HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 3, 1995 TO: FROM: Lake Advisory Committee Members Mayor and Councilmember Lani Leichty Frank Boyles, City Manag~0\ \ March 28, 1995 DATE: SUBJECT: Joint City Council/Lake Advisory Committee Workshop. A workshop has been scheduled between the City Council and Lake Advisory Committee for Monday, April 3 from 5:30 to 7:25 p.m. The meeting will be conducted at new Fire Station 1. A light dinner will be served (please RSVP to Dee at 447-4230 if you are planning on attending). I have attached for your information an agenda for that meeting. Also attached are the documents referred to in the agenda. Please take a moment prior to the meeting to review each of the documents so you will be prepared to discuss them. It would also be helpful for you to think about areas where you have concerns or believe that we could enhance our collective ability to accomplish annual objectives. I expect that the meeting will adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Please let me know if you have any questions. MLAKE.CM 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I. II. I II. Attachments: LACAGN.CC AGENDA JOINT CITY COUNCIULAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING April 3, 1995 5:30 - 7:25 p.m. Fire Station #1 IV. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE STRATEGIC PLAN 1995 CITY COUNCIL OBJECTIVES LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES DISCUSSION OF CONCERNS OR RECOMMENDATIONS Strategic Plan 1995 Council Objectives Draft 1995 Lake Advisory Committee Goals Lake Advisory Committee Roster Lake Advisory Committee Bylaws PRIOR LAKE ST_RATEGIC PLAN MISSION STATEMENT Adopted February 6, 1995 The City of Prior Lake is committed to serving the common good of its residents by promoting, among other things, community values, environmentally sensitive community development, robust business growth, financial stability, public safety and diverse recreational opportunities. STRGIC.CC STRGIC 1 PRIOR LAKE STRATEGIC PLAN THE VISION Adopted February 6, 1995 At buildout the City of Prior Lake will be balanced between residential, commercial and business. Strong neighborhoods and homeowner associations will characterize most developments, neighborhoods will be connected by transportation amenities for pedestrians and motor vehicles. Platting will be encouraged through larger Planned Unit Developments to preserve natural features. While single family dwellings will be the predominant housing type, townhomes (for empty nesters) and multifamily developments on major arterials are expected. Neighborhood commercial centers will predominate, although a few community commercial centers will exist. Commercial development will be localized primarily to major arterial intersections involving State Highway 13, County Road 42, County Road 44, County Road 21, County Road 12, County Road 82 and 83. One regional center is expected at the intersection of County Road 42 and 83. Smaller businesses will be predominant. The focus will be on office, light industrial and light manufacturing. Small office, warehouse and industrial developments are expected along CR 21. One or more corporate office parks are expected. Business Concentrations are expected along State Highway 13, CR 21 and CR 42. Prior Lake is proud to be the home of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Community, its tourist attractions and international network of businesses. The city seeks to work cooperatively with the Dakota Community government toward mutually beneficial objectives. The city emphasizes its historical roots as a small town resort area with a downtown, and incorporates these historic facts in its development plans. Positive family, individual and community values will be reinforced. Services provided by the community will be characterized by quality. An emphasis will be placed on maintenance and replacement of infrastructure with the diversified tax base to support needed government services. A twofold recreational system will be available. One is characterized as the recreation industry created by the Mdewakanton Dakota Community. The second will consist of Prior Lake, Spring Lake and numerous natural areas dedicated to the public to preserve their natural features. These major areas will be augmented by community parks, playfields, neighborhood parks and trails. These facilities will be programed for recreation directed toward all ages and interests. The city will plan for and facilitate remodeling of areas requiring redevelopment along a consistent theme as appropriate. Prior Lake's economy is not subject to down turns caused by excessive reliance on one industry or another. STRGIC.CC STRGIC 2 PRIOR LAKE STRATEGIC PLAN VISION ELEMENTS Adopted February 6, 1995 1 . Transportation A. Work to achieve quick and convenient access between Prior Lake and the metropolitan area, airport and out state Minnesota in a manner which is coordinated with mass transit needs. B. Develop a transportation system hierarchy which assures high volume roadways throughout the community and provides access to residential neighborhoods through local road systems. C. Maintain optimum road conditions. D. Integrate planning for construction of road, trail and sidewalk systems. E. Minimize traffic regulatory signage and equipment to that required by law, and conducive to a balance between traffic volume, speed and safety. 2. Commercial A. Reserve sufficient space on major arterial roadways for neighborhood, community and regional centers. B. Have commercial development which meets customers needs city aesthetic standards and is consistent with mass transit objectives. C. Install arrival monuments and directional signs at the major highways so that amenities can be easily located. 3. Housing A. Identify the desired location of certain housing styles by revision of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. B. Assure that zoning and subdivision codes provide specific direction regarding affordable uses in each zone and minimum building standards. C. Promote the platting of large planned unit developments to preserve natural features and park land. 4. Redevelopment A. Have a theme for redevelopment of existing commercial areas in focal locations such as Gateway, Downtown and Priordale. STRGIC 3 B. Identify in advance the need for redevelopment of existing residential structures and plan for such action. 5. Public Services A. Effectively deliver basic public services which preserve and protect the community and its residents. B. Explore techniques which assure effective public services. 6. Social Structure and Leadership A. Conduct at least one city wide annual event involving planning and execution by community groups. B. Identify a plan for maintaining ongoing communication between community groups and the city. C. Communicate the strategic plan components and its regular update to the residents so that it will remain a living document and will receive regular review update and publicity. D. Elicit a means of involving neighborhoods in city affairs. E. Foster intergovernmental cooperation. 7. Financial A. Complete five year capital improvement programs intended to match construction needs with available revenues. B. Provide the necessary financial resources for paying for city wide infrastructure. C. Evaluate impact of government actions on revenue sources and property tax levies to balance development speed and affordability. 8. Tourist/Recreation Industry and Dakota Community A. Establish joint marketing plan and program with Dakota Community and Tourist industry in adjacent cities. B. Communicate Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Plan to Dakota Community to identify opportunities for collaboration. C. Focus on government to government relationship between Shakopee Mdewakanton and Prior Lake. 9. Community Recreation A. Standards are established and locations selected for neighborhood parks, community park and playfields. STRGIC 4 B. A trail system is developed which connects residential neighborhoods, businesses and promotes pedestrian and non motorized vehicle safety near high volume roadways. C. Park construction and maintenance is aggressive and completed in a timely fashion. D. Park and Recreation efforts are consistent with city comprehensive planning and recreation industry objectives. 10. Public Safety A. Promote proactive rather than reactive public safety measures through regular preparation of a five year public safety strategic plan. STRGIC.WRT STRGIC 5 'CCGOAL,CM. 1995 CITY COUNCIL TOP PRIORITY GOALS Adopted February 6, 1995 Topic 1. Complete draft 2010 Comprehensive Plan, conduct public hearings and submit to Metropolitan Council. 2. Complete revision of Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Code. 3. Review Park funding mechanism, direct necessary changes and plan for use of funds including plans for acquiring land for future community parks. 4. Receive a revised annexation policy and annexation plan which identifies areas where annexation may be appropriate. 5. Identify the purpose of TH 13 and plan for road improvements to meet that objective. 6. Complete design and initiate construction of the Public Works maintenance facility. 7. Adopt a 1996 General Fund Budget which provides needed services with a tax increase of 5% or less. 8. Finalize strategic plan and approve tactical plan for implementation. 9. Complete hearings regarding lake access issues and consider Lakefront Park master plan. 10. Receive the following revised or new ordinances: (a) Snowmobile, (b) Animal Control, (c) Tree Preservation and, (d) Sidewalk. 11 . Sell at least two acres of office park property. 12. Identify Fire Station II property and negotiate for acquisition. 13. Report on advantages of executing utility franchise agreements. Address right of way, underground and franchise fees. 14. Receive a plan and review of all policies and ordinances for updating and re-codification. 15. Identify and pursue at least two ways for the city and Dakota Community to cooperate for our mutual benefit. 16. Conduct annual meetings with: School Board, Watershed Board, and Townships to discuss issues of mutual importance. 17. Provide direction to Advisory Bodies by meeting with them at least once a year. 1995 LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3/23/95 lacg95 1. Complete the Surface Water Management Plan which will be incorporated into the city's comprehensive plan. The plan will include a method for implementing financing and managing water quality improvements for new construction and existing developed areas. 2. Participate in public hearings to be held for the remaining public access sites that have been recommended for vacation in the Lake Access Study. Review remaining accesses and make recommendations regarding actions which should be taken to maximize their effectiveness, and enhance enforcement efforts. 3. Monitor developer, city and county projects to insure compliance with the Surface Water Management Plan. Both design and construction would be reviewed and monitored. 4. Review existing ordinances and standards for erosion control to see if they meet current regulations and are pertinent for the intended use. 5. Cooperate with the Watershed District in preparing for Council consideration a Long Term Strategic Policy for managing milfoil in Prior Lake which sets forth the responsibilities of the City and the Watershed District. 6. Write at least one article for inclusion in the Prior Lake American and the Wavelength, regarding lakeshore erosion issues, lawn care techniques, and proper grass disposal. 7. Work with Scott County Sheriffs Department on monitoring the Surface Water Ordinance by meeting three times during the peak winter and summer period to discuss enforcement effectiveness. 9. Work with Prior Lake / Spring Lake Watershed District on implementing the District Improvement Projects. The LAC will support the Watershed District by having a member on the Prior Lake/Spring Lake Advisory Committee. 10. Work with the legislature regarding lake oriented issues. 11. Monitor the list of projects which are funded by the stormwater utility fee to be worked on by the water resources coordinator. 12. Inspect and evaluate all storm water outlets to Prior Lake to determine if any improvements need to be made which have been caused by erosion, sedimentation, or vandalism. 1995 LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE LONG TERM STRATEGIC POLICY FOR MANAGING EURASIAN MILFOIL 3/23/95 GOAL: LONG TERM REDUCTION OF THE SPREAD OF EURASIAN MILFOIL VERSUS SHORT TERM CONTROL POLICY 1. MAINTAIN A MAPPING RECORD OF INFESTED LOCATIONS. A. Map location and degree of infestation of eurasian milfoil areas which will be updated yearly - LAC responsibility. POLICY 2. KEEP CURRENT WITH THE LATEST LEGISLATION REGARDING MILFOIL TREATMENT. . If state funds are to be used treatment must benefit the public as a whole. Areas that can be treated are main navigational waterways. . This policy is based on past treatment efforts, funding mechanisms will need to be evaluated on a yearly basis to determine if future needs will be adequately met. POLICY 3. REDUCE NUTRIENTS AND SEDIMENTS FROM REACHING PRIOR LAKE AND SPRING LAKE. A. Treatment should take place by July 4th. Water temperature should be near 10' Celsius (50' F.) before application is started. The desirable dates for application are before July 4th and preferably after June 15 - Watershed to coordinate timing with the Contractor. POLICY 4. EDUCATE THE PUBLIC IN MAINTAINING GOOD WATER QUALITY. . There is approximately $30,000 left in the Watershed's milfoil assessment fund. It is the desire of the Watershed and the LAC to avoid another levy for milfoil treatment. The recommended action to achieve this goal is to compile funds yearly from the Watershed and DNR with the City contributing through volunteer LAC time and City Staff time. Yearly Funding: A. Watershed B. City C.DNR D. Lake Association $2,500 to $5,000 annually plus volunteer work and staff time. Balance of existing milfoil assessment funds. $2,500 to $5,000 annually plus volunteer work and staff time. $2,400 in 1995 (funding will vary yearly). Boat and motor. Yearly Expenditures (Based on treating 25 acres/year). A. Herbicide treatment B. Diver inspection C. Planting w/ monocots Approximate 1995 total expenditure = $9,000 POLICY 5. POLICY 6. LACMPO KEEP THE PUBLIC INFORMED ABOUT THE STATUS OF THE TREATMENT PROGRAM. A. Provide a year end report to the Council to describe the effectiveness of the treatment program - LAC responsibility. B. Place articles in the newspaper providing updates on the current practices and treatments of milfoil - LAC and C. Place articles in "Wave Length" about the milfoil plan. D. Meet with the Lake Association to inform them on what the LAC is doing to manage milfoil. E. Continued cooperation with the Lake Association and appreciation of the use of their boat and motor. F. Encourage the DNR to randomly monitor the public accesses to inspect trailers and boats for eurasian milfoil. ENCOURAGE LEGISLATIVE BODY TO SUPPLY ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR EURASIAN MILFOIL CONTROL. 1995 EURASIAN MILFOIL MANAGEMENT PLAN 3/15/95 GOAL: MANAGE AND MONITOR MILFOIL IN LOWER PRIOR LAKE AND SLOW ITS SPREAD INTO UPPER PRIOR LAKE AND SPRING LAKE. GUIDELINES: 1. MAINTAIN A MAPPING RECORD OF INFESTED LOCATIONS. A. Map location and degree of infestation of eurasian milfoil areas which will be updated yearly - LAC responsibility. B. Maintain history records of areas treated, degree of infestations, types of herbicide and application rates, and other methods of treatment used along with their effectiveness. C. Follow-up mapping shall begin 2 weeks after application is completed to identify effectiveness of treatment - LAC responsibility. 2. IDENTIFY AREAS TO BE TREATED EACH YEAR. . If state funds are to be used treatment must benefit the public as a whole. Areas that can be treated are public accesses providing access to open water. . Only 15% of the littoral area of the lake can be treated, which includes all nuisance weeds. Total treatment of all weeds is limited to 15% of the littoral area. A. Create a map for the area to be treated with enough ties so that the area can easily be relocated for future inspections. 1) Initial location of areas to be treated to be mapped by June 15 - LAC responsibility. B. Inspect the area prior to treatment, inventory the site as to the percent of weed infestation, plant size, etc. C. Identify test plots which will be used to determine ideal application rates and overall results of various treatments for Prior Lake - LAC responsibility. 1. Try alternative application rates of herbicide on different areas to determine the optimum quantity - LAC, Watershed and Contractor responsibility. D. Use divers to follow up with a post-treatment data inventory to determine the effectiveness of the treatment - Watershed to coordinate. E. Identify a test plot for planting of monocots - LAC responsibility. F. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment to determine future action - LAC responsibility. 3. IDENTIFY THE BEST SUITABLE TIME PERIOD FOR HERBICIDE APPLICATION. A. Treatment should take place by July 4th. Water temperature should be near 10. Celsius (50. F.) before application is started. The desirable dates for application are before July 4th and preferably after June 15 - Watershed to coordinate timing with the Contractor. 1) An inspection shall occur during herbicide application to verify work - LAC and Watershed responsibility. 4. FUNDING MECHANISM. · There is approximately $30,000 left in the Watershed's milfoil assessment fund. It is the desire of the Watershed and the LAC to avoid another levy for milfoil treatment. The recommended action to achieve this goal is to compile funds yearly from the Watershed and DNR with the City contributing through volunteer LAC time and City Staff time. 1995 Funding: A. Watershed B. City C.DNR D. Lake Association Future Funding: A. Watershed B. City C.DNR D. Lake Association Existing milfoil assessment funds. Contribution to be made through volunteer time by LAC members and City staff time. $2,400 in 1995 (based on 1994 amount). Boat and motor. $2,500 to $5,000 annually plus volunteer work and staff time. $2,500 to $5,000 annually plus volunteer work and staff time. Funding will vary yearly. Boat and motor. Yearly Expenditures (Based on treating 25 acres/year). A. Herbicide treatment B. Diver inspection C. Planting w/ monocots Approximate 1995 total expenditure = $9,000 (conservative estimate). 5. KEEP THE PUBLIC INFORMED ABOUT THE STATUS OF THE TREATMENT PROGRAM. A. Provide a year end report to the Council to describe the effectiveness of the treatment program - LAC responsibility. B. Place articles in the newspaper providing updates on the current practices and treatments of milfoil - LAC and C. Place articles in "Wave Length" about the milfoil plan. D. Work with the Lake Association and keep them informed them on what the LAC is doing to manage milfoil. E. Continued cooperation with the Lake Association and appreciation of the use of their boat and motor. F. Encourage the DNR to randomly monitor the public accesses to inspect trailers and boats for eurasian milfoil. 6. LEGISLATIVE: ON-GOING COMMUNICATION. A. Work with legislature regarding lake oriented issues. LACEMP REVISED 2/23/95 LACR94 LAKE ADVISORY COMlVIITTEE 1994 ANNUAL REPORT The following is the Annual Report of the Lake Advisory Committee. By an act of the Prior Lake City Council, the Lake Advisory Committee was formed in October, 1991. Membership on the Lake Advisory Committee for 1994 consisted of: Chair Jody Stroh, Vice-Chair John Wingard, Dave Moran, Bill Packer, Peter Patchin, Dave Vinlove, and Tom Watkins. Two members, Dave Moran and Dave Vin10ve, resigned in February of 1994. The purpose of this Annual Report is to comply with the Lake Advisory Committee Bylaws as prescribed within Article 4; Section A, "Scope of Powers & Duties." The Lake Advisory Committee "shall give an accounting of its activities each year in an Annual Report." The report of the Committee will be divided into specific work topics: I. WATER QUALITY . The Lake Advisory Committee spent a considerable amount of time discussing the best way to manage the Eurasian Mi1foi1 problem. The LAC was approached by the Watershed District to see if they would consider helping out in research and gathering of information related to milfoi1 and its treatment. Several of the LAC members attended a Eurasian Water Milfoil Workshop in September of 1994 to learn and discuss the latest methods which work on the treatment of milfoil. A draft 1995 Eurasian Milfoil Management Plan was prepared in cooperation with the Watershed District which included guidelines for the overall goal of containing milfoil in Lower Prior Lake and slow/prevent its spread into Upper Prior Lake and Spring Lake. The committee also had a goal of formulating a Long Term Strategic Policy for making management and treatment decisions pertaining to milfoil in the future. II. WATER USE . Worked with City Council and the DNR on passing a Water Surface Use Ordinance which amended Prior Lake City Code, Title 9, Chapter 3, entitled "Public Waters". The Ordinance officially went into effect June 11, 1994 and was intended to safeguard lake users including boaters, skiers, swimmers, .fisher persons, and other outdoor enthusiasts. The key provisions in the ordinance are: 1. A forty (40) mph speed limit on the lake from sunrise to one (1) hour after sunset, weekends and holidays, between Memorial and Labor Day. 2. A twenty (20) mph speed limit on the lake from one (1) hour after sunset to sunrise, Monday through Sunday for the entire boating season. 3. A perpetual no-wake zone within 150 ft. of the shoreline around all portions of the lake, with two exceptions: a. A watercraft towing a person may operate within the no-wake zone while launching or landing an individual. b. A organization may seek an exemption from the Scott County Sheriffs Office in order to operate a ski jump or slalom course. 4. Swimmers may not use inflatable devices outside of the 150 ft. no-wake zone unless tethered to a boat. 5. Watercraft may not be within 50 ft. of a yellow milfoil marker buoy. 6. In the event of water levels above 904, the City may impose additional slow no-wake zones on other areas of Prior Lake as necessary to protect life and property. . A flier listing the key provisions of the new surface water regulations was prepared which was printed in the Prior Lake American, Wave Length, and was made available for the public at Lakefront Days and at City Hall. . Prepared a Lake Access Study which identified nineteen public accesses on Prior and Spring Lake with best long term utilization for each. This study was presented to the Council October 17, 1994. The recommendation for the nineteen sites were as follows: two classified as Scenic Overlook, five as Winter Access, nine as Vacate and three to Remain As Is. The LAC also addressed an additional DNR Access possibility at Lakefront Park and looked at the current parking situation at the existing accesses. The Council received the report and an implementation schedule was suggested for holding public information meetings to inform the public on the proposed recommendations. · The LAC considered a petition from residents neighboring Pike Lake requesting that an ordinance be passed which would read: II All surface waters of Pike Lake shall permanently be restricted to non-motorized vehicle usage only". The reasons stated for the need of an ordinance were that it would help prevent wake shore erosion, help preserve trees in times of high water levels, reduce the harassment of nesting and feeding birds, and help preserve the unique character of Pike Lake as an environmental lake. The committee listened to the petitioners arguments as to why the ordinance was needed and presented the petition to the Council on September 6, 1994. The request was denied by the City Council at that meeting. III. GOVERNANCE . A five year capital improvement program was prepared by staff which will be incorporated into the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP is continuing to be worked on with a goal of having a draft copy completed by Spring. . The LAC met with the Scott County Sheriffs department to discuss surface water use violations and placement of slow no-wake buoys on the lake since the adoption of the Surface Water Use ordinance. The main issue discussed was that of boaters exiting bays and crossing into the main stream of traffic on open water. IV. 1994 GOALS & OBJECTIVES . An article regarding water quality and protecting wetlands and lakes was placed in the spring issue of Wave Length as part of the public education effort. . The Lake Advisory Committee is currently developing the 1995 Goals and Objectives. When completed this document will be presented to the City Council. LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 3, 1995 Current Members Date Aopointed Term Exoires Term Limit Bill Packer 10/91 10/96 10/98 Kenneth Conrad 12/94 10/95 1 % 1 Jody Stroh 10/91 10/95 10/97 Tom Watkins 10/91 10/95 10/97 John Wingard 10/91 10/96 10/98 Doug Larson 10/94 10/96 10/00 Marianne Breitbach 10/94 10/96 10/00 Annual Committee/Commission evaluation due to the City Council annually by: Seotember 1 ,1995. Proposals for bylaw changes due to the City Council by: December 1 , 1995. Recommendation for Chair due to City Council annually by: September 1 ,1995. COVER4. WRT BYLAWS OF PRIOR LAKE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Adopted May 16, 1994 Amended January 3, 1995 PREAMBLE The Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) was created in November 1991 by an act of the Prior Lake City Council to: (1) research, study and make recommendations to the City Council on the information contained within the report entitled "Water Resource Management - A Guide For Balanced Future", (2) research, study and make recommendations to the City Council on the Lake Review Committee Report Work Program, approved by the City Council on June 17, 1991 and, (3) serve as an advisory body to City staff and City Council on the many lake management related issues being addressed by the various jurisdictions within the watershed. ARTICLE 1. NAME Section A. Name - The legal name of the organization IS the "Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee". Section B. Office - The Office of the Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee is at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372. ARTICLE 2. OFFICERS Section A. Officers - The Officers of the Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. Section B. Chair - The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed annually on October l, by majority vote of the City Council, after considering the recommendation of the Committee. The duties of the Chair include: 1. Review and approval of meeting agendas. 2. Presiding at meetings. 3. Participating with the City Council in the selection of Committee members. 4. Semiannual reporting to the City Council. 5. Representation of the Committee as appropriate. Section C. Vice-Chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the Committee aad shall perform the duties' of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. Section D. Secretary - The City Manager or his/her designee shall act as the Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. Section E. Appointment - The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for a term of two (2) years from 5/94 LACEY 1 Section F. Section G. Section H. Section 1. Section J. 5/94 LACBY October 1 to September 31. The Committee shall be representative of the citizens who live in Prior Lake. Committee members may serve based upon satisfactory attendance and participation, continued residence in Prior Lake and in accordance with the term limit policy established by the City Council. Vacancies - If the office of Chair becomes vacant the City Council shall appoint a replacement after considering the recommendation of the Committee. If the Office of Vice-Chair becomes vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. Should a member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat on the Committee, Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a replacement to complete the term. The selection of the Chair or Committee member will be filled In accordance with City Council Bylaws. Performance Criteria - Annually the Committee shall perform a written self-evaluation on the following: I) Implementation of the Preamble. 2) Achievement of Goals and Objectives. 3) Compliance with Bylaws. 4) Formulation of proposals and recommendations and overall accomplishments. 5) Visitation of subject sites as applicable. 6) Annual personal attendance record of at least 75%. The Committee shall forward this evaluation to a review committee comprised of the staff member assigned to the Committee, City Manager, Mayor, and one member of the City Council. The review committee shall present this report and any additional comments to the Council by the first week of December for action and recommendation a the annual meeting in accordance with the Council Bylaws. Term Limit - It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a three term (or 6 year) service limitation for all appointed positions within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation on City advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local government. Conflict of Interest - Members with a financial or vested interest with an applicant, application, proposal, policy, or other Committee issue shall disclose the relationship before participating in discussion about the issue. If the conflict is deemed to be significant, the member shall refrain from discussion and voting on such issue. If the conflict involves the presiding officer, he/she shall disqualify him/herself from discussion and pass the gavel to the Vice-Chair or a member who has no conflict. He/she may resume the chair once the issue has been dispatched. Code of Conduct - Committee members will adhere to the following: 2 Section A. Section B. Section C. Section D. 5/94 LACBY 1. Committee member's OpInIOn pertaInIng to a function, organization or specific application or issue shall not be given to the public or media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the member and not the official opinion of the Committee or the City. If a Committee member gives or represents the opinions of the Committee, he/she shall do so only after receiving the official direction from the Committee. 2. The conduct of Committee members shall reflect positively upon the Committee, individual member and City. 3. Committee members shall avoid any actual or apparent impropriety. ARTICLE 3. MEETINGS Regular Meetings - In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Lawall meetings of the Committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Prior L3.l<e City Hall, 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, cancelled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of both the Chair and/or Vice-Chair. Notification - All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed by: 1) Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. 2) A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying material shall be prepared by staff and received by the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated by the City Council, no later than the Friday prior to the Wednesday meeting and in no case later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. Special Meetings - Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the Chair or two members of the Committee. The call for a special meeting may be delivered prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section B of the article shall be followed. Quorum for Regular and Special Meetings - A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. 3 Section E. Section F. Section A. Section B. Section A. LACBY 5/94 LACBY Conduct of Business at Meetings - The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) 3. Old Business 4. Other Business 5. Staff Update 6. New Business 7. Adjournment Voting - All members of the Committee have equal voting authority. ARTICLE 4. SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES Powers and Duties - The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City Council on lake matters identified in the preamble or as assigned to the Committee. Semiannually, or as otherwise required by the Council, the Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the City Council. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City Council. Subcommittees - The Committee may divide its membership into subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. ARTICLE 5. AMENDMENTS Amendments - These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee may recommend revised Bylaws to the City Council for final approval. 4 BYLAWS OF PRIOR LAKE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Adopted May 16, 1994 Amended January 3,1995 PREAMBLE The Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) was created in November 1991 by an act of the Prior Lake City Council to: (1) research, study and make recommendations to the City Council on the information contained within the report entitled "Water Resource Management - A Guide For Balanced Future", (2) research, study and make recommendations to the City Council on the Lake Review Committee Report Work Program, approved by the City Council on June 17, 1991 and, (3) serve as an advisory body to City staff and City Council on the many lake management related issues being addressed by the various jurisdictions within the watershed. ARTICLE 1. NAME Section A. Name - The legal name of the organization IS the "Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee". Section B. Office - The Office of the Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee is at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372. ARTICLE 2. OFFICERS Section A. Officers - The Officers of the Prior Lake Lake Advisory Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City Manager or hislher designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. Section B. Chair - The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed annually on October 1, by majority vote of the City Council, after considering the recommendation of the Committee. The duties of the Chair include: 1. Review and approval of meeting agendas. 2. Presiding at meetings. 3. Participating with the City Council in the selection of Committee members. 4. Semiannual reporting to the City Council. 5. Representation of the Committee as appropriate. Section C. Vice-Chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the Committee and shall perform the duties of the Chair in hislher absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. Section D. Secretary - The City Manager or hislher designee shall act as the Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. Section E. Appointment - The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for a term of two (2) years from 5/94 LAC BY 1 October I to September 31. The Committee shall be representative of the citizens who live in Prior Lake. Committee members may serve based upon satisfactory attendance and participation, continued residence in Prior Lake and in accordance with the term limit policy established by the City Council. Section F. Vacancies - If the office of Chair becomes vacant the City Council shall appoint a replacement after considering the recommendation of the Committee. If the Office of Vice-Chair becomes vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. Should a member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat on the Committee, Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a replacement to complete the term. The selection of the Chair or Committee member will be filled m accordance with City Council Bylaws. Section G. Performance Criteria - Annually the Committee shall perform a written self-evaluation on the following: I) Implementation of the Preamble. 2) Achievement of Goals and Objectives. 3) Compliance with Bylaws. 4) Formulation of proposals and recommendations and overall accomplishments. 5) Visitation of subject sites as applicable. 6) Annual personal attendance record of at least 75%. The Committee shall forward this evaluation to a review committee comprised of the staff member assigned to the Committee, City Manager, Mayor, and one member of the City Council. The review committee shall present this report and any additional comments to the Council by the first week of December for action and recommendation a the annual meeting in accordance with the Council Bylaws. Section H. Term Limit - It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a three term (or 6 year) service limitation for all appointed positions within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation on City advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local government. Section 1. Conflict of Interest - Members with a financial or vested interest with an applicant, application, proposal, policy, or other Committee issue shall disclose the relationship before participating in discussion about the issue. If the conflict is deemed to be significant, the member shall refrain from discussion and voting on such issue. If the conflict involves the presiding officer, he/she shall disqualify hirn/herself from discussion and pass the gavel to the Vice-Chair or a member who has no conflict. He/she may resume the chair once the issue has been dispatched. Section J. Code of Conduct - Committee members will adhere to the following: 5/94 LACBY 2 4 1. Committee member's opmIOn pertammg to a function, organization or specific application or issue shall not be given to the public or media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the member and not the official opinion of the Committee or the City. If a Committee member gives or represents the opinions of the Committee, he/she shall do so only after receiving the official direction from the Committee. 2. The conduct of Committee members shall reflect positively upon the Committee, individual member and City. 3. Committee members shall avoid any actual or apparent impropriety. ARTICLE 3. MEETINGS Section A. Regular Meetings - In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Lawall meetings of the Committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Prior Lake City Hall, 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, cancelled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of both the Chair and/or Vice-Chair. Section B. Notification - All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed by: 1) Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. 2) A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying material shall be prepared by staff and received by the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated by the City Council, no later than the Friday prior to the Wednesday meeting and in no case later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. Section C. Special Meetings - Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the Chair or two members of the Committee. The call for a special meeting may be delivered prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section B of the article shall be followed. Section D. Quorum for Regular and Special Meetings - A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. 5/94 LACBY 3 Section E. Conduct of Business at Meetings - The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business: &. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) 3. Old Business 4. Other Business 5. Staff Update 6. New Business 7. Adjournment Section F. Voting - All members of the Committee have equal voting authority. ARTICLE 4. SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES Section A. Powers and Duties - The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City Council on lake matters identified in the preamble or as assigned to the Committee. Semiannually, or as otherwise required by the Council, the Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the City Council. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City Council. Section B. Subcommittees - The Committee may divide its membership into subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. ARTICLE 5. AMENDMENTS Section A. Amendments - These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee may recommend revised Bylaws to the City Council for final approval. LACBY 5/94 LACBY 4