HomeMy WebLinkAbout121790 Regular "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL December 17, 1990 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, December 17, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager Unmacht, Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director Schmudlach, City Planner Graser, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, City Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the December 3, 1990 Council meeting were reviewed by Council. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 1YJi..nu:te-1 3, 1990 COUNCIL MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was approval of the Consent Agenda as Co~en:t follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Michael Mahaney Consider Approval of the Disposal of City and 4472 Colorado Street) of Invoices To Be Paid of Animal Warden Report of Building Permit Report of Fire and Rescue Report of Payment for Drug Task Force of Tax Levy Resolution 90-56 of 1991 Cigarette Licenses of Treasurer's Report of Council Meeting Date Changes of Utility Easement Release for Jnvo-Lce-1 DOff Ca:tch B.&.g.. 'P e/l. F&~ D/l.U!} T Mk TAx Levy CLf}a/l.efte T /l.eMU/l.e/l. ' ~ CouncU. m:t~ UtilLt.y cMemen:t Cily 'P/l.Op Colo/l.ooO S;t Property (4500 MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (k). FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE COMen:t A!}enda Scott and Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, White, the motion passed unanimously. 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230/ Fax (612) 447-4245 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Minutes of The Prior Lake City Council December 17, 1990 The next order of business was: Consider Watershed Board Wa:te/l.-1hed Recommendations. Mayor Andren stated that since there was going Boa/l.d to be one or possibly two vacancies on the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed Board that the Council had followed past policy by requesting interested ~ersons to send in an application. From the six persons who had 1ndicated interest, the Council would then recommend to the Scott County Board names for appointment to the Watershed Board. Mayor Andren stated that the following persons had submitted applications: Joe Adams Larry Greenfield George Koblas Gerald Meysembourg Dave Moran James Weninger Discussion occurred regarding the recommendation. Mayor Andren noted that a letter had been received from Jon Falkowski in support of applicant, Gerald Meysembourg. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, SECOND BY SCOTT TO SUBMIT ALL CANDIDATES NAMES TO THE COUNTY BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION. S I X Wa:tellAhed &a/l.d App1i..can:t-1 Discussion occurred regarding the appointment process. Upon a vote taken, ayes by White, nays by Andren, Larson, Fitzgerald and Scott. The motion died. Additional discussion occurred. It was the consensus of the Council that a committee should be appointed to go over the applications and submit recommendations to the Council for their consideration. James Weninger, 2591 Spring Lake Road, stated that the City Council has a chance to address some inequities in the Watershed Board by recommending a resident who resides on Spring Lake. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO APPOINT Wa:te/l.-1hed COUNCILMEMBERS FITZGERALD AND LARSON ALONG WITH CITY MANAGER &a/l.d UNMACHT TO SERVE ON AN INTERVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF RevLew SELECTING AND RECOMMENDING TWO APPLICANTS TO THE COUNCIL AT THE Commil:tee JANUARY 7, 1991 MEETING FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE COUNTY BOARD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Discussion occurred regarding possible dates for the interview committee to meet. Scott The next order of business was: Consider Park and Plaza Brick C~enni..al Project (Centennial Committee). Assistant City Manager ~aIl.k. Schmudlach introduced Centennial Committee members, Pete Schenck and and Val Svela. Ms. Schmudlach stated that the purpose for this 'PlaJU presentation was to receive endorsement from the Council for this B/l.i..ck Centennial Committee fund raising project. Mr. Schenck handed 'P/l.ojec:t out additional information on the project and then turned the Upda:te presentation over to Ms. Svela who discussed the Brick project. 2 Minutes of The Prior Lake City Council December l7, 1990 Ms. Svela reviewed several questions with the Council regarding details of the process in selling the bricks, and requested the Council to indicate their desire on several aspects of the project. Discussion also occurred regarding an appropriate name for the City park. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE NAME "HERITAGE PARK" AND "CENTENNIAL PLAZA" FOR THE TWO PROJECT SITES. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Scott lIe/l.ila!}e 'Pa/l.R. & C~enni..al 'Pla~ ApfJ/l.oval Mr. Schenck gave a brief update on the status of the Time Capsule plans. A short discussion occurred on having a contest to design T~e a flag for the City. Ca~u1e The next order of business was: Consider Recommendations On Parks Survey From Parks Advisory Committee. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan introduced the following Parks Advisory Members who were present: Kathe Abrams, Ron Ceminsky, Daniel Wehrs and Patrick Heaney. Mangan then gave a brief overview of the purpose of the Parks Survey and a synopsis of the survey results. The Committee recommended that a conceptual plan for the establishment of a trail system in Prior Lake be established by March, 1991 with a design plan being completed in June, 1991. Council concurred that a time frame should be established for a trail system linking neighborhoods and major community facilities. MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN OF A CONCEPTUAL PLAN FOR A CITY TRAIL SYSTEM AND THAT THIS PLAN BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 1, 1991 AND THE DESIGN PLANS BE COMPLETED BY JUNE 1, 1991. 'Pa/l.R.-1 SU/l.vey ~epo/l.:t Accep:iance Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Scott A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 8:20 P.M. The next order of business was: Consider Conditional Use Permit IYJcWi..11i..e.-1 Application For McWillies. Owner Jan Ballard addressed Council 5.L~ concerning her request for approval to place five off premise 'PewUX directional signs within Prior Lake to direct traffic to McWillies Restaurant. Discussion occurred regardin9 the wording of the signs, placement site for signs and rout1ng of traffic through a residential neighborhood. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS IYJcWi..11i..e.-1 SUBMITTED WITH THE PROVISION THAT STAFF AND MRS. BALLARD COME TO 5.L~ AN AGREEMENT WITH THE REPLACEMENT OF THE WORD MARINA, AND THAT 'PewUX MCWILLIES MAINTAIN THE SIGNS, AND THAT THE SIGNS NOT BE ILLUMINATED. Motion died for lack of a second. 3 Minutes of The Prior Lake City Council December 17, 1990 Additional discussion occurred regarding the provisions of the Conditional Use Permit. It was noted that although residents had been notified of the intent to erect the signs, no comments had been forthcoming from anyone. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY ANDREN, TO APPROVE THE IYJcWi..l1i..e1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR FIVE OFF PREMISE DIRECTIONAL SIGNS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE WITH THE THREE CONTINGENCIES RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS DIRECTED IN THE STAFF REPORT, AND THAT THE APPLICANT AND STAFF AGREE ON A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE WORD MARINA ON THE SIGNS, AND THAT THE SIGNS ALREADY POSTED WITH THE WORD MARINA ALSO BE CHANGED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Larson, Scott and White, nay by Fitzgerald, the motion carried. A short recess was called. The meeting was reconvened at 9:35 p.m. The next order of business was: Consider Preliminary Summary Annex~ and General Annexation Concept New Century Construction Petition. City Manager Unmacht briefly outlined the process to be used during the presentation. Tim Keane, Attorney for New Century Construction, presented an overhead map of the proposed annexation site and discussed his client's desire to have the property annexed into the City of Prior Lake. City Manager Unmacht noted that officials from Spring Lake Township, Clarence Kaiser and Barb Johnson, were in the audience. Unmacht next discussed the policy stipulation and the process being used. City Planner Graser then presented Staff's position on the issue. Extensive discussion occurred on various aspects of the Annexation process. Mr. Kaiser addressed Council and stated that the Spring Lake Township Board was opposed to the annexation as it is presented and preferred to see a new Orderly Annexation Agreement approved first. Additional discussion occurred regarding the infrastructure system, costs and benefits of annexation, analysis of fees, the proposed conceptual plat and other issues pertaining to the property and its annexation. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO DIRECT STAFF TO Annexation PROCEED WITH THE NEXT LEVEL (STEP 4) IN THE ANNEXATION PROCESS AS 5:tep OUTLINED IN THE ANNEXATION AND POLICY PROCEDURES. 4- Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was: Consider Third Draft of Senior Housing Policy. Assistant City Manager Schmudlach reviewed the third draft of the Senior Housing Policy and discussed the changes which had been implemented as requested by Council during the October 1, 1990 Council meeting. Extensive discussion occurred regarding specifics of requirements and restrictions which could be mandated by the City. Council concurred that staff should make the necessary changes and place on the Consent Agenda for final approval. Seni..o/l. HoUAi.n!} 'Policy. 4 Minutes of The Prior Lake City Council December 17, 1990 Topics discussed under other business were: City Manager Unmacht requested Council consider dates, topics Wi.n:te/l. and choice of facilitator for the upcoming Annual Winter WO/l.R-1hop Workshop. Staff announced that on January 9, 1991 a legislative meeting L~lativc is scheduled to introduce Representative Becky Kelso and 1YJ:t~. Senator Terry Johnston to the cities for the purpose of discussing legislative issues. City Manager Unmacht reported on the status of which had been received from Fremont Avenue submitted by Chris Johnson and Terese Barry. A reminder that City offices would be closed on December and 25 for the Christmas Holidays. the petition ~emon:t res idents and ~e1i..d~-1 City Manager Unmacht requested the Countil to review the letter from Fire Chief Al Borchardt which was handed out. 2 4 Of-I-i..ce Clo-1ed Mayor Andren, who is representing Prior Lake on the MVTA, reported that the MVTA had not received a cop~ of the proposed light rail plan in time to submit an opin1on to the RTB before consideration by the Legislature. Mayor Andren ex~ressed concern regarding the possibility of the city of Pr10r Lake being put in the position of subsidizing Hennepin and Ramsey Counties for this project. Assistant City Manager Schmudlach will investigate this issue. Councilmember Fitzgerald requested staff prepare a short form for the purpose of interviewing the Watershed Board applicants. Fi.A.e Chi..ef- IYJ VT A Councilmember starting the possible. White requested that City Manager evaluation the Council process as consider 1YJ[j~ soon as Evaluation 'P/l.OCe1-1 Assistant City Manager Schmudlach announced that the Economic CDC Devel?pment Committee will be holding their strate9ic 1YJ:t!}. plann1ng for the year on January 11. Councilmembers hav1ng Arowuncem~ any suggestions or comments should contact Kay prior to the meeting. The next Council meeting will be Monday, January 7, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, 11:35 p.m. by general consent of the adjourned at Dee Birch Recording Secretary 5