HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 17, 1997 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, March 17, 1997: 5:00 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes a) February 24, 1997 4. Consent Agenda a) None 5. Presentations a) None 6. Public Hearings a) None 7. Old Business a) Review Conflict of Interest Statutes and Draft Code of Ethics Suesan Lea Pace b) Review Proposed Mission Statement and 1997 Work Objectives for Economic Development Authority. 8. New Business a) Consider Recommendations on Tax Increment Financing Plan and Developers Agreement for Area 2-8, Stan Anderson. b) Consider Approval of Process for EDA Review of Purchase Agreements and Tax Increment Financing Proposals. 9. Other Business a) Federal Impact Aid. b) Park Nicollet Clinic Development Proposal. 10. Announcements or Correspondence. 11. Adjournment, 7:00 p.m.. 16200 B~te.t(Jtu(,!k,~. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STAFF AGENDA REPORT DATE: 7A FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER REVIEW CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATUTES AND DRAFT CODE OF ETHICS MARCH 17,1997 AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: The Economic Development Authority has received a copy of a draft Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance from City Attorney Suesan Lea Pace. Suesan has suggested that this ordinance apply to all City Employees, Council, Board and Commission members, and City Council members. The proposed ordinance raises a number of questions which must be addressed. Accordingly, copies of the proposed ordinance have been shared with members of the City Council and City Staff members to solicit their reaction. We are also seeking Economic Development Authority member reaction, and this agenda item is an opportunity for questions to be asked and responded to. Please bring the draft Code of Ethics ordinance with you to the meeting.. This item will be discussed at the March 17th meeting. No action is required on this item except for you to provide comments and questions. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STAFF AGENDA REPORT DATE: 7B FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER APPROVE MISSION STATEMENT AND 1997 WORK OBJECTIVES FOR EDA. MARCH 17,1997 AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: At the Economic Development Authority's March 15 workshop, you were provided with a number of potential mission statements and 1997 work objectives for the EDA. The Authority can discuss the mission statement and 1997 objectives at the workshop but may only formally adopt these items at the regular March 17 meeting. The intent of this agenda item is to have the EDA determine its final mission statement and 1997 work objectives. Please bring the copies of the draft mission statements and work objectives which you received at the March 15 workshop to the March 17 meeting. Motion and second to adopt a mission statement for the authority and to establish 1997 work objectives for completion. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E" Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph, (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: att. STAFF AGENDA REPORT 8A FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION ON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN AND DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT FOR AREA 2-8, STAN ANDERSON. MARCH 17,1997 Attached for Economic Development Authority information are two documents. The first is the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District 2-8, which is the 1.65 acre parcel in the Business Office Park. Mr. Stan Anderson, who is the owner of Award Printing, is interested in acquiring this parcel and constructing a 12,000 square foot building. Also attached is a developers agreement which sets forth the contractural relationships between Mr. Anderson the EDA and the City so that this project can come to fruition. While the City Council is the approving body for both docmuments, it is important for the City Council to be aware of the Economic Development Authority's recommendations with respect to each document. Economic Development Consultant Roger Guenette will make a presentation with regard to each document, highlight the issues, and request Economic Development Authority direction. 16200 ~t!74jruek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STAFF AGENDA REPORT AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: 8B FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PROCESS FOR EDA REVIEW OF PURCHASE AGREEMENTS AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PROPOSALS. MARCH 17,1997 At the last meeting, City Attorney Suesan Lea Pace, and Economic Development Consultant Roger Guenette agreed to meet to prepare procedures for Economic Development Authority consideration to systemetize the EDA's review of purchase agreements and tax increment financing proposals. A draft is to be distributed at the March 17 Economic Development Authority meeting for review and discussion. The new procedures would apply to any and every development proposal which occur after the Tax Increment Financing District 2-8. att. 16200 ~€7/000k Ave. S.E" Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STAFF AGENDA REPORT AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: 9A & 9B FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER STATUS REPORT ON FEDERAL IMPACT AID AND PARK NICOLLET CLINIC DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. MARCH 17,1997 At the last meeting, Commissioner Campagnoli suggested that Federal Impact Aid may be available to Prior Lake to provide some level of financial reimbursement for the impact which the casino and reservation have on the City of Prior Lake. Planning Director Don Rye has investigated the subject. He will provide an oral report at the meeting. I would also like to spend a couple minutes on March 17 discussing the Park Nicollet Development Proposal on the old drive-in theatre site, and the issues that this proposal has raised. I believe that the Economic Development Authority will be asked some time in the future to provide Tax Increment Financing assistance to this project as a first step in a much larger development proposal including Priordale Mall. att. 16200 Baghal<Z:OOlk Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Minutes of the February 24, 1997 Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER: President Barsness called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present were: President Barsness, Commissioners Schmidt and Schenck. Staff Present were: Executive Director Boyles, Secretary Oden, Planning Director Rye, Planners Kansier and Tovar, and Consultant Guenette. Commissioner Campagnoli, Commissioner Kedrowski, and City Attorney Pace arrived later. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: President Barsness led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: This item was removed from the agenda. 4. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: . President Barsness said that the minutes did not need to be verbatim. . Executive Director Boyles said the EDA had the option to change the minutes. The minutes could be more verbatim, or less detailed. . Commissioner Schenck asked whether there would ever be a consent agenda or public hearing on the EDA agenda. . Executive Director Boyles said yes. . Commissioner Schmidt said the issue identified on page 3, bullet 6, was raised by Commissioner Campagnoli (schools). . President Barsness said that he abstained on his own election vote. . Executive Director Boyles thought perhaps everyone should abstain from their own vote. . President Barsness said that would be appropriate, and asked if anyone had thoughts on the minutes. . Commissioner Schenck asked for clarification on the part of the minutes that discussed Waterfront Passage Business Park. He said that he wanted bullet number 5 removed. 16200 E~~~S2~~~k'X0~~S~~~~\~~i~~2r~k~~Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 44-7-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . Consultant Guenette said the discussion referred to the Waterfront Passage, income stream, and additional development while accomplishing break even. MOTION SCHENCK SECOND SCHMIDT TO ADOPT JANUARY 21 MINUTES AS AMENDED. Upon a vote, ayes by Barsness, Schmidt, and Schenck, the motion carried. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . There was no consent Agenda. 6. PRESENTATIONS: . There were no presentations. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: . There were no public hearings. 8. OLD BUSINESS: a) Overview of Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. . Planning Director Rye presented relevant aspects of the Comprehensive Plan as they relate to the function of the EDA. He said the actual Comp Plan map is the guide for anticipated development of the community within the next fifteen years. He said most of the new development is concentrated in the northwest part of town. He went over the specific areas of zoning. He said the City is not the only player as to when and how development occurs. The Municipal Urban Services Area line defined by the Metropolitan Council shows the currently approved urban service boundary. This is not as much as City had asked for from Met Council. The City wanted 1200 acres and received 500 acres net increase of developable land. When compared with the land uses there is considerable development anticipated north of 42 that is not within the MUSA boundary. This is going to handle development needs up to 2010. If areas outside the MUSA wish to be serviced, there is option to exchange the property. The process is a Comprehensive Plan amendment. . The areas within the MUSA are currently concentrated on CSAH 42 and 21. He said the ability to rapidly expand commercial development is limited by MUSA boundaries right now. There is property that is in Agricultural preserve program for another six years. . Commissioner Schenck said he thought Vierling filed to have 80 acres removed from the program. . Planning Director Rye said yes. Once filed there is an 8 year wait before it comes out. C:\,VlSOr,'FlCE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 2 . Consultant Guenette asked about the property south of Waterfront Passage, if it is annexed? . Planning Director Rye said there have been discussions with property owners who want to be annexed if they can have utilities immediately. Because this is part of the orderly annexation area, and the property owners are petitioning, it could be brought into City quickly. This could turn around in 60-90 days. It would be relatively easy to extend utilities. The MUSA and Comprehensive Plan would have to be amended by land trade. . Commissioner Schenck asked why won't Met Council allow an extension of the MUSA line? . Planning Director Rye said sewer treatment, etc. has all been laid out for anticipated use. They wouldn't want to build another sewer treatment plant. . Commissioner Schmidt asked how often does the Met Council review the situation? . Planning Director Rye said any time an amendment is brought up, it is reviewed. They are now current. The question is whether or not it creates an impact on the regional sewer system. That was one of the problems they had before. The Metropolitan Council sewer data showed up that it was at capacity now, so they would not approve a sewer extension. They now know that wasn't the case and there is capacity, so that is no longer an issue. . Commissioner Schenck said will they ask for an expansion or just trade? . Planning Director Rye said that the City could ask for an expansion but doubted it would be approved. . Commissioner Schenck said the City should not give up, there is not much to trade out. . Planning Director Rye said there is a couple of possibilities. He said there was about 270 acres of which about 60 are wetland. This can be phased, that gives us an opportunity to see how things area going. We then have another sixty acres. Wensmann has his forty acres, which is already in. If the trade was for residential, then maybe go somewhere else for trade. He said he is assuming that they could come up with 150 acres of residential. . Commissioner Campagnoli asked if municipal water reserves are an issue. C:\MSOFFlCE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 3 · Planning Director Rye said yes, from the standpoint that DNR says no more drilling wells into the Jordan Aquifer. · Commissioner Campagnoli asked if Prior Lake will find itself in the same place as Savage, where this is suddenly a pressing issue? · Planning Director Rye said Jordan wells are shallower than Hinckley wells. He said the DNR has put everyone in a delicate position. When they said the Jordan aquifer can't be used, the City's options are reduced and the cost Increases. . Commissioner Campagnoli asked how is the City impacted by the presence of a large federal tract of land held in trust for the indians, and why doesn't the City qualify for some federal impact aid? · Planning Director Rye said the presence of Casino and facilities uses sewer capacity, but the discussions with Met Council have not yielded anything. . Commissioner Campagnoli said federal impact aid has been delivered to communities that have experienced federal impact on their community. City of Shakopee tried to get it for their school systems, but could not qualify. Planning issues are different. She is not suggesting that it is the reservation's obligation. . Executive Director Boyles said there are two separate sewer agreements, not netted out of our utility. . President Barsness asked if they were suggesting Prior Lake apply to federal government. . Commissioner Campagnoli said there may not need to be a sewer and water situation. It may just be the existence of a large federal property within the City limits. There are several hundred acres within the City limits. . Planning Director Rye said staff will look into it. . Executive Director Boyles suggested that road improvements be discussed. . Planing Director Rye went over the road improvements scheduled. He said starting just west of CSAH 18. CSAH 42 will be upgraded to Mckenna road to 4 lanes, and at CSAH 21 from 82 to 42 will go 4 lanes. This will run over two construction seasons. The problem is in order to do it, there had to be dirt from one segment to another, so rather than do one, they will do both. At the same time, Pike Lake Trail from CSAH 42 down to Carriage Hills C:\,VlSOFFlCE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 4 Parkway will be upgraded. Having that four lane section there makes it more attractive to developers. . Executive Director Boyles asked about Mushtown Road and CSAH 21 to the east. . Planning Director Rye said Mushtown road along Woodridge Estates from TH 13, will allow for a backdoor entrance to Ponds Athletic complex. There will be a 4 lane section out to CSAH 27, then a 2-lane. Those are County projects. . All major road projects are either state or county. . Commissioner Schenck said without expansion request for MUSA line, won't we be hard pressed to serve just the existing area let alone the areas that will be annexed in? . Planning Director Rye said over time the numbers didn't vary, except the City shows it happening sooner than the Met Council shows. . Consultant Guenette said in regard to the area south of Waterfront Passage, the developers know they will not be able to market this property this year given all the work that needs to be done. . Commissioner Schenck said he got the indication that developers are ready right now. . Executive Director Boyles said that Met Council controls some of the actions necessary for this property. The developers are trying to move things along as quickly as possible, whether they will get digging this year, who knows. If Comprehensive Plan amendments are accomplished and MUSA extension done, it is a question of them getting out there. . Commissioner Schenck asked how soon can we get this before the Council? . Executive Director Boyles said that they were working with developer and with Council. He said they were focusing a lot of attention on it. . Consultant Guenette said if they have not raised the question, they have had a change of attitude, or they have just not raised the question. . Planning Director Rye said they have raised the question with TIF. . Commissioner Campagnoli said what about same issue again with orderly annexation area to the west? C:\MSOFFICE\ WI NWORD\EDA22497 .DOC 5 · Planning Director Rye said thirty to forty-five days if necessary. They could petition tomorrow, that would start the process for them. · President Barsness said TIF before annexation? · Executive Director Boyles said the Council's preliminary indication is they would consider MUSA transfer and TIF for this area. . Planning Director Rye said he is currently writing a new zoning ordinance. It is modified somewhat from the current ordinance, and added a couple of residential districts. There is a separate district for downtown. There is a new zone for heavier commercial types, which is hospitality oriented. The business park is unchanged. Ordinances will address landscaping, and transition from residential to nonresidential land uses. It will be modifying the Planned Unit Development Process. This will be applied more heavily. Planning is hoping to have a draft of this by the end of March, and public hearings completed by this summer. . President Barsness asked if it was possible for them to get the zoning requirements that describe the various categories, and get the maps that show commercial and industrial spaces, and a brief outline that shows properties significant to EDA, as a reference. . Commissioner Schmidt asked about the C-1 district. . Planning Director Rye said that would cease to exist. . Commissioner Kedrowski said it was used as land-holding tool. . Planning Director Rye said there has been changes in state law that say with amending Comprehensive plan, zoning has to be in compliance within nine months. . President Barsness asked commissioners to look at the agenda to see how agenda items can be handled in the time remaining. Action Steps and strategic plan could be discussed at the March 15 workshop There are issues on the table that can be prioritized. There is a monument issue. . Executive Director Boyles said signs could be discussed later. b) Review Conflict of Interest Statutes and City Council Code of Ethics. . President Barsness said skip conflict of interest, and move on to budget. C:\MSOFFICE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 6 c) EDA Questions from Last Meeting - Budget, Insurance . Executive Director Boyles presented the item. He said EDA had asked about budget. Historically there has been a section for EDA in the general fund budget. That is the amount available to EDA during 1997. Later this year, EDA can make its own 1998 budget. In the meantime, this is budget to be used. . Commissioner Schenck asked if this was where they could find salaries for the commissioners? . Executive Director Boyles said that per diems would have to be drawn from the existing EDA budget. . Commissioner Kedrowski asked about travel and conference, what is implied. . Executive Director Boyles said that was staff allocation. He said that funds are available for EDA members to attend workshops, etc. If there are expenditures that are outside of budget, the EDA could request that the Council allocate funds from contingency. . Commissioner Schenck asked what is EDAM? . Planning Director Rye said Economic Development Association of Minnesota. . President Barsness asked if the $3,500 was for the monuments. . Executive Director Boyles said that would be the entry monuments for the office park. . Commissioner Schmidt said the bylaws say the EDA must provide an annual report by March 1st. She asked if EDA was let off hook this year. . City Attorney Pace said yes. i) Indemnification and Insurance issues . Executive Director Boyles said that the City is insured under the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. The actions of this body are covered. . City Attorney Pace said when acting in official capacity, members are insured under LMC. She didn't know when members would not.be under official capacity. c: \MSOFFICE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 7 9. NEW BUSINESS: a) Consider Authorization to Design and Install Entry Monuments in Waterfront Passage Business Park . Executive Director Boyles said as part of the City Council 1997 Top Priority Goals there is to be monuments at eight major accesses to the community. The Council had looked at a basic sketch from which a model was made. It is intended to give sense of quality. The City should have some consistency with entry to community and entry to business park. He said is asking for the authority to use the City of Prior Lake monument as basis for the business park monuments . President Barsness asked for clarification of the $3500 in the budget for item, and whether it was a matter of making a motion. MOTION SCHENCK SECOND CAMPAGNOLI TO ACCEPT DESIGN AND INSTALL TWO ENTRY MONUMENTS FOR WATERFRONT BUSINESS OFFICE PARK AT FISHPOINT AND ADELMAN ALONG CSAH 21. . Commissioner Kedrowski asked if it is necessary to have two monuments. . City Manager Boyles said when annexation of 270 acres was discussed, appropriate signage was discussed. . Commissioner Kedrowski asked where the City entry monument would go along CSAH 21. . Commissioner Campagnoli said defining the area was quite confusing. She said it would be assisted by definition, something that gives visual delineation as dedicated to a certain function. . Commissioner Schmidt said where the monuments are planned. . Executive Director Boyles said the entry monuments will be where civic signs are currently along CSAH 21. . Commissioner Schenck said on a smaller scale, the sign could be a marker for Lakefront Park, Sandpoint Beach, etc.. . Commissioner Kedrowski asked how many monuments are necessary for the business park? C:\i'vlSOFFJCE\ WINWORD\EDA22497 .DOC 8 . Consultant Guenette asked about size. He said even if it were a City entrance monument, it would make sense to have entrance monuments to the park. . Councilmember Kedrowski said what is the justification for these monuments? Is there going to be bidding? . Executive Director Boyles said there may be different parties constructing and erecting signs, but it would not be bid, since the cost is below the bidding threshold and this is a sole source item. . Commissioner Kedrowski asked about the Scott County Economic Development Authority. . Consultant Guenette said that he thinks that Planning staff is attending. . President Barsness said that they were a coalition made up of businesses in the County and a representative was from each city. . Executive Director Boyles said that people from each city and a rep from the county are in it. . Commissioner Kedrowski asked if this is something that the EDA should be cognizant of. . Executive Director Boyles said the Planning Department could provide updates. . Commissioner Kedrowski said joint cooperation is necessary. . President Barsness asked Consultant Guenette for an update on the Award Printing purchase. . Consultant Guenette said an offer was extended to Anderson to acquire one property and offer an option for the second. Anderson is interested in formalizing an agreement to purchase and develop a 1.65 acre piece. At this point he would rather go slower than commit an option on the larger parcel. He said Anderson would rather do initial project and see that it is done, and get right of first refusal on the larger piece. Guenette suggested they formalize the smaller acquisition, not with option. Guenette said that he will let Anderson know if there is interest on the larger parcel from another party. C: \MSOFFlCE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 9 · Commissioner Kedrowski said Anderson's son said a concern was how soon they develop the annexation property. He has a nice property, one small section left for rent and doesn't want someone copying him. · Consultant Guenette said the annexation property will probably not develop before 1998. If they wanted to develop other property this year, it could be done. Two parcels will be left, 1 acre and 4.5 acre piece. · Commissioner Kedrowski asked if building was actually occupied. . Consultant Guenette said NBC was still in there. · President Barsness said at what point in negotiation is Consultant Guenette allowed to negotiate without it being a part of the public record? · City Attorney Pace said that negotiation must be publicly authorized. However, since negotiations don't involve a quorum, they are not subject to open meeting law. Consultant Guenette is not a City official, he is not subject to open meeting law, and can keep negotiations confidential. She said that this could be discussed. He will have to come back and put the deal on the table, and the execution of the contract would be authorized at a public meeting. · Consultant Guenette said that what has happened in the past is that verbal agreements when within City Council guidelines for the office park are formalized in the, then development agreement and TIF documents. Then the City Council public hearing is called, and formal approval and execution of agreement occurs. · He said they could continue to do that process or could bring information to EDA prior to City Council acting at a public hearing to get an opinion. Statute allows it to go straight to City Council. It will generate more paper, and require additional meeting, if the EDA must be formally involved. He said he would recommend that if the EDA is the initiating body that it review and recommend rather than formally invoke the process. · City Attorney Pace said there is a step missing in this. She said her concern was that a letter would be viewed as an offer, and she would rather see it possible that if he only accepted one half of the EDA approved deal, maybe there is no deal. There should not be contracts or agreements prepared until staff reports to the EDA on the issue. · Consultant Guenette said he was just giving feedback on what Andersons wanted. C:\\JSOFr'ICE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 10 . City Attorney Pace asked the EDA if it would like a standard procedure on each deal, so that there would be no disparities. . Executive Director Boyles said that City Council has tried to give EDA a wide berth, and it relies on the EDA for the recommendation. . President Barsness said if negotiations are made the EDA should make a recommendation. . City Attorney Pace said they may want to consider whether or not it goes to City Council. . Commissioner Campagnoli said a procedure should be in place, or it is not fair to City Council. . Consultant Guenette said he understood the process to be that the EDA will make the recommendation and if it doesn't recommend it then it will not go to the City Council. . City Attorney Pace said do documents go to EDA before City Council? . Consultant Guenette said yes. . Commissioner Schenck asked if after an initial discussion, with negotiations, back and forth, will they have to wait a month with each counter offer. . City Attorney Pace said subcommittees can be assigned to each transaction, which would not be subject to open meeting law, and can talk to Consultant Guenette to expedite the process. . Consultant Guenette said theoretically that is correct. Waterfront Passage was negotiated in good faith reasonable sale of that property. Insofar as new areas of development, like redevelopment of mall, no deals will happen that quick, and will need significant study. With redevelopment project, it is a slower process, more information and more analysis is needed. . President Barsness asked if City Attorney Pace could draft a procedure. . City Attorney Pace said yes, she just needed criteria to apply and then a process. MOTION SCHMIDT SECOND SCHENCK TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A PROCEDURE AND PROCESS FOR SALE TRANSACTIONS, DEVELOPMENT AND TIF AGREEMENTS. C:\:VlSOFT'lCE\ WINWORD\EDA22497 .DOC 11 Upon a vote, ayes by Schenck, Schmidt, Campagnoli, Kedrowski, abstention by Barsness, the motion carried. . Consultant Guenette handed out a sheet explaining where they are from cumulative cash flow clarifying cost and revenue at Waterfront Passage. He said the legislative auditor has an interpretation on TIF, which could restrict fund availability . Executive Director Boyles said he understood that any TIF money generated will be designated to the old business park to extend sewer and water. . Commissioner Kedrowski said there are some environmental issues and could subsidize improvements through TIF. . Consultant Guenette said that was one potential use of additional money, or it could open up acreage to south of existing waterfront passage park. He said there should be a motion to recommend City Council conduct a public hearing at a date certain. MOTION KEDROWSKI SECOND SCHMIDT TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF A DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT AND TIF PLAN AND REQUEST THAT THE COUNCIL ESTABLISH A HEARING DATE THEREFORE REGARDING THE AWARD PRINTING PURCHASE OF 1.65 ACRES. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Campagnoli, Kedrowski, Schmidt, and Schenck, abstention Barsness, the motion carried. The meeting adjour ~(d)J\ ) Executive Secretary C:\MSOFFICE\ WINWORD\EDA22497. DOC 12