HomeMy WebLinkAboutBldg Permit LL 00-0074 DATE RECEIVED CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT ;: =e ~."~ 3. Yellow .~canl FEB I 6 2000 ,'-.l.. Permit No. (~(/-0074- DIRECTIONS SPACES NUMBERED 1 THRU 17 MUST BE FILLED IN BEFORE PER ~ ~ p (Please Print or Type and sign at bottom) 1. DATE Z -/"-2.000 6HDe~ -r~/L tJ.€. 1<..1 SD BUILDING ORMATION 11. SIZE OF STRUCTURE (Height) (Width) (Depth) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17 12. NO. OF STORIES LOT BLOCK PID :;;>5 -otfO- ()2.7- 0 13. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ADDITION - ~1tM€' 14. FLOOR AREA APPORTIONMENT USE (Address) Hof..1~ (Address) 2.! K 0(..(,..0 el. No.) c.tMI-t"5setJ.J ;5531)\170000 IMt>~f)JeJ..1eJf , ttJe. ((,1 z... 40/-01 ~ Deck 0 Finish Attic 0 Septic 0 Addition 0 Re-roofing 0 Porch 0 Re-siding 0 Finish Basemen~ 15. NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS OR SEATS OCCUPANTS SEATS 16. PROJECT COSTNALUE (Name) Fireplace 0 Alterations 0 Chimney 0 Misc. 8. PROPERTY AREA OR ACRES Sq. Ft.% 9. PROPERTY DIMENSIONS Width Depth 10. CULVERT SIZE Yes No 17. COMPLETION DATE l1ll... I hereby certify that I have fumished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I also certify that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above mentioned property and that all construction will conform to all existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building official revoke thi ermit for just caus ermore, I hereby agree that the city official or a designee may enter upon the property to perform needed inspections. License No. FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE Front Back Side Side MATERIAL FILED WITH APPLICATION SOIL TESTS 0 ENERGY DATA 0 PILING LOGS 0 PERCOLATION TESTS 0 SETBACKS: Required Actual BUILDING DEPARTMENT VALUATION USE OF BUILDING ~$ A/,e.. I OFF STREET PARKING SPACES REO. SPACES ON PLAN PERMIT VALUATION t.I,tl()(). 00 PLANS & SPECS 0 SURVEY 0 SETS COPIES PLOT PLAN o TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I II III IV V Occupancy Group A B E F HIM R S U Division 1 2 3 4 Permit Fee ................................... $ at'}. '2. s City: Amount Brought Forward .................. $ Park Support Fee ........................... $ SAC ......................................... $ Collective Street Fee ....................... $ Sewer Tap ................................... $ $ Plan Check Fee ............................. $ State Surcharge............................. $ Penalty ....................................... $ 2.00 Water Tower Fee ........................... $ Water Tap ................. ....... ........... $ Builder's Deposit ............................ $ Other ......................................... $ Certificate of Occupancy Total Due .............................. $ I Z 9... 2. 5 Issued Paid /Z-1. z... S- Rece~. .it" q t.f Date 'l-I - 2t::oO By uil---=- This is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested. This document when s' the . Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued. 2..' 2....3 - a:> Date . ....................... $ f./.e.GrJ'? iG ~..:......; . '\", \ lJ 1;\1 A 0 Pressure Reducer .......................... $ Meter Hom ................................... $ Water Meter ................................. $ Sewer & Water Connection Fee ........... $ Plumbing Permit Fee ....................... $ Mechanical Permit Fee ..................... $ 4.0 .00 Sewer & Water Permit ...................... $ mes Your Building Permit When Approved. Date ~ -I ~ - 'Z.OQ:) Special Conditions ~ any 24 hour notice for all inspections 447-9850 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 April 11, 2008 Kevin Stanek or Current Resident 5535 Shore Tr. Prior Lake MN 55372 RE: Building Permit # 00-0074 In review of older building permit files, it was discovered there is an open permit for a basement finish. The last inspection was May 3, 2000. The City would like your cooperation to close this permit. Please call for a progress inspection by April 22, 2008. If there has been no inspection by April 21, 2008 the City will deem the permit abandoned and invalid per State Building Code R105.3.2. This will be recorded in the permanent public record. Any additional work will require new permits. Feel free to contact me at (952) 447-9853 or to schedule an inspection (952) 447-9850 ~ii Building Inspector www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning The Cenler of the Lake Country BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED 6,eGr1T/ VS" 1-/0/'1 e; 2//&/00 / I' Ir1Pt2..0V. The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 5S...3 5" sri 0 I!!E 77Zrt I L- AI. b . Accepted Accepted With Corrections -+-. Denied Reviewed By: Roy Comments: ~Jl ~ ~AD__JJ B'CA" ~~ ~J.J - Date: 2- /8 .20c::)c) liThe issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. II " White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning The Crnter of the like Country BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DePARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED .ci k6/-/Trt^C 1-1 (/') c I i ~ I 2///c/(0 /. .., " / (/ l/ . The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: /--:-z- :;): ,....- ,r,.t.l/ i- J;:"'---772r'll I ^, I- __../ _' ...".; -..i _ '_ ,..... ~- '-- F Vi . C . Accepted ~' Accepted With Corrections liThe issuance or granting of a permit or appr~>val of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any oth~rp.rdiJ1ance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be v~lIid.11 i,l:"'._~";.. .... , . Ja " PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION RECORD DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND INSPECTION SITE ADDRESS L5Q35"" sL...oN:- J;..o..i / NATURE OF WORK R-:~ t;'"\"~ t... USE OF BUILDING .5 FJ) PERMIT NO. 0 --00 4- CONTRACTOR NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR AN OF THE INSPECTIONS BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT DATE ISSUED 2 - tS"'2t5C;O ,-;;> ~ ) I I PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS INSPECTOR DATE --- -~ FRAMING INSULATION ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING (if required) ,&",l," F. ~ COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ~ I I FINALS BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING DO NOT OCCUpy UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough-in inspections and maintained until all inspection€ha.ve. been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available, card shall be placed near lJ1ain entrance. Call between 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. for all inspections FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (612) 447-9850