HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit 99-0641 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED DATE TIME b-7-CfOJ (u:~ ADDRESS \lo 'Z-B 7 Lc...l.u.s:.A1" Avt:. OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. qq-cPL/1 o FOOTING o FRAMING ~INSULATION(f) J':!. FINAL o FDUNOA TIO "" o DEMOLITION o FIRE PREV. COMMENTS: ~ o PLUMBING RI o MECHANICAL o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o SEPTIC INSTALL o PLUMBING FINAL h AI;:;'E INSPECTION o EXC/GRAD/FILLlNG o LKSHORENYETLAND o COMPLAINT o SEPTIC FINAL o FIREPLACE o ~ ~ "lJ'J.J~:-..,..J ~~, ~}:--'-',........ ~_:...- ~... ... ~"J~ Y v r>......" ____ J rJ .1I-P , rY'~ ~, ~ ,"" r~ "3 1M-\-~1 / .~' i:,:,. .. ...~. . . v- " WORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT ~R~ cPt FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: ~.. Owner/Contr: V CALL 447-4230 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE, CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! 16, PROJECT COSTNALUE ,j/A~.. - Chimney 0 Misc. -r. U' !l'y 8. PROPERTY AREA OR ACRES 19. PROPERTY DIMENSIONS 110. CULVERT SIZE 17. COMPLETION DATE Sq,Ft. ;)1'/3 0 Widt.h Depth V.s No U- Y-'j9 I hereby certify that I have fumiSh~d onnation on this application which Is to the best 01 my knowledge true and correct. I also certify that I am the owner or authorized agent for the abov~entlOned property and ~II struction will confonn to all existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building i1la~n ~ev~~ thi~e, or u cause. Furthennore, I hereby agree that the city official or 9-fleslgnee may enter upon the property to pertorm needed inspec~s9 .l( A.-<./U7Yl, ,J'L€/\ (tP Jrl,p ~ 5 - ~y-, Signature . License No. Date &~~ DATE RECEIVED 5/~'7jqt:r CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT cnONS ~ES NUMBERED 1 THRU 17 MUST BE FILLED IN I BEFORE PERMIT IS ISSUED (Please Print or Type and sign at bottom) 12, SITE ADDRESS I' . T51l I J Li' a u I...Q "'.J .~h 1. DATE 5- ;)j-9q fLu.L 3, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION 4, OWNER Pto ?~-/)~- Olq-O BLOCK /I1e:;/r-.::>' /N ,) (Nam.) _ I J YI-tnf1ll1'\ aWli/o., I . I (Addr.ss) I A l\JI~/rl. -(Address) L/LJ J (~.'300,4 J (Tel. No.) ..r.i!....GIII"fE.Q.T (Name) 6~~1~~ . (Nam.) ..J r (Addr.fS) L-elJeL- cz.C1<je LO VI ~i-. q 1'10 w. IJ-7>'h-.#. ( t . (T.L No,) , " t I l'f"l-1/0'fo" ~~(8J) YL/,)-lJQo9 7. TYPE OF WORK New Construction CI Fireplace CI Alterations CI SepticCl Addition CI DeckCl Finish Attic CI Ae-roofing" Porch CI Ae-siding CI Finish Basement CI l. White 2. Pink 3. Yellow File City Applicant Permit No. q 1'.& ~ I BUILDING INFORMATION 11. SIZE OF STAUCTURE (Height) (Width) (Depth) 12, NO, OF STORIES 13, TYPE,?F_CO;:'S~RUfT'~ Ir. () ^UV-f7'r1:( . . 14, FLOOR AREA APPCI!TIONMENT USE 15, NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS OR SEATS OCCUPANT~ SEAT!" FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE Amount Brought Forward .................. $ Par1< Support Fee ........................... $ SAC ......................................... $ Collective Street Fee ....................... $ Sewer Tap ................................... It $ Pressure Reducer .......................... $ Meter Horn ... .... ............................ .t Water Meter ................................. <I: Sewer & Water Connection Fee ........... <t Water Tower Fee ........................... $ Water Tap ................................... $ Builder's Deposit ............................ $ Other ......................................... $ Total Due .............................. $ Paid 7', OV R.celp1,No, D.t. <; /2-7 / q q By A1tf...-. This is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is In accordance with the City Zoning Ordln~nce and may pr~s requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued. SETBACKS: Required Actual Front Back Side Side BUILDING DEPARTMENT VALUATION OFF STREET PARKING SPACES REO. SPACES ON PLAN PEAMIT VALUATION z.,.nfb, cfV USE OF BUILDING I?~s I"t /~ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I II III IV V OccupancyGroup A B E F HIM A S U City: Division 1 2 3 4 Permit Fee ................................... $ 74.7> Plan Check Fee ............................. $ State Surcharge ............................. $ Penalty ....................................... $ Plumbing Pennit Fee ....................... $ t. -z.. r- Mechanical Permit Fee ..................... $ Sewer & Water Permit ...................... $ ~:::I~ln~.rrn:l,.::LI~I~~.~..:~.t nAg ves:J? By ~ ?"iIA Oat. ~7 If. '1 I 1ifica.te of Occupancy '" City Planner Date Special Conditions if any 24 hour notice lor aU inspections 447.9850 MATERIAL FILED WITH APPLICATION SOIL TESTS Cl ENERGV DATA Cl PILING LOGS 0 PERCOLATION TESTS Cl PLANS & SPECS 0 SUAVEY CI SETS COPIES PLOT PLAN Cl 7 ~ .QO 5&3S1::>