HomeMy WebLinkAbout8B - Advertisement in Chamber of Commerce Community Map MEETING DATE: AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE DECEMBER 20, 1999 8B DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR CONSIDER ADVERTISEMENT IN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY MAP The Savage Chamber of Commerce has produced a map of Savage which features advertising by local businesses in the map margins. A copy of that map will be available at the meeting. The Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce is considering a similar project. Eight thousand maps will be printed and circulated by the Chamber over a 1 to 2 year period. The maps are free to new businesses and residents. The City will receive 100 maps and can obtain additional maps once the initial supply is gone. The question is whether the EDA would be interested in having an ad in this proposed map of the City. The ad could feature the EDA, Downtown redevelopment or it could deal with the City as a whole in some promotional fashion. There is sufficient money in the budget to cover the cost of the ad. Cost of the ads varies from $125 to $850. A rate sheet is attached. 1. Do nothing 2. Direct staff to work with the Chamber to develop an ad, including the size and cost of the ad. Motion to direct staff to work with the Chamber of Commerce to develop an ad for inclusion in the community map. L:\99FILES\99EDA \REPORTS\8B 122099 .DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER _~9~E 14: 02 FAX_ 61L.U9 1428 MAPCO ~002 Prior Lake Charnber of Commerce I , j II I I I , . I ~ 1 ~ , t , , , ~ . '. . WaR Fact Sheet, . (~ ' , . ,,' (, ' " ".' ? , , Four Color Process Total amovnt of maps 10 be printed - 8,000 · Projected time of circulation - I to 2 Years DISTRIBUTION Maps will be given away FREE to new residents, new businesses and people inquiring about the area. The Chamber will have an abundant supply. Each advertiser may also get a free !;upply of maps to give away. ADVERTISERS I=ach advertiser's place of business will be located on the map with a dot and number. They wilt also be listed on the ADVERTISER INDEX with that same number and will have their ad :spaoe to tell about their product Of service. You may use one of your previous ads, make one Jp yourself, or provide us with pertinent information and our designer will create an ad for you. We will produce your ad for you, camera-ready, and give you a FREE supply of maps to give away or use in your own promotions. Additional maps will be available at the Chamber office. -.., 1. Norwest Bank 6445 Nicollet Avenue Richfield. MN 55423 866-4031 To The Nth Degree - AD SIZE Category listing , 1/2" x 3" 311 X 3" 311 X 6" Flip Panel Back Cover AD COST $125.00 $250.00 $435.00 $650.00 $750.00 S850.00 "" Business Category Listing Pinpoint location wit'.' your logo or number. plus up to 20 word:; about your company I r .' ..) Copy deadline: Askyour sales representative · Publishing date: February 2000 'Du'e to limit+d S,:lac'e, ads will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. " '.," RESE VEli' OUR ~PAC~ :fOOAy' B~( C~LLING,,(612)'830.1452 ~ It I ( " ' , ~ l~' , , , ;;;..,.".';";',i/""'~*!iilI;iUIlIIIir.alii:llI'.. .... .. .. .~h~+_" <II"~: iwtu'-.:<<~ -~... ). l~;~_,.;,:..:,~I~" .ill ... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA MISSION STATEMENT PROMOTE THE BUSINESS ASSETS OF PRIOR LAKE AND FACILITATE A DIVERSIFIED TAX BASE GOALS Develop a proactive strategy for future economic development activities which will build on the efforts to date and further enhance the City's reputation as a place to do business. Continue to explore redevelopment opportunities in the Downtown area. Supportive private as well as public redevelopment plans in the Downtown area. Develop a plan to capitalize on traffic generated by Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Community and The Wilds. Develop promotional materials cooperatively and create a dialogue with the Mystic Lake Casino and The Wilds Golf Course. Expand Business Office Park . Facilitate development of 58 acre Deerfield property. Inventory and review existing commercial and industrial properties and develop a position on development possibilities. . Develop a recommendation on extension of utilities to old industrial park. . Explore the relationship between housing availability and business development. . Convert Tax Increment Policy to a more general document which addresses other financial incentives and which addresses likely types of development and redevelopment. Explore redevelopment opportunities for the Priordale Mall/Park Nicollet site to facilitate expeditious redevelopment/development. . Work with private sector developers to complete the Ring Road from Franklin Trail to Tower Street. (November for Official Map) . Work to identify specific properties in the Priordale Mall area for redevelopment! development. L:\99FILES\99EDA \EDAGOALS\GOAL99UP.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Initiate business retention efforts. Recruit new business. · Identify the size of businesses in Prior Lake is most likely to attract. · Identify owners of businesses ofthe size who live in Prior Lake. . Conduct an open house for the business owners identified above. · Contact suppliers to businesses and Mystic Lake to advise them of opportunities in Prior Lake. Miscellaneous · Review existing objectives against the Strategic Plan to assure consistency and comprehensiveness. · Establish a multi-media effort to deliver EDNCity "pro-business" message. 19990biectives . Prepare a Downtown Redevelopment Plan, including appraisals, marketing and funding alternatives, and initiate the implement ofthis plan, including marketing and the streetscape public improvements. Insure the study addresses the old library and other City property Downtown as well as public relations necessary for effective redevelopment. (October) · Revise and advertise the improved access to Prior Lake from 1-35 via CSAH 21, bringing traffic through downtown Prior Lake. (Completed) . Sell 4.5 acre parcel · Arrange for two EDA members to interview all Waterfront Passage businesses and other large businesses in the City for retention purposes. (June) . Have the Chamber of Commerce provide a Business Retention report to the EDA when interviews are complete. · Cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce to follow up on any issues arising from their interviews. · Discuss recruitment at joint meeting with Planning Commission and City Council. (Done) . Establish a Web page on the Internet. (Done) L:\99FILES\99EDA\EDAGOALS\GOAL99UP.DOC 2 -;f' II '. '.. Jlli;~t'Jf {: ':... ~..'_.-;'._~.,.~,,-::u.. .1~~ ,. w .,.. ~.)~"'-~ .3._ ,,.. "11II\".,. i'I"<- ,.''!' .. December 10, 1999 Mr. Larry Stone . Manager, Kansas City Facilities Service Office United States Postal Service 6800 West 64th Street, Ste. 100 Overland Park, KS 66202-4179 Re: City of Prior Lake, Minnesota / New Postal Facility Dear Mr. Stone: Our purpose in meeting with Postal Service representatives on November 14th was to persuade them of the mutual benefits of locating the new post office facility in our developing Downtown area. Assuming the Postal Service exhibited a serious interest, we had hoped to then help implement formulation of specific proposals from the private landowners. We are in receipt of your November 19,1999 letter affording the City thirty days in which to provide the following specific information on the proposed downtown post office site: + Specific site proposed + Ownership + Size + SUNey or Plat + Price + Legal Description + Timeline of Assembly and Delivery. We have reviewed various sites and met with the owners of affected properties. Given the Postal Service 3Q-day deadline, and the fact that you are proceeding with the Toronto / Tower site acquisition on numerous fronts, it is apparent that the City will not be able to respond with the details satisfactory to your needs. As you continue your development activities on the site you selected, please be reminded that there are several planning and/or zoning issues that require resolution. Our City staff will be happy to inform you on the status of these issues as you proceed with your plans. Sincerely, w~ Yh, 1J1~ Wesley M. Mader, Mayor 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER cc: City Councilmembers City Manager Frank Boyles Economic Development Authority Planning Director Don Rye I:\COUNCIL\GENERAL\POSTOFF.DOC /', \!II'.'_ ___P.1'fli ,Y .' ,1!."..... Fflt'W'''''I'I'r'' ..~rT"___ " q,', ~..~ 'WiT- >-.~. -l''''1I''''''l1I'\IIII'II!IITIl'-'' ~'~''J,.n >:, >l"l-,,~, ,!II December 20, 1999 Mr. Bob Barsness President Prior Lake Economic Development Authority Dear Bob: This letter is to notify you that I am no longer officially a resident of Prior Lake and therefore submit my resignation as Commissioner of the EDA, effective 12/31/99. I have enjoyed my time on the EDA and look forward to a continued involvement with the City and its business community as soon as my new house in Prior Lake is completed. The EDA and the City of Prior Lake are faced with significant challenges in their attempt to understand and meet the needs of the existing business community, while at the same time, create a positive image which will retain that existing business and enhance the recruitment of new business. Please feel free to call on me if I can be of assistance. Best wishes for a very successful new year. ~ / / Boif~der RDJ/wp cc: F. Boyles /' W. Mader ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MEETING DATE: AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: DECEMBER 20, 1999 8A DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL FROM BUSINESS SURVEY DISCUSSION: At the November EDA meeting, Commissioner Schenck presented the results of the business survey recently completed by EDA members. At the conclusion of the discussion, the EDA concurred that they would further discuss the survey results at the December 20 meeting and to make specific recommendations to the City Council for action steps which should be taken to address the issues identified by the survey. ~~~ lj'O While many of the issues had to do with things over which the City has no control, a number of them were capable of consideration and possible action by the City or the EDA. The issues seemed to fall into several larger groups. These were (1) City should be more business-friendly and develop more and better communications with businesses; (2) there should be less regulation of business; (3) the physical image of the City needs to be improved: (4) Downtown redevelopment; (5) support of local businesses; and (6) street and highway access. In response to these groups of issues, the following are suggested as specific actions which could be taken : Repeat the business survey every 2 to 3 years and retain a professional survey.. to conduct it. Continue Downtown redevelopment efforts by ('D l.". implementing recommendations in the Downtown ~rJ55 '- Redevelopment Plan. -b A 60 ~" \~ Iltfc an EG......t1111Ic :Ot:vetUll'Wl~1"li- DiFeetor. (1:~rP ,...,.)61"'# Of Publish a business-oriented newsletter desi~d t~ aid businesses in their dealings with the City. Specifically deal with permitting and building code issues. Schedule regular meetings between the EDA and Chamber of Commerce representatives. Schedule customer service training for all City employees. Redo regulations on wireless communications towers. tPt1 1. U-!u.. 2. l:,OA 3. f.OA 4. {&A 5. c....l....6. (f- 7. L:\99FILES\99EDA \REPORTS\8A 1 22099.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER " I (P\~' Clean up public right-of-way by removal of weeds and l>-f debris and develop landscaped areas where appropriate. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: EDA members should review the survey results and be prepared to discuss other specific actions which the City and EDA could undertake to address the concerns brought forward by the survey. 1. Do riothing 2. Make specific recommendations to the City Council as deemed appropriate Motion to recommend specific actions to the City Council L:\99FILES\99EDA \REPORTS\8A 1 22099.DOC -- '~ ,-~:;m"..f:';i_:-,~_;;Jll'llil!:~;~ 'T! 1-01-1995 0:01AM FROM P.l From The Desk Of: Mayor Wesley M. Mader \ 'L\ 'L-b \ l\ l\ \) e..~ _ \\t v<.. 0.. v- ~ "'^'\ ~e.\-~tl'\....-\.u. ~ L<\ ~ ~\) .,.&- 'ttl~ ~E..l.~\-~ · Dec~ber 14, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO; Frank Boyles FROM: Wes Mader SUBJECT: Miscellaneous Vietlin~ Litigation I have read. the PriQt Lake American's version 9fPrior Lake V.s. the Vier lings, and rhe Golcmbeck . statement. I think the Golembeck statement is m~ 9f a legal statement thll1.l a clarification to the citizens of Prior l.ake. Neither the Prier Lake American article. or Golcmbeck>s statement makes it ~lew enough' :r.. G.-,\ ..oL~. thai (1) the Vierling's initiated the law suit, (2) that the City will comply with whatever judgment the Courts te:n~ on behalf of the Vierlings, and (3) that if the Vio:lings didn't want to give up their 17 aa'es . . of land, they probably shwld not have petitioned the Court to force the Cily to take it. The Prior Lake American article referred to your attempt to purchase 3 acres from the Vierlings in 1997. I ",\,,\...L 0.0....-.: \ \ can't recall any Council discussions 00 this. and would appreciate if you would enlighten me otI the s. ~\- ~~ ~ tl dso~ b. .1;0 T"'~v--~-- .... , su !}ect. . ..... \ "" . . '-e. 'i\V'<:. ~ T'Co- T'l"'- '> I r . Lord's Street I have received citif.en inquiries regarding r~ing afLord's Street. I don't know the history, but it ha.... . been suggested to me thar. it has been many years since it was resurfaced, and that the City is saying that it will be many mOil'e years before it will be done. Can you please provide me with the fQllowing info? .When was Lord.'s Street last resurfaced? \ ~ 1 e .What is our general policy for number of years between resurfacing? }\1C"'-L- u.;..\~. ~ot- \/"e..:v\'t.w ~\,..u.~ ~ '\Cl.C...... \.>'I~ ~.\:? ~'t~ e..~'f... ; . .' \ .When would you expect Lord's Street to beresurfared? 1'-\1:>\ r~\M.-~ \'- 2.-000 - 2..00'\- (UP. ~.(' ,..e;,<l~ Ul~ ~b~\~1: ..~--& c..\<..\\:o(..y- r-t..'1.w...\~~ '..,..,,~.....,~ol~ f\'l>~" ~I)&.-- t:;::>'L\\ tcv..>,\doV; MVTA ~,~ '-'-\~~\<- r:.~ a.. \1 ~\'" s......w..~. In addition to appointing our Council representative to the MVT A. 1 believe we also have to appoint a back-up. Will you please see that we include this in our J~uary appointments? "\ ~ ~ Triax Have we settled with Tria..'t on the transfer alst that we were to re(:~i.ve? Have we received the money and how much? '\ 'C.!> I ~ ~ 8~5"O 0 ~ Scott County Water Planning, Cjtizen Adyj$ory Committees I believe WI; should also be making appointments to these Committees at our January meeting. W~uld yw please initiate whatever action is nec;essal)', including advising Council Members~ ." ~!. . I ~ i \\ .. Frank, please respond to the above items at your convenience. No urgency n::quired. I,J~ Wes 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 1-01-1995 0:01AM FROM P.l From The Desk Of: Mayor Wesley M. Mader \"L\ 'L-b \ q ll\ .\) f...') _ ~-e y<.. e.. v- ~ '^"\ .....e\-~trv.o\-L.\. _ L.(. \ "'-'-"- \(..li'....:i) ", ~ '1 t);) ~ ~ 1 \)o-\-\+~ · December 14, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO; FJ.Mk Boyles FROM: WesMader SUBJECT; MiscclltJneol.ls Vietlin~ Litigation I have read the Prior Lake American's version 9fPrior Lake v,s. the Vierlings, and rhe Golcmbeck . statement. I think the Golembeck statclment is mt::lrt; I,)f a legal statement than a claritic:ation to the (;itizens ofPriorl..ake. Neithet the Prior Lake American article, or Golcmbeok)s statement makes it ~lew enough' :r.. ~~ ...."-~. that (1) the Vierling's initiated the law suit, (2) that the City will camply with whatever judgment the Courts render on behalf of the Via-lings, and (3) that if dle Vier:lings didn)t want to give up their 17 acres . . of land, they probably $hQUld not have petitioned the Court to force the Cily to take it. The Prior Lake American article referred to yaw' attempt to pW'thase 3 acres from the Vierlings in 1997. I '\\,,~ l!.e.....-.: \ \ can)t te<iaJl any Council discussions on this, and would appreciate if you would enlighten me on the s.~\- ~~d.dSll~ b" -\-.. ,\,,"'~\.'A-l"'" .... , sU!Ject, .~ L'. ':L r\V'<. ~~""l"'- "> , re. . Lord's Street I have received citi~ inquiries regarding resurfacing of Lord's' Street. I don't know rhe histOl)', but it ha..~ . been suggested to me that it has been many years since it was resurf3ced, and that the City is saying that it will be many more years before it will be done. Can you please provide me with the following info? "'When wa.o; Lord's StJ:eet last resurfaced? \ ~ 1 e "'What is our gentnl policy for nUlllber of years between resurfacing? Ne"'-L u.;..,~. ~-L V't.:V','t.w ~\..4.c.\.; ~ '\Clto........ \>'\~ CL.\:? \....'~~ e...~~ ; . .' \ .Wben would you expect Lord's Street to be resur~? t\\ () \- rv-( YlA-~ \'- 1-0 ~o - 2.oo~ ~ \ f>. :t.( ...e ),<l~ L:l MSJ ~b ~\--o.1: ..t.-.....& Co.. \<.\\-t.N- r~).\..-t..'\-~ .."""~,,..........c.~ f\':.~" ~ 1)-- l>i.\\ tC\.o...>,\d-l.v MVTA ~,~ v....'\'6..~\<.... b~ ~ \1 i\..:,,> s\..O.......~. In addition to appointing our Council representative to the MVT A. I believe we also have to appoint a back-up" . Wi.l1. you please see that we include this in our JanuaJ)' appointments? '\ ~ ~ . Triax Have We settled with Tria.x on the transfer cost that we were to re<:~i.ve? Have we received the money and how much? "'C.!> ,~ 21 s,S'o D. Scott County Water Planning. Cirtzet1 Ad"isory Committees I believe We: sholJId also be making appointments to rhese Committees at out' Jan1laI)' meeting. W~uld yw please initiate whatever action is nec;essaT)'. ine1udin,g advising Council Members, '-\ -e.!. , :r:. I..:l i \\ . Frank, please respond to the above items at your convenience. No urgency required. t.J..s-- Wes 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 PfkrlaleQlyQud PUBLIC HEARING ~,' a ncil TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 99-XX VACATING A PORTION OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1, ENIVID FIRST ADDITION. * * * December 20,1999 Oz JYl e/vf PIicr Qud PUBLIC HEARING 1iote: TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 99-XX APPROVING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF RED OAKS ROAD * * * Decem ber 20, 1999