HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit 07-0966 DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~)2"51t4 INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED gI~~ ? / ADDRESS 5 ~8B OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. 7-cr t/o o FOOTING o PLUMBING RI o EXIGRAD/FILLlNG o FOUNDATION o MECH RI o COMPLAINT o FRAMING o WATER HOOKUP o FIREPLACE RI o INSULATION o SEWER HOOKUP o FIREPLACE FINAL ~INAL o PLUMBING FINAL o GAS LINE AIR TST o SITE INSPECTION o MECH FINAL 0 COMMENTS: A /\, ) /) I '~/Jrt1Il ,-,.V'-- v v,", /"\ 1'( J-. . L.~ I ~ORK SA ~ISFACTORY, PROCEED / 0 CORR~CTION AND PROCEED o CORR T K, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector. . Owner/Contr: CA _~"~50 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. '----- -y CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! INSNOTI DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED I )2:S)() f ADDRESS ~M ~~- OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. 8- ~ "16 -r_ \~ o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING q INSULATION }I.. FINAL o SITE INSPECTION o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP ~EWER HOOKUP LUMBING FINAL MECH FINAL o EXIGRAD/FILLlNG o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE RI o FIREPLACE FINAL o GASLlNE AIR TST o CO!/l~ENTS: L Knt::n., -fiA ,,,0 Q, OV\. ~~~~. ~ \ - - ,'.. - III' . 2, ^ ^ ,. - lYtdJ,a (~ {ltV\..... -- o WORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT, '~ION AND PROCEED XI CORR'f9' RK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector:\{, Owner/Contr: ,- ,CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! /J'ISNOTI CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT (Please type or print and si~n at bottom) ADDRESS White Pink Yellow File City Applicant PERMIT NO. 07. 0 q~ s,,~~ MA-v 15 ~ -;f<.4J c- ..~~ I~ LA4t:: t!., A, ~ ~-~ gtt~_ ~ff'~~~ .6' ~ 8 M4"G~ IR.A-If- S"~. .p~tC")~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT' 3 BLOCK 'f ADDITION OWNER (Name) (Address) i BUILDER ~ ("" __ (Company Name) b, &A..- ~L.J O~i)'~.lC:- Date Rec' d 9, Z@.07 ZONING (office use) R.ISD PID2S"'. l(,b.. 6(,l.-.,/?J (Phone) (q~zJ/..f"'7-2 I~b - LArGe J /h J (Phone) ~s2J "'( '1'7- Z 15b (Contact Name) (Phone) (Address) ~b~ ~ M4.J'E:~ TR.Au_ s'61 ~/O"- ~e'1 ....."..J TYPE OF WORK Q}lew Construction OOeck OPorch ORe-Roofing ~dditlOn o AlteratIOn DUtility Connection CODE: ~I.R.C. DI.B.C. 0 Mise Type of &nstruction: I II III IV V A B Occupancy Group: A B E ~I HIM R S U Division: e I ') 2 3 4 5 ORe-Siding OLower Level Finish 0 Fireplace PROJECT COST/VALUE $ 4 o. O~<:::) (excluding land) I hereby certIly that I have hlrmshed J1f(lImatJOn on this applicatIOn which IS to the hest of my knowledge true and correct. ! also certIfy that I am the owner or autlwnzed agent Illl the abllVl'- cd property and that aL constructIOn wlll conform to allexlstmg state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans_ I am aware that the buildmg ~ ICla! can lev ~ tlm Pl'lm7~;;'e, I heleby agree that the city otfiClal or" deSignee may enter upon the plOpeny to pelfOlm n;/ I;';~ ? Stgnature Contractor's Ltcense No D<lte ~ /o,e.{)'h Ji I Paid b/ f. "1-''1- I)4:eipt No. I ~te~E~~~ ~~ CJvt..\. I ThIS IS to certify that the request in tht' above application and accompanYl11g documents IS in accordanclAvith the City Zoning Ordinance and may pnlCl'l'd as requested ThlS document ~"'m'~"mry C""''''''''/~;2;' '"" """., ,,,,,. u"',,,,, '" ~"~' :EJ':~ "'~:;~ Planning Director ' , Date ~ Special c~ ~ 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447-9850. fax (952) 447-4245 ~ -L..........~. ~' ...... _ \ 4. J IJ f- 4646 Dakota Street Prior Lake, MN 55372 __~ - to; ~ Permit Valuation r'./ Z Cft 000_ O~ 1$ 4-5'8. 7S- IT 218./9J I ~ - J- -t- 56 I $ 40.00 I $ I $ I $ Permit Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Penalty Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Permit Fee Sewer & Water Permit Fee Gas Fireplace PermIt Fee This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved ~ ~ /r:~7 Iluildlllg Oftlclal I Date Park Support Fee SAC # # Water Meter Size 5/8"; I", Pressure Reducer Sewer/Water Connection Fee # # Water Tower Fee Builder's Deposit Other TOTAL DUE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8//44- Residential Building Permit Checklist New Construction for Single or Two.family Dwellings in R.1 or R.2 Districts Reviewed by: )~ Building Permit # Address: s/:,?? Legal: L /3 , B 1 r ~ Date: /1J/8/o 7 Zoning: PID: ~~. Subdivision: Sfllt,vyi - LA Existing Nonconforming Structure? YE~ Existing Structure? @NO CONFORMS TO ZONING ORDINANCE ~~J ~ Yard Setbacks: NA 1 FAILSl COMPL~ 1. Front Yard (can be 20' if avg. w/in 150') . Side Yards . Sidewall exceeding 50' requires additional side 2" setback for every l' over 50' in length . Rear Yard . Patio Door: provide for minimum 10' deck or sign statement indicating no deck will be built in the future . From 100 year flood elevation of wetland/NURP pond. . Refer in-ground pools to the Planning Department . From OHW (Prior or Spring Lake) ~ I Floor Area Ratio: NAI FAILS~MPLlEY \. r--:\ ~ Yard Encroachments: NA 1 FAILSdt1QMPLlEav Eaves and Gutters no more than 2 feet in width and no closer than 5 feet to a lot line (Easements). Ale and other equipment cannot encroach on interior side yards. Tree preservationfWFAILS 1 COMPLIES . Total caliper inCfles I. Permit 25% Removal . Caliper Inches Removed . Caliper Inches Preserved . Replacement L:\TEMPLA TE\BLDGLlST.DOC @ Standard 25' 10'1 25' if abutting a street 10' setback + 2"/1' over 50' 25' 10' sidel 25' rear 30' 75' or setback average of adjacent structures, but no less than 50' .30 Maximum Standard Standard %:1 NO Proposed ~ z;g'- 27' ~ CAJJ~ 12.5' -Ie ~;:'Ti~ ..., /0 , S' -Ie ~/j ''';.:1 ,S;' -Ie a.....~: O.f~ Kif- /lift }UA I J''7() f l Proposed NO,Je IJ~ ,Je Proposed ~o~ PRIO~ ~ t: ~ U rrJ ~' CWhit@ - Buildin9:> canary - ~nglneering Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED 5MOE/V/<:::'b,l 7?/l-L q- Z-8 *' 07 . / The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 5(P btJ nAV65 //0'9/t Accepted Denied Reviewed By: ~ ~ Date: ~/r~ 7 Comments: ~ ~ ~_-W,'~ ~ P-wIL~~' / ~ ~, ' Ak.I-- ~ ~ <kL ~ o.:r ~ .' ~ ,1f~. 1f!I'rC ~ ~ J ~ r -"'"MJ.i.....~f ~ ~ c;? ~ .&--. .-- Accepted With Corrections v' "The issuancE:! or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." White - Building Canary - EnQineering ~ Pink - PI~ning~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED L, , I . ! / The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: " i! I ...._.... Accepted Accepted With Corrections / Denied Reviewed By: ~ Date: JOnh 7 , I trl ~,A -Zb ~J"..t- ~ , I ~ ~ ~ o..-..f ~ l ~~J~.- - " ~ Comments: _~...A A_ - ,,~ ~ ~l ~ ~. ()air r.... ,.. V aU. Ot1wr Mecluu!iclli Uni1B ~aNt BDcroKh IRto Reqmred Siti.~ 7tuJ<];:, tbaeka "The issuancl8 or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." CITY OF PRIOR LAKE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING/FIREPLACE PERMIT Date Rec'd ~/Z?'~ ? (Please type or print and si~n at L ":: ",.J ADDRESS 6be 8 ,N1Av'~S TtttAlf..- S'E, ~eaa..LtHd:~.J , i ;;':0 ~:~ I PERMIT NO. 7 a / / 3. Yellow ApplIcant __ 7 V lP ZONING (office use) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDmON Pill OWNER ~? - (Name) 01 c...c....- clc...l OP~tL~ (phone)(9~~ "''17.,2/~b (Address) ...5"-'88 MA vG" TKAIt- _ ?a.c ~ ~/~,D ...5"..1'& 7 z-- APPLIC~ r- (Name) "....c..- ~C-.I () €.NJt(..~ (Address).5b 8 S MA\JlE-) TRAIt..... (Address) (Phone) (9~~ ~c..I7 -2.,.s-i:::. ? ~'D2 UJtt..e. ".. ~ (City) ...5f.:J7L (Zip Code) , (Contact Person) (' _ (phone) APPLICANT SIGNAllJRE L -1 ~ c-.-O-t DATE (J - 2- b -07 APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW []NEW CONSTRUCTION 0 REPLACEMENT 0 AL TERA TIONS FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL FUEL FLUE SIZE RETURN OPENINGS TYPE OF SYSTEM DWann Air Plants DGravity o Mechanical DAir Conditioning DVent System INPUT HEATING OR POWER PLANT o Steam o Hot Water o Radiation o Special Devices o Other Devices OUTPUT PLEASE NOTE: Air Conditioner Units Cannot Encroach into Required Side Yard Setbacks FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL Industrial, Commercial & Multi-Family FEE SCHEDULE I % of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace $39,50 minimum $99,50 Residential, Additions & Alterations $64,50 Residential, AC Only $39,50 Residential, Heating & AlC (New Construction) Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $3950 $39,50 Estimated Cost $ REA TlNG PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL PERMIT FEE Building Permit # $ $ $ PAID 'A'ITH BUI.WING PERMIT (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No, Date By Buildinl! Official Date 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447-4245 Date Rec'd CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLUMBING PERMIT 9/z~7 (Please type or print and siRn at t "::,,") ADDRESS Sb <<3 8. M4Vc.S ~. ~~~ ~:~ I PERMIT NO.1. a.. '/ / I 3. Yellow Applicant 71..J1l1' 'lkA''- sE. -?.eUrQ. ~ ""...) " I ZONING (office use) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDmON Pill OWNER (Name) r/l;tJ- SlAJ{}eA2u..E (phone) ~ZJ'I&.I7-Z ISIo (Address) 56 B B Mv1E..S -rAAII- "' ?R 10 R LRt::eJ",;J APPLICANT ~ (Name) ...61 L.C.- c;f ~ 0 ~JG. e" (Address) 51:. s. a MA,J E!~ I~A-IC_ (Address) (Phonel9s2J l/ '-I 7 - 2./..r b , ?Rt.~~ L4-r~F/~;) ..5.5372- (City) (Zip Code) (Contact Person) (Phone) r ~ .i~J t?,... z '- - D7 APPLICANT SIGNATIJRE DATE APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW Type of Fixture Quantity I Bath Tub with or without shower Rough-ins Dishwasher Water Heater Floor Drain Water Softner I LavatOlY (Bathroom Sink) I Stand Pipe (Washing Machine) I Laundry Tray (1 or 2 compartment sink I I Sewage Ejector I Shower Stall I I Backflow Assembly I Sinks I I Backflow Assembly Test I Bar Sink I I Lawn Sprinkler I Water Closet (Toilet) I I Other FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi-family 1% of job cost with a $39.50 minimum Quantity I Type of Fixture z. I Residential, New One & Two-Family $99.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations $39,50 Estimated Cost $ Building Permit # PLUMBING PERMIT FEE $ STATE SURCHARGE $ TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ ,50 PAID WITH ~U..lILDING PERMIT (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved Paid Receipt No, Date By Buildinl! Official Date 24 hour notice for aU inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447-4245 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., S.E., Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 p~ ~1l~"_ ..+-.:..._, , ~--~~ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ ~ Impervious Surface Calculations ~ . (To be Submitted with Building Penn it Application) For All Properties Located in the Shoreland District (SD). The Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage Permitted in 30 Percent. Property Address '~(P1)9~ M~\.)1__s.--rR~l\ ~.E. Lot Area 10, ~10 Sq. Feet x 30% ~.............. 3\ \ \ *************~***i*******************************************~********** HOUSE LENGTH It'2- x x WIDTH 1..~'~'? SQ. FEET = \S1D. L{lp = ATTACHED GARAGE x = TOTAL PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE...................... \S,O. '-\\e> DETACHED BLDGS (Garage/Shed) '"5~e~ llo x \O.~ \L,B x TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS....................... \\,~ DRIVEWAYIPAVED .A.REAS "'1,f> x \(p = 4~ro (Driveway-paved or not) ~ A\ \( &.\ X "%."Z;.. = ~ (SidewalklParking Areas) "'5\ '^ l'2. X \S = l eO S\-f ,."& -I-. l.. S l\ S!t .,-:; TOTAL PAVED AREAS......................................... 1lt,'-':. '\S P A TIOS/PORCHES/DECKS x = (Open Decks W' min. opening between X = boards, with a pervious surface below, are not considered to be impervious) X = TOTAL DECKS.... ........... ...... ......1 ....... ........ .... .... ..... OTHER pool (<= r2'. X . . : AD 0 8) AR..~ S ~(L IJI!.efO-xFl.ooa. Aopl n o~ - L\~l. .'?>ot a' 2cl s'O L.\S2 .~<1 4:A ~-S. \.., 12'175, k. 0 :: , -\~-::. . \1 J35. ~ a TOTAL OTHER.............. ... ...... ..... ............. II ............ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ~VER ..... prepared~(j) p.,,,,Z-~, I'....! Company \).,. \ \..", ~"ll.u&J ~ ". <:.,. I e (I. . I, \.-J I Date '1 - ~ l- <=t <0 Phone # l\L\.1 --Z-~I 0 PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION RECORD DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND INSPECTION SITEADDRESS 54:>eg MAI/e- (~/t NATUR~ OF WORK 2-- "";;-F'}\"'A/u)lrt'a,.J A&y&'" elt1ett6E USE OF BUILDING S;F~'()" PERMIT NO. (J709(P~ DATE ISSUED /()./S,/tJ 7 . CONTRACTOR &~L S'CHC8"Nlfr . PHO'NE~"'~7-Z/~~ NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSP BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DO:~~F 8-lo~E I ~ J I PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS FRAMING ~kt~. INSULATION ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING (if required "V'N/ \!\ty/ ! 0- )r n (0 - ){~~ /\ JIA\r !/Vt// ;I JtJ 171/ of tA . 7 0 - ){'1/\ COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED IlArll€': FWIII;Jq i It)l?.lll~r I Vl!JI? I (()-l-)(/) .' v · FINALS - BUILDING f'tb } I Z/zS/09 ELECTRICAL I / PLUMBING I I HEATING ~ I v DO NOT OCCUpy UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough-in inspections and maintained until all inspections have been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available, card shall be placed near main entrance. FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850