HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG 07-0976 PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE. . ITY CONNECTION PERMIT Date Rec'd /0./0,07 3IAwI- PAl~ f.Jlh. 1. Whil. Fil. I PERMIT I ~. ::Iow ~liconI NO. 01- 0 17(0 rrrf 553~ I ZONING <- -, I LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION PID l:::~~~~ ~~OW (Phone)~'W7 !j817 BUILDER (Company Name) (Contact Name) (Address) TYPE OF WORK 0 New Consauction ODeck OPorch ORe-Roofing DAddition OAlteration OUtility Connection 0 Misc. OLower Level Finish 0 Fireplace . CODE: OI,R.C. OI,B,C, Type of Construdion: I Oc:alpaacy Group: A B E DiTisioa: n mIVVAB F HI MRSU 1 2 3 4 S S /J.':llnl"'I,40 PR.OJECfCOST/VALUE ~ r. I~- (exduding land) I hereby certify that I have furnished information 00 this application which is to the: best of rrry knowledge trUe and comet. I also certifY that I am the owner 01' authorized agent for the above-meononed and that all CoDStr\l~ will conform to all exislinl state and local laws and will proceed in ac:cardaDce with submlned plans. I am aware that the: building :1Cia1 can I' this p<<mit cause. . I hereby qree that the city oftlcial or a designee 113 the propeny to perform needed W73 J 0 1 con~r's LiceDSe No. Dare ' Permit Valuation Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee S State Surcharge S Penalty $ Plumbing Permit Fee $ Mechanical Permit Fee S Sewer & Water Permit Fee $ Gas Fireplace Permit Fee S This Applic:arion Becomes Your BailtUDl Permit When AptII'OYed Buildin2 Official Date Park Support Fee # $ SAC # S Water Meter Size 5/8"; I"; $ Pressure Reducer $ Sewer/Water Connection Fee # $ Water Tower Fee # $ Builder's Deposit S Other S TOTAL DUE S ~ TIus is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ottlinancr and may proceed as requested. 11tis ducument when signed by the Ciry Planner constitutes a temporazy CertiJk:ate of Zonin& compliance and allows constrUCtion to commence. Berem- llCCI1pancy, a Certificate uf Oc:cupancy must be issued PIaooiDg Dinlctor Date S . CondiIion. if IIIIY 24 hour nolice ror all inspectlotll (9!l2) 447-98..~. fall (9!12) 447-4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372