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4646 Dakota Street S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
City Council is asked to:
1. Review the Downtown Building Design Guidelines
2. Consider recommendations contained in this report, and
3. Provide input to staff and consultant regarding the draft
At the July 20, 2007 City Council meeting staff and consultant Tom
Dobbs presented a draft of the Downtown Building Design
Guidelines. City Council provided positive comment and feedback
and directed changes as follows:
1. Make sure the guidelines reference the entire downtown
zone, and
2. Include a map that shows:
a. The entire downtown zone
b. Future street layout according to the County
Highway 21 Corridor Study
In addition to the above changes, staff met with the consultant to
incorporate numerous other changes, ranging from correcting
typos to inserting clearer and more descriptive language and
images (See attached editing notes).
The updated guidelines are enclosed for review and comment.
CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES: The revised Downtown Building Design Guidelines focus primarily
upon building design but also refer to the overall downtown as
directed by the City Council. There are some modifications to the
document which could be made if the council believes they will add
value to the document and help the end user to fully understand
the guidelines and the current and future situation of downtown:
1. Section 1: "Introduction" - Could be modified to more
explicitly articulate the relationship between the 2030
Phdile952.447,9800 I Fax,-952~44 7.4245)
Comprehensive Plan, 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan,
Downtown Design Guidelines and Zoning Ordinance.
2. Section 2.1 "Study Area in Context" and Section 2.3
"Streets, Circulation and Project Area" could be relocated
adjacent to one another to make them a more significant
component of the document. They are presently separated
from one another by Section 2.2 "Urban Form and Historic
Development Patterns".
3. A narrative section could be added before or after the
downtown map on page 2.8 which addresses the following
as a means of giving the user the "vital statistics" of
· Traffic counts for CSAH 21 and CSAH 13
· Future traffic signal at Arcadia and CSAH 21
· Future right-in right-out at Main Avenue and CSAH 21
· Meaning of Blocks 2, 4, and 15
· Meaning of Transitional Town Center zoning on south
side of CSAH 21
· Preference for multi-story mixed use buildings in the
downtown district
· Expected transition from surface lot parking to greater
emphasis on vertical parking structures
· Any other observations the City Council deems relevant
Staff proposes that the next steps for document completion are:
1. Hay-Dobbs I Staff updates document with changes from
September 4th City Council Work Session.
2. October 1 st or 15th City Council meeting - City Council
considers adoption of final Downtown Building Design
Guidelines for:
a. Incorporation into Downtown Redevelopment
process (RFQ-RFP)
b. Inclusion in updating of the Zoning Code
3. November - City Council discusses Downtown
redevelopment RFQ/RFP which contains Downtown
Building Design Guidelines
4. City Council considers adoption of new Zoning Code which
contains Downtown Building Design Guidelines by
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· In addition to the notes below, see editing notes in the document
Cover: Should have a photo' rendering' image on the cover
Acknowledgments: Add City Council, Planning Commission and Econ Dev Advisory Committee
P. 1-2 addition:
Guide property owners wishing to expand, renovate existing buildings or construct new buildings
within the downtown area
p. 1-5 addition:
This project will complement the 2030 Comprehensive Plan
p. 2-2 addition: (City staff is doing this)
Should add and aerial or map showing the entire downtown C-TC Zone (Town Center), and T-TC
(Transitional Town Center), and future street layout including Arcadia Ave as a through street to
Pleasant, and Main Ave as a right-in' right out at County Highway 21... (OR place this aerial' map
on p. 2-7?)
p. 2-3 addition:
(first paragraph toward bottom)... supportive of residential or office use, topped by a flat roof with
articulated parapet and cap.
The predominant roof shape in the downtown is flat (slightly sloped to drain), hidden behind
articulated parapet walls and caps.
p. 2-5 addition: (Solid-Void Ratio)
(before last paragraph) For the ground level storefront, no less that 70% of the street level fayade
front of a building shall be transparent, and no less than 30% on side streets and rear of building. For
upper floors, no less than 40% of the fayade shall be transparent glass.
p. 2-8 additions:
(last sentence, 2nd paragraph) While these guidelines apply to the entire downtown district. Main
Avenue should be the focus and emphasis of development for the foreseeable future, since it has the
best physical and economic attributes to enhance and build upon the traditional character of
(last sentence, 3rd paragraph) In all cases parking should have limited visual impact on the continuity
and character of Main Avenue by blending with facades of nearby buildings.
(first paragraph, first sentence) While development or redevelopment will occur and be encouraged
throughout the downtown, the primary emphasis should be placed on Main Avenue.
(3rd paragraph) delete "Stand Alone' residential units or
We should have a close-up photo of a storefront that illustrates the language in the first sentence.
(2nd paragraph) "and incremental process" should be emphasized in bold type
Should we have a photo on this page?
* * p. 2-16 & 2-17 have the same exact narrative
p. 2-18 addition:
(2nd paragraph) "Main Avenue and secondary and tertiary frontage of perpendicular streets and
nearby parallel streets" should be in bold type.
Insert photo examples of #4, #5, #6 or reference to existing photos in document
Insert as new # 7: Infill and new building roofs shall be flat and hidden behind parapet walls and caps
that articulate the rhythm of the building. Roof edges should be related in size and proportions to
adjacent buildings.
How do Basic Wall Type 1 and Basic Wall Type 2 differ? (they look similar), Need to change.
Need to better explain why the three examples are not acceptable.
Add as 1st paragraph: The visual attractiveness of building materials has a notable impact on the
perception of any building. High-quality finish materials project feelings of authenticity, permanence
and quality. If not coordinated with nearby buildings, inconsistent or substandard materials can make
buildings look "cheap" or shoddy.
p. ~-9:
(2n paragraph) For residential buildings need to change so that masonry is primary material on
ground floor, and EIFS can be used on upper floors (EIFS cannot be primary on the ground floor.
· Include a "Downtown Building Design Guideline Supplement" or Appendix of Prototypical
Downtown Building Design that contains additional photos f examples of desirable downtown
building design elements. Include captions near each photo that describes the desirable building
design elements.
· We prefer at least a two story building in downtown, but what if a developer wants to build a one
story building? We may want to include illustrations and photos showing good examples of one
story buildings.