HomeMy WebLinkAbout121707 Minutes ---I ~ ~.-=---- /~~ PR.l~~ ',.l.., / ' iF-. f ". ~, 4646 Dakota Street S.E. I, U, 7\! Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 \ . "'l!! // J REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ''-..,l/rf;v;.ES;~~ // " ,- CA([ TO ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilors Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Finance Director Teschner, Planning Director Kansier, Planner Matzke, Public Works Direc- tor/City Engineer Albrecht, Assistant City Engineer Poppler, Water Resources Engineer Bintner, Civil Engi- neer Thongvanh, Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges, Police Chief O'Rourke, Assistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Administrative Assistant Green. City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Speakers receive a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics on the agenda may be addressed except those topics that are part of a public hearing or public information hearing. The City Council will not take formal action on Public Forum presentations. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. Comments: No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Manager Boyles requested that three of the New Business agenda items be reclassified as Consent Agenda items 5P, 5Q and 5R. MOTION BY ERICKSON, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS REVISED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 3, 2007, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Report. D. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. E. Consider Approval of Fire Call Report. F. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.205 Approving a Joint Powers Agreement and Membership in the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force in 2008. G. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.206 Extending the Deadline for Recording the Final Plat and Development Contract for Pike Lake Meadows. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 H. Consider Approval of Body Art License Renewals for Jerome DeLeon and Alex Morse. I. Consider Approval of 2008 Cigarette License Renewals. J. Consider Approval of 2008 Renewal Massage Therapy Licenses. K. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.207 Approving Prior Lake Lions Club Premise Permit for Lawful Gambling. L. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.208 Extending the Deadline for Recording the Final Plat and Development Contract for Latterell Estates. M. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Expenditure of Construction Project Funds to Complete City Hall Improvements. N. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.210 Awarding the City's Standardized Professional Services Agreement for the Itasca Watermain Extension Project. O. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.211 Approving Prior Lake Optimist Club Premise Permit for Lawful Gambling. P. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.212 Approving a Joint Powers Agreement for Hazardous Mate- rial Incidents and Terrorist Threats by Organizing a Hazardous Materials Response Team. Q. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.213 Approving Amendment No.2 to the Development Contract for Stemmer Ridge. R. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.214 Ratifying a 2008-2010 Labor Agreement with American Federation of Federal, State and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Representing Clerical, Technical and Maintenance Employees. Councilor Millar requested that 5M, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Expenditure of Construction Project Funds to Complete City Hall Improvements, be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Comments: Millar: Requested City Manager Boyles to itemize the listed expenditures. Boyles: Explained the project and where funds would be from. Millar: Commented that this is not a large item, but believes it is time to consider minor items and decide if they are truly needed or can be deferred. Expects the next couple of years to be tough budgeting years. Hedberg: Supports the re-examination of this expenditure. Noted it would be a convenience but there are vending machines in the building so the expenditure could be deferred. LeMair: Would support it if it could be a reduced project and done for half the cost. Noted the lunchroom was supposed to be a community room and does not believe it is too inconvenient to do the steps. Ac- knowledged a security consideration for having the stairway unlocked. Erickson: Stated that many groups use the room and perhaps one of them would consider donating the money for it if they could have their name on it. Would like to look at options to have it without using City funds. Haugen: Asked about the funding source. Boyles: Replied it would come from the construction funds for the police station / city hall. Haugen: Clarified that the funds are earmarked for the police station/city hall and it is not a budget item. Agreed with the option LeMair mentioned to provide a counter and access to water. Commented that the 2 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 downstairs is a separate meeting environment that may be utilized by the public when there is better ac- cess from outside. Agreed that security adds a complexity. Erickson: Asked if the construction fund money is limited to those buildings or can be used for any city construction. Teschner: Replied that this specific fund is the building fund for the police station and city hall and when the project is closed out and if there is excess money, the Council will have discretionary authority to use it for any type of city building. Erickson: Asked if any of that excess money could be transferred to the general fund. Teschner: Affirmed. Erickson: Recommends deferring this project to see if there is a group in the city that would like to donate funds for a coffee station. LeMair: Can support putting it off and see if someone wants to step forward and donate anonymously or with a small recognition plaque. Does not want to start putting company signs all over city hall. Erickson: Suggested the Lion's Club or VFW might be interested. MOTION BY HEDBERG AND SECONDED BY MILLAR TO DEFER CONSTRUCTION OF A COFFEE STATION AND DIRECT STAFF TO SEEK PRIVATE FUNDS TO PAY FOR IT. IF SUCH FUNDS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, THE PROJECT WILL BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE COUNCIL FOR RECONSIDERATION IN 90 DAYS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Lion's Club Donation. Assistant City Manager Meyer informed the Council that the Lion's Club of Prior Lake donated $3,000 to assist in the capital improvements to the resource center so it can be used as a senior center. Harry Klenke, Char Beerling, Mike Broderick and Bonnie Grapper of the Prior Lake Lion's Club made the presen- tation to Mayor Haugen and commented on activities the Lion's Club supports in the community. Consider Approval of a Report Regarding the Status of Speed Limit Postings on CR 21 from CR 42 to CR 87, Public Works Director Albrecht updated the Council on speed limit postings on CR 21, CR 42 and CR 12 now that reconstruction is complete. Stated that the County has formally requested a speed study from the State on those roadways. Comments: LeMair: Asked why split phasing was not done at Franklin and 21. Albrecht: Replied that the roadway was not wide enough and cost prohibited purchasing additional prop- erties that would have been needed to widen it. Erickson: Commented on the length of time needed to make a left turn onto Franklin when traveling east on CR 21. Albrecht: Responded that it may take up to six months to monitor traffic patterns and work out problems. Erickson: Noted that resolution is needed for CR 12 where varying speed limits are posted a block apart, Millar: Asked about snowmobilers crossing CR 21 by the bridge. Albrecht: Replied that the City has given approval to go through Grainwood Park and the snowmobile club is trying to work out an agreement with private property crossing, but at this time that portion of the pro- posed crossing is not open to the public. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 2007 Hedberg: Noted that traffic speed is posted at 55 mph going north on CR 21 to reach CR 42. Hopes the speed study will reduce speed at least to the stop light by Jeffers Pond Elementary School. Haugen: Concurred with Hedberg's comments. Congratulated the Council of two years ago that pushed the County to make the improvements on CR 21, particularly at Fish Point Road where traffic lights make it better for the fire department to access CR 21. Albrecht: Noted that Franklin Trail was a dangerous intersection and that has been rectified. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing to Consider Approval of a Resolution Ordering the 2008 Improvement Project and Preparation of Plans and Specifications (Brooksville Hills), Assistant City Engineer Poppler, Water Resources Engineer Bintner and Civil Engineer Thongvanh presented information from the neighborhood meeting regarding this project. Residents did not favor add- ing more street lights or putting in sidewalks. Civil Engineer Thongvanh talked about project area im- provements including street reconstruction, storm water management, sewer and water upgrades and driveway restoration. Assistant City Engineer Poppler talked about costs and assessments (unit method based on 40% of street and storm sewer costs). Noted that Sewer and Water funds and Water Quality funds would also be used. Commented on the timeline for the next informational meeting to talk about how design affects yards and driveways, then bid opening and awarding, and completion of construction during the summer. Water Resources Engineer Bintner talked about the voluntary rain garden program and how rain gardens function. Outlined the benefits of the program to homeowners and the proposed cap of $30,000 from the Water Quality fund for the program. Bintner also described the plan for the pond and prairie grass restoration in Cardinal Ridge Park. Comments: Erickson: Clarified that if the streets were more narrow, the front of the lots would be larger. Poppler: Confirmed the plan to reduce street widths from 31' to 28'. Erickson: Believes it may be shortsighted if the City does not consider putting sidewalks on one side of the street to address the standpoint of safety for pedestrians. Millar: Asked if a rain garden could be done in front of houses that have sidewalks. Bintner: Replied that it can be done. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing opened at 7:02 p.m. Comments: Jim Kay, 5453 Brooks Circle, asked if the reduction in street size come from one side or both sides of the roadway. Poppler: Replied that the width would be centered within the right-of-way and the reduction may vary on which side of the roadway it will come from. Jim Kay: Asked how wide a sidewalk would be. Poppler: Replied that the standard is five feet. Jim Kay: Deduced that someone could end up losing two to three feet of their yard if sidewalks were in- stalled. Poppler: Noted that if a sidewalk were added, the total width of the street and sidewalk would be 38' and that width would be centered on the right-of-way. Jim Kay: Asked what the additional cost would be. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 Poppler: $600-700 per unit. Raphael Robert, 5548 Overlook Circle SE, stated he went to the neighborhood informational meeting to gather information and send it to his neighbors. He received responses from them with a variety of ques- tions regarding maintenance of rain gardens, concerns about debris in the pond, the desire for a low main- tenance or no maintenance field. Noted that the field is currently unusable because it is not maintained and perhaps it could be considered for a play structure area or something. Asked if larger oak trees could be added to the plan for prairie restoration. Kathy Kay, 5453 Brooks Circle, commented that the neighborhood does not want sidewalks and that she believes rain gardens would enhance the neighborhood. Emily Cingilli, 16447 Itasca, stated her preference not to have sidewalks or additional street lights. Be- lieves the rain garden program would be beneficial. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried and the public hearing closed at 7:13 p.m. Comments: Bintner: Responded to comments about prairie restoration stating that prairie grasses take awhile to be- come established. Referred to similar restorations in Lakefront Park. Stated that ponds are inspected on a five year basis with additional maintenance scheduled if a problem is noted. Gave examples of area ponds that are seeded with prairie grass. Millar: Asked what the case is for having sidewalks. Poppler: Replied that staff is not proposing sidewalks. Hedberg: Commented that this neighborhood was built out 30 years ago and there are now problems with streets being worn out; and modern standards for stormwater management are not being met. This pro- posal will help with narrower streets and a storm water pond. Hopes the low-lying field can be made a natural amenity with prairie restoration. Enthusiastic about the rain garden program and thinks it should increase the property values as well as help manage storm water. Supports the plan as it is proposed. LeMair: Asked if the field will be eliminated. Bintner: Replied there would still be more than two acres of active play space, but it would not be a full- sized soccer field. LeMair: Asked if prairie is proposed for the entire park. Bintner: Replied that prairie would be greater than three acres, with much of it on steep slopes. LeMair: Asked if the park would lose its sledding space, and whether the ponding would alleviate the whole area flooding. Bintner: Replied that a 1 OO-year storm event would fill up the entire area. LeMair: Queried whether that would happen even with narrower streets and rain gardens. Bintner: Replied this proposal would affect about 30 of the acres that drain into it by reducing the flow by ten percent or so. If the City continues this kind of project planning on future reconstructions, an impact may be made on the flooding. LeMair: Concerned about losing this field as this is a busy area with lots of kids and there is no big field all along Crossandra and Cardinal Ridge. Expressed some concern about making streets narrower but noted that there are collector streets with sidewalks nearby. Asked if current curbs are roll up. Poppler: Replied there is no curb and gutter currently, but rather bituminous curbing that has disinte- grated. LeMair: Believes larger trees around the pond would be necessary to help screen it. Supports the project. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 Erickson: Stated agreement with most of the project. Sought clarification of sidewalk locations on collec- tor streets. Agreed with narrowing of streets to improve water quality and reduced maintenance. Only questions if it is appropriate to put in sidewalks and will rely on expert opinions. Haugen: Believes 28' streets and rain gardens make sense in this environment. May add to standards of future reconstruction projects. Cost of the project relative to enhanced value to properties is well in line. Volume of traffic does not meet requirements for sidewalk according to the matrix used to manage that de- cision. Albrecht: Commented that the park is not organized but residents indicate that some kind of playground structure might be wanted and the open spaces in this park can be reviewed in the park maintenance plan. LeMair: Affirmed the field should be maintained somewhat and that it used to be an active soccer field. Albrecht: Noted that soccer fields have been relocated and this field has some challenges for that use. Suggested that other uses could be considered for that park. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.215 ORDERING 2008 IMPROVEMENTS AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BROOKS CIRCLE, FILLMORE AVENUE, FRANKLIN TRAIL AND ITASCA AVENUE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Upholding the Decision of the Planning Commission to Approve Variances from the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for the Redevelopment of a Home in an R1 Zoning District. Mayor Haugen read a letter received from legal counsel to the Dumpke's requesting the hearing be con- tinued due to family illness. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JANUARY 22, 2008. Comments: Hedberg: Asked if a continuation will delay the applicant's plan to develop the property. Haugen: Asked if a continuation to January 22 will fall within normal time parameters in the appeal proc- ess. Matzke: Replied that there is a 120-day time frame for the original application which was made October 18, 2007, so the City has until February 18, 2008, to take action on this particular request. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of Resolution Adopting 2008 Prior Lake Budgets and Certifying Final 2008 City of Prior Lake Property Tax Levy to Scott County Department of Taxation, Finance Director Teschner explained timelines for approval and certifying the tax levy to the County. Comments: Hedberg: Reviewed the action of the Council to reach this budget recommendation and believes it should not be changed unless something happens to cause a change. Spoke of the City's long record of maintain- ing the lowest tax increases in the area. Believes there have been some changes in that it appears that the school district is unable to continue its part in the funding of equipment and operation for the Jeffers Pond Interpretive Center; so the City could consider whether to defer that project for awhile or permanently which 6 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 will not draw down balances in the 2008 general fund as proposed. Believes the failure of the school bond referendum was a message from the taxpayers that they are concerned and uncertain in this economic climate. Stated the Council has two different perspectives to represent: that of residents who are con- cerned about taxes and struggling to make ends meet; and, the fiduciary responsibility for the long term for managing the services of the City. Noted there has been much discussion about fund balances and re- serve money that the City holds and it is important for the Council and public to know where the fund bal- ances come from and what they are used for. Stated that much of the reserved money is dedicated to pur- poses for which it was raised such as the water treatment facility and fire station no. 2. Noted that the City also does not borrow money to buy new equipment, but rather makes long-term plans for when vehicles have to be replaced and saves ahead for that. The City also wants to keep 45% of the general fund set aside for reserves in order to pay the day to day bills as the primary revenue for the City arrives two times per year. Supports having a healthy general fund reserve. Believes tax revenues from new properties are shrinking and future City budgets are going to be tougher. Supports passing the budget as proposed. LeMair: Agrees with Hedberg in most areas. Noted there has been much discussion about priorities and goals for the community and with the school referendum failing, the City should consider where to use money designated for Jeffers Pond; perhaps toward downtown redevelopment and purchasing property for downtown parking. Noted that having a strong general fund saves us money by the reflection on our credit rating and receiving better interest rates; and gives us rainy day funds. Believes the Council has the re- sponsibility to do infrastructure that wasn't done in the past and to take care of current responsibilities, but is unsure of the consideration of future responsibilities such as for the parks. Erickson: Commented that Prior Lake has tried to keep expenses in line, but the City needs to take care of expenses as they are incurred, such as funding pensions. The budget has been worked on and the Council came up with the best solution it could. Will support the budget as presented. Millar: Hedberg explained the topic well. Stated the public wants the City to scrutinize its needs and spending and the Council did a good job last September when discussing the things that were needed. Believes it is intelligent to have money in reserve to avoid radical swings in the amount of money available. Asked Teschner to talk about the funds that allow the Council's discretion in spending. Teschner: Listed the funds and explained the uses for which they are intended. Stated that sewer and water rates are structured to pay for reconstruction of infrastructure that needs to be replaced and those funds have to be accumulated over time rather than raise rates in one year to pay for it. Some funds are dedicated by law and the Council has no discretion on their expenditure. Millar: Stated the City has been in the position of not having to raise taxes much beyond inflationary rates. Suggested that an area for making budget cuts could be in the contingency fund, but it may be needed to preserve minimal tax increases for 2009. LeMair: Stated the budget has to build a bridge for 2009 in 2008; there may be revenue shortfalls, but it needs to be dealt with at that time and if something can be taken out of this budget, it should be. Believes that $280,000 earmarked for the environmental learning center could be used for downtown or taken out of the contingency fund to reduce the taxpayer burden this year. Teschner: Stated that staff recommends maintaining the budget as proposed. Cautioned against spend- ing apparent one-time surpluses as the general fund reserve would need to be built back up later. Noted that the general reserve was spent down in 2007 with the Pike Lake Park and 800 MHz projects. Believes that further opportunities will arise that the Council will want to take advantage of and will lose the flexibility to do so if the general fund is reduced. Believes there will be shortages for operating expenditures if there is more taken from contingency funds. Millar: Asked what impact to taxpayers there would be with a $100,000 reduction to the budget. Teschner: Replied it would probably be less than $10 per year for the residential taxpayer with an average property valuation. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 2007 Millar: Stated the City needs to balance its books and it would be wise to approve this budget and take a hard look at 2009. Believes it may be better to retain the contingency fund than to pass along a minimal savings to the taxpayer. Will approve budget as it is presented. Haugen: Stated the City is not in a dismal situation and this is not a new example of fiscal prudence on the part of the Council. Would like all elected officials in government to look at the big picture when mak- ing a decision to see how it can stand the test of time. Believes the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan gives us a plan and one of them is fiscal accountability with defined goals. Noted that Moody's has given the City two bond rating increases. Expenses have been treated as investments in the future and considered for how they impact the quality of life for the community. Believes the Council should stay the course remem- bering that the plan is to have the City be a better place and suggested that they should talk about what is happening with parks, natural areas and development with residents rather than just the taxes. LeMair: Believes that removing $280,000 from the budget for a project that is not going to be done this year is a starting place. If the tax increase next year has to be more, then it should be dealt with it at that time rather than using money from the 2008 budget to build an estate for 2009. Favors reducing the con- tingency by $100,000. Haugen: Responded that elimination of $280,000 for environmental learning center is not a budget item and such a reduction would not reduce the budget. Supports the suggestion of purchasing property down- town and creating parking. Hedberg: Disagreed that each budget year should stand on its own. Believes the City needs to consider what kinds of fund balances are being built and how we can buffer the ups and downs over the long term by use of the reserve. Spoke of Governor Ventura's refunds and how the state is still suffering the conse- quences. Stated that a budget reduction impact has to be considered over several years. Believes there will be a tougher budget climate the next couple of years and the Council should take that into considera- tion now. Millar: Clarified that the intent of discussing the $6,900 item (city hall improvement) was to watch spending and address how money is spent going forward. Had favored a $100,000 reduction, but feels concern about the economic climate. Supports purchasing the Minnesota Nails property and questioned which funds would be appropriate to do so. Teschner: Replied that would be from the general fund. Likened the reserve fund to a savings account and using those funds creates a hole that has to be backfilled as opposed to an expenditure cut. Noted that the interpretive center spending was planned out of the general fund reserve rather than a budgeted fund. Hedberg: Believes it is the right decision to put aside $275,000 every year as contingency because it is a mechanism to reach the 45% target. If the contingency fund is scaled back, it will be less possible to do the things that will have long term impact. Teschner: Stated that revenues in the 2008 budget will not be fulfilled at 100% and if expenditures come in at 100%; or if there is a catastrophe or the City wishes to purchase property, there will be a shortfall. The first line of defense against a shortfall is the contingency fund. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.216 ADOPTING 2008 PRIOR LAKE BUDGETS AND CERTIFYING FINAL 2008 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PROPERTY TAX LEVY TO SCOTT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg and Millar. LeMair opposed. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Adopting the Assessment Roll for Improvements on Ida Circle and Trunk Highway 13 (City Project #06.11), 8 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 Assistant City Engineer Poppler reviewed the project and noted that time had been allowed for residents to submit their septic system certification. Informed the Council that the County is in agreement with the process for crediting the useful life of septic systems. Comments: Millar: No questions. Hedberg: No questions. LeMair: This was petitioned and many people are looking forward to getting this done. Erickson: No questions. Haugen: no questions. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.209 ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON IDA CIRCLE AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 (CITY PROJECT #06-11 ) . VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Report Regarding City of Prior Lake Plan for Energy Conservation and Envi. ronmental Responsibility, Public Works Director Albrecht reported on five areas of proposed measures for energy conservation and environmental responsibility. Some identified initiatives included changes to the fleet, street lights, refuse collections, a compost site, city buildings, and an Earth Day event. Comments: LeMair: Expressed satisfaction with the options compiled. Believes refuse collection alternatives are worth getting bids on. Looks forward to trying to put some of this to work for the community. Erickson: Commented regarding the fleet moving to bio-diesel which is soy based rather than corn based. Recommends not using small pick-ups as they do not have good mileage and suggested learning the availability of diesel for the small vehicles also. Stated that LED street lights reduce heat emission which would be an additional benefit. Believes the compost site proposal is good and many people burn their small branches and it would be a benefit to not have that. Asked if residents would be able to purchase compost. Albrecht: Replied that discussion with SMSC has not covered that and it is unknown yet how much com- post there will be. Erickson: Agreed with proposed Earth Day activities and would like to see more emphasis on not littering. Millar: Asked for specifics on used patrol cars. Albrecht: Replied that it would be part of the fleet matrix; firm quotes would be acquired and an exact plan of when vehicles would be inserted into program. Millar: Commented that the LED street lights make sense even though it would take a number of years to reach a return on the investment. Albrecht: Replied that the Department of Transportation is replacing all of its street lights with LEDs and plans to save millions of dollars every year. Such lights only need replacement every 20 years rather than five years. Millar: Expressed concerns that the refuse collection proposal might impact service and may not improve costs. Approves the compost site proposal and Earth Day plans. Hedberg: Supports continued evaluation or implementation. Believes the plans for used squad cars and LED street lights needs more evaluation. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 2007 Albrecht: Replied the City is conducting an inventory of street lights to determine if we will really break even. Hedberg: Asked if the state contract has any turbodiesel, biodiesel or flex fuel or hybrids on it. Albrecht: Affirmed that it has all of them. Erickson: Noted an advantage of turbodiesel is that our maintenance people would be able to do the maintenance of them. Hedberg: Favors continued examination of the refuse collection proposal and indicated it will be important to get public input about it. Haugen: Agreed the proposals should move forward. Commented on idling in the community and be- lieves the Council should evaluate an idling ordinance as an environmental issue. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE REPORT REGARDING THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE VEHICLE AND FACILITY ENERGY CONSERVATION AND ALTERNATIVES PLAN. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Report Regarding the Parks Facilities and Equipment Replacement Matrix, Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges identified categories of the inventory as park related buildings, park facilities, roads and parking lots, and appurtenant equipment. Gave estimates for replacing all elements through the year 2032. Noted that many facilities and equipment were purchased after the parks referen- dum in 2000 and their life expectancy is the year 2020. Suggested that work sessions would be needed to go through the matrix in depth. Comments: Hedberg: Recognized the matrix development as a tremendous work. Stated that the City's parks may be the most important element that sets us apart from other cities with many investments made over the past 15 years. It is fiscally prudent to maintain them. Inclined to continue installing equipment on an annual basis and start to figure out what the funding options are with a recommendation to start saving ahead to be able to pay for replacement when needed. Millar: Concurred that there should be a work shop on this subject. Erickson: Asked if the 982 acres of parks identified in the matrix includes Pike Lake Park. Friedges: Affirmed. Erickson: Agreed the City parks have to be taken care of and the Council will have to consider how do pay for that. Asked if the report could be organized by park and what needs to be done each year. LeMair: Stated the matrix is going to be a great tool and having the data available by year will make also a great budgeting tool. Agreed that discussion is needed to learn how to pay for the recommendations but wonders whether this Council can be responsible for these liabilities in addition to the catch up they have had to do in previous years. Haugen: Stated the matrix ties into creating plans for the future. Consider Approval of an Ordinance Adopting Responsibilities for Hosts of Social Events Involving Minors, City Manager Boyles informed the Council that this proposed ordinance was prepared with the purpose of discouraging underage possession and consumption. Violation would be a misdemeanor. The City of Chaska pursued a social host ordinance believing State statute does not cover the issue of permitting un- derage drinkers to consume alcohol on private premises. The City of Mankato wanted to address young adults who host parties not caring if there were minors present. Police Chief O'Rourke commented on statutes in place such as contributing to delinquency of a minor or petty juvenile offense that can be used to 10 City Council Meeting Minutes December 17,2007 help discourage underage abuse. Noted that under state law it is a gross misdemeanor to contribute to delinquency and if it can be proven an adult provided alcohol to someone under 18, he/she can be charged with a gross misdemeanor. The social host ordinance is a tool to use when it cannot be proven how the underaged person got the alcohol or if they freely admit they brought the alcohol with them. Stated that 194 under age consumption citations were given in 2007 in Prior Lake. Comments: LeMair: Suggested getting research and recommendations from the newly established safety committee. Commented that this raises the philosophical question of whether cities want to get into questions of how to parent kids and that he just wants to provide safe environment for our kids. Erickson: Stated that before the topic is sent to the task force, it should be learned whether the City can enforce such an ordinance or whether this work should be done by SCALE and the County. Believes State representatives should also be contacted; and that the City can watch to see if Chaska's ordinance will be tested and can hold up. O'Rourke: Stated that similar ordinance exists in about 100 cities in the country. AgreedJt would be well to have a statewide ban so underage users could not travel from one city to another to avoid the ordinance. Hedberg: Asked how many gross misdemeanors for contributing to delinquency there were in the City his year as part of the business checks. O'Rourke: Replied that there were three failures when alcohol compliance tests were done. Hedberg: Expressed concern about whether the City really can enforce such an ordinance. Stated that if the prime objective is to get parents to be better parents, he is not sure ordinance is the right way to go about that; but agrees the topic should go to the safety task force. Believes more information should be sought about tests and legal efforts to establish such efforts in other areas of the State. Millar: Agrees it should go to the safety task force. Haugen: Noted that the reason it was asked to be considered is because underage drinking in and around the community is excessive and considering what can be done to help reduce that activity ties into the Vi- sion Element of a safe and healthy community. Believes that sending it to the safety task force is good direction and noted that the County Attorney is a member of that task force and the City Attorney is an ad- visor to it. Agreed that any movement forward should involve SCALE and the County. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE ACCEPT THE REPORT AND MOVE IT TO THE COMMUNITY SAFETY TASK FORCE FOR FURTHER ANALYSIS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Community Events Councilors extended holiday greetings to the community. Mayor Haugen commented that SMSC opened the new Little Six Casino last week, and that the SMSC Business Council incumbents were re-elected which speaks highly of the direction they are taking. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Erickson. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. (!Iuz}}j~~ Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst. . 11