HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC/EDA Joint Meeting April 28, 1997 JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, April 2/8, 1997 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Light Dinner I. History and Issues Associated with this Redevelopment Area - Don Rye/Roger Guenette II. AMCON/ Asset Realty Proposal for Redevelopment-Garry Gabrielson III. A Proposal for Informing Businesses and Citizens and Developing Consensus - Roger Guenette IV. Establish Action Steps and Timeline - All 7:30 p.m. Adjourn 16200 E~\~\:l~~~DOPrior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~PR-08-1997 11:56 FROM ADVANCE INC. TO [12] PRIOR LAKE-CITY P.02 DYANCE TO: Prior Lake EDAlPlanning Commission FROM: Roger Guenette DATE: April 7, 1997 RE: Redevelopment Strategy For Priordalc Mall And Adjacent Property Over the past year, the CitylEDA have been approached by three different commercial developers each proposing to redevelop the Priordale Mall and adjacent properties into a neighborhood commercial/retail area. Each of the plans have projected 90,000 - lSO.OOOSF of retail facilities anchored by a grocery store, with complimentary uses such as a drug store, liquor store. restaurants and auto related businesses. The developers have proposed these uses because the demographics and market opportunities within and around Prior Lake are favorable for such development. Reactions from the City Council and EDA to the proposed development plans have been unenthusiastic. Several Council and EDA members have expressed a desire to see development of facilities that would be unique to the community (e.g. cinema theaters. bookstores, etc.) The 1997 EDA Work Program Objectives includes development of a plan to capitalize on traffic generated by the Mystic Lake Casino and the Wilds. Perhaps the Priordale Mall and adjacent property could acc:.ommodate various entertainment/recreational uses that would complement the Casino and Wilds. The primary problem with promoting alternative uses for the Priordale Mall site is that developers have only exhibited interest in the neighborhood retail concept. In order to explore alternative uses and generate community reaction to the neighborhood retail concept it is proposed that the EDA host a community planninwstrategy workshop. The purpose of the meeting would be to generate ideas for alternative redevelopment uses on the site and determine if there is public support for the neighborhood retail concept. The process for organizing and conducting the workshop and follow-up activities may be as follows: . Select a meeting date and publicize, encouraging attendance by residents and business owners. . Conduct the meeting utilizing nominal group techniques to ensure opportunities for input from all attendees. . Results of the discussions and identified redevelopment uses will be catalogued, documented and included in a report to the EDA. Business Finance and Economic Development Specialists CORl'ORAr. Ol'F1C~: P.O. Box 32609 Mpls.. MI'l 55432-0009 Phone; (612) 75S.5J9J Fax: (612) 755-7741 P.O. Box 3027 Monl<cto. MN 56002-302 7 Phons: (507) 387-7117 Fax; (SOl) 387-6115 RPR-08-1997 11:57 FROM RDVRNCE INC. TO [12] PRIOR LRKE-CITY P.03 . If the EDA believes that the ideas embodied in the report have merit and potential to be implemented, they may commission further research such as site plans. artist rendering and configuration of estimated budgets for a Redevelopment Concept Plan. . Upon completion of a Redevelopment Concept Plan, the EDA should proceed to market the strategy to developers in the hopes of attracting a qualified party to jointly reinvest and redevelop the Priordale Mall area. . In the event that the proposed planning workshop docs not yield ideas worthy of pursuit and additional research activities. the BOA may conclude that the neighborhood retail concept is a preferred alternative worthy of enthusiastic public support. Please a:>mmunicate your reactions to these suggestions at your earliest convenience. Thank you! 2 TOTAL P.03 i--- ~ }~ ,- ",)> *~ iii ..!...:=M en ~ " > Z .. !\I;(r i4'O',"1 en ~ o l> -l l> Ill!1 LJIII AVI NlJI ',1]'-1\;'; I XI', Ilr~(; IWAI) ( J ~ III e ~ \; ~ " S E n ~ u NI JU n 1 " . ()~, -j 4'4Ii.lI' I'I(UI'(J~II) f'!.()l'll-IIY liNt ~ .t. AMeDN PllCfllllB) IlI.I..llIlCl F<B lIRllfltAllIl I HEREBT CERTIFY ~T THIS PlAH. SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED 8Y W( OR UNOR In' DlR[CT SUPEIMSION AND Ili\I I AM A DUlY REClST[RED ARCIiT(eT lJNO[R THE LAWS Of THE STAT( or WINN(SOT.\ R(VISllJIS &."" &.",. &...,:1 &III:V4 &.v, D~5ign 0 Construction 0 Construction Mano.Qf'Ment 200 V. Hwy. 13 B...ns,llo. """",sola 55337 101. 612-890-1217 OHicf''i in MiMropolis . Mi.oukre rQ.x &12-890-0064 PRIOR LAKE RETAIL I'IICII LAICE, INEllOTA COUll ~ MNSON REClSTRAOOH NO.: 18121