HomeMy WebLinkAboutMETER FOR LAWN IRRIGATION 07-0658 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT Date Rec' d Allr; (I 3 2007 I White rin~ Yellow File City Applicant PERMIT:N."O'{)'Ffl{.~ 5'1> (Please type or print and si~n at bottom) ADDRESS OU'TLOT C, SIVIJ6CI0I/1/C ZONING (office use) Pi/v LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION z...~. 4-(, ~ 039. 0 PID ~:::. ;Iv'~ ...~" S~ OWNER (Name) (Phone) (Address) BUILDER (Company Name) (Contact Name) PL.tI /'10lllH , pL..un6//vu " I (Phone) (Phone) .sf. 1//6ff/l61- MIV 5537rc I (Address) /Z7...70 + J 'c?-o Sf /116" TYPE OF WORK 0 New Construction ODeck OPorch ORe-Roofing ORe-Siding OLower Level Finish 0 Fireplace OAdditlOn OAlteration OUtility ConnectIon CODE: OI.R.C. OI.B.C. ~MiSC. J'/~TEK- R'IL LA tv' AI /kVC.-/ C7J_ I Type of Constmction: I II III IV V A B PROJECT COST IV ALUE $ Occupancy Group: A B E F H I M R S U (excluding land) Division: I 2 3 4 5 I hereby certity that I have fi,rmshed mfmmatlon ,m thiS applicatIOn which IS to the best of my knowledge true and COlTect. I also certify that I am the owner m authollzed agent 1m the above-mentlllned property and tliat all nmstructlon will nmhlrm to all eXlStmg state and local laws and will proceed m accmdance with submitted plans I am aware that the bUlldmg official can revoke thiS permit for Just cause Furthermore, I herehy agree that the City official or a desIgnee may enter upon the propelty to perform needed mspectIOns X Signature Contractor's License No. Date Permit Valuation Park Support Fee # $ I Permit Fee $ SAC # $ 1 ----. Plan Check Fee $ Water Meter Size 5/8'~1' $ 750_ O()_ ' ~ State Surcharge $ Pressure Reducer $ Penalty $ Sewer/Water Connection Fee # $ 1 Plumbing Permit Fee $ Water Tower Fee # $ 1 Mechanical Permit Fee $ Builder's Deposit $ 1 Sewer & Water Permit Fee $ Other $ Gas Fireplace Permit Fee $ TOTAL DUE $ ?50.00 ~~m~ - I I Tlli'AP'(lrti~";!'M";h1;m~; ~a;:C ~r;.;~ _ ~~rNO ,y,., ,"" " ", ",',~:',':.'::~::':::::,~"~"2""",,,,"' ,::':~mmp'",m' d"'~'"""" I, J[ ,~"'~,,~, ~",~'"~ I~L ,"" "'"' "",,,,,,,, ,,,,",,,,d ,"" d,,"m,"' when Signed by the CIty Pl.1nner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zonmg compliance arTf W lWSJIj. euc}OIjw l<OO%nc, B. fme occupancy, " Certlticate of Occupancy must be ISsued UlJ f;GO S' 50 -' Plauning Director Date Special Conditions, if any 24 hour notice for all inspections (~y.t:1"l "Xl'll, f:n:""('''",' ....'-..L..r 4646 Dakota Street Prior Lake. MN 55372