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MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2002
Fire Station - City Council Chambers
6:30 p.m.
Call Meeting to Order:
Roll Call:
Approval of Minutes:
Consent Agenda:
Public Hearings:
Case File #02-013 Tom Holme Construction, Inc. is requesting consideration of a
preliminary plat named Red Cedar Heights consisting of 4.34 acres to be subdivided into
7 lots for single family residential development. The property is located on the northeast
side of Mushtown Road, west of Toronto Avenue and Overlook Drive.
Case File #02-032 Wensmann Realty, Inc. is requesting approval of a Registered Land
Survey for the lots originally described as Lots 22-24, Block 4, Regal Crest.
Case File #02-030 Mark Toohey is requesting a variance to the front yard setback and
bluff setback on the property located at 5584 Candy Cove Trail.
Case File #02-029 Steven & Patricia Mosey are requesting variances to permit a garage
and room addition to be setback less than 25 feet to front lot line; less than 5 feet to side
lot line; a sum of side yards less than 15 feet; eave encroachment less than 5 feet to front
and side lot line; a 63.8 foot building wall setback to side lot line less than required; and
a driveway setback less than 5 feet to side lot line for the property located at 14620
Oakland Beach Avenue SE.
Old Business:
Case #02-021 (Continued) Donald B. Scherer is requesting a variance to structure
setback to the ordinary high water mark to allow an existing deck to remain on the
property at 3894 Green Heights Trail.
New Business:
Case File #02-041 Petition to vacate drainage and utility easement located over the
common area added to the lots in Deerfield 6th Addition.
Announcements and Correspondence:
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16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
Conducted by the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission I/elcomes your comments in this matter. In fairness to all who
choose to speak, we ask that, after speaking once, you allow everyone else to speak
before you address the Commission again and limit your comments to clairification or
new information. Please be aware this is the principal opportunity to provide input
on this matter. Once the public hearing is closed, further tesitmony or comment will
not be possible except under rare conditions. The City Council will not hear
additional testimony when it considers this matter. Thank you.
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MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2002
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Stamson called the April 22, 2002, Planning Commission meeting to order at
6:33 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Criego, Lemke, Ringstad and
Stamson, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, City Engineer
Sue McDermott, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman and Recording Secretary Connie
2. Roll Call:
Atwood Present
Criego Present
Lemke Present
Ringstad Present
Stamson Present
3. Approval of Minutes:
The Minutes from the April 8, 2002, Planning Commission meeting were approved as
4. Consent: None
5. Public Hearings:
Commissioner Stamson read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting.
A. Case File #02-013 Tom Holme Construction, Inc. is requesting consideration
of a preliminary plat named Red Cedar Heights consisting of 4.34 acres to be
subdivided into 7 lots for single-family residential development. The property is
located on the northeast side of Mushtown Road, west of Toronto Avenue and
Overlook Drive.
Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 22, 2002,
on file in the office of the City Planning Department.
Tom Holme Construction, Inc. has applied for a preliminary plat for the property located
on the north side of Mushtown Road, directly west of Toronto Avenue and Overlook
Drive. The preliminary plat consists of 4.34 acres to be subdivided into 7 lots for single-
family residential development.
Staffhas identified three issues that must be addressed. The first is the storm water
runoff management ponds. The Engineering Department has reviewed the storm water
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Planning Commission Meeting
· 4pri122, 2002
mnoffplan and has determined the second pond, located on the north end of Lots 3 and 4
may be acceptable, but is not the most desirable plan. The staff and the developer are
reviewing other options to manage some of this runoff.
The second issue is the required buffer strip around the wetlands. The plan does not
identify the proper buffer strip, and must be revised to include this area.
Finally, the tree inventory and preservation plan must be revised to identify the trees in
terms of caliper inches. This information is required in order to determine whether or not
tree replacement is necessary.
There are other engineering issues pertaining to the development of this site. These
issues are outlined in a memorandum from the City Engineer, dated March 28, 2002.
These issues must be addressed as part of the final plat application.
1. There will be no grading permit issued until the final plat has been approved by the
City Council.
Identify the required buffer strip around the delineated wetland and the required 30'
setback from the 100-year flood elevation of the wetlands and ponds on the grading
Revise the tree inventory to identify the caliper inches of the significant trees.
Provide the calculations indicating the number of caliper inches to be removed for
development of roads, utilities and drainage ways, and the number of caliper inches to
be removed for building pads and driveways.
Raise the garage floor elevations where possible at least 1' above the curb elevations
to provide positive drainage away from the house.
All improvements, including utilities, roads, storm water ponds and so on, must be
constructed in conformance with the Public Works Design Manual. All plans must
also be prepared in conformance with the Public Works Design Manual.
Staff recommended approval with the above 5 conditions.
Criego questioned if the final plat would come before the PC. Kansier responded it
would go straight to the City Council.
Comments from the public:
Jim Johnson, the Engineer from Hakanson Anderson Associates, representing the
contractor, felt staff presented the information very well. Johnson said they did hold a
public information meeting and there were no significant concerns from the public. They
have been in contact with the Spring Lake Watershed District. Most issues have been
addressed. The City Staff and the Watershed are working on the best alternative for
runoff. The tree planting survey will be revised as requested. The developer and
property owners were also present for questions.
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Planning Commission Meeting
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Jennifer McCollough, 17294 Toronto Avenue, the adjacent property owner, was
concerned with the runoff on Lot 1. McCollough suggested a better solution for the
runoffwould be to have the driveway come offMushtown Road.
The public heating closed at 6:50 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
Asked staff to respond to McCollough's concern for runoff. City Engineer Sue
McDermott explained when a building permit is submitted and reviewed; the permit
would not be approved until the nmoffwas addressed. Originally, the developer had
brought in a plan with all the homes in a cul-de-sac coming offMushtown Road. The
City would like to minimize access on to Mushtown Road. There is an existing
driveway on the property with access to Mushtown Road. The proposed roadway
takes its place.
· Felt the driveway was excessive.
· Liked the fact the street is going to be 28 feet wide.
· The ponds and water retention issues are important.
· Questioned the Watershed District's concem. McDermott stated the plan that could
be approved by the Watershed District is slightly different than what is before the
Commissioners. The City has a concern because of the maintenance of the ponds and
lawns with steep slopes. It is not desirable for the City to maintain the pond. The
staff will meet with the Watershed District to discuss alternatives including a "dry
· What is the relationship with the ponds on the north section and the existing homes?
McDermott said there would not be any problems.
· Biggest concern was water retention.
· Agreed with Atwood on the water retention.
· From the public hearing and the informational meeting most issues seemed to be
· Supported the proposal with staff's five conditions.
· This is a good use of the property.
· Strong feelings with the wetlands. Would like to see the final plans for this project
before approving.
· Agreed with staff other than the retention plan should be brought forward.
· Single-family homes are a good use for this property.
· Questioned staff on the access off Mushtown Road. Is another driveway appropriate
offMushtown or can the mnoffbe addressed without changing the driveway?
Kansier noted the earlier comments by City Engineer Sue McDermott indicated the
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Planning Commission Meeting
April 22, 2002
runoff issue could be addressed without changing the driveway. Another driveway
access to Mushtown Road is not very desirable. Also, there is a fairly steep grade to
Mushtown Road.
· Stamson:
This is an appropriate development for the land.
· The ideal solution would to have the driveway off Overland Drive.
· Questioned the runoff into the pond. McDermott explained with some redesign it
would be possible to maintain the wooded area. The City has trouble getting access to
a pond in back yards. A newly designed pond would be located in the same area.
· Does not have the same concern for the runoff. It stays the same.
· Support the development and should be moved on to City Council.
Open Discussion:
Criego agreed with the Commissioners but felt the runoff should be addressed and the
matter should be open for the neighbors to view the plan. It is important the neighbors
understand and have a voice in the process.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
B. Case File #02-032 Wensmann Realty, Inc. is requesting approval of a
Registered Land Survey for the lots originally described as Lots 22-24, Block 4,
Regal Crest.
Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 22, 2002,
on file in the office of the Planning Department.
Wensmann Realty is requesting consideration for a Registered Land Survey (RLS) of the
lots originally platted as Lots 22-24, Block 4, Regal Crest. The RLS formalizes an
administrative lot line adjustment on these lots.
When the units on these lots were constructed earlier this year, they were placed on the
lots so that they encroached over the original lot lines. The staff approved an
administrative lot line readjustment in January, 2002 to correct this situation. When the
applicant brought the deeds to Scott County for recording, the County determined a
Registered Land Survey was required. The purpose of an RLS is generally to simplify
the description and recording for Torrens Land. The County is responsible for
determining whether an RLS is required, under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes
Staff recommended approval of the RLS as presented.
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Planning Commission Meeting
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Comments from the public:
There were no comments fi.om the public. The floor was closed at 7:05 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
All the Commissioners agreed this was a title process and should be approved.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
This matter will go before the City Council on May 6, 2002.
C. Case File #02-030 Mark Toohey is requesting a variance to the front yard
setback and bluff setback on the property located at 5584 Candy Cove Trail.
Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 22, 2002,
on file in the office of the Planning Department.
The Planning Department received a variance application for the construction of a single
family dwelling with an attached garage for the property located at 5584 Candy Cove
Trail, and legally described as Lot 31, Candy Cove Park. The following variances are
being requested:
1. A 23.86' variance from the minimum 75' lot width at the Ordinary High Water
Elevation (OHW);
2. A 25' variance to the front yard setback requirement to allow the structure to be
setback 0' from the front property line rather than the minimum requirement of
25 feet;
3. A variance to allow a structure to be located within the Bluff Impact Zone;
4. A 4' variance to allow a 28' wide driveway at the right-of-way line rather than
the maximum 24 feet.
The lot is considered a nonconforming lot of record because it does not have the
minimum required lot width of 90' at the front building line. The lot also does not meet
the minimum lot width of 75' at the OHW.
The lot is considered a bluff under the Shoreland provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
Using the required setbacks, including the front yard, side yard, and top of bluff, this lot
contains a building envelope approximately 100 square feet in area.
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Planning Commission Meeting
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The applicant is requesting variances to construct a single family dwelling on this lot.
The proposed dwelling is a 1 aA story structure with a 20' by 22' attached garage. The
footprint of the house and garage includes 1,796 square feet. The applicant is also
proposing a 22' by 16' deck and a 19' by 18' deck, both located on the lakeside of the
house. The proposed impervious surface on the site is 23%, which is within the allowed
limits of the Zoning Ordinance.
The DNR did not comment on this request. The City Engineering Department comments
note the City will grant an easement for landscaping and access across the fight-of-way.
In addition, the City will be responsible for providing sewer service at the time the
building permit is issued.
Based on the above findings, the staff found this request meets the nine hardship criteria.
There is no legal alternative for the construction of a house on this lot. The staff
therefore recommended approval of the requested variances.
Comments from the public:
Allison Gontarek, attorney for the applicant, Mark Toohey, explained working with staff
to address their concerns. The proposed single family home is simple and the applicant
has gone to great effort and expense to make a reasonable request. He has complied in
every respect.
Ringstad questioned Toohey if he was promised it was a buildable lot when he purchased
the property. Toohey responded the lake setbacks have changed since he purchased the
Criego questioned the decks. Toohey responded they were walkout platforms.
Criego also questioned the front yard setback. Gontarek responded there were two
alternatives. Staff had suggested pulling the house forward so it would be as far out of
the bluff as possible.
Lemke questioned whether the number of borings were adequate for the engineer's
analysis. Staff noted the applicant had received a separate grading permit for that work.
They were restricted by the ordinance as to the location of the borings.
Bruce Thomas, a neighbor, stated he had several concerns. First, the impact on the
remaining lots. Runoff into the lake and Mr. Braddy's property. Another concern was
the proposed size of home being less than any other home in Candy Cove and that it
would not conform to the rest of the neighborhood. He also questioned the additional
noise from Highway 13 with the bluff impacted. Thomas suggested the Commissioners
go out and see the property before they make a decision.
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Shelly Hines, 5540 Candy Cove Trail, stated he was not clear on the plan from the
drawings. His concern was for noise coming off the highway with the bluff being shaved
off. He also felt the driveway would be a blind curve.
Art Shoot, lives two houses down from the property, felt that originally Mr. Braddy's
property as well as this property would be unbuildable. Noise is also an issue. He
cannot open his windows until the leaves come out on the trees. This house will not
impact the noise.
The public heating was closed.
Kansier pointed out the City has a Tree Protection Ordinance. The Shoreland District
also restricts the type of clearing permitted on a bluff. It is not clear-cutting. The other
issue is there is no minimum size for a house or garage building pad. The applicant is
proposing a modest house that fits the limitations of the lot.
McDermott stated the Engineering Department reviewed the runoffvery carefully. The
design will minimize runoffto Braddy's property. The road was recently reconstructed
and problems should not occur. Parking will only be allowed on one side of the street.
Kansier addressed Mr. Shoot's concern regarding subdividing two adjoining lots. The
other lots have been addressed. These lots are under separate ownership and not
combined. The lots were all platted long before the current ordinance.
Stamson asked staff to address the neighbor's concern for buildable lots. Kansier
explained the ordinances and property lots. Most of the lots on Candy Cove would not be
permitted under today's ordinances. She also said it takes pretty extreme conditions to
say a lot was unbuildable. Any application would be asked to provide an Engineer's
Report with a variance application to ensure the conditions on the lot would not preclude
a building.
Comments from the Commissioners:
Questioned staff on the streets.
McDermott explained the right-of-way obtained from
MNDOT. Part of the easement was granted to Dale Braddy. If this is application is
approved, staff will take this before City Council for easement approval. McDermott
explained the potential access to the other lots.
· Questioned the access and land locking the properties. Kansier responded there
would be easement accesses recorded.
· Can understand this applicant requesting access but concerned for the other adjoining
* Kansier explained why the City requested Mr. Toohey to have an engineering report
up front.
Questioned why the driveway would be 28 feet wide instead of 24 feet. McDermott
said it would be 24 feet at the roadway.
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Planning Commission Meeting
April 22, 2002
· Has been at the sight, the applicant has done his best to comply.
· It would not interfere with the quality of the lake.
· Questioned the zero lot line. Kansier explained the measurement from the bluff.
They were minimizing the effect as best as they could.
· Good application. In favor.
· Questioned staff what would happen if the surveyor was off a few inches. Kansier
explained private use of public property. It has happened before and that is how it is
· McDermott said property boundaries are marked clearly and will make every effort to
make sure it does not happen.
· Agreed with Criego, it is a good application.
· Clarified he had been to the site.
· It is a good use of the property. Approve.
· It meets all 9 hardships. Approve.
· This lot is clearly unbuildable without variances.
· Support the variances as proposed.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
Kansier explained the appeal process.
D. Case File #02-029 Steven & Patricia Mosey are requesting variances to
permit a garage and room addition to be setback less than 25 feet to front lot line;
less than 5 feet to side lot line; a sum of side yards less than 15 feet; eave
encroachment less than 5 feet to front and side lot line; a 63.8 foot building wall
setback to side lot line less than required; and a driveway setback less than 5 feet to
side lot line for the property located at 14620 Oakland Beach Avenue SE.
Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated April 22,
2002, on file in the office of the Planning Department.
The Planning Department received a variance application from the property owners for
the construction of an attached garage and second story addition to an existing single-
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family dwelling on a nonconforming platted lot of record located at 14620 Oakland
Beach Avenue. The applicant is requesting the following Variances:
1. A 24-foot variance to permit a 1-foot structure setback to a front property line,
rather than 25-feet as required for front yard setbacks.
2. A 3.58-foot variance to permit a sum of side yards of 11.42-feet on a
nonconforming lot of record rather than the minimum required 15-feet.
A 5.9-foot variance to permit a building separation of 9.1-feet between all
structures on the nonconforming lot and on the adjoining lot, rather than the
minimum required 15-feet.
4. A 4.7-foot variance to permit an eave and gutter encroachment to within .3-feet
from a side lot line rather than the minimum required 5-feet setback.
5. A 5-foot variance to permit an cave and gutter encroachment to within 0' of the
front lot line rather than the minimum required 5-feet setback.
A 6-foot variance to permit a building wall 63.8-feet in length to be setback 1.3-
feet from a side lot line rather than the minimum required 7.3-feet for building
walls over 50-feet.
A 2.18-foot variance to permit a 63.8-foot building wall to be setback 10.12-foot
to a side lot line rather than the required minimum 12.3-feet for building walls
over 50-feet.
8. A 3.7-foot variance to permit a driveway setback of 1.3-feet, rather than the
minimum required setback of 5-feet; and,
9. A 4' variance to permit a 28' wide driveway at the right-of-way line rather than
the maximum allowed 24'.
Lot 14, Oakland Beach, was platted in 1926. The subject property is a legal
nonconforming platted lot of record. The property is located within the R-1 District
(Low Density Residential) and Shoreland District (SD). The subject lot has dimensions
of 40' front & rear lot lines, by 100' side lot lines, for a total lot area of 4,000 square feet.
According to Scott County land records, the applicant does not own the adjoining
Staff received a letter from the adjoining property owner in support of the variance
The City Engineering Department noted the existing gravel mad is on the property east of
the platted R-O-W, along with the sanitary and water utilities. If the road were to be
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moved to its platted location as depicted on the survey, the R-O-W would be 1' from the
proposed structure.
The Department of Natural Resources responded that as long as the impervious surface
area is OK, the DNR is not opposed to the side and front yard setbacks. They alone will
not have measurable negative impact to the lake.
The staff believes all of the variance hardship criteria have been met with respect to
variance requests 1, 2, 5, & 7, but the criteria is not met for requests 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9. A
legal alternative building site does not appear to exist on the lot to allow for a garage
addition because of the location of the existing structure on the nonconforming platted lot
of record.
In addition, staff felt the garage and room additions may be redesigned and reduced in
size to eliminate Variance requests 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9. Therefore, the variance hardship
criteria have not been met with respect to 4 of the variances as proposed by the applicant
and staff recommends denial of these requested variances.
Staff recommended the following conditions be included with approval of any variances
deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission.
The Resolutions adopted by the Planning Commission shall be recorded at Scott
County within 60 days of adoption, and proof of recording along with the
acknowledged City Assent Form shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior
to the issuance of a building permit.
The applicant shall submit a revised certificate of survey depicting the approved
additions location, and the subject site shall be developed as shown on the survey to
ensure additional variances are not required.
3. The building permit is subject to all other city ordinances and applicable county and
state agency regulations.
Staff recommended approval of variances #1, 2, 5 & 7, with findings and deny variances
3, 4, 6, 8 & 9. This action will require the applicant to submit a revised survey and plan.
Stamson questioned staff's recommendation for leaving a vestibule, addition of a garage
and second-story room. Horsman explained the applicant's architect felt the vestibule is
needed to get around the stairway.
Criego felt there was confusion regarding the road. Horsman explained the 20 foot
platted road and where the road actually exists.
Kansier said the roads were private and designed on paper in the 1920's. The actual
roads were always on private property.
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Lemke questioned the ownership of Lot 14. Horsman explained the ordinance for a
private road between single lot ownership.
Comments from the public:
Applicant Steve Mosey, explained the changes on the survey and the platted road and the
actual road. Others had built on the road therefore causing the problems. He also
explained the proposed garage and entryway. If he didn't have a vestibule he wouldn't
have a front door - all access would be through the garage. Mr. Mosey has worked with
staff and will reduce the driveway making as little pavement as possible.
Stamson questioned the proposed entry. Mosey explained the problem with the stairway.
Criego questioned why the stairway was on that side of the house. Mosey responded
there were trees on the property lines and the close location of the neighbors' homes.
Criego questioned the slab on the lakeside. Mosey said it is an existing patio.
The hearing was closed at 7:59 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
· Refreshing to see someone reducing his impervious surface.
· A vestibule is need.
· Will support based on thc fact it is reducing impervious surface.
· Questioned the impervious surface. Horsman said a reduction is permitted.
· Would like to see a revised survey and other options.
· Agreed with Lemke's comments.
· Reduction of impervious surface is important.
· The vestibule is necessary for safety.
· Support request.
· There are a lot of variances requested. Do we want to let a property go on a zero lot
line? Looking at the adjoining properties, it will be sticking out from the other
· Concern for safety pulling out of the garage. Even though there is 20 feet, it is not the
applicant's property.
· Overall opposed to adding to the home in this method. If additional space does not
solve the parking problems. The previous owner used the garage across the road.
· Hard time allowing construction of a building to the property line.
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· Concurred with Criego, pushing the building up to the property line does not warrant
· Not sure the current configuration is the only option.
· The hardship criteria had not been met.
Another concern is the staff report is different than what is in front of them.
· Does not support a two-car garage sitting on a right-of-way.
· The adjoining properties are setback 20 to 25 feet.
Open Discussion:
· Lemke questioned if a private right-of-way is so different from a public fight-of-way.
There is not a lot of traffic.
· There has been a past tradition to allow a two car garage. Realize it is up the edge of
the platted right-of-way, but it is not a whole lot different than the Candy Cove
· Stamson said it is different from Candy Cove. That property was off 90 feet from the
· The adjoining property leaves enough room for the road to be moved.
· By creating a building like this is eliminating the neighbor's ability to reclaim his
property. It is creating a problem.
· The Commission has allowed a two car garage when space allows it.
· Atwood felt this will limit the person across the street by allowing construction to the
edge of the right-of-way. Would like to see a revised plan.
· Lemke questioned staff on the existing road and what problems it would cause. Rye
responded it is a platted right-of-way intended as a private street. Do not know if an
individual could claim it.
· Kansier said in redoing the Candy Cove road, there was a similar problem. Although
there was no platted road, there was an established right-of-way because of use.
· Lemke said the big hang-up is taking something away from the adjoining property
owners. This matter should be continued and get an opinion from the City Attorney.
· Criego felt there were alternatives without infringing on the zero lot line. The
Commission cannot make things worse when there are alternatives. It is a small piece
of property.
Vote taken ayes by Stamson, Criego and Atwood, nays by Ringstad and Lemke.
Stamson explained the appeal process.
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A recess was called at 8:17 p.m.
6. Old Business:
The meeting resumed at 8:21 p.m.
A. Case #02-021 (Continued) Donald B. Scherer is requesting a variance to
structure setback to the ordinary high water mark to allow an existing deck to
remain on the property at 3894 Green Heights Trail.
Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 22, 2002,
on file in the office of the City Planning Department.
The Planning Department received a variance application from Donald B. Scherer
(applicant/owner) to allow an existing deck to remain on the property located at 3894
Green Heights Trail. The deck was constructed in the year 2000 without a required
building permit.
The applicant requested a 23-foot variance to allow a structure setback of 52-feet from
the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) elevation of 904 feet, rather than the minimum
required setback of 75-feet.
On May 8, 2000, The City received a complaint regarding the construction of a deck on
the subject property. Upon inspection it was noted a new deck was under construction
and measured 16' x 16'. The applicant was notified of the building and zoning code
violations after which he applied for a building permit on June 8, 2000. Upon review of
the application staff determined a certificate of survey was required for this project and
notified the applicant. The applicant was given two written notices regarding denial of
the permit as submitted, and the additional information staff requested. When the
applicant did not respond, he was given a final notice and the case was then forwarded to
the prosecuting attorney for court action. The applicant/owner eventually submitted a
variance application for the deck as a result of a negotiated settlement with the attorney
for the ordinance violation.
The City Engineering Department felt the variance would promote "lake creep", the
encroachment of buildings and impervious areas toward the lakeshore.
The Department of Natural Resources concerns include the hardship for a 16' deep deck
versus a 12', and a wider deck such as 20' to accommodate more area and less of a
setback encroachment. If the Planning Commission approves a variance, the DNR
suggested a condition be the removal of the existing shed located near the lake. In
addition, the DNR is not supportive of issuing an after-the-fact variance for the deck
The staff concluded all of the required variance hardship criteria have not been met, and
the variance hardship was created by the owner when the deck structure was constructed
in violation of the zoning ordinance and without an approved building permit. Staff
recommended denial of the variance request.
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Comments from the public:
Attorney Frank Muelken, represented the applicant Don Scherer, distributed letters and
pictures from adjacent neighbors. (Commissioners took time to review material)
Muelken noted the new construction covers an existing slab of concrete. Impervious
surface is not an issue. The new construction is the same as the concrete slab. He is
aware this matter has been going for some period of time and hoped for some form of
closure. Muelken said Scherer admitted he should not have gone ahead and constructed
the deck. Muelken suggested a fair compromise would be to grant the variances, remove
the storage shed and improve the view of the property.
John Granlund, 3893 Green Heights Trail, said he has been attending the last couple of
meetings and has learned a lot. He felt the Scherer deck poses no problem. Setbacks and
allowances have been allowed for other lake homes and referenced other variances. The
deck would not reduce the value of surrounding homes. Requested the variance be
Horsman clarified the existing deck was over the slab.
The public hearing was closed at 8:38 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
· Cannot support the additional lake creep for the deck that currently exists.
· As it relates to past variances, the Commissioners feel strongly about staying outside
the 75 foot boundary. Most decks already exist and people are asking for 3 season
· The question that comes before the Commission is what if this request came before
the deck was built? The existing deck was in the setback, but because it was there the
applicant could replace it. It should not have been extended.
· The applicant should have brought this matter forward, but I would have voted to
keep the existing deck and not allow the extension.
· Clarified the slab and deck as existing structures.
· Pointed out that Captain Jack's deck extends to the water. Horsman explained the
setback averaging. The adjoining structures did not allow the applicant to go past
what he has.
· Rye stated Captain Jack has been operating under a conditional use permit.
· Would have gone with the DNR compromise.
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Planning Commission Meeting
April 22, 2002
· Not a fan of after-the-fact variances.
· Agreed with staff's recommendation.
· Not all neighbors agreed the deck was okay. Someone called and complained.
· Agreed with Commissioners, a building permit should have been applied for first.
· The Commissions has approved variances in the past, but some deck is necessary,
however, what is allowed is very minimal.
The hardship does not warrant a 16' deck.
· Captain Jack's is a totally different use of property. It is a marina. Just because a
marina is built to the property line, a home does not have to be.
· Oppose the variance.
· Questioned staff if the applicant needs a variance to replace what was there. Horsman
said he could go back and replace the existing size deck.
Appreciate the point of view on Captain Jacks.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
Horsman explained the appeal process.
7. New Business:
A. Case File #02-041 Petition to vacate drainage and utility easement located
over the common area added to the lots in Deerfield 6th Addition.
Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated April 22, 2002,
on file in the office of the Planning Department.
D. R. Horton, Inc. has filed an application to vacate a 5' wide portion of the drainage and
utility easement located on Lot 45, Deerfield 2nd Addition, immediately adjacent to the
properties at 17252, 17254, 17256 and 17258 Deerfield Drive. This 5' strip of land is to
be added to these properties, in the plat ofDeerfield 6th Addition. The easement must be
vacated in order to allowed the placement of decks on these units.
There is no need for the retention of an easement on this 5' strip of land. The Planning
staff therefore recommended approval of this request.
There were no comments from the applicant.
Comments from the Commissioners:
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Planning Commission Meeting
/lpri122, 2002
Agreed with staff, it is in the public's interest and a better use of the property.
Criego, Lemke, Atwood and Ringstad agreed.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Announcements and Correspondence:
The Long Range Planning meeting is scheduled for Wednesday night.
Reminder the City Council/Planning Commission workshop on the Jeffer's property is
Monday April 29, 2002.
9. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Donald Rye
Director of Planning
Connie Carlson
Recording Secretary
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