HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-10 PC Agenda Packet4~4~ Takata treed .~.
~ria~ fake, M~ 53'72-~7~4
R~U~AI~ P~~~I~~~ ~~~~~~ ANNA
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C~ Council ~arnbers
~;OD p,~n,
~. III Nlee~ing ~~ rt~cr;
~, Approval of ~Vlir~utcs:
~. ~o~en~ber , ~00~
~~1~311C earln~s:
A. EP~9»~30 N~~~o~~~ Lane Des~n-~uil~ LL is reuesfin a variance from ~h frot~~ ya~~
sfru~ure sefbao~ foz~ co~~s~~4~ic~ion of a resi~len~ial house a~d~~~on,
4, Ord Business:
5, ~e~~~ Bn~~ne~;
G, A~n~~ounce~cn~s and C~rre~po~l~i~zlce:
'7', At~~ ol~r~~~ne~~~:
~:I1~ F~LE5110 ~'~.r1~T~~G C01~113I5S[0\~xl~ AG~h{DA5~AC011 ~ 10.~,V.cit~ra~pr~or~ake.com
Pone ~52.447.~80~ / fax 952,447,4245
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2009
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Ringstad called the November 9, 2009, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:12 p.m.
Those present were Commissioners Perez, Billington, Fleming, Howley and Ringstad, Community
Development and Natural Resources Director Parr.
2. Approval of Minutes:
The Minutes from the September 28, 2009, Planning Commission meeting were approved as
3. Public Hearings:
Community Development and Natural Resources Director Parr presented the Planning Report
dated November 9, 2009 advising the Commission that the Shakopee Public Utility Commission
(SPUC) has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a utility substation on
the property located north of County Road 42 and 21 (west of the future Co Rd 21 expansion to the
north) on the City boundary shared with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. This site and
the property west, east and south of the site are zoned A (Agricultural).
The demand for electricity has grown, as has the need to locate a utility substation in the vicinity of
where it is proposed as a part of the subject Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The proposal involves
locating an electric substation and the necessary accessory equipment (transmission line structures,
high voltage supports, breakers, switches, power transformers, switchgear buildings, static shield wire
support poles, and an antenna pole.
Site characteristics and an analysis of access, signage, landscaping, lighting, structure and fencing
requirements were provided; along with an analysis of Conditional Use Permit requirements. Noted
that the application was shared with Shakopee and the SMSC and neither expressed concern.
Joseph Adams, SPUC representative, 255 Sarazin Street in Shakopee, commented that the site was
chosen due to access to the transmission systems and a corridor to distribute the power. Thanked staff
for their assistance.
Fleming: Asked about the timing for construction and the future access point.
Adams: Responded that it is scheduled with the CR 21 construction as part of the agreement with the
County to do the rough grading along with grading for the road project. Will begin construction in late
summer 2010 and continue to early summer 2011.
Billington: Asked if there are concerns about the noise and impact on adjacent property.
Kevin Favero, RW Beck, 1380 Corporate Center, St. Paul: Replied that the main noise that people
are concerned with is the 60 cycle hum from the transformers. Explained that they buy low noise
transformers so the sound is attenuated by the time it reaches the property edge.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2009
Billington: Asked if any impact on wildlife should be anticipated.
Favero: Replied that the surrounding fence is designed with small mesh to prevent animals from
entering the substation site.
Billington: Asked about how power sources feed into and out of the substation.
Favero: Replied that electrical circuits going north and south along CR 21 will be underground.
Billington: Asked where above-ground wire will be encountered.
Favero: Responded that the north existing overhead lines are on CR 16 and to the south they are
along CR 42 and those will continue to be in place.
Billington: Asked if lights will be operating 24-hours per day.
Favero: Replied there will be very small lights for security purposes.
Howley: Asked if the property will remain agricultural zoning.
Parr: Replied it will most likely never be residential. With the CR 21 extension coming through, there
may be commercial to the north if appropriate.
Howley: Asked if this electricity goes on the grid for everyone.
Adams: Replied it will be for customers in the Shakopee service territory. Territories are proscribed by
State law. Some residents of Prior Lake will be served with this substation.
Howley: CR 21 will be new gateway to the City and this will be the first thing people see when they
enter the City. The landscape plan is good, but asked if it will be irrigated so it will remain viable.
Adams: No irrigation is planned at this time, but experience at other substations has shown that the
Arbor Vitae will thrive and form a solid screen around the fence over time.
Howley: Asked what protection the City will have in the event the plantings die.
Parr: Replied that the City will have a letter of credit for 125% of the value of the landscaping and it
remains in place for two growing seasons. Beyond that, the CUP requires the landscaping. They will
be responsible for replacing anything that dies.
VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Fleming Howley and Ringstad. The motion carried and the public
hearing opened at 6:24 p.m.
No person stepped forward to speak.
VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Fleming Howley and Ringstad. The motion carried and the public
hearing closed at 6:25 p.m.
Howley: Concurred with the findings and will approve.
Billington: Will approve.
Perez: The applicant has worked with staff and conditions have been met. Will approve.
Fleming: Thanked applicants for answering questions. Will support.
Ringstad: A good observation that this substation may be the first thing people see entering the City
and the landscaping is important and likes that there is a process to keep it in place.
VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Fleming Howley and Ringstad. The motion carried.
4. Old Business: None
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2009
5. New Business: None
6. Announcements and Correspondence: None
7. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.
45~G Dakota fret .E.
Prior Lako, .~ ~~~~~-~?~~
~ YES N~~N~A
JAN VARY ~ ~ ~ 2~~ 0
~w~ 0
Memory Lane Design-Build LLB Is requesting a variance to car~struct a house addition
on praperty located at 480 ~,ords Street 1V~ an Fords llar~d east of bounty I~lighway ~~
Far this proposed construction, the following variance ~~ required.
# ~ Are ~,3 food variance frorrx fie ~r~~r~urr~ ~ hoof fror~f y~ra~ sef~ac#~ ~et~~re~ irr
~~e ~- ~ ~o~~r~ Use ~ifricf ~eciior~ ~ ~ ~~. ~4D~ ~3~~,
The properky is zoned R-~ {~.ow Density Residential} and D ~Shoreland ~veriay
District}, and i guided R-LD Urban Low Density Residential on the ~o~o
amprehensi~re Plan Land Use flap. A ane~story single family dwelling currently
occupies the lot,
The applicant is proposing a rr~ajor house remodel project to alter the current one-story
walkout hone into a ~[~/~-story cottage style house, The existing house was constructed
in ~g3 ar~d is currently ~}~ ~ ~ square feet The applicant has proposed to rr~aintain the
existing footprint of the house and rear deck as park of the remodel project, In order to
gain a mare secure and safe entry into the dwelling€ the applicant proposes to add a
covered entry aver the front proposed entryway.
The current front yard setback of the existing dwelling is 2~ feet to the Lards Street
Right-of-way easement line. The proposed covered entry will extend further Iota the
front yard to a proposed setback of ~ ~.~ feet with a ~ ~I~ foot roof overhang In
accordance with the honing ordinance, overhangs are allowed to extend into a yard up
to feet,
~,1D ~~esl~~ ~Ta~i~€~~c~slvareis~pcre~o~~doc ~ruvw.cityofp~~'tor~a~e,~orn
P~7orre 9~2.4~7.~~00 / ~`a~ 92,~47.~~
The impervious surface of the lot is currently ,7~ square feet ~~8,3~10 of the total ivt
area. 11~lith the proposed house entry addition the proposed impervious surface ~rouicl
be ,8~ square feet ~~ 8.7°10 of the total lot area, The buildable area of the property
which would not rewire a variance from a yard setback {an area which is D ft. from the
lake, ~~ feet franc the side Iot line, and ~ feet from the frontlrigbt-of-way easement line}
is less than ~~ square feet.
~Iarr""ante 1~ar~fsh~p ~~nd~r~s
Section ~ ~ 08.04 states that the Board of Ad~ustn~ent may grant a variance fror the
strict application of the provisions of the zoning rdlnance, provided that:
~ . There are extraordinary cvnditivns or circur~s#ances, such as irregularity,
narrowness, or shallowness ofthe iotorexcep#ional topographical or physical
conditionwhich are peculiar#o the property and do no# apply to the other
landswithin the neighborhood orthe same llse his#ric#.
The Irregular shape of the narrow property creates a hardship forthe property owner
to construct a reasonable house on the properky~ The applicant proposes a remodel
which confines the ma~arity of structural construction to the existing building footprint
and will not Increase the existing nonconfor~ring setback to the lace. 1lllith only a 5~0
square foot buildable area, a homy could not be constructed on site witt-out the nand
far setback variances from the honing ~rdlnance.
~. The granting of the variance is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the
property involved.
In order to allow for a safe and secure entryway and a reasonable amount of square
footage far a modern have, the granting of the variance appears necessary.
3. The granting of the variance gill not unreasonably impact the character of the
neighborhood or be detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare.
The granting of the variances will not impact the character and development of the
local neighborhood. Many of the lots slang Lords Street are also irregularly shaped
with existing nonconforrr~ing franc yard etbackst
4. The granting of the variance is in harrnon~r with the general purposes and
intent of the pity ordinance and the comprehensive Plan.
The granting of the variance Is in harmony with the general purposes of the
ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. A purpose of the caning ~rdinanceto
"rood the most ap~rop~ia~e aid orderly deve~orner~f a~ the reide~f~a1, b~~r~e,
tnduslrla~, ~c~blrc land, ar~d public area" and to ff~~hal?ce the aosfhe~r'o oharac~er of
the ify." The granting of the variance will allow far the remodeling of a ~ 960s style
one-story hams to a modern cottage-style lake hams.
1:19 ~lesl~~ v~ri~nee~l;~ore~sl~c~epo~t~doc
~~ The hardship is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting
from actions of the owners ofthe property.
The hardship is due to circumstances unique to the praperty areas which were
created by the narrow, irregular shape of the property.
~~ The granting of the variance wiii not reuit in allowing a use that is prohibited
in the zoning district in which the subject property is located.
The granting vfthe variance would allow farthe rernodel of a singie farr~lly hone
which r an alloyed use in the R-~ Law Density Residential} caning District.
7. The granting of the variance nay be necessary to alleviate a hardship of the
inability to use solar energy systen~s~
The granting of the variance will net be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the
inability to use solar energy systems
The strict appiicatian of the ~~ foot front yard setback appears to create a hardship far
the property owner to place a reasonable house on the property, The applicant
proposes a remodeling of the current home which confines the majority of structural
construction to the existing building footprint and will not increase the existing
nonconforrning setback to the lake, The existing let of record i narrow ar~d irregular-
shapedcreating only 50 square fact buildable area without the reed far setback
variances frorn the honing ordinance. In addition, many of the lots along Lards street
are irregularly shaped with existing nonconforming front yard setbacks; therefore the
proposed structure will conforrr~ to the general character of the neihborhaad~
Based upon these findings in this repack, staff recommends approval of the requested
variances with the following conditians~
~} This resolution rrrust be recorded at catt Jaunty within ~ days of adaption~
Proof of recording, slang with the acknowledged City ~sser~t l=arm, shall be
submitted to the omn~unity Development hlatural Resources Department prior
to the issuance of a building perrnit~
~} An application fare building permit rnust be subrr~itted prierto one yearfror~ the
date of variance approval,
3~ The building permit is subject to all other applicable pity, aunty, and state
agency regul~tla{ir
~ , Approve any variance the Planning orrimissian deers appropriate in these
~. Table or continue discussion of the item far specific purpose
. Deny any variance because the Planning a~rmission finds a lack of demanstrated
hardship under the zoning Cade criteria,
1;19 ~~esl~~ ~~ar~a~~ces~vor~is~~cr~~~~~rt~d~~
The recommer~~ations by staff require the ~oilov~ing notions:
~ . A notion and second adopting Resoiution 09y0~P app~ovinq the ~oflov~ring variance
su~~ect to the cited conditions.
~ ~n 8, 3 ~oo~ va~rar~c ~ror~ ~~e ~rrir~ur~ 25 ~oo~ ~ror~f yard efbac~C regc~~rea~ err
the ~- ~ ~ot~~r~ Use ~~s~~ic~ ~ec~iar~ ~ ~ 02.405 ~3~~.
~, ~,ocation map
~, Resolution 49-a~P
~, property ~~uner Narrative
4, purvey
Proposed Architectural elevation
~:I~~ fi~esl~~ ~~~~1~~iC~51~fo~eislpCre~~~t.c~oc ~
BE IT RESOLVED ~Ythe Hoard of Ad~ustr~ent of the pity of friar I..alCe, Illlinnesota;
~. l~ler~ory Lane design-Build i requesting a veriance from the Zoning rdinane to
allew for ti~re eonstru~tivn of a residential house ~ddltion at the follo~ring location, to
48~ Lards Htreet C~E~ Prior Lake, NiN 5~~~
P~f] ~ 25-93 ~-D 11 ~~
Parcel 1: ~ tract of land in Government Lot fight ~8~, section Thirty-five ~35~, Township One-~iundred
Fifteen ~~ 1 ~} I~arth, Range Twenty-two ~~~~ west, catt County, Minnesota, described ~ fa[laws:
Commencing at ~ paint that is 220.28 feet earth and 328.53 feet east of the Northwest corner of Lot 1, in
the plat of Maple park Share Acres, said point being on the center line and east edge of a concrete
bridge; thence North 8 degrees 00 minutes Fast a distance of ~ 29~~ feet; thence South $~ degrees 00
minutes Fast a distance of 112.4 feet; thence North b~ degrees 4 minutes Fast a distance of 1130 feet;
thence North ~4 degrees 5T minutes East a distance of 264,45 feet; thence North 73 degrees 1 T minutes
Fast a distance of 45D~~ feet to the actual paint of beginning; thence North 77' degrees 54 mtr~utes Fast a
distance of 20D~8T feet; thence North 14 degrees 06 minutes west a distance of 114~~0 feet mare ar tess
to the high water mark of Prior Lake; thence southwesterly along said high water mark to its intersection
with a line bearing North ~2 degrees 06 minutes west from the actual point of beginning; thence South 12
degrees a6 minutes East a distance of 35~~ feet more or less to the actual paint of beginning,
Parcel 2; That part of Government lots 8 and ~, section 35, Township ~ ~ ~, Range 22, Scott County,
Minnesota, lying easterly of the foltawing described lir~e~ Commencing at a paint that is 220.28 feet north
and 32853 feet east of the northwest corner of lot ~, in the plat of Maple Park Shore Acres, said point
being on the centerline and east edge of the concrete bridge; thence i'iarth 83 degrees Oa minutes Fast a
distance of 129,oD feet; thence youth 81 degrees 00 minutes East a distance of ~ ~2,4D feet; thence North
b1 degrees 34 minutes Fast a distance of ~ ~ 300 feet; thence North 54 degrees 57 minutes Fast a distance
of 264.45 feet; thence North 73 degrees ~ 7 minutes Fast a distance of 284.20 feet to "Paint A", thence
North 75.00 feet more or less to the high water mark of Prior lake, and the paint of beginning of the line
to be described; thence frarr~ said point of beginning an the high water mark southerly through "paint A"
and continuing along said line extended southerly to the intersection with the high water mark on the
southerly shore of said land being described; AND lying westerly of the following described line:
Commencing at a point that is 220,2 feet earth and 32853 feet east of the northwest corner of Lat ~, in
the plat of Maple park Shore Acres, said paint being an the centerline ar~d east edge of the concrete
bridge; thence North 83 dagrees 00 rr~inutes East a distance of 129FOD feet; thence youth 81 degrees 00
minutes Fast a distance of 112,40 feet; thence North 6~ dagrees 34 minutes East a distance of ~ ~ 3,00
feet; thence North 54 degrees 57 minutes, East a distance of 264,45 feet} thence North 73 degrees 17
minutes Fast a distance of 45000 feet to "Paint 8"; thence North 12 degrees D6 minutes west from
"Paint B", to the high water mark of prior Lake and the actual point of beginning of the line to be
described; thence from said point of beginning an the high water mark South 12 degrees 06 minutes Fast
through "Paint B'} and continuing South ~ 2 degrees 06 minutes Fast to the intersection with the high
water mark at the Southerly shore of said land being described, Scott County,l~innesata;
l;lU filesl0~ va~~ia~lcoslvaroislapp~•or~al ~#1Rd~~i~rlake.cot~ ~
Phone 2.4~7~800 I Fax 5~.~~7.4~45
~, The Board of Adjustrnent has reviewed the application far the variance as contained
in Case ~~»~ ~ and held a hearing thereon on January ~ ~, ~a a.
3, The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon
the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic
conditions, light and airy danger of fire} risk to the public safety, the effort an
property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance an
the Canprehensive Plan.
4. The irregular shape of the narrow property creates a hardship far the property owner
to canstr€~ct a reasonable pause on the property, The applicant proposes a remodel
which confines the majority of structural construction to the existing building footprint
and will not increase the existing nonconforming setback to the lake. lll~ith only a
~g square foot buildable area, a home could not be constructed on site without the
need far setback variances franc the Zoning ordinance.
~. In order to allow far a safe and secure entryway and a reasonable amount of square
footage far a modern hame~ the granting of the variance appears necessary.
The granting of the variances will not impact the character and development of the
Ioca~ neighborhood. Many of the lots slang ~,ords Btreet are also irregularly shaped
with existing noncanfarming front yard setbacks
~. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purposes of the
ordinance and Comprehensive Plan, A purpose of the Zoning Qrdinance to
~`~ror~o~e ~~e n~af a~ra~ria~e ana~ ora~erfy a~avelo~n~enf of fie ridenfial, wines,
in~c~sfriai, public lan~f, ana~ p~biio areas" and to "finance fhe aesihe~ic character of
the Cify," The granting of the variance wil! allow for the remodeling of a ~ 9~s style
one-story harne to a modern cottage-style Iake home,
S. The hardship is due to circumstances unique to the property areas which were
created by the narrow, irregular shape of the property.
. The granting of the variance would allow far the remodel of a single family hope
which is an allawe~ use in the R-~ ~I~ow Density I'~esidential} Zoning District.
0. The granting of the variance will not be necessary to alleviate any hardships of the
inability to use solar energy systems.
~ ~ , The contents of Planning Case #0~-~ 3Q are hereby entered into and made a part of
the public record and the record of decision for this case.
Based upon the Fin~Iings set forth shave, the Baar~ afAdjustment hereby approves the
follawing variances to allow for the construction of a residential addition on a property
zoned R~~ ~l~ow Density ~esidential~;
~. Are 8. foof variance from the r~inin~utr~ ~ fool fronf ~a~~ setback req~irea~ rn
the ~~ ~ Zoning (Jse ~is~rr'c~ ~e cf~on ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~~ ~}~.
~:1~9 f~~es1~9 va~•iat~~~s1~a~•ei~lapp~•ova~ re~o~litfDll,~~C ~
The variance i subject to the foliowing conditions:
~, This resolution rrrust be recorded at Scott bounty v~ithin o days of adoption.
Proof of recording, along v~ith the acnov~edged pity Assent Form, shall be
submitted to the omr~unity Deveiopment ~ Natural Resources Department
priorto the issuance of ~ building permit.
~. An application for a building permit must be submitted prior to one yearfrom the
date of ~rariance approval.
. The building permit is su~~ect to all other applicable city, county, and state
agency regulations
Adopted by the Board of Adjustt~ent on January ~ ~ , ~~~ ~;
Dan Rir~stad, orsmission chair
Jeff latztce, Acting ornmunity Development & Natural Resources Director
~:i0 ~ite~lo9 va~•~~~~ceslv~re~l~pprov~l r~so~ut~on,doc ~
Voreis Variance
Location Map (4580 Lords Street)
~~r~ iU i5 ~! ~~ i r
~~ ~)~.~ ~ ~ 7~~9
Application For Variance 1z/zs/zoos
We respectfully request approval for a variance required for the remodeling of
our residence located at 4580 Lords St. N~, Prior Lake, Mn 55372.
Our proposed architectural plan does not expand the existing #ootprint except
for a new front stoop overhang which is 16.7' from the roadway easement.
(1) The residence, located on Martinson's Island (formerly called Lords island
prior to a causeway being constructed to connect the two islands), was
built in 1963. A significant portion of the home's original construction and
floor plan remain from 1963. Our planned remodeling is intended to bring
the residence up to 2009 standards in regards to existing codes and
common floor plans found in newer construction. The home was originally
allowed to be built on a narrow lot. At the same time the City of Prior Lake
obtained an easement along lords Street that resulted in the residence
being nonconforming from the beginning.
~2) We believe the granting of the variance is necessary to permit the
reasonable use of the property. It is reasonable to have a front stoop
overhang to protect individuals from the elements when entering and
leaving the residence. Within the next ten years w~ will be less mobile as
we approach retirement age and one of us, Richard Voreis, already has an
artificial hip. Our safety and ghat of our elderly visitor's will be better served
with an adequate stoop overhang that will minimize winter snow and ice
built up on the front steps.
t3) Our proposed remodeling plan consists of a haste€ul cottage style dome
that will blend well into the character of the neighborhood. The design is
modest in size, incorporating a story and a half road side appearance.
(4}The granting of this variance would be in harmony with the general
purposes and the indent of the City Ordinance and the 2030 Vision
Comprehensive Plan. The Housing Quality & Diversity element the 2030
Vision indicates afive-year goal to develop and implemer~t a housing plan
tha# provides opportunities for lifecycle housing. Our remodeling project
meets the goa! of li#ecycle housing. We will recon#igure our residence to
not only meet our needs today, but afso into our retirement years. In
retirement our residence will be our permanent Mome which we plan to
reside in twelve months out of the year. Presently the residence is not
handicapped accessible; that will be corrected with the remodeling.
(5) The hardship is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting
from actions caused by us (see # 1).
~6) The granting of the variance will not result in allowing a use that is
prohibited in the zoning district in which the subject property is located.
The property is located in a residential zone and will continue to be utilized
as a residence.
(7) The granting of the variance is not necessary to alleviate a hardship of the
inability to use solar energy systems as a solar system is not planned.
However, a Geothermal HVAC System is planned to be installed, like a solar
system, a geothermal system is environmentally friendly and a major step
towards living green.
Thank you for your consideration of our variance request. We believe it to be
reasonable and to fall within the parameters required for such consideration.
V ~~~
Richard L. Voreis Marie K. Maes-Voreis
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