HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 30, 1998 - Workshop PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WORKSHOP AGENDA September 30, 1998 Fire Station I 5:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Review Downtown Master Plan and Development Strategy - Kim Way III. Questions from Economic Development Authority Members IV. Direction to Staff V. Adjourn - 7:30 p.m. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SEP-18-1998 16:21 ELLERBE BECKET 612 376 2552 P.02/05 ELLERBE BECKET ~ September 18, 1998 Mr. Frank Boyles City Manager City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Re: Downtown Prior Lake Commission No.: 0092-6905 Kim N. Way Vice President Urban Dl!sign Director Subject: Downtown Master Plan and Development Strategy Pear Mr. Boyles, 800 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone: 612.376.2026 Facsimile: 612.376.2552 E-mail: Kim Way@ ellerbebecket.com It was pleasure meeting with you and Jane Kansier last Friday to discuss the potential of your do\vntown. Our walking tour was very infonnative and it is hard not see the won<k:rful opportunities that Prior Lake has to create a vibrant, exciting and economically strong downtown environment. Much of the infrastructure is already in pIlUle and you certainly have lots of natura] environment to build from. The current investment being made in the new library provides an obvious catalyst to consider the economic potential of the wider downtown area. We have reviewed the Conceptual Design Plan for the City of Prior Lake DDwntDwn and have thought through the process of working "'lith you and your Economic D~elopment Authority on the creation of a maste.T plan, financial feasibility analysis and implementation strategy that will guide all future public and private investments over the next 3 .5 years. We are delighted to have Ftauenshuh Companies and Randy McKay as part of our team. As we discussed, rhe success of a c!evelopml;;nt master plan is directly related to its response to the market and its implementation strat(;gy. We believe Randy's development experience will be invaluable in understanding these issues. The following scope of service defmes our approach and methodology. As we have not had direct discussions with the Economic Development Authority we would consider this a draft proposal and fee cstimate that will be refined to meet your specific needs and budget constraints. Once you have reviewed this scope of services please give me a call so that we can discuss it. We look forward to your eomments and the opportunity to assist the City of Prior Lake with this important and exciting project. Sincerely, ',' .* 't SEP-18-1998 16:21 ELLERBE BECKET 612 376 2552 P.03/05 Prior Lake Downtown Master Plan & Development Strate1!V Scope of Services The scope of services outlined below is divided into four stages designed to develop a realistic and achievable developmentstrategy for the downtown area that can ZUJd will be implemented ovct time. It envisions working closely with the City of Prior Lake City Council, Economic Development Authority, Downtown :RedeveloPIIlent Task Force and staff (Client Team) to prepare a master plan and development strategy that meets the goals and obj~etives of all stakeholders. The four stages inelude~ Stage I - Study Area Analysis Stage II - Development Feasibility Analysis Stage III - Downtown Master Plan Stage XV - Implementation Strategy and Action Plan Prior to beginning work, the City of Prior Lake will provide Ellerbe Becket with an accurate and up-to- date base IIlap of the study arGa, illustrating roadways and road right-of-wa.ys, buildings, property lines, utility easements, vegetation, topography, open space and other pertinent site information. Overhead and oblique aerial photography would also be useful, if available. I. Study Al"ea Analysis Task A - Me~t with the Client Team to defIne study area, agree on scope of services, work program and schaluJe. Task B - Gather and review background data made available by the Client Team including; Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, the Conceptual Design Plan/or the City a/Prior Lake Dowmown, past planning studies and reports, market data information, transportation studies and reports and current developmont proposals. Task C ~ Prepare a series of analysis drawings that document existing conditions including; land ownership, existing land use, zoning, existing buildings, tr~e and transportation issues, pedestrian linkages and open space. Task D - Conduct a site reoonnaissancc and photographic inventory of the study area to understand and record site issues. Task E- Prepare an opportunities and constraints/developableland analysis of the study Mea to define developable land. acreages and to quantify development potentiaL '., . Task F ~ Meet with the Client Team to discl,l.sS existing conditions and the potential of the study area. Subtotal 10 -12 Staff Days Stage I Work Products - Study area analysis diagrams, photographic inventory, opportunities and consrrainrs diagram and a developable land analysis SEP-18-1998 16:21 ELLERBE BECKET 612 376 2552 P.04/05 II. Development Feasibility Analysis Task A - Meet with the Client Team to determine potential development scenarios and programs. Task B . Provide:; an overview of the existing market, identify gaps and characterize potential development options and programs. Task B - Based on the;; clcvdopable land and development potential analysis, test 2 -3 potential development scenarios/programs. These altvrnativc plans will illustrate ideal building footprints, existing and proposed roadway infrastructure, parking, pedestrian connections, open space and landscape amc;;nitics. Development take-offs will be prepared for each alternative. Task C - Meet with the Client Team to review development scenarios and to suggest changes and modifications. Task D - Revise and rcl"me; altlmlativc development plans. Task F - Meet with the Client Team to review revised and refined alternatives and to select a preferred development scenario. Subtotal 18 - 20 Staff Days Stage 11 Work products - Allei'J'zative development programs (2.3), a/ternaffves development plans (2-3), a preferred development plan and development take-offi. III. Downtown Master Plan Task A - Based on the preferred dcvclopmcnt scenario, prepare an illustrative development plan for the downtown area. 1bis plan will illustrate existing and new buildings, existing and new roadways, parking (surl"ace and structured?), pedestrian circulation, open space and landscape amenities. Task B - Based on the illustrative development plan prepare a development summary which quantifies development in square feet by land use (office, commercial, retail, industrial, etc.), by number of rooms for hotelsllodging and nwnber of units for each residential typ~. Task C - Prepare: a developmont parcelization plan that illustrates specific development sites, size of the site in acres/SF, proposed land use(s), potential densities (F.A.R., SF, Rooms, Units) and parking spaces. Task D - Prepare 2 . 3 pQI'spective sketches that illustrate the character and quality of the proposed development. Subtotal 12 -14 Staff Days Stage 111 Work Products - Jllu~'lralive development plan, development summary/tabulation, development parcelizalion plan and 2.3 perspective sketches. SEP-18-1998 16:22 ELLERBE BECKET 612 376 2552 P.05/05 IV. Implementation Strategy and Action PI3J1 Task A - Prepare an implementation strategy for public improvement and "developer" projects identifil;:d in the development plan. Public improvement projects include those reeonunended in the Conceptual Design Plan for the City of Prior lake Downtown and other public strCXlts, streetscape amenities, utilities, open space, pedestrian circulation and public facilities that evolvc out of the process. The "~veloper" projects include infrastruetutc projects that a typical private sector master developer wOllld provide to create ready to build sites (Le. remove existing redundant infrastructure, resolve cnviromnontal contamination, rough grading, roads and utilities). . The Sb'alcgy will identifY specific projects, project costs. the projected time: frame for implementation, implementing agency and benefit to the projectlcommuni1;y. Task B - Prepare an action agenda which dearly defines the next steps necessary to move the project forward. Task C - Assist the Client Team in preparing a downtown master plan and development strategy brochure for use in communicating the potential of lhe area to the communi1;y, and in marketing it to potential developers, investors and lenders. This task does not include time for the actual design and production of the brochure. Task D - Present master plan and development strategy to City Council, Economic Development Authori1;y and other public officials. Subtotal 9 - 11 Staff Days Scage IV Work Products -Implementation strategy, action plan and maSTer plan and development strategy brochure. The brochure will be designed and produced by others with the direction of the Client Team. Ellerbe Becket will provide fillished artwork aYJd lext to be incorporated in the brochure. Time Frame Ellerbe Becket is prepared to begin this assignment immediately upon execution of a contract. Based on the SCOpe of service outlined above, we believe that we can accomplish this effort in a four to six. month time framo. This time frame does not inc::Iudo allowance for a public participation process. If a wider community collaboration is desired beyond the Client Tcam, the time frame would need to be extended. Compensation Based on our understanding of the project, the scope of services we have outlined, the tUne frame and a 49 - 57 staff da.y effort, we would estimate a professional fee rango of $41,560 - $46.600. Expenses are in addition to the professional fee and include all out of poeket project costs such as, local travel, parking. photography, reprographics and messenger service. At this time. we would propose an expense estimate of $3.500 -$4,000. Billing will occur monthly for the actual fees and expenses expended during the billing period following the attached Terms and Conditions of Service. TOTRL P.05 ,T ..