HomeMy WebLinkAbout8A - Ring Road Project ECONOMUC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: DECEMBER 21, 1998 8A FRANK BOYLES, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM: STATUS OF THE PROPOSED RING ROAD BETWEEN FRANKLIN TRAIL AND TORONTO AVENUE DISCUSSION: The Economic Development Authority has requested an update on this subject Attached is the agenda report on this topic that the City Council will consider later this evening. Jane Kansier will provide further information on this subject at the meeting. J:\98fiI~\98j:da\edaagend\1221988a.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.t.., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DECEMBER 21, 1998 8A JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR DON RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE 98-XX APPROVING AN OFFICIAL MAP FOR THE RING ROAD LOCATED BETWEEN FRANKLIN TRAIL AND TORONTO AVENUE History: The City of Prior Lake has, for several years, anticipated the construction of a ring road between Franklin Trail and Toronto Avenue. The purpose of the proposed ring road is to provide access to the commercial properties on the southwest side of Highway 13, and to reroute that traffic from Highway 13 to a local street. On August 18, 1998, the City Council issued Directive #97-36 directing staff to initiate the process of preparing and approving an Official Map for the ring road. An Official Map is an ordinance in map form adopted by the City that conclusively shows the location and width of proposed streets or future public land and facilities. The requirements for an Official Map are identified in the State Statutes (see attached). The purpose of an Official Map is to prevent private development from encroaching on sites for proposed public improvements. The adoption of an Official Map does not give the City any right, title or interest in areas identified for public purposes, but it does authorize the City to acquire such interests without paying compensation for buildings or structures erected in such areas without a permit or in violation of the conditions of an approved permit. The Official Map also governs the issuance of building permits in that it is not required to issue a permit for a structure within the public area defined by an official map. The statute also provides a property owner with an appeal process. Current Circumstances: The Planning Commission reviewed several potential alignments for this ring road in February and April of 1998. The alignment ultimately selected by the Planning Commission is shown on the attached survey. This alignment accomplishes the main objective of the ring road by providing access to the commercial properties with the least amount of impact on the existing development. l.:\98files,\98~ubje.c\28-019~..8012.cc.doC Page 1 162UU t.agJe creek Ave. S.c., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER FISCAL IMPACT: AL TERNATIVES: '-- The Planning Commission held public hearings on the proposed Official Map on September 14, 1998, October 12, 1998 and November 23, 1998. At the hearing, the Commissioners heard testimony from two of the property owners within this area. A copy of the Planning Commission meeting minutes detailing this testimony are attached for your information. These property owners also submitted written letters to the Commission. These letters are also attached to this agenda report. On November 23, 1998, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Official Map, on the basis that this is the best alignment and provides a plan for the future. . The Issues: The issue here is basically that of planning for the future. The ring road in question is a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. In order to implement this plan the City has three options. The first option is to adopt an Official Map which conclusively determines the alignment of the future road. This is a specific planning document which alerts property owners of the City's intention to develop a road system in this location at some point in the future. The development of the road system can occur through the normal development process, or the City can schedule a project a part of the Capital Improvement Program. The second option is to buy all of the property in question, and reserve it for the development of the ring road. A third option is to do nothing. In this event, the City would have some control over the vacant land through the normal development review process. However, expansions could possibly occur to existing buildings which would potentially impact the ability of the City to build a road, or which would require the City to spend additional money to purchase those buildings. Conclusion: The proposed Official Map is the most effective way to plan for the future ring road. The Official Map defines the parameters of the road, but does not require the City buy the property at this time. The Official Map also allows property owners to plan development around this road, and prevents new buildings from being constructed within the future right-of-way. Budvet Impact: The City has spent $1,250.00 in survey costs for this ring road. The City Engineering Department has also devoted 56 hours in design and survey work on this project. Future costs in the adoption of the Official Map include final survey drawings and recording costs. The City Council has three alternatives: 1:\98files\98subjec\98-0 I 9\980 I 9cc.doc Page 2 RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: 1:\98files\98subjec\98-O 19\980 19cc.doc ..... ~-'._--.." . ~--~'-".; .". ......- ~ '. 1. Adopt Ordinance 98-XX approving the Official Map. 2. Deny Ordinance 98-XX. 3. Defer this item and provide staffwith specific direction. The staffrecom.m.ends Altemative #1. The Official Map is the most effective means to plan for the future ring road. Page 3 ..~""'" . I ., ! I!.'" : . 1 i,1 ~ /!i ; :. , ; I' 'tfo'... ..,.......: '.... CI TY OF PRIOR LA/(E .~.~~. 'l.',' .......... -.r "'. 0: . ... t- :,., -. :. '.. 8 " . , I Sf<-- :4 ! ....,.....'r. =1 ... ..... .. ..."..... .... .:." ".,....,,.... ---- .-- -----......- '~ I 'j Ii...- .., ...."...... -'-'-.. '-.---.. 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