HomeMy WebLinkAbout6A Northwood Mead/Coves
4646 Dakota Street S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
OCTOBER 22, 2007
Manley Land Development, Cardinal Development Group, and Donnay Homes have
applied for approval of an amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known
as Northwood Meadows on the property located on the west side of Northwood Road,
directly west of the Northwood Oaks development and east of Spring Lake Regional
Park. The proposed amendment would allow the minimum side yard setbacks for the
lots in The Coves of Northwood Meadows to be reduced from 10' to 7.5' or 5 feet.
The Planning Commission considered this item at a public hearing on September 24,
2007. The proposal before the Planning Commission at that time would have increased
the impervious surface in Tier 4 of the development to 28.5%, which exceeds the
allowable 25 percent. The Planning Commission directed the developer to reconfigure
this proposal so the impervious surface will not exceed 25% in Tier 4.
The proposed amendment to the final PUD plan would reduce the setbacks in The
Coves of Northwood Meadows according to the following table:
Lot Block Lot Line Current Setback Proposed Setback
1 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
2 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
3 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
4 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
8 1 NE&SW 10' 7.5'
9 1 NE&SW 10' 7.5'
14 1 S 10' 7.5'
15 1 N&SW 10' 7.5'
16 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
17 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
18 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
19 1 E&W 10' 7.5'
20 1 NW & SE 10' 7.5'
21 1 NW & SE 10' 7.5'
1 2 E 7.5' 5'
3 3 W 7.5' 5'
1:\07 files\07 pud's\amendment to the coves\pc report2.doc
Page 1
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245
The attached letter explains the developer's rationale for this request.
In order to meet the maximum 25% impervious surface requirement, the developer is
proposing to limit the house pad on the lot to 3,300 square feet, and the overall
impervious surface to 4,200 square feet. According to the attached letter from BDM,
this will ensure the impervious surface in Tier 4 does not exceed 25 percent. The
restrictive covenants on the lots will include these limitations. These covenants will be
recorded against the property.
The Planning Commission must review the proposed amendment to the Final PUD plan
and determine whether the amendment is consistent with the purpose of a PUD. The
change in the proposal is consistent with the direction provided by the Planning
Commission on September 24,2007.
If the Planning Commission finds the proposal consistent with the purpose of a PUD, the
staff would recommend approval subject to the following conditions:
1. A 7.5' setback will be permitted on one side of Lots 5-7, Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2,
and Lot 3, Block 3, of the Coves of Northwood Meadows, as approved in the
original PUD plan. Additional setback reductions are according to the table on
Page 1 of this report. All other setbacks must meet the R-1 district
2. The maximum house pad on the lots with reduced setbacks is 3,300 square feet,
and the maximum impervious surface is 4,200 square feet.
3. The revised restrictive covenants must be recorded prior to issuance of any
building permits.
1. Recommend approval of the PUD Final Plan subject to the above condition and to
any other conditions deemed necessary.
2. Recommend denial of the request, based on specific findings of fact.
3. Continue this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the
issues that have been discussed.
1. Developer's Letter, dated June 8, 2007
2. Letter from BDM dated August 22,2007, and October 8,2007.
3. Reduced Copy of The Coves at Northwood Meadows
4. Revised Restrictive Covenants
5. Minutes from September 24,2007, Planning Commission Meeting
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June 7, 2007
':Jt--l S 2007
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The Coves of North wood Meadows
PUD Amendment application
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Cardinal Development Group, LLC is seeking a variance in the setbacks for 16 lots in the
above mentioned Plat.
These lots were to have been addressed in the original application due to their reduced
size but were missed during the process. Several other lots in The Coves currently have
reduced setbacks.
In order to reasonably fit the housing as proposed and maintain the marketability of the
area, the set backs need to be reduced on the remainder of these lots as shown.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Kurt Larson
Cardinal Development Group, LLC
October 8, 2007
Ms. Danette Moore
City of Prior Lake
Planning Coordinator
4646 Dakota St. NE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Re: The Coves ofNOlthwood Meadows Setback Revisions
Ms. Moore,
This letter is in response to the City's request for updated information on the impervious areas to the
Prior Lake Shoreland District 'fieI' 4 in relationship with the setback revisions and the proposed building
footprint limitations.
It is our understanding that the maximum impervious surface coverage within any Shoreland District tier
is not to exceed 25% for a residential PUD according to the City's ordinances. We are proposing to
limit the footprint of future structures within Tier 4 of the Prior Lake Shoreland District to 3300 square
feet, not including driveway areas. Using an average driveway area of approximately 980 feet and a
maximum footprint of 3300 square feet for the lots with proposed setback revisions, the percentage of
impervious surfaces within Tier 4 of the Shoreland District is not expected to exceed 25%.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at (612) 548-3141 or by email at
Jim Stremel, P.E.
BDM Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, PLC
Cc Kurt Larson
Page I of I
8 2007
June 5, 2007
~ t
Ms. Danette Moore
City of Prior Lake
Planning Coordinator
4646 Dakota St. NE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Re: The Coves of North wood Meadows Setback Revisions
Ms. Moore,
The Cardinal Development Group would like to propose an amendment to the PUD for The Coves of
Northwood Meadows. The amendment includes changes to setback dimensions for the lots highlighted
in the attached exhibit. The chart below describes the specific dimensions and changes to the lots in
Current Proposed
Lot Block Lotline Setback Setback
1 1 E&W 10 7.5
2 1 E&W 10 7.5
3 1 E&W 10 7.5
4 1 E&W 10 7.5
8 1 NE & SW 10 7.5
9 1 NE & SW 10 7.5
14 1 S 10 7.5
15 1 N&SW 10 7.5
16 1 E&W 10 7.5
17 1 E&W 10 7.5
18 1 E&W 10 7.5
19 1 E&W 10 7.5
20 1 NW & SE 10 7.5
21 1 NW & SE 10 7.5
1 2 E 7.5 5
3 3 W 7.5 5
Page 1 of2
l1040-183RD CIRCLE NW, SUITE A. ELK RIVER, MN 55330.763-441-0877, FAX 763-441-7724
If you have any questions, you can contact me at (612) 548-3140 or by email at
ce-~ f!rJ. ;L
Dennis M. Honsa
Registered Land Surveyor
BDM Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, PLC
Enclosures: (1) Exhibit
Cc Kurt Larson
Page 2 of2
11040 -183RD CIRCLE NW, SUITE A' ELK RIVER, MN 55330. 763-441-0877, FAX 763-441-7724
July 24, 2007
Ms. Danette Moore
City of Prior Lake
Planning Coordinator .
4646 Dakota St. NE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Re: The Coves of North wood Meadows Setback Revisions
Ms. Moore,
This letter is in response to the City's request for updated information on the impervious areas to the
Prior Lake Shoreland District tiers in relationship with the setback revisions as previously proposed in a
letter dated June 5, 2007.
Tiers 1 and 2 are completely off of The Coves property and therefore will not be affected by the change.
With the change in setback dimensions we are anticipating that the pad sizes for the affected lots would
increase from 50'x50' (2500 square feet) to 60'x60' (3600 square feet). Portions of Tier 3 are within
The Coves development (Lots 15-17 Blk 1), but the proposed changes would only add an approximate
impervious area of 294 square feet to Lot 16 Block 1. There are more significant changes within Tier 4
(Lots 1-3, 14-21 Blk 1, Lot 1 Blk 2, Lot 3 Blk 3). If the increase in pad size is assumed to be completely
impervious, the overall impervious area for tlie affected lots within as a whole within Tier 4 would
increase from 21.6% to 28.5%. See the attached exhibit showing the location of the shoreland district
tiers and the affected lots.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at (612) 548-3141 or by email at
Jim Stremel, P.E.
BDM Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, PLC
Enclosures: (1) Exhibit
Cc Kurt Larson
Page 1 ofl .
60 PLATO BLVD EAST. ST PAUL, MN 55107.612-548-3141, FAX 763-786-4574
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Section I: Criteria for Home Construction: Architectural quality, distinction, creativity
and compatibility is deemed of prime importance. Harmony in external design, location upon the
lot and in relation to surrounding structures and topography, as well as the height, shape and
exterior materials, finish and quality are all matters to be considered. All house fronts shall be
constructed with no less than 1/3, native stone, brick, stucco or similar cultured material as are
required, the balance of fronts shall be allowed wood, hardy board or like type materials, and
approved in writing by the architectural control committee. Wood finishes are to be in natural
earth tone or gray stains and paints. Sides and rears of all homes are to be constructed of
compatible quality materials, including aluminum, vinyl, stucco, cedar or other materials as
approved by the architectural control committee.. All roofs shall be constructed at not less than
7/12 pitch with an upgraded shingle, (Horizon, Timberline) or of comparable quality. All homes
if able shall have a deck completed by closing.
Section II: Structures: No structure other than one single family residence shall be
erected on any lot together with a garage at least three cars in size constructed as a integral part of
the residence.
Section ill: Landscaping: A lawn and plantings plan that shall include at least two trees
of an approved species and size shall be submitted to the architectural committee for approval.
All landscaping shall be completed within nine months after issuance of a building permit or 60
days after home completion, whichever is sooner. Wooded areas are to be preserved and no trees
exceeding six inches in diameter at the base shall be removed unless diseased, severely damaged
or deteriorated or hazardous except where necessary for building or to comply with landscaping
plan as approved. Planting or trees which can cause a public nuisance, such as cotton producing
trees, or can be a public hazard, such as bug infestation or weak bark, are prohibited. All lawn
areas from rear of structure and side lot lines to curb must be sodded at owner's expense. All
homes constructed shall have a landscaping allowance of no less than $15,000. This allowance
must cover the minimum requirements as stated in this paragraph.
Section IV: Surfacing: Motor vehicles driveways and parking areas shall be hard
surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick or similar materials. Driveways, parking and lawn areas
shall conform to grades established by development plan with wooded areas preserved and native
undergrowth protected if at all possible.
Section V: Size of Residence: No residence shall exceed two stories in height above
front ground level. One story and multi-level residences shall have above grade finished living
area of no less than 1,600 square feet; and two-story residences no less than a total of 2,200
square feet; and a modified two story shall a foundation size no less than 1,400 square feet
foundation and a total of 2,200 square feet, in each instance excluding garages, unheated porches,
and accessory structures thereto.
A. Restrictions On Lots 1-4,8,9, 14-21, Block I, Lot I, Block 2 and Lot 3, Block 3:
I. The home footprint, including but not limited to the house, garage, and
decks shall not exceed 3300 square feet.
2. The impervious surface, including house, garage, driveway, patios, sheds,
pools, and any other impervious surface shall not exceed 4200 square feet.
Planning Commission Meeting
September 24, 2007
Andy Burke, 3058 Hawk Ridge Road, said he was concerned with all the little tweaking
changes in this development, over time the overall value of other properties will go down.
He is worried as homes are packed in tighter and tighter the whole development becomes
less aesthetically pleasing. There are many developments in the Spring Lake area. This
plan has changed since it was first presented. Burke's other concern with this tweaking
and jamming homes close together has a lot to do with the marketing conditions. Would
like to see the development stay as is. Burke has his own business and he has to make
adjustments. He suggested taking some of the homes out of the plan and spreading out
the lots which would allow for better custom homes. Burke and his neighbors do not
want more packed in homes. At some time you have to say "enough is enough".
The public hearing closed at 6:42 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
. In hearing all the comments I am inclined to support this. The developer will
really have to hold to the impervious surface at 25%. Not inclined in the future to
change this very much.
. I think: there are some valid points from the other side as far as lot size.
. Weare going to have to adapt to current market changes or we are going to sit on
the status quo. There has to be some flexibility to survive.
. Agreed with Commissioner Billington.
. Thank you to the residents for bringing their concerns. They resonate with me.
. Appreciate Kurt (Larson) coming forward and explaining the customization and
not trying to add more units on the site.
. I would urge the developer to work with staff to arrive at the 25% or lower
impervious surface.
. Agree with staff in this case.
. What are the benefits to the City? Have there been any thoughts to that?
. Was there an opportunity to bring something back to the City? Kansier said staff
met with Mr. Larson a few weeks ago and he advised staff he was not proposing
any additional benefits.
. This has not been common place to come back with an amendment.
. Nor has it been a good reason in the past to change a PUD in the final stages.
. The impervious surface did not sound like a concerned issue.
. For those reasons I cannot support this.
. Would agree with Perez wholeheartedly ifthere were one or two more houses,
however, while it's tempting not to approve this, I think: we would get a less
Planning Commission Meeting
September 24, 2007
desirable product on those 16 lots that is less than what is intended and have
exactly the affect the residents are worried about.
. The developer said he would not intend to use all of the setbacks for the lots, just
the flexibility to build a custom home.
. Sixteen custom houses designed to the lot would be more aesthetically pleasing.
It could actually do the opposite and raise the value of the homes.
. I will support, but the 4th tier cannot exceed the 25% impervious surface. My
concern and I am asking staff for help - that the first 10 lots sold become
somewhat larger houses where the developer gets painted into a comer and the
remaining lots are not going to be easy to develop.
. Kansier responded she understands his concern. Mr. Larson said he might not use
the entire building pad however, based on her experience - it is used. She
believes they can bring down the impervious surface but the proposal needs to be
adjusted so it shows the max at 25% (imperious surface).
. Kansier went on to explain how staff works with the PUD process and the
impervious surface calculations. Her concern is with just going forward and
saying it (impervious surface) won't be exceeded, that it will exceed.
. Kansier said she is more comfortable with revising the proposal to bring the
number down to 25%.
. I would propose to bring it back and approve it based on a 25% maximum
impervious surface amendment.
. Kansier said any amendment would have to go before the City Council.
Further Commissioner Discussion:
Fleming agreed.
Billington agreed if the amendment came back (before the Planning Commission). We
would all be informed and comfortable with what is going on. It is a departure from the
initial thought process of this project.
Lemke thanked the residents for coming out and stated any tweaking of increased density
or townhomes or anything else he would not support.
Kansier suggested the item could be continued to the next meeting on October 22, then
the neighbors could come back to hear the presentation and comment. If the
Commissioners decide to go that way, the Motion should be with a specific direction.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
Old Business:
Planning Commission Meeting
September 24, 2007
B. EP07-125 An application has been submitted to amend the Final Northwood
Meadows PUD Plan to reduce the minimum side yard setbacks from 10' to 7.5' for
the lots in The Coves of Northwood Meadows.
Planning Director Jane Kansier presented the planning report dated September 24, 2007,
on file in the office of the city planning department.
Manley Land Development, Cardinal Development Group and Donnay Homes have
applied for approval of an amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as
Northwood Meadows on the property located on the west side of North wood Road,
directly west of the Northwood Oaks development and east of Spring Lake Regional
Park. The proposed amendment would allow the minimum side yard setbacks for the lots
in The Coves of Northwood Meadows to be reduced from 10' to 7.5' or 5 feet.
On March 20,2006, the City Council adopted Ordinance #106-05 amending the Zoning
Ordinance to designate the 79 acres as a Planned Unit Development. On September 5,
2006, the City Council approved the final PUD plan. The approved final PUD plans
included a table listing the minimum setbacks. For the most part, the conventional R-l
setbacks are applied. Reduced setbacks are permitted as follows:
1. A reduced side yard setback of7.5' is permitted in the smaller lots in Blocks 2,3
and 4 of the Bluffs of North wood Meadows.
2. An 8' setback is permitted on the lots in the Villas of North wood Meadows
3. A 7.5' setback will be permitted on one side of Lots 5-7, Block I, Lot 1, Block 2,
and Lot 3, Block 3, of the Coves of North wood Meadows.
The developer is now requesting an amendment to the final PUD plan that would reduce
the setbacks in The Coves of Northwood Meadows from 10' to 7.5 feet. The developers
are also requesting the setbacks be reduced from 7.5' to 5' for two of the lots. In his
application, the developer states "these lots were to have been addresses in the original
application due to their reduced size, but were missed during the process." The
developer is not proposing any additional benefit to the City.
The major impact of the proposed amendment is the increase in impervious surface.
According to Section 1104.805 (3b) of the Zoning Ordinance, impervious surface
coverage is limited to 25% of each tier area in a Shoreland District PUD. According to
the information provided by BDM, the developer's engineer, an additional 294 square
feet of impervious surface will be added to Tier 3. Since the total approved impervious
surface in this tier is approximately 8%, the additional impervious surface is insignificant.
In Tier 4, however, the reduced setbacks will increase the impervious surface to 28.5
percent. This is not consistent with the Ordinance requirement.
If the Planning Commission finds the amendment consistent with the purpose of the
PUD, approval must be contingent upon revising the proposal so the impervious surface
in Tier 4 does not exceed the 25% maximum. This revision must be done before the
proposal proceeds to the City Council.
Planning Commission Meeting
September 24, 2007
Staff recommended denial based on the impervious surface criteria. rfthat were to be
revised the question would become whether or not the proposed amendment is consistent
with the intent of the PUD.
Kansier read a letter from James R. Casey, 3049 Hawk Ridge Road, opposing the request.
Ringstad stated he has a conflict of interest with the applicant and would abstain from
comments and voting.
Lemke questioned if the number of lots would remain the same. Kansier responded they
would. There are no additional units, just smaller setbacks on the lots they identified.
Lemke - If approved it would not increase any lots or density. Kansier agreed.
Perez questioned if staff has seen a PUD amendment come back with a similar issue that
something was forgotten. Other times the Commissioners see an amendment because of
changes in the market. Kansier responded he was correct - the only PUD amendments
that come back are for reducing the density, reducing the number of units or reducing the
impervious surface.
Comments from the Public:
Kurt Larson, Cardinal Development, said he is a little embarrassed to be before the
Commissioners tonight, it is an engineering error and passed past them as well. The
amendment is for 16 lots which is less than half of the development. The error came to
their attention when one of the builders came forward with a plan and they were not able
to fit it on the lot based on the current setbacks. One of the key issues in the PUD was
lifecycle housing and moving people through with different styles of housing with price
ranges and so on. Manley (development) has the smallest lots in the development which
would be more of the starter or retired housing. Larson said the new proposed lots would
be the same as Manley's. Again, there are only 16 lots out of 40. It would be unlikely
the homes would exceed the impervious surface requirements. Larson said they would be
willing to go back and work with staff on the 25% impervious surface.
Fleming asked Larson if he had thought at all about sustaining the marketability of the
area. Larson said they had 24 lots they can do thing with and 16 that they can't. So it
affects the entire site. Obviously marketability is one of them.
Fleming questioned Larson if working with staff he would be able to make the 25%
impervious surface. Larson replied with the majority of the 16 lots they could make it
Billington asked Larson to explain the ramifications and benefits enhancing the lifecycle
housing. Larson said one of the issues of the PUD was lifecycle housing with different
Planning Commission Meeting
September 24, 1007
types of styles for demographics and price ranges. These 16 lots would not be in line
with the other 24 and what they would market.
Billington questioned how do we get at the question of so called competitive priced
housing. Is that part of the equation for long term marketing? Larson said it is part of the
equation, he did not know how to get there.
Perez noted in the report there were no additional benefits to the City. Larson said this
goes back to the PUD and keeping it constant with the life cycle housing.
Billington questioned if the Commissioners approve with the 25% maximum on
impervious surface, is it going to be helpful or what is the impact for the project. Larson
said it would be very helpful and give them the ability to build a larger home.
Fleming asked staff what the current impervious surface would be for tier 4. Kansier
responded the approved plan for tier 4 was approximately 21 %.
Lemke questioned if all the setbacks were approved except for the two (lots) at five
(feet), what would that do to the project? Larson responded there is a pathway that runs
between, it would certainly be helpful to have that setback, and it's not dramatic.
Todd Murr, 3022 Hawk Ridge Road, commented there are 40 lots in the development and
the setbacks work for 24 lots, why do they have to reduce setbacks for16 lots? Murr said
he did not understand why change the 16 lots. Larson said he can work on them but it's
just not the reduced setback. The lots are not narrower, where I could understand.
Secondly, Larson said he wanted to build larger houses. Murr would be interested in a
marketing research. The first set of four houses on Hawk Ridge Road have between 20
and 25 foot setback, then to go on to the next development on the same road with 14 foot
setbacks will be inconsistent. There should be some continuity.
Larson said he may have misspoke if they think they are building bigger homes, the
setbacks give more flexibility to build custom homes. The lot sizes on the Villas and
Bluffs really limit the product. His site was always determined to be a custom built upper
scale home. It doesn't always mean a larger home.
Fleming asked Larson to give an example of a customization. Larson explained a
standard three-car garage will be between 30 and 34 feet, from there depending on the
configuration of the home - a rambler or a two story, the width can change dramatically
within a customized home. This just gives us the flexibility or the ability at some point in
time if they need it to have it.
Billington quoted part of Mr. Casey's letter opposing the request because he believes the
reduction will reduce the home values of current and future properties and developments
with smaller setbacks are aesthetically displeasing. Larson said in some cases that is true
in other places within the Metro area. However, Larson felt that would not happen in this