HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding 08-0396 I - ------o~-----~--15--_r-oocn:rtJo--orT--T1ITI-l-llr--T-r-IT~LT-U--~------ ---- ---- j w ::I j: ~! c.:r- Ww ~O ~t= u:0 OZ -Z u:o a..- LL.... O~ ~~ -Z 0_ o W ...I :) o W :t: o U) Cf) U) W u: o o 4( a: .... Z o o u: W ~ o Cl ...I.... Z <en ::i -~.... .J U:u..u: -....ww- !!::~OO< O~~~~ ~D.D.D.::i ~~~~en 0__< 0l1.l1.e" 000000 l ~ o Z .... :i u: W a.. D.D....1 :J:J< ~~~ u: OOLL...I e" 00e,,< Z_:t::t:Z~ iiiU:u:U:iiiLL ~ :t: W ~:t: :JO.... :JO ..JW~ ..JW D.~:> D.~ DODD 0 ci Z W Z o :t: a.. Z o Z j:: 0_ Z 0 o w ~~~~ ~ _o-.J Z b~~~~Ui ~~lf~~ 0000, en .... Z w :IE :IE o o ~ ~ e" Z ii: w > o o w u: o l1. W III Z o j:: o W D. en o 0 Z W W ijj ~wOu: u: ~ ~ 0 D. D. l1. --:- 0 ..J ,- Z ..J l5 < (j .... o < l1. en j:: < en ~ 0:: ~ o ~ c o () ~ c ~ 8- 1Il C E ~ ~ olj i:: ~ ~ Cl E Q" ~ ~ ~ w.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:5 Cll II.l Ill: II.l 8 ;:: " ~ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT Date Rec' d (; /8.00 White Pink Yellow File City Applicant I PERMIT NO. 03-0! CJ (0 I ZONING (office use) PuD 1'1\0 :C; 1-6 vleb-i tivr C1 reJ SU;. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT ~LOCK '?:> ADDITION 9-DVlf 'a;r PID zs: S":" 61 ('/. 0 OWNER (Name) K y (o(,~J 1 ~()Y1t'\f?4--- Y\ Yt A (Phone) (Address) BUILDER ~" ...~ 1L, ~ (Company Name~~ tQ,1"(.A QuV\l\04- (Contact Name). jb f6ctJ.e y "- (Address) f)5qtq , J)r\ \,,~ /1j;~ ~ Q' (Phone) V\ 73-- 9- .. 0 O() D t15-:;v d-dOl.-G. () O~ ~5S?Jy c+ TYPE OF WORK ~New Construction ODeck OPorch ORe-Roofing ORe-Siding OAdditlOn OAlteration o Utility ConnectIon ~Flrerlace (I CODE: ~.R.C. OLB.C. Ar\ Type of &~truction: ~ II I Occupancy Group: A B E I Division: o Mise III IV H I 2 3 V~A B M S U 4 5 PROJECT COST /V ALUE (excluding land) $ ::2-DOpO D I herehy certity that I have hlrnlshed lnt,)rmauon on this application which IS to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I also certify that I am the owner or authOrIzed agent tor the abnvC-mCI1tlOl1ed property and that all (n!1struction will conform to allexlstll1g state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submItted plans_ I am aware that the huildtng :"'''''' ,,/, ",,' "'SO!" """ p,,, '""rom,,, I ",,,", '""" "" "" "" "ffi2:';Z":';;;~:;H44';;;"""ry ", ,"""m "~~':' 0 'l Signatur Contractor's License No. Date Permit Valuation Park Support Fee SAC # # $ Permit Fee Sewer/Water ConnectIon Fee # # $ $ $ /1f4:() 0 $ /500, 0 0 $ C7t:JO,OD I $ /S;-t:J~.t!JO $ $ ?2S.0CJ ~?s:" 0 Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Penalty , Plumbing Permit Fee hvrechanical Permit Fee Water Meter Size 5/8' . Pressure Reducer Sewer & Water Permit Fee 5"0. (JO 1'5'0.00 52..00 So 100 Water Tower Fee Builder's Deposit Other lluildlllg Urticlal '/Z4jOG . ()~tc Gas Fireplace PermIt Fee TOTAL DUE tJI1ti/b1J This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved ~~ ThiS IS to eertlty that the request Il1 the above applicat1l1n and accompanYll1g documents is Il1 accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested TIllS document \\'hl'tl signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of ZOl1lng (ompllancl' and allows cunstrllction to commence. Before occupancy, a Cefuticate llf Occupancy must be ISSUl'ffl7~~ ~ {p/z.Y/o? L~ afp~~. Planning Director Date Special Condilions. if any 24 hOllr notice for all illspectiolls (952) 447-9850. fax (952) 447-4245 4646 Dakota Street Prior Lake, MN 55372 Residential Building Permit Checklist New Construction for Single or Two.family Dwellings in R.1 or R.2 Districts Reviewed by: ~ ~ Date: '/23/04> Building Permit # PID: Address: / 7/~ 0/ ~ Legal: L ~ I B 3 Subdivision: Existing Structure? YES~ Zoning: ~~ S.u..). ~ Existing Nonconforming Structure? YE@ @ NO I I CONFORMS TO ZONING ORDINANCE I Yard Setbacks: NAI FAILSl...COMPLlW Standard Proposed . Front Yard (can be 20' if avg. wlin 150') 25' d.5, S- / . Side Yards ;? 5' (,4/(tJ()6'D 10'1 25' if abutting a street ;?S" Sidewall exceeding 50' requires additional side 2" , 1 0' setback + . ?,S' , setback for every l' over 50' in length II. A "'&0 2"/1' over 50' 7,5" . Rear Yard 25' jDa' . Patio Door: provide for minimum 10' deck or sign 10' side/ statement indicating no deck will be built in the future 25' rear N"~e . From 100 year flood elevation ofwetland/NURP 30' pond AlA . From OHW (Prior or Spring Lake) 75' or setback average of adjacent structures, but no #rI less than 50' .30 Maximum Yard Encroachments: NA I FAILS MPL Eaves and Gutters no more than 2 feet in width and no closer than 5 feet to a lot line Easements. AlC and other equipment cannot encroach on interior side ards. Standard Pro osed NO tJc o,vtT ~ Tree Preservation:if~&~A1LS I COMPLIES standard Proposed . Totalcalioerinthes . Permit 25% Removal . Caliper Inches Removed . Caliper Inches Preserved . Replacement %:1 L:\TEMPLA TE\BLDGLIST.DOC C White - BulldinQ --:, Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED ~L-A NO {jOMbS (P.fq.08 The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 11/&4- S10N6BRJ AK ~ l t<- Accepted With Corrections /' 5.W Accepted Denied ~ ,. ~ Date: to!zo!oty Comments: If/~ a..L( ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r'~ ~;:P~ ~ -'-Y"'~ aa- .A"~_n.:tdJ. =I!~ / ~ ~ L_ - . -,9-- , ~ ~ ~A,~ ~ -A"~c..~_.')', Reviewed By: liThe issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." White - Building ~r:y - Enaineering . - Planning:) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED I ." i I R YL j-\ f',J l/ (--((J J~ I SS /. " I.. (1 /.'~; i l/. ~. . .~_ .i l......- The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: ;'-] (( 4- ~~-r(j '\jE [\ i<J A\"~ ~-, 1\<- / -- ' \ I .c...\ l..v "--.'" Accepted Accepted With Corrections / Denied ~jj:.., I ~ ~ Date: (p/co/ao Comments: ~ aLf ~,~ ~--..JI- ,;:t, ?~ ~ ~ ~ ~b(.o J~~ a-cL.-J ~~j). Reviewed By: & "', k, (, 2 '-I {" "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." ~ Ca - eering BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED ~L.A ND idot'1E:S Gwlq.08 The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 11/ &;4- SToN~BRJ At<-.. Q, 11'<- 5 vJ Accepted ')(" " Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: ~ Date: C;...2 1../-0 g Comments:". See Reverse Side for Additional Information! ----- ... See Attachments: I) Grading Plan, 2) Erosion Control Measures liThe issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid.1I 07/01/2008 TUE 8:43 FAX 952 767 1900 GENZ-RYAN [lJ 0011001 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLUMBING PERMIT Date Rec'd : ~:~ ~!~ r-.PEHMIT NO. S 3'fh :l "t:How Aplllrt.3n1 '-- .. -l L:G(~~I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office usc only) Standard . 24' . 5' from side lot line or 30' from r-Q-w on comer lots . 10% oiv . 35' Maximum 2.7 ' - I Shoreland Dlstrict!NA] FAILS I COMPLIES Standard Proposed Minimum lot area (square feet) 7,500 Rip, 7,999 Non-rip Minimum lot width 50' Rip, 57.3' Non-rip Shore land alterations Impervious surface 30% Maximum Bluff in Shoreland' FAILS I COMPLIES . Setback from top of bluff Standard By planning dept. Pro osed . 20' From Top of Bluff B City Engineer No importing/exporting . . Road access must be no more than 2 feet below Re ulato Flood Protection Elevation Standard 908.9' Prior Lake 914.4' S rin Lake 909.9' Prior Lake / 915.4' S rin Lake Must be l' above flood elevation for new and existing structures. If existing structure was constructed 9/19/90-11/22/97 then additional foot is not uired. Must be flood elevation or hi her 907.9' for Prior Lake 913.4' for Sprin Lake Pro osed Flood lain: N FAILS I COMPLIES . 100 year flood elevation . Lowest floor elevation . Proposed lowest floor elevation . Elevations 15 feet from structure JUL-25-2008 10:34 FROM: TO: 9524474245 P.l Date Rec'd CITY 01' PRIOR. LAKE SEWER AND WATER PERMIT --.;"i.~ >>/7 6. s; I' ~. S'.~ ~ 5- :...1 PDlMITNO. e.~ ' . _,/,~'r.,,:;',, " I I ZONING-"'l I BGAL ........P\:JON (a5I:e_~ LOT BLOClt ADDmoN pm )WMD. Name) (fIIaDe) ~~~~-':::~~,~'~,. ~jV~r.~ ~ . .~~;.... -.. ~:"~.;:r.~:r;..~"-;~~;;.~~~"~.i~~>-",,,,->-~~~~;~~~~~;-~,~'!T~;a.""tr'...,-~- ~ ~: ~..__, ,... ,.<.~:;;'.~.1:-..7J:,::'O._r;._~ ,:~._. (Zip 0IIk) (PIIaae) DAm APPUCANT PLEASE COMPLETK BELOW . Size or....1CIYice / ~ . LocPon army ~ mm A-.iWlIi fr:d. _. _~,.-'iR'~-":;;:; -.. "'--af-~ DABC I'VpvC 0 ro..._1nJo .~,...'.::r:c.:.~t~:;~;;::-r' ", '. &.J'a-' ---PA- I,.a ~ ,....-:r- " ." ~..d"JcD&tbof__m. trZ1&ct. .....~.# . Oem out (If . .--4 at fa:t from 1ImctDre. I'D SCHli:.liULE ~r~'" ~ttm." .;~,!~<~,..~~,,~~f.d.pr~~ I"uf~~._ '~lA~~~"-?i,?,.: .~. -t'.;~;q.:;_. oaIy -" , S2S~.. 'W'" <<.;...;,w. fiAli -. # m.50 '. . . . . '~~..~t~ <::c.t s BuiJdi"I Pamit #I . .. -.." ". . ~tiWtiKAND WAT8R. PIDlUIT Pm S STA'm SURCIIAIlGB S TOTAL PDMIT I'D S 'PAID WITH ." ':" .,.: ~jlriiNG PERMIT. ' < ;~; o _ ~L 0 9 2008 I P~NO.. By ~ ......uaa,. all IIlIIldtr ~ ~ Dabfa.....u.. PrIll' ~ i _:J PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION RECORD DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND INSPECTION ,.., . 1_ L.J .. SITE ADDRESS ...t...L.I.!R:: STeNE ~ CLlI"LE S.u.), NATURE OF WORK ~ r~~~ ~L,l.. ~~.'s"~ ~ USE OF BUILDING s.~.1)" ~ t;)Q. ~ PERMIT NO. .os. o~q" DATE ISSUED ~ CONTRACTOR E PHONE~a' -~, NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPECTIONS BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT ~L D" FOOTING FOUNDATION (Prior to Backfill) ~ PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTILAB E HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS SEWER I WATER I SEPTIC . -V 01 FRAMING INSULATION ~. ~ dJ ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING (if required) FIREPLACE GAS LINE AIR TEST COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED JFiAsw;AAS-J lATHEf IItJllr~ IAJIbtP I I FINALS GRADING (Prior to Soddln ) BUILDING t () U ..l--<:>f ELECTRICAL PLUMBING '1 HEATING DO NOT OCCUPY UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough-in inspections and maintained until all inspections hav, been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available, cal'd shall be placed near main entrance. FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850