HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 5, 2000 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION September 5, 2000 (6:00 pm) Fire Station NO.1 Council Chambers Creekside Estates Development I. SITE PLAN II. BUILDING DESIGN III. PARK DEDICATION IV. TRAFFIC V. ENGINEERING VI. BUILDING CODE VII. GENERAL ZONING 16200 Eagle Creek Ave, S,E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2000 RE: CREEKSIDE ESTATES DEVELOPMENT CC: FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER DON RYE, AND PLANNING DIRECTOR The Creekside Estates development is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and Priorwood Street, directly north of Five Hawks School. The applicant is proposing to develop a total of 12.7 acres with 102 units of senior housing, The Planning Commission has reviewed this application at two public hearings, the first on July 10, 2000, and the second on August 14, 2000. The Planning Commission is generally in favor of the proposal, but has identified several outstanding issues or conditions that must be satisfied prior to final approval. The outstanding issues can be grouped into categories. These include site plan issues, building design, parkland dedication, traffic, engineering issues, building code issues, and general zoning issues. Each ofthe specific issues is described below. On August 30, 2000, the developer submitted revised plans for this proposal that may address some of the issues. Due to the timing of this submittal, the staff has not been able to review the proposed plans. We will have completed at least a preliminary review prior to the workshop. SITE PLAN ISSUES: Site Plan issues are those dealing with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the layout and design of the development. Included within this category are landscaping, lighting, open space and setbacks. · The landscaping plan must be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect and must be revised to meet all ordinance requirements, including numbers, size and species of the plantings. This plan must also identify whether or not an irrigation system will be provided, and an irrigation plan must be provided. There are two different types of landscaping required for this development. First of all, perimeter landscaping is required around the site at a rate of 1 tree per unit. In 1:\OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preJ2!at\creek2\works~op memo,doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph, (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER lots are adjacent to the road. The landscaping plan submitted by the developer identifies landscaping on this site; however, the plan does not meet the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The plan also does not indicate whether an irrigation system will be provided. Finally, the ordinance also requires the landscape plan be prepared and signed by a registered landscape architect. There is no reason the landscaping requirements cannot be met on this site. It is simply a matter of submitting a plan meeting all of the requirements for review. . Identify the Usable Open Space on the site plan. The Zoning Ordinance requires that multifamily dwellings have a minimum useable open space of 400 square feet per unit, and no more than 50% of the required space can be located in the front yard. In addition, congregate or elderly housing requires a minimum of 25% of the usable open space be developed as outdoor recreation or garden area. Usable open space is defined in the Zoning Ordinance as "a required ground area or terrace on a lot which is graded, developed, landscaped and equipped and intended and maintained for either active or passive recreation or both, available and accessible to and usable by all person occupying a dwelling unit or a rooming unit on the lot and their guests. Usable open space has a minimum dimension of 30 feet. Roofs, driveways and parking areas do not constitute usable open space. " The plan sheets submitted by the developer indicate open space on each lot; however, these sheets do not graphically identify the areas so staff can determine if the open space meets the ordinance definitions. . The lighting plans for the parking lots must include a design of the light fixture and a luminaire calculation to ensure the ordinance requirements are met. The Zoning Ordinance requires lighting for parking lots with more than six parking spaces, for safety purposes. The developer has provided lighting for the parking lots; however, a lighting plan identifying the foot-candles to allow staff to determine whether or not this will meet ordinance requirements must be provided. There is no reason this requirement cannot be met. It is a matter of submitting the correct plans. . The signage plan must be revised to meet ordinance requirements. The proposal includes three monument signs of 48 square feet, one in front of each building. The Zoning Ordinance allows two monument signs of 50 square feet at the major entrance to the development, Five Hawks Avenue and Tranquility Court. Individual nameplate signs of 6 square feet are permitted for each of the buildings. The sign plan must be revised to meet this requirement. . Setbacks The setbacks for a multifamily building are based on the height of the building, as well as the length of the building. The 24-unit building is 31' tall and 193' long. The required and proposed setbacks for this building are as follows: I: \OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\creek2\workshop memo,doc Page 2 YARD REQUIRED SETBACK PROPOSED SETBACK Lot 1 Lot 2 Front 31 ' 20' 70' Side Street 31 ' 31 ' NA Side 15.5' NA 15' & 20' Side Adjacent to R-3 District 38.8' 20' NA Rear 25' NA 36' (31' where adjacent to R-3) Wetland 30' from 100 year flood 30' 30' elevation Parking Lot 15' from back of curb 15' 15' The 54-unit building on Lot 3 appears to be 36' high and is 175' long on the east side and 215' long on the south side. The required and proposed setbacks for this building are as follows: YARD REQUIRED SETBACK PROPOSED SETBACK Front 36' 25' Side Street 36' 25' Side 16.6' 55' Rear Adjacent to R-2 36' 25' District Wetland 30' from 100 year flood 19' -20' elevation Parking 15' from back of curb 15' This building also does not meet all of the required setbacks. Parking lots are also subject to the required setbacks. None ofthe proposed parking lots meet the minimum setbacks. In a PUD, the applicant may request certain modifications to the Zoning Ordinance. As a part of this application, the developer has requested modifications to the setback requirements to allow the proposed setbacks as shown above. BUILDING DESIGN ISSUES: The building design issues include the height and architectural material requirements. The proposal includes two different buildings. The first is a 54-unit congregate senior housing building. This building consists of 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, a common library and a common party room, and it also includes 54 underground parking stalls. This building is 3 stories in height, and uses jumbo brick and steel siding as the exterior finish. The second building style is a 24-unit senior condominium building. There are actually two of these 24-unit buildings proposed. Each of the buildings consists of2 and 3 bedroom units with exterior decks or patios, as well as 24 underground parking spaces. These buildings are also 3 stories in height and use steel siding as an exterior finish. · The building plans must be revised so at least 60% of the exterior materials of the 24-unit buildings are Class I materials. Section 1107.2200 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the criteria for architectural design. This section requires that at least 60% of each building face visible from off-site be I: \OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\creek2\workshop memo.doc Page 3 constructed with Class I materials. Steel siding is a Class I material for buildings with 4 units or less. However, buildings with more than 4 units require Class I materials consisting of brick, marble, granite or other natural stone or textured cement stucco. The 54-unit building meets the 60% requirement. The exterior of the 24-unit buildings consists of steel siding and face brick. The face brick, combined with the glass windows and doors, comprise approximately 40% of the building exterior. This is less than the required 60% Class I materials. . The building plans must be revised so the 54-unit building is no more than 35' in height. The maximum building height permitted is 35 feet. The proposed 54-unit appears to exceed the 35' maximum height permitted. The Zoning Ordinance allows us to subtract the portion of the height of the underground parking area that contributes to the height of the building; however, the plans submitted by the applicant do not provide enough information to make this calculation. The developer has not requested any modifications to the building height requirement. PARKLAND DEDICATION ISSUES: The Subdivision Ordinance requires parkland dedication in the form of land, cash, or some combination for all new subdivisions. In this proposal, the area shown as Outlot A is primarily open space, and a portion of the outlot is currently used by the School District as a nature trail. All of the discussions pertaining to this development have been made with the presumption this outlot will be conveyed in some manner to the School District for use as a nature center. . Outlot A must be dedicated as parkland on the plat. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission suggested Outlot A be counted as parkland dedication. In order to accomplish this, staff has suggested the outlot be dedicated as park. This will ensure both public ownership of this area, and that the area remain open space. The City and the School District can enter into an agreement to allow the School District to utilize this park for trails and a nature center. The agreement can outline maintenance and development responsibilities. The developer has advised staff he desires to dedicate this property directly to the School District for tax purposes. Were he to do this, a cash dedication in lieu of land would be required to fulfill the parkland dedication requirements. TRAFFIC ISSUES: The developer submitted a traffic study, prepared by Benshoof and Associates, for this development. This study indicates the proposed development will add a total of 334 daily trips to the adjacent streets, with 60% of the trips utilizing Priorwood Street and 40% utilizing Five Hawks Avenue. The study does not anticipate a decrease in the level of service on either of these streets, or at the intersections. The study does recommend the placement of stop signs on the north leg of Five Hawks Avenue and on the south leg of the proposed Tranquility Court, and the placement of warning signs on Priorwood Street and Five Hawks Avenue to address safety issues. · An all-way stop sign shall be placed at the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue, Priorwood Street and Tranquility Court. 1: \OOfiIes\OOsubdiv\preplat\creek2\workshop memo. doc Page 4 The City hired WSB & Associates to review this study. WSB noted the proposed stop sign configuration would be very confusing. They recommended the configuration either be an "all-way stop" configuration or, due to the relatively small traffic levels, remain an uncontrolled intersection. ENGINEERING ISSUES: . All issues identified by the Engineering staff must be addressed prior to final plan approval. The engineering issues have been identified in the August 9, 2000 memorandum from Sue McDermott, City Engineer. These include design issues pertaining to streets, utilities, and storm sewer. While there seem to be several issues listed, most are simple to correct. BUILDING CODE ISSUES: . The issues identified in the memorandum from Robert Hutchins, Building Official must be addressed prior to final approval. The August 7, 2000 memorandum from Robert Hutchins, Building Official, identifies several building code issues. Most of these issues would be addressed with the building permit applications. Some of the issues require minor design revisions on the site plan. GENERAL ZONING ISSUES: . The developer must provide covenants for the congregate housing building. These covenants must be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and must be recorded with the final plat. In order to qualify as elderly housing, at least 60% of the units in the 54-unit building must be occupied by single persons at least 60 years of age, or by couples with one or both being at least 60 years of age. The property owner must record a covenant to run with the land in a form approved by the City that restricts the use of the property to occupancy by the elderly. In his comments, dated August 1, 2000, he notes he will submit a copy of the Tax Exempt Housing Revenue Bonds and the tenant handbook to meet this criteria; however, these items will not be sufficient to meet the requirement for recorded covenants on the lots. I: \OOfiles\OOsubdiv\preplat\creek2\workshop memo.doc Page 5 ~j ..- ...,._, , DATE: August 9, 2000 TO: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator / FROM: Sue McDermott, City Enginee~ RE: CREEKSIDE ESTATES (Project #42-00) The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject project and has the following comments regarding hydraulic calculations and associated work: Plat 1. In accordance with the City's subdivision ordinance 6-6-2 (K): "Roadways and street intersections shall have right-of-way radii of not less than twenty-five feet (25')." 2. The plat shows easement in easements and easements in proposed right-of- way. Easements are not needed in the right-of-way. There are several areas where the line types change and it is impossible to differentiate what the lines mean (easement, wetland edge, etc.). 3. Provide a drainage and utility easement over the wetland in the northeast corner of the site. Storm sewerlWetlands 4. Show the wetland boundary and wetland fill areas on the grading plan. 5. Submit a summary of the runoff calculations showing existing and proposed conditions. 6. Pipe outlet apron inverts should match the NWL of the corresponding pond. 7. Extend existing 2' contour lines and surface features a minimum of 200' beyond the property boundary or more as needed to accurately depict the existing drainage patterns. 8. Show the NWL and HWL for ponds on all applicable sheets. 9, Add more detail to the plans as to how the connection to existing storm sewer is to be constructed. 10. The building on lot 3 does not meet the 30' setback to the 100 year flood elevation. " 11.0S#1 should have a 3-foot sump. 12. The pipe from OS#12 to the existing catch basin is to be RCP. Show in profile view. 13. The last section of storm sewer pipe at the pond must be RCP with an RCP flared end section. 14. Move OS#1 closer to the road. Grading Plan 15. Show erosion control (silt fence and rock construction entrance) on the grading plan. The silt fence in the northeast corner must extend beyond the grading limits. Provide signature of company responsible for erosion and sediment control preparation, implementation and maintenance. 16. Buildings on Lots 1 and 3 show two first floor elevations. One of these should be lower level elevation. 17. Submit detailed plans and specifications that show type and heig ht of retaining wall. All walls over 4 feet in height are to be designed by a registered engineer. 18. The bridge along the trail will be by Continental (30' span). Street and Utilities 19, The engineer must provide a pavement design. Per City Standard Detail No. 501, The design shall be based on soil boring's R-value determined by an independent testing company. 20. Move MH #4 and #5 to the road centerline. 21, Move the water shutoff to Lot 2 to the parking lot within the utility easement. 22. Show the existing water main in Priorwood Street. 23. Add a sentence to Note 8, sheet C4 that "Cleanouts in parking lots require A 1 covers." 24. Move the hydrants in the cul-de-sac into the right of way. 25. Show all pipe crossings in the profile view. 26. On sheet C4, identify the three squares that are shown in the right of way. Specifications City of Prior Lake specifications that are in the Public Works Design Manual govern and must be included in the spec book. g: \projects\2000\42creek\review3 ,doc 2 ;- ,>- " . Memorandum DATE: August 7, 2000 TO: Jane Kansier, Planner (UJ% FROM: Robert D. Hutchins, Building Official RE: Site plan review for Creekside Apartments Priorwood Ave. Following are the results of the preliminary Site plan review for the Creekside Apartment buildings. Our review was based on the Minnesota State Building Code (MSBC) which adopted with amendments the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBe) with handicap regulations of the Minnesota Accessibility Code Chapter 1341. Also requirements of the 1998 Minnesota State Fire Code (MSFC) which adopted with amendments the 1997 Uniform Fire Code (UFC). 1. If provided, indicate means of lawn irrigation. May use separate service and metering for billing purposes. 2. Complete a Building Code analysis. 3. Are these facilities licensed with the State of Minnesota for care? 4. Provide a description of rental agreement and type of facility and services offered in the apartments. 5. Relocate the three of the five fire hydrants. Place 3 westerly hydrants in green areas across from building entrances. L1; W130', S30'; L2; NE 20', L3 E50'. Front of hydrant shall be placed 5' -0" from curb and side of hydrants shall be placed 10' -0" from curb adjacent to parking stall. 6. Provide fire lanes for fire apparatus response. Signage to read :" No Parking Fire Lane by order of Fire Department", Indicate on a Site plan. Locate by Fire Hydrants and. in front of building entrances in parking 10t.UFC 1001.7.1. 7. Provide 96" clearance height in underground parking for Fire Departments fast response apparatus, Provide explanation as to reason all three buildings have different lower level floor to first floor elevations. 8. Provide a Post Indicator Valve (PIV) on sprinkler supply line into buildings. Locate a minimum distance away the height of the building. 9. Provide two parking spaces at each building for commuter van. MSBC 1300.4100. y \ '. 10. All Units not HDCP accessible must be HDCP adaptable and on a HDCP accessible route. MSBC 1341 Table 16.2 11. Provide accessible route from exterior HDCP parking to the building on west 24 unit. Locate by front entrance to building. MSBC 1340.1103 Provide detail sheet ofHDCP ramp. 12. 54 Unit: confirm if all units are HDCP Accessible. Two 24 Units: Two percent of Units must be HDCP Accessible. MSBC 1341 Table 16.2 This is a preliminary review only on conceptual plans. Other code items will be addressed when the preliminary plans are submitted. The building plans must be reviewed by the Cities Developmental Review Committee (DRC) which consists of representatives of Planning, Engineering, Parks, Finance, and Building Departments. The DRC must approve the plans before a building permit can be issued. 2 ------, I I " I " : i II ~: ::1- - ----i ~i~ I z_~ lu~ :>~ I ~ I I ~ ~B:la! ~ i~l, !:i KlI L ~ o- j" d c,! 1=" ... :'d N .;! 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