HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 4, 2000 ..~ " ",' 'AG-fiNDA ' , , , , , , " ' , , " 'Joint City CounCilrParl<~dvh~oryQommittee 'Wod<shop , ' '1P -t-\ - .. , , 1. 'PACAction Steps ill, Response toCouncitmember's concern~(referen6eMayor'scorrespondence)~ " :flVv\ ~ , , , , , , ' - -- . . .- . " , , ' , , , 2. PlaygroundEquipnie~,~Acquisition~,' 3. Other Blisiness. " 16200 Eagle Creek Ave.S.E., Prior Lake, tv1innes()ta,5S~?2.-1714 j Ph~ (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN ~QUALOPPQRtuNITYEMPlOYER .. '..... ~ ;, / .' From The Desk Of: Mayor Wesley M. Mader October 12, 2000 CON F IDE N T I A L Ron Ceminsky Chairman, Park Advisory Committee Reference: Joint City Council/Park Advisory Committee Meeting on Monday, October 9, 2000 Dear Ron, I very much appreciated the courtesy extended to me by you and other Committee Members during our recent joint meeting. However, I was disappointed that one of your members appears to want to trivialize issues that are of major concern to the Council. So that there is no misunderstanding, let me reiterate the Council's position. The Advisory Committee is appointed by the Council to. provide assistance to the Council in carrying out its policies. Therefore We expect the Advisory Comnittee and its individual members to act in a manner that is supportive of the Council. It should be obvious that actions that are intended to undermine the Council are unacceptable. The Council has witnessed recent activities by the Committee and its members that are plain and simply unacceptable. Let me restate some examples. 1. A letter was circulated that stated that I personally had fired Paul Hokness, and that the dance program was cancelled. I presume your Committee Members know that this information was false. 2. Your committee's letter to the Editor falsely accused me of voting for a 50 percent salary increase for myself. In addition to being false, I suspect you recognize that it is also libelous. The intention of the letter seems obvious. 3. Your Committee as a whole (in the letter referred to above) and as individuals, through various letters and news stories, repeatedly informed citizens that the Council was cutting the budget and compromising the welfare and safety of our citizens. This was plain and simply untrue. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 4,47-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER '. From The Desk Of: Mayor Wesley M. Mader . 4. Circulating petitions to solicit citizen support to overturn a personnel decision by our City Manager, is unacceptable. By State Statute. the City Manager i~ the only individual authorized to make personnel decisions, and he is responsible solely to the city Council. 5. Council meetings are conducted in accordance with City Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order, and an unwritten rule of courtesy and respect. We expect citizens to conduct themselves in accordance with these rules, and they generally do. We should be able to expect the same from our Committee Members. Visual and verbal disrespect from PAC members in the back row of the Council chamber, and disruptive behavior at the podium by a PAC member, is inappropriate. Citizens have a right to expect that Committee Members have accurate information, and that they will be honest in sharing it. When your Committee, or its members take advantage of their Committee Membership, to peddle false information, they are violating the public trust. What is most frustrating to the Council is that the response from the Committee, and particularly from your most vocal member, is that you don't seem to agree. The Council is expecting you to deal with the above issues. If you believe the information presented above is inaccurate, or if you believe that your Committee or Committee Members' actions were justified. then you need to tell us why. If you agree that the information is accurate, then you need to tell us what action your Committee is going to take. As we see it, the misinformation that your Committee circulated, has increased the distrust that some citizens feel for City Government. Dishonesty with our citizens, reflects on all of us. The credibility of your Committee will not be restored until you deal with this. As always, I am willing to meet with you to hear your reply. t,.J~ Wes Mader cc: Council Members Frank Boyles Suesan Pace 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TDt ~,~ )? fl C- ~rv\ C) ! ~ ... f+'~ \ . ~ \ Zl:re;/D ~-Di" ..-,,~} ,tl'" --'.' "~::~Jtl~. ~-~ ~, ""'1 r',-dJ /D ..'i /1 l;'~~JA /ri 1--1 If! tU If >- ( yr 1111 ft, / .? I/F<'~-':~,r ! ~ '." 7" :....../ l,'i2/2>i.'.~ .... I f( C - J!O/U;) .,$ 0 r e /J);2 /vla lti~" 0 if; If Ov--.-f) () y IJ\,cft) atA",,",72'~\',~T}V' v'e,\te.(~~ lU},;L J' \ . \(I . 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