HomeMy WebLinkAbout8B - Report on 4.5 Acre Business Park Parcel '.. MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APRIL 19, 1999 8B JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR DON RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR CONSIDER STATUS REPORT ON 4.5 ACRE BUSINESS PARK PARCEL AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE FOR A SURVEY OF THIS PARCEL History: There is one undeveloped parcel remaining in the Waterfront Passage Business Park. This parcel has been difficult to market due to its odd shape, the wetlands located on or adjacent to the parcel, and the need for soils corrections. The EDA has asked staff to look at the possibility of reconfiguring this parcel to make it more marketable. Current Circumstances: The remaining parcel is the residual of what was originally platted as Lot 1, Block 2, Waterfront Passage Addition. Portions of this lot have been sold to develop the NBC Products building and the Hanson building. While the actual land area is larger, the staffhas estimated approximately 4.5 acres is buildable. The proposed lot configuration is shown on the attached map, In order to facilitate the marketing of this site, it has been suggested we prepare a survey of the site, process an Administrative Subdivision application and create a specific parcel. The estimated cost of a survey for this site is $2,000,00. One of the problems with the development of this parcel is the odd configuration ofthe site, due to the location of the wetlands in the area. As noted in the attached memorandum from Sue McDermott, the City has contracted with Arlig Environmental, at a cost not to exceed $1,500,00, to prepare a wetland mitigation and sequencing plan. This plan is required by the State Wetland Conservation Act, and must be approved by various agencies before any filling may take place, The estimated cost of wetland mitigation at this time is approximately $30,000, . Another problem on the site is the need for soil corrections for the placement of a building pad, It is difficult to detennine the exact soil corrections needed until a specific development plan has been L:\ECONDEV\EDA \EDAAGNDA \8B41999.DOC 1 162UO Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: submitted. However; City Engineering staffhas developed an estimate based on a 52,700 square foot building pad with 92,915 square feet of parking lot. The estimated cost for the necessary correction is $134,490.00. City costs incurred for the creation and development of this lot include the following: Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Report: Survey (approximate) Wetland Mitigation ( estimate) Soil Correction (estimate) TOTAL $ 1,500,00 $ 2,000.00 $ 30,000,00 $132.490,00 i ,. Ii ,~, ~ $165,990.00t. I II 1, '9 ~ . The key question is where does the EDA obtain the funds for the wetland mitigation and soil correction measures, One source of funding is the EDA's Land Sale Proceeds fund, It may also be possible to schedule some of the costs of the wetland mitigation in the City's Capital Improvement Program, Based on the above costs, the EDA must decide on a future course of action for this site. We can proceed with the survey and subdivision of the 4,5 acre parcel, and attempt to market the site, At the same time, the EDA can try to detennine a source of funding for the necessary corrections, or discount the parcel based on the need for these corrections. There may also be other funding options available, The EDA has the following alternatives: 1. Authorize the staff to request quotes and select a surveyor to prepare a survey for the 4,5 acre parcel. 2, Defer action on this item and provide staff with additional direction. The staff recommends Alternative #2, A motion and second deferring this matter until the impact of these costs can be assessed is required. L:\ECONDEV\EDA \EDAAGNDA \8B41999.DOC 2 I -- -- .... . . .....,.".,.....,.,.,......,.....,...,. '....--...............-- --. ............'........... .........'...........-..............,.,.--...............-....'.'...---......--.. - -- - - --', """"'--"'---""'--"-"""""--"'..--,-.,. . ...'.'...,......_,......,.,.,.-.-.-................._,.... ........................ ..-..--.--..-...--.-...................,.,...-,.,-.....,...,....'....'.'.-,..'...',.,..'........_-.. . " .,' . .". -', - . . .. , .. ... - - - -, - - - - . . . . , - .. .., -.. - ., . - ... -. " ". . , , - - - , - - - . - - ., - . . , - - .. - - . ...............................................,.,.,...".'."""...'.'...'."".'.'..".'."1"'..'."'...... .. 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Attached is a sketch of the proposed lot configuration. In order to accomplish this, wetland fill and mitigation will be required, Arlig Environmental is preparing the mitigation plan and sequencing that is required by the state' s Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). This report will be submitted to the City the week of April 19th. It will then be mailed to the appropriate agencies for review and approval. We have a copy of the geotechnical evaluation report for the parcel which was completed in January 1998 for Amcon Corporation. The report makes recommendations regarding soil corrections which will be required for building pad preparation, After the wetland mitigation plan is completed, the Engineering Department will estimate the cost for the wetland mitigation work in addition to the cost of soil corrections. c: Fr~'<. 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