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4646 Dakota Street S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
City Council/County Board Joint Meeting
Prior Lake City Hall
Monday, October 1
4:30 p.m.
I. Introductions
II. Planning and Land Use
o Comp Plan 2030
o Annexations
o Scott County Facilities (HWY 13/282)
III. Transportation and Transit
o Current and Future Projects
IV. SCALE and Technology
o Fiber
o 800 MHz
o Web casting/Web streaming
V. Public Safety
o Safe Communities
o Emergency Management
lvl:\COUNCIL\ WORK SESSJONS\2007\City Council - ~.(;Ui}lH\{m~WJg#;~hil\ootling 1001 07.doc
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245
Malailg~ the Visiol1 a Reality
Dear County Resident,
You are invited to attend an
important milestone for
Scott County: the 2030
Comprehensive Plan Open
House. This insert provides a
summary of key tactics of the
2030 Comp Plan that will be
on display at the Open
If you have not yet been
involved in the 2030 planning
process. now is the time! The
actions made today will guide
future decisions on how
Scott County will look. feel,
and function over the next
twenty years.
We encourage you to attend
the 2030 Comprehensive
Plan Open House to provide
your input and help us plan
for the future. our future.
Scott County.
Scott County Commissioners
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Draft 2030 Camp Plan to be
Presented at Open House
After three years of public input, committee meetings. surveys, an
extensive visioning process. and staff preparation, the Scott County
2030 Comprehensive Plan Update will be unveiled at a public open
house on October 23 at the Prior Lake High School. This is the best
chance for citizens to review the 2030 Comp Plan before the formal
public hearing process begins in early 2008. Detailed information on
future County land use, transportation. parks. trails, open space.
public safety. and human service planning will be on display at the
Open House.
The Open House format includes a presentation from officials. staff. and stakeholders that will provide a
summary of the Plan's key recommendations and how they relate to the 2030 Vision. Following the
presentation. participants will be able to review tactics and maps of the 2030 Comp Plan in greater detail.
You are cordially invited:
Scott County
2030 Comprehensive Plan
Open House
Tuesday, October 23,
Presentation 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Open House 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Prior Lake High School
7575 I 50th St. W.. Savage
The 2030 Comp Plan guides the future growth and development of Scott County over the next twenty
years. For more information on the Open House and to preview chapters of the 2030 Comp Plan. go to
WWW.CO.scott.mn.us and click on "2030 Comp Plan Update" under the "Quick Links" section.
The 2030 Vision (below) is the first of its kind for Scott County and has been a major component of the
2030 planning process. Recommendations, strategies. and tactics of the 2030 Comp Plan have been
prepared in order to achieve the 2030 Vision.
2030 Vision Statement
In 2030, Scott County is a well-planned, safe, prosperous, and fiscally responsible
community built by citizens and businesses who value neighborhoods, education, families,
health, and public safety, and who enjoy its natural beauty, rural character, and location in
the region. In 2030, Scott County is recognized metro-wide as one of the best places to
live, worl<, shop, and play in the Twin Cities because we have:
· prospered with a diversity of urban and rural lifestyle choices;
· respected and managed our natural and environmental resources;
· developed and maintained a safe, efficient, and comprehensive transportation and
trail system;
· met the human and social service needs of our most important resource...
our citizens and neighbors;
· diversified our economy; and
· secured a high quality of life for our citizens through leadership at the local, regional,
state, and federal level.
What's Inside: See pages 2-3 for more information on the 2030 Comp Plan
See page 4 for a timeline of the next steps;n the 2030 planning process
Major Tactics of the 2.030 Comprehensive Plan Update
Five major tactics, or strategies for achieving a desired end or result. are used in the 2030
Comp Plan. Staff work teams representing city. town, tribal, county. school district. and
public safety agencies collaborated as part of the 2030 planning process to develop these
tactics and ensure they address issues from many viewpoints. Collectively. the tactics
provide a comprehensive strategy for accommodating growth and development in Scott
County in a manner that will help turn the 2030 Vision into reality. These five tactics will
be discussed in greater detail and available for review at the 2030 Open House.
Major 2030 Tactics
People & Public Safety
Land Use & Growth Management
Parks, Trails & Open Space
Natural Resource Planning
People & Public Safety
First and foremost. the 2030 Comp Plan is for the people who call Scott County home. An entire
chapter of the 2030 Camp Plan is dedicated to goals. policies. and tactics geared at pmviding safe.
healthy. and livable communities in order to maintain a high quality of life and protect the County's
most valuable resource: People.
SCOtt County is pmjected to experience major' demographic changes by 2030. The number of
,'esidents is expected to more than double f,'om 2000 US Census figures of 89.498 individuals to
,lpproximately 222.000 people by 2030, If these pmjections hold true. the next twO decades will see
the largest population growth spurt in the County's history.
In 2030. County residents will be more diverse as the minority population continues to increase. In
addition, there will be significant growth in both the number of school.age children and senior
citizens. This will require communities to adapt to increased needs for these population groups by
developing more schools. senior housing, and transportation options. Population growth will
continue to put greater demands on social Jnd public safety services.
The 2030 Vision aspires to have a majority of the County's wQl-kforce employed in our community.
However, current employment projections show the number of jobs will not keep pace with the
working population, requiring many to commute to surrounding counties for employment. To assist
in employment growth. the 2030 Comp PIJn provides strategies to increase business development
opportunities and encourage economic growth.
The Scot! Counry 20]0 Comp Prall (o(tJ~e~ 011 the people o( SCOft COllllty U(ld
ide(lri(rt'~ key S!fategie~ (or ((euritl,~ find mo;nlaining ~(/fl', /Jt'Ullhy. unci h'vuble
Land Use & Growth Management
The prinlalY goal of the 2030 land Use M.lp (left) is to allow for efficient city
growth and to properly stage rural growth in a manner that does not negatively
impact existing and future public infrastructure investments.
The 2030 land Use Map guides areas for far'ming. housing. business. and industry
in the rural areas with a range of densities and intensities. The map continues the
approach of reserving land around each city to allow for logical urban expansion,
but takes it a step further by creating a two.tier-ed system that looks well out
imo the future. The first tier identities land around each city within current
planned regional or local sewer service areas. The second tier identifies land
that could be served by a future regional wastewater treatment pbnt beyond
2030 land Use Map
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The 2030 land Use Map acknowledges certain portions of the County may never'
urbanize. As a result. this area is guided for rurJI densities (:::2.5 acre lots) once
infrastructure needs are adequately determined through proper planning studies.
The 2030 Comp Plan introduces a strategy called the "public value density credits
program." This program provides flexibility in subdivision design (which m,y
include density bonuses) in exchange for creating or dedicating public values that
promote varied housing options. improve public infrastructure systems
(roadways, parks. trails, drainageways), and/or encourage natural resource
protection. This program utilizes site specific public values to create unique
neighborhoods and achieve the 2030 Vision.
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Participants in the 2030 Visioning workshops ranked traffic and congestion as the
most critical growth-related issues facing Scott County. Bottlenecks already occur
on Highways 169 and 13 during rush hour; as the County gains 100.000 more people
by 2030. traffic levels will only increase.
The 2030 Transportation Plan prepares for this future demand by identifying current
system needs. providing travel demand forecasts. and describing potential funding
sources. The primary goals of the County transportation system are [0 preserve.
manage, improve. and expand the existing roadway system and explore alternative
modes of transportation such as trails. busways. and commuter and light rail.
The Southbridge Crossings Transit Station (off County Road I B in Shakopee) is the
first transit station in SCOtt County and offers direct bus service to downtown
Minneapolis. Scott County Association for leadership and Efficiency (SCALE) has
formed coalitions to ensure multj.jurisdictional planning and secure state/federal
funding for two of the County's major regional connections (TH 41. TH 13). Proper
planning and continued investment in the transportation network will ensure County
roadways are safe and meet the future needs of residents and businesses.
Regional Parks & Traits
Existing. Planned and Proposed
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Parks, Trails & Open Space
In 2004. the County adopted an Interim Parks. Trail,. and Open Space Plan that outlined
policies for acquisition, development, operation. Jnd IllJintenance of J region,}1 and
County owned parks. trails. and open space system. The 2030 Comp Plan updates and
continues implememation of the Interim Plan in order CO provide natural resource based
recreational opportunities and pr-otect valuable natural areas for County residents.
Recent surveys have shown strong support for trails, parks, Jnd protecting natural
resources. When asked should the County work now CO prescl-ve open space in light of
rising land costs and development pressures, three-quarters of respondents agt'eed or
strongly agr'eed.
Curr'ent highlights to the County's park system include completion of the Spring lake
Regional Park Master Plan. the acquisition of land for' Cedar lake f.1rm Regionai Park.
and continued development of the Scott County Regional Trail that connects Shakopee.
Prior lake. and Credit River. The 2030 Comp Plan identifies a search ar'ea for a future
regional park reserve in Blakeley Township and pians for destination trails that will
connect each regional park and provide trail access to the rest of the metropolitan area.
Natural Resource Planning
The 2030 Comp Plan introduces a tactic to help protect unique and sensitive natural
features in Scott County. Mapping and protecting these features can help preserve
open space, provide passageways for the migration of wildlife and native plants,
facilitate recreational activities. and improve the health of the natural environment.
The ractic involves identifying and mapping "natural area corridors" to maintain a
network of natural areas within the County. This approach has been used throughout
Minnesota. including the City of Shakopee.
In 2007. County staff wor'ked with r.epresentatives of the Scott WMO Watershed
Planning Commission, County Parks and Planning Advisory Commissions. Township
Boards. and SCott Soil & Water Conservation District Board to identify desired
landscapes. features. and land types valued for protection in natural area corridors.
A draft natural area corridors map (right) has been prepared for public review at the
2030 Open House. The final natural area corridors map will be completed for
inclusion in the 2030 Comp Plan. along with recommendations to implement this new
progr'arn. A similar effort is being completed to identify ar'eas that may be appropriate
for future regional srormwater management.
County Defined Natural Area Corridors
Preliminary Draft
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Stay Involved in the
County's 2030 Planning Process
There are many ways to stay
involved in Scott County's
2030 Comp Plan process:
Residents are encouraged to stay
informed about the planning
process by logging on to the
County's 2030 Comprehensive
Plan website. To preview
chapters and learn more about
upcoming events click on the
"2030 Comp Plan Update" under
the "Quick Links" section on the
County homepage at
Contact Scott County Planning
staff to find out how to get
involved. or for information
about the project. E-mail or call
with questions or comments.
E-mail: bdavis@co.scott.mn.us
Phone: (952) 496-8475
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Scott County will be sending
press releases. soliciting news
articles. and advertising public
events in several of the local
newspapers serving Scott
County. Updated information
will also appear in the Scott
County SCENE publication.
Scott County periodically sends
2030 e-newsletters to
announce upcoming events.
website updates. and important
information regarding the 2030
planning process. To sign up for
the 2030 e-newsletter. e-mail
ahingeveld@co.scott.mn.us or
call (952) 496-8475.
I J I-~n::
Comprehensive planning is an
ongoing. interactive process to
set a course for the future.
Your talents. energy, ideas, and
participation are needed to help
develop a plan for Scott
County's future that maintains
our high standard of living and
ensures the vitality of our
diverse and prosperous
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The top of the mountain is in sight with the 2030 Comp Plan ready for review! We encourage everyone to attend the
2030 Open House and review the 2030 Comp Plan on the County's website. After the open house. there will be
additional opportunities to stay involved in the 2030 planning process.
The following timeline describes the next major milestones in the 2030 planning process over the next 12 months:
Fall 2007 - Hold 2030 Open House; Present Plan to County advisory committees (Planning. Parks, WMO)
Winter 2008 - Hold Public Hearing at joint County Board/Planning Advisory Commission meeting
Winter 2008 - Submit Plan to cities. neighboring counties. and school districts for review and comment
Summer 2008 - Hold second Public Hearing at joint County Board/Planning Advisory Commission meeting
Summer 2008 - Submit Plan to Metropolitan Council for review and approval
Fall 2008 - Final adoption of Plan by County Board
k/;iIUiig t11t~J Vision;1 Rtwlily.