HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-03 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 89-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE, TITLE 11, CHAPTER 1. The Council of the city of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Title ll, Chapter l, of Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended by adding new Sections 11-1-5, 11-1-6 and 11-1-7 which shall read as follows: 11-1-5: PARKING RESTRICTED, PUBLIC LAUNCH SITES; IN GENERAL: The City Council of the City of Prior Lake has determined that separate parkin~ restrictions and penalty provisions are necessary in the vic1nity of public launch sites of public bodies of water in the City of Prior Lake due to increased traffic, congestion and public health and safetr hazards associated with the launching and retrieval of boats, mov1ng of ice houses and other activities associated with the public access facility. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake has determined that extraordinary hazards exist with respect to added pedestrian traffic and motor vehicle traffic with obstructed views associated with ice houses, boats and trailers and general increased risks at such facilities. Therefore, the City Council has determined that increased restrictions and penalties are necessary in order to enforce the regulations for public health and safety reasons and to deter prohibited conduct in order to decrease such hazards and risks to the public safety and welfare in the vicinity of public launch facilities. (A) (B) NO PARKING, STOPPING OR STANDING ZONES IN THE VICINITY OF PUBLIC ACCESSES: The City Council may, by resolution, desi~nate certain streets or portions of streets as no park1ng or no stopping or standing zones within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') of public launch sites in the City of Prior Lake. The City Council shall a~prove by resolution the amount of fines for violation of th1S section of the ordinance to which these parking restrictions apply. The City Engineer shall mark br appropriate signs each zone so designated and such s1gn shall indicate the amount of the fine for violating the restriction which shall be imposed u~on the violator. The sign shall further indicate that v101ators' vehicles shall be subject to impoundment and/or towing. TOWING/IMPOUNDMENT: Because of the increased health and safety hazards associated with ~ublic access areas in the event the number of vehicles uS1ng those accesses at anyone time is not adequately controlled, the City Council has determined that impoundment/towing is necessary in order to deter violations of the parking restrictions. Therefore, any police officer, consistent with the provisions of Minnesota Session Laws 1989, Chapter 256 (M.S. 169.041 and M.S. 514.18), may have a vehicle removed from the above no-parking restricted area to a garage or other place of safetr when the vehicle is left unattended and constitutes a vio1at1on of the no-parking restriction. A person who is entitled to possession of an impounded/towed vehicle shall have the right to a post-impoundment hearin~ to determine ~robable cause to impound the vehicle under th1S sUbdivision lf such person files a written demand for the hearing within five (5) days after impounding, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The demand shall be made to the Citr Manager of the City of Prior Lake, who shall serve as a hearln~ officer for such purposes. The hearing shall be conducted w1thin twenty-four (24) hours of the written demand thereof unless such person agrees to a later hearing. Not more than seventy-two (72) hours after impoundment of a vehicle which has not been redeemed, the City Police Department shall mail a notice to the registered owner of the vehicle, if such may be secured through the license number, at the address provided by the motor vehicle license agency of the state or province in which the vehicle is registered. The notice shall contain the full particulars about the impoundment, the procedure for redemption, and the opportunity for a hearing to test the ~ropriety of the impoundment. Similar notice shall be ava1lable at the office of the City Clerk and shall be conspicuously posted at the place of impoundment. If the hearing officer determines that there is no probable cause for the impoundment under the ordinance, the City shall pay the towing and storage charges and the vehicle shall be released forthwith to the person entitled to possession. In every other case, the vehicle shall be released only when the fees for towing and storage are paid by the person recovering possession. The City Council shall approve by resolution, from time to time, the authorized costs of towing and storage of said vehicles. 11-1-6: HANDICAPPED PARKING RESTRICTIONS: No person shall park in, obstruct or occupy with a motor vehicle, any parking space, on pUblic or private property, designated or si~ned as handicapped parkin~, unless said vehicle prominently d1splays an insignia or certiflcate issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 169.345, Subd. 3, and such vehicle is being used by a handicapped person as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section l69.345, Subd. 2. Signs designating handicapped parking spaces shall be presumed to have been placed according to law, unless the contrary is established by competent evidence. Violation of this provision is a petty misdemeanor. Motor vehicles found in violation of this section may be ordered removed by a member of the Police Department under the procedures set forth in Section ll-l-5(B) . 11-1-7: RULE OF EVIDENCE: The presence of any motor vehicle on any street or other public area when standing or parked in violation of this ordinance is prima facie evidence that the registered owner of the vehicle committed or authorized the commission of the violation. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 16th day of October , 1989. ;' ;?<--</t: i:'.rc ~/t::L~~ /1" Mayor C1 Published in the Prior Lake American on the 6th day of November 1989. Drafted By: Lommen, Nelson, Cole & Stageberg, P.A. 1100 TCF Tower Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402