HomeMy WebLinkAbout0624022. 3. 4. 5. A. Bo w 7. 8. 9. REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2002 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Consent Agenda: None Public Hearings: Case File #02-070 - Consider an Amendment to Section 1102.1403(6) (Gymnastic Schools in the C-5 Zoning District) of the Zoning Ordinance. Case Files #02-024 and #02-025 - Consider a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plat to be known as Timber Crest Park. The proposal includes 28.19 acres to be subdivided into 162 townhouse units located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of County Road 21 and Highway 13, on the north side of Franklin Trail and Bluff Heights Trail. Old Business: New Business: Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: L:\O2FILES\O2planning comm\O2pcagenda~AGO62402.DOC 16:200 Eagle Creek Ave. $.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PUBLIC HEARING Conducted by the Planning Commission The Planning Commission~lcomes your comments in this matter. In fa/mess to all who choose to speak, we ask that, after speaking once, you allow everyone else to speak before you address the Commission again and limit your comments to clairification or new information. Please be aware this is the principal opportunity to provide input on this matter. Once the public hearing is closed, further tesitmony or comment will not be possible except under rare conditions. The City Council will not hear additional testimony when it considers this matter. Thank you. ATTENDANCE - PLEASE PRINT NAME ADDRESS P~ PHLIST.DOC PAGE I PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2002 1. Call to Order: Chairman Stamson called the June 24, 2002, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Atwood, Ringstad and Stamson, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Present Criego Absent Lemke Absent Ringstad Present Stamson Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the June 10, 2002, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner Stamson read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. Case File #02-070 - Consider an Amendment to Section 1102.1403(6) (Gymnastic Schools in the C-5 Zoning District) of the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. In June of 1998, the City Council adopted an amendment to the zoning ordinance permitting gynmastics schools in the C-5 (Business Park District) as conditional uses. Three conditions were included as conditions of approval. 1. The use occupies no more than 4,000 square feet in the principal structure. 2. Hours of operation are limited to 5:00PM to 11:00 PM, Mondays through Fridays, and 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. 3. A minimum of one parking space per 300 square feet of floor area is provided. Subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance amendment, a conditional use permit was approved for Gleason's Gymnastics School in a building on Fish Point Road in the Business Office Park. Recently, Mr. Gleason contacted the City because his lease is up and he is looking for new space. He also indicated he needed more room and expanded hours of operation. L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutes'uMN062402 .doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2002 When the original ordinance was adopted, there was considerable discussion about the appropriateness of the use in the C-5 district. The staff concluded at that time the use was not appropriate for the zoning district but the Planning Commission felt it was. The conditions that were attached were felt to be appropriate for the use. When the school was originally opened, there were complaints from other tenants about parking and noise. These issues were addressed by signing parking for the school and adding sound barriers to the space occupied by the school. The school has lost its lease at the present location and has been looking at occupying 10,000 square feet in another building in the Business Park. However, due to the size limitations and hours of operation as well as problems with the TIF district on the proposed property, they have been unable to move in. Ringstad asked Kansier to expand on the initial problems with the school being located in a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. Kansier explained the situation and limitations on the types of permitted uses. TIF is intended for manufacturing, office and industrial uses. Uses that do not fit that criteria spelled out in the State Statutes are limited to 15% of the building. Gleason's Gynmastic School was at 15% at the previous building and not allowed any more than that. 10,000 square feet would put them over in any other building. Stamson asked if the City had an opinion on this issue. Kansier said they didn't. Whoever occupies the building and is not meeting the statutory requirements would result in the City having no choice but to de-certify. Atwood questioned the length of a TIF District. Kansier responded anywhere from 9 to 11 years. Most tenants are halfway through their district. Each lot has its own district. Atwood questioned if the owner was aware of the TIF situation. Kansier said he was very aware of the potential for losing TIF. There were no comments from the public. Comments from the Commissioners: Ringstad: The gymnastic school is currently in the C5 district and currently occupying less than the 10,000 square feet they propose. Did not have a problem with this moving forward. · Decertification of the TIF District is a natural event to take place. · Support the relocation. Atwood: · Agreed, if that helps Gleason to stay in Prior Lake. · Remove restrictions on the hours of operation is a great idea. L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutesXMN062402.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2002 Stamson: Disagreed. When this issue was first brought forward there was a lot of discussion if this was an appropriate use for the district. The concern was compatibility with surrounding uses and safety for the kids in an industrial setting. · Initially there were a number of problems, some have been fixed. · Generally the industrial area is not compatible with a lot of children moving around in their parking lots. It makes me nervous sending so many kids around in an industrial use area. · Another big issue was the parking with the large number of cars going in and out. · Not sure it wasn't a mistake to allow it in the first place. Some of the issues have been addressed. · Not comfortable with the expansion. · Savage has that use in their industrial park but the building is freestanding and separate from other buildings. Atwood questioned who the other tenants were. Kansier responded. Stamson explained the initial CUP was for a starting place and then the school would find another place to build a freestanding building. That is why the condition was for 4,000 square feet. Long term the school was not to be in the C5 District. That is also why the hours of operation were limited - to avoid being in the same joint location. · Now they are talking 10,000 sq feet. Maybe it would work in this building but in many buildings in town it would not work. It is not generally appropriate for a C5 District. Larry Gleason, of Gleason Gymnastic School, said the building he was in had some problems and were very specific. Limited parking and only one route for trucks to come in. He has two other gymnastic schools and both are in industrial districts. Gleason felt there would be more parking in the new building. He also felt the hours of operation limited him to evening hours. Most of the classes are after school. There would not be a lot of traffic during the day. Stamson: · Gleason is right that the conditions are specific to that building, but the ordinance is for the entire C5 District. Just because Gleason is moving to a bigger building does not mean the next guy would do the same. · Disagreed Gleason's problems were unique to that building. Most of the buildings in town have that problem. · It is a district-wide issue. Prior Lake does not have a lot of big industrial space. · Parking and traffic was a big problem. Atwood: · Can see where parking was a huge problem. Having children enrolled was a problem. · This site is well suited for it. · Stamson pointed out the discussion is the district and city as a whole, not Gleason's proposal. L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminuteshMN062402 .doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2002 · Does not see a problem with other applicants and supported. Ringstad: · Gathered in reading the report, that parking was a big concern. Parking in the new location will be much better. · His daughter was in the program a few years ago and it was a nightmare with people coming and going with no place to park. · The new building is laid out better where the parking is in front with the docks in the back. · It will be a great addition to the school itself. · Supported. Stamson: · If the size and hours are going to be relaxed, maybe tighten the parking and the amount of space where the kids are dropped off. · Kansier said it could be done but to keep in mind, this does not remove the requirement for a Conditional Use Permit. Any kind of proposal that comes in would be reviewed on a site-specific basis. Another option would be to tighten the parking. Maybe add a provision for drop-off. Or limit number of students to some function of the park. Kansier went on to explain the Conditional Use Permit could allow for some kind of annual review. Stamson: · Would like to see some of the past problems addressed up front. · Designate a drop-off to keep separate from the school and business. · Kansier said you want requirements to be general enough but could add the minimum parking with a drop-off area/pickup area designated. Atwood: · Did not feel there had to be such specific language when there is not going to be large competition. Stamson questioned Gleason on how many children are in a class. Gleason said they generally have around 8 to 9 students and sometimes with a full program going on - 3 classes. Maybe 24 to 25 kids. With this additional space, the amount of classes could double, but they would all come at different times. Kansier said there could a condition for minimum of 1 parking space per 2 students in the larger class or whatever is greater. Atwood felt it was not necessary. Ringstad said he would approve with conditions. L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutesXMN062402 .doc 4 Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2002 Kansier suggested requiring a designated drop-off and pickup area with a physical separation between pedestrian and truck loading. Then review it as part of the Conditional Use Permit. It is made aware there is a separation of traffic. MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY RINGSTAD, RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT WITH THE 3 CONDITIONS AS STATED. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. Kansier recapped the conditions: · The use would be limited to 10,000 square feet; · A minimum of 1 parking space per 300 feet of floor area; or 1 space per 2 students whichever is greater; and a · Designated drop-off/pickup area that physically separates pedestrian and truck loading. This item will go before the City Council on July 15, 2002. B. Case Files #02-024 and #02-025 - Consider a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plat to be known as Timber Crest Park. The proposal includes 28.19 acres to be subdivided into 162 townhouse units located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of County Road 21 and Highway 13, on the north side of Franklin Trail and Bluff Heights Trail. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Ray Brandt has applied for approval of a development to be known as Timber Crest Park on the property located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of CSAH 21 and TH 13, on the north side of Franklin Trail and Bluff Heights Trail. The property owner, Prior Lake Apartments, has also signed the application. The application includes the following requests: · Approve a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan; · Approve a Preliminary Plat. This property is zoned R-4 (High Density Residential). The proposal calls for a townhouse development consisting of a total of 148 dwelling units on 28.19 acres. The development also includes parkland and private open space. This original proposal involved filling a large portion of the wetland on the site. The Wetland Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) subsequently advised the developer that the proposal was inconsistent with the Wetland Conservation Act, and could not be approved. L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutesXMN062402.doc 5 Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2002 As a result of the TEP decision, the developer submitted new plans on June 11, 2002. Because of the timing of this submittal, the staff did not have the opportunity to review the new plans. In addition, the developer must submit a revised wetland mitigation plan and revised storm water drainage calculations. However, since the public hearing had already been published and notices sent, the staff had no choice but to place this item on the agenda. Staff recommended continuing this item to the July 8, 2002 meeting. Comments from the public: Gary Grant, applicant for Pulte Homes, said he could wait until the next meeting to do a presentation. Ray Brandt from Brandt Engineering was present to answer any questions. Leo Fecht, 15475 Franklin Trail SE, questioned if they would be getting revised information in the mail. Kansier said they wouldn't send new notices but the neighbors did receive the revised plan with the notice. Suzanne Sharpe, 16483 Franklin Trail SE, said she and her neighbors were concerned with the additional traffic on Franklin Trail. Adding 148 townhomes brings an additional 300 cars to Franklin Trail. They would like to see some kind of diversion to traffic off Franklin Trail. People use Franklin Trail as a cutoff between Highway 13 and County Road 21. There is a lot of speeding. Karen Lantz, 5200 Credit River Road, said her concern is traffic. She felt the traffic has doubled in the two years she's been in the house and her property value has dropped because of it. By increasing traffic on a 50 mph road without stoplights will be madness. She felt they can't stop the developers but the Commission should address the traffic problems first. Linda Micko-Rasche, 16461 Franklin Trail, explained her problem getting out of her driveway with the existing traffic. She did not think it is a good idea to have another driveway on the proposed plat. Suggested slowing down the traffic on Franklin Trail might help. Would like to see the proposed driveway changed for safety reasons. Irene Mangan, 4810 Bluff Heights Circle, attended the meeting on Bluff Heights Apartments, and stated the neighbors were concerned with the traffic and additional children. Now another addition of homes is proposed with more traffic. Suzanne Sharpe, questioned the townhome price range. Gary Grant explained there would be two different owner-occupied housing units. The Village Homes (48 units) will be starting around $115,000 to $130,000 range. The Manor homes (100 units) will be in the $160,000 to $185,000 range. Kathy Blonigan, 5210 Credit River Road, said her biggest concern was traffic. She has been in contact with County Commissioner Barb Marschall regarding the traffic problems long before this proposal. It is very hazardous. Suggested reducing the speed L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutesXMN062402.doc 6 Planning Commission Meeting June 24, 2002 limit and adding turn lanes. The road issues need to be addressed first before adding all the proposed townhomes. Stams°n pointed out the City was working on the ring road. Kansier said they would ask a representative from the Scott County Engineer's office to be at the next meeting to answer any questions. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY ATWOOD, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE JULY 8, 2002, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: 8. Announcements and Correspondence: Reminder of the joint City Council/Planning Commission/Lake and Parks Advisories bout tour on July 29, 2002. 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Jane Kansier Planning Coordinator Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutes'uMN062402 .doc 7