HomeMy WebLinkAbout011789 Regular MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL January 17, 1989 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tuesday, January 17, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, City Manager Unmacht, City Engineer Anderson, Assistant Planner Garross, Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director Schmudlach, and City Attorney Kessel. Councilmember White was absent due to being out of town. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the January 3, 1989 meeting were reviewed by Council. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE Minutes MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was consideration of the Consent Agenda as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Consider Approval of Consider Approval of Consider Approval of Consider Approval of Permit Report Consider Approval of Fire and Rescue Assistant Fire Marshall Report Consider Approval of Police Report Consider Approval to Advertise for Candidates for the Urban Advisory Committee - Scot County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Consider Approval for Final Payment on Project 87-16 Consider Approval of "The Trees" Development Time Extension Request Consider Approval of Establishing Public Hearing on Masseuse License Application Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report Invoices to be Paid Animal Warden Report Budget Report Monthly & Summary 1988 Building Report and 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 Invoices Dog Catch Budget 1988 Bldg Permit F & R Rept Fire Marsh Police Urban Comm Scot.Cnty Cons. Dist Proj87-16 "The Trees Massage License Treasurer Rept .~ .1 , ~ \ ~ l: 1\ , -', ' i ;;>. \', .\ , , ,- ',' '"-' :~ '."': l) ~' ~'" "';--. .... . .'~ .. " \:..;" )-., Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council January 17, 1989 MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (k). CONSENT Consent Agenda Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was Consider Bids for Group Health/Life Insurance. city Manager Unmacht reviewed the bids received from five health care providers for health insurance and the bids on life insurance from seven life insurance providers. Discussion occurred on cost comparison of both health care and life insurance. Blue Cross Blue Shield was the lowest bidder at $81,407.00 for Health Insurance and one of the lowest bidders at $6,720.00 for Life Insurance coverage. Dick Rau, Insurance 'Repr~u~i~e for the City of Prior Lake, briefly commented on the reasons for selecting Blue Cross Blue Shield as the life insurance provider as part of an over all package. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO AWARD THE GROUP Group/ HEALTH/LIFE INSURANCE BID TO BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD AS LOWEST Health REPRESENTATIVE BIDDER. Ins. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott the motion passed unanimously. Due to spare time before the 8:00 scheduled public hearing Item NATS #8 - Update on Needs Assessment Transit Study was the next order Update of business. Assistant City Manager Schmudlach reported on the status of the Needs Assessment Transit Study and stated that the Consultant, Strgar, Roscoe, Fausch, Inc, will be makin9 a presentation to the participating cities on cost, alternatlves and options for Council to consider sometime in the upcoming months. This will allow Staff and City Council time to review the proposed NATS conclusions and alternatives before submitting plans to the MTC in July, 1989. A brief discussion occurred with regard to public transportation in the metro and suburban area. The next order of business was a Public Hearing on Bluff Heights 2nd Addition Drainage and utility Easement Vacation. The Public Hearing was called to order by Mayor Andren and read the notice of the Public Hearing as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on January 2 and 9, 1989. Assistant City Planner Garross presented overheads and details of the area of the proposed vacation. A short discussion occurred regarding utility company notification. Developer John Emand of the Harvey Johnson Company commented briefly on the vacation. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY LARSON, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION Bluff 89-01 PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY Heights EASEMENTS WITHIN THE PLAT OF BLUFF HEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, the motion passed unanimously. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY LARSON, TO ADJOURN THE PUBLIC PH HEARING. Adjourn Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, the motion passed unanimously. A short recess was called. 2 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council January 17, 1989 The meeting was called back to order at 8:25 p.m. The next order of business was Presentation of Affirmative Action Plan for approval. Assistant City Manager Schmudlach discussed the modifications mandated by the Minnesota Human Rights Department. Discussion occurred on the procedures used for notifying minorities and females of openings at City Hall as well as other aspects of the Plan. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION ~f~~ativ, 89-02 SUPPORTING THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE'S AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN. I C lon P an Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was Consider Action on Duluth Avenue Fourplex. City Engineer Anderson presented an overhead of the site and discussed the options pertaining to the disposition of the remaining duplex structure. Council was given three options for the parcel: 1. Retain the west two units and resell the property. 2. Remove the structure and sell the lot for a single family use. 4. Remove the structure and keep the area for open space. Discussion occurred on the above options. Council concurred that Staff should have a consultant draw up a plan showing ideas for innovative remodeling of the structure and the estimated cost for the work. Council can then make a decision as to which one of the above options they wish to adopt. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO ALLOCATE $750 FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING EITHER CHARLIE TOOKER OR STEPHAN TANNER DRAW UP PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR REMODELING THE REMAINING DUPLEX UNIT ON DULUTH TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS AND TO AESTHETICALLY CONFORM TO THE NEIGHBORING HOMES AND TO ALSO INCLUDE LANDSCAPING PLANS. Duluth Ave 4-plex Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott, White, the motion passed unanimously. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. The next order of business was Review and Comment on Water Management Organization Plans. City Engineer Anderson discussed Water Management Plans received from the Shakopee Watershed Management Organization, Credit River Watershed Management Organization and Sand Creek Watershed Management Organization on which local review and comment were requested. A report submitted by Bruce Loney was included in the information which gave a detailed report analysis on all seven policies as well as a detailed summary of the plans. Discussion occurred on the plans. Council concurred that Staff should be directed to forward all comments to the three WMO's. 3 Minutes of the Prior Lake city Council January 17, 1989 Under other Business the following items were discussed: City Manager Unmacht announced that on January 26, 1988 the Scott County Transportation Coalition would be having their annual meeting to be held in Prior Lake. City Manager Unmacht announced that on February 21 the City Council will be having their annual meeting with the Townships at the Fire Hall immediately after a brief Council meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be for the signing of the fire contracts between the Townships and the City of Prior Lake. An update on the status of the February City Council/city Manager Workshop was given by City Manager Unmacht. It was noted that Staff is still awaiting written information on Reed's Island as requested by the City. city Manager Unmacht briefly discussed the Proposal and stated that the scheduled Commission hearing would be postponed until receives further information from the developers. Israelson Planning staff The Lake Review Committee Study was briefly discussed. Council directed City Manager Unmacht to proceed with his work on the citizens League. Council was directed to submit ideas and issues for the Committee prior to February 21. Councilmember Scott con9ratulated Staff on the speedy solution to the Snowmoblle problem at Lakefront Park. A short discussion on the status of Shady Beach Trail occurred. Council requested that Staff obtain a census of the number of fish houses on Spring and Prior Lakes. City Engineer Anderson reported briefly on the status of the existing Water Tank inspection. A brief discussion occurred regarding the status of the negotiations on the lot adjacent to the B & D Bar. The next Council meeting will be Monday, February 6, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the m p.m. by general consent of the Council .aU avid J. Unmacht City Manager 10:00 Dee Birch Recording Secretary