HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A - Retiring Firefighters- Slipher, Borchardt, Mahoney
June 16, 1997
Councilmembers may be aware that Bill Slipher, AI
Borchardt, and Jerry Mahoney are retiring from active
service in the Prior Lake Volunteer Fire Department.
Their combined experience is over 64 years as Prior Lake
Volunteer Firefighters. They will be missed by the
Department and the City. Bill Slip her has been on the
department for 28 years, AI Borchardt for 21 years (6 of
those as Chief), and Jerry Mahoney for 15 years.
Each individual has played an important role m the
To recognize the outstanding services which Bill, AI, and
Jerry have contributed to the Prior Lake Community,
Mayor Andren will be presenting each individual a plaque.
Attached for Council information is a copy of a Prior Lake
American newspaper article on this subject.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
Prior Lake says goodbye to three heroes' .,
Veteran firefighters retire
By Tom Barkley
Sfaff Writer
Gone arc Ihe days when the fire-
fighlers of Ihe Prior Lake VoJunleer
Fire DeparlmenllOde on Ihe hack of
lheir Irucks. (lone also arc Ihe days
when Ihe firefighlers who saved your
home from a hrush fire were also
neighhors Ihat you knew on a firsl-
lime hasis.
Wilh ils new fire sl31ion and fire
Irucks, Ihe Prior Lake Volunleer Fire
has gone Ihrough a 101 of changes re-
cenlly. BUI probahly one of Ihe mosl
profound changes happened lhis
week, when Prior Lake said good-hye
10 Ihree reliring veleran firefighters,
former chief Allen Borchardt, Jerry
Mahoney and Bill Slipher.
Belween Ihem, the Ihree men have
pul oul hundreds of fires in Iheir com-
bined 64 years of service 10 Ihe com-
munily. They helped hring an amhu-
lance service 10 the force, were large-
ly responsihle for the new sial ion, and
saved downlown Prior Lake al leasl
once. ""'s a big loss of experience for
Ihe deparlmenl- 64 years of experi-
ence Ihal walked oUllhe door," said
Dave Chromy, current fire chief. "A
lot of where Ihe fire department is to-
day, alllhree sellhe lone for it."
Chromy said lhal Ihe Irio was a
dedicaled group of men who were
generous and unsel/,sh to lheir fellclw
firclighlc~(~'and fo Ihe l:olnllllln;ly. ", I
Their careers were marked with
many ups allll downs. Tlleysaid the
highlighl was prohahly when lhey
saved the downlown flllm a fire on
Main Avenue several years ago. The
building lucked in hetween a lumher
yard und the Dukola huilding wenl up
in Ilumes, ond Ihe firefighters were
forced out of Ihe building and inlo a
defensive bailIe 10 keep it from
spreading 10 Ihe rest of the downlown.
It took over 1\ million gallons of wa-
ler 10 evenlually PUI il out, according
10 Mahoney, bul il was contained 10
the hui/ding.
"Firefighling give,~ YOII a real
sensc of self-satisfaction," said Bor-
chard!. Dut hc added that it con olso
be very difficuh, especially when
Ihcre's 0 loss of life. "It givcs you a
lost feeling deep inside," he said;
"Kids are the worst things to deal
with," said Slipher.,",Thot's when it .
seems like Ihe guys pulltogelher." ) I ..
Mahoneysaidlhefiredeportment" ,/,:. ..'.:....,.,f' , ,I,.,.~.,... "'~''''''(';l'i.",.,.:.
!s II prelly ~ighl-knjl group, soc!oliz- Fornler',Flre'.ChlefAllcn Uorchnrdt l1n~ vc,fcrn,~"~.~rag~tteff!~1ef~:,M":,~!
IIIg' and g(Jlng 0111 'Ihgolhehlll;occn~ ~I h/'uey ond Ihll Sllpherlhtl!:retith\R fr(m~ the "ruit' 'Cl\k~ Voh~rt~e~~ Flt~ .
sion. "ThaI's where Ihe colllraderie DCJmrtmcnf lIncr II cllmhinecl 64 Yl'lIrS IIl'scrvicc. ("hofo hy Tom Ihll"k-
hasdevclopcd-whenynu'rcntJlhe' Icy)" "i' "I I ' . ", , ,.,
lire sce',l,e, your life depends on your
111e llIen said they'll miss the com-
raderie Ihe most. Slipher and Bor-
chardl holh joincd Ihe deparlmenl
becausc some oflhe firelighlcrs were
lheir friends and neighbors.
Borchardl also said he'" miss go-
ing oul in the community. "Fire pre-
vention, promoling fire safely has al-
ways played a vilal role in my life."
Bul he said hc's looking forward
In doing some fishing and "being able
100;lIsl sil hack and relax wilholll hav-
\\ It's a big loss of
experience for the
department - 64
years of
experience that
walked out the
door. A lot of
where the fire
department is
today, 011 three set
the tone for it. "
- Dave Chromy
Prior Lake Fire Chief
ing the tension."
lie said his decision calllc out of
a change of priOlities. "^nylillle YOII
pul 20 years ofyolIr life in any oper-
alion, iltakcs a 101 oul of YOII." Cou-
ple thaI with having to save lives alld
properly, and you're lalking ahout a
lot of slress, he said. "It takes so milch
0111 of yo III life 10 hegin wilh to make
Ihat conllllillllcnl."
Althollgh lhey are hanging lip Iheir
hclmets, all three men will cOlllillllC
wilh IIlI'ir 11111 lillll' illh,: F", ~ h
hOlley, I hal means he'll he ahle 10
COllllllil himselfenlircly 10 his carpen-
Iry husilless. "II was hard for me 10
gel away dmillg the day, and harder
10 gel away dming the lIigh!."
Whell Ihe next lire hils, the Prior
Lake Volllnteer Fire Depmlmelll will
miss ils Ihree velerans. And Ihey'lI
plOhahly miss lhe fires, 100, "I glless
I will miss Ihe excilemcnl oflhc IIres,"
said Slipher. Borcharcl! said he can't
guarantee he won 'I show up.