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1988 Ordinance Index
ORD # 88-01 88-02 88-03 88-04 88-05 88-06 88-07 88-08 88-09 88-10 88-11 88-12 88-13 88-14 88-15 88-16 88-17 LIST OF ORDINANCES FOR THE YEAR 1988 DESCRIPTION Amend P.L. Ord. 87-1 Amend to Code 9-5-9 Outdoor Concert Gambling Ordinance DATE PASSED 1/4/88 1/4/88 6/20/88 t! I :..' .I.t Abandoned Property 3/21/88 Public Nuisance Ord. 5/16/88 Amend to Zoning Code Sec. 3.2. Code 5-3-3 2/1/88 Amendment to Subdiv Ord. 87-10 2/16/88 Amending P.L. Zoning Ord 83-06 and P.L. City Code Sec. 4.1.L 3/7/88 Ordinance Adopting 4/18/88 MN State Building Code Sign Ordinance Amendmnt 4/18/88 Administration and Enforcement Penalties 4/18/88 Sec. 5-6-11 Signs - Enforcement 4/18/88 Penalties Section 5-7- 10 Garbage and Refuse 4/18/88 enforcement Penalties section 8-1-2 Excavating and Filling 4/28/88 Enforcement Penalties Section 9-6-9 Animals and Fowl Enforcement Penalties 4/18/88 Sec. 10-l-1(L) Sec. 10-1-2 (D) Flood Plain Management 4/18/88 Enforcement Penalties section 12.0 ORINDX - CM DATE PUBLISHED 3/28/88 1/25/88 6/27/88 xl .j, 4/4/88 5/23/88 2/15/88 3/14/88 3/28/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 4/25/88 SENT TO CODIFIER 6/6/88 6/7/88 6/21/88 1/ /,J .':_ 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 6/7/88 ORINDX - CM