HomeMy WebLinkAbout050691 Regular HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 CU7J$% 2Q91 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1991 The Common Council of the city of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, May 6, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in the city Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, City Manager Unmacht, Assistant City Manager Schmudlach, Director of Public Works Anderson and city Planner Graser. Counci1member White was absent due to being out of town and City Attorney Kessel was absent due to illness. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the April 15, 1991 Council meeting were reviewed by Council. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE Minui:.e-1 APRIL 15, 1991 COUNCIL MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott. The motion carried. The next order of business was approval of the Consent Agenda follows: COn-1 en.;t as Af}-enda a) b) c) d) e) Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Consider Approval Resolutions 91-18 Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid of First Quarter Budget Report of 1990 Financial Report of optimist Club Charitable and 91-19 of City Recycling Grant MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (e). SCOTT, Jnvoice-1 Budf}-et ~p;t Gambling ~r- ~ ~5 91-18 & 19 APPROVE THE ~ecyclinf}- {;/tan;t BY TO Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott. COn-1erU The motion carried. Af}-enda The next order of business was: Officer, Jim McCarty. Police Chief Powell introduced new police Officer, Jim McCarty and briefly commented on his education and job experience prior to coming to the city of Prior Lake. On behalf of all Councilmembers, Mayor Andren welcomed Mr. McCarty. Introduction of New Police 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL MAY 6,1991 The next order of business was: Consider Home Occupation PermitConno/t-1 Appeal for Tim Connors. Mr. Connors, 14209 Ash Circle, submitted Home a request to build a three car garage (832 square feet) to use asOccupwUon a pottery studio. The Planning commission had approved the1'~ permit, however, neighbors of Mr. Connors has appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the Council. Attorney Luke Gomez, representing Robert Gemelke, 14209 Ash Circle, addressed the Council with concerns and objections to the permit. Tim Connors presented information regarding the purpose for requesting the permit, the safety of kilns, details of a "kiln opening" and his estimate of the number of people who mi9ht attend the openin9s. Two experts in the field of pottery maklng and gas/electric kllns (Mary Swarto and Jaspar Bond) contributed information regarding safety, noise, pollution, and odor. Sara Krohn, 14179 Ash Circle expressed concerns regarding parking, traffic, delivery trucks, noise, pollution, odors and safety. Extensive discussion occurred. A short recess was Connors to confer agreement. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m. called for the purpose of allowing Mr. with the neighbors and attempt to come to an Tony Hanson, 14142 Ash Circle, expressed concerns regarding traffic, business ~rojections and size of building. Robin Farrell, 14128 Ash Clrcle, stated her concern over the size of the building. Bob Scheeler, 14254 Ash Circle, spoke in favor of the permit. Discussion followed regarding the covenants on the property and the City'S role, if any, in enforcing the document. City Planner Graser stated that the covenants had been filed with the County Recorder on November 16, 1968 and the plat was filed in 1972. If the Council wanted further input on the covenants, staff requested more time to review them. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO GRANT A HOMEConno/t-1 OCCUPATION PERMIT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF REVIEWING THE PERMIT QUARTERLY FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF OPERATION (INSTEAD OF SEMI-ANNUALLY). The following amendment was offered by Fitzgerald and accepted by Larson and Scott: BUILDING BE CONSTRUCTED CONSISTENT WITH HOME AND KEPT TO AConno/t-1 RESIDENTIAL NATURE AS DETERMINED BY CITY STAFF. Based on appeared or tabled. Council's discussion, Mayor Andren stated that it the vote would be a tie and should be either continued Discussion followed. Councilmember Larson withdrew motion and Councilmember Scott withdrew her second. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO CONTINUE THISCo~ed ITEM UNTIL JUNE 17. 2 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL MAY 6,1991 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson and Scott. The motion carried. Council requested Mr. Connors to expand on his application based on the discussion and Council direction prior to consideration on June 17. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. The next order of business was: Receive Petition For Town centerToun Improvements and Consider Resolution 91-20 Ordering PreparationCen.;te/t of Report on Improvement. Councilmember Fitzgerald abstained1'etii:.ion from the discussion because of personal interest ln a piece of property in the downtown area. Co-chairman of Town Center Association's Redevelopment Committee, Rich Klugherz, addressed the Council with regard to Town Center's petition. The Town Center Association is now requesting that the City set aside the petition submitted and conduct a City initiated feasibility study. Mayor Andren stated that a feasibility study did not necessarily mean that a project would be initiated, it is only a study, after the study has been completed a determination will then be made as to whether or not to do the improvements. ~ 91-20 MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION_ .b:I:~ 91-20 ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT. ~~~ ~~ City Manager Unmacht stated that on Resolution 91-20 lastDbwntoun paragraph, last line the word IS recommended should be changed to AS recommended. Council concurred. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, carried. Larson, Scott The motion The next order of business was: Staff Presentation on Business Office Park Action Plan. city Manager Unmacht reviewed actions taken by staff and Council on this project. Assistant City Manager Schmudlach briefly commented on Item a) Consider Recommendations of Business Park Action Plan and stated that acceptance of the Plan by Council would be a directive to staff to continue according to the plan as outlined in the report. Laurie Hartmann, President of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce, read a letter into the record endorsing the Business/Office park study, including s~ecifically, Area 5. Darcy Running, Economic Development Commlttee member, introduced EDC members Steve Nielson and Bill Packer. Mr. Running stated that the EDC unanimously su~ports the develo~ment of a business/office Park and urged Councll to continue wlth the plan. city Manager Unmacht entered two letters into the record: 1) A letter from attorney, Bryce Huemoeller, representing EXGA Properties. The letter supports a vote in favor of ordering a feasibility study of the proposed extension of public utilities to Area 5; and 2) a letter from the Town Center Association supporting Area 5 feasibility study (distributed to the Council at their workshop on April 19). Council questioned whether a timeframe had been drawn up for amending the Comprehensive Plan with regard to Area #3 because of future plans for County Road 18. Discussion occurred. 3 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL MAY 6,1991 MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOTT ACTION PLAN FOR THE BUSINESS/OFFICE RECOMMENDATIONS IN AREAS 1 THRU 5. TO PARK APPROVE STUDY THE FOR Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott. The motion carried. Ms. Schmudlach briefly referred to item b) Consider Resolution 91-21 Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement to determine costs for extension of utilities to Area 5. The project cost would be separated into three areas: 1) determine costs to existing industrial park; 2) determine cost to the proposed additional business/office ~ark and 3) determine cost of necessary improvements in the flrst phase of a project. A short discussion occurred regarding the items included in the feasibility study. Council requested that staff would include a financial analysis as part of the study. MOTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 91-21 ORDERING PREPARATION OF THE REPORT ON THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, and Scott. The motion carried. 8uAine4-1 Ol-f-i-ce l' attk. Sway ~S 91-21 OJUi~ 1'/tep of.- ~ept:. fa/t 00Uf'1.J:.0llrl. JmfJll-o vemerv. The next order of business was: Consider Approval of Resolution 91-22 Accepting Feasibility Study and Calling for a Public ~S 91-21 Hearing on Improvement Project 91-11 (Carriage Hill Road). Tabled Staff requested that this item be tabled. No discussion occurred. The next order of business was: Approve Ten step County Road 18/Bloomington Ferry Bridge Interchange Plan. City Manager Unmacht briefly commented on the 10 step plan and discussed actions taken to date. Mayor Andren reported on the response from citizens to the "Letter to the Editor" regarding the Metropolitan Council's decision. Mayor Andren also reported on communication she had recently with officials from Shakopee, Savage, Mdewakanton sioux Community, Scott Count~ and Metropolitan Council representatives and stated they wlll be holding a meeting on May 20 for the purpose of discussing this issue. Mayor Andren also commented on letter from Senator Wellstone's office to the City requesting that the Senator be kept informed on the progress of actions relating to this item. Plans for informing the community were discussed. MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY LARSON, TO ADOPT THE STEP PLAN AS PRESENTED. TEN Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott. The motion passed unanimously. Topics discussed under Other Business: and C~ 18 B1.o0minf}-i:.Of Fe/t/ty.. &idf}-e 10 Si:.ep 'Plan Ten Si:.ep 1'lan fa/t B. F &C~ 18 &ic:i.fJ-e Reminder: A.M.M. Annual Meeting, May 30. Unmacht reminded Council of this meeting at the Center in Brooklyn Center and stated that anyone attend should contact Dee Birch for reservations ci ty Manager A /f)JtJ Earl Brown Annual wishing to Mi:.f} by May 19. . 4 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL MAY 6,1991 Establish June 20, 1991 Police Worksho~. city Manager Unmacht noted that this workshop would initlate the manpower analysis Council requested prior to 1992 budget discussions. Correspondence from Beverly Miller on RTB Vacancies. who is interested in seeking a position on this board contact either Mayor Andren or city Manager Unmacht. Anyone ~TB should Vac.an.cie4 A copy of resumes of potential buyers on a proposal for the B & D Bar was distributed. new ownership B & D BA/t city Manager Unmacht briefly explained the Annexation Report which had been sent to him by the League of Minnesota cities. Unmacht noted that the City of Prior Lake had been used as a case example. Mayor Andren gave a update on the RTB staff decision to ~TB prevent opt Out cities from receivin9 state Transportation Assistance for 1991. A brief discusslon occurred regarding funding and the percentage of money normally distributed to opt Out cities. staff who worked on the clean up day were commended for the great job they did. City Planner Graser announced that Planning Intern, Terry Sandbeck, had taken a job with the City of Shakopee as Assistant City Planner. The next Council meeting will be Monday, May 20, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, 10:15 p.m. by general consent of the at Recording Secretary 5