/7/87 ELEcrION 1987 * Appoint Election Judges for Nov. 3, 1987 Election - 10/5/87 Special Meeting to Canvass Nov. 3 Elections - Nov. 4, 1987 6 ELIZABE'!H HEIN Approved Resolution 87-17 COmmending her on lOath birthday - 5/4/87 EQUIPMENT FOR COUNCIT.. ROCM * EQUALIZATION <DMMITTEE 1/ 5/87 6/15/87 FEE SCHEDULE 1987 Schedule, 1/5/87 Building Permit Refund Policy, 2/10/86 Personal Service Masseuse License fee approved, Municipal Financing Assistance Application fee, Discussed changing fee schedule - 9/21/87 FISH OOINI' ROAD PARK Approved Resolution 87-18 oamrnending citizens for clean up 5/4/87 FIRE AND RESCUE REPORT 1/26/87 3/16/87 4/20/87 6/1/87 7/3/87 2/23/87 9/8/87 (July) 11/16/87 9/21/87 (August) 10/19/87 FIRE MARSHALL 1/5/87 FIRE DEPl' PURrnASES Defibrilator purchase approved 11/2/87 FRIDDlE'S ON '!HE LAKE Extension, 6/16/86 Approved amerrlment to Cond. use permit. with contingencies ,1/5/87 F'REM)NI' AVENUE Approved Construction Options FUEL BID Awarded for 1987 1/ 5/ 87 7 GAMBLING LICENSES Gymnastics Booster Club, , 1/26/87 Pull Tabs (B&D Bar) Optimist Club , 3rY-&7 ",. -:,:, .. ' Ducks Unlimited, 3/2/87 P.L. Fire Dept. Relief Association 9/8/87 SndTrails ,Inc. 9/8/87 National Multiple Sclerosis - MdWillies - tabled 10/5/87 ~ Arrigoni, Inc. - for Halfway House pull tabs at McWillies - denied 1/4/88 G- ~^~~D~~E-~~-~~~ "i'r,~,^.,J r~L4,w e~__('J.t; .Advertise for bids, 11/17/86 Approved Bid from ACI Financial Corp. 1/5/87 HARBOR PUD approved 4/6/87 Utility Easement Vacation for Harbor Plat- 2nd .Addition Approved 6/1/87 Final Plat for 2th .Addition approved 6/1/87 6th Addition - see notation regarding this matter. Final Plat 7th Addition approved 9/8/87 HEALTH CARE CENI'ER FOR PRIOR LAKE Discussed, 5/5/86 Approve revised site plan am authorize Staff to proceed with project, 10/6/86 Letter of Intent, 11/24/86 Contract with Professional Planning and Development Company, 11/24/86 Failed in Gamrnittee 4/87 HEALTH OFFICER 1/5/87 HIGHWAY 13 TPSK FORCE Gamrnittee's and SubCommittees selected am process begun 8/87 HILL STREET VACATION Approved vacation with contingencies - 10/5/87 l:D1E RULE CHARTER Attorney provide COIl'lJ1'Ents, 9/8/86 INGUAOONA BEACH Approved proceeding with property acquisition 7/20/87 - page 2 of minutes 8 ISLAND VIEW 4TH and 5TH ADDITIONS Approved rezoning request fran C-l to R-l Zoning for Island View 5th on 3/9/87 Approved Prelim. Plat with contingencies IV 5th on 3/9/87 Corrlitional Use for rv 5th was tabled on 3/9/87 Approved motion to recind motion on IV 4th outlot for park purposes. 3/9/87 Further discussion of IV 5th and CR 83. and Dust Control 3/16/87 Final plat approval 4/20/87 Developer's Agreement appraoved 4/20/87 Approved corrected figure of $35,732.17 invoice payment to Almac, 4/20/87 Approved Modified Comitional Use Permit to allow 31 hanes to belong to Haneowner's Association for Island View 5 - 7/6/87 INSURANCE LIABILITY Awarded for 1987, $10,000 Liability 1/26/87 KNEAFSEY STREET -AGNES WEILAND Public Hearing for vacation request of part of Kneafsey Street- approved 4/20/87 LAKEFRCNr DAYS * Appropriation, Temp. Liquor License, 6/15/87 LANDMAP USE AND COMPRmENSIVE PLAN Approved Res 87-42 amendment to Comprehensive plan 8/17/87 LEAGUE OF MINNESarA CITIES INFRASTRUCl'URE FINANCING PROORAM Discussed, 7/21/ 86 Discussed and Tabled until further inform. for League received, 7/28/86 Presentation by Moody and Juran - 1/12/87 Informational only LffiRARY Kay Schmudlach appointed as Liaison to Library 12/7/87 Money approved for improvements to Library 12/21/87 Money originally approved to be taken fran 1987 contingency now approved to be taken fran 1988 contingency - 1/4/88 LIQOOR LICENSES Temporary Permit for lakefront Days, Jaycees 6/15/87 Steve Nielsen, Express Gas -n- Grocery, 8/4/86 Temporary Permit for St. Michael PorkFeast, * Temporary Permit for St. Michael New Year's Eve 12/31/86 Temporary Permit for St. Michael Alumni Basketball Game 3/21-22/87 Temporary Permit for St. Michael Aprilfest 4/20/87 Temporary Permit for Jaycees to sell at SOftball Tournament - 4/20/87 for dates of May 2, 3, 30, 31, June 20, 21 Temporary License for Lakefront Days Jaycees to sell 3.2 Beer 6/15/87 Renewal of License for: B & D Bar and Restaur ant Approved 6/1/ 87 9 Intoxicating On Sale Hollywood Inn Ext r a Innings T. J. Hooligans First Frame dba Prior Place Intoxicating On Sale MdWillie's On The Lake Approved 7/6/87 License violation of McWillie's On The Lake - 8/11/87 Renewal of Intoxicating Off Sale Approved 6/1/87: B & D Bar and Restaurant Dakota Liquor Extra Innings Gast's Wine and Spi rits Junction Liquor Viking Liquor Renewal of SUmay License approved 6/1/ 87 B & D Bar and Restaur ant Extra Innings Hollywood Inn T. J. Hooligans First Frame dba Prior Place MdWillie's On The Lake 7/6/87 Approved 7/6/87 Renewal of Club License aproved 6/1/87 VFW Post 6208 Renewal of Off Sale Non-Intoxicating approved 6/1/87 B & D Bar and Restaur ant EZ stop Store Hauser's lGA Holiday stationstore #198 P.D.Q store Express Gas and Groceries Torn Thtm1b VFW Post 6208 Renewal of Set Up License - 6/1/87 VFW Post 6208 New application for On Sale and Sunday Sale Janice Ballard for Freddies-on-th~Lake approved contingent upon Certf. of Ins. and proof of ownership or managership on 7/6/87 10 LIQUOR LICENSE <DMMITI'EE 1/5/87 6/1/87 7/6/87 8/17/87 12/21/87 WRDS STREET BRIDGE Project 86-14 - Final Payment approved 9/21/87 MAPPING AND DECORATING CON1'EST Approval by Council to sponsor an art & photo contest to decorate City Hall and an expenditure of $5,000 maximum was approved for mapping & decorating which includes cost of sponsoring contest. Approved 2/2/87 Brochures passed out to Rotary and other organizations on 3/16/87 MOX>NALD REZONING Ord 87-05 changing PUD back to R-2 Zoning approved 3-9-87 Request for Variance denied on 7/20/87 Rejected request to rezone Lot A - see page 3 of minutes MGVILLLIES-ON-'IHE-LAKE Granted Liquor License - 7/6/87 Discussion on Liq. Lic. Violation - 12/7/87 - Conclusions and ReCOInIIerrlations of Administrative Law Judge .Adopted 12/21/P' Fined $2,000 for Liquor License Violation - 12/21/87 MARY MARGARET SUBDIVISION Approved Developer's Agreanent - 6/15/87 MDE.WAKANTON SIOUX CC>MMJNITY Council decided not to oversize pipe but place sewer stubs strategically. 7/6/87 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Council Approved errlorsement of reappointment of Ray Joachim to Council 1/5/87 METROPOLITAN WPSTE <DNl'RQ:. CDMMISSION (MWCC) Approved SAC Refund from MWCC - Resolution 87-22 on 5/4/87 MILLER Approval of Lot split apprroved 4/6/87 only in conjunction with Lot 8 11 MISCELLANEaJS Cancel 1/19/87 Meeting _ Martin Luther Birthday Observance cancel 16/87 Meeting - President's Day observance Discussed Consent Agerrla am going to twice monthly meetings 1/5/87 No motion Consent Agerrla used beginning 2/23/87 Voted to start a trial run of Council Meetings on every other Momay, 3/23/87 Approved Ordinance change and change of meeting dates 6/15/87 MJLLENHOFF Mollenhoff on Quaker Trail - req:uest for parking - tabled 1217/87 Mollenhoff on Quaker Trail - req:uest for parking - Denied 12/21/87 NELSCIil Request for Variance denied on 10/19/87 NORIH SHORE OAKS Feasibility Study for North Shore Oaks Sewer and Water approved for Fischer Avenue, Ash Circle and Ferndale Circle south of Hampton - 4/6/87 Motion to approve the Final Plat Approval for North Shore Oaks subject to the lots fronting carriage Hill Road having hamnerhead driveways. 10/5/87 Approved RS 87-64 Accepting Receiving feasibility Study 10/19/87 Rejected RS 87-68 Public Hearing for North Shore Oaks 11/16/87 Approved RS 87-70 Authorizing Feasibility Study for Fisher Ave and Library Parking Lot NOREX Approved Franklin Trail Street Vacation - 10/19/87 OFFICIAL BANK 1/ 5/ 87 OFFICIAL NaVSPAmR 1/5/87 ORDINANCES ORD 87-01 Amerrlnent to City of P L Zoning Ord Sec. 2.1 * Prior Lake City Code Sec. 5-2-1 Fri C-l to A-l Passed 1218/86 Ord 87-02 Amem to Title 9, Olapt 4, Sec 3-9 of City of PL City Code 1/26/87 discussed 87-02 , Teschner to correct and bring back in final form Ord 87-03 Amerrl to Ti tIel 9, Chj apt. 5, Sec. 13-8 of City of PL City Code Teschner to correct and bring back to Council in final form 1/26/87 Ord. 86-08, Amem Sec. 3-5-6 (C) regarding renewing personal service license, 12/1/86 12 PRIOR LAKE/SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICI' Joint Powers Agreanent to maintain outlet, 12/1/86 RS-09 SUporting Prior lake/Spring Lake Grant Application 2/23/87 Discussed submitting names for Cleve Mickley's position - 5/18/87 Submitted names of Heinze and Franklin to W/S Board approved -6/1/87 PRIOR LAKE 2000 PROORAM Discussed, 2/24/86 Prior Lake 2000 Steering COmmittee update, 7/7/86 Survey Report distributed, 11/17/86 PL2000 lEport accepted by Council 8/17/87 PL2000 Report Public Hearing - 9/21/87 PL2000 Scope of Work adopted 10/19/87 Canmunity Action COmmittee Concept Approved 10/19/87 PROJEcr 82-3, NOR'IH SHORE TRUNK SEWER AND WATER See 86 minutes PRQJEcr 83-02 CRFSl' AVENUE Reduction of $2,000 approved 3/2/87 Final payment apProved 9/21/87 PRQJEcr 87-11 STREET OVERLAY Approved Retainage Reduction of $6,000 for proj. 87-11 and 86-12 to contractor - 1/12/87 PRQJECl' 86-12, CATES STREET Approved Retainage Reduction of $6,000 for proj. 87-11 and 86-12 1/12/87 PROJEcr 87-12 (ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANIO AND PRQJEcr 87-13 (WELL) AND PRQJEcr 87-16 (PUMP AND PUMP HOOSE) Feasibility Study on Water Tower approved 2/2/87 Water Study presented to Council- Approved 5/18/87 Council approved Resolutions 87-24 and 87-25 for storage tank, well and pump am pump house for improvement and preparation of plans. Resolution 87-42 - Accepting Bids on Well Construction 8/17/87 Resolution 87-47 Approving Plans am Specs for Water Tower and Set Date for Bid Opening 9/8/87 RS87-53 Accepting Bids on proj. 87-13 well #5 9/21/87 RS87-63 Accepting Low Bid on Water Tank 10/19/87 PUBLIC ACCESS TO PRIOR LAKE 14