HomeMy WebLinkAbout8B - Revised Personnel Policy
DECEMBER 15, 1997
The current personnel policy in effect today was approved
by the City Council in 1988. This policy has been used as
the guide for employees in there day to day work
This document has been amended from time to time over
the course of the last nine years. Some of these
amendments have included: a sexual harassment policy,
safety policy, and minor revisions due to State and Federal
The Personnel Policy draft, which was distributed for
Council review on December 5th, reflects changes
necessitated by statutory and case law changes and
generally accepted personnel principles.
The time has come, however, to give this document a full
scale revision to help the City manage its employees and
also for the employees to understand the City's
expectations of them. In addition, the City Council
included the updating of the personnel policy on their list
of top priority goals for 1997 adopted on February 3, 1997.
Employees have also expressed concern over the need to
revise the personnel policy to give them better direction on
various items that come up during each of their jobs.
Therefore, a schedule was established to complete the
revision process over the course of three months. This
process included the following steps:
1.) A draft was prepared by the City Manager
and the Assistant City Manager.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
2.) Draft reviewed by City's Labor Attorney - John
3.) Revised Draft reviewed by Department Heads
for input and suggestions.
4.) Revised draft reviewed by SWAT team (employee
work team established to implement TTT Action
5.) Final draft completed for review by City Council.
Once the revised personnel policy is approved by the City
Council, each employee will receive a copy for their use
while employed with the City of Prior Lake. A question
and answer session will also be held as part of the
Employee Chat Sessions.
The proposed changes to the personnel manual help bring
the City's policies up to date and in line with current laws
and common employer 1 employee relations. Some of the
highlights are included below.
1.) Clarification was added regarding applicability
to certain employees and how other labor contracts would
effect the provisions in the personnel manual.
2.) Clarification was added regarding sick leave,
vacation leave, and holiday leave administration.
Particularly, employee and supervisor responsibilities.
3.) General revisions to specific statutory leaves and
provisions such as: military leave; Minnesota Parental
Leave Act; and the Family Medical Leave Act.
4.) Added a section on employee rights and
responsibilities that includes sections on: discrimination;
sexual harassment; and discipline.
5.) The General Provisions section was expanded to
include language on: anniversary dates and performance
evaluations; conflict of interest 1 ethical conduct; receipt or
solicitation of gifts; drug and alcohol use; and termination
and final pay procedures.
6.) The policy also includes two appendices. The
first one is a computer user's manual. The second one is a
safety policy statement that will eventually include a
revised safety policy. The City's Safety Committee is
currently working on this process.
Both the old personnel policy - dated December 1988, and
the proposed revised personnel policy - dated December
1997 are attached to this agenda report for comparison.
The revised personnel policy submitted for City Council
consideration accomplishes the intent of the policy. It
provides employees guidance on day to day items and also
provides management with the tools necessary to properly
manage its employees.
The Council has the following alternatives:
1. Approve Resolution 97-XX Approving the Revised
Personnel Policy as presented
2. Table the proposed resolution for a specific reason.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1
ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to approve Resolution 97 -XX Approving
the Revised Personnel Policy.
In discussing this possibility with Scott County Assessor LeRoy
Arnoldi, his preference would be to transfer this function to the
County Board of Equalization for administration purposes. The
appeals could than be processed more efficiently from an internal
standpoint. Some of the pros and cons from the city council and
resident perspective are listed below:
1. City Council could more efficiently allocate its time to other
matters as one less public hearing would be required.
2. The Council would no longer have to deal with these citizen
complaints. .
1. Residents would have to travel to Shakopee to attend the
equalization hearing in the Scott County Courthouse.
2. Citizens may perceive that they would receive a more favorable
hearing from their councilmembers as opposed to having the county
commissioners hear their appeal.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend that the Council approve and authorize the
Mayor and City Manager to execute the joint agreement for
property assessment within the City of Prior Lake at a cost of
$36,825.00 for services rendered in 1998. Also, if the Council's
preference is to no longer serve as the Local Board of Review then
Staff would suggest that the Council direct Staff to prepare a
resolution indicating a transfer that would either be permanent or
possibly for a trial period of three years.
MOTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to approve Agreement for Joint Assessment
Between the City of Prior Lake and the County of Scott and
authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the agreement on
beh f of the City. The Council should also direct the staff to
p are a resolution if it wishes to transfer the Board of Review
ction to Scott County.
Approved by:
WHEREAS, generally accepted principals and sound practices of personnel
administration and the League of Minnesota Cities support the
establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive personnel
policy for all employees; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council listed the updating of the personnel policy as one
of their top priority goals for 1997, which was adopted on February
3, 1997; and,
WHEREAS, employees have expressed a need for a revised policy, and have
been given a chance for input through the updating process
through various employee committees; and,
WHEREAS, the revised policy incl~des updated language on State and Federal
Laws that effect employers and employees; and,
WHEREAS, the revised policy will be distributed to all employees of the City of
Prior Lake for use while they are employed with the City; and,
LAKE, that it should, and hereby does approve the revised personnel policy for City
of Prior Lake Employees; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager or designee is hereby
directed and authorized to administer the revised personnel policy as described in
the policy.
Passed and adopted this 15th day of December, 1997.
Andren Andren
Robbins Robbins
Kedrowski Kedrowski
Mader Mader
16200 EF~~IA~O:CE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
I Schenck
I Schenck
City Manager
City of Prior Lake
December, 1997
Table of Contents
SECTION 1. ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION ........................................................1
SECTION 1.1. PURPOSE ............................................................................................... ........... ................... ........ 1
SECTION 1.2. POLICY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT .................................. 1
SECTION 1.3. CITY MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................... ............................ 1
SE CTI 0 N 1.4 . APPLICABILITy........................... ............................................... .............................................. 1
S E CTI 0 N 1.5. DE FINITI 0 N S .......... .................................................................................................................... 1
SECTION 1.6. PROVISIONS SUPERSEDED IN CERTAIN CASES.............................................................. 2
SE CTION 2. CITY SERViCE........... ............................................................................... 2
SECTI ON 2.1. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS .......................................................................... ................ ......... 2
SECTI ON 2.2. PRO BA TI 0 NARY PERIODS ..................................................................................................... 2
SE CTION 3. EM PLOYMENT BEN EFITS ......... .................... .......... ................................ 3
SECTION 3.1. ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS......................................................................... 3
SECTION 3.2. ANNUAL VACATION LEA VE.................................................................................................. 4
SE CTI 0 N 3.3 . SICK LEAVE.......................... ...................................................................................................... 5
SECTION 3.4. LONG TERM DISABILITY ....................................................................................................... 7
SE CTI 0 N 3 .5. HOLIDAYS ............................ ..... ......... ......................................................................................... 8
SECTION 3.6. EMERGENCY /FUNERAL LEAVE ........................................................................................... 9
SECTION 3.7. MILITARY DUTY ....................................................................................................................... 9
SE CTI ON 3.8. VOLUNTEER SERVICE ............................................................................................................ 9
SECTION 3.9 . JURY DUTY LEAVE ..................................................................... ............................................. 9
SECTION 3.1 O. LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY ..............................................................................1 0
SECTION 3.11. SPECIAL STATUTORY LEAVES ........................................................................................10
SE CTI 0 N 3.12. INSURANCE ..................... ................ .......................... ............................................................. 12
SECTI ON 3.13 . DEFERRED CO MPENSA TI 0 N ............................................................................................ 12
SECTION 3.14. FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN .................................................................................................12
Table of Contents 1
City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
SECTION 4. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES......................................... 12
SECTION 4.1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY EMPLOYEES .....................................................................12
SE CTI 0 N 4.2 . DISCRIMINATION .......... ............... ....................................... ................................................... 13
SE CTI 0 N 4.3 . SEXUAL HARASSMENT .......... ............ ......................................................... .......................... 13
SE CTI 0 N 4.4 . DISCIPLINE ...... ............. ............................... .................. .................................. ......................... 14
SECTION 4.5. REPORTS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION ..............................................................................15
SECTION 4.6. APPEALS AND HEARINGS ....................................................................................................15
SECTION 5. RETIREMENT BENEFITS .......................................................................16
SECTION 5.1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (PERA) ....................................16
SECTION 5.2. SOCIAL SECURITY .................................................................................................................17
SE CTI 0 N 5.3. ME D I CARE ... ............................ ...................... .............................. ............................................. 1 7
SECTION 6. GENERAL PERSONNEL POLICY PROVISIONS ..................................17
SECTION 6.1. WORK DAY ...............................................................................................................................17
SE CTI 0 N 6.2 . TARDINESS .............. ............... .......... .................................... .................... ......... .... ................... 1 7
SECTION 6.3. EMPLOYEE A V AILABILITY.................................................................................................17
SECTION 6.4. TIME SHEETS & PAYROLL ..................................................................................................17
SECTION 6.5. REPORT OF PERSONNEL CHANGES................................................................................. 18
SECTION 6.7. APPOINTMENT AND PLACEMENT OF RELATIVES...................................................... 18
SECTION 6.8. ANNIVERSARY DATES & PERFORMANCE EV ALUATIONS........................................18
SECTION 6.9. CONFLICT OF INTEREST / ETHICAL CONDUCT ...........................................................19
SECTION 6.10. RECEIPT OR SOLICITATION OF GIFTS .........................................................................20
SECTION 6.11. CHILD SUPPORT OR SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE.......................................................... 20
SECTION 6.12. DRIVERS LICENSE ...................................................................................................... ..... ..... 20
SECTION 6.13. USE OF CITY AUTOMOBILE .............................................................................................. 20
SECTION 6.14. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS ......................................................................................................... 21
SECTION 6.15. INJURY ON DUTY .................................................................................................................. 21
Table of Contents 2
SECTION 6.16. SM 0 KING ................................................................................................................................ 21
SECTION 6.17 . DRESS CODE ........................................................................................................ .............. ..... 21
SECTION 6.18. DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE................................................................................................. 21
SECTION 6.19 . INCLEMENT WEA THER...................................................................................................... 22
SECTION 6.20. CITY COMPUTER POLICY .................................................................................................22
SECTI ON 6.21. SAFE TY .................................................................................................................................... 22
SECTION 6.22. TERMINATION / FINAL PAY PROCEDURES.................................................................. 23
A CKN 0 WLE DG ME NT .............................. ................... .......... ............................................................................ 24
APPENDIX A - COMPUTER USER'S MANUAL ................................................................................................
APPENDIX B - SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT ...............................................................................................
Table of Contents 3
City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 1-1.1 The purpose of this Personnel Policy (hereinafter this "Policy") is twofold:
1. to provide employees with the current policies and procedures of the
City of Prior Lake, and
2. to provide employees with work guidelines in order to provide a clear
understanding of their working relationships with the City.
Sec. 1-1.2 The City Council in their policy making capacity has approved this document, and
the attached appendices, as City policy.
Sec. 1-1.3 All current and future employees will receive a copy of the personnel policy and
are expected to read and understand the contents of the Policy.
Sec. 1-2.1
This Policy and other policies referenced herein are intended to serve only as
guidelines for employment. Employees are expected to be aware of the contents
of this Policy and act accordingly. However, this Policy shall not be construed
as a contract between the City and any of its employees. The City hereby
expressly revokes any employment contract that may have been created by any
prior personnel policy.
Sec. 1-3.1
In accordance with his/her statutory responsibility to manage the City, the City
Manager will be responsible for the maintenance and periodic revision of this
Policy and will administer the City's personnel program.
Sec. 1-4.1
Sec. 1-4.2
All employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement entered into in
accordance with the Public Employment Labor Relations Act, Minnesota Statutes
179.61 to 179.76, shall be exempt from any provision of this policy which directly
conflicts with language in the collective bargaining agreement.
This Policy applies to all full-time, part-time, temporary, and paid on call
employees designated as such by the City Manager. However, the benefits
discussed in this Policy apply only to regular full-time employees unless the
benefit expressly indicates that it applies to other employees. See Section 3.
Sec. 1-5.1
Sec. 1-5.11
12/1 0/97
For policy purposes, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Regular Full Time Position" means a group of duties and responsibilities
requiring the employment of a person for at least forty (40) hours per week
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 1-5.12
Sec. 1-5.13
Sec. 1-5.14
Sec. 1-5.15
Sec. 1-5.16
each week throughout the year and which have been defined as regular full
time by the City Manager.
"Regular Part Time Position" means a group of duties and responsibilities
requiring the part-time employment of one person for at least fourteen (14)
but less than forty (40) hours per week throughout the year and which
have been defined as regular part-time by the City Manager.
"Temporary Position" means a group of duties and responsibilities
requiring the temporary or seasonal employment of one person without
regard to the number of hours worked per day or per week by the
"Paid on Call Position" means a position occupied by a volunteer
firefighter for the City of Prior Lake.
"Exempt Employee" means an employee who is exempt from the
minimum wage and overtime pay requirements ofthe Federal Fair Labor
Standards Act.
''Non-Exempt Employee" means an employee who is not exempt from the
minimum wage and overtime pay requirements of the Federal Fair Labor
Standards Act.
Sec. 1-6.1 No provision of this Policy is intended to violate, supersede, or conflict with state,
federal, or constitutional law or any provision of a collective bargaining
agreement in effect between the City and any of its employees. To the extent any
such conflict renders a provision of this Policy void, all remaining provisions of
this Policy shall remain in full force and effect.
Sec. 2-1.1 Every person appointed to a regular position with the City as an original
probationary appointment may be required to successfully complete a physical
examination by a medical doctor and / or a psychological examination by a
psychologist selected by the City before commencing hislher employment. An
employee may be required to undergo periodic examination to verify the
employee's ability to accomplish the responsibilities ofhislher position, to protect
or maintain the health of the employee, to protect the health and safety of other
employees, or to verify compliance with the provisions ofthis Policy.
Sec. 2-2.1
Objective: The probationary or working test period shall be regarded as an
integral part of the selection process and shall be used by supervisors for closely
observing the employee's work. Performance, skills and ability demonstrated
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 2-2.2
Sec. 2-2.21
Sec. 2-2.22
Sec. 2-2.3
during the probationary period shall be evaluated by the supervisor to recommend
or deny regular appointment and, if applicable, pay for performance increases.
This period also provides employees with an opportunity to learn the expectations
of the supervisor.
Duration: Every person appointed to a position, including promotional positions,
shall be required to successfully complete a working test or probationary period.
The probationary period may be extended in certain circumstances to enable the
immediate supervisor to observe the employees' ability to perform the duties of
the position. The probationary period shall begin immediately upon appointment
and shall continue for the period established below:
All supervisors and public safety classifications - one (1) year.
All other employees - six (6) months.
After an employee has successfully completed his or her probationary period after
hire or promotion as indicated by a satisfactory performance evaluation, and as
approved by the City Manager, s/he shall be designated as a regular employee.
Such designation shall be used to differentiate between these employees and
probationary or other employee classifications. The term "regular" shall not be
used to define duration of employment with the City.
Sec. 3-1.1
Sec. 3-1.2
Sec. 3-1.3
Employee benefits mentioned in this section apply only to those employees hired
for regular full time positions and specifically exclude seasonal, contract, part-
time, temporary, paid on call, or volunteer employees, except when such groups
are expressly included by the provisions of this policy. Regular employees who
are hired for positions requiring less than full time may be granted certain
employee benefits enumerated in this policy as determined by the City Manager,
provided that the granting of such benefits shall be based on a ratio on the
employee's actual working hours as compared to a full time position of two
thousand eighty (2,080) hours per year.
Employees who are represented by an exclusive bargaining unit shall not be
eligible for benefits other than those specified by the terms of their respective
collective bargaining agreements provided, however, that the administration of the
benefits listed in this section, and other benefits specified by the terms of the
respective collective bargaining agreement, shall be governed by the terms of this
policy where the respective contract is silent on such matters.
Employment benefits as enumerated in this section are offered at the City's
discretion to certain classes of employees. The City reserves the right to
unilaterally change, delete, modify or otherwise revise employment benefits,
eligibility requirements and administrative procedures at its sole discretion.
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 3-2.1
Annual Vacation Leave Accrual: Vacation leave benefits shall accrue according
to the following schedule for regular full time employees:
Sec. 3-2.11
Sec. 3-2.12
Sec. 3-2.2
Annual Vacation Leave Accrual Schedule
Complete Years
of Employment
1st through 3rd
4th through 9th
10th through 14th
19th year and beyond
Annual Leave Accrued
in Hours Per Year
80 hours
120 hours
160 hours
168 hours
176 hours
184 hours
192 hours
200 hours
The City Manager may authorize the accrual of annual leave for
employees classified as regular part time. Regular part time employees
may accrue annual leave on a pro rata basis, if they work a minimum of
one thousand forty (1,040) work hours a year. Regular part time
employees may carry over accrued unused annual leave to a pro-rata
amount based on the full-time accrual schedule.
The City Manager may authorize additional annual leave for exempt
Administration of Annual Vacation Leave: The following procedures shall be
followed in administering annual vacation leave for regular full-time and regular
part-time employees:
Sec. 3-2.21
Sec. 3-2.22
Sec. 3-2.23
Employees may not use annual vacation leave in excess of the amount
they have already accrued, unless approved in writing by the City
Accumulated annual vacation leave cannot be transferred from one
employee to another, unless approved in writing by the City Manager.
Annual vacation leave shall accrue during the original probationary period.
Annual leave shall not be available for use until after successful
completion of the original probationary period, unless pre-approved by the
City Manager. If the employee does not successfully complete the
probationary period, any annual vacation leave used shall be reimbursed to
the City by the employee. In the event that an employee has transferred to
another position in the City, is serving the probationary period for the new
position, and has successfully completed the probationary period in the
original position, the employee may use vacation leave during the second
probationary period with approval of his or her department head.
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 3-2.24
Sec. 3-2.25
Sec. 3-2.26
Sec. 3-2.27
Annual vacation leave shall not be earned by an employee during leaves of
absence without pay when such leaves are in excess of ten (l0)
consecutive working days.
If a regular full-time employee continues as a regular full-time employee
from one calendar year to the next, they shall be permitted to carryover a
maximum of two (2) times their annual accrual rate listed in Sec. 3-2.1.
Each December accruals in excess of the above mentioned maximums,
will be lost.
Exempt employees may be eligible to carry over additional annual leave,
beyond the limits established by this section, in such amounts as the City
Manager may authorize to serve a public purpose.
Supervisors shall establish procedures for scheduling annual leaves over as
long a period as possible, giving consideration to the needs of the City
services and the ability of the remaining staff to perform work
responsibilities. One hour is the minimum amount of annual leave time
that non-exempt employees may schedule and use.
Sec. 3-3.1
Sec. 3-3.2.
Sec. 3-3.3.
Sec. 3-3.31
Sec. 3-3.32
Accrued Sick Leave: All full-time employees, including probationary
employees, shall earn sick leave at a rate of one day per month.
Eligibility for Sick Leave: All employees, except probationary employees, may
be allowed to use accumulated sick leave. Sick leave may be used in the event of
illness or injury to the employee or to care for dependent children who are injured
or ill.
Administration of Sick Leave: At the discretion of the Department Head, sick
leave may be used when an employee cannot perform work duties.
To be eligible to receive sick leave benefits, an employee shall inform the
immediate supervisor no later than the time the employee was scheduled
to begin work or as provided by departmental rules. Employees are
responsible for keeping the supervisor advised on at least a weekly basis of
their disability status to remain eligible for paid benefits.
The City shall reserve the right to have its own physician examine the
employee periodically to render an opinion on whether the employee is
able to return to productive work with the City. If, in the City's sole
judgment, an employee is deemed to be able to resume productive work
for the City, the employee shall be directed to report to an appropriate
work assignment. If the employee fails to report for work as directed, paid
benefits shall be terminated upon recommendation of the supervisor and
approval of the City Manager.
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Sec. 3-3.33
Sec. 3-3.34
Sec. 3-3.4.
Sec 3-3.5.
Sec 3-3.6
Sec. 3-3.7
Sec. 3-3.8
When an employee requests any sick or medical leave benefits, a
physician's statement may be required by the supervisor upon the
employee's return to work and before payment of benefits. The
physician's statement must indicate the nature and length of the illness or
injury, any restrictions which the illness or injury places upon the
employee's ability to perform the work of the position and attest to the
employee's ability to return to work. An employee who has been asked by
the supervisor to provide such statement shall not be allowed to receive
benefits until complying with the provision. In the event the period of
illness or injury exceeds three (3) days, the employee will be responsible
for submitting a physician's statement acceptable to the supervisor prior to
receiving sick leave benefits.
An employee who makes a false claim of sick leave will be disciplined.
The City Manager may impose any discipline, up to and including
discharge, which the City Manager deems appropriate under the
Unused Sick Leave: On an annual basis, accrued sick leave in excess of 60 days
shall be paid to the employee at a rate of fifty (50) percent of the employee's base
pay rate at that time. This will be done on November 30th of each year.
Employees resigning in good standing with at least five (5) years of employment
with the City will be paid fifty (50) percent of all unused sick leave.
Regular part-time employees shall be eligible to earn sick leave upon hiring and
will be able to use earned sick leave after successful completion of the
probationary period. A regular part-time employee must work a minimum of
1,040 hours during the calendar year to qualify for sick leave benefits.
Sick leave accrual is prorated on the basis of the employee's average hourly week
subject to rounding according to the following schedule:
Average Work Week
20 hours
30 hours
40 hours
4 hour sick day
6 hour sick day
8 hour sick day
While receiving paid benefits under this section employees will continue to accrue
vacation leave and receive City contributions to retirement and insurance
programs in which the employee participates.
Supervisor Responsibility: It shall be the supervisors' responsibility to review
requests for paid sick leave benefits for regular City employees they supervise.
Such requests shall normally be granted, provided the employee demonstrates to
the supervisor's satisfaction that the absence for which benefits are requested is in
accordance with this policy. The supervisor shall, however, take reasonable and
prudent steps to ensure that the employee's request is in accordance with these
policies and further that the previous use of such benefits by the employee does
not suggest an inordinate use of such leave. If, in the supervisor's judgment, the
use of such benefits by the employee shows a pattern suggesting excessive use
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 3-3.9
and/or abuse, the supervisor shall first discuss the matter with the employee. The
supervisor and employee shall review the past use. If the use demonstrates an
absence pattern or excessive use and/or abuse, the supervisor shall then caution
the employee about continued use of such leave and/or disallow the use of such
benefits or take other action as appropriate.
The decision to grant or deny paid sick leave benefits shall be made by the
employee's supervisor. If the request is denied, the employee may discuss the
matter with the supervisor and the City Manager. Following such meeting, the
City Manager shall reevaluate the employee's request and make a decision on the
request. The decision of the City Manager following such meeting shall be final.
Sec. 3-4.1
Sec. 3-4.2
Eligibility for Long Term Disability: Long term disability insurance is available
to regular full-time and regular part-time employees. While the City makes Long
Term Disability insurance available to regular full-time employees, each
employee is fully responsible for the payment of the insurance premium through
payroll deduction. Participation in this program is elective, not mandatory.
Currently, the City pays the premium for non-union employees. Long term
disability benefits shall be available to eligible regular full time and regular part-
time employees based exclusively upon the terms and conditions contained in the
contract with the long term disability insurer. The terms and benefits under the
program are subject to change from time to time. A complete copy of the contract
dealing with the terms and conditions for the long term disability benefits
program shall be on file with the Finance Department and the Personnel
Department and shall be available for review by employees.
Benefits: The current issued long term disability program provides for the
following benefits.
Sec. 3-4.21 Elimination Period: Benefits are paid commencing with the 9lst calendar
day of disability.
Sec. 3-4.22 The eligible employee shall receive approximately sixty percent of the
employee's regular straight time compensation as of the date the disability
commenced, to be paid to age 65 subject to coordination with any and all
other disability benefits whether provided by the city, private firm or
another public agency.
Sec. 3-4.3
Sec 3-4.4
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When on approved paid long term disability leave the employee shall not receive
city contributions to retirement and insurance programs nor will the employee
accrue vacation leave, holiday payor time in active service unless this paragraph
is specifically waived by the City Manager. or when under the provisions of the
Family Medical Leave Act.
The disability benefits provided by this policy, such other benefits such as
workers compensation that the employee may be entitled to shall not exceed the
employee's regular straight time earnings as of the initial date of disability.
Disability benefits shall be calculated at the employee's regular straight time
earnings as of the date of the disability leave originally commenced. In no
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
instance shall an employee receive disability benefits in excess of the employee's
normal weekly compensation less federal and state income taxes.
Sec. 3-5.1
The following eleven (11) days are official paid holidays for regular and
probationary full-time City employees:
New Year's Day (January 1st)
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (Third Monday in January)
Presidents Day (Third Monday in February)
Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
Independence Day (July 4th)
Labor Day (First Monday in September)
Veteran's Day (November 11 th)
Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November)
Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day (December 25th)
Sec. 3-5.2 All regular full time employees will be eligible to receive eight (8) hours of
holiday leave, to be known as a floating holiday. This floating holiday will be
used for the employee's first scheduled day of vacation after January 1 st of each
year. A floating holiday shall not be scheduled on the same day as another
holiday. A floating holiday must be used the year it is received or it will be lost.
If an employee has successfully completed one probationary period and then
transferred to another position, the employee shall receive the floating holiday
during the second probationary period.
Sec. 3-5.3 If Christmas Eve falls on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, regular full-time
employees will be eligible to receive a second floating holiday.
Sec. 3-5.4 Holiday leave shall be administered according to the following:
Sec. 3-5.41 All official holidays shall be considered to commence at the beginning of the
first shift on the day on which the holiday is observed and continue for
twenty-four (24) consecutive hours thereafter.
Sec. 3-5.42 Non-exempt employees who are required to work on a holiday recognized by
the City shall receive overtime pay in addition to their normal holiday pay
depending upon their eligibility as determined by the City Manager.
Sec. 3-5.43 When a holiday falls upon a Saturday, with the exception of Christmas Eve,
the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. When a holiday falls
upon a Sunday, with the exception of Christmas Eve, the following Monday
shall be observed as the holiday.
Sec. 3-5.44 Employees hired during the second half of the year (July 1st thru December
31st) will only be eligible for one floating holiday.
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Sec. 3-6.1 Emergency Leave: Employees will be granted emergency leave if a critical
situation such as an illness or a death has occurred in the family.
Sec 3-6.11 Critical Care Leave: Employees will be allowed to use (1) one day per year of
their accumulated sick leave in the event a member of the immediate family is
hospitalized due to critical illness. Immediate family is defined as parents,
spouse, brother, sister, children, spouse's parents, spouse's brothers or sisters,
grandparents, spouse's grandparents or a person residing as a member of the
employee's immediate household.
Sec 3-6.12. Funeral Leave: Employees will be granted up to three days of paid leave in
conjunction with a death of a member of the immediate family. Immediate
family is defined as parents, spouse, brother, sister, children, spouse's parents,
spouse's brothers or sisters, grandparents, spouse's grandparents or a person
residing as a member ofthe employee's immediate household.
Sec 3-6.13 Additional paid leave may be granted or extended at the discretion of the City
Sec. 3-7.1 The reinstatement of rights of any employee who entered the military service of
the United States by reason of a law enacted by Congress or who voluntarily
enlisted during the effective period of such law shall be determined in accordance
with the provisions ofthe law granting such rights.
Sec. 3-7.2
Employees who are members of the military service of the United States with
active status shall be granted military leave when called to authorized training or
active service. Such employees shall receive a maximum of fifteen (15) days
leave in any calendar year provided that the employee: appropriately requests such
leave in writing accompanied with a copy of the official written orders; returns to
City employment immediately following such authorized leave; and immediately
submits verification of all military pay received to the immediate supervisor.
Employees authorized to receive military leave shall receive the difference
between their normal salary and military pay for the approved period.
Sec. 3-8.1
Upon obtaining approval from their supervisor, employees who serve as members
of the Prior Lake Volunteer Fire Department may be excused from work with pay
to respond to duty. When an employee needs to respond to an emergency
situation, as part of the volunteer service, they should notify their supervisor as
soon as reasonably possible.
Sec. 3-9.1
A City employee who performs jury duty will be granted a leave of absence.
Employees shall receive full pay and other benefits for the time spent on jury
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duty, provided that the per diem allowance received by the employee for serving
as a juror is turned over to the City. Individuals subpoenaed for court in a case in
which the City is a party will be entitled to full pay from the City.
Sec. 3-9.2
Employees shall notify their supervisor as soon as possible after receiving notice
to report for jury duty.
Sec. 3-10.1 Supervisors may, giving consideration to the needs of the City and the ability of
the remaining staff to accomplish work responsibilities, authorize regular
employees to be absent without pay for personal reasons for a period or periods
not to exceed a total of ten (10) working days in any calendar year. Requests in
excess of ten (10) days in any calendar year and 1 or requests for leave of absence
without pay must be submitted to and approved in advance by the City Manager.
Employees shall request leaves of absence without pay in writing in advance of
the date so desired indicating the reason(s) for absence, the specific absence
period and the anticipated date of return to work.
Sec. 3-10.2 Leaves of absence will not be given for the purpose of enabling any employee to
work for another employer or to engage in any form of self-employment. Any
employee who obtains a leave of absence by misrepresenting the purpose therefor
will be disciplined.
Sec. 3-10.3 While on approved leave of absence without pay exceeding ten consecutive
working days, an employee will not receive city contributions to city sponsored
insurance(s) in which he/she is a member nor will such an employee be eligible to
accrue vacation or sick leave or holiday pay. The time on leave of absence
without pay may not be considered for purposes of calculating time in active
service where the period exceeds ten consecutive working days.
Sec. 3-11.1 Full-time employees and regular part-time employees who work 20 hours per
week or more may be granted unpaid leave not to exceed 16 work hours during
any twelve-month period to attend school conferences or school related activities
related to their child. This leave shall be granted only if:
1) such activities cannot be scheduled for non-work time;
2) the activities are scheduled to minimize work disruption; and
3) the supervisor is apprised of the request in advance (preferably one
week or more), provided that the school leave is foreseeable.
Sec. 3-11.2 If an employee's child receives child care services as defined under Minn.Stat.
119B.01.subd. 3. or attends a prekindergarten regular or special education
program, the employee may use the leave provided in this section to attend a
conference or activity related to the employee's child, or to observe and monitor
the services or program, provided that the conference, activity, or observation
cannot be scheduled during non-work hours.
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Sec. 3-11.3 Employees may substitute accrued paid vacation leave and other appropriate paid
leave for any part of the leave granted under section 3-11.1. This excludes sick
Sec. 3-11.4 Regular Part-time and regular full-time employees who have been employed for
12 months or more may be granted up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12 month
period under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
Family and lor Medical leave may be granted for the following reasons:
1. the birth of the employee's child, and to care for the newborn child;
2. the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care;
3. to care for the employee's spouse, child, or parent who has a serious
health condition;
4. a serious health condition rendering the employee unable to perform the
essential functions of his or her job.
Sec. 3-11.5 In the case of the employee or family member's illness, the employee may take
leave intermittently or on a reduced work schedule. Leave because of a serious
health condition may be taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule when
medically necessary.
Sec. 3-11.6 If possible, employees must provide at least 30 days written notice of their
intention to take such leave. The date the leave begins shall be the date on which
the 12-month period begins.
Sec. 3-11.7 The City requires a medical certification that the leave is needed due to the
employee's own serious health condition or that of a family member. The medical
certification shall be on the form supplied by the City and shall include the date of
onset, the probable duration, type of treatment and appropriate medical facts
concerning the condition. If the medical leave is for your own health condition,
the certification must also state that you are unable to perform the essential
functions of your position. If the leave is to allow you to care for a family
member, the certification must also state that you are needed to care for the family
member and estimate the amount of time you will be needed. The employee must
provide monthly updates from hislher physician during the leave. In its
discretion, the City may also require periodic re-certification of the medical
condition, at the City's expense.
Sec. 3-11.8 The City requires that the employee use all or part of hislher accumulated leaves,
including accrued sick leave, compensatory time and vacation leave as part of the
12 week leave.
Sec. 3-11.9 The City shall continue to pay the employee's health insurance under the same
conditions as if the employee were working. The employee will still be required
to pay his or her share of the premium. The City's obligation to maintain health
insurance ceases ifthe employee's premium payment is more than thirty (30) days
late, provided that the City has given the employee written notice that the
payment has not been received. Such written notice must be given at least fifteen
(15) days before coverage will cease. If the employee pays hislher share of the
premium during the leave but does not return to work after the leave, the City may
require repayment of its share of the medical premium, unless the reason the
employee does not return to work is due to (1) the continuation, recurrence, or
onset of a serious health condition which would entitle the employee to FMLA
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leave, or (2) other circumstances beyond the employee's control (e.g. spouse is
transferred to job more than 75 miles from employee's work site).
Sec. 3-11.10 During unpaid leave, employees will not accrue or receive vacation, sick or
holiday leave and / or pay.
Sec.3-11.11 The employee is entitled to be restored to the same or equivalent position with
equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment at the end
of the leave.
Sec. 3-11.12 The provisions of Section 3.11 are general summaries of certain federal and state
statutes and regulations. The provisions of Section 3.11 are for information
purposes only and are not meant to increase or decrease the benefits actually
available by statute.
Sec. 3-11.13 Employees must comply with all requirements for furnishing information as
outlined in the statutes.
Sec.3-11.14 Employees will be granted a paid leave of absence to undergo a medical
procedure to donate bone marrow in accordance with applicable state law.
Sec. 3-12.1 Benefits under City authorized insurance programs are governed by the terms and
conditions of the respective insurance policies, administrative interpretations
thereof, and administrative procedures established by the City. The City Manager
may authorize the participation of regular part time employees in these programs.
Sec. 3-13.1 Deferred compensation plans, which defer a portion of the employee's income for
retirement purposes and currently shelter such deferred amounts from state and
federal taxes, may be made available to all regular full-time employees of the
Sec. 3-14.1 A flexible benefit plan which allows an employee to set aside pre-tax income for
the employee's share of health insurance premiums and deductible medical and
child care expenses is available to all regular employees ofthe City.
Sec. 4-1.1
Efficient and effective delivery of municipal services requires active effort and
cooperation between City employees and the general public. The City of Prior
Lake stresses a "team approach" attitude when working for the City. Each
employee and each department of the City are dependent, in some way, on the
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other employees and department's of the City. It is particularly important that all
work undertaken by City employees be accomplished expeditiously, efficiently
and economically. To reach this goal, the establishment of rules for employee
conduct and responsibility are required.
Sec. 4-1.2
It shall be the responsibility of all employees to:
Sec. 4-1.21 Perform their assigned duties and responsibilities to the best of their
ability at all times, and to continually strive to improve their performance.
Sec. 4-1.22 Provide prompt, friendly and courteous service to the public at all times.
Sec. 4-1.23 Read, understand and comply with the rules and regulations set forth in
this Policy, administrative regulations and departmental rules.
Sec. 4-1.24 Conduct themselves with decorum and respond to inquiries and
information with patience and every possible courtesy.
Sec. 4-1.25 Report all unsafe conditions to their supervisor, report all injuries to their
supervisor and file the appropriate accident or injury related reports
Sec. 4-1.26 Recommend ideas for improving City services or methods for achieving
greater efficiency or economy.
Sec. 4-2.1
The City of Prior Lake is committed to providing a work environment free of
discrimination. No one will be hired, promoted, discharged or in any way
favored or discriminated against because of political opinions or affiliations,
race, color, age, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, status with
regard to public assistance or disability, or because of the exercise of rights
under provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act, Minnesota
Statutes Sections 179A.01 to l79A.25. Additionally, the City hires only
citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States.
Sec. 4-3.1 PURPOSE: It is the City of Prior Lake's policy that the work force
environment and the City's employees will be free of sexual harassment and
that all individuals will be treated with respect.
Sec. 4-3.2 POLICY: The City's policy is that:
Sec. 4-3.21 Sexual harassment of employees is prohibited.
Sec. 4-3.22 This policy will apply to all officials and employees of the City of Prior
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Sec. 4-3.23 Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact,
and other verbal, visual or physical contact of a sexual nature when:
(a) Submission to such conduct is made either implicitly or explicitly a
term or condition of an individual's employment;
(b) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used
as a basis for an employment decision affecting that individual's
(c) Such conduct has a purpose or effect of substantially interfering
with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive working environment.
Sec. 4-3.24 Behavior which may constitute sexual harassment includes, but is not
limited to:
(a) Verbal harassment (e.g., epithets, derogatory remarks, or slurs);
(b) Physical harassment (e.g., touching, gestures, assault, impeding or
blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work
or movement);
( c) Visual forms of harassment (derogatory posters, letters, poems,
graffiti, cartoons, or drawings); and
(d) Requests for sexual favors or unwelcome sexual advances.
Sec. 4-3.25 Any employee who feels he or she is being subjected to sexual harassment
in any form, or who believes he or she has witnessed sexual harassment in
any form, must contact his or her supervisor, the Department Head,
Personnel Director or City Manager immediately. All supervisors are
required to report immediately any allegations to the Department Head,
Personnel Director and City Manager. Only persons with a need to know
ofthe allegations or its resolution will be made aware ofthe issue.
Sec. 4-3.26 Any complaints which are made will be investigated in a timely fashion.
All employees shall cooperate in any investigation of such a complaint. If
the facts support the allegations, the perpetrator of the sexual harassment
will be disciplined. Any employee found to have made a false complaint
of sexual harassment or found to have given knowingly false information
during an investigation of such a complaint will also be disciplined.
Sec. 4-4.1
Disciplinary Action: Employees shall be subject to disciplinary action for
failing to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as outlined in this policy and
each job description. It shall be the policy of the City to administer
disciplinary action uniformly and without discrimination. Disciplinary action
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may include termination. Discipline will be based upon the nature and
severity of the infraction and the conditions surrounding the incident.
Generally accepted principles of progressive discipline will be used where
practicable, including oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension,
demotion and dismissal. However, the City Manager is not required to apply
progressive discipline if, in the City Manager's opinion, progressive
discipline is not appropriate.
Sec. 4-5.1
The Personnel Director and City Manager shall be promptly notified of all
disciplinary action taken against an employee and a proper written record
thereof shall be provided to the affected employee and the employee
representative (if applicable), and maintained in the employee's personnel
Sec. 4-6.1
Sec. 4-6.2
Sec. 4-6.3
Sec. 4-6.4
Sec. 4-6.5
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It is the intent of the City to administer this Policy fairly and equitably.
When a disagreement over policy interpretation or administration occurs, the
employee and his/her immediate supervisor should make all reasonable and
prudent efforts to informally review and discuss the matter. If such informal
steps fail to resolve the disagreement satisfactorily, the following appeal
procedure is available to provide an orderly and equitable procedure for
hearing employee appeals. Employees shall be free of restraint, interference,
discrimination or reprisals related to such appeal presentations.
Appeal: An appeal is a written claim or complaint by an employee about the
interpretation or application of the express provisions of this Policy.
Form of Appeal: All appeals shall be presented in writing at each step in the
process and contain the following: name of the employee, specific language
of personnel policy at issue, nature of appeal, date of appeal, informal and
formal actions taken to date to resolve the matter and specific relief
Appeal Involving Termination of Employment: A regular full time or regular
part time employee who has passed the probationary period for the position
currently occupied and received notification of termination from the
supervisor, shall be suspended without pay pending notification of appeal as
provided for in section 4.6. If the employee does not appeal within ten (10)
calendar days, the termination shall become effective. Probationary,
temporary, paid on call, seasonal and 1 or volunteer employees are not
eligible for this appeals procedure.
Procedure: Appeals shall be filed within ten (10) calendar days after the date
upon which the act giving rise to the appeal occurred. Appeals shall be
submitted in the following sequence:
(a) First step - immediate supervisor;
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(b) Second step - department head;
(c) Third step - City Manager
Sec. 4-6.6 First Step: The appeal shall first be presented to the employee's immediate
supervisor. Within five (5) calendar days after receipt of the appeal, the
immediate supervisor shall meet with the employee. Within five (5) days of
the meeting, the immediate supervisor will make hislher decision and
communicate the same in writing to the appealing employee.
Sec. 4-6.7 Second Step: If an employee is not satisfied with the disposition of the
appeal by the immediate supervisor, the employee may submit the appeal in
writing to hislher department head within five (5) days after receiving the
immediate supervisor's decision. Within five (5) calendar days after receipt
of the appeal, the department head shall meet with the employee to resolve
the appeal. Within five (5) calendar days after such meeting, the department
head shall make hislher decision and communicate the same in writing to the
Sec. 4-6.8 Third Step: If an employee is not satisfied with the disposition of the appeal
by the department head, the employee may submit the written appeal to the
City Manager within five (5) calendar days after receiving the department
head's decision. The City Manager shall meet with the employee and make a
final decision on the appeal and communicate the same to the employee in
Sec. 4-6.9 Waiver: If an appeal is not presented by the employee to the employer within
the time limit set forth above, it shall be considered waived. If an appeal is
not taken to the next step within the specified time limit, it shall be
considered settled on the basis of the employer's last answer. If the employer
does not answer an appeal within the specified time limit, the employee may
elect to treat the appeal as denied at that step and immediately appeal to the
next step. Time limits in each step may be extended by mutual written
Sec. 4-6.10 If the employee's immediate supervisor is a department head, the employee
may immediately proceed to the second step of the appeal process, which step
is set forth in section 4-6.7. All time limits shall apply.
Sec. 5-1.1
All persons hired for regular full and part time positions and certain
temporary positions with the City of Prior Lake are members of the Public
Employees' Retirement Association. Employees shall have deductions made
for the PERA, as established by law, from each payroll.
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Sec. 5-2.1
Every employee, except sworn police personnel, shall be subject to the
provisions of the Federal Social Security Old-Age and Survivor's Insurance
Program, and deduction to cover such payments will be made from each
Sec. 5-3.1
Every employee, including sworn police personnel, hired after March 15,
1986, shall be subject to the provisions of the Medicare Program, and
deduction to cover such payments will be made from each payroll.
Sec. 6-1.1
Sec. 6-1.2
Sec. 6-1.3
The normal work hours for full-time employees are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, with the exception of the full-time maintenance
employees whose hours are 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Any work schedule that deviates from these hours must be scheduled or pre-
approved by the department supervisor. Any overtime, take-home, or off-site
work must be pre-approved by each supervisor.
The City provides a paid IS-minute break for every four hours worked and an
unpaid one-half hour meal break during an eight-hour shift. Break times are
determined by each supervisor. With the supervisor's consent, the two 15-
minute breaks may be combined with the one-half-hour unpaid meal break
for a once-a-day, one hour meal break.
Sec. 6-2.1
Employees are expected to report to work promptly for their scheduled shift.
If an employee will be tardy, the employee should call their supervisor as
soon as possible on that work day informing them of the situation.
Sec. 6-3.1
Because employees may be needed for a work related emergency, they need
to keep the supervisor updated, in writing, of their telephone number.
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Sec. 6-4.1
Sec. 6-4.2
Sec. 6-4.3
Time sheets are to be completed by each employee for each pay period. The
completed time sheets should then be submitted to the employee's supervisor
for approval.
Employees must complete a Request for Leave form each time the employee
will be away from work. The form should then be submitted to the
employee's supervisor for approval.
Employees are paid twice a month - once on the 15th and once on the last day
of the month. If a payday falls on a holiday, employees will receive their
checks on the last working day before the holiday.
Sec. 6-5.1
The City Manager shall prescribe the necessary forms for reports of all
personnel changes. The forms shall provide spaces for entering such
supporting or other pertinent information as the City Manager deems
Sec. 6-6.1
Sec. 6-6.2
Sec. 6-6.3
Appointment to all positions shall be made by the City Manager on the basis
of merit and fitness for the position. Merit and fitness shall be ascertained by
such means as are deemed appropriate by the City Manager to evaluate the
ability of the candidate to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the
position subject to the appointment.
The City shall provide equal opportunity to all employees and applicants for
employment in accordance with all applicable Equal Employment
Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action laws, statutes and regulations of federal,
state and local governing bodies, including such equal opportunity 1
affirmative action plans ofthe City.
The City shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex,
disability, age, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance.
Sec. 6-7.1
Relatives closer than second cousins by blood or by marriage will not be
employed in the same work group. Normally a work group will be defined as
a department. In some instances a division or distinct and separate section
within a division may be considered as a work group. Employees will not be
placed in a work group in which a relative will exercise supervision over the
employee. All decisions on the definitions of work groups and the definition
of a relative in supervisor - relative relationships will be made by the City
Manager. Wherever possible, the City Manager shall avoid the appointment
of a spouse or a relative of any city official.
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Sec. 6-8.1
Sec. 6-8.2
Sec. 6-8.3
Anniversary dates for the purpose of calculating wages, vacation, sick leave,
etc. are determined as follows: The anniversary date utilized for employees
hired before the 15th day of the month shall be the first of the initial month of
employment. (e.g. ifhired on 5/5/97, May 1st would be the anniversary date.)
The anniversary date utilized for employees hired after the 16th day of the
month shall be the 16th of the month. (e.g. if hired 5/25/97, May 16th would
be the anniversary date.)
Anniversary dates are determined using the method outlined in Sec. 6-8.1
each time an employee is hired or promoted by the City, unless another
arrangement is made with the City Manager. Thus, if an employee leaves the
City for a period of time and is re-hired, the new anniversary date will be
Each employee will be given a performance evaluation at least on an annual
basis. The City believes that this is a very important component of the
employment process within the City of Prior Lake. Evaluating performance
is necessary because it serves as a review of each employee's effectiveness
and provides a foundation for motivation, performance improvement and
Sec. 6-9.1
Sec. 6-9.2
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City employees are expected to maintain high ethical standards as they carry
out their duties. If there is a question as to what is considered ethical
behavior for a City employee, check with the City Manager for definition or
The credibility of local government rests heavily upon the confidence which
citizens have in public employees to render fair and impartial services to all
without regard to personal interest and/or political influence. The delivery of
public services to our citizens requires that City employees scrupulously
avoid any activity which suggests a conflict of interest between their private
interests and City responsibilities. Employees of the City, or their family
members, shall not engage or have financial interest in any business or other
activity which could reasonably lead to a conflict of interest with the
employee's primary City responsibilities. "Family members" shall be deemed
to be the employee, the spouse of the employee and the parents, children, and
siblings of the employee or spouse and/or the lineal descendants of any of
them. Examples of activities which are not in accordance with this policy
include, but are not limited to:
1. having an interest in any business which has contracts or other
direct dealings with the City of Prior Lake;
2. activities which require the employee to interpret City Codes,
ordinances or regulations when such activity involves matters with
which the employee has business and/or family ties;
3. consulting activities carried out within the City of Prior Lake if
such consulting involves talents or skills primarily related to the
employee's City work responsibilities.
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
4. disclose any confidential information concerning property or
affairs of the City without first obtaining proper legal
authorization. This includes using confidential information to help
the financial or private interests of anyone.
5. appear on behalf of anyone else's private interests before the City
Councilor any City Commission, Committee, or agency, nor may
you represent anyone else in any action or proceeding against the
interests ofthe City in which the City is a party.
6. using City equipment or facilities for private purpose or gain.
Any employee engaging in any activity involving either an actual or potential
conflict of interest or having knowledge of such activity by another employee
shall promptly report the same to the City Manager. The City Manager shall
investigate the matter and make a determination as to whether or not an
actual conflict exists and whether the continuation of the practice would be
injurious to the effectiveness of the employee in carrying out his/her
responsibilities. In the event of an actual conflict, the employee shall
immediately terminate the conflicting activity or be subject to termination of
employment. The City Manager will make interpretations as to the
applications of these guidelines.
Sec. 6-10.1 No employee shall receive or solicit any gift from any person, business or
organization having any business, administrative, legislative, contractual or
any other relationship with the city if the gift could be perceived to or could
influence actions of an official nature. A gift is any money, tangible or
intangible personal property, food, beverage, loan, promise, service or
An employee may receive a meal or other service, if the employee reimburses
the provider.
Sec. 6-11.1 Newly hired employees will be asked at the time of hire whether they are
required by court order to pay child support or spousal maintenance
(alimony) which is required by law to be withheld from their income. Those
who answer yes will be asked to supply the City of Prior Lake with a copy of
the order so that the City may carry out the court order as directed.
Sec. 6-12.1 Employees who are required to hold a valid driver's license as part of their
job must immediately report any suspension, revocation, or restrictions of
their driver's license to their supervisor.
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 6-13.1 If an employee has a valid driver's license and needs a car for City business,
he / she can request the use of a City car if available. Employees may apply
to the Finance Department for mileage reimbursement if their own vehicle is
used for City business and they do not receive a monthly vehicle allowance.
Sec. 6-14.1 If an employee is involved in a vehicle accident while on City business,
whether in their own vehicle or a City vehicle, it must be reported to their
supervisor. A vehicle accident report should be completed based on the
information that is provided. This must be done as soon as possible after the
accident. The police should be requested to investigate the accident scene
including, if applicable, a post-accident drug and alcohol test.
Sec. 6-14.2 If an employee is injured in a vehicle accident while on City business,
whether in their own vehicle or a City vehicle, a First Report of Injury form
(available from the Finance Department) must be completed and submitted to
the employee's supervisor. The information provided to the supervisor will
be used to complete the Supervisor's Report of Injury form to be sent to the
City's worker's compensation insurance carrier.
Sec. 6-15.1 If an employee is injured, however slightly, during the workday, it must be
reported immediately to their supervisor. A First Report of Injury form must
be completed and turned in to the supervisor within 24 hours, who in turn
will complete a Supervisor's Report of Injury form and then submit both
forms to the City Manager's office. If necessary a First Report of Injury form
will. be completed and sent to the City's worker's compensation insurance
Sec. 6-16.1 All City offices, including public areas and vehicles, are smoke-free.
Employees will be allowed to smoke in garage areas and outside, but only
during authorized break periods.
Sec. 6-17.1 Employees are expected to dress in appropriate attire for their particular
position. Each supervisor will help in determining what is or isn't
appropriate for the position.
Sec. 6-17.2 Fridays will be considered "casual day" for all employees. Each supervisor
will help in determining what is or isn't appropriate. Employees may not
wear clothing with profanities or any other inappropriate items printed on
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 6-18.1 It is against City policy to possess, sell, or use drugs or drug paraphernalia on
City property, including City buildings and City vehicles, except as
authorized by job description or a valid medical prescription. It is against
City policy to report for work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
except as authorized by a valid medical prescription. Please note, even if a
valid medical prescription authorizes use of a specific substance, if an
employee is impaired they may not drive a city vehicle or use their personal
vehicle to perform City business.
Sec. 6-18.2 In response to regulations issued by the Federal Highway Administration
(FHW A), the City has adopted a policy regarding alcohol and controlled
substances for commercial drivers. The FHW A regulations require the City
to test all employees who operate commercial motor vehicles and therefore
are required, in the course of their job duties, to hold a commercial driver's
Sec. 6-19.1 On days when inclement weather occurs, it is the policy of the City of Prior
Lake to remain open during regular office hours. Inclement weather will be
defined as conditions that prohibit safe travel as recommended by the
National Weather Service. "NO TRAVEL" advisories are announced on
most radio stations. Employees are encouraged to listen to W.C.C.O. Radio
(830 AM) for up to date weather information.
Sec. 6-19.2 Regular full-time and regular part-time employees who are unable to report to
work, or who wish to leave work because of the weather conditions, will be
able to use either accrued compensatory time, accrued vacation time, or
accrued sick leave time for the hours the employee is absent from regularly
scheduled work. Seasonal and temporary employees must take time without
pay for the time they are absent from work.
Sec. 6-19.3 In the event that City Hall must be closed, the City Manager will make the
determination and contact all department heads with this decision. Every
effort will be made to contact employees in order to infornl them of the
decision. Employees may also be able to call City Hall to hear a taped
message indicating whether employees should report to work. Employees
will be asked to account for the absence according to the same guidelines as
listed in Sec. 6-19.2.
Sec. 6-20.1 The City has an additional policy specifically relating to the Prior Lake
computer system. It is included as an appendix to this personnel policy.
Sec. 6-21.1 The City has an additional policy specifically relating to safety. This policy
statement is included as an appendix to this personnel policy. The actual
safety policy is in the process of being updated.
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Sec. 6-22.1 Resignation: to terminate employment with the City in good standing,
employees are required to submit a letter of resignation to their supervisors
two weeks before they leave. Department heads are required to give a one
month (30 days) notice. Employees who terminate in good standing will
receive all accrued severance benefits up to their termination date.
Sec. 6-22.2 A permanent forwarding address should be left with the Finance Department
so that W-2 forms can be mailed at the end ofthe year.
Sec. 6-22.3 Under the COBRA law, employees have the right to keep, at their own
expense, group health coverage through the City, unless the employee was
terminated for gross misconduct. This right exists until group health
coverage becomes effective at your new place of employment or for eighteen
(18) months after termination, whichever is shorter.
Sec. 6-22.4 State law grants employees the right to keep, at their own expense, group
term life insurance coverage through the City. This right ends when group
term life coverage becomes effective at your new place of employment, or for
eighteen (18) months after termination, whichever is shorter.
Sec. 6-22.5 When an employee terminates employment with the City, they should contact
PERA and their Deferred Compensation representative to learn about the
options regarding employee contributions. Options vary depending on if the
employee retires or if they terminate employment before retirement.
Sec. 6-22.6 If an employee leaves their job with the City as an employee in good
standing, he 1 she may be eligible for severance payment. Regular full-time
employees who leave before completing five (5) years of service can receive
their accrued vacation time in payor in time-off before their termination date,
at the discretion of the City Manager. Regular full-time or part-time
employees who leave the City after five (5) years of continuous service will
be paid for 1/2 of their unused sick leave in addition to any accrued vacation
Sec. 6-22.7 Accrued vacation and/or sick leave time will be paid on a check separate
from the regular final payroll check. No PERA deduction is made from this
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
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City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
Computer User's Manual
Page 25
City of Prior Lake
Personal Computer Network
September, 1997
[This supersedes all previous editions]
Welcome to the Prior Lake computer network. Our objective is to provide fast,
efficient, and up to date hardware, software, and training to help you to accomplish your
day to day work responsibilities.
Your system administrator is Personnel Director / Assistant City Manager Bret
Woodson. He, along with any technical computer consultants hired by the city, are
responsible for the upkeep and monitoring of the network and each individual PC. If
you should ever have a problem or question about your computer give Bret a call at ext.
What is a Network?
A network is a group of computers linked together by a variety of connecting
devices which allows the computer users to communicate and to share resources,
such as data files, software, and printers.
As a network user you can work from your own computer and communicate with
other users through the network. You can send e-mail, schedule appointments and
share files with other users electronically. You also can share the network resources
such as the hard drive on the "central computer" known as a file server, various
printers, and data.
Page 1
How does a Network Function?
The heart of a netwo'rk is the file server, a dedicated personal computer that
uses Novell NetWare to control network activities. The file server coordinates all the
workstations and printers connected to it and regulates the way they share the network
resources. It serves as the traffic control center; directing print jobs, accomplishing the
communications between workstations, such as e-mail or scheduler, and backing up all
data stored on the server's hard drive.
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PO-lANR97. DOC9/17197
Structure of a Network
Similar to a manual filing system:
. The file server corresponds to the filing cabinet
. The file server drives correspond to the filing cabinet drawers. Our file server
has a volume called F: drive, upon which, other drives called "pseudo-drives"
have been created for each department and for several City operations. For
example, there are drives identified as G:, H:, I:, J:, K:, L:, M:, N:, 0:, Q:, R:
and so on. Each is for a particular department or function and, in the case of
Drive H, for each user.
. The directories correspond to the hanging folders In the filing cabinet
. Sub-directories of directories correspond to manila folders inside hanging
folders. They divide directories into smaller units, just as manila folders
divide hanging folders into smaller units.
. Files correspond to individual documents inside manila folders. You can
save information into a file with a unique name for later retrieval.
The File Server Drive Structure
. All users have a directory on the H: drive. The name of your directory is the
same as your user name, Le., H:\Connie; or H:\Ralph. Think of the H: drive
as your "home" or personal directory where you are the only person who can
store and access data.
. Drives have also been established for each department:
. G: Engineering
. I: City Manager
. J: Building
. K: Parks and Recreation
Page 3
. L: Planning
. N: Administration
. 0: Finance
. Q: Fire
. R: Pu blic
. U: Maintenance
You are a member of a group which has been defined by the system administrator.
Each member of the group may access the drive(s) for their respective department. For
example, all members of the Parks and Recreation department are members of the
"park group," which is assigned to drive "K:". Therefore, department personnel all
share drive K: and all the data on that drive; however, anyone not a member of the
group cannot access the K: drive. Users can be members of more than one group if
they need to and have authorization for access to files in other departments.
Department managers who would like other users to have access to their department's
drive, should notify the system administrator.
You may create sub-directories within your department's group directory by using
the Create Directory menu item in File Manager. Make sure that sub-directories
have unique names. It can be very confusing if you have a sub-directory named
"cats" within a directory named "cats", it is much better to have a directory named
"cats" and a sub-directory named "tabby".
All users have access to Drive "R:", which is designated as the "public" drive. All
files stored in this directory can be accessed by any user.
. A sub-directory named "PUBLIC" has been setup for storing documents to be
shared with other departments and groups, such as newsletter articles,
memos, letters, general correspondence, etc.
Page 4
.----- --~ .-- --_._c;'
. Another sub-directory on the R: drive is "PROTOTYP" for storing standard
document prototypes (similar to the documents called "templates" in the word
processing software, MS Word). Some prototypes include city council
agenda reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc.
. Another sub-directory named "COUNCIL" has been setup on the R: drive so
that City Council agenda items, resolutions, and ordinances can be stored on
this drive once they have been finalized for the agenda.
Local Drives
Each computer work station also has at least two local drives which can only be
accessed from the individual work station. These drives are the A: drive which is the
31/2" floppy drive and the C: drive which is the hard-disk drive in your computer. A few
units have a drive for CD-ROM disks. Data on floppy disks, CD-ROM disks or on the
local hard disk can be accessed only from your work station.
How Information Is Protected on the Network
All information on the file server (all drives other than the local drives) is stored in
a central location, on the file server's hard disk; however, as explained above, users
can only access their home directory, department or group data and the shared data.
In addition, users cannot use the same file at the same time another user is using the
file, otherwise they might overwrite each other's work.
To prevent this type of problem the network provides a security system to secure
the network as follows:
. Each user is required to have a password. Without password security,
unauthorized users could access another user's data.
. You should logout when you go to lunch or leave you desk for a long period
of time, especially in the evening. To logout, quit all applications, including
Windows; then go through START button and hit YES to shut down
Page 5
computer. It is important to logout before you shut off your computer switch.
Failure to logout regularly can affect your computers trouble free operation.
. For security purposes your passwords will be changed periodically by
the System Administrator. You will be notified when this occurs and
requested to provide another password. Your password must have at least
five letters, and cannot be a password you used previously. The System
Administrator will notify users when this becomes necessary. A master list
of all user passwords will be securely maintained by the System
Administrator. If you desire a new password prior to the periodical change,
please contact the System Administrator.
. Users only have access to the directories in which you can create, edit and
save files and data.
. To further limit access User 10's are disabled as soon as they are no longer
authorized to use the system, due to resignation, extended leaves, and the
. If someone is temporarily filling in for you, you must either give them your
user name and password or ask the System Administrator to assign them a
temporary user name to allow them access to your files. It is recommended
that the System Administrator set up a temporary user name for security
. If you enter the wrong password more than three times, you will not be able
to access the system for a period of time. If this happens, contact the System
Administrator to reset your login file.
. Data on the file server is backed up daily. You should save data on the file
server in your personal or department directory to ensure it is saved. It is
equally important that you regularly maintain your files and either copy
old and infrequently used data onto floppy disks or onto your C: drive.
This is vital for the proper operation of the file server and network.
Page 6
Failure to manage your data will result in excessive storage and
eventual purging by the System Administrator. Monitor, maintain and
manage your data.
. You may backup any data on your C: drive by using the backup utility in the
Microsoft Tools program group, or by copying the data onto floppy disks. You
do NOT need to backup your software programs, but rather just the data files
you have on the C: drive.
How do I Log-in to the Network?
When you turn your computer on, you are asked for your user name and password.
Here is an example of what you will type in when you turn your computer on:
Enter your log-in name: (Type in your user name and press the ENTER key).
Enter your password: (Type in your unique password and press the ENTER
If you get a message when you try to log-in that says "ACCESS DENIED", you
either typed your user name or password incorrectly. To correct this situation,
exit Windows and try it again.
When you log into the network, you establish a connection between your workstation
and the file server. When you log out, you terminate that connection.
Training Needs and Opportunities
It is the City's intent to provide each of its users with the necessary training required to
use the computers properly. More specific training may be available for areas of
special importance to certain users. An inventory of training needs will be done
periodically in an effort to ensure each user is adequately trained to accomplish their
job duties. These training needs will be prioritized based on amount of need, training
funds available and applicability to specific job functions.
Page 7
Each City of Prior Lake computer is provided for your use for the purpose of
business related work that you need to do to perform your job.
Any employee using City computer equipment contrary to this policy, such as for
personal work during normal working hours, unauthorized personal use during non-
working hours, or for income-producing work, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary
procedures. This includes loading unauthorized software on to the system, adding
hardware, etc. These items will be monitored periodically by the System Administrator.
Computer Care and Maintenance
Computers and peripherals require a minimum of care and maintenance. The work
area should be free of dust and dirt, especially near the computer's internal fan. The
computer screen should be turned off at night, as well as your workstation by logging
off. Do not drink. eat. or introduce water or any other liquid near the computer to avoid
any possible damage.
Policy on Personal Use
The City purchased all the computers, associated equipment, and software as tools for
performing official City business. The City recognizes that, the more an employee uses
a personal computer, a process of familiarization and training occurs whereby the
more productive and proficient the user will be using the City computer for official work.
City-owned computers can be used for personal. non-income producinq work on a
limited basis. subiect to the followinq:
. All personal work must be done outside of normal workinq hours (8:00 a.m. -
4:30 p.m. ), with the express permission of the employee's department head.
This does not allow you to work on personal work during your lunch hour.
This information must be passed on to the System Administrator;
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PCMANR97. OOC9/1 7/97
. If the personal computer is needed by another employee for City business,
the employee with the City-related work has priority for as long as the City
work requires.
. Under no circumstances may an employee use City computer
equipment for any personal or private party income-producing work.
Nor shall an employee use City computer equipment for any illegal
purpose or activity.
. Any employee using City computer equipment contrary to this policy, such as
for personal work during normal working hours, unauthorized personal use
during non-working hours, or for income-producing work, will be subject to
appropriate disciplinary procedures.
. The employee will exclusively use software installed and owned by the City;
no alternate software shall be used unless approved and installed by the
System Administrator.
. Data generated by the employee which is to be saved, shall be copied onto
one or more floppy disks provided by the employee. No personal data shall
be saved on the C:\ drive of the computer or on any of the central seNer's
. Employees may not use City printing equipment or paper for personal
use. except for small documents (under five pages). This should be
done outside of normal workinQ hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.), with the
express permission of the employee's department head.
City-Owned Software
The City has purchased the right to use certain software products for all personal
computers on the network. The following are the basic software products that are
licensed for and installed on City computers:
1. MS DOS 6.2
Page 9
2. Microsoft Windows 95,3.1, or 3.11
3. Microsoft Office (W,ord, Excel, Powerpoint and Mail)
4. Microsoft Scheduler
5. Novell NetWare 3.12
6. Some departments may have other proprietary (licensed) software
Department Heads should inform the System Administrator of software and hardware
needs and planned acquisitions well in advance of actual purchase. It is particularly
important that all prospective software be identified in terms of demands that the
software will make upon the City computer system (memory size and storage capacity).
All additions to the City computer systems--hardware and software--are funded through
a central data processing budget administered by the System Administrator. Purchase
of software or hardware with other City funds may be authorized only by the City
ALL software must be approved by the Department Head and the System
Administrator, BEFORE it is installed on either individual workstations or the file
server, in order to ensure system integrity and operating efficiency.
Personal Hardware and Software Use Policy
No personal hardware or software may be connected to or installed on City
computer equipment. Employees may use their own equipment or software for
City business only with express permission of their department head and the
System Administrator.
The equipment and software used for City business is the exclusive property of the
City of Prior Lake. This is designed to avoid or reduce problems with equipment,
software failure, damage to data files, and the introduction of viruses. The employee's
assigned computer must only contain software purchased by and approved the
Page 10
City. No other software, such as shareware, freeware or other programs are allowed
on the City's computer system, unless specifically authorized, in writing, by the System
Games, other than those included with the MS-Windows software, and
entertainment programs, shall not be loaded on or run from City computers. The
games included with MS-Windows (typically Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Hearts)
are designed to educate and familiarize users with the use of the Mouse and the
graphical interface of the software. Use of these programs should only occur
outside of normal working hours (8:00 a.m. .4:30 p.m.).
Diskettes or tapes belonging to the City are not to be used in personal home computers
and returned for use in City computers without virus checking approved by the System
Administrator. Employees should not use diskettes from home or other computers in
City disk or tape drives without virus checking approved by the System Administrator.
This restricts access to the City's data and prevents virus transmission.
Policy on Software Piracy
Computer software is protected under copyright laws. A person or organization
possessing a copy of a computer program is subject to the limitations of the copyright
laws. It is allowable to have a backup copy of a software program in case the original
program is destroyed or damaged, and to use the same program under one license on
both a full workstation and a portable computer, providing the computers are not
normally used at the same time.
Much of the City's common software is purchased in the form of a few physical copies
and a larger number of licenses based upon the number of users who will be typically
using the software at any given time.
The System Administrator will maintain backup copies of the standard network-wide
programs. Each department is responsible to backup any proprietary software, such as
Autocad, PTWin which is unique to their department.
Page 11
Computer software license agreements are legally binding. Violations may result in
fines or penalties. Only software purchased or approved by the City may be installed on
City computers. Periodic audits of all City-owned computers will be conducted to verify
that all software is authorized and legitimate. Unauthorized or unlawful software will be
removed without particular regard to preserving technical features or program
It is a violation of City Policy and of copyright law to make a copy of a City-owned
software program and install it on any other computer. It is illegal to copy proprietary
licensed software for personal or other use on a computer other than the City
equipment for which the software was purchased. So-called "pirating or bootleg
copying" is strictly forbidden. Any employee violating this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Policy on Protection from Viruses
In order to protect the data on the system against viruses the City has installed virus
detection and elimination programs. The MS-DOS version on virtually all the
computers also has an anti-virus program. The System Administrator will run the virus
detection programs on the file server, and will be available to assist each user who is
responsible for running anti-virus program protection on his or her personal computer at
least quarterly. ANY virus condition detected on ANY City computer or involving
ANY City software must be reported to the System Administrator immediately.
Diskettes containing data and software from ANY source, including suppliers approved
by the System Administrator, must be checked for viruses by the System Administrator
or designee BEFORE the diskettes are used in any City computer to copy files or to
load software into the computer. ASSUME USED DISKETTES HAVE VIRUSES.
Documentation Policy
Documentation consists of written explanation and instructions about an application or
procedure. It is recommended that all applications, especially those used repeatedly,
Page 12
be documented. This includes applications such as spreadsheets generated with
Excel, forms developed on Word, and Auto-CAD applications.
The level of documentation required will vary depending the complexity of the
application and the frequency that the program will be used.
Topics that should be included in the documentation include, but are not limited to:
. Description of the application
. Data entry requirements
. Source documents
. Data elements
. T able of codes used
. Record or printout of worksheet layout
. Commands, macros, programming statements, cell formulas
. run frequency
. selection criteria
. distribution
. run frequency
. output
. distribution
Each Department is responsible for ensuring that adequate documentation exists.
Portable Computer Use
The City owns a few portable ("laptop") computers which are assigned to specific
employees who use them as installed workstations via "docking stations." The typical
alternate use of the portable computers is for official meetings and events where
temporary computer access is needed.
Very limited other uses of portable computers by an employee may be authorized for
official business after normal working hours subject to the following:
. The work must be approved by the Employee's department head.
. The computer will not be needed by the assigned portable computer user.
Page 13
. The portable computer will under no circumstance be used for the
employee's personal business or for any income-producing activity.
. The employee must sign out and sign in for the computer, with the receipt
staying with the assigned user.
. The employee must personally get the computer from and return it to the
assigned user after and before normal working hours, respectively. If the
computer is assigned to another user, advance notification of the sign out
should be given to the computer's normal user.
Page 14
This manual will be amended from time to time to assure that it remains current and
maximizes its utility to users. If you have suggestions for improving this document, your
ideas are welcome! Please contact your Department Head or the System Administrator
with questions, comments, or suggestions.
Page 15
I have received a copy of the City of Prior Lake Personal Computer Network User's
Manual. I understand that this manual may be amended from time to time by the
System Administrator in an effort to address new concerns or questions that may arise
regarding the personal computer network. I understand that I may contact my
Department Head or the System Administrator with any questions or concerns at any
Page 16
City of Prior Lake Personnel Policy
12/1 0/97
Safety Policy Statement
Page 26
The personal safety of each employee of this organization is of primary importance. To the degree
possible, management will provide mechanical and physical facilities required for personal safety, in
keeping with established safety standards.
The City of Prior Lake is in the process of updating its Safety Program and Policy. To be successful,
such a program must embody the proper attitude toward injury and illness prevention on the part of both
employees and supervisors. It also requires cooperation in all safety matters, not only between
supervisor and employee, but also between each employee and his / her fellow workers. Only through
such a cooperative effort can a safety record in the best interest of all those involved be established and
A Safety Committee is being formed consisting of representatives from each department of the City.
The primary functions of the committee include, but are not limited to the following:
1.) Update / revise the existing City of Prior Lake Safety Policy.
2.) Provide general direction and recommendations to the City Manager regarding the
City of Prior Lake Employee Safety Program.
3.) Encourage cooperation for safety at all levels of the organization.
4.) Display primary concern for accident and injury prevention when addressing
vehicular or personal injury accidents.
5.) Act as a liaison between the Safety Committee and the City employees they
6.) Promote positive employee suggestions for safety improvements.
When the new Safety Policy is completed, the new policy will be distributed to each employee for
insertion into their Personnel Policy.