Feburary 18, 2008
The Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) Meeting was called to order at 4:35 P.M.
Members present: Harry Alcorn (Chair), Donna Mankowski (Vice Chair), Dan
O'Keefe, Char Jasan, Liz Weninger, Tom Voll.
Others present: Ross Bintner (V1/ater Resources Engineer) Steve Millar (City
Council - LAC liaison).
Alcorn introduced Tom Voll and Liz Weninger as a new member of the
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (O'Keefe, Jasan 5:0)
A. January Educational Workshop Recap: Bintner explained that the LAC
meet in January to plan for 2009 stormwater education. Included in the
agenda were two summary documents; a prioritization list and methods
description list. Bintner summarized the two documents and asked for
LAC input. Alcorn explained how this prioritization will be used to focus
our limited resources and target education. O'Keefe asked if these items
would by the implemented by LAC as early as March. Bintner answered
that some of items would come back to the LAC others would just be
done by staff. Mankowski recommended putting some of the lawn
practices education items into the shoreland targeted brochure.
Mankowski said that the Prior Lake Association (PLA) newsletter goes out
in early April, and that a insert should be ready by then - and could be as
much as a back to back sheet of paper. Bintner agreed that
shoreland/lake and lawn practices could all be forwarded to the PLA.
Alcorn asked if harvesting should be included. O'Keefe recommended
that chloride monitoring be included in some of the education. Bintner
agreed and said he would like to share that with the LAC first. Alcorn
asked if the $3,000 was already approved, Bintner said yes. Alcorn
asked about getting more volunteers involved, and asked the committee if
they knew of ways to engage partners in this effort. Mankowski
suggested a volunteer section of the Prior Lake American if we have a
project to give them. Mankowski also asked about printing water quality
messages on items to a wider audience. Weninger said the brown lawn
bags might be a place for a message. Millar said the City website and e-
newsletter are very useful platforms for these educational messages.
Millar continued that targeted locations like local bait shops might be a
good place to put a message. Mankowski asked if there resources on the
website that include follow-up for items like soil testing, or aquatic plant
management and others. Bintner responded to the list of ideas saying
that since time and budget is limited, he plans to put together a single
message and advertise on multiple platforms. Jasan recommended that
we partner with printing businesses, or local advertising and map makers
to do another platform. Bintner said that because his time is limited, he
will focus on creating the message and will send a copy to the LAC
members, and they could shop it around to different platforms for delivery.
If some of the up front work could be done to answer the questions about
printing dates and file formats then it might be a possibility. Mankowski
said more thought should be put into a save the lake weekend in the fall.
Millar said partnerships with Wagon Bridge Marina and Captain Jacks,
because so many lake users use the lake businesses as well.
B. Review new Bylaws
A. Vice Chair Election: Mankowski nominated vice chair (O'Keefe, Jasan
A. March 11th 2030 Vision Meeting: Bintner presented a list of 2030 vision
items 2 and 5 year goals and objectives. Millar introduced the visioning
process and explained that natural resources is just one of the 10 vision
elements. Millar extended the invitation for any LAC member, or member
of the public to contact the city to RSVP and attend the meeting.
B. March LAC Surface Water Regulation topic: Alcorn introduced the topic
explaining that the LAC would hold a public hearing proposing and
ordinance change. Mankowski explained that the ordinance would
prohibit towable toys would not allowed to be used in the controlled no-
wake channel.
A. 2009 Agenda: LAC reviewed proposed 2009 agenda.
B. 2009 Budget and CIP: Mankowski recommended that the educational
items in the budget be broadened. Bintner explained a potential water
quality grant program could be created.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Bintner
Water Resources Engineer