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Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES City Manager Boyles advised the Council that a proposed revision to the minutes was before them. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 17, 2007, MEETING MINUTES AS REVISED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.171 Extending the Deadline for Submittal of a Final Plat for Maple Glen 3rd Addition. C. Consider Approval of Temporary On-sale Intoxicating Liquor License for the Church of St. Michael. D. Consider Approval of a Cigarette License for Shakopee Dakota Convenience Store. E. Consider Approval of a Request by Mike Vierling to Conduct a Special Hunt for Geese on Property He Owns. Councilor Millar requested that item 5E, Consider Approval of a Request by Mike Vierling to Conduct a Special Hunt for Geese on Property He Owns, be removed from the consent agenda. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 -~-~~~~---- Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 Millar: Asked for clarification on procedures and timeline requested for hunting. Believes residents nearby should be notified. Haugen: Asked Police Chief O'Rourke to provide an historical perspective for the request. O'Rourke: Informed the Council that approximately five years ago the City banned the discharge of fire- arms and legal hunting in the City with the exception of a special hunt permit which can be requested by the DNR or a property owner. Property owner Vierling applied for a special hunt permit for the purpose of removing animal populations that impact the general welfare of the city. The request is to hunt on two ar- eas on his property. Noted that State hunting laws must be complied with which prohibit discharge of fire- arms within 500 feet of an occupied structure and shot cannot leave the property. Stated he measured the site of the proposed hunt to assure it meets those standards. Reported that Vierling appears to be open to suggestions to remove geese from the property. Hedberg: Asked if laser sightings were done around the Fountain Hills development to assure it is outside the 500-foot distance. O'Rourke: Replied that area is further east from the area proposed for hunting. LeMair: Agreed the population of geese is expanding and needs to be thinned out. Erickson: Queried the restrictions of the noise ordinance and asked if the hours of this hunting request should be modified to comply with the noise ordinance. Haugen: Queried how shooting a few geese would prevent them from returning. LeMair: Noted hunting needs to be done during the designated season. Boyles: Commented on reports that geese will learn to stay away from areas that are dangerous to them and, therefore, a hunt might discourage them from returning to this site. Haugen: Asked about proximity to passing vehicles. O'Rourke: Replied there is no prohibition against shooting toward a roadway, but there is a requirement that the shot not leave the property. Stated that the Police Department could monitor the hunt. Haugen: Commented there are pedestrians and kids in a school environment. O'Rourke: Agreed that is a valid concern and unique to that location. Millar: Sympathetic to Vierling's problem. Stated his concerns are that residents be notified, there should be fewer hours for the hunt than requested and the Police Department should monitor the hunt. Hedberg: Supports Millar's comments and added that the hours of the hunt should comply with the noise ordinance as there is no reason to vary from the requirements of the noise ordinance. LeMair: Agreed with condition on hours to comply with the noise ordinance. Haugen: Suggested the time of the hunt should be restricted to 9 a.m. until noon each day so students will not be en route to school. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.172 APPROVING A SPECIAL HUNT FOR MIKE VIERLING WITH THE CONDITION THAT NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS ARE NOTIFIED OF THE HUNT, THE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONITORS THE HUNT AND THE HUNT IS CONDUCTED BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9 A.M. AND NOON. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Fire Prevention Week October 7 -13, Firefighter Rick Kathan. Firefighter Kathan encouraged people to make a plan for house evacuation in the event of a fire and con- duct fire drills for their families. Described the programs conducted by volunteer firefighters in the schools to teach students how to survive a house fire. Commented the program is conducted by volunteer firefight- ers. Advised Councilors of the Fire Station No.1 open house on October 13. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 Comments: LeMair: Commented on a firefighting experience he observed and the use of the firefighting equipment. Commended the firefighters for their expertise and efficiency. Erickson: Commented that it is great to have the open house allowing children to ride in the trucks and examine the equipment. Kathan: Noted that firefighting volunteers would be recruited at the event. Millar: Asked if there is a fire prevention program on PL TV 15. Also asked about the value of a radon de- tector. Kathan: Replied that they are becoming more prevalent and having a radon test in the home is a good idea. Hedberg: Commented about a fire at the Fish Lake Church where the ladder truck was used stating the fire department has excellent response time and does great work with the equipment. Haugen: Thanked Kathan for his presentation and commented on the training and sacrifice of personal time given by the firefighters. Stated the fire department supports the objective of creating a safe and healthy community and referred to mutual aid agreements and coordination of the equipment of multiple fire fighting units. Thanked the fire department for its for education component citing the safety camp in the summer and now fire prevention week. Believes it has a real impact on people in the community. Peterson: Stated that the fire prevention information is available in the Wavelength, on the Website and on the cable channel. Prior Lake Rollin - Rod Dehmlow Mr. Dehmlow was not in attendance to give his presentation. Ice Rink and Entertainment Center Report - Bill Rudnicki Bill Rudnicki, SMSC tribal administrator; Tad Dunsworth, Director of Dakotah! Sport and Fitness; and Matt Mathiasen, arena manager, were present to describe the SMSC's new entertainment center and pro- posed ice arena. Rudnicki stated the first show in the entertainment center was on August 10 and that the entertainment center has been compared to the State Theatre having around 2200 seats. Displayed the site plan for the ice arena and its placement with the other SMSC facilities. Commented on SMSC's sup- port for the priorities identified by the Parks, Athletic and Recreation Task Force by providing funds for light- ing the ball fields last year and now providing an ice arena that is expected to be operating by the next hockey season. Dunsworth described the components of new facility indicating areas for seating, conference rooms, ice rink and dedicated space for the varsity high school team. Explained they hope to put turf on one of the rinks for soccer, lacrosse, and other indoor sports when the hockey season closes. It will also be a rain out site for the PowWow and possibly a winter PowWow. Comments: Millar: Thanked SMSC for helping Prior Lake alleviate the pressure for ice rinks. Stated the entertainment center was an exciting project and he has heard it is the premiere entertainment venue in the metro area. Congratulated them on its completion. Hedberg: Thanked SMSC for the great symbol and statement of the partnership between SMSC, the City and the School District. Believes the entertainment center will attract a new level of show to the area, and that the rink will meet the growing demand for additional rinks and ice for a number of years. LeMair: Concurred and added that the hockey, entertainment center and lights at ball field help to make SMSC and Prior Lake a destination place for people to come to. Asked if the rink will be able to be con- verted to a dry rink. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 Rudnicki: Affirmed. Noted that none of the projects required taxpayer dollars. The ice arena is owned by the tribe and they hope everyone will use it. LeMair: Commented he has attended wrestling tournaments that were held in dry hockey rinks. Erickson: Stated the entertainment center is a big advantage for SMSC and Prior Lake to be able to at- tract other fine venues. Asked if the sheet of ice is NHL or Olympic sized. Dunsworth: Replied it is NHL size - 85' X 200'. Erickson: Believes using the ice rink as an alternate place for the PowWow is a great idea as not many facilities have that ability. The ice arena is the best sign of one community helping another. Haugen: Spoke of the value of the positive relationship with SMSC noting that the PAR Task Force identi- fied nearly 20 priorities in the community: the first to maximize use of current facilities and SMSC's dona- tion paid for lighting in the ball field to maximize its use; the second priority was to add a sheet of ice and SMSC's ice arena will be a tremendous asset for the Hockey Association and the School District helping keep people closer to home for recreational opportunities; and, the third priority was a multi-use facility and the ice arena as a dry rink can be used for various purposes. Commented that he attended a performance in the entertainment center and that it is a wonderful environment and having it enhances the overall quality of life in our community. Rudnicki: Commented on the experience of Mathiasen and Dunsworth stating they have the ability to make the ice arena one of the best facilities in the metro area. Looks forward to the ribbon cutting a year from now. AGENDA MODIFICATION MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO REOPEN THE PUBLIC FORUM TO ALLOW ATTENDEES TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL WHO HAD MISTAKENLY SIGNED UP FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PUBLIC FORUM Sally Hayunga, 5102 Credit River Road SE, expressed concerned about the possibility of the snowmobile trail being moved to be adjacent to their property. Stated her concern is for safety, feeling there is not enough space for a trail at that place and that it would interfere with children playing in the area. Also ex- pressed concern for the noise and nuisance of snowmobile traffic. Haugen: Stated that a snowmobile report is on the agenda later this evening about the process underway for snowmobile trails. Many of the concerns expressed are addressed in the report. Summer and Fall Recreational Programs - Angie Barstad Recreation Coordinator Barstad updated the Council on summer programming and activities planned for the fall. Gave statistics of participation for summer programs and listed events planned for this fall, MEA break and Christmas break. Explained the preregistration process. Comments: Hedberg: Asked about locations for MEA events. Barstad: Listed the locations and noted that buses are used to transport kids to the events. Millar: Commented that many parents are happy to have the programs in the summer and believes the programming adds to quality of life in Prior Lake. Asked if participation is still increasing. Barstad: Affirmed, noting that Prior Lake is a young community with more and more families moving in. Kids start the programs with Tot Lot and move up into other programs. Wants to expand programming with more ideas to offer all the time. Millar: Asked if there is programming for young teens. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 Barstad: Responded that the recreation department is working with Community Ed to have more activities for teens and, for example, the skate park will be open after school for a few more weeks. Millar: Noted that it is helpful to have more programs for adolescents. Barstad: Agreed they are trying to broaden programming to include teens too. Erickson: Asked if there is a preregistration to participate in the Walkfit event on Saturday at the Autumn Gathering. Barstad: Stated there is not. Erickson: Complimented the Recreation Department on its coordination of events during Lakefront Days, Barstad: Noted that the fishing contest and ice cream social were very well attended. LeMair: Asked if kids were being turned away due to filled programs and whether or not the department should be expanded with more staff. Barstad: Replied that more kids were allowed into the Tot Lot programming, and the Summer Supremo programming is being assessed to determine if more staff should be added. Wants the kids to have a suc- cessful experience. LeMair: Commented that his children were involved with summer programming and had a great time. Haugen: Commented he is glad to see participation numbers increasing and programs being expanded. Appreciates that the recreation department works with Community Ed and asked if any coordination is be- ing done with the YMCA. Barstad: Replied that the YMCA programming is set and Prior Lake works to not conflict with their pro- gramming but rather schedule events so kids can experience both if they want to. Haugen: Asked if the recreation department has considered working with Triple Play. Barstad: Replied that they have not scheduled programming yet but are learning what can be scheduled there and at what time. Millar: Asked if volunteers are used to help run any of the programs. Barstad: Responded that usually seasonal staff is used. She has pursued volunteers with YMCA but has not had much luck finding volunteers to help. Millar: Suggested that some mothers might be interested in helping. Barstad: Responded she has not yet marketed to the mothers for volunteers but is exploring that with Community Ed to see if there are volunteers who might chaperone trips. Millar: Noted some seniors might want to volunteer. Commented that many people give of their time and expertise and we need to figure out how to tap into that. Asked if there is a mailing list of parents who bring kids to programs. Barstad: Affirmed and stated that an e-mail list is being compiled to be used to inform people of future programs and perhaps it could be used to advertise for volunteers. Noted that a City staff person would still need to be at each event. PUBLIC HEARING Consider Approval of a Resolution Vacating the Platted Road Right.of.Way for St. Paul Avenue La. cated North of Credit River Road and South of Grainwood Elementary School. Planning Director Kansier explained that the School District's renovation to Grainwood included a survey which discovered that property boundaries were incorrect. This proposal is to have the right-of-way va- cated to allow property conveyances that can assure reasonable access to private property. Comments: Erickson: Asked if the piece of property would go to an adjacent property owner if it were vacated. Kansier: Replied that the piece would be retained by the school. Property is only retained by adjacent property owner if it was dedicated as part of the same subdivision plat. In this case, the right of way was 5 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 dedicated as part of the Costello's Addition to the left, whereas this adjacent property is part of a different subdivision plat so it will not revert there. Erickson: Asked what the school plans to do with the property. Kansier: Unknown, the school district would have to answer that. Hedberg: Assumes it is in public interest to have land properly maintained and asked how the school dis- trict will have access for mowing, etc. Kansier: From Credit River Road. Hedberg: Asked if the landowner to the east is currently maintaining the land. Kansier: Replied that the landowner is present and better able to answer the question. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing opened at 7:50 p.m. Comments: Eric Quiring, attorney for the ISO 719 School District, commented that Jeff Thune, 5086 Credit River Road, did not respond to a proposal to convey that property to him, but the School District is willing to do so. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing closed at 7:53 p.m. Comments: LeMair: Stated there is no reason for the City to hold the land and asked Thune if he wanted the land if the School District is willing to grant it. Thune: Affirmed. Erickson: Looked at the area and agrees with the proposed address changes for those properties. Asked if the report should be amended to show conveyance to Thune. Kansier: Stated that conveyance is not part of this action and deferred to the City Attorney on whether the City would want to condition the action on a conveyance to a third party. Pace: Replied the Council should just deal with whether the vacation should take place as conveyance is a separate action. Erickson: Asked the School District and Thune if their plan is to enact the proposed conveyance. Thune: Stated he was at the Council meeting to learn what the plan is and that he would accept the con- veyance. Lawyer: Stated that the intent of the School District is to return properties to the way that everyone thought it was and since it is giving up property it owns, the property owners would cover the cost of the convey- ance. That needs to be discussed with the property owners. Costs include survey and writing the legal descriptions of the small parcels. Millar: Asked if it would it be proper to defer the action until this is determined between the owners. Pace: Replied it is appropriate for the City to vacate the right-of-way if it finds there is no public purpose for retaining it. The vacation would go to the School District and the School District has to follow State law as to how they dispose of public property they own. Does not believe the City should be involved in that, and the Council should just address the vacation. Hedberg: Clarified that the Council is acting to vacate the property and ownership of it is between the School District and Thune. Agreed that it makes sense to clear up the vacation and restore to the property owners what they thought was theirs. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 Haugen: Concurred that the vacation seems to be in the public interest. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.173 PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF THE EXISTING PLATTED ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ST. PAUL AVENUE ADJACENT TO 16280 ST. PAUL AVENUE SE AND 5061 MINNESOTA STREET SE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Draft Report Regarding Snowmobiles. Police Chief O'Rourke reviewed the items considered by the Snowmobile Task Force. Public Works Director Albrecht suggested the Council would want to provide input on future snowmobile trails so they would not be assigned to roadways that are not desired by the City. Described the proposed trailways, cur- rent ordinance and possible options. Mentioned Crest Avenue/Sand Point areas as needing consideration for the future. Spoke of the safety concern of snowmobilers going under the bridge between Upper and Lower Prior Lake and suggested the possibility of using Grainwood Park and crossing over CR 21 rather than under the bridge. O'Rourke identified that marking is done by Scott County Sno-Trails and spoke of street signage and enforcement. Gave examples of necessary ordinance revisions to make snowmobile ordinance and park ordinance compatible, as well as possible costs associated with signage, enforcement, mailings, etc. Comments: LeMair: Commented he does not know what would happen if the snowmobile trail were moved to the north side of CR 21. Agrees he does not want to inconvenience the homes that are there, but it is necessary to find a trail for the snowmobilers. Stated he would like to try it for a year. Agreed that a park and ride lot for snowmobilers is a good idea whether it is at Sand Point or Lakefront. Agreed that establishing a crossing over CR 21 rather than under Wagon Bridge should be tried. Erickson: Stated he likes the idea of establishing a snowmobile complaint hotline. Believes signage may be necessary on other streets in addition to Main Street. O'Rourke: Replied the legal streets would be marked for access from Prior Lake, across CR 12 to Spring Lake. Erickson: Suggested the illegal streets should be marked as illegal, such as TH 13 and CR 17. Albrecht: Agreed the report could recommend that signage be increased in that area. Noted that a benefit to using CR 17 would be that snowmobilers could bypass Prior Lake if they are trying to get north. Erickson: Suggested that perhaps Tractor Supply would be willing to be a park and ride location. O'Rourke: Noted that area was considered when it was vacant, but now Tractor Supply would have to indicate willingness along with a determination of whether the size of the parking lot is big enough. Erickson: Stated he does not see Credit River Road as a viable snowmobile path. Noted the mailboxes in that area would need plowing in order to receive delivery. Albrecht: Concurred that the Task Force would have to address that as well as a wall that exists in the area. Erickson: Asked about the legal age to drive a snowmobile and whether someone should be allowed to drive a snowmobile on the streets if they are not legal to drive any other vehicle. Albrecht: Noted that the City ordinance defines age 14 with a valid safety certificate. O'Rourke: Stated the age requirement should be in the communications piece. Erickson: Suggested that it could also be on the maps. Hedberg: Endorses closing CR 82 to snowmobiles, but believes there should be public input from the peo- ple along the alternate route that crosses Spring Lake Regional Park and across CR 12. Does not think we should reroute the trail along Crest Avenue to Sand Point. Future development around Pike Lake Trail 7 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 could include a greenway for a snowmobile route and other lake access needs. Supports the idea of a park and ride lot at Sand Point and routing the trail through Grainwood Park and over CR21. Asked if the Task Force considered routing the trail along Revere Way to 180th Street, to Mushtown Road and then to CR 13, recognizing that it would require cooperation with Spring Lake Township. Albrecht: Replied that houses along Mushtown Road are close to the street and recommended using Pa- nama if the trail is routed to the south. Hedberg: Stated that since CR 21 is widened and there is no ditch, there are safety and noise issues re- sulting from trying to shoehorn some snowmobile trail space there and an alternative needs to be found. Recognizes that the City is trying to retain a rural feel and rural connection as long as it can, but there is need to be practical and not create safety problems. Millar: Agreed that neighborhoods along the route serving as an alternate to CR 82 need to be ap- proached for their input; believes the Crest Avenue and Sand Point neighbors need to be consulted as well. Albrecht: Noted that a Crest Avenue route is not currently on any maps and is prohibited for snowmobiling at this time. The only critical timing perspective is CR 21 Millar: Asked if the Task Force consulted with residents along CR 21. O'Rourke: Replied the Task Force wanted feedback from the Council and wanted to schedule a meeting next week. Millar: Stated he supports snowmobiling and wants to see it remain in the City. Concurred that the Credit River Road proposal causes concern about safety and whether speed limits would be enforced by Scott County. Millar: Encouraged looking for an alternative to CR 21. Agreed with the suggestion to route the trail through Grainwood and over CR 21, and creating a hotline and other communication efforts. Haugen: Stated the focus needs to be to create a safe environment for snowmobiles and determine how snowmobilers can coexist with neighborhoods, cars, etc. Impressed with trail markings and the ongoing signage urging caution and respect for neighbors. Asked how the snowmobilers can have access to the lakes. Questioned speeds and whether snowmobilers would be allowed to go 30 mph in the area proposed along Credit River Road. O'Rourke: Replied that other things that would apply to speed would be faster than reasonable and pru- dent for conditions. Haugen: Believes it is critical to address CR 21 and find a better alternative. Asked if it makes sense to use Revere and Panama to get to the lake. LeMair: Commented he is not in favor of buying a snowmobile for the Police Department for enforcement purposes. Erickson: Suggested different alternates to Credit River Road. Albrecht: Restated that there appears to be support for finding an alternate route to using Credit River Road. Asked, if the Task Force determines an alternate route, to have the flexibility to contact the neighborhoods and jurisdictions that would be impacted by that alternate route to conduct a public hearing. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO DIRECT THE TASK FORCE TO DETERMINE AN ALTERNATE SNOWMOBILE ROUTE TO CREDIT RIVER ROAD AND TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING WITH JURISDICTIONS AND NEIGHBORHOODS THAT WOULD BE IMPACTED BY THAT ROUTE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Haugen: Reiterated that the Council is not acting on the other snowmobiling issues tonight, just the Credit River Road route. O'Rourke: Corrected an earlier statement to note that City ordinance for snowmobile speed is 10 mph on City streets. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving the Combined Preliminary and Final Plat and the De. velopment Contract for Latterell Estates. Development Director Kansier presented a request to split the existing lot into two lots noting that both lots would meet minimum lot size requirements and that the Planning Commission recommends approval based on consistency with ordinance. Comments: Hedberg: Asked Kansier to summarize the comments from the Planning Commissioner public hearing. Kansier: Replied that no person spoke at the public hearing. Hedberg: Noted that there is a reasonable building pad, the proposal is for a good use of the land, it cre- ates additional taxable property to the City and does not interfere with the neighborhood. Will support. Millar: Will support. Erickson: Stated the proposal puts money into the tax rolls and park improvement funds. Will support. LeMair: Noted it is zoned correctly and the proposal complies with ordinance and if the City did not allow it there would probably be a problem from a legal standpoint. The proposal allows additional taxes to the tax base and does not create more density. Will support because it meets the qualifications. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.174 APPROVING THE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF "LATTERELL ESTATES" AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO RELEASE OF THE FINAL PLAT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Community Events LeMair: Ladies Night Out is Thursday, October 4. Donations can be made to Knutson Family Fund at US Bank on Franklin Trail to support the family that was displaced from their home by the fire in the Cardinal Ridge area. Erickson: Senior Social Bingo will be October 3, the Transit Station dedication will be October 3, and the Autumn Gathering will be October 7 with the Well Fit Walk at 1 :45 p.m. The Fire Station No.1 open house will be October 13. Millar: VFW is having its sauerkraut and pork dinner on October 7. Hedberg: The City Recreation Department is having trick or treat on October 31. The Candidate Forum will be on October 16 at 6 p.m. Haugen: The McKenna Crossing dedication is October 2 @ 4 p.m. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Hedberg. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Frank B~~ ~/~ Charlotte Green, Administrative AS-St. 9