HomeMy WebLinkAbout091391 Regular HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 1ffJ.!7(J .JV 2Q9/ MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL September 3, 1991 The Common Council of the city of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tuesday, September 3, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager Unmacht, Assistant City Manager Schmudlach, Public Works Director Anderson, Planning Director Graser, City Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the August, 19, 1991 Prior Lake city Council meeting were reviewed by Council. Councilmember Scott noted that on page 4, paragraph 6, the next meeting date was erroneously reported as being on September 16, it should have been September 3. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY LARSON, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Mhude-1 AS AMENDED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. The minutes of the Special Council meeting on August 14, 1991 were reviewed by Council. MOTION MADE BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. TO APPROVE Special THE frJeetinf}- frJiIude4 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson and Scott. the motion carried. White abstained due to the fact he had been out of town and did not attend this meeting. The next order of business was approval of the Consent Agenda as COn-1en.;t follows: Af}-enda a) b) c) d) Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid Consider Approval of Ordinance 91-07 Structures Consider Approval of One Day Temporary 3-2 for VFW Consider Plat Approval of priorview Second Addition B~ Accessory O/td 91-07 Beer P . t A-1-1. 5bw.d erml VFW J.2 Final BeeA 1'e/tm. 'P/tio/tview 2nd Final. 1'lcd 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 44-7-4230 / Fax (612) 44-7-4245 Minutes of the Prior Lake city council September 3, 1991 MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (d). TO APPROVE THE COn-1en.;t Agenda Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. C eJlli .p ; caX.~ The next order of business was: Presentation of certificate of ~ Appreciation to Darcy Running. Assistant City Manager of.- Schmudlach introduced Darcy Running and reviewed Mr. Running's ApfJIl-eciai:.u contributions to the Economic Development Committee over the past ~o years. Ms. Schmudlach noted that Mr. Running will continue to Oa/tcy serve on the star City Subcommittee. Mr. Running introduced his ~unnin~ family who were present. Mayor Andren presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Runnin9 and on behalf of the City Council thanked him for his contributlons. The next order of business was: Consider First Draft of Ordinance 91-10 Amending Fire Arm Regulations, Chapter 10, - ~ 91-10 section 4. City Manager Unmacht briefly reviewed the back9round Fi../te~ and stated that this lS the first draft of the proposed ordlnance O/td for the purpose of receiving citizen input. Dave Moran, 14408 1'ike ~e Waters edge Trail, representing the Sportsmans Club, presented a request that the Council postpone acting on this issue until the Club (Which was meeting on this same night to discuss the ordinance) could be in attendance to address their concerns. One specific concern had to do with section 10-4-6 (Hunting on Lakes). The following residents adjacent to and owning land around Pike Lake spoke in favor of the ordinance and addressed the Council with their concerns with regard to hunting on the lake and other safety issues: Chuck pavlish, 4262 NE 140th street Mona Leppla, 4250 NE 140th Street Wayne Leppla, 4250 NE 140th Street Dave Baden, 13866 NE Pike Lake Trail Ted Finholt, 4250 NE 140th Street Edith Finholt, 4250 NE 140th street Extensive discussion followed regarding trespassing and hunting on and around Pike Lake, details of the ordinance and whether this ordinance would ban hunting on land around the lake as well as on the lake. Council consensus was for the residents to meet with members of the Sportsmans Club prior to the next Council meeting in order discuss their differences and for the purpose of reaching a mutual agreement on the ordinance. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO TABLE ACTION ON ~ 91-10 ORDINANCE 91-10 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 16. Tabled. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m. 2 Minutes of the Prior Lake city Council September 3, 1991 Items 5 thru 7 were bypassed in order to go directly to item #8: Consider Approval of Bid Award for Project 91-14 Lakefront Park Trails and Resolution 91-37. Assistant City Engineer Loney presented a map of the proposed trail system and reported the results of the bid opening for paving trails in Lakefront Park. The low total bid base and alternate of $69,690.25 was submitted by Prior Lake Blacktop. Resident Dorothy Watzl, 15608 Red Oaks Road, expressed concern regarding the proposed handicapped access trail to the Lakefront Park beach area. Ms. Watzl also requested that City Manager Unmacht meet with Dave Watzl to discuss the issue in more detail, and whether there had been a written agreement between the City of Prior Lake and Watzl's on the road to the beach area. Irene Abrahamson, 4696 Rutledge street, addressed the Council concerning traffic on Red Oaks, snowmobile use in the park and signs to direct people to parking areas. Extensive discussion occurred on all of the issues brought up by Ms. Abrahamson and Ms. Watzl. Lake~oni:. 'P OAk. T/taU BiD..-1 MOTION MADE BY RESOLUTION 91-37 PARK TRAILS) . LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE ACCEPTING BID FOR PROJECT NO. 91-14 (LAKEFRONT Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and White, the motion passed unanimously. Council directed staff to research solutions to the snowmobile issue and present a plan prior to this winter. Loney stated that the trail construction would start within two weeks after the contracts are signed. Scott ~5 91-37 BiD.. f-o/t Lake~orU 1'a/tk. T /taU-1 The next portion of Agenda Item #8 was: Consider Request of John John and Meda Kop. Meda Kop addressed the Council with a request that and the City consider naming a portion of the trails located within Meda Kop Lakefront Park "Kop Trail". A short discussion occurred on the /teque-1;t location of the trails to determine which area the Kops had in mind when making the request. Council directed staff to look into naming the trails in Lakefront Park. The next order of business was: Consider Action to Establish Fi/te Fire Hall Referendum. City Manager Unma~ht gave a brief update H~ on the status of the issue as outlined ln his memorandum of September 3, 1991. Fire Chief, Al Borchardt, briefly discussed the findings of the Land Acquisition, Building and Equipment Committees. Discussion occurred on whether to put the equipment purchases on the referendum or to purchase the equipment with Equipment Certificates. Council directed staff to draw up a list of pros and cons and present them on September 16. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 p.m. The next order of business was: Consider Preliminary Plat of Wood 7<.iD..fje Wood Ridge Estates. Attorney Tim Keane presented a map of the [-1tai:.e1 proposed plat and discussed details of his Letter of Intent dated August 28, 1991, which identified additional design and open space issues agreed to by staff and the developer within the Wood Ridge Estates preliminary plat. 3 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council September 3, 1991 Keane also discussed details with regard to the following: The proposed trail system, minimized grading levels, tree ~lantings, erosion control, sewer and water connections, bermlngs, and amount of land designated to park dedication. City Planner Graser discussed the Metropolitan Council's request with regard to the City's urban service area expansion application. Discussion occurred on the recommended tree cover requirements, purpose of Wood View Court and Ridge View Court drainage and utility easements and the turn-around and whether it sets a precedent for utilizing someone else's property to facilitate their plat. Council expressed a desire that there be a clear cut differentiation between the trail and private property. Additional discussion occurred regarding the placement of the proposed five foot trail next to Lot 1, Block 3 and when the final construction should occur. Staff suggested that the trail could be eight feet instead of five feet. Council concurred. staff assured Council that the City's policy with regard to retention of natural features and trails around a body of water would be considered during construction. MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WOOD PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THE THE POND BE WIDENED TO EIGHT l' /teLi.mi..na/tl SECOND BY WHITE, TO APPROVE THE 'Pled G RIDGE ESTATES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CONTINGENCY THAT THE PATH AROUND FEET PAST LOT 1, BLOCK 3. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was: Consider adoption of the 1992-96 CJ1' Capital Improvement Program. Council concurred that staff should 1991192 place this item on the agenda for September 16. Scott The next order of business was: Staff Report on Status of the [nivid Enivid/Super Valu Projects. City Manager Unmacht reported on the 5upe/t Vaffi status of the agreement on the Development Contract between the ~/toj.eci:. EDA and Enivid. Unmacht also stated that Su~er Valu has 5~cRUA submitted a preliminary plat and staff will be meetlng on it this week. Topics discussed under Other Business is as follows: City Manager Unmacht presented a letter from the VFW VFW regarding their request for an Outdoor Concert permit for the Firemen's Chicken Fry on Sunday, September 8. Discussion occurred regarding outdoor concerts and the possibility of Council reconsidering the ordinance as it now is written. Additional comments occurred on recent outdoor concerts and problems associated with them. Mayor Andren questioned as to whether the bar owners had met for the purpose of coming up with a solution on policing and monitoring the outdoor concerts they sponsor as they had indicated they would be doin9' Council concurred that due to the 30 day notice requlrement, they could not set a precedent in this case by granting the permit. A short discussion occurred on raising the fee and implementing stricter enforcement of the 4 Minutes of the Prior Lake city council September 3, 1991 ordinance. Council concurred that staff should arrange a discussion with the holders of outdoor concerts to pursue the matters raised by Mayor Andren. City Manager Unmacht discussed his recent conversation with Mei:./to Bob Mazanec, of the Metropolitan Council's Systems Committee, Council regarding a letter to be received b~ Prior Lake. In this 5Y-1~~ letter Mazanec will outline criterla which the Cities of Prior Lake, Shakopee and Scott County will be required to meet. Discussion occurred on this issue. The next Council meeting will be Monday, September 16, 1991 at 5:30 p.m. for regular agenda business at which time the meeting will recess at approximately 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. for the purpose of attending the Info/Expo at the Senior High School. The Council will reconvene at 8:30 p.m. to continue the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. by general consent of the Council. 5