HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 16, 1999 .. ,.' PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, August 16, 1999 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes - July 19, 1999 4. Consent Agenda a) Approval of Invoices. 5. Presentations 6. Public Hearings 7. Old Business a) Review Business and Expansion Strategies Survey. b) Discuss EDA levy 8. New Business 9. Other Business a) Review 1999 EDA Goals and Objectives b) September 14, 1999, Downtown Redevelopment Workshop (see attached) 10. Announcements or Correspondence 11. Adjournment, 7:00 p.m. L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDAAGEND\AG081699.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, July 19, 1999 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were President Barsness, Commissioners Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, Executive Director Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Planning Director Rye, Assistant City Manager Woodson, Assistant City Engineer Sue McDermott, Consultant Roger Guennette and Recording Secretary Meyer. Approval of June 21. 1999 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY JADER, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 21, 1999 MEETING MINUTES, AS AMENDED. UNDERFERTH: Page 2, second to the last Underferth, change "City" to "businessperson". VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, and Underferth, the motion carried. Commissioner Schenck abstained. CONSENT AGENDA: Consider Approval of Payment of Invoices MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF INVOICES. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. ~ BUSINESS: Business Retention Interviews: (1) Interview Assignments, and (2) Questions. BOYLES: Reviewed the procedure for commencing with the business retention interviews by the EDA Commissioners. Asked for input from the Commissioners. SCHENCK: Asked if staff would be accompanying the Commissioners on interviews. BOYLES: Clarified that past direction from the EDA was that businesspersons may be less intimidated if staff was not present. JADER: Commented that he would like to be included in the interviews with Mystic Lake and Norex. Also asked how the list of businesses was developed. RYE: Commented that the list is a compilation of City records and Chamber records. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .- Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes July 19, 1999 KEDROWSKI: Asked about the timeline for completion of the interviews. BOYLES: Asked the Commissioners for direction as to the timeline, as well as the scope of the questions. BARSNESS: Suggested mailing a surveyor list of questions prior to the individual interviews so that the business person is aware of the scope of information the EDA is seeking. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH, TO APPROVE THE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS WITH A 60 DAY TIMELlNE AND TO HAVE THE ITEM ON THE OCTOBER AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION. VOTE Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth, Schenck, the motion carried. Further discussion occurred among the EDA as to the specific questions to be included, deleted and amended. The EDA also discussed sending out the questionnaire in advance and the procedure by which the interviews will be completed. GUENNETTE: Commented that if the EDA is taking the time to complete a survey of this extent, they should also focus on how the EDA is able to use this type of information. Suggested the initial contact should be to just listen to what the concerns are in the business community. Also noted that if business assistance is a concern within the business community, there may be local, county, state or federal programs available to develop a business assistance program. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH, TO APPROVE THE SURVEY AS AMENDED. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, Nay by Kedrowski, the motion carried. The Commissioners agreed that the staff will revised the survey, distribute to EDA Commissioners, and send out the survey to business owners advising that Commissioners will be in contact to schedule a meeting. Findings of Funding Report for CSAH 42 Frontage Roads. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO ACCEPT THE FUNDING REPORT AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. NEw BUSINESS: Recommend EDA Budget and Levy for 2000. BOYLES: Provided background information in connection with the staff report, together with the options available to the EDA. Also advised that the EDA should make a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Further detailed the specific allowances within the proposed budget. KEDROWSKI: Asked for clarification that the City Council must approve annually any EDA special levy. Also asked if the money marked for the Downtown redevelopment were not used, would that decision go back to the Council. 1:\ADVBODYS\EDA\MINUTES\99\071999.DOC 2 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes July 19, 1999 fAC.e: Advised that the budget provided the Council is supplemental material and what the Council authorizes is the levy authority for the EDA. If money were left over, the use of it would be under the discretion of the EDA within those limits provided by statute. BOYLES: Given the magnitude of the funding, suggested being specific as to the allocation. Also noted that once the Downtown Redevelopment study is available in October, the EDA will be able to better determine to what degree the EDA is needed to and able to provide assistance. BARSNESS: Asked the rationale for moving the travel and conferences expense and the consultant expense to the HRA levy, rather than the general funding. .fAC.E: Clarified that when you include budget allocations from the general fund, you limit the levy authority of the City as a body. The EDA budget can come from the City's General Fund, an EDA levy, or a combination of the two. JADER: Believes allocating funds to Downtown redevelopment at this time is premature. UNDERFERTH: Understood Commissioner Jader's position, but in light of the input from the Downtown redevelopment workshops, and the failure of past plans, believes that the EDA needs to take the initiative now, and that some public assistance will be necessary. SCHENCK: Noted that if we do not approve the funds for the 2000 budget, we will have no funds to proceed with any type of Downtown redevelopment. GUENNETTE: Believes that if the EDA is not willing to approve the allocation of funds to the Downtown redevelopment at this point, they should never have begun the study in the beginning, it would undermine the planning process the EDA has already put in place. LARRY ANDERSON: Commented that it is imperative that some redevelopment in downtown take place. JADER: Agreed with the Downtown redevelopment and that this is probably the last chance we have to take the initiative, but without any specific application, a $70,000 levy will not get Council approval. BARSNESS: Asked what the budget deadlines are. UNDERFERTH: If the EDA recommends a levy, and the Council approves the levy, and a project is not defined in the meantime, the Council really has until December for a final levy. BOYLES: Provided that the budget limits can be reduced after the September resolution is adopted, but that cannot be increased. The Truth-In-Taxation hearing is scheduled for December 6th, and the City Council must adopt a budget by December 20th. BARSNESS: Believes it is time for the EDA to listen to the community and take the initiative. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO APPROVE SENDING THE EDA LEVY BUDGET RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. 1:\ADVBODYS\EDA\MINUTES\99\071999.DOC 3 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes July 19, 1999 Award Bids for Wetland Mitigation in Waterfront Passage Business Park. BOYLES: Reviewed the item in connection with the staff report. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO AWARD BID FOR WETLAND MITIGATION IN WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK TO K. A. WITT CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,692.00. JADER: Asked if we have worked with the proposed contractor in the past. Planning Director Rye advised that the Engineering staff had checked references, but that he was unaware if the City had worked with the contractor in the past. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Letter to Scott County HRA Regarding Memorandum of Understanding. RYE: Bill Jaffa indicated that the Memorandum of Understanding will be on the HRA's agenda tomorrow, and that they should respond favorably. For Sale Sign on 4.5 Acre Parcel. GUENNETTE: Advised the EDA of the steps currently being taken to market the property. Letter to cSAH 21 / TH13 Property Owners. BOYLES: Advised that the letters have been mailed, but as yet no responses had been received. UNDERFERTH and BARSNESS: Commented that the letter was well-written and staff did a great job on follow-up. Review 1999-2000 Goals & Objectives BOYLES: Reviewed several questions and concerns that staff had with respect to the current goals of the EDA. Asked for comments and/or input from the Commissioners to more clearly define the projects for the coming year. Consensus among Commissioners that the items (referring to specific properties and to long-range efforts) identified by Executive Director BOYLES in the staff report be removed at this point. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH, TO REVISED THE GOALS AND TO-DO LIST. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader, Underferth and Schenck, the motion carried. Upon a motion and se nd the meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m. 1:\ADVBODYS\EDA\MINUTES\99\071999.DOC 4 " ..' PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRESENTER: DATE: 4A CONSIDER APPROVAL OF INVOICES TO BE PAID JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR AUGUST 16, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION: Attached is a list of invoices for expenses incurred by the EDA. These expenses include work performed on the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. DISCUSSION: Approval of this list of invoices is consistent with the policy adopted by the EDA. Following approval, the checks will be issued and distributed by the City Finance Director. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to approve payment of the attached InVOIces. REVIEWED BY: Frank 1:\99files\9geda\reports\rp816inv.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~un ~ate: 08/09/99 Time: 10:41:49 \PPEAL 5.1 98.05 ?UND ACCNT OBJ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE SCHEDULED INVOICES SUMMARY FOR PAYMENT ON: 8/17/99, Post 8/15/99 VENDOR NAME 240-EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 46501-DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT 505-Professional Services HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC TOTAL 46501-DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL 240-EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND GRAND TOTAL Page: 1 Ini: JANET AMOUNT 4,588.39 4,588.39 --------------- --------------- 4,588.39 --------------- --------------- 4,588.39 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: DATE: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: ACTION RECOMMENDED: REVIEWED BY: 7A REVIEW BUSINESS AND EXPANSION STRATEGIES SURVEY DON RYE, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AUGUST 16, 1999 At the July 19, 1999, meeting the Economic Development Authority reviewed the survey instrument to be administered to 50 Prior Lake area businesses (see attached list). The EDA directed changes to the survey, and that a letter be drafted for mailing to interviewees. Attached to EDA review and comment is the revised survey and a letter which would be sent together with the questionnaire to each firm. The EDA commissioner assigned to that interview would be responsible for calling the interviewee within ten days ofthe letter to establish a appointment to conduct the interview. We are assuming that if the EDA approves the survey, and letter on August 16, that both will be sent out on August 17, and EDA members will contact each firm to make an appointment by August 27, and complete all interviews by September 7. This would allow for EDA review of the survey results at the October meeting. The EDA should approve both the questionnaire and cover letter as well as the survey timeline outlined above. L:\99FILES\99EDA \REPORTS\7 A081699.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER BUSINESS INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENTS . CprilactPel"sph > . Ga Horke Pat Norris John Muench Dr. Tom Sticha Fran Greenfield Tom Buckin ham David Velishek Steve Case Rod Dehmlow Dr. Charles W. Puffer Ed Malone Timoth Sinnen Bruce Stockman Terri Draxton C.D. Schwantes Kath Hennen Jim S eiker Pam Whitmore Dave Chrom Lar Anderson NBC Products M stic Lake/SMDC Prior Lake Amoco Prior Lake State Bank Scott Lake Pet Clinic The Wilds Advanta e Travel Dakota Li uor US Bank Ton Shanks Bill Rudnicki Tom Flink Bob Barsness Dr. Gordon Mike Re an Sue Leathers Kevin Bresnahan Sara Call Stan Anderson Gu Selinske Dan Minske Dave Moline Diane Bariball Paavo P kkonen John Andren Dave Ber eron Jean Ek Ra Lemle Jim Sherack Stuart Dankers Jack Hau en' Charlie Henkels Sam Dalal Paul Viereck Mike Colvin Rachel Van Den Boom Leo Le 1:\99files\9geda\busasign.doc Ph6r'leN UIll Li~r> 440-9400 447-1040 447-8898 447-8980 440-6666 226-6441 447-2237 447-2127 440-2277 447-1080 440-9200 447-7722 447-2676 993-8800 447-2855 447-4118 440-6500 447-8296 440-7900 447-5045 226-1112 445-8900 447-5286 447-2101 447-4171 445-3500 447-1333 447-6661 447-4045 226-1050 447-3151 447-8511 447-2196 447-4259 440-3200 447-2172 447-4030 440-3030 447-1700 440-9800 447-6055 440-8980 447-6086 447-6898 440-4000 . 440-5620 447-8160 447-4700 447-366~ August 11, 1999 <<Title>> <<FirstName>> <<LastName>> <<Company>> <<Address 1>> <<Address2>> <<City>>, <<State>> <<PostaICode>> RE: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority Business Survey Dear <<Title>> <<LastName>>: One of this year's key objectives ofthe Prior Lake Economic Development Authority is to learn what can be done to improve the retention of our existing businesses. To accomplish this objective, the EDA is undertaking a survey of 50 Prior Lake businesses. We have selected your firm to be one ofthe fifty. We hope you will agree to participate. Within 10 days of the date of this letter, Prior Lake EDA Commissioner <<edamembeD> will be contacting you by telephone to set up an hour appointment. During the appointment he will be asking you a series of questions regarding your business and your plans for the future. We ask that you complete the enclosed survey prior to that visit since this information will be the subject of the discussion. We know your time is valuable. We encourage you to invest 60 minutes in this process. The return on your time invested is a Prior Lake Economic Development Authority that better understands your needs and the role it can play in meeting those needs so you will continue to call Prior Lake home. If you have questions about this letter, the purpose ofthe interviews, or if you are not contacted within the ten day time frame, I would appreciate your call at 447-9801. Thanks in advance for your cooperation! Sincerely, Frank Boyles City Manager L:\99FILES\99EDA \BUSLETR.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUSINESS AND EXPANSION STRATEGIES PROGRAM (To be filled out by Interviewee) FIRM: ADDRESS: PERSON INTERVIEWED: Job Title: Date of Visit: OTHER KEY OFFICIALS IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT: Owner: Chief Exec. Officer: Plant Manager: Personnel Officer: EDA INTERVIEWER: L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER BUSINESS AND EXPANSION STRATEGIES PROGRAM BACKGROUND (To be read aloud by EDA Interviewer) We believe our existing firms are our best prospects for future growth. So the purpose of this program is to see how we can help them grow. I. This program is sponsored locally by the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority (EDA). II. The objectives of the program are as follows: (1) Integrate the voice of business into long-range planning for the City. (2) Assess the needs of the local businesses. (3) Help with local concerns. (4) Establish consensus on ambitious, yet feasible, action plans for managed community growth. (5) Create the partnerships necessary for implementation. (6) Increase communication between business, the City and EDA in the process of improving our business climate. III. Confidentially - Your individual answers to this survey are confidential and will not be released. Your response will be summarized with those of others to form an overall result in percentages or averages. IV. The "Skip It Rule" - If there is a question that you feel might be best to skip, we will do that; just let us know. There is no need to explain your reasons. V. Copy of Final Report - Copies of the summary will be provided to all firms that participate in this survey. L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 2 BUSINESS RETENTION AND EXPANSION PROGRAM Visitation Survey Date: 1. Is all the information on the cover sheet complete and correct? (circle one) YES NO If "No", make the necessary corrections. 2. Did you firm begin its operation in this community? (circle one) YES* NO If ''No'' where did you move from and when? Community State Year Moved Here *If "Yes", what year? 3. Is this establishment a branch plant, a satellite, or a franchise? (circle one) YES* NO *If "Yes", in which state is the headquarters? 4. Which of the following industries best describes your business? (circle all that apply) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) farming mining construction manufacturing transportation and public utilities (6) wholesale trade (7) retail trade (8) finance, insurance and real estate (9) services (10) education (11) home-based business (12) other (specify) 5. What are the major products or services offered by this establishment and what percentage of your sales come from each one? Major product or service % sales (1) (2) L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 3 (3) (4) (5) other (specify) 100% 6. Do you expect the sales for your services and/or products to increase, stay the same, or decrease over the next three years? (circle one) (1) Increase (2) stay the same (3) decrease 7. Where does your firm sell most of its products or services? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Prior Lake Rest of Scott County In the rest of the Metro area In the rest of the State In the rest of the United States Outside the United States where _% % _% % _% _% 100% 8. What major supplies, services, raw materials does your business purchase? Supply or service used. Percentage purchased within Prior Scott Rest of Rest of Outside Lake County Minn. U.S. U.S. (a) (b) (c) _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% %_% _% _% _% _%_% 9. Please indicate where your employees live. (Estimate the percentage to the nearest 10 percent.) Percent (1) Prior Lake (2) Savage (3) Shakopee (4) Bumsville (5) Belle Plaine/Jordan (6) Eden Prairie, Bloomington Bumsville/Richfield (7) Minneapolis/St. Paul (8) Other L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 4 10. How many employees work at this location? Unskilled Semi-skilled Skilled Clerical Professional! Management Currently Five years ago 11. Do you expect the number of employees you have in each of the following categories to increase, decrease or stay the same over the next three years? (circle one for each) Increase Stay the Decrease By How Many? Same (1) Unskilled employees 1 2 3 (2) Semi-skilled employees 1 2 3 (3) Skilled employees 1 2 3 (4) Clerical employees 1 2 3 (5) Professional/Management I 2 3 (6) Temporary/contract employees 1 2 3 (7) Other 1 2 3 12.a Does your company have problems recruiting employees in the following categories? (Circle one per line) Category Yes No Unsure Unskilled employees 1 2 3 Semi-skilled employees 1 2 3 Skilled employees 1 2 3 Clerical employees 1 2 3 Professional/management 1 2 3 12.b If you answered "Yes" to anv of the categories above, please explain the nature of this problem. Category Nature of the problem 13. What is the average starting hourly wage paid to employees in each category? Unskilled Semi-skilled Skilled Clerical Professional/ Management L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 5 14.a Are there any major technological innovations on the horizon in your industry that might affect your company? YES* NO** NOT SURE** *14.b If "Yes", what are these? *14.c If "Yes", will these new technologies require retaining of your labor force? YES NO **14.d If ''No or Not Sure", skip to question 15. 15. In which of the following would your firm be interested? (circle all that apply) (1) Collaborating with other businesses in training employees (e.g., providing space, equipment, or resource people for training of students and/or joint training of workers. (2) Serving as an apprenticeship site? (3) Receiving customized training programs through area technical colleges? (4) Participating in mentoring programs for area high school students? (5) Serving on a local school advisory committee? (6) Offering training to members of other organizations, such as schools and companies? (7) Serving on a two-year college advisory curriculum committee. (8) Other 16. Are you currently considering moving or closing this establishment? (circle one) (1) Considering moving. (2) Considering closing. (3) Neither -If Neither skip to question 19. 17. Why are you considering moving or closing? (circle all that are appropriate) (1) Changing market conditions. (2) Overcrowded building. (3) No land for expansion. (4) Transportation problems. (5) Crime/vandalism. (6) Low work productivity. (7) Environmental (8) Rigid code enforcement (including ordinances and building codes) (9) High local taxes. L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\INFOSURV.OOC 6 (10) High state taxes. (11) Lease expiration. (12) Poor telecommunications. (13) Other (specify) 18. Where are you considering relocating the establishment? (circle one) (1) Prior Lake (2) Another city in this county (specify city) (3) Another county in the state (specify city and state) (4) Another state (specify city and state) (5) Abroad (specify city and nation) (6) lTndecided 19.a Do you have any plans to modernize or expand your present building(s) or equipment? (circle) YES* (1) NO** (2) 19.b *If "Yes" what is planned? 19.c *If "Yes", when will the work begin? Year ** If "No", skip to question 21. 20. What impact will the expansion or modernization of your present buildings have on the number of employees? (circle one the left, and if you answer 2 or 3, answer the jobs question) (1) No change (2) Adds employees - About how many jobs will be added? _ Jobs (3) Reduces employees - About how many jobs will be lost? Jobs 21. Has you firm expanded elsewhere in the last five years? YES * NO *If "Yes", why? 22. Are there any other changes in your business plans for the next three years? (circle all that apply) L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 7 (1) No change in operations - If No Change skip to question 32. (2) Change in mix of goods/services (3) Additions or subtraction of product lines (4) Change production technology (5) Other 23. What impact will your answer from question 22 have on the number of employees? (circle on the left, and if you circle 2 or 3, answer the jobs question) (1) (2) (3) No change Adds employees - About how many jobs will be added? Reduces employees - About how many jobs will be lost? _jobs _jobs 24. In the community in which your business is located, are the following business cost higher, lower, or about the same as for your direct competitors from other communities? (circle one for each cost factor) Business cost factors Lower Same Higher a) Wage rates 1 2 3 b) Transportation costs 1 2 3 c) Energy costs 1 2 3 d) Local taxes 1 2 3 e) State taxes 1 2 3 f) Interest rates 1 2 3 g) Worker's compensation rates 1 2 3 h) Unemployment insurance 1 2 3 i) Employee health care costs 1 2 3 25. In Prior Lake, are the following other business factors more favorable, less favorable or about the same as for your competitors from other communities? (circle one for each factor) Less More Other business factors Favorable Same Favorable a) Availability of labor 1 2 3 b) Availability of raw material 1 2 3 c) Availability of credit 1 2 3 d) Proximity of four lane highway 1 2 3 e) Airport facilities I 2 3 f) Availability of industrial site 1 2 3 g) Quality of telecommunications 1 2 3 L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 8 h) Availability of housing 1 2 3 i) Other 1 2 3 26. In Prior Lake, how would you rate the following community services? (Circle one for each service) Very Community Service Excellent Good Fair Poor Poor a) Day Care 1 2 3 4 5 b) Elementary and secondary schools 1 2 3 4 5 c) Vocational schools 1 2 3 4 5 d) Higher education 1 2 3 4 5 e) Community festivals 1 2 3 4 5 f) Recreational facilities 1 2 3 4 5 g) Ambulance services 1 2 3 4 5 h) Health care/hospitals 1 2 3 4 5 i) Fire protection 1 2 3 4 5 j) Police protection 1 2 3 4 5 k) Street maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 I) Snow removal 1 2 3 4 5 m) Zoning 1 2 3 4 5 n) Utilities 1 2 3 4 5 0) Building code 1 2 3 4 5 p) Availability of housing 1 2 3 4 5 q) Other (specify) 1 2 3 4 5 27. What is your overall opinion of your community as a place to conduct business in? (circle one) (1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor (5) Very Poor 28. What is your overall opinion of your community as a place to live in? (circle one) (1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor (5) Very Poor 29. We have covered a lot of issues. Help us set some priorities and let us know a couple of key issues we should focus on to help your firm and help all of our existing firms grow and expand. Help your firm: Help all businesses in the community: L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\INFOSURV.DOC 9 ,. Thank you for your participation in this survey, your input will be helpful. L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\1NFOSURV.DOC 10 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: DATE: 7B DISCUSS EDA LEVY AUGUST 16, 1999 INTRODUCTION: Commissioner Tom Kedrowski requested a discussion on the Economic Development Authority Levy. A plan specifying the purpose of the levy needs to be completed and adopted prior to recommendation of the levy to the City Council. Attached is the levy proposal as previously adopted by the EDA. L:\99FILES\99EDA \REPORTS\7B081699.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .. SHEET 3 PROPOSED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUDGET YEAR 2000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 46500 2000 PROPOSED BUDGET Personal Services General Fund Special EDA (Economic EDA Revolving Development) Levy Loan Fund" 101 Full Time Employees Regular $16,422.00 121 PERA Contributions 851.00 122 FICA Contributions 1,055.00 123 MEDICARE Contributions 247.00 131 Health Insurance 600.00 132 Dental Insurance 60.00 133 Life Insurance 21. 00 134 Disability Insurance 0 151 Workers Compensation Insurance 60.00 Total Personal Services $19,316.00 Current Expenses 201 Office Supplies - General 425.00 203 Office Supplies - Printed Form 3,800.00 313 Professional Services - Consultant } $25,000.00 314 Professional Services - General } 331 Travel and Conferences 2,000.00 334 Car Allowance 600.00 433 Misc. Expense - Dues and Subscriptions 400.00 437 Misc. Expense - General 750.00 438 Promotion 4,200.00 440 Member Compensation 2,400.00 Capital Outlay 510 Land Acquisition 60,182.00 Total Amounts $21,491.00 $97,582.00 $15,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $134,073.00 L:\ADMIN\BUDGE1\EDABDG20.DOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA MISSION STATEMENT PROMOTE THE BUSINESS ASSETS OF PRIOR LAKE AND FACILITATE A DIVERSIFIED TAX BASE GOALS Develop a proactive strategy for future economic development activities which will build on the efforts to date and further enhance the City's reputation as a place to do business. Continue to explore redevelopment opportunities in the Downtown area. Supportive private as well as public redevelopment plans in the Downtown area. Develop a plan to capitalize on' traffic generated by Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Community and The Wilds. Develop promotional materials cooperatively and create a dialogue with the Mystic Lake Casino and The Wilds Golf Course. Expand Business Office Park . Facilitate development of 58 acre Deerfield property. Inventory and review existing commercial and industrial properties and develop a position on development possibilities. . Develop a recommendation on extension of utilities to old industrial park. . Explore the relationship between housing availability and business development. . Convert Tax Increment Policy to a more general document which addresses other financial incentives and which addresses likely types of development and redevelopment. Explore redevelopment opportunities for the Priordale Mall/Park Nicollet site to facilitate expeditious redevelopment/development. . Work with private sector developers to complete the Ring Road from Franklin Trail to Tower Street. (November for Official Map) . Work to identify specific properties in the Priordale Mall area for redevelopment! development. L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\990BJREV.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER l Initiate business retention efforts. Recruit new business. . Identify the size of businesses in Prior Lake is most likely to attract. . Identify owners of businesses ofthe size who live in Prior Lake. . Conduct an open house for the business owners identified above. . Contact suppliers to businesses and Mystic Lake to advise them of opportunities in Prior Lake. Miscellaneous . Review existing objectives against the Strategic Plan to assure consistency and comprehensiveness. . Establish a multi-media effort to deliver EDAlCity "pro-business" message. 1999 Obiectives . Prepare a Downtown Redevelopment Plan, including appraisals, marketing and funding alternatives, and initiate the implement of this plan, including marketing and the streetscape public improvements. Insure the study addresses the old library and other City property Downtown as well as public relations necessary for effective redevelopment. (October) . Revise and advertise the improved access to Prior Lake from 1-35 via CSAH 21, bringing traffic through downtown Prior Lake. (Completed) . Sell 4.5 acre parcel . Arrange for two EDA members to interview all Waterfront Passage businesses and other large businesses in the City for retention purposes. (June) . Have the Chamber of Commerce provide a Business Retention report to the EDA when interviews are complete. . Cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce to follow up on any issues arising from their interviews. . Discuss recruitment at joint meeting with Planning Commission and City Council. (Done) !' Establish a Web page on the Internet. (Done) L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\990BJREV.DOC 2 At+RL-,V\~ w q,kJ Dear Sir/Madam: Mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 14 1999 at 7:00 PM for the next Downtown Redevelopment Workshop. The meeting will be held at the Fire Station at County Road 21 and Fish Point Road. Mark Koegler of Hoisington-Koegler, the EDA's consultant will present results of the last workshop, describe the vision and guiding principles adopted by the EDA to guide continuing planning efforts, review the analysis of Downtown and to present some preliminary alternatives for redevelopment. Attendance at the last meeting was encouraging and we hope for even better participation at this meeting as we get closer to developing a vision of Downtown's future. Your participation is essential if the plans for Downtown are to reflect the desires of the community. While you're at it, why not enlist a friend, neighbor or business associate to accompany you to the meeting to help us in this important activity. Working together, we can define a future for Downtown which we can all be proud of. See you on September 141 Sincerely, Frank Boyles City Manager L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDACORR\WK.SHP914.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER