HomeMy WebLinkAboutJPA - Scott County HRA & Prior Lake EDA
16049 Franklin Trail S.E. #104 Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372
(612) 447-8875 Fax (812) 447-8885
October 24, 1997
William I. Jaffa
Executive Director
Frank Boyles, City Manager
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
RE: Joint Powers Agreement
Dear Frank:
I want to thank you and the Economic Development Authority Board of Commissioners
for the opportunity to discuss potential redevelopment partnerships between our
respective organizations.
Enclosed for EDA review are three current Joint Powers Agreements that are presently
in place with the County, cities of Savage and Shakopee. Two are for land banking and
one is for redevelopment activity. I would recommend that your EDA consider
designating the Prior Lake downtown revitalization steering committee as the central
group to work with the Scott County HRA team in the development of a concept plan
beginning with a shared cost retail/commercial study of the downtown target area. This
could be the basis for a Joint Powers Agreement with the Scott County HRA and Prior
Lake EDA. As I stated earlier, the initial Joint Powers Agreement does not have to be a
restrictive covenant but rather sets the stage for shared involvement.
I look forward to continued dialogue with the Prior Lake EDA. Thank you for your
consideration in this matter.
William I. Jaffa
Executive Director
cc: Gene White, HRA Commissioner
Maynard Harms. District I Clarence Kaiser, District II Marjorie Henderson. District III
Gene White, District IV James Siekmann, District V
An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Acrion Employer
THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") has been entered into as of the
1st day of August, 1996, by and between the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority,
a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the state of Minnesota (the "Scott
County Authority"), and the City of Shakopee Economic Development Authority, a public body
corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the state of Minnesota (the "Shakopee
Authority" and, together with the Scott County Authority, the "Authorities"), pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 and Chapter 469.
1. Statement OfPUl:pose and Powers to be Exercised. There is a need within the City of
Shakopee to redevelop that certain property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the
"Redevelopment Property"), by acquiring and demolishing existing buildings and redeveloping
such property. It is anticipated that such redevelopment will include the acquisition and
construction of multifamily rental housing for elderly moderate income individuals and certain
commercial or retail space (the "Project").
The powers to be exercised jointly under this Agreement are those common or substantially
similar powers conferred upon the Scott County Authority as a county housing and redevelopment
authority and upon the Shakopee Authority as an economic development authority, pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, to undertake redevelopment projects and housing development
2. Method of Achievin2 PUl:pose: Manner of Exercisin2 Power. The powers to be
jointly exercised by the Authorities hereunder in general shall be exercised by the Scott County
Authority, provided however, that:
(a) there shall be submitted to the Shakopee Authority for approval (I) any Redevelopment
Plan or Housing Development Plan adopted by the Scott County Authority, and (II) the fmal site
plan and exterior design for the Project; and
(b) decisions with respect to the design of the Project shall be subject to the approval of
the "Design Committee" described below.
The Project shall be owned, managed and operated by the Scott County Authority. The
development and redevelopment of the Project shall be managed, administered and undertaken by
the Scott County Authority. The Scott County Authority shall adhere to applicable municipal
building codes in connection with the construction of the Project.
Joint Powers Agreemenl
3. Source and Contribution of Funds. Except as otherwise agreed by the parties
hereto, the source of funds for the development and redevelopment of the Project and any other
joint exercise of powers undertaken by the Authorities pursuant to this Agreement shall be:
(a) as to the market study, equal amounts to be contributed by each of the Authorities;
(b) as to the acquisition of the Redevelopment Property, amounts provided by the Shakopee
(c) as to other expenses incurred in connection with the development of the Redevelopment
Property and the acquisition and construction of the Project, the proceeds of any bonds
issued by the Scott County Authority to finance all or any portion of the development or
redevelopment of the Project; and any other sources from time to time pledged by either of
the parties hereto;
(d) as to the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the Project from time to
time, revenues generated by the Project and any other amounts from time to time pledged
by either of the parties hereto; and
(e) as to any of the foregoing costs, other sources from time to time identified by the parties
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall obligate either of the Authorities to
contribute other moneys with respect to the redevelopment of the Project.
4. Budget and Disbursements. The Authorities shall develop budgets for the joint
exercise of powers hereunder relating to the development of the Project. The Scott County
Authority shall develop ongoing annual budgets relating to the operation and maintenance of the
Project. Moneys and funds shall be held, applied, disbursed, and accounted for in such manner as
provided in any bond or other financing documents, or otherwise as the Scott County Authority
may determine to be appropriate. Any surplus ftmds received or generated hereunder shall be the
property of the Scott County Authority and shall be used by the Scott County Authority to promote
housing or commercial development activities within the City of Shakopee, except as otherwise
expressly agreed in writing by the parties hereto.
5. Liability for Debts and Obligations. Neither of the Authorities shall have the power
hereunder to do any act or thing the effect of which is to create a charge on or lien against the
property or revenues of the other Authority.
6. Term of A~eement: Termination. This Agreement shall remain in effect during the
term of any financing or refinancing issued by either of the Authorities for the benefit of the Project
pursuant to this Agreement.
Joinl Powen Agreement
7. Distribution of Assets Upon Termination. Except to the extent provided in any
other agreement between the parties, including. without limitation, a purchase agreement relating to
the Redevelopment Property, upon termination of this Agreement, any property acquired as the
result of this Agreement and any surplus moneys shall be and remain the property of the Scott
County Authority to be used by the Authority for housing or commercial development activities
within Shakopee, except to the extent otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the parties hereto.
8. Procedures for and Exercise of Joint Powers.
A. Project Design Approval. The site plan and architectural design of facilities
to be constructed or rehabilitated in connection with the development or redevelopment of
the Project shall be approved by a Design Committee comprised of 5 members, including a
staff member and board member appointed by the Scott County Authority, a staff member
and board member appointed by the Shakopee Authority, and a member of the Shakopee
Downtown Business Council appointed by such council. The final site plan and exterior
design for the Project shall be submitted to the Shakopee Authority for approval.
The Design Committee shall make at least one progress report each month to the
Scott County Authority and to the Shako pee Authority.
B. Procedures for other Actions. In all other matters requiring action by or on
behalf of the Authorities, or either of them, including the execution and delivery of
documents and agreements, such action may be taken by the appropriate officers of the
respective Authorities.
9. Amendments. This Agreement, including any attachments exhibits or prior
amendments, may be amended, at any time and from time to time, by the written consent of each of
the Authorities.
Joint Powers Agreement
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Scott County Authority and the Shakopee Authority have
each caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalfby their respective authorized officers have
each caused their official seal, if any, to be affixed hereto, all as of the day and year first above
By '$<17;:f7f2?~'<JP7))
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Joint Powers Agreement
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By ,~) {(;fl., .
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Its President-f/ L!
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By V~
Its Executive Director
Joint Powers Agreement
ill" Ie
Legal Description
Blocks 3 and 4, Old Shakopee Plat, except the right-of-way for State Trunk Highway 101.
City of Shakopee, County of Scott, Minnesota.
THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") has been entered into as of the
1st day of August, 1996, by and between the SCOIT COUNTY HOUSING AND
REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision
of the state of Minnesota (the "Scott County Authority"), and the CITY OF SAVAGE ECONOMIC
DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of
the state of Minnesota (the "Savage Authority" and, together with the Scott County Authority, the
"Authorities"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 and Chapter 469.
I. Statement ofPur:pose and Powers to be Exercised. There is a need within the City of
Savage for the acquisition of certain real property located within the City which may be needed for
the development of low and moderate income housing, or may require redevelopment, or both.
Accordingly, the powers to be exercised jointly under this Agreement are those common or
substantially similar powers conferred upon the Scott County Authority as a county housing and
redevelopment authority and upon the Savage Authority as an economic development authority,
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469, including, without limitation, Sections 469.012, Subd.
1(7), and 469.017, to the extent necessary to provide for the acquisition of such real property, the
development or redevelopment thereof and the provision of low and moderate income housing
development projects.
2. Method of Achievini Pur:pose: Manner of Exercisini Power. (a) The powers to be
jointly exercised by the Authorities hereunder generally shall be exercised by the Savage Authority,
provided however, that specific development activities from time to time, including, without
limitation, the acquisition of real property and the development of housing constituting a housing
development project, shall be exercised by the Scott County Authority pursuant to this agreement
with prior approval of the Savage Authority, and, to the extent deemed necessary by the Scott
County Authority, following execution and delivery of additional written agreements from time to
time made between the Authorities relating to specific activities. It is the intent of the parties that
any governmentally owned housing development project would be developed, owned and operated
by the Scott County Authority.
(b) Initially, the Scott County Authority shall use its best efforts to acquire certain real
property identified by the Savage Authority as anticipated to be used for housing purposes, or
otherwise determined to be appropriate for acquisition pursuant to Section 469.012, Subd. 1(7), or
other applicable provisions of Chapter 469, but only from and to the extent that moneys for such
acquisition and related costs are provided to the Scott County Authority by the Savage Authority.
Following such acquisition, the Savage Authority shall provide funds, from time to time, to pay
costs of the Scott County Authority to carry any acquired property, including. without limitation,
payments for taxes, insurance, maintenance and repair. A condition precedent to the Scott
Joint Powers Agreement.
A - 1
County's obligation to acquire any particular real property hereunder shall be the execution and
delivery by the parties hereto, of an agreement acceptable to each of them, relating to (a) the
division of responsibilities for ongoing management and maintenance of such property following
acquisition, and (b) the terms and conditions of any conveyance of such property to the Savage
Authority .
3. Source and Contribution of Funds. Except as otherwise agreed by the parties
hereto, the source of funds for the development and redevelopment of the Project and any other
joint exercise of powers undertaken by the Authorities pursuant to this Agreement shall be:
(a) as to the acquisition and maintenance of real property by the Scott County Authority
pursuant to paragraph 2(b), moneys contributed by the Savage Authority;
(b) as to other expenses incurred in connection with the development of housing or the
redevelopment of real property, amounts from time to time identified by the Authorities in
writing, and, as to the development of housing pursuant to any Housing Development
Project undertaken in Savage by the Scott County Authority, the proceeds of any bonds
issued by the Scott County Authority to finance all or any portion of the development or
redevelopment of such project; and any other sources from time to time pledged by either of
the parties hereto;
(c) as to the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of any housing development
project from time to time, revenues generated by the Project and any other amounts from
time to time pledged by either of the parties hereto; and
(d) as to any of the foregoing costs, other sources from time to time pledged in writing by
the parties hereto.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall obligate either of the Authorities to
contribute other moneys with respect to the development or redevelopment of real property or the
undertaking ofa housing development project pursuant to this Agreement.
4. Bud~et and Disbursements. Each Authority shall develop budgets relating to the
activities to be undertaken by it pursuant to this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision
hereof" moneys and funds shall be held, applied, disbursed, and accounted for in such manner as
provided in any bond or other financing documents, or otherwise as the Authorities may determine
to be appropriate.
Any surplus funds received or generated by or in connection with activities to be
undertaken by the Savage Authority shall be and remain the property of the Savage Authority.
Any surplus funds received or generated by activities to be undertaken by the Scott County
Authority shall be and remain the property of the Scott County Authority and shall be used by the
Scott County Authority to promote housing or commercial development activities within the City
of Savage, except as otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the parties hereto.
5. Liability for Debts and Obli2ations. Neither of the Authorities shall have the power
hereunder to do any act or thing the effect of which is to create a charge on or lien against the
property or revenues of the other Authority.
6. Term of Aweement: Termination. This Agreement shall remain in effect until the
later of (a) the repayment in full of any financing or refinancing issued by either of the Authorities
for the benefit of activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, (b) September I, 1999, and (c)
30 days following notice of termination delivered by either party hereto to the other.
7. Distribution of Assets Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, any
property acquired as the result of this Agreement and any surplus moneys (a) resulting from
activities to be undertaken by the Savage Authority shall be and remain the property of the Savage
Authority, and (b) resulting from activities to be undertaken by the Scott County Authority shall be
and remain the property of the Scott County Authority to be used by the Scott County Authority for
housing or commercial development activities within Savage, except to the extent otherwise
expressly agreed in writing by the parties hereto.
8. Am'~ndments. This Agreement, including any attachments, exhibits or prior
amendments, may be amended, at any time and from time to time, by the written consent of each of
the Authorities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Scott County Authority and the Savage Authority have each
caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by their respective authorized officers have each
caused their official seal, if any, to be affixed hereto, all as of the day and year first above written.
THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") has been entered into as of the
day of , 1997, by and between the SC01T COUNTY HOUSING
AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORIIY, a public body corporate and politic and a political
subdivision of the state of Minnesota (the "Authority"), and SC01T COUNTY, a public body
corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the state of Minnesota (the "County"), pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 373.01 and 471.59 and Chapter 469.
I. Statement of Purpose and Powers to be Exercised. There is a need within the City of
Shakopee in Scott County, Minnesota for the acquisition of certain real property located within the
City which may be needed for development, or may require redevelopment, or both. Accordingly,
the powers to be exercised jointly under this Agreement are those common or substantially similar
powers conferred upon the Authority as a county housing and redevelopment authority and upon
the County as a political subdivision, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 373.01 and Chapter
469, including, without limitation, Sections 469.012, Subd. 1(7), and 469.017, to the extent
necessary to provide for the acquisition of such real property and the development or
redevelopment thereof.
2. Method of Achievin~ Purpose: Manner of Exercisin~ Power. (a) The powers to be
jointly exercised by the parties hereunder generally shall be exercised by the Authority, provided
however, that specific development activities from time to time shall be exercised by the County
pursuant to this Agreement with prior approval of the Authority, and, to the extent deemed
necessary by the County, following execution and delivery of additional written agreements from
time to time made between the parties hereto relating to specific activities.
(b) Initially, the Authority shall use its best efforts to acquire certain real property identified
by the County (the "Development Property") as anticipated to be used for housing purposes or
otherwise determined to be appropriate for acquisition pursuant to Section 469.012, Subd. 1(7), or
other applicable provisions of Chapter 469, but only from and to the extent that moneys for such
acquisition and related costs are provided to the Authority by the County. Following such
acquisition, the County shall provide funds, from time to time, to pay costs of the Authority to carry
any acquired property, including, without limitation, payments for taxes, insurance, maintenance
and repair. Except as the parties may otherwise agree in writing, the Authority shall be responsible
for ongoing management and maintenance of such property following acquisition. The Authority
agrees not to lease any portion of the Development Property for a term longer than six (6) months.
Upon assembly of a redevelopment site, including the Development Property, acceptable to the
County, and upon the County's obtaining fmancing for redevelopment of the site, this Agreement
may be terminated and the Development Property conveyed to the County as provided at Sections 6
and 7 of this Agreement.
3. Source and Contribution of Funds. Except as otherwise agreed by the parties
hereto, the source of funds for the development and redevelopment of the Development Property
and any other joint exercise of powers undertaken by the Authorities pursuant to this Agreement
shall be:
(a) as to the acquisition of real property by the Authority pursuant to paragraph 2(b),
moneys contributed by the County;
(b) as to the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of any improvements located
on the Development Property from time to time, revenues generated by the Development
Property and any other amounts from time to time advanced by the County; and
(c) as to any of the foregoing costs, other sources from time to time pledged in writing by
the parties hereto.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall obligate the Authority to contribute
moneys with respect to the development or redevelopment of real property or the undertaking of a
housing development project pursuant to this Agreement.
4. Bud~et and Disbursements. The Authority shall develop budgets relating to the
activities to be undertaken by it pursuant to this Agreement and shall prepare annual reports of the
operation of the Development Property for the County. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof,
moneys and funds shall be held, applied, disbursed, and accounted for in such manner as provided
in any bond or other fmancing documents, or otherwise as the parties hereto may detennine to be
Any surplus funds received or generated by or in connection with aCUVIues to be
undertaken by the Authority shall be deposited into a reserve account to cover any operating or
capital deficits or to finance redevelopment of the Development Property, except as otherwise
expressly agreed in writing by the parties hereto.
5. Liability for Debts and Obli2ations. Neither of the parties hereto shall have the
power hereunder to do any act or thing the effect of which is to create a charge on or lien against
the property or revenues of the other party, except for the obligation of the County pursuant to
Section 3 of this Agreement.
6. Term of A~reement: Termination. This Agreement shall remain in effect until the
later of (a) , 199 _, and (b) six (6) months following notice of termination
delivered by either party hereto to the other.
7. Distribution of Assets Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, any
property acquired as the result of this Agreement and any surplus moneys resulting from the
operation of the Development Property by the Authority shall be transferred and conveyed to the
County subject to all encumbrances then existing, except to the extent otherwise expressly agreed
in writing by the parties hereto.
8. Amendments. This Agreement, including any attachments, exhibits or prior
amendments, may be amended, at any time and from time to time, by the written consent of each of
the Authorities. '-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority and the County have each caused this Agreement
to be executed on its behalf by their respective authorized officers have each caused their official
seal, if any, to be affixed hereto, all as of the day and year first above written.
Its Chair
Its Secretary