HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-10 PC Agenda PacketREGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2010 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Approval of Minutes: A. July 26, 2010 3. Public Hearings: A. EP 10-110 Shakopee Public Utilities Commission is requesting an Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to allow an increase to the tower height and length of the switchgear buildings for a utility substation in the Agricultural Zoning Use District. 4. Old Business: 5. New Business: 6. Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: C:~D000menfs end Se[tings\jsorflend~DeslAcp~080910 Agendedoc Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 26, 2010 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 26, 2010 Call to Order: Chairman Ringstad called the July 26, 2010, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Perez, Billington, Fleming, Howley and Ringstad, Community Development and Natural Resources Director Danette Parr, Planner Jeff Matzke, City Attorney Suesan Pace and Development Services Assistant Joe Sortland. 2. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the July 12, 2010, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 3. Public Hearing: A. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO SECTIONS 1107.400-1107.1700 AND SECTION 1102.809(5) CDNR Director Danette Parr presented the proposed amendments to Section 1107.400-1107.100 and Section 1102.809(5), updates to the City of Prior Lake Sign Ordinance. Questions by the Commissioners: Howley asked if the City is protected if a sign is stolen. Parr answered that if the sign is removed by the City that there are specific parameters, however the City did not have any responsibility if a private entity removes a sign. Howley asked if existing sidewalks will affect sandwich board signs in regards to ADA requirements. Parr answered that there are likely some sidewalks in the City where a sandwich board will not be possible. Howley asked, in regards to Community Parks, if it would be more practical to not list the specific parks and to instead use acover-all description of "Community Parks" instead. Pace answered that staff intentionally listed the specific parks, and that it could be modified in the future if more Community Parks are created. Howley asked if the Wetland Buffer signs are installed with the approval of a regulatory board. Parr answered that it is the responsibility of the developer to install the sign, and staff will inspect the sign to ensure it was placed correctly. The City will provide the developer with the approval that is required to install the Wetland Buffer sign. Billington asked if the City Council should be responsible for "moral guardianship" in connection with a sign ordinance. L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN072610.doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 26, 2010 Pace answered that they used some of the language from the Public Safety statute, but they can strike "moral guardianship" if requested. Billington requested that "and morals" be stricken from the ordinance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FLEMING AND SECONDED BY BILLINGTON TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Fleming, Howley and Ringstad. The motion carried. The Public Hearing began at 6:35 p.m. Comments from the Public: Ted Guth, 14372 Rutgers Street, Prior Lake, presented a slideshow displaying several Prior Lake and south metro businesses, vacant land and right-of-way with non-conforming signs, excessive signs and signs that he did not believe were tasteful. The presentation also included pictures of vehicular signs, snipe signs, monument signs displaying leasing and rental information, and banner signs which were torn, sagging or in his view excessive. Guth presented pictures of electronic signs which he said changed too frequently and were not attractive. Guth stated that he does not think vinyl banner and snipe signs should be permitted, and that rental signs should be limited to a window or monument sign. In addition, Guth stated that he would like to see wall signs that do not exceed 150 square feet and no banner signs allowed. Brian Wolf, 17645 Juniper Path, Suite 135, Lakeville and Trent Johnson, 3877 Island View Circle, Prior Lake spoke on behalf of Fieldstone Family Homes. Wolf stated that temporary directional signs have been responsible for 62% of the sales of their homes, equaling approximately sixteen homes in 2010. Wolf stated that the signs have been an asset for their company and the City. Fieldstone Family Homes is responsible for installing and maintaining their signs. Wolf stated that the enforcement of the temporary signs has been one-sided. Johnson stated that he had witnessed his signs being removed while garage sale signs were not removed by Code Enforcement. He requested that the enforcement of the signs be fair. Wolf stated that other cities permit off-site temporary directional signs and that the signs for Fieldstone Family Homes are only installed when the homes are open. Gary Golay, 3245 Fox Tail Trail NW, Prior Lake, stated that sign ordinance amendment does not include a provision to allow additional signage for association signage stating that the community is governed by a Home Owners Association, and requested that a provision be given consideration. Linda Ringstad, 4627 Parkwood Drive SE, Prior Lake, spoke on behalf of the Prior Lake -Savage School District. She stated that off-site temporary signs have been important for advertising school district events. Ringstad stated that she does not believe a fee for temporary signs is appropriate for non-profits, and that permits for school district and community educational service signage should not require a fee. Ringstad also stated that the School District has been putting the temporary signs up for approximately 10 years and they have made a point to not put the signs in residential neighborhoods and only for a week or two prior to the events. AI Imholte, 2280 195th Street, Jordan, part-owner of Carlson Ace Hardware, asked if the sign ordinance included any provisions on back-lit signs. Parr answered that a provision allowing back-lighting signage has been added to the sign ordinance L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN072610.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 26, 2010 Imholte stated that signage is important for the Prior Lake businesses and liked the banner sign provision that was proposed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FLEMING AND SECONDED BY BILLINGTON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Fleming and Ringstad. The motion carried. The public hearing closed at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Comments and Questions: Fleming stated that fair enforcement of signage is important. Fleming stated that he does not believe an additional sign indicating that a community is governed by a Home Owners Association is appropriate. Fleming asked how the $500 fine for a sign violation was determined. Pace answered that criminal citations do not always work effectively and that the midpoint amount of a misdemeanor is $500, thus, this was used to determine the amount for a sign violation. Parr answered that the Fieldstone Family Homes temporary signs were placed in the right-of-way. She stated that the adjacent garage sale signs had been removed and would be removed consistently in the future. Fleming stated that he supports the sign ordinance amendment. Howley stated that he supports the sign ordinance amendment. Howley asked staff to explain the process of the sign violation fine. Pace answered that the owner of the sign would be given notification providing them a set amount of time to remove the illegal sign, prior to the $500 fine being imposed. If the owner did not comply, the property would be assessed the $500 at the end of the year. Howley stated that a separate Homeowners Association would not be appropriate, but rather be incorporated in the Subdivision Identification sign for that neighborhood/community. Howley also mentioned that it might be appropriate to not charge for signage that relates to a community event. Billington stated that he believes enforcement of the signs should be predictable and that he supports the sign ordinance amendment. Perez asked staff about new construction sign regulations. Parr answered that the new construction sign regulations allow for signage in cases of new subdivisions and new projects, as well as off-premise directional signage for these new developments for up to 12 months, however, this does not apply to older developments. Perez asked staff about the school district's request for temporary signage in right-of-way. Pace answered that state statute regulates what type of signage is allowed in public right-of-way. Parr stated that the school district informed her that they try to not place signage in the right-of-way. L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN072610.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 26, 2010 Perez stated that he supports the sign ordinance amendment Ringstad stated that enforcement of signs needs to be consistent and that all signs in the right-of-way should be removed. Ringstad stated that he supports the sign ordinance amendment. Parr informed the Planning Commission that there were necessary additional alterations of the draft that would be made by staff and the City Attorney, such as noting a specific time for electronic signs that will require ten seconds before the electronic sign can change the image or words, as well as other minor alterations discussed. Parr also noted that the sunset clause for sandwich boards should also be applied to banners. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FLEMING AND SECONDED BY BILLINGTON TO APPROVE THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO SECTION 1107.400-1107.1700 and Section 1102.809(5). VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Howley, Fleming and Ringstad. The motion carried. 4. Old Business None. 5. New Business: None. 6. Announcements and Correspondence: 7. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:30p.m. Joe Sortland, Development Services Assistant L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN072610.doc O~ PRIp~ u r'" 4 64 6 Dakota Sts~eet SE PriorLake> RAIN 553"2 M~NNES~~P PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 5A SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FORA UTILITY SUBSTATION IN THE AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICANT: SPUC {SHAKOPEE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION) PRESENTER: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO-NIA DATE: AUGUST 9, 2010 INTRODUCTION On November 9, 2009 the Shakopee Public Utility Commission (SPUC) received a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a utility substation on the property located north of County Road 42 and 21 (west of the future Co Rd 21 expansion to the north) on the City boundary shared with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. This site is zoned A (Agricultural). The property to the west, east, and south are zoned (A) Agricultural. SPUC is requesting an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to alter the height of the tower and antenna from the originally approved height of 62 ft 4 in to 110 ft. to contend with topography issues that interfere with receiving necessary signals. In addition, the applicant is requesting to increase the length of the switchgear building from 50 feet to 53 feet. BACKGROUND: As the demand for electricity has grown, so has the need to locate a utility substation in the vicinity of where it is proposed as a part of the subject Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The proposal involves locating an electric substation and the necessary accessory equipment (transmission line structures, high voltage supports, breakers, switches, power transformers, switchgear buildings, static shield wire support poles, and an antenna pole. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The site is approximately 5.5 acres. Topographer The current elevations range from 914' MSL at the highest point (knob in the center of the site) to 894'MSL at the lowest point (southwest comer of the site). Vegetation: There are no existing trees on the site and mast recently was used for agricultural cropland. Structures: Currently, no structures exist on the site. Phone952.447.9~00 1 Fax 952.447.4245iwww.cityofpriorlake.com Zonina: The site area is zoned A (Agricultural) ANALYSIS The 200 foot by 256 foot substation pad area will include main structures and equipment (transmission line dead- end structures, high voltage supports, high voltage breakers and switches, power transformers surrounded by oil- retention structures, switchgear buildings, static shield wire support poles, and SCADA antenna pole), as is shown on the attached plans. The total height of the tallest structures on the site will be approximately 110 feet. The proposed height is in compliance with the Code requirements (Section 1110.505(3)). Ultimately, there are two 848 square foot buildings proposed for the site (attached plans); however, only one support structure and switchgear building will be constructed at this time. The applicant has submitted building elevations (attached) that will meet the architectural requirements established in Section 1107.2200 of the Zoning Code. The buildings are proposed to be eleven (11) feet high at their tallest point and the exterior will be constructed of a brick-like material. Section 1108.207 of the Zoning Ordinance states that "The Planning Commission may impose reasonable conditions on any Conditional Use Permit and may, at any time, on its own initiative or upon application by the property owner, modify the conditions of an existing Conditional Use Permit as changing circumstances warrant. " The proposed amendment modifications are necessary for the substation to function as an essential service for the surrounding area. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall receive a building permit prior to construction on the site. 2. All proposed signage will require a sign permit. 3. The applicant must supply a landscaping bid and Letter of Credit (valued at 125% of the projected bid cost) prior to building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit and signed assent form at Scott County no later than 60 days after Planning Commission approval. 5. Once the properly to the west is developed and an access point extended to the west properly boundary, the applicant will be responsible for extending a paved primary access point extending from the western properly boundary to the area enclosed by the fence. 6. All conditions listed in Section 1102.203(3) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the CUP amendment resolution, subject to the above conditions. 2. Table this item to a date specific, and provide direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to approve the CUP amendment resolution, subject to the listed conditions. O~ PRIp~ U ~ M~NNES~~P RESOLUTION 10-01 PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A UTILITY SUBSTATION IN THE AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 9, 2009 and approved Resolution 09-05PC allowing a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a utility substation in the "A"Agricultural Use District. WHEREAS, the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on August 9, 2010 to consider an application from Shakopee Public Utilities Cammission (SPUC) for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment to allow for an increase in the tower height to 110 feet and length of the switchgear building to 53 feet at a utility substation in the Agricultural Zoning District. The property is located north of the intersection of CSAH 42 and CSAH 21, and legally described as follows: 6~ 6 D akota Street SE Prior L~~ke, NIN 55372 The North 600 feet of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter, except the UUest 990 feet, of Section 22, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota. Together with that part of the North 600 feet of the UUest 465 feet of the North one-half of the Southwest one-quarter, Section 23, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying westerly of Parcel 5, Scott County Right-of-UUay Plat No. 58, Scott County, Minnesota; and (PID# 25-922-003-3) WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing on said CUP amendment has been duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issue and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the proposed CUP amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds the CUP amendment in harmony with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission find the proposed CUP amendment is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as they relate to conditionally permitted uses, and further, that the proposed CUP amendment meets the criteria for approval of a CUP amendment as contained in Section 1108 of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLItED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE: Phone952.447.9~00 1 Fax 952.447.4245iwww.cityofpriorlake.com The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. The Planning Commission hereby approves the amended Conditional Use Permit, subject to the following conditions: a) The applicant shall receive a building permit prior to construction on the site. b) All proposed signage will require a sign permit. c) The applicant must supply a landscaping bid and Letter of Credit (valued at 125% of the projected bid cost) prior to building permit issuance. d) The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit and signed assent form at Scott County no later than 60 days after Planning Commission approval. e) Once the properly to the west is developed and an access point extended to the west properly boundary, the applicant will be responsible for extending a paved primary access point extending from the western properly boundary to the area enclosed by the fence. f) All conditions listed in Section 1102.203(3) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met. CONCLUSION The Planning Commission hereby grants an amended Conditional Use Permit for a utility substation in the Agricultural (A) Zoning District. The contents of Planning Case File # EP10-110 is hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of the decision for this case. Passed and adopted this 9~h day of August, 2010. Dan Ringstad, Commission Chair ATTEST: Danette Parr, Community Development & Natural Resources Director ,'~ 9'4' 3S YS 3s 3'4' TJ• 3'CONOUIT3 (TYPIDAL) Z-0' 13' 1 I T4^ B'$• TovARo (SEE DWG M-10101403, DETAIL W) 2 114 7R~PF~T~RPOE ~ ~ ~ BONDBREAK ..~a~ BETWEEN J( FILLERANDI #4 ~ 1T EW W/1P' HOOK EACH END TOC = 899.3 ra' r4• ra 7'a• ,'4• _-__-_-_- 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,500 P31 AT 2B DAV3 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C38. 2. REINFORCEING STEEL SHALL BE DEFORMED NEW BILLET STEEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM ~ 4i* A615, GRADE 60. e~'4 6~r~ 3. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED EDGES 1". ~ ;, A 4. MAXIMUM SIZE OF AGGREGATE SHALL BE 3/4. ~ >4g " ) ~ 5. EXPLOSEO SURFACE OF CONCRETE TO BE P4 ,, ~ SMOOTH FORM FINISHED. ~q~ S. ALL REINFORCING BARS TO HAVE MINIMUM 3 INCHES CLEARANCE FROM EDGE OF CONCRETE TO POWERTRANSFORMER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. (SEE DWG 01-1 010 7 4 0 9, DETAIL 01) 17' -0' 7. ALL REINFORCING BARS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. B. THREADS OF ANCHORS BOLTS AND NUTS TO BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED OF CONCRETE AND PROTECTED AFTER PLACEMENT. 9. SURGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY ASTM D1557. 10. DUCT TERMINATORS SHALL BE BELL TYPE WITH TOP OF BELL 1 INCH ABOVE TOP OF CONCRETE. 6'DA 7'4' 10' (IYP CAL) ~~~) TO FUn1RE CONTROL BUILDING (SEE DWG 01-1010140:1, DETAIL DI) 11. INSTALL SILICONE BASED CAULK TYPE SEALER O CO TR B IF DING TO FORM B I~ ~ I~ ' S ~ GH $ OSTURE AND _--J 12,L- _-_J 8 I C C C I -- - ~ ~ - - - -~ TI I 12. INSTALL HILTI ANCHORS AFTER BUILDING IS SET ~ /~- /- ~ / /- I l-' , ~ L1 l-' ~ I I C O C I I .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~I .~~~ ~~~~~~., i ON FOUNDATION TO CORRECTLY LOCATE ANCHOR BOLTS. \` \` 54'-0' 5/8' HILTI ANCHOR, SEE NOTE 11 - 5/B' HEX NUT - FLAT WASHER ~ ANCHOR PLATE, SEE NOTE 12 118'FIBERBOARD STRIP iT EW ....~ OR SAWCUT, OR PVC NSERT STRIP W/1Y'HOOK ;' ~a ~ ~. END N ;::•.:' - . .. .. SLAB ON GRADE ~ ~ ~~ b ~ TCLR . ..: ~ ~~ ~ 24' + ca DISCONTINUE EVERY OTHER °' BARAT CONn30L J01NT CONTROL JOINT (CW) SECTION DETAIL 1 SCALE: N.T.S. NO SCALE - 07-2810 ISSUED FOR BIDS. DATE DHMD APP'D REVISION DESCRIPTION :NT900A R W RFCK INC All RIGHTS RFRFRVFD BUILDING ANCHOR PLATE ~ 20 PLACES "^ ISSUED FOR ~, BIDDING ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ° 13. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE 518'G HILTI HAS THREADED ROD WITH HIT HV 150 ADHESIVE. TELEPHONE LINE 2' CONDUIT TO MANHOLE 3A (SEE 01-10101E03 DETAIL D3) TO MANHOLE 3 PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REINF ON EACH SIDE OF (SEE 01-1 01 01 6 0 3 DETAIL D2) OPENING EOUAL TO AT LEAST 50%OF THE AREA OF THE BARS INTERRUPTED BV THE OPENING BUi NOT LESS THAN 2-a5. PLACE BARS AT 3'OC LENGTH AND TERMINATION SHALL MATCH THAT OF BARS INTERRUPTED ~ ~p~,a p P R VI 10' TO 24" OPN'G ~ T Y P ~NSlO CANNOT I hereby certify that this plan BE OBTAINED , specification or report was prepared 41f 5 DIAGONALS FOR STD HOOK OR . EACH CURTAIN OF by me or under my direct supervision REINFORCEMENT BAR SIZE TO MATCH BARS INTERRUPTED ~ / ~ and that I am a dul Licensed NOTE: y BYOPENING WHERE CROSSING WALLS professional En ineer under the laws ~ g OCCUR PROVIDE HORIZ I , 'K TO MATCH HORIZ REINF of the State of Minnesota. ORIENTATION I I WALL REINF .(/~/`(/`/ ~,, ,e_ .,/ .Qjvy~ wVvW / Date: 4 August 2010 REINFORCING DETAILS FOR Re NO. 13957 CONDUIT OR OTHER OPENING g' SHAKOPEEPUBLICUTILITIESCOMMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: R.W. Beck PIKE LAKE 115-13.SkV SUBSTATION D7-0Da2z-1D1D7-1aaD 131 Saundersville Rd., Suite 300 OONTROL BUILDING 1 SHEET oF: Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 431-3200 FOUNDATION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER An SAIL Campeny I ~ O1-10101-004.0 T4' Z'-0' ~JTI - Z 1 - I ,~ ~ I 1 I ~ ~ 128 _ _I -_--J I -_ _~ 3'-0' 3'-0~ 3'11' ~~ N ~~ ClTYOFSK4KOPEE r ! r _ i ^ ~ cr7roF~axcar~ - - - I 200' ~ I "' -- III DERUEND STRUC URES~ LDVE BREAKER° sD' ( ((~l~ ~ >• fly i i t 45 I NOTE 2 33' ~ 115kV ` AUS AND DREAKERS~ 1 259' ( 250' 7d ~ 1 fI STI,r~ t "° ~ FUTURE 4T SCADA ANTENNA POWER %FMRS AN- ACCESS RD PCLE OIL RETENT (30'X907 CCRRID-R 3% ~1AX. SL t CEXCUI-E ~ ON ]RIVEWA o TREES FROM STRTIC STATIC c 41.T ( TH15 AREfl) 38' PULE POLE ~ ~ 0 J TURN ~ z RRUUN~ d AREA m 100' 61' 66' 73' I NOTE 2 I ~ Asa' 1 I sauG 13,BkV SWITCH3EAR 6 PRUPERTY 115kV CONTROL AN- LINE I RELAY BL-GS (50'X16'7 `- ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ SEC-IU=2= S-GTI=N 23 SECTIUN LINE i EDGE OF TRAIJSMISSION LINE EASEMENT EXISTING TRANSMISSIUN LINE - ~ - ^ - - EDGE OF TRANSMISSIUN - - - - LINE EASEMENT C-NCRETE APRUN SEE NUTE 3 o I s 0 c NOTES: 1. SUBSTATION STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ARE PRELIMINARY AND ARE SUBJECT TO FINAL DETAIL DESIGN. 2. SGGTT GOUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TG PLAfN DECIDUOUS TREES IN AREA OUTSIDE OF THE PERIMETER FENCE OF THE SUBSTATION. 3. ACCESS DRIVE SHALL HAVE CDNf,RETE APRDN BETWEEN CSAH 21 AND 1HE TRWL. APRON SHALL MEET SPECIFICATIONS DF PRIOR LAKE STANDARD PLATE 607. LEGEND: ® EXISTING TRANSMISSION POLES ~ TECHNY ARBGRNTAE TREES -X-H-X- PERIMETER FENCE EDGE OF SPUC PROPERTY 50 0 50 100 I~~~~i~~~~l I I FEET DESIGNED SHAKOPEEPUBLICUTLITIESCOMMISSION PRDJECTNUMBER: s IcF R W Beck Inc PRELIMINARY LAYOUT OF PROPOSED PIKE LAKE SUBSTATION a~~oo~s~sa2-0~o~ DRAWN . . , . 1380 Corporate CeI>fer Curve She 305 AUGUST 4 2010 SHEEP DF: ~ Ma PRELIMINARY , st Pam MN 55923 , ' ' x ~~~~~~ . , 851~94 8415 nRAW NG NUMBER: A a7~20ae ~ SI(? A REV rnovo DATE irur roma CHILD our er APP'D rviw REVISIDNDE~RIPrIDN n~i oirurc orcrrnr<n II~-16~t~0~Ei Il . NOTES: 1. INITIAL CONSTRUCTION WILL ONLY INCLUDE ONE SWITCHGEAR BUILDING AND POWER TRANSFORMER. A SIMILAR SECOND SWITCHGEAR BUILDING AND POWER TRANSFORMER WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AT A LATER DATE. BUILDING EXTERIORWALLS SHALL BE COVERED WITH BRICKVENEER FINISH THAT EXTENDS FROM ROOF TO BOTTOM OFBASE I-BEAM. FINISH SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF BRICKWAL SYSTEM MANUFACTURED BY FULLERTON FINISH SYSTEMS (91a-246.99961. BRICKCOLORSHALLBEENDIGOTT AUTUMN SANDS WITH SAND HERITAGE TEXTURE AND REDDISH BROWN GROUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF BRICK. APPLY SYSTEM IN COMPLETE ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. PRODUCTSAMPLESANDSHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY ENGINEER BEFORE MATERIAL IS PURCHASED. MAKE ACCDMODATIONS IN VENEERTOANCHOR BUILDING TO FOUNDATION. UNDER FULL LENGTH OFALL THREE EXTERNAL DOORWAYS, PROVIDE pND INSTALLA2-INGH THICK, 12-INCH WIDE 12-GAUGE GALVANIZEO STEEL GRATED STEP WITH SERRATED SURFACE 8 INCHES BELOW INTERNAL FLOOR LEVEL, WITH GALVANIZED STEEL CANTILEVER SUPPORT FROM SWITCHGEARBUILDINGBASE. MCNICHOLSGRIP STRUT ~rDIAMOND PLANK,12 GA STEEL, 2-INCHES THICK, CATALOG T52012, ORAPPROVED EQUAL. SUPPORT DOUBLE ODOR AT BOTH ENDS AND IN MIDDLE. r-r ~~~ DAIS REVISION DESCRIPTION R.W. Beak, Inc. 1390 Corporate C9nter Cure, Ste 305 St Paul, MN 55123 f~1-9949415 AREA COVERAGE TOTAL AREA 1327 sq ft BRICK FACADE 1063 sq ft 80.18%CDVERAGE DOORS ZBM1 sq ft 19.82%COVERAGE SHAKOPEE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSK)N PRpPOSEO PIKE LAKE ~1BSTATION SWITCHGEAR BUILDING ELEVATIONS AUGUST 4, 2010 01-00016-20302-D101 SK3.0 ~• 5~~'