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09-13-10 PC Agenda Packet
PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Approval of Minutes: A. August 9, 2010 3. Public Hearings: A. Public Hearing to consider an amendment to Section 1102.1103(5) of the City Zoning Ordinance related to restaurants and clubs and lodges with liquor in the "C- 2" (General Business District). B. Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of an amendment to a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan and a Preliminary Plat to be known as Hickory Shores. 4. Old Business: 5. New Business: 6. Announcements and Correspondence: 7. Adjournment: L:A10 FII.EStlO PLANNIlS6 CONIlVII55IONI1 O A6ENDA5~091310 Agendadoc Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 9, 2010 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2010 1. Call to Order: Chairman Ringstad called the August 9, 2010, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Perez, Billington, Howley and Ringstad, Planner Jeff Matzke, and Development Services Assistant Joe Sortland. Commissioner Fleming was absent. 2. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the July 27, 2010, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 3. Public Hearing: A. AMENDMENT TO A CONDITIONAL USE Planner Jeff Matzke presented the proposed Conditional Use Permit Amendment for the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission, requesting an increase in the tower height from 62 feet, 4 inches to 110 feet, and an increase in the length of the switchgear building from 50 feet to 53 feet. The proposed substation is located on the west side of future CR 21, approximately 2,200 feet north of the CR 42 and CR 21 intersection. The site is approximately 5.5 acres. The site is zoned Agricultural and is surrounded by Agricultural zoning. The original Conditional Use Permit for the substation was approved in 2009. Matzke stated that staff recommended approval of the CUP amendment subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall receive a building permit prior to construction on the site. 2. All proposed signage will require a sign permit. 3. The applicant must supply a landscaping bid and Letter of Credit (valued at 125% of the projected bid cost) prior to building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit and signed assent form at Scott County no later than 60 days after Planning Commission approval. 5. Once the property to the west is developed and an access point extended to the west property boundary, the applicant will be responsible for extending a paved primary access point extending from the western property boundary to the area enclosed by the fence. 6. All conditions listed in Section 1102.203(3) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met. Questions by the Commissioners: None A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILLINGTON AND SECONDED BY PEREZ TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Howley and Ringstad. The motion carried. The Public Hearing began at 6:08 p.m. L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN080910.doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 9, 2010 Comments from the Public: Kevin Favero, 1380 Corporate Center, St Paul, of R.W. Beck, the consultant for the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission, stated that the planning report was correct and that the height increase for the substation tower is requested to improve communications due to the topography north of the site. Perez asked how the original height of the tower was chosen. Favero answered that original height of the tower was designed without knowledge of the topographic challenges to the north of the site. The expansion of the tower will improve communications. Billington asked if the expansion will increase the electrical supply for the surrounding area. Favero answered that the electrical supply will remain the same. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILLINGTON AND SECONDED BY PEREZ TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Howley and Ringstad. The motion carried. The public hearing closed at 6:12 p.m. Commissioner Comments and Questions: Howley stated that he supports the Conditional Use Permit amendment. Billington stated that he supports the Conditional Use Permit amendment. Perez stated that he supports the Conditional Use Permit amendment. Ringstad stated that he supports the Conditional Use Permit amendment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILLINGTON AND SECONDED BY PEREZ TO APPROVE THE REQUEST TO AMEND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. VOTE: Ayes by Perez, Billington, Howley and Ringstad. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Old Business: None 5. New Business: None 6. Announcements and Correspondence: Planner Jeff Matzke informed the Planning Commission that the August 23, 2010, meeting will include a Planned Unit Development amendment and Preliminary Plat request for the Hickory Shores subdivision. The changes are in regards to lot sizes and model types. Matzke stated that an ordinance amendment regarding modifications to the business zoning district regulations will also be presented to the Planning Commission on the August 23, 2010 meeting. L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN080910.doc Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 9, 2010 Ringstad, on behalf of the Planning Commission, gave his best wishes to Commissioner Howley and his expected newborn. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:14p.m. Joe Sortland, Development Services Assistant L:\10 FILES\10 PLANNING COMMISSION\10 MINU1'ES\MN080910.doc ~INNES~~~ 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 5 B SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN AND A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS HICKORY SHORES PRESENTER: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO-NIA DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 INTRODUCTION: K Hovnanian Homes has applied to amend the original Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Preliminary Plat of Hickory Shores. Originally proposed for development by Tollefson Development, the City Council approved the Final Plat and Planned Unit Development for this subdivision on August 21, 2006. Since that time, the development has gone through foreclosure proceedings and is currently a bank-owned project. The property is located at on the south side of TH 13 and north and west of Crystal Lake and Rice Lake. The original development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 80 single family homes and 38 townhouses, along with parks and trail on a total of 80 acres. The proposed plan changes would increase the numberofsingle family homes sites to 82, while maintaining the 38 townhome lots. Section 1106.400 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the types of uses and standards allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum flexibility in many areas, some of which include such aspects as setbacks, building heights, and densities. The developer is requesting modifications to the minimum lot areas for the single family lots, as well as building setbacks for the proposed detached townhomes. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 80 acres. The net site area (gross land area less existing right-of-way, wetlands and bluffs) is 61,62 acres. Topography: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 998' MSL at its highest point to 943' MSL at its lowest point. The site also includes 2,91 acres of bluffs. These steep slopes are located along the north shore of Rice Lake and the south shore of Crystal Lake. Ve etation: Historically, much of the site has been used for agricultural purposes; however, the majority of the site is wooded. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Wetlands: There are several wetlands on this site. Wetlands encompass approximately 9.12 acres of the site area. Access: Access to the site is from 170rh Street, off of TH 13 and Village Lake Drive. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for Urban Low Density Residential uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The site is presently zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). Shoreland: This properly is also located within the Shoreland District for Rice Lake and Crystal Lake, both Natural Environment Lakes. As such, the properly is subject to the Shoreland PUD requirements listed in Section 1104 of the Zoning Ordinance. PROPOSED PLAN K Hovnanian is proposing modifcations to the Approved Preliminary Plat and PUD in two distinct areas -the existing platted townhome lots and the unplatted 2^d Addition single family lots. The changes to the approved plans areas follows: TOWNHOME LOTS Lots: Currently one 4-unit attached townhome is constructed on Kennett Curve while the remaining 34 lots are vacant. K Hovnanian is proposing to replace the approved attached townhome design with a detached 2-story townhome model on the remaining vacant lots. This would not require re-platting of the individual properly lines since the detached units would be smaller in size (1,750-2,100 sq. ft) than the original attached units. The developer proposes separate driveways for the majority of the units (lots 11-14 will require a shared driveway). Setbacks: The typical residential required and proposed setbacks for the detached townhomes are shown on the following table: Townhouse Setbacks Typical Requirement Originally Approved Proposed Front (private street) 25' from back of curb 25' 25' Front from ublic street 25' from ROW line 25' 25' Interior Side 0' 0' 5' Exterior Side 0' 0' 3' Cantilever Setback Encroachments 0' NA 2' interior / 2' exterior' Window Well Setback Encroachments 0' NA 4' interior / 2' exterior' Lakeshore OH 150' 150' 150' 'a minimum 3 ft. will be maintained between all encroachments on adjacent lots. Impervious Surface: The amount of impervious surface approved with the original attached townhome design was 150,924 sq. ft. for the buildings and driveways. The developer's plan proposes to reduce this amount to a total of 120,417 sq. ft. for the buildings and driveways (a reduction of approximately 20% impervious surface). SINGLE FAMlLYLOTS (2n~ & 3r~Additions) Lots: The 2nd phase of the Hickory Shores Development currently remains unplatted as Outlot A. K Hovnanian Homes proposes a change in the number of lots and minimum lot size in the 2nd Addition. The originally approved preliminary plat indicates a total of 43 lots within the 2nd Addition of Hickory Shores. The proposed preliminary plat from K Hovnanian identifies a total of 45 lots (42 to be constructed in the 2nd Addition and 3 lots to be constructed in the 3rd Addition with the removal of the temporary storm water ponding). The originally approved minimum and average lot sizes within the 2nd Addition of Hickory Shores were 12,600 sq. ft. and 17,377 sq. ft. K Hovnanian is proposing to change the lot area minimum and average lot size for the 2nd Addition (and 3rd Addition) to 11,419 sq. ft. and 16,053 sq. ft. respectively. An impact to the lot areas has occurred as a result of changes in the City's storm water requirements. Storm water utility lines are now required to be in City-owned Outlots (Outlots A, B, C, D) where as in 2006 these utility lines and trails would be placed within easements on private property. The result of this requirement change directly impacts the minimum and average lot sizes of the 2nd Addition, since the original preliminary plat included the storm water easement areas within the private lot areas. Densi :Density of the development is based on the net area of the site, which is 20.03 acres. There are a total of 45 units proposed in the 2nd and 3rd Addition, for a density of 2.25 units per acre. This is consistent with the density in the R-1 district. Density is also restricted by the Shoreland District. The maximum density permitted is based on the net area of each tier divided by the minimum lot area. The permitted and proposed density for the entire Hickory Shores Development is identified in the following table: Permitted Density (# Units} Original Approved Density (# Units} Proposed Density (# units} Shoreland District Tier 1 82 7Q 67 Shoreland District Tier 2 41 31 37 Shoreland District Tier 3 13 8 8 Shoreland District Tier 4 1 8* 8* TOTAL 137 118 12Q *{includes 7 units outside of Shoreland District) Parks: Parks are another component of this proposal and will remain unchanged from the original connection plans. The plan includes 27.44 acres of total land dedicated to the City. Of this land, 15.53 acres are located along the shoreline. The remaining 11.25 acres is located on the west side of the site. This area is part of a significant wetland complex, which will be preserved as a natural area as a result of this dedication. StreetslSanitary SewerlWater MainslStorm Sewer: All public improvements for the platted 1 Sc Addition of Hickory Shores have been installed. For the proposed 2nd and 3rd Addition, the location and design of streets, sanitary sewer, and water mains will remain unchanged from the originally approved 2006 design. In relation to the storm water improvements in the 2nd and 3rd Addition, the original developer of Hickory Shores and the developer for the once proposed Golden Pond development (the property to the south of Hickory Shores) were working together to direct the majority of the storm water to a large proposed pond on the Golden Pond property. Since the time of the original preliminary plat approvals for the Hickory Shores and Golden Pond developments, both developments have gone through foreclosure proceedings and the Golden Pond plat has expired. As a result, K Hovnanian is proposing to address the necessary ponding requirement within the Hickory Shores property. This proposal includes a temporary storm water pond at the southern end Turner Drive. The temporary pond would be removed at the time of the platting of the Golden Pond development so that Turner Drive along with sanitary, water, and storm water utilities could be extended into the Golden Pond development. At that time in the future, the remaining 3 single family lots for the 3ra Addition could be platted in place of the storm water pond. It's anticipated that the storm water ponding will not be constructed until a later time when the final plat of the 2~a Addition takes place. It is desire of City staff that K Hovnanian and the bank that currently owns the Golden Pond site can recreate a joint ponding situation. Both entities are communicating in the hopes of working out these details to achieve one collective ponding area. Buildina Styles: The plan proposes single family homes. Only conceptual plans have been submitted. The developer's narrative states the homes will be two-story buildings of approximately 1900-2900 sq. ft with 3-car garages. Setbacks: The required and proposed setbacks far this development are shown on the fallowing table: Single Family Setbacks Typical Required Proposed Front from ublic street 25' from ROW line 25' Side 10' 10' Rear 25' 25' Lakeshore ~OHUU) 150' 150' Bluff to of blu 25' 25' minimum The setback from the top of bluff is maximized by the location of property lines and placement of conservation easements. Impervious Surface: The maximum impervious surface allowed in the Shoreland District is 30% of the lot area above the OHW. The proposed development meets this overall 30% requirement. The following table identifies the proposed impervious surface far this development. Tier Originally A roved Pro osed 1 22.3°I° 21.8% 2 24.9% 28.7% 3 14.2% 12.5% 4 17.5% 14.6% Overall 21.9% 22.4% Shoreland Open Space Requirements: The Shoreland ordinance requires at least 50% of the total project area, or 39.98 acres, within this PUD be preserved as open space. The originally approved PUD proposal included 40.07 acres of open space (50.09%) including wetlands, parks, and common open space. The proposed amended PUD would increase this open space area to 42.7 acres (53.33%). The conservation easement area will be delineated by fences and signage. In addition, the Shoreland PUD ordinance also requires that 70% of the shore impact zone (50% of the setback from the OHW) be preserved in its natural state. In this case, there is a minimum 50' wide buffer located around Crystal Lake and Rice Lake. This area meets this requirement. Tree ReplacementlLandscapincl There are many significant trees on the site. The original tree inventory identified 34,536 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. Up to 35% of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal above these amounts requires tree replacement at a rate of '/ caliper inch for each inch removed. The majority of the tree replacement and landscaping of the site has been completed by the previous developerlbank owner. Remaining tree replacement/landscaping under the originally approved plans include front yard trees to be installed far each lot at the time of individual lot construction and a line of 50 trees in the rear yards of lots on Hickory Circle and along Turner Drive in the 2nd Addition. The developer is also proposing to remove trees within Outlots A, B, C, and D for installation of necessary storm water pipes. While these utility lines are required for the development and tree replacement is not required for installation of public utilities within dedicated public property, staff is currently working with the developer in order to minimize the number of additional tree removal impacts in these areas. Phasing: The developer would expect to begin construction of the remaining 1St Addition lots immediately. In relation to the 2nd and 3rd Additions, the developer expects to complete the project in two phases, possibly beginning construction of the 2nd Addition in late 2011. Fees and Assessment: The 2nd and 3rd Addition of this development will be subject to the standard development fees which will be collected at the time of final plat. The amendment change to the townhome portion would not required additional development fees as these fees were paid in 2006 with the final plat of the 1St Addition. DISCUSSION: K Hovnanian Homes has met with City staff many times to address the proposed changes to the PUD and ways to maintain the core of the originally approved plan of the Hickory Shores Development. The detached townhome design will reduce the overall impervious surface of this area by nearly 20%, while maintaining the same number of lots and lot areas. Staff also recognizes that the changes made between 2006 and today in relation to the City's storm water requirements for platting and the need for the temporary pond, do have a direct impact on the overall lot number and lot sizes within the proposed 2nd Addition. Furthermore, the developer proposes to not only maintain the existing park and trail system within the development but has also proposed an increase to the amount of overall open space within the development. Therefore, staff believes the proposed PUD changes to the original Hickory Shores Development appear appropriate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission finds the PUD and preliminary plat acceptable, the staffwould recommend the following conditions be attached: 1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. 2. Revise the plans to address all of the Engineering comments in the memorandum from Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler dated August 31, 2010. All grading, hydrology and storm water issues must be addressed prior to any grading on the site. 3. Revise the plans to address all of the CDNR comments in the memorandum dated September 8, 2010. 4. Revise the plans to reflect no tree removal in the existing conservation easement area. Prior to Final Plat of the 2~a Addition the developer must provide a copy of the conservation easements, along with detailed specifications of how this area will be delineated on the site. As part of the final PUD plan, provide a table which will enable staff to track the impervious surface on the site. Overall impervious surface may not exceed the percentages shown on the plans. As part of the park development, the developer is responsible for any grading, topsoil, turf establishment and construction of the trails to the specifications provided by the Gity. The developer must submit a Letter of Credit in an amount equal to 125% of the cost of the required replacement trees which have yet to be installed. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the PUD Amendment and the Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to another Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to recommend approval of the preliminary plat and the PUD plan for Hickory Shores subject to the listed conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Copy of PUD and Preliminary Plat Plans 3. Developer's Narrative and Building Renderings 4. Staff Comments 5. Resident Letter ~ic~®~Y s~®~~s L®CAl°I®N MAP 1 UUU U 1 UUU Feet o TOfO Weslrood Pro(ess'wnd Services. Inc Tvvical Buildine Details t rl I Cofoge i I I i I -__- ! 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IHE (1) INDIWTES THAT THE GARAGE REDUWES 1 ADgnONAL BLDG(. / ME (2) WDICATES THAI ME CMAC2 ~ / ~ PEOUwES 2 AOOIn0.VK BLOIXS. / ~ : TYPICAL LOT ~ / / i / / ~/ Cov 46 Hwrs Eefore aigging: / " f GOPHER STATE ONE CALL bh Gly Argo 651-459-0002 GBNHRAL GRADING de DRAINAGE NOTES: LBGffiLiP q, ~ Yn. Tdl Free 1-800-252-1166 /~(\ g • KL WRWflS !ND COL ELEVAMxiS A!F SNOWi LO FlM4fC0 SlY6ACF/PIItER //~~ DENOTES SdL BORWG / / \ ,1 a / ~ ~ ~- OtA0E5 UNLESS Om[flwSE NDIFO. ~J \ / 1 \ -~ DENOTES SILT fEHCE • REfER t0 1NE 91E PL4H/AECp10 PLAT FOH VO'il CWdSNi xs ~ ~ a \' ~ `F H0.01CNTK 9tE DxIFN5Xri5 AND IATWi. DENOTES HEAVY pUIY SLT FENCE / ~// I _-~ ._._.- 4g0 - DENOIE$ E>aSiWC CGVTWRS i gt2 • LXF <IXILRACItlt SHALL T£R5Y nE LOC411IX1 OND EIEVAnpi Cf Exl51WC ~ ~ ~ `\\\ "'- UTLnES MU i(POCRAPwCK FEANaES Ym 11E OImFRS N.O Fl¢D-VE2sY 98D DENOTES PflOP0Y0 CQYi0Uft5 ' ~~~., ~ e q i \ \ / 4949+15.6J NeCR t0 CONSIRUCEIGt mE CCNlaAL1M $HKL dYEpA1FLY NOIYY MF L)- »~ DENOTES E%ISIING STORY $ENER "'~. // /: ~ } ~ ~ _ FNOXEFR OF AYT ptSCFEPINL{5 M VA¢iAMIVS fRW PLAN. v` V^"' / % ~ ~ i ~--Lr-f DENOTES PROPOSED STOWI SENER ~ -- / ~~ • KL RCP f0i $lOtu $E1eR SxAtl BE 0.A55 n UAES$ ODERwSE NOiEO DENOTES Ex15nNC TREE NNE / ~~O' / /j ~C ~ / / ~ 6 c • KL CATq BA9x5 W PASCO AREAS Sxsii Bf 9JVPE0 0.15' AxD YANH0.E$ SxH1 ~YV1 DENOTES APPROICYAIE TREE ~ ~' ~ '- "- - R' SUVPEO 0.0.5 FEET. RN (ICVAn1y15 W RAYS REFLELL mE SIIVPFO ELEYA1gN5 RENOVAL LI61NS / / ~ /'~ 3/- ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~_ =, • KL CIXiSRNCPGN 9iKt <CNFOfW i0 LOCK RLaFS 6561 DEnotES EIOSIWG SPOT EIEVAnON / / ~ ~ `t /` ~~~~~ ~zv ~ ~\ ~ `OiD •~L~ ~ ~ j's '' • Po4nVE DflAWA(E Fflp1 RK AlE WST BE PaONOED AT KL nvES • DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVADGV / ~ !~ / ~ ~" ~ ~,i//( 2~ j\ H ~ ~f ~" > r !~ e ~ DENOTES BIO-RCIL EROS10.V CHECKS / /. / ~ ~" `„~t ~ / ~ /( ~ ~ZO' 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 EoF DENOTES ENERGENCY OVERFLOW / ' /~'/~ ~_-- ~ r ~ /.\ ~ / ' E'1 ~ 4 ~ : I / ;/ BROSION CONTROL NOTES: ELEVnnoN - > / ~t ~ ~y ,~ / / P*1 i . KL sLr rwa xxo Dmw wosw caxma rFArvxFS SNKL eE w-RACE ~ : ~/ /% ~~ _ A a.tr~~_ - ~ ~/ Is-n \ ~~~ - ~ i c~ "'~~ ~~: PwoR To ANr Fxawnon/mnstRUCnw ARO 41KL ~ uuxiAagD unm -' / '~ __ ~..._ ~ . i $ { -i . } NIBLE NRF pt LAWNO COLLR XAS 8[EH E$iABtI5NF0. ELSIWG 9Li FfHCE / J L~PO ~~~ ~ Q --- ~ A~° ~ ~ ob 1 D '! W-91E SMALL DE MNHINN[0 AWD OR RfY0VF0 ANO SHALL EE CIX190FRE0 //l~r, ~ j - de+i ~_ _ h •. .. e ) f) _ / WOOEMIK i0 mE (FADNG CONmACi. li I$ CF E%iHEYE IVPCRtAVCE i0 OF V rl AwA.RF a cwuExi DELD arrnlKws wm RESRCS To Eaosw coma. / /~ / ~ J~ ~ ~a I ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~,, C 1FVPgiMT PMDNQ D%ES HAY OKES ETG. FEIXIREO BT mE Ott 91KL BE ~. / ~ O/ - dq ' 65 S ~ ~' II - woxmK lD mE wnxc aWmncr. /' o c ~ ~ c(,` ~~ ° ~ ~.-- ,f v 1' ~~ I- _ • KL $mEE15 NSNFBFO WRXC TORpNC HOLIHS WSi ~ [IEANEO At ME END ~ / / ~ / ~~/O`Oj'~ ~ ~ 43 - _Qa ~'` - // ~ {~~~ 1 ~ '/$ 1 ~ ~ 1! OF EAq NpIXIHC OAT. A ROCK ENmM'CE 10 ni 91E YUSL ~ PROY9ED ~ [ ~ S ACCC(NwG i0 OEIA45 TO RFpKE 1FApONG Ci pRl CNLO P101C SIPFETS ! ~ ~ % LL -S:bi g ~ ~ o ` i / I s ' f / ~ l/f~/ ~ ~~- ~- - ~ /`-~e'~r ~ 4 ' ~ 1'Jv ° ~ sTa~DAnD-'-i / ~ i ~ ' 1~ ~// AY \ ~1 1 f ~- 1 -~'2 9b 9 FP', ~ '~~ { fEN (TYP~jA ~/ ~ / // gip. J// ~ ~1 t ~ ~~~ n 1 ~l~ t ~ li ( ~ ~n ~' x r ``d „~ A ~~ j\ _~ / / / / `~~~~~ '/ 'x>/ >q~ . g 1 ti~ ,~. ~ . 1 1 96D9 Fe 1 ~ ( S ~ r ~. ~ ~ l a ` i ~ ~ c - 60 A ~ 69! l I ~ f l 'l`Y=' ~ O - ~ / ~~~ ~ _r>E2 ~ ~ i5 ~ 06 ~ 1 1 ~ ° BEy A 9 ~ { 9 55a-~r~ ~./~ / ~~ ~. r -g /. zs ,~~i1`8 22 _ ~ \ FB 960 ~. _ F' - -~ ~~ R,` u i ~' ~ Af 11 r /' 60_ 1 ' . 9 ~ 0. BW. / i r " y ~ -- -µ w N / ~(P xO i ~/i / / 5 9B .~ ~' ~ >~ ~ - ~ ~~ /may _ I ~~D ~~ / / / / / ~ ~ ~ - ~(A QP ~ • 9~ ~ _ ~ / ~ ~ - .~; ~i, i I a eis ~ Z ~ K~NN~'„ ""RVE r _ / _ _ OJ~i`~r. ~v~ /L{~/~ / z5 , j ~/ _ _ _ ~/ / i /// .~ 'y /%~V`' / °T ~`, ~~ R / %f~~~ i. •i r ~ sye as~e ~ i °. - sass ~ 1 $q 1 ern9Zao `~ / //` / / / /% /t h.n ST ~ t~ 1/'j6• .r/ `i Y~ yga0 6u -9wo s6s.~ tl ~,( .? T Y ~7 Z ,fib/i j, i, 1 •~ rrg YaT Ewsrwc w,~mwE a N 9 a ' \ 5~ a shy , ~ / / / % e / // / ~ / 3~~~ ~; / ~ _ ~L ~~ / //~`i\ \~~1, 1 'f.v ` 1.. .__.- ~R/. .. t96e tv~ I.. ~`1} @a 9{~~. '. ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ \ \~yAgl ~~a4 / Tip ~ _ { ~ .. // / / ' / - / A ~` i . 6~~~', ~~/jig T .: LwE (Tw.St;~~ ~~~` '~.. ~ ~ L / ~` x / ~ e'er a / v ~. P`ly'; // / ~ ~ ? -~- ... ~''~ .. i 1 ~ - " _, / i ~ r ~ ~ .~tr/ /~/y0 ~' ',q Ji" ~ / . '~ ~ ' ~.,%~ ~ d ~/ ~'r. < + ~ ` ~ / ` ^ \p r ~~ ' I f ~j~ - ~ i!(` ~ I ' I I ' ' I I ~I -'ll.i n~ i I It ._ I ~'.~ I I-~ ..._ ~4 I 1 I r-: cc ~ @ 3t • // ~ ~/ / / ;/ q 9GV ~/ ~ ~ ~ /. / 9 / ~ / / / ~ %~=/ i D ` o ~ ~' l ' ®~/ / ~ % ~/~%i/ '~ /~ ,. / % / ~/ e~ it ~~.~ ~~1 a /A ~ f/ /~/~//mil///~ ~// / ~/l %% s ,i i ~~ 1 •~"~ T ~ ~ i f ~-- /J/ ~,1~ ~ t ~ ~~~ ! A'~ _s E ~ ~ ~ ~i )t i~'i sr~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ i \~~~s~ ~~ I . 1 I ~. )e _~ J a.er 7 6TV~ ' j/ i /f~j/~'~~ TORM BASIN P /~~ ~ ~ J / ~/ i /~~ BTN. EL=9x1.00 V' ~ - /f~/~ NIM1L EL.=954.00 f~~ ~~~ t0 tR. EL. 956 26 _ _ / / HWL EL 951.29 i ~l~ J ~f'f~/ ~ ~ __ ;lL _ -~ %-~~ "• ~•wd"m..wtn.• IK 1_~.3~ ~n s.m ...~e~h na~..t" u.lam. ~e PEeparad for. Fdnn•Kq VV S53w ~ Oa i u • ~~~ GV1^va.4 m/b~/dr/4xn~d [a~SwT YY+emu WlSA4 GN (e...~u ' npVE 95t-9Y131'A c ~ ` / ~dy_ ~ _....____ _ O•r1{F {W Y ngnnn x~ ~J- ~~F~ _....__ m.>a Lwc tatruL - Prseda D. T45m n YVosSMOOd wm....mwp.x.. DY. 03/26/10 u.m.• x> 77716 _ v®a mw. arse. KHovnanian Homes 7615 Smelw lane, SWte 1&I Eden Pratxie, MinnLSOta 55314 ~ L i y,f~~~ ~ I r f ctfY - 1 )35TN_~ ~ ~~8 ~ i i ~ , J / - ~ s -_ ~- -7 ~~ 'r' _ - -~ ~ -F __ = ~ \, CRYSiA{. LAK£ 74? Q'iG€ ELEV.A-ON 91J.J du1UARY 2G, 1Q.'TZ` CAYflt saga PER lFIhhESQTA ONR. Hickory Shores D' S0' 100' 150' latest Revision Datr. OS/?b/10 301011185{9Ol.Oe. wm 07/23/10 sX«e 2 OF 4 Final Grading Plan ozom wesLwooe worass~oRm ~. NOTES: WTLOT C & D ANO ALL OF TURNER DRIVE ROW AREAS ALONG WITH ENTRY MONUMENT AND SHRUB PLANTINGS SMALL ALL BE INSTALLED A$ PER APPROVED PUO PLANS ALL UPLAND DISTURBED AREAS OF LOT 39 SHALL BE PLANTED WITH STATE SEED MIX 32-241. E%CEPT AREAS BETWEEN LOTS ANO STREETS SHALL BE SODDED. Foundation Planting Quantities Per Unit STANDARD FOUNDAi1CN LANDSCAPE PACKAGE: ~5 CONT. MEDIUM DECIDUOUS SHRUB (QTY.: 1) XS CONT. EVERGREEN SHRUB (QTY.: 3) 31 CONT. ORNAMENTAL GRASSES (QTY.: 2) I-I /2" RIVER ROCK (DTY.: 250 50. FT.) VINYL EDGING (QTY.: 40 LN. Fi.) ADDITIONAL/OPTIONAL LANDSCAPE PACKAGES: 23 ~... I 22/ jai /~ % I V ~ OPTION A - ,` 'I -.. \ i ' ~5 CONT. MEDIUM DECIDUOUS SHRUB (QTY: 1) "° " w "'"'"' ~~\ ~(.°~ \~~ ~2 CONT. SMALL DECIDUWS SHRUB (OY.: 6) / y1 CONT. ASSORTED PERENNIALS (QTY: 3) ~ P% \ 1-I /2" RIVER ROCK (QTY.: I50 50 FT.) =t / ~ \ ~ ~~ / VINTL EDGING (QTY.: 40 LN. FTJ ~ ~ ' ~4" / _ OPTION B - ~ ~ ~ ¢~^'.. ~ ~ / _ ~ I-I /2" RIVER POCK (QTY.: 3110 S0. FT.) \ ~ \ / ~ '. VINTL EDGING (QTY.: 150 LN. FT.) ~ ~C~- Vdl \ ~ / 1 \ ~' i . / ~ ,~~• ®~ ~..A ~ L \ ~. / ~ \ ~~ -\~ ' ... "~ 36 , \ , :~ / - ~M. A ~ / ,. i / ~~ ~-.- . I . 0~ / ~ ~ \~ y. \ V ~32 /STORM BASIN N7 i~ ~/ ~ / t ~., ~ - - ~/ DTM EL 944 OD - \ ~ 33 / IO YR EL. 956.26/ / / ~/ / HKL EL.=957.£9 ' / /' ` 34 j. 39 /i / - - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~s ~~////~ \ R~ :/ / / ~ / ~ / 1 ~, ~P~PPpI ~~ gaol ~ / - / ~ ~~P/~ / P I / / I / / e + 4/ ., _ - / / /' /y ~ ~ s / ~:, ~' /e _. ~ ~ / can 49 Hwfs eamre a199m9: GOPHER STASE ONE,,CALL Twm city Areo ss"=asa-ooo§. Mn. Toll Frey 1-800-252-1166 -r(„c- es- 1 $i- :B I y ~o az I I I I I 14 \ r .... - _ RAIN GARDEN {~ _ 2613 5F ~ \` ~F _V f'\ \Vi .W..UL. _ - - -,- f'?1 ate,/ ~. Y I . .- .Y> n I 1 x ' I ~1) '1 -¢; ,.~.,., BIT TRAIL ,~ _ _ Plant List ~ - ' ( ~ X65 1 ~ % / + TREE SIZES ANO OUANTTIES ~'~-~ \ \~ ,~ / / FOR APPROVED PVO ARE FROM ~' .._,,,,_,. ~ '~ ~ ~ i ~ PLANS PREPARED RY JOHN / '~._. ~ ~ i ~ \.` '~ L ! .v ~ ~ ' / OLIVER k ASSOCIATESM INC. ` /~ DATED 6-24-06 f 1 // ~ _ ~.. / -./"~ y>o ,., / ~/ / i_ ~ ~~ ~ o' sG' loo' 15D' ~~ ~~ ~~ Ll (- ~ Wa~mvtl Fmfa mLSeMan nc -y,6. .rynNq . ry aeWgv P[~y.... _.. fOC . ]693Megnm Onre R . w ury Bmwd ~~~ Nnn _ _ " [hnmrle mx s53w wev Ssse Wwma ~ ~, a moaf ,..~~~.o F~a ,,,,,,~.,, D,..,, mufti[ wmssi stso Mdee A Lmdbug _ ""®a.°^•a*e h/a•~ _. .mw.....eravawrom WESLWOOd -07/23/10 15176 u®. Na - -. 7615 Smetana lane, Suite 1BD- 61en P[airie, MvmeeoG 55344 sYMBOL CALIPER MPROVEO pROp65EO COMMON NAME 51]E/ROOi NOl£5 INCHES PUB• ovERSOar usT: ~~ 95 38 36 HALKUERRY, MAPLE. DAN, I.5 CPL. 6fl9 BIrecH, H6NErmcus DvERmoav usT: 360.5 IU} Ip} HACK6ERRY, MAPLE, OAK, 3.5" CAI. 6&6 BIRCH. HUNEYLOCUSi 6RNAMENTAL LIS I' O 81 J6 I6 CRABAPPLE FRVIT TREES HAWTHORNE, xfBVNTAIN ASH, 25" CAL. BbA sERNCE6ERRT TREE IIL AC EVERGREErv LSi: EQUIVALENT TO ~ 1625 ~~ J3 T3 SPRUCE. PINE. RR 6 HT' RA9 25" CAL. Hickory Shores n+fe 07/23/10 s6ree 3 or 4 Final Landscape Plan ozo3o westrooa P.oresstona sua~es, M~. Vicinity Map PUD /Preliminary Submittal for Plat, Site, Grading, Utilities, and Landscape for Hickory Shores 2nd & 3rd A~.ditions Prior Lake, Minnesota Prepared for: KHovnanian Homes 7615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 Bden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Contact: Kevin Clark Phone: 952-944-3455 Fax: 952-944-3437 Prepared by ®. WestxvodlMleulonal SeMteI OK. ]E59Ma9nm pRe Eden Ra9k, MN 55314 PNONE 95293)-3150 fA% 95D93bSB32 iOlL fafE 193)-5150 Westwood vmw-NpfMmdpy.<an Project number: 2010-1118 Contact Francis U. Hagen II Plat Sheet List Table Sheet Nuinl3er Sheet Title t COVER 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT 4 PRELIMINARY OVERALL GRADING PLAN 5 50 SCALE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN NORTH HALF 6 __ 50 SCALE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN souTH HALT 7 _ ___ TEMPORARY POND GRADING PLAN 8 _ PRELIMINARY UPLITY PLAN 9 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 10 TIER AREA CALCULAPON PLAN Prior Lake ° ~ ~~'t ~' „~~~ ~.cs~rc erE. ~ AYE i ' 2 E~. 9 i e -a 9 ~ o l slwy q ~ /OP S, ~ ~ ., )e o ~~ ~:.Lr. , n /Y4 S ~ ~ . 7 fr q' r.[ ttYS _ ` fS ~ .O`~ air 5 > 3~ ~19~s~ Sys < Q° ~ o _ 9 6 K a BO ~ S' ~ 4 Y G^Ja ~ it [ e ri3 ,i' ~ Crys tnl DLO . d a O Z~ o ~ R ce ~ © ~ t Lok "<<0 3 ~ ~ ~._.. SITH ~ ~~ ,., { Si mot to s~oef NO. DATE RHVISION SH913[S 7 08/26/70 CITY COMMENTS ALL PUD / Preli if4al~'~ Submittal ~ ,~~~ for Plat, Site, Grading, Utlli and Landscape Y---.__.__ t0f Hickory Shores 2nd & 3rd Additions Pdor Iske, hlinnewta Date: 0l/13/IO Sheee t of 10 0 CaB 4B Hwrs befwa Gyyiny: ^^°"`° STATE ONE CALL eo 651-454-0002 e 1-800-252-1166 ~~ ~~~ 360 vision Datr. OS/?b/SO Dne U//W/IO 6Mt Z OF ]O ~,. vrtmo,amdm~.~asmmk fasse++v.mor.. ~ama.,mfH« ;ae,~. mmvf WBSZWOOfI x,~xw<nwa~+<m ~~b m~J aL~dS P~mFT hwveW~ me+a+ ~mea"~da.~'a~ic.~WOF~u`~' ~ ~ `~]-,~ Nrffir R Hrgm Il w. 08/26/10 tku ~ 1TJ16 ~ ...____~ s I Paepued for. °.ba ~.. ~.R ~~ Lm! MNa~ b(gS_.__.._ KHovnanian Homes 7615 5sefw lane, Suite 18lI Eden Prairie, MinnesMa 55344 2nd & 3rd Additions Hxisting Conditions O~ I ~~/ / g~~ r a / / .~~ ~% ~~ QOM i ~ ti j PARK ' / / / ~j / Y /5~ a~T°n6Y / / ~ -2 ii N86°1: NB>°SJ~J6 [ 201 ` -- _ / /I 0 ,r 7 I i I~,~'~ ,~J!; 2 // 4 it r a' - / / f~~~c~ -li x[n~ i ^ \`b` v >~%rrn / m i :mss xiw - ~_• ~' °@ /~~ //'I I~ ~ J s .~y ~ x l~~ ~~~ 'a\ v~ ./'D1o £ ~ ~ \\ ~< '-er¢nr \ U ( _~ ~ ~~ ~.•xa E 211 - NBrw_- /. ~.~~~9 - ~ '~ Z ~ Y( ' LOT A tl _ _ - $i ~ FOLE O"--~ ,,, wFnA~.n ,`, ;: ~] w ~. 2 a ~ / r i PARK -__ _-~ ~ ~` / / %%pp~~JJ > r /^<\ rrnun `~~ ' ^ ~~ as r / ~ \k\ / ~ / \\ / r .7^ ~ / ~ ' 3/ . / i / y OU7LOP / ° L ~ 01'Q'E 20t 9 I I / ~, / t ~ 1 I rnwgsED ~'.~ .vau L '! / t I I / / T______ _____ ~ ~ i ~, t ,~ ~~,-~ ~< I f / "~ ~~s~k ]ENAxgan RM [dn{nSi~YNeSNE gtllF Xiil]i1'A EA% SNi lg1fPEE 1ffi9Ai150 W@SIKOOJ w.m.amw<a+ ?3 ( ADD\TICN 2 / ~ ~ / \ `\~ / / / / ails, r 6rt)f "'~ Uw Q6ja n PT^i b u nM ~'CNet^l 8m cpYlm ui u r 6} B.uN R ~mivu6ndt19,uYNaru I Po(TO QtlA W. Aforw/r/r Jlw pay 08/26/10 Ew.r B° ?3091 . \ / ~ y $ _ ~ a _ ~ a ~'~ l ' L- ~1 \ ~ \~0. ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ S~P~ ~ ~?_1_ c~1 e -\~- n e 18 ~ 2 e ~h/ ) > x 1 >~` < `",.,rte y ~% ]d ;~ / //-/ \ i; I ,= /, i~ ,s.~,n,w~.iN ar ~ i ~~ ~ Of ~~•' 6 -" NF ~~ n / /~~ .~ ~ ` 1` ~~,+t'2 L`:`,° '~r~l3l - -~1~ aI l ~ ~n~ /~, ~ i- 9 E{y9. ~ ~~' ~bi 'r i~~ ~ fROV BLVFF c lltJ"~ ~ r~ u.~ e \r ~ , ,~\\~ ,. r \L , ~/ \ "+~~ ~~~5~tS4xq: Y. ~A1 / ~ e1' £ §~'J 55 .9 , t 6 ~ \`. .% / . yq a vTl~ ~ ~ Fs<$fx / I50'LAXE SEIBALX s ~~ / ix F DENOTES BWFf /~ ARCA (IYP.) 15~ SETBACK fR(NI BLUFF ~OENOIES EOCE LW xEnaNO (rm.) ~ _ _2ND ADOIn(k! 3RD aDDrnav `DENOnB PRDCCi BWNDARY (TYPJ Existing Property Description: Ouflal A, H/CK64Y SHWgE$ accpdh9 to Lhe recorded dot thereat. Scoff Caanty. Minnesara. Development Data (2nd & 3rd Additions): Total P/vlted Area (Gross Are°k 90J, 0881 Sq Ft. or 10.81 acres ErsGag ROW Ameage Of Sq.Ft. a U ocros N'efland Area 34, f06t Sq.ft. or U. JB odes within Pme<f Bvundvry HIUI/ Area 4B1 B¢ft. a 0.01 acres within Project Boundary Nef Density B]2,50]t Sq FA w 2083 aces A'el Omsity = Tafol acreage - E#sfing ROW Acreage - WeUOnd - B/uf/ Aneage) mtd tore. u Wass Densrfy 216 Units/Ac Wass OensRy Tofol Units / Total A neage Nef Density. ?15 Units/AC. Net Denst(y = To(m Units / (Total Au eage Esrshnq ROW Acreage - Ne(/pntl - B/u I/ Acreage) Proposed Right o/WVY Area 158.J4)3 SO q. or 364 odes within Pro~cf 8wndory Budding Setback In/ormatiw: (TypkN) Font Setback: 15 Feet 5)tle Seback: 10 Fee( Rear Sefback: 25 Fee( tot slwdads: (Tjpkd) Maximum Area Proposed J22J6 Sq. Ft. Minimum Areo Proposed: ii, 419 8q.ft. Arerage Lat Area 16,053 Sq.Ft. Zonhg: Maximum Per tot lmperu,'ous Smloce: JOZ o/ tot Areo Existing: PUB Proposed.- PuD TYPICAL LOi (ne Scc'=) o eA o 5 ~ n ) °~ ~ ~ 1 ~ l° I' \~ I I t0 ~ F 1 ~ I J_ , I ro.a»=sr. ~Y I ~ ~ ~ ~ I _ "L J .° .~ ~. Oralnage & UEdily Easement Setback Line Lol Danenaian Lot NumpEr Appror. Lol Area Sefback Dimm,ai«, X o~ loo zoa~ a6a~ Latest Revision Date 08/26/10 zorowea:m.i.< mee 07/23/10 sxax 3 on 10 m_E [_ I ~ePared tor. REE 6 ____ _enC Pr Fe~4S1+.eY4.ht4?s ... _ KHovnanian Homes 9615 BsHw Iane, Suite 1tRl Bden Prairie, 9,IIEInHOt4 55844 Cdl 96 Hwrz baffle digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CAII bn Lily Neo 651-451-0003 Mn. Tdl Fr« t-600-25Y-1166 r~ fie lot dimensions and ores m this plvn ore opProximvfe Refer fo the find Plo! and supportAq data fw exact/ /of dimensims and areas ffiY~.OFH1,4 KHOVnonion Homes PLAAP®t,134CP~F~IRVHY~O Westwood Pioressivnal SeMCes. /n<. 1615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 ]699 Anogam Dare Eden Prairie, MY 55344 Eden Prarie, MK 55344 Phone: 952-999-3455 Phona: (951) 9J>-5/50 Far: 952-944-J43> Fos: (952) 93J-5822 2nd & 3rd Additions Prellminary Plat 02010 West.ood Prolessiond Serdces, Nc. CW 48 Mars Ee(we Oiggng: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twh C1lY Arco 851-454-0002 Mn. Tdi Fre< I-600-252-1166 O~ 4 /~ ~ n• vaYw- r'-x' waSxED HOTS: I1N( CMSfAUCMtlI FHIRA4Cf 910AD BE A VJeWY HElgi W I.tl AW CONIAW VAYdVY 9pE Ap45 Cf A:1. ~" ?`. \t ;i `.~ 2ND ADOIRQN 3R0 ADgDON n_mmv et r_v enrwTr_ s nn enrer_v wrrvrce. EZIM 51!£NCM {4TiR fA~C T1PE f - Am w.sf YFq eAanc = IWE ®- oOD v# uE4r i A4D HAY BNF$ ..~v $1ER CRS ~ ~F_t0_Y "~ MON PO'ii ~ OY -- ~ ~- - -D' VAX $^Ap4D wM LOT CORNER EIEVARQY ~ Wf2 9pX'CRT FFHCC 6~-0• YAX $PApV4 WMNi wr2 wvroRT nNa r 5' uAx 1 99 mot- REWVUrNOEo LOT NUNBER ~~ rACazi. $iDRADE xOgT l ~ ~~-rDRPINAGE ARROW ATrAq YMKLY snft q~ t0 VPSR2AV pdbAf. xEg1I JS• f[(i1 VA% 90E fi POSr. 520.5 WPIHOUT GRADE EIEVAaON wOW POST RlP10FF MWpF FBWO S1J.0 I S APPIN;ABLE) rx' up. 524.0 MINWUN BASENENT FLOOR ~ A'.6' nYxq Ix' VSL _ ~ I ELEVAna4 wM CaPAC20 J a• FRQNT GRADE ELEVATION eADY;1 CaASii SiAN0AR0 DEtAe. 112Nq wM NAxK 9AW¢L ALTERNATE DETAR 1fZXq WM QiAVEt DPoVEWAY NOTE: - t. WSPFCi AYD FEPAfl FFKKE KtFA EAq FRLO = GRADED Fai 5.0' 05FERENCE FROM sTORU EiEMT AXD mevc YPVGx W4x MQSSMY. OASEUENT BOOR ELEVATION TO FNNSNEO GRADE ELEVATION. Fa. FOND= GRADED Fat 9.0' DIFFERENCE fRpA 2. REU0ft0 Y0.Ygt 9tAR eC wPO9TE0 To Ax AREA MAT wu xoi conrRawlE BASEMENT !LOOK ELEVATION TO FWSHEO GRADE ELEYAROV.. YDYfxi (FF-9TE AD oAx az AOD T CWRSE OF DLOCK BETNEEN GARAGE AND PFRYAAEXnY SiAEHIxED. AT FENCE fWSi ROOK (O.J~j } AT EFH(E 91µl 0. RACED q 9.NE - ttWiWRS i0 YAYN$C PpIWIC EfiH]ENCT. TYPICAL Lt7f .^^, °• . AlL cwuTNes ANO sPOr REVATIDNS Ar¢ sHO.N To DxlwEO 9xsacE/wTxLa was YmESS oMFRWY xorto. • REFER i0 1HE 91E RAN/REC(RD FiAi FQQ 11051 N~ExI NpbFONlµ 91E D3IEN9IXi5 AHp IAYCVI. • ME cONIRACT(N 91.LL1 VERfY 11E LCCAIIW AMO ELEVATION ~ ELSTe:G U141TE5 A4p 1(PaAAPNM01 fEANRFS'MM ME Oh`iLRS !ND itRO-HRFY P(LM i0 CgS1RUC1KKi. lXf CONiftACiq SNµI NVEpAIELY NOl1fY ME gCa4EFR cf ANY pSCRFPANOES tlt VNUA110.N$ fRpl PVH, • µL ft5 fIXV $1pVY $EMFA 91HL BE !LASS V UNLESS OIIffRNY NOIEO • µl GTCH DA9NS YI PA1ED AAEA$ $Nµl DE SWPED 0.15 AND YINM0.ES SHµL OE 9NR0 005 FfET. Rill ELCVAlIIX15 W PLµiS RFFLECC ME 91VFED FLEVAPCNS • µl CPYSTRUCPbi 91ALL CCNfIXN i0 LNµ RL4E5. • P04TM1E DR0.4:A(£ FAON ML 41E VUSi BE PRONOfD Ai µl P125. HROSION CONTROL NOTB~ LRG@]U DENOTES SALT FENCE r s. ex z ~£ DENOTES HEAVY Wtt SLT FENCE --- G00----- DENOTES E%ISIWC Ca4TWRS ~-OW-- DENOTES PROPOSED LQYTWRS I?--x-n DENOTES EXISIWC STIXW ~NER ~--n-f DENOTES PROPOSED SiORN SEWER CrENOTES Eb51WC TREE ^NE DENOTES TREE REMOVAL LWE ~ DENOTES Ob-RaL EROSION CHECKS DENOTES EMERGENCY 0§ERROW eor. ELEVATION ~'» DENOTES EMSMC RETAUIMC WALL 0~ 100 200' 300 Latest RevlRion Date: 06/26/10 Lase 07/23/10 sn~e 4 oY ]0 T`/ealw[d Pafm'a.W S~vl Yc ~ mssA,q.er+N. lAm>1 mHl aL PY i'^mPM4b ww.sb ~ ~.~yl.~.~,.~.nw P~ ~ ~„ ~e,:,TedLDe 2nd & 3rd Prelimi ary n " ~'"'"`"""'" ~ ~~ ""~` ~(°°°'~""' - - ~L 'p'- KH H waNe ,Y,,,,,~ ~ ( ~ ( ~ R circ ovnanian omes Additions or~aiu c:satElg ia u TS[E ~inaw F..vee 0. L4Ajm ^ - ._ ------ ---- .. 7675 Smelw Iane, Suite 180 PIS ~M ,yrr~ ~ OB/26/IO 1~ ry 11116 men Pmirie, ALlnnesoh 56344 P(Im lake, Minnesole ~- ozolo wesl.eoa Proress'~a sg.;Tes. mG // /~ . ,. ~ i ~ i r 4 ,v ,, , ~ ~~ ~ / ~` ~/ 9B 2 1 (\` ~ ~ _ ~ r; ~1'~ ttr ~F{' ~.- - y / t ~~ ~ ~ f ( 0' JT ~~gE~e J l}~~ t /~% i % 9850 I 99 ~ ~ ~ IC. i ~ J L'~ ~ \ry m !~ ~'• ~ m ~ 9 r ~~ . \S't9 l ~~(~~ 4d ~ 1 s ,G? \,_ .~ "~ 1 ~=, ~~ ~~~r LEGRND: Imrs 4ti itAND ©A','iL`J y6 60TTC41 Et -95II.0 tiY:L Et-95898 e-e lira eL=9eo.as Dw0TE5 SILT FENCE rrva ~ DENOTES HEAYT OVTY 9LT FwCE -Y.-._., DENOTES E%ISnNG CONTOURS OBD~ DENOTES PROPOSED CONTWRS - -~ DENOTES E%ISTMC SiORN SEWER tNy OwOiES PftOPO5E0 STDRN SEWER r.-v~.v~ OwOiES EASTWG TREE UNE DENOTES THEE REMOVAL LINE ~ DENOTES Bro-ROtL EROSION CHECKS DENOTES ENERGENCY O1ERfLOW e.aE. ELEVanpv DENOTES EXISIWC RETAINING WP1L "~ ~K tE%A+yao:.. ea.,muy uxsw 95341i51Y EIS 951AY19ll iCLLER[E IW9tli1H Westwood w..m V~V/yD c ~ '~ s \\ ~ ,D 1 9, ~ \\ `~ \\ f S I ~~\ ~ ~\~ - _~. ,~ ~\\ y~9 '~ ~S m ~r~x ~ . /// ti t`t>~ l~ T S ' j I ~ I / i % Ex. e' oAK.To BE RwOVFD ~ RENOVEDTO ~~~,~,~ ~t- ,~ P`sedE 0. 11ym ll iw 08/26/10 um., xa i17t6 ~~ I _ I ~ V i I ~ Ce0 46 Hwrs 6eiwe ?gONg: ~`- / AUUd ~ ~ ~' ~_~~ 7 ~ sA~~~_`6 ~\~ I 1 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL _ - !! ~~ 1'/~ ~~ c STRAW B/a.E ~ \ ~ ~ trn cb Meo 651-454 0002 1 I / -~~~> ~ \ Nn. Tal free 1 800 252-1166 a~ \ c' CHECK OAN (TVa.)I ~ -- _ _ \ ~\ ~ 6 „.- ~ 1 a- O ~ / R _ ate / I i ~ /~~ _ -" ~ ~~ i ~~ I i ~ I ~, I ~~ / ~ ~ - r 1 1-sea-- ~ 981.1 ty6a ~~ ~~sJ x ~/'~ f~i i !~ I _ II Z t' ~ <. /~ @i64 I 9>gJ t -_ Sae - I 982 ! , % v.. (L, l ~ ~~~. (~ _~~~.\. 9 ,> =J I~,,,to\\ ~ 9~RSWO~ i ~99~OCf`il ~~----.~ ~ ~% 'j ~~ /~/ ~% i ~ --- ~ 9827 ~ _ ~~ 7~~ /3 m ~` as o ~ea si 3~_T ~~ti ~~ ~~ ~ II ~E~f / ~ /~ /~ )\ C /~ t t // Qm~ ~ _ 82 ~ > /~/ 's' j I/I / I LL__ I _~ax~ as si ~-\-+--~ \ G' ~ ~~~ ~ ~j'///p~i~l~`T Jy ~~ __-v ez to J '°'`9i \ / ~/~ //a\~~ ~ jj /~/C ~~1\r ~r ' 1e-,cam / !I ,, ,91 I ~Q 9~s ~v\ /_f' t~ ,---- -V. \ ~ ryn Ef+T~ a Cm) S~ ~ (/ %J~} / ~, ~ `~,,,~rx v:~~~ +/ ~, _ r ss o ,.> ~ ~ ~ 1 989 2 G ~ ~ / . \ / / ~ r ~ r / y~f?f`l~/~' r - , ~c/ / ---6~ i 9s/2c. `I~ FB(A~,:;~~sy/S ~ 1 _, / ~ / s/~ , Yra,~-'SY'~ ,~~.~y" /~ e~ i ~ 9R I I F8(2) s2a.z I I/J c > ~~. ~ / ~~ ~/ /~ {{ `I I 989 9 S / / ~~ x X ~ .' ~ /// /f/i ~ ~ v ~ ~ 977.2 I T ~ i~+ l O / / ~i o. ~ a~.t~•. ~.4~~~ ~~ ~. . Ji ae8 I r~ I FB 98 ~ ~ ,~ i sss.o °o r s Q - r ~ 9[t.- mm 9eg ~ _y - / s ° 1 ea -_- O - ~~. ss>8;,. 111 ssa2 sea r _,,\ /-_ r n/3. ~l g / \17 / .i ry h ~rr ~ 7~ y~\ / / i r ~. ~/ r ~ / i ' // , t ~, i ! ~ 1' E , ~/ / n ~ ~ / / o 1 ~' e l; / ,~ i mu` v 1 t1 '~ ~,1 ` J / as ~ i~ / ~ ~ ~ 1 / J /,/ / / C '~ ~ ~ c~, _ . , ~~n ~0 ~ ~° ~, / ____ ~ Nepued Tor. ~_._ mx• °~ ~= KHovnanian Homes ~~ cTre ]615 $melena lane, SWfe 1Bf1 E._s+a+-_w9taee PAen Prairie, Afinnewta 55314 f •. / / f +,/ r/ ~~~~~~ //~y J f AREA (imJ f~ te;i:f art t..J. j K t ;~ ~, t~ r-. >r ~ t ~ / /~~~ ~~/(~ ~' fi DENOTES EbSnNG I ~ / ~y/~} _ ~~ RETPINWG WP1l (TYP.) 3 9' ~ ~4~'~fx c~~'~' ~ .~1 <~/I j~~~ v t-- 7 RC" ,~''} sTAN0Afi0 9LT ~f~# ~Rt~b) 4? ~ FwcE (rm.) ~' ~$ - ~ \ 1 ~ ~ DENOTES EDGE OF i s~ ~ I ~~ ~, ~ 4~' ( /l- w ,~ ~~) t I 1 ~SiBACKel \'}, \ ~ ~ \~ ' 1 .( ~ ~ .v i }, S z ~~'t~T 91 ~9 /i ~~f~' t L~ 1 f `~ ~ /1 S Y, / l ~/ kI \ / - J t`~ // t / r j' ';%/ /,~ 2` % ~ a ;'jFflON OLUFF 0' S0~ 100' 150' -t / latest Revlslon Date: 08/26/10 zolonlq~oze.~ c ory ores ml~ 07/23/10 sn c 5 os 10 2nd & 3rd ~ male Prelialinary Additions Grading Plan >>rm= Take, n+4mesot. North Half f !010 Westvoad Pmfessbnd Serticez, hc. \ ~ t` } \~ d ~ ~~ L s~yl~ ~ _ aERan~O yASN 6& ODT 10!i EL.=9:A.0 R"ul EL =95S.J8 E3-0 tiwt. EL.=960.2.b ~~ ~~ j i ~~t\ '~ ~~~ ~L' - _ f ~a- 986.p _~) 8~~0 fj ?WO ~ _ 9>> n . 1 %~~~ ~ ~ ! 1 // / PROPOSED TREE) Y. ASS REMOVPI L1LUiS ] q~Er ~/ (TYP.) / /f-J r/ / Y~EiLTHO F315}'J i6 t30T 1054 LI. 950.8 t /~ / ~ NY;.. FI 460 50 tint EL.=961,58 , /`~~ ~ XERAND LIMBS Y (iTP.) i h: I/ ~;,~ \ F\ 9~ ___. _ ~ xw SFc ~_, r__ - ~ * -T`s __ -1 ~ "~ f 9aa.z sasf F ,,, FBWO_0 ~~ iB~ ~~ .i 1 e ~.~ JJ~ i. 8@. p / a ~ 1 ~+'tib0- Fn //,// / ~98x 1 /r / ~ ~. ~~ ~~ ,~ ~% rnu g~ 1 ` ~ ~ ~ ~~, I ] ~~ ~~ ~,i~xt`~'~~f< ~4 '\, _\ \ 9r~at ~ ~r ~~ C~ ~~ }s ~ { [siry.~ ~ ~ i Coa q8 Hows bafara dgglnq: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL ivm Gty Area 651-454-0002 Nn. Tdl Free 1-600-252-ll66 DENOTES EOCE OF ---~~WERAND (TYP.) -~~~fi`\ iC\. ~~~ 1 '\ ~ !^~ ~\ RICF LAKE TIX' 6F iCE ELEVAT10:! 9-05.0 JrtNVARV 26, 2006 c1siV,t ~= 945.0 PETE tiNkE50TA D_N.R. y ii I s ~` 1 1 ~~ ff ( j ~ ~~ , ~N "'+J ~ y ` t~ ~ / / / ~ l1 ' / O 3 j / m ~~~ ~ f, , j, ~ ~ / '~_"o toy / ^90 / t !~ ~~~d ~ 1l ~// Z ,f f_Yy l ' f`` tj~ /'S\ ~ ~ \ ,- ~ y~;=~'fJ~/ ] v i "7.. t. ~tZ ~. y,.~J...E% 10' xKY(ORY /`~Y, / ~. .,mss ~1 I / 6 /~~ I i \ ~ {1 ~~ ~ \ j~ it EX 5 xlq(pI}Y I TO BE REMOVED % / ~~~( ~~ 1 t \ :~ /,Kf~y l~~ /-., y ~ n ! \ ~ cf ft f ^ I t 1 f ~I~ 10 ~E,RENOYEb II ( E%. 18' IRPVYNOD'• s ~1,.1'.~~fi '~ .: )~Yi/f ~~S `~ ' f 9Y: ~' ~ E I ~ y ~ I.., tP~ I. i f Ez. 1b' uaPLE . t,! ro DE REMOVED ,~.f,_ JYK"vi ~1 _you'EjFr // r_f e s i f f 3; I nm I Init.: 11 1 ~i TO fD ~RENOVED~ ! {t ryrt .. .a~~' ;_._ ,r ~ Y ~ -- ~ fli ,jj I I I"''~ blY..l t , _ ~ % ~~ ~ t - ~ ti,,.td Y ~:1 .'- /`~- • ~"-~ ~ - ~ t ~ I - 1 ~ I i t 3t I i ='I Ex_n • AsN ' - . v~ YY 1 ~ / ~ ~~ \~~,--..~, _ . .~ r !. eii-i~ \ ' I ~II I7i ~ \ TO 6E ENOVEO EOr PaM4 MYf5ME _ .~(~j.~]..~/.~Tal~,.~ ~~E~o~]~--_,. -----__~-_-_--__ ~.,,~ H m "~ ~~~ ~~ ~~p~ gnLL ~ ~ ~° ~~~ Oe K ovnanian Ho es %pYE 951i]]315a ~ ~ 'K_ f]~ 95191)+9]E "F-I q.m <»c ]uE E~sn.s,so PnMe D. w8m a --.._..._- veaa ~~ afmv 7615 SmeteEU lane, Suite 180 y/p,{tytpOgJ vxvv.]H~*k.<m wr< ~/26/IO Em. rve 1TII6 men PEe(rie, Minnewte 55314 j FENCE (TYP.J t ~ 2ND ADDITION 3RD ADDITION X LRC>~>ru DENOrES 4LT FENCE u acv '='-"? ~~ DENOTES HEAYY Wtt 9LT FENCE --- - - pENOiES EbSDNC CQNTWRS X980- ~ OENOrES PROPOSED CONTOURS c,--w-ii DENOTES EX~SDNC STORM SEVER ~-nom pENOrES PROPOSED SrORM SEVER pENOiES ENSnNC TREE LINE DENOTES TF£E RENOVPL HNE ~ DENOTES 810-ROLL EROSION pfECKS [ ar DENOTES ENERf£NCY Ol£RFLOW . . ELEVanon DENOTES EUSONG RETNMNC WAIL 0' S0' 100' 150' Latest Revision Date: 08/1b/SO ]OIOIIIPyw03 [a'. Hi c ory ores ThEe a,/~/to 66m 6 De ,o 2nd & 3rd so scale Preliminary Additions Grading Plan Prlas Take, Awlnesah South Half r 02010 Westvootl Prolessbnd SErrces, Nc ~'1`ETLAND BASIN r~5 BorTOM cL.=~so.(> NWL Et..=960.80 IIwL EL.-=961.66 YlETLAND LIMITS (rYP.) rr' ,`t, f~ ~ / ~\~ + ,. ~' /~ ~ ,_ F , ~ a_ C it\> j~ \2 ~v ~ 1 ~i ~ ~ ., h >s~ ] -9 8.D ~; L~~o ~>' / i ~~ ` / ,< ~ /, , ,rr- , 'l ~., ,-- i / ~ /~^ ; ~ 1~'/ ~~ %/ / / ;~ 1_ ~ ~ ~~< .: r \ ;~ Cf )'S+ ~ :i 1 o Tt+/, '+~rt~eE~vclrl x SiY~DE W~ 6~'~f~AINT[LE,~ i 11 li-_ 1 i ; e I € r~ u\ y y ~ 1 I ~ S a ~ , I ". , ~EaWtEc FJSn iliiCE4V EElN gUME ~~)il'A {AY y}} IIXLiPFF IdN9A5150 VJashwod ..n.ma,.<e... T T, k> _,,t~~"+ %i LEX. 3" HICKORY i ` I I ,I I I F,~ I ~ ~ i ,I<, I v to I I I LIB I II ~ {' I Lbl I' I ~~ : ~ EX.; 110" MAPLE ~~ TO B~ REMOVEDo+ ]i,i ~ I'EREj`- ' ~ * ~ ~- ;i i Y' i ~ I$ EX. j10" ASH ~` L I ,-T ~ E ~ ~ kI I i I i i ! I TO •BE yREMOVED I I *1'Y't-~-T 1 ~ I t I i I I -I I I I T \ ~ \ ~ III f y ] it i I i ( ] / ~~ ! (I]T~~ ~ A ~ ` ~ ~ . -+i n.il ~~_ -1~ 1 TF~ L..__.. ..__._.T_1 _~._ v -V vv / 1 _ / ~! 71 ~:~/ l~.t{ ~.i) .57,1 /'~ ^' / __ ~ ! >r ~. U~ / /~11~t~•U !~ < mot` ~ < <~o JJJJ ~` J ~ `` , `~~~• ~ ~; ~~ ~ D NOTES L } ~.. 5 ` _~ ~ ~ ,Y ;~ETAINI G + ' ~''~ ~ WALL YP.) ~ 1 ~ 's~ ' i , T~ti~; -' STAND~t~D SILT /~ ~ ~=~~~~%+? FENCE (TYP.) j~ i~ /.";_i %j ~P% , / ~. ' f\~'y ~'~Wyt=~ ~ !/ J // ~ i ~'t«P- EX. 10° HICKORY ~% TO BE REMOVED EX. 18" IRONWOOD TO BE REMOVED TEMPORARY POND ;' OUTLET ELEV.=963.00' 2 YR. HWL ELEVj=9¢.4.75 70 YR. HWL ELFjV.*;,465.27 _ 100 YR. HWL ELE)l=966.36 _ ~ aa:9 sac. ssbl sECnoN a-e `ES!PCRAR'! POND -_,EMERGE<C1' 04`c FFLOa IEGP) GE_AIL_. H,5 CaR 46 Mars before Gi93Ny: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL trio Oily Nea 651-454-0002 Yn. TdI fYee f-800-252-ll66 Aa. ros Ip•xl•aAr eAR PJRM Eun a aEttE Nx NLLL <ROUFO ro RrovgF • 10 RAI eA0. - 1 palER RVG PIipYAE 1-I/~ 80.15 Y/QIGS -~ A ~ A A Hoi unPEO auvu.zm s sroow eAR S 4iAlE N ] ACigxS 4' OC CMx aAY _ QLA1L }i/A' MNwC) wu aEVnnamss6.4 ' C i]J3 /R' T~ a wAU-964.6 - 12 NREi PWF WRii REV ~i3 N Ri V.-NREi ' ELEV. 1.0 40YNWG OEP 12• WLET PRF ~ INVERT ELEV.-961.0 b" Di w/}• CAp ,,, .__.; -_ _, Ai NREi EIEV. ~ ~ N%NSIREAY 9DE SECTION A-A NOTE: 1. 6ASE t0 ~ fYLN1E0 3+00]N wTEkr. IO FOfUI A 2. P.PE NT-Ni5 i0 BE LNA]EO iEYTWRMY MNERE REOlnREO. PQND OCS ELEV=9625 ]WE iyyYER Al•.CHE4'ATE uwor n49 za - 3' - 6' PERfUURe ELCV.=9595 '~` IXiNNMF I w/NNOOL ]]3J (- 5. ~ iYPf 19LT sooE (~y7( c'! ~ ~ ~ ~E, ~ ;~ r% ~*r -` J` ~" ~ -' ,,; r ~1 DENOTES BLUFF AREA (TYP.) RICt: E.AKE TOP OE ICE ELEVATION 9E~6.0 JANUARY 26, 2000 OHWL- 045.0 AER MINNESQTA D-N, R_ 1, MLRAnpV $NElE SHALL BE AiBNi S fRW N1191 G.4ROE 2. REML SEC]KK1 111M 3' aNE f0.TER AGGREGATE W/ORNNME. 3. 6' ORNNME SHALL NNNEGT TO OGS N DOYMSHEEAN 90E OF W;R WAEL Ai PIX10 NRfi fLEVAnpY. A CAP SHALL BE PLACEO N iME 0.iA1NllLf W90E THE NPNN0.E ftFWONG ME A2E fROV 6' i0 J'. X 0' 30' 60' 90' latest Revlslon Date: OS/2b/1( zmmnry,r,oAe. Dllc O7/Z3/SO SFavt •/ OP ]D I] <o ! I I W/ T ~ 1 9g0 / ~ r w~ ~e Pnffif R FLym ll TW 06/26/10 EE~x> ll!!6 - / /~ - - E,M i 1eP, 2nd & 3rd I Ortrt !eH a KHovnanian Homes Temporary Pond °^'~ ~`` Additions Grading Plan e~ ~~ a+~ 9615 Smelena Lane, State 1>m men I'raWe, MUinesota 55314 Prior Take, MGule]o1e ~_. 02010 Westrood Prolessand Sadces. M9 ~ // \ S \~~ / ~~ 9 0 QOM ~ ti j ~~ ~ PARK / / / ~ / ~ ~ / ~/ -~ / r r ' / I / ~ '\ ~ FE=990.]5 II i / / L j' /V , `. ~~ ~~, , a ~ .~%, ~ U, i'Ef5 I ~/. O. I % E=9)160/ / ~ ' I I 4 ` 2 , L BRA{ ` ~ C ]K=981.6] f2.9M81 ~/ i v _ ~ \ E-9]1.91 ~ 1 6 E.9M] // \ 3 ~ ~ I 2 `V ~~ `~ // RE•9 ]p \ JC I PF•%1.0.5 \ I f (IE•9JL11 _ ~ _ I L ~ I5~ Pl9 -_ . ~ tr I ~ w 9eaxz srMl FE-%Q39 ~ ' I ~ E(M)=a)S31 E(SE)•W}11 .IP9)351 r I Z I SD01~ ]~ TEDT A RE•%}}}IIW I Rf•9 E•9)2 M W I I ( E•9) ~ '23 ~ I I / W / . / J / / a I i / / C ~ I ~ . / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / / 9' RS I E•9E0.B] / ~ / YERAVD UMIS / I l PARK /~ 95J]1, / / ~ I I ~ ftE-%9 N E=99,21, I ___--~T----_-r-_----~ ~ ~ / / I ~ ~- / _ - • / ~ ) ` ] \ \ / ~` I ` ~ 7 I ~ ] _~~ ~~-A~ ~ tJJ / \ / / \' / \ / f ` / .J 4 I ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ I I ADD\TION 2 I 71 ~ 1J -- 1 1 I I •/ I)fF~96114 tEgyX ' - I I I E•%All ] IE•9813 II ~ I E(H)•9 f L YQ=9] r[6 E E)e9J $ -~~ 11N 19fli60 ~ -9]L68 Slux RE-9)100 E N•9]0.N E S•%1.V ~_ / \ YN 15' EESJ ~ FE•8]615 E•9f0P0 ~ E•%1.1 RE=9R 18 E=9N2B E=959.IJ E(Hn)•919M I I ff(x7-9a.% I )._-_ I 1 / + / \ / A y ~ I ~+ ~ ~-- l 8 ~ 4 ~ !-~"- , {/ A I ~ \ POO\t~0. I ~ ~ ~' \ l \~ ~- I ~ / ~~P~ ~ v ~ ~ ~; c~ s ~ I---1----- - `- ~ e 18 , ~_~ 1c v __ m ~\ /~ ~\ 9 II 11 II ~~~ ~/ ~ ` ___ , E=9el.n I I 11 I 1 V - =969m I I 1 1 III I / ~~~ 1 I I 1a' aw I I I I I '- I5~ NCV • vx I ~/~v 3 ~" i ' 1 i' l r ~9 1 1 a3 1 1 e m 1 1 ~ g i v Y y b ~ m q y~ ~ d ~` 'S K ~~ `:~~ u` w -__- p 'ss sf~ o as ~a ~Bi s pa ~ t ~: 'xtd° n p `~ Ewa ' ~ o '~ "jj ~ ~ s~3 3` ° s ~ a ~§ 3~° a ~°~ m 3 ° g 9 § Q ~a : ~ S~ fig: ~3p ~ ¢E € t " E6~ 08 ma, ^ V m B~ f~~ n[ P~ ~ =o ~i c 3 ~e ~ ~ 'j ~~ G o 3 I c s~ ~G5 1 gum I 7 .yi 'ai Etl e I _ ~ Q su £ 4n I ~ ~ I .,<m om oo .u _ r APPROVED LOCAL STREET ~ PLATEtt 1-22-02 TYPICAL SECTION 601 IS=sax9V, 4•sW]6r t E=9]0.06 /~ / ! X19. (]W.) ls'R\m/ W~~\ / FE=9889)' r ~ 1. C E-96).25 aYx r:. /` / i(X)°%121 E=%)E6 ~. / ~\\ / / \ f / / ~8386~ ~ / / C E-96sa ~ ~\ \ / ~' . / / / \ / ~\ / / \ / MI / / RE.w1m ~ /` %9 30 / ~ ~ . 9 1EHM1 \ / \E=964.32f( I/~ . / ~ ~. 0 a ~ \ I / ' ~_ _ _ 1ND ADDIRO.V JRD Ap0)RQY maPOS[0 . FCftCLV.VI ~ i /. GENERAL UTILITY NOTES: • ME COHIRACIOR SHPLL VFfbfY ALl EnSIWC CONOIRONS PPoOR i0 CONSTRUCRON AND NO11fY ME OWNER OF ANY DFfERFNCES- r UNlE55 OlHER1NSE NOTED. ALL YATEPoALS. CWST. TEOWIp25 OHO tE51WG 91KL CIXIFpW TO ME 1999 ED. aF ME °STANDARD UT0.1RE5 SPEpFlCARONS FQ4 WATER YAW A190 SERNCE LINE INSTALlADOY AHD SAMTARY SEWER ANO SiOFw SEWER WSTALlAT1pN DY ME QTY ENGWEEPoHC ASSOpARIXI Cf NWN.' PND i0 THE STANDARD SPEpfICAiION fOR HIp1WAY CONSTRUCTIg1- YWN. DEPT. OF TRANS, AUGUST 31,2005 WCLUOWG ME CURRENT ADDENDUN. ME CQYIRACIOR SHALL BE ftEOUWED TO FQLOW ALL PROCEDURES A$ OURWEO DY ME LOCAL AGENCY. • ME CONIRACTCR ENPLL RECEIK ME NECESSARY PERA1115 FCR ALl HORN q)t9DE Di ME PROPERTY LLVITS. • SEE ARCH. PLAN FCR E%ACL DLDG LOCATION. SEE SlE RAN FOR IAYWi ONEX51045. SERNCE ENTRY LOCATOVS 10 DE COORDNATED MM ME ARCH1MCi. • )FIBfY EIOSTNG WYERt LOC. tr ELEV. PPoDR t0 eEONMNG CDNSiRUCRpY. • ME WATER SERNCE SH)1L BE WSIALLEO WM A NIN. W ].1 fi. OF COVER THE COYTRACTIX2 $HOLL YERifY ME ptT AS-6U&T CONSTRUCROV PIAHS t0 CHEd< IOCAiXIN AHO NATFPoAL itPE. • ALL STIXLN SEMER PIPE SMALL !# CLASS 5 U1tE55 OMFAW SE NOTED. • ME CQYLRACiOR SHAD CQYTACT 'GOPHER STATE QYE CALL FOR f0R UMITT LOCAPIXiS PPoOIt TO UTUTY WSTALLARQV. Q~1~~1 E>oSi1NC PROPOSED $OIIiLOry $BnK -G- $pDilwy $e%% -~- Woler 1- Water - I- HSd. n\Vo11e -I~j Hyd. n\VOlve -I~} Slam Sawa -« Slwm Sewer -w~- Cob 48 Hwrs befwo diggNg: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL iris City Me0 651-454-0002 Yn. Tdl free 9-800-252-1166 I~n~EDI ~°~~ TYP CALSECTION I 504 TE# O' 100' 200 X00' Latest Revision Date: 08/26/10 i)slc 07/23/10 5nae S oe 10 • YMGwNgv(enavl3mb5),c >~A,>orn9~. t~ p.'°,::m;~,." :°`"°" °~w`u 9..Nx _. ]9H. PiePAiear4J 2nd & 3rd u.,mHA M9 SZM4 " ea.ffi .d. u. m, ew. s...r ~,®. ~n<no cv ~....,. °~ ~° KH i H Preli inary ~ ,~._ ~;;,~,,~ ~ ~}~,.,~ -- I M°~ ClY9 I ovnan an omes I Additi Utility P Tan TW ]A[f 14~93M159 Preixla R ILym, Q, P8 __ °~ °`~~ °r)dtl` 'J$I$ $Ne19M i6pe, $YI(2 iRD ons llVartx'ood w..r...xr2oy..«+ 08/26/10 1]]16 e+. u®. X= .. FVen Pn(rie, Mlnneota 55344 Prio] Take, Mhmmole p v P STARK 02010 Wesbood P%o(esz'wnd Sarices. Inc 5 .~/ (/ / O O~ /~ ~ ~ C I \ ~ ry~ I ~. = I // /.. . ~ / .• j/~ ~ ~ y ~ f ~. .r e, F T i ~. 'A• ~ '\ l 1 I I r:_..-: / ,, %~ saa I I 1. i r~r ' I ~ _ zND ADDInaN -3RO ADmnaN :. <\\ Ca9 49 Hwrs 6elwe GDOiny: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL TeN GlY Arw 651-454-W02 Nn. Tdl Fre< i-800-252-1166 Plant Liet STNDOL CALIPER INCHES APPRO\£D PUDr pftCPO6ED CCNV.DN NAVE 4ZE/ROOT NOTES aER6rosY usr: 382.5 155 155 HACKBERRY, NAPLE. OAR. y5' CAL. Rd9 BIRCH, HOAEVLOCUSi 82 5 33 33 El£ROREEN LIST: ' EOUIVAIENT TO . 9'RDCE, PINE, RR HT. 8813 6 25 CAL .TREE SIZES AND WANnnE6 FQR APPROVED PUD ARE FROM BANS PREPARED DY JCxN QJVER k ASSOCIATES. WC. DATED 6-21-06 PRUtiT wi vmacrzD 'I, eeu,c>,E$ LEAUt tEnDERS I ni cr. W GAOSi GS 9 iCR q¢ O D) YEA9 OV AEL GEwuws A\0 cw rEews LPEES: iU' $EA ES 5 BO E G. W.9 (vAx) w iD FRSi eeA•:at e01iw N SI E 3 (M4) C ELOA'CtWVO. S10M~~\G P 0515 IO BE YM2~ SiRtiEO RWJ CR PA141E0 $tf[L OEE`AEAIpR PO515. PLFCE } P0515 fwOSi Vi )9W\O FV9 bIiSOE RWi BAtI. $ECVRE Ifl[E t0 POSTS N11N Ifi tOVC PCLWRWtt£h: 09 P0.YEM1EfXE. t0 V.l. 1 D' n'OE $LP0.~_ P.A[E 6' DEPTH OF $R CFEO vuw mcR P, vE P,ES - 00 A01 fAF AGAti51 1¢Vtit. fMV }' RFP nNiEq VG BASV. 82CtFlLL PLtVi PII n11X SPECFEO BAC%iAL $Ol. SCA¢itt SCES Al9 e0iiG4 ({ •IiN EVERGREEN TREE PLANTNC PRvVE OJI VSD if CIfO B2A\CnEi LFAK LE/UERS 41ACi. wr D st c s JAiVtY roT DE (U +T ¢GNf DECWW$ O CIX F OJS i.¢FfS- iN sr Es s aeD E cRww IR %) OR i0 FiSi B7AYCH. BE O GiW 9 SIA POSTS 10 ¢ 2 %t 51 ~. EO W W [R PA.V I(0 SIfCL KVA~1Di POSTS. PN(2" ]POSTS FwD512y1 F401V0 AtiD OVESOE RWi B/`L SENiC LREE i0 POSis wEX fG' L01G PGLW PP"YLEFF M Pd.]EwnfnE. +D VE_ 1 ri° N# SiRPP. v1-.FRE AP4TtiG 5 C4LE0 idt: A4M fRG4 CS W!.9Ef:E V'PFA4] 10 i1RSi B~F\p~FS. EO V ]' pSFP xAEEn-AG BASV ~ I ~ 9ACV0.L RAVi Fi NiH SPEOEiCO ,~ BACU4E SOt. SCAQiY SOE$ R`:] eOliw Of H0.[. -- 9 - ~E31 ~-V~ REFER i0 AVERCAN $iAApAN] ECR M1VRYRY $1pC[ f0i V\.WV BAtE og sEt Rwl e~E d. u:DSro.eafD wssoa ce eoePacrzB wL vw+o VAICh\`3 1fiEf5 NAiVFAI Gfdi`.A~\E T114 EJ: SnfO SIE GSA9E N.T.S. ,v DEpD0006 TRE E ~r ~~$ PLAHiWC LA28 o' 100' 200' 300' Safest Revision Date: 08/26/10 oar 07/23/10 sseee 9 oP ]0 ~ ~k F n WYNf1 t~ w=~v:~~N w~.-~ 5~ ~ ,~. f PTe,>azea TD~ nd & 3rd „ d ).I .uafRCTma6M.Y~LAU,1/v.vf. u/~e/iocV,v.._. °~ °~• KH i H ~ n~,r rellmi I I PMK 91191)31Y fI.K 95]9P5V] 1 I I wR ovnan an omes ~ I Additions ~Pe Plan xuruL rmmm_sLw A81e n ymd R,.Y, F/dee 9615 RmAw /ane, Suite 180 ~WOOd nm..n.aoaesatan m 08/26/10 Is®.. ere 15V6 ---_..._.._ eden Prairie, Minnesota 55314 riivr lake, Minnesota t ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~~ ~~~ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ ._.- ~ ~ X ~' E P ~ Y ~ ~~-) ~ ~' TIER 3 /mar ~~`~~ ~;~- --~~~ _ - ~'~~~ T ~ ~ ', ~ ~~~ ~2E. ~~:~ ,~ //~~ ~ ~_ ~C' L TIER 2 / y T`~ ~ ~~. ~/~ ~ ~/ 1~ vC. - _ - _- _ ~ s,nrts _ -) ~--1 f ~~ •e r / /~ , r ~ ~~%~ _ /~ / ~ _ I • , ~ ~D ~~ L.-_ r a %~; // ~ ,~ `` V ~~ ~ ~ anor~ ` / // ^ O _ ~ I u ~ ` ' / ~\ I ~I ~ ~ ~y y D~ ~ I - 7 -1 ~-' ~J J ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ada~ ~~/ ~I r ~ IIII- o~mm >-r~ ,; I . ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ _____ I ' ~Y I I I I / ~J ;av;:: ~... Coe 4B Hwrs 6efae eig9;ng: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Trh Oily Weo 651-454-OW2 un. Taf Free 1-boo-2sz-uss SHORELAND g5R8CT TER DE9GNAOW W£nAND AREA REWCRON DLUFf AREA REOVCOON NET AREA ALLOWABLE BASE DEN9TY ALLOWABLE BASE DENSTY OWELLWC UNIi6 SHOWN IX1 NVMBER AREA (SF) (S) ($F) ($F) PREA ($F) OWElUNO UNITS PREUNINARY PLAN i 1.848.208 ]6.151 118.]55 1.653,302 20.000 82 63 2 94],)21 131,69) 0 816,024 20.000 40 A 3 44],85) 161,08) 0 286.)]0 20,000 14 8 a 36.565 fae9a o z2,bn 20,000 i 1 TOTALS 3,280,351 382.829 118,]55 2,ABJ6] 20,000 /3] 109 NOTE: ]UNITS ARE BEYWD 1000 FEET FRON THE OHWL, THEREFORE ARE NOT IN0.lRIED IN THE SHORELAND DISTPoCT. i - - _ - 7 ~ OPEN SPACE PRONGED HICKIXIY SHORES AREA (Sf) PAf6(1 60).W4 PPRH 2 516,501 Wn07 B 11,630 WnOi C 9.801 WnOi D 1],990 HICKORY SHORES 2ND L< JRD ADDIRONS AREA (SF) Wnor A 13.62] WnOi B (1) 3.812 Wnor c 3,a94 Wnor 0 /) }.246 LOT 39. BL.1 232,566 CP45ERVAOW ESMTS. 23).09] TOTAL OPEN SPACE 1,858,648 R OPEN FRONDED 53.338 (TOTAL PLAT PREA 3,485,192 S.FJ (SOR OPEN SPACE REO'T. MEi) (1) WROT AREAS NINUS CWSERVARON EASEVENtS SHORELAWD gSIPoCi TER 0ESICNARCL`I WPERNWS AREA OG STREETS IVPERNW6 AREA OF HWSES & OWYS WPERNWS AREA OF TOWNHWSES INPERVIWS AREA OF iOWNHWSE DWfS IVPERNWS AREA OF 4DEWALI(S IMPERNWS AREA OF PATHS INPERNWS AREA TOTALS INPERNW6 AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERNWS PREA PERCENTAGE NUVBER AREA ISF) ($F) CSF) (SF) (Sf) (SF) (g) (SF) OF GRO55 ANEA REWIREVENT 1 1,868.208 tO5,i14 168,000 61,38] 11,190 ],WO 49,492 403.153 21.88 258 VAX 2 94],]21 1]5.5]4 92.000 35,000 12.840 9.836 6.351 2)1,601 28JR 25% VAX 3 44],85] i],425 32,000 0 0 0 6,693 56,118 1258 258 YAX 1 36,565 1,341 4,000 0 0 O 0 5,341 i1.6R 25%upX TOTALS 3,260,351 239,456 296,000 96,38) 24,030 1],806 62.536 ]36,213 22.49. 258 NAX NOTES: 204.641 S.F. CF RAT 15 ~YOND 1000 FEET FROM THE oHnL. nHEREFORE IS NOT W0.VOE0 W THE SHCRELAND DIStRICT. FOR 9NGLE FANiLY LOiS. 4,000 Y WAS USEO FOR xWSES. Of WHICH, 9W Sf WAS AREA M ORIVEWAY6: ACNAL CWSiRUCTED INPERNWS PREAS HILL VARY. FOR MULR-FAV0.Y tOtS, 2500 SF AW. WAS USED FOR UNITS ALIHWCH SOME UNITS NAY BE BWLi WAILER. FOR MULR-FAURY t0T5. ACNAL DRIVEWAY AREAS SHOYN W PLANS WERE CALWLAlEO, ALIHWCH ACNAL CWSTRUCTEO DRM1£WAYS COtRO VPRY. D' 200' 400' fi00' latest Revision Date: OS/26/10 mm 07/23/10 sAr<e 10 oe ]0 . venwwerM,ek„as Maf s.. e°,3 "++s m~y .:~. a~m~nw~u PfeWf " a..ms4 ursssu C~~ ,ewe. ren.na ur ~•~.~ ~*^~___ sw e errors >n4nsw rw< fsnvrzsu ~ ~ ]'7" ~ rm.. circ iatru[ fawfnisa Prmde R 14g ll s«o^ us~s+`htaae WOS1k1RSOd rm+we+e.«4+.d+ aee 08/26/10 s.~. xs V716 KHovnanian Homes 7615 $lllelW Iane, Suite 180 men Ikairie, Minnesota 553L4 2nd & 3rd Additions Prim lake. M(unewa Tier Area Calculation Plan sf" n Homes 7615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 Eden Prairie, rViN 55344 July 23, 2010 Mr. Jeff Matzke Planner City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota Sri•eet S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RE: Hickory Shores Addition Dear Mr. Matzke: K. Hovnanian Homes is pleased to submit our applications for both an Amendment to the Plumed Unit Development Final Plan and a Preliminary Plat application for the previously approved Outlot A of the Hickory Shores. Hickory Shores was originally platted in the fall of 2006 and was 2/3's developed with the lower portion (Outlot A) being graded and retaining walls installed. The fully developed areas have had a few homes conshucted in them with 1 four tout townhome and 5 single family homes existing in the neighborhood currently. Due to economic conditions and the subsequent default by the developer of the mortgage(s), this commtmity has been in a holdutg pattern. K. Hovnanian Homes has entered into an agreement to purchase all the remaining developed lots and tmdeveloped land with the current owners, a group of investors. It is K. Hovnanian's intent to re-launch this commtmity by converting the existing townhome portion into detached single family homes still managed by an association and complete the balance of the site development into larger single family home sites as was the original vision. We are requesting an amendment to the existing PUD to allow for detached single family homes to be constructed within the existing townhome platted lots. The current housing environment has made the sale of attached townhomes exriemely difficult and sales of these products extremely depressed. We are proposing to build individual 2 story single family homes, our Woodland Series, utilizing the current building pads, thereby maintailultg a very similar feel and density as the original plan. The Woodland series are a112 story homes and range from 1750 to 2120 square feet with 2 car garages and many options that would iltcrease the finished square footage of the homes. These homes will appeal to the new home buyer that call t step right into the larger homes that are being offered else where in the local market place. We have included a complete packet of elevations and floor plans, a building mariix and materials table for your review. We are requesting the approval to build this detached product within this portion of the colmnunity. We are requesting 5 foot side yard setbacks from the interior propert lines and the approval to cantilever possible buildu1g options (fireplaces/media niches) into r~e~~~~ ~ ~ l~' i- up to 2 feet at interior lot lines and a 3 foot setback from an exterior property line ase refer ( C ~~ JUl 2 ,3 2010 Jeff Matzke Hickory Shores August 23, 2010 Page 2 to the graphic on the Amendment site plan). We are also requesting approval to allow egress window wells to project up to 4 feet into the proposed side yard setback. We are also requesting approval to allow each home to have an individual driveway as opposed to joining them, as we believe this will make the commmunity feel more like a hue single family neighborhood. The cumulative impact of these changes actually reduces the impervious surface coverage for the community, see the Tier Area Calculation Plan. These new homes will be part of a Home Owners Association that will manage irrigation, landscaping, snow removal for the common areas associated with this area as shown on the plat Tl»s new Association will work with the existing towrnhome association to manage all the common areas and improvements that are paz•t of this neighborhood. We believe that the proposed Woodland collection of homes will uttegrate well with the existing towrnhome buildu1g and that we will be able to create a very attractive neighborhood. We are also requesting that as part of this Amendment to the PUD Final Plan that you would approve the conshuction of slightly smaller single family home sites in the proposed Hickory Shores 2na Addition Preluninary Plat. The original plans for this area had assumed that a large portion of its storm water would be directed offsite. The proposed project that was to handle this storm water did not proceed forward and therefore the approved Hickory Shores plan can not be constructed as originally proposed. Our proposal has addressed the need for additional storm water management within the Hickory Shores site and this has had an impact on the lot layout. We are also submitting an application for approval for the Prelimnnary Plat for Hickory Shores 2~~ Addition, the partially developed area of the site currently platted as Outlot A, Hickory Shores. Tlnis area was originally approved along with the balance of the site but the developer elected to record this area as a outlot versus plattirng it unto its approved lots at that time. They were given permission to proceed with grading this portion of the site and constructing the proposed retaining walls as required by the grading plan. Again this area depended on proposed improvements that were to be constructed offsite, specifically storm water ponds and a sanitary sewer lift station that tivas to service 6 of the approved home sites within the Hickory Shores plat. Because those offsite irprovements were never constructed it is necessary to make the proposed adjustrnents to allow this site to function independently. To that end we have redesigned the site to include the necessary storm water pond to meet required design parameters and relocated the required cul- de-sac to allow for the orderly extension of the road system in the hiture, this has resulted in a loss of one lot These additions have impacted the original design but we have preserved the original vision including the trails, views, natural environment and the requirement to maintain the necessary limits on impervious surfaces. We are planning to build 2 story single family homes with a stlxtdard 3~~ car garage, our Lakeland Collection. The Lakeland Collection are x112 story homes and range from 1993 to 2903 square feet with 3 car gaz•ages standard and many options that could increase the possible Jeff Matzke Hickory Shores August 23, 2010 Page 3 finished square footage range from 3115 to 4045 square feet We will offer numerous elevation options and materials for these homes along with landscaping and deck options. We have included a complete packet of elevations and floor plans, a building mahix and materials table for your review. These applications are being submitted because K. Hovnanian Homes is committed to creating successful coimnunities. K. Hovnanian Homes has worked hard to develop altet~tate platys that are creatively designed and wIll inject excitement into the Prior Lake housing market. These applications are the result of those efforts and we are pleased to submit these plans for the city's consideration and subsequent approval. On behalf of K. Hovtllxti•u1 Homes I would like to thank you and the City Council for your support and I look forward to working with you to obtain the approvals necessary so that both the City of Prior Lake and K. Hovnanian Homes cart be successfitl in our partnership. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 952- 253-0462. Very truly yours, _ _,_. Kevin Clark V. P. Land Acquisition and Development ~- L ~ ~ J- ~mm~c Hickory Shores Product Mix Woodland Product (26' SFD) Model SF Flrs Bed Bath Garage Linden 1,748 2 3 2.5 2 Maple 1,880 2 3 2.5 2 Poplar 1,904 2 3 2.5 2 North Pine 2,011 2 3 2.5 2 Oak 2,121 2 3 2.5 2 Woodland Product (26' SFD) -T r^L' ' /C n C _ /r ~ r1 ~ ~ ~Tl /.~! /.J!~J i / J ~ . F-lpmng Hickory Shores Product Mix Lakeland Product (50' SFD) Model SF Flrs Bed Bath Garage Bartlett 1,993 2 3 2.5 3 Car Cascade 2,287 2 3 2.5 3 Car Dinham 2,424 2 3 2.5 3 Car Graham 2,752 2 4 2.5 3 Car Harriet 2,903 2 4 2.5 3 Car ~~ ~ r', Tl ; r.l 1.,' ~'.l l '. ,~ . »~~.,r,~ Bartlett t ~~r ~>.: €L,~~~r-~1; -';.,'r.~, Cascade J_ i . J-~nmr~c ~:=_,~~r.T~;r~,;~~r.~,~~ Denham J . ~ ~-7n m,nc J . 4 ~ f ~.zg ~5: f!n' ~A}r ' <C ..'r y~~. ~ ~ , rL: r,w_ ~~,~r,~.T,,rf;~-r~, Graham J. l . ~-~mm~c _ -__ "~ ~ € ~; ~~ r , jJ l ,-' ~.,1~.1, ~~ H aryl e t `4 j . c ~~ i ` .. Ts'' p"~ ~Y -4 '~. .~ . k pr•:~i ~ ,_~ .. r ,j. "? 1 i ~srat .r~~ ,_ Memo Date: August 31, 2010 To: Community Development and Natural Resources Department From: Engineering Department -Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer Subject: Hickory Shores Second Addition The Engineering Department reviewed the preliminary plat for the subject project with a plan date of August 27, 2010 and we have the following comments. Comments highlighted in bold text are of particular concern: Ge- 1. The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. 2. Permits from the MPCA, MnDOH, Met Council, and a SWPPP must be obtained. Temporary Pond Grading Plan 1. Temporary pond as proposed now meets dike requirements and is acceptable as proposed. 2. As discussed with Developer, the temporary pond would be removed once the property to the south develops. The development to the south will contain a regional pond that will serve the Hickory Shores Phase II project as well as the stormwater needs of the property to the south. A future development contract with the developer of Hickory Shores Phase II will detail costs and responsibilities for road and utility extension as well as removal of the temporary pond and costs associated with building the Hickory Shores Phase II ponding on the adjacent parcel. A future development contract for the property to the south would contain oversize payment to the developer for ponding, removal of the temporary pond, and extension of the road and utilities to the property line. Grading Plan 1. The existing retaining walls were built without following the proper permitting steps. The wall on lots 1-5, block 1, is failing and needs to be replaced. The other walls may also need replacement. Walls exceeding shall be designed by an engineer, include a fence, and must have a building permit. Provide fence between retaining walls and trail. Walls proposed in public right-of way must be approved by the City and follow the requirements of the City's PWDM. 2. What is the future plan and ownership for Outlot A? Would the trail location and storm sewer pipe location be changed in the future to allow an additional lot? The trail can be located over the storm sewer pipe within a dedicated outlot. Then perhaps the remaining parcel is large enough for another lot or could be sold to the adjoining property to the south for incorporation into their lots. Phone 952.447.9800 /Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 3. The storm sewer overflow pipe location in Outlot A eliminates a 35" Hickory and several other trees. Are these trees accounted for in the tree calculations? Could the location of the trail and overflow pipe be relocated to avoid this tree? 4. The storm sewer overflow pipe location in Outlot B eliminates a 30" oak and a couple of other small oak trees. Have these trees been accounted for in the tree calculations? Couldn't we turn the pipe at the manhole and place the pipe in the opening to the west. 5. The erosion control measures shall be installed and inspected prior to any site grading. All trees to be saved must be protected by silt fence or construction fencing around the drip line ofthe tree to protect the root system. This fencing must be installed prior to any grading on the site. Provide emergency contact person for erosion control on the project. 6. Provide name of company, contact person, and emergency phone number for person responsible for erosion and sedimentation control plan preparation, implementation and maintenance. 7. Provide benchmark information for all grading plan sheets. Site Hydroloay. Water Quality and Storm Sewer 1. Before any grading activity, an erosion control plan and S WPPP must be submitted and approved by the City. Utility Plan 1. Final utility plan will be reviewed upon submittal of plan and profile sheets with final plat. PUD Amendment 1. Proposal doubles the number of driveways on Turner Road near Ida Circle. Turner Road is a collector street. The City tries to discourage additional driveway locations on collector streets as they are points of conflict for motorists. 2. Modify flow regime at storm basin 1 to provide water from upstream pond system in low flow conditions. 3. Show continuation of decorative split rail fencing at border or conservation easement in block 6 and lots 1 and 2 block 1. O4 PRIOR F~~~ PUD Amendment & Plat Review Memo To: Kevin Clark, K Hovnanian Homes From: Jeff Matzke, Planner CC: Date: 9/8/2010 Re: Review 2 -Hickory Shores PUD Amendment & Plat The following is a list of comments from the CDNR Dept. review: 1) As indicated by the developer at a recent meeting, add comment that location of model types are for illustrative/representative purposes and are interchangeable at builder's discretion. 2) 150 ft. lake setback is mislabeled as 75 ft. on the PUD Amendment Site Plan. 3) Open air and roofless decks as proposed in Model P-1 are allowed within the 30 foot pond setback; however, 3 season porches, building pad areas, and covered deck areas are not allowed within 30 pond setback. This requirement will prevent any decks located on lots 19, 20, and 24-36 within the pond setback to be covered or converted to indoor space in the future. 4) Building permits will be required for 5ft. retaining walls at northeast end of development. Indicate setback from existing development property line. 5) Revise plans to reflect all additional tree removals within the Outlot areas. Design changes in utility line locations must be taken to reduce tree loss in Outlot areas and prevent any tree impacts within conservation easements. 6) Minimum $15,000 LOC required as part of Development Contract for 50 remaining trees to be planted in Outlot A. Any existing landscape tree removals required as part of grading must be replaced as per development landscape plans. 1 Heritage Landing Homeowners' Association Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 September 9, 2014 City of Prior Lake Planning Commission 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 Members of the Prior Lake Planning Commission, Home owners in the Heritage Landing townhome development recently received notification that a request has been made to amend the PUD for Hickory Shores, which abuts association property. Hickory Shores and Heritage Landing began development at approximately the same time, more than five years ago. While our neighborhood is close to full build-oui, little development has occurred in Hickory Shores in the past few years. We recognize that economic times have proven to be extremely difficult far most builders in recent years, and we ask that the Planning Commission respect the need for reasonable continuity as it pertains to adjoining residential neighborhoods. The home owners of Heritage Landing object to the change requested for townhome lots to be converted into detached single family homes, particularly if the lot size remains unchanged. We also ask that if any changes are approved by Commission members, a substantial tree buffer between the two neighborhoods be a condition of the new PUD stipulations. The Hickory Shores property has spectacular terrain that shares a border with Crystal Lake and the parkland maintained by the city. Future development of that area should reflect and maintain the integrity of its beauty and natural resources. We are very concerned about the impact on our property valuations should substantial changes be approved for Hickory Shores. Most current owners who live in Heritage Landing purchased their townhome when real estate commanded higher prices, so we have already seen a significant lass in our investment and property valuation. We chose to live in Heritage Landing with the understanding that the neighboring property would be developed according to the P[JD requirements previously approved by the city. Several home owners will be in attendance at the Sept. 13 meeting and will wish to speak during the public hearing. Thank you in advance for listening to our concerns. Sincerely, , ~A ~~~~'~ Laurie Hartmann President Heritage Landing Homeowners' Association