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Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Manager Boyles requested the addition of agenda item 9C, Consider Approval Of A Resolution Au- thorizing the Jeffers Foundation to Prepare a Conservation Easement for Execution by the Mayor and City Manager over Property Owned by the City at Five Hawks (Westbury Ponds Park and Creekside Property), and the modification of agenda itE3m 10A to read, Consider Approval of a Resolution Appointing Members to the Park Advisory Committee. MOTION BY MillAR, SECONDED BY lEMAIR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS REVISED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, leMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MillAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 1, 2007, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, leMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of Third Quarter Investment Report. D. Consider Approval of Third Quarter Budget Report. E. Consider Approval of September and Third Quarter Building Permit Reports. F. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. G. Consider Approval of September and Third Quarter Fire Call Reports. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 ~.~-~-~.~~. ~_._~-~--~-. ~-- -----. -~._--.- Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15, 2007 H. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.175 Extending the Deadline for Recording the Final Plat and Development Contract for Evanston Place. Councilor Erickson requested n3moval of item 5C, Consider Approval of Third Quarter Investment Report, from the Consent Agenda. Councilor Hedberg requested removal of item 5A, Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid, from the Consent Agenda. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED, VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Hedberg: Commented that the invoices report shows the initial payment being made to Rice Lake Con- struction Group for the water treatment facility and that construction is underway. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE INVOICES TO BE PAID. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Erickson: Asked Finance Director Teschner to comment on investments, in particular a company other cities have used who cannot trace monies. Teschner: Replied that CD Rate Line is a brokerage firm that brokers CDs to public entities, and there are reports that there are problems relating to securing the chain of command for ownership. Advised that the State Auditor's office has notified all cities to not do business with them. Reported that Prior Lake uses large brokerage houses to do all of our investments and there are no problems with them. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE THIRD QUARTER INVESTMENT REPORT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION ISD 719 - Tom Westerhaus Independent School District #719 Superintendent Westerhaus spoke of the referendum question that will be on the ballot for the upcoming election mentioning projected student population growth which is cur- rently at 7,000 students. The high school is currently over capacity; and the School Board is recommend- ing that the Redtail Ridge school be opened a year sooner than planned to accommodate the increase in younger students. Explained that a Growth Task Force was created and it recommended a bond issue to voters to build a 600-student expansion at the high school. Stated that, in addition, the School Board seeks to revoke two existing levy referendums and replace them with a new ten-year referendum. Stated the school district is in budget crisis and enacted over $2 million in budget cuts last year. Explained how levy dollars will be used and commenlted that 24 metro area school districts are seeking voter-approved tax lev- ies this fall and 101 statewide. Blslieves this suggests a broken education funding program at the state level. Informed the Council of the estimated annual additional tax impact for 2008. School Board Chair Murray spoke about steps that were taken before putting this question before the voters such as the budget cuts of last year and seeking efficiencies of operation at many levels. Stated that Prior Lake has the lowest school spending in the metro area and that a positive fund balance is expected at 2 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15,2007 the end of this year which should enable day-to-day operations without borrowing money. Spoke of the partnerships with both Prior Lake and Savage that help to save money. Comments: Millar: Asked if the levy monies incorporate a "back to the basics" kind of curriculum. Westerhaus: Replied the levy has a section that states there will be continuous improvement of programs and that programs go through an in-depth review process. Hiring basic skills specialists for elementary school is recommended. Noted that Prior Lake does a great job on the basics with 97% of students pass- ing those tests. Commented that the public expects the school district to meet all of the kids' needs and sometimes that goes beyond math and reading. Need to do enrichment too. Millar: Asked how the growth exceeded the projections that were offered at the time the high school was built. Westerhaus: Replied that the kids that show up at the doors are the ones that need service. Believes growth is due to development and suggests that the school district is like the city in working to stay abreast of it. Asked how the city is managing its growth. Millar: Replied that the comprehensive plan with its density planning helps to address that. Haugen: Stated that the number of building permits for single family homes have been decreasing the past six years. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan reduced high-density housing acreages from the former comprehensive plans. Believes much of future annexation will impact the Jordan School District. Noted that about 65% of the students in ISD 719 are Prior Lake residents; others are from Savage and townships. Millar: Believes it is imperative to invest in our children and will be supporting the referendum. Hedberg: Stated this is the most important issue facing the community today. Agreed there was a building spurt from 2001 to 2003, but that was not typical growth. Asked how the school district stays abreast of long-term demographic projections to avoid having to ask for another building program. Westerhaus: Replied that the Task Force has committed to meeting every two years to look at enroll- ments, demographer updates and building populations to try to determine what is coming next. Addressed the long-range building plan for the district. Hedberg: Asked when the school district population expects to peak. Commented that if that can be an- ticipated, the district could have many alternative actions to avoid excess buildings in the future. Asked what impact the levy will have on operations for environmental learning centers. Westerhaus: Replied that the past budget cut was for Wolf Ridge, the sixth grade learning experience, and that the parent-teacher organization is funding the trip for this year. Suggested that experience could change if the interpretive center in Prior Lake moves forward and the experience could be local. Hedberg: Commented the Wolf Ridge experience is well received and it would be nice for it to continue. Stated he is personally committed to funding for the schools and is in favor of the referendum. LeMair: Asked about the comparison to Shakopee in regards to infrastructure such as adding schools. Westerhaus: Replied that Shakopee tries to stay ahead of their growth and one large difference is that Shakopee receives much compensatory revenue for low-income populations and Prior Lake gets very little of such funding. Believes that Shakopee is trying to find additional space as well. LeMair: Commented that his kids will be going to Prior Lake High School and that he and his sisters went to schools in Prior Lake. Someone paid for their education and he will support the referendum. Erickson: No comment. Haugen: Commented that growth is not new to Prior Lake or the school district. Noted that an additional one million people are expected in the metro area by 2030 and the challenge is to manage that growth. High quality education programs are part of the City's 2030 vision and strategic plan and the expected growth and the funding system from the State are tough challenges. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15,2007 PUBLIC HEARING Consider Approval of a Resolution Adopting a Special Assessment Roll for the County Road 121m. provement Project. Public Works Director Albrecht explained Phase Two of the project which involved nine residences on the south side of CR 12. Stated that the City is not the lead in this project, but is a cost participant and is assessing 40% of that cost to the residents. Finance Director Teschner explained that the purpose of the public hearing is to distribute the cost of the project according to the City's assessment policy and State statute. Explained the ten-year length of term, method and rate of the assessment as well as the options for payment and the deferred assessment policy for persons who are eligible for it. Comments: Hedberg: Asked for a review of the overall project cost and what costs are for which types of improve- ments. Albrecht: Replied the City's total cost is just over $1 million with the majority of costs for improvements to utilities. Roadway costs were shared with the County and the assessment for them is for $54,000. Hedberg: Clarified that the $54,000 represents 40% of the City's roadway costs. Albrecht: Affirmed. Hedberg: Asked how the amount of the assessment to the resident compares with other recent roadway projects. Albrecht: Replied this assessmEmt is $6,107 and in 2004 and 2005 assessments were around $7,000. Millar: Asked if the amount for p'sople requesting a deferred payment would be the same. Teschner: Replied the deferred assessment payment policy complies with State statute and allows the amount due to be delayed a year, and the resident has to request renewal of the deferment each year. Currently only one resident is using such a deferment. Millar: Asked if there is substantial interest if payment is deferred. Teschner: Replied it is simple interest, not compounded. Generally, the payment is deferred until the home is sold or an estate settled. Staff goes over the amount with the resident each year and how it is af- fected by deferment so the resident understands exactly what the cost is. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing opened at 7:16 p.m. Comments: Nancy Klingberg, 3655 170th Street, stated she does not want to pay the assessment and believes the assessment should not be made until the project is finished with sod, curbs and sidewalks installed. Teschner: Explained that the City must assess before November 30 as that is the deadline for certifying to the County. Noted that nothing is payable until May 2008 when the first half of the taxes are due and the project will be completed by then. Klingberg: Believes $6,000 is too much money for her residence and that no one wanted the sidewalk. Asked if the sidewalk would extend down CR 13. Albrecht: Replied that City did not assess for the sidewalk or trail on this project. The assessment is for street, curb and storm sewer. Commented that the sidewalk will go to CR 13 to join the trail and the trail will go north on CR 13 to the crosswalk by McDonalds. Eventually people will be able to walk to Spring Lake Park on the sidewalk. Klingberg: Stated the holding pond should have a fence around it because it is close to an elementary school. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15, 2007 MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing closed at 7:21 p.m. Albrecht: Responded that the stormwater pond is required to meet City and Watershed requirements for impervious surface. Noted that the City has historically not put fences on any stormwater ponds and that there are three stormwater ponds closer to the elementary school than this one. Assured that there will be a gradual slope to the pond and landscaping vegetation when it is completed. Comments: Erickson: Commented the project is a benefit to the City but will wait until the project is finished to deter- mine if it is a benefit to the residents. Millar: Commented that this project is no different than the benefit of curbing, etc. to any others. Erickson: Replied that it needs to be a benefit to the homeowner to justify an assessment to the home- owner and he questions if the curb and gutter is a benefit. Believes we will be looking at some appeals and questions whether the City will want to pay the additional legal costs. Millar: Mentioned the November 30 timeline. Teschner: Reiterated that November 30 is the last day to certify to Scott County. Noted that it is common practice to preassess at the beginning of a project. Residents realize an interest savings by not waiting an additional year. There will be substantial improvement on this project between now and freeze up. Millar: Asked if this is any different than previous projects. Teschner: Typically the City will have a first lift on the roadway before the assessment hearing, but rain prevented it in this case. Nice to have that finished before the assessment roll is acted upon, but this is still typical procedure. Millar: Asked if this is the same way everyone else is treated for this kind of project. Albrecht: Replied that this is a discounted project to the residents because the County is also paying on it. Noted that the City has already paid the County for this project. Roadway will be done soon if the weather will break. Millar: Thanked Klingberg for coming. Believes residents are getting a break on this project and noted this assessment is not for the sidewalk. Will support. Hedberg: Noted that the new street, curb and gutter will improve market value even though it is still a mess now. The bill residents have now is more of a notice of the amount and no payment will be due until May if residents choose the installment plan. LeMair: Asked Albrecht if fair market increase will be equal to the assessed amount. Albrecht: Replied that historically such is the case and there should be no liability. LeMair: Hopes residents will SeE! the benefit in the value of their property when the project is finished. Will support. Haugen: Thanked Klingberg for sharing her thoughts. Agrees that when project is done, the end result is nice and market value should appreciate beyond the assessment. Will support. Noted there is the appeal process for those who choose it. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.176 ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COUNTY ROAD 12 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT FROM TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 TO PHEASANT MEADOW LANE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15,2007 OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of Downtown Design Guidelines. Economic Development Director Snook gave a history of the process to develop the downtown design guidelines and noted that the next steps would be to incorporate the guidelines into the zoning and ordi- nance codes for the City. Comments: LeMair: Commented that this plan has been reviewed many times to provide developers the ideas of what the City wants in the downtown. Believes this is a great attempt to provide a plan and a map. Will support. Erickson: Will support. Commented that the City wants the County to develop a good traffic plan to go through downtown on CR 21. LeMair: Noted that CR 13 also has traffic issues. Millar: Concurs that traffic is an issue and wants Scott County to work with the City on it. Commented that this plan looks at how traffic moves in the downtown area and tries to create guidelines and standards to shape a quality downtown recognizing parking and access needs. Hedberg: Stated the building design guidelines will end up creating a homey, vibrant, small town in the middle of a substantial suburban city by the year 2030. Will give us the blueprint for the kind of buildings that we are looking for developers to build and that the market requires. Highlighted traffic patterns planned for downtown. Believes design guidelines don't quite achieve the basis to move forward with de- velopers on Block 2,4 and 15. Believes Colorado might become an important walking retail street after Arcadia goes through. Believes Arcadia should be planned, that the work should be placed into the Capital Improvement Program to get a clear picture of east-west traffic along Dakota and Colorado and north-south on Arcadia and east-west along Colorado as they will become more important in the next 20 years. Sup- ports as an important step in the process. Haugen: Stated the design guidelines have come a long way and agrees that it is important to work with the County to create the Arcadia intersection. Discussion needs to be accelerated on where the primary traffic pattern will go. Many property owners in the C-3 section are renting their properties waiting for de- velopment to ensue. Notes there is recognition on the part of the Council that parking is a concern going forward and that it is needed quickly. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.179 ADOPTING THE PRIOR LAKE DOWNTOWN BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Appointing the City of Prior Lake Professional Services Con. sultant Pool. Public Works Director Albrecht commented on the culmination of several months of discussion and work to formulate a professional services consultant pool. Stated that the process included evaluation of the history of the consultants as well as obtaining references from neighboring cities. Recommended appoint- ing 20 firms to the consulting pool for a period of three years. Noted this does not prohibit the City from going outside the pool or from eliminating someone from the pool; but that the City would solicit quotes from the pool on a project and would look for the best value on each project as well as a review of the team that would be working on it. Comments: Hedberg: Asked if the City has always been able to get three bids on an engineering project. Albrecht: Affirmed, with the exception of very unusual or specific projects. Also noted that the City usually gets more than three bids. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15, 2007 Hedberg: Commented that having a consultant pool represents best practice and that State law does not require the City to seek competitive bids for such services. Believes this gives us access to the best engi- neering and consultant talent in specialty areas; and that we will get best value for our work because these firms know they are on this preferred list for three years and will have access to the work. Good for devel- opers because they know who the City will work with and can select from the same pool so we are working with the same standards. This will streamline the procurement processes and will get better value for the citizens of Prior Lake. Millar: Agreed it makes sense to streamline the processes and concurs with Hedberg statements. Erickson: This was a good job of picking firms with good reputations who will service the City well. LeMair: Concurred that having the consultants know they are on the list and competing with the best in the area will provide good value. Haugen: Agreed that competition forces them to sharpen their pencils. This also streamlines things for staff and allows efficiencies of thHir work. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.177 APPOINTING THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSULTANT POOL. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Jeffers Foundation to Prepare a Conservation Easement for Execution by the Mayor and City Manager over Property Owned by the City at Five Hawks (Westbury Ponds Park and Creekside Property). City Manager Boyles learned of an IRS 60-day deadline to set aside the $200,000 by November 1 to avoid having that payment delaYE3d for another year. Informed the Council that investigation conducted with the School District and Jeffers Foundation identified that the entire learning resource center area should be included with this conservation easement. The recommended action brought to this meeting includes all of the Five Hawks Outdoor Learning Resource Center property. Noted this property has no other use and it makes good sense to for it to stay as part of the Outdoor Learning Resource Center. Dis- played a map showing the entire property. Comments: LeMair: Commented that it has been a long process to get to signed documents so this can happen. The area as an outdoor learning center can still be used by everyone. This recommendation still allows the City to leverage the property to gain more than it had before. Will support. Erickson: Asked if pets can be walked on a leash and the trails maintained under the conservancy ease- ment for this area. Boyles: Affirmed that usage will stay as is. Millar: Agreed that the process 11as been frustrating and not always clear but the key word in the resolu- tion is conservation which means that the property will remain the same and people can still enjoy the green space into perpetuity. Will support. Hedberg: Concurred with previous comments. Will support. Haugen: Stated that it is excitin~l to bring this to fruition with Jeffers Foundation and the School District and it is great to leverage the monies from these partners to create this conservation as well as develop the Jeffers Pond Interpretive Center and Pike Lake Park. They are all good things for the long term of the community. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.178 AUTHORIZING THE JEFFERS FOUNDATION TO PREPARE A CONSERVATION EASEMENT FOR EXECUTION BY 7 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15,2007 THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER OVER PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY AT FIVE HAWKS (WESTBURY PONDS PARK AND CREEKSIDE PROPERTY). VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Appointing Members to the Park Advisory Committee. City Manager Boyles reviewed the recommendations of the interview committee. Comments: Erickson: Stated he would rely on the recommendations of the interview committee. LeMair: Stated there were four excellent candidates and commended them for stepping forward. There is plenty of work to do to find a place for all of them to help. Hedberg: Concurred with LeMair's comments thanking all the candidates for volunteering. Trusts the in- terview process and will support recommendation. Millar: Commented that he was part of this interview process and noted that all four candidates were terri- fic and there is a place in this City for all of them to help. Commented on the candidates recommended for appointment - Kelly Loose and Kendall Larson. Haugen: Agreed that the evaluation process works and accepts the recommendations. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.180 APPOINTING KELLY LOOSE AND KENDALL LARSON TO SERVE ON THE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Report Regarding Former Mayors Pictures in City Hall. City Manager Boyles explained the options proposed. Comments: LeMair: Stated he is in agreement with the pictures of the mayors going on the wall and would prefer pic- tures of the time they were in office. Does not want to spend money on sittings and expensive frames. Wants the budget to be less than in the proposal. Erickson: Agreed the project should be modestly priced and suggested a plaque with the names of the mayors and their terms that could be added to with successive mayors. Disagreed with having the addi- tional expenses of pictures. Millar: Supports the idea because it brings a sense of history. Would like to get pictures of as many for- mer mayors as possible. Believes it helps to hold onto the sense of Prior Lake as a rural town. Recom- mended a simple head shot of mayors. Hedberg: Agreed with retaining a sense of history and would be nice to get photos from a century back. Does not support using City funds and suggested setting up a private contribution fund. Millar: Pledged $100. LeMair: Pledged $100. Haugen: Summarized that this project has value from a historical perspective and pictures should be sought for as many former mayors as possible with a modest presentation created using private funding. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO MOVE FORWARD WITH CREATING A HISTORICAL PRESENTATION OF FORMER MAYORS FUNDED BY PRIVATE DONATIONS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes October 15,2007 OTHER Community Events Hedberg: Encouraged people to volunteer for the Community Safety Task Force which will focus on pro- tecting our kids. More volunteers are needed to get a good cross section of effective groups. LeMair: Candidate Forum will be conducted on Tuesday, October 16 from 6 - 8 p.m. at City Hall. Haugen: Added that the Candidate Forum is sponsored by League of Women Voters and Chamber of Commerce for City Council candidates. Noted that the Forum will be rebroadcast on PL TV 15 daily from now until the election. Read a thank you note from the Riverbend Car Club thanking Council for its support of Friday night roll-ins. Reminded everyone that the Scott County 2030 Comprehensive Plan meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Hedberg. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. (!iad&tuJ ~ _ Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst 9