HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/99 MINUTES OF THE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 24, 1999 II. CALL TO ORDER The Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) was called to order on Wednesday, March 24, 1999, at 6:39 p.m. Members present: Marianne Breitbach, Tom Kearney, Doug Larson, Roger Soderstrom and Paul Trapp. Members absent: Kate Haggerty and Rick Warner. Others present: NAME Lani Leichty Dale Braddy Donna Mankowski Marv Mirsch Dave Moran Steve Woods Lee Ann Schutz Diana Regenscheid Scott Allen Bill Nevin Steve McComas ORGANIZATION City of Prior Lake Prior Lake Association Prior Lake Association Prior Lake Association PLSL Watershed District PLSL Watershed District Prior Lake American DNR Wildlife Scott County (Water Planner) Scott County Sheriff Blue Water Science III. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 17,1999, MEETING MINUTES Breitbach noted that the last paragraph on the first page of the minutes did not end properly. The completed paragraph should have read as follows: "Wuellner clarified Council's motion on this issue. He mentioned that it was important to gather data and information in 1999 and not wait to see if grant money was awarded. Then, apply for grant money to hire a consultant to get a professional opinion on what response to take. Hopefully the new CLMP will be used in the future by the LAC, Council and also to educate the public." MOTION BY LARSON, SECONDED BY BREITBACH TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 20,1999, AS AMENDED. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSL Y. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave, S..E" Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph, (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER IV. COMPREHENSIVE LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN (CLMP) Kearney gave a brief overview of the Council directive given to the LAC and the steps the committee has taken to-date to accomplish the task. McComas gave the committee an overview of lake planning and the components involved in a lake plan. The basic components of a lake plan are 1- what are the existing conditions and 2 - what are the goals. The committee needs to keep in mind that the plan is just the beginning and that implementation through actions and projects is the desired end goal. The nuts and bolts of any lake management plan are the identified projects, costs and schedule associated with each project, responsible groups and funding sources for the project. A large plan with no implementation plan will only sit on the shelf and gather dust. A sample plan of Weaver Lake was passed around and shown as a possible blueprint to follow. McComas mentioned that each lake has it's unique characteristics and that the committee shouldn't get caught up with specific wording in the plan, but concentrate on protecting and preserving the lake and what cost effective projects will serve to achieve the desired goals. Once a lake management plan is in place it is easier to go after grant funding to implement the various programs. Braddy mentioned that the Secretary of the Interior, Bruce Babbitt, has allocated $8.2 million for the study of amphibians in the states of Vermont and Minnesota which will help in studying water quality. There was discussion about what to do with Spring Lake. It was decided that goals for Upper and Lower Prior Lake should be concentrated on so as not to lose focus. The watershed district's management plan addresses water quality for all of the upstream lakes in the watershed, including Spring Lake. Moran asked if there were any volunteers in the group that would be willing to help in taking water quality samples on Prior Lake. Moran passed out a copy of DNR's new book, "Lakescaping For Wildlife And Water Quality", to all of the LAC members as a gift from the watershed. The committee spent the remainder of the evening identifying goals for each of the six priority issues. The Watershed District and City both had a list of goals for each of the issues that was used as a starting point for discussion. Following are the desired goals and some of the deliberation that went with each issue: 1. Shoreland Preservation =>This issue was retitled "Shoreland Management". · The plan needs to be tolerant to different areas on the lake, each area is unique in its' own way such as topography, soil, wind direction, etc. · Reverse the damage done to the shoreland. · What exactly does shoreland preservation mean? Is this to prevent erosion or put the shoreland back the way it was? · There are two forms of shoreland erosion, upland and wind. ..'-------.--T......-.---...---.. ....-'---.-----.--.--.--,~.......-.----- . Different people want the water level at different elevations, depending upon their lot location. . Nature is the teacher, we want to promote natural approaches. Shoreland Manaaement Goals: A. Promote natural approaches for shoreland preservation. B. Promote restoration of altered shorelines. 2. Surface Water Management => This issue was retitled "Surface Water Use Management". · Discussion occurred as to what is "fair use" of the lake when it comes to satisfying lake users and lakeshore owners. . The lake may need to be divided into different zones which would be designated and managed differently. Surface Water Use Manaaement Goals: A. Manage lake use for safe enjoyment of diverse public interests. B. Establish parameters for lake use. 3. Water Level Management - Goals: A. Work with the various agencies and public in managing the water level. B. Educate the public on water level management. 4. Water Quality - Goal: A. Protect and improve water quality by reducing point and non-point source pollution. 5. Land Use Practices - Goals: A. Minimize the transport of nutrients, sediment and runoff from city streets and lands which impact the Prior Lake watershed. B. Maximize flood storage upstream of Prior Lake. 6. Public Education - Goals: A. Increase awareness of concepts that are critical to managing Prior Lake through information and education. MOTION BY LARSON, SECONDED BY TRAPP TO ADOPT THE GOALS IDENTIFIED FOR EACH OF THE SIX LAKE MANAGEMENT ISSUES AS DISCUSSED BY THE COMMITTEE. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSL Y. V. NEW BUSINESS Braddy mentioned that grants are available for the type of lake issues that the committee is dealing with and that the grant deadlines are coming up soon. VI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY TRAPP, SECONDED BY BREITBACH TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION PASSED UNA NIMO USL Y. _.... .'-T Respectfully submitted, ~~ Lanol Leichty - Recording Secretary 1 _,,0_____.._________.._.___..___._..------- O~JN~)O~ ~J ~ ~l '~~ry I f~ITov;r) ap~, fY)4'fi~p),}ld:r/IPm; Rtf ~/jlve:-)?/~~~,!- . -' ~~~-~ /J1tI~~ 'I "? Mor~ 24/ )1q~ i (P :-39 rn-tr~.s M\nu.te~ - ~wvL- m&P~ ~ ~ m ~ - .ir~+ r~ ~ fY\1"~/t7) Ap;!;t4ib ( 45C ~n,fie-- mB1; ~ /0/ f?fje .. 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