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09-26-11 PC Agenda Packet
2, Approval of Agenda: . Consider Approval of September 12, 2011 Meeting Minutes: . Public Hearings : . (continued) # EP I I-121 Consider an application for a CUP to allow The Cove Festauran t to continue serving liquor in the C-2 zoning district. The property is located at 15750 Hwy 13 S, at the intersection of Franklin Trail and Hwy 13. E. (continued) #EP 11-121 Consider an application for a variance to allow The Cove i estaurant to serve liquor until 2 Ali. The property is located at 15750 Hwy 13 S$ at the intersection of Franklin Trail and Hwy 13. C. #EP 11-122 Consider an application to allow a building addition to an Animal Handling Land Use in the C-2 Zoning District. The property is located at 15900 Jordan Avenue South of Highway 13 North of 160th Street. D, #EP I I - 123 Consider an application for a P UD and Pre Iim1 nary Plat for The Hi l ory Shores Development to amend the approved townore design and lot layout. The property is located along the south side of State Highway 13 on Kennett Curve and Turner Drive. E. #EP 11 -1 01 Consider a Preliminary Plat to be known as Eagle Creep Estates consisting of 67 residential lots and 14.18 acres of commercial designated property. The property is located northeast of the intersection of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road. Old Business: None New Business: None . Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: IA I FILES\I I PLANNING MMMI 10M] I A EN A l 5091 I Agenda.doc Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / wmv. C it 0f norlake.com PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 1. Call to Order: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August t , 2011 Chairman Perez called the September 12, 2011, Planning Commission meeting to order a ;oo p.m. Those present were Commissioners Roszak, Perez} Howley} and Billington, Planner .teff Matzke, City Engineer Larry Poppler and Development Services Assistant PeterAlritt= 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY BiLLINGTON, SECONDED BY HOWLEY To APPF.OVr--r� "5..xFPTI IEBEI 12, 2011 MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENTED. •�}.{Y}**.�+°xx ,l���hyy ��F"hry}dhxYt�;� VOTE: Ayes, Billington, Howley, Peru, and 1oak. The mo Ni,. orae }�}�+ttrt t n#��• Y s} M Y . Consider Approval of August 22, 2011 Meetir� ,Minutes:�AK'- +}+h k1 "kir++'++}'A+ •�'h'r}„}*R 10Ti0N BY B I L L I N G T 0 N SEC. 0 N D E D BY Hovv .`EY Td'AA P R„HE AUGUST, MEETING MINUTES WITH THE MODIFICATIONS NOTED' :* }*};�I ".� VVLEY AND PERE■ OTE: Ayes Howley,Peru Billington, and Rosa. The ftcarried. f Public Hearings: A. (continued) #EP 0-121 Bluffs of�h i a li ation for Variances related to b ; i i consisting of approximately 1.07 acres family hones. T ��r �� ' � is located Jason ""after has submitted an L' dinAlbxxx }+T k- 1 ot_ r a, and bluff impact on a site Y + ,i d to br %0di i d into 3 lots for single r fast of Cand~Cove Trail, north of TH 13. B.(continued ::#E, R: `i --'i �F luff of Cand xQov�e. Mason Miller has submitted an *rad''`++tat�ii �a}+"� application for � mbine , :el.iminary and I plat to be known as The Bluffs of dandy • •r.t i T. #..+ Cove o .s[sti of 0"O'bi F �* + r:, .� of lar to k o subdivided into iota for ` _ K. yt+;hstk. a rr.T aase a ". K J R w+e " r ” r + + + : ■ +srk+w � � � fi es■ h F}fx*€ roperty}��`' o+dated east of CandyCove Trail, north of TH 13* � rad*rr ryy Y}M Yhk F 1 f A }h► h 4 t Y #}} r} Y K h**„+YY'rFYF Sµf "dsY YA #*yh}Xs++r/r"FF # Y a F }} 1}s #■hxta"""""Tri ++ F..J � 4 r �>! Y Y -� � `1�1 �'1 T R} + ii ati rxr.:f ° CUP t allow The Cove Restaurant to continue y `k+h■h�x E P ;r w'7��4 k h e■ T r ky �P r •�+y+�rst�� r ■ �twa.rT+� s rvpg liquor In the } 0-`2 onir���' istri t. The property « located at o Hwy 13 S, at wiYYY} #�. the 4(.4�$ection of 1* r�Y tll n TrMl l and Hwy 13 ■ D. EP 'I A * *k�� J: li atlo for a variance to allow The Core Restaurant t servo liquor until *;huh `he property is located at 15750 Hwy 13 Sx at the intersection of Franklin Trail Hwy 13. Planner Matzke presented that the Planning Commission had decided to table the public hearing for The Bluffs of Candy Cove from the August " meeting to the September 121ffimeeting after listening to the comments from the public, applicant and staff. There were still numerous engineering issues that needed to be addressed and the commission telt it better suited to leave the public hearing open until the engineering issues were addressed. Planner Matzke presented the request to consider Jason Millers application forvariances related to building setback, lot area, and Mutt impact, and for his LM I FILESNI I PLANNING COMMISSIONXI 1 MTNUTESWN09121 Lda Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2011 combined preliminary and final plat application on a site consisting of approximately 1.0acres of land to be subdivided into 3 lots for single family homes. The property Is located east of Candor Cove Trail, north of TH 13. The topographer of the area is very steep all the war from the 904 up to 984 elevations. Access to Candy Cove Trail is through city owned property. Due to the steep bluffs on which the property is located, this plat involves some major engineering to allow for access from Candy Cove Tail and to allow for housing pads to be placed. Questions from the Commissioner : Perez asked what grading is going to happen just north of the retainingy.#"611s. what type of trees are 4F1F1! going to be removed and what part of the hill will be removed? xFr::� :.ta=#r Y} }X. i'diiFi+f }z 1* }+s+r] Ufa .t•+a i � +}iFt#? s i i+adsirr �z Engineer P p ler responded the bulk of the hill will be removed '�j: h the gr g plan to construct the grades and the driveway entrance. The portion that is retai q � s�th' ��# �-shap �r �� kea in the retaining walls that would remain up in elevation. The walls wouldOe.retaiffib-�g theX-7- - h p yea which would be the remaining part of the hill. Perez asked who would maintain the walls and the tree§ Engineer Pppler responded we would work out ars eaeneri.hr}h*xrement with the developer for the • } x * h h k . walls and the trees. i► **�t F �d�s ,i• YYYYY 44 t} d h i, Yli Y Y�• } w s Y Y #x h# s � }+ ppliea�nt Jason Miller wanted to shed som. �M''r0]Iq t on these pr h + ftle��and the difficulties on r r F+ e r �� +.}k tet. � ice. � }y' ; a �e developing these properties. We want to blen }: e i �= � � ray tin � 4� refits the largest number of ♦ h µ}.}► F} F R people and still respects the individual rights off�� ad a ��"F �-pA ort ors. F '..}_ r eport there i ,'alfaundr r listOPbngineerinq comments. Why have Howley asked attached t rt.f _�� �x ' iddre .*nrtR:tR. R. i }gent ones from before? I thought this was the these comments not e ,9; ;�addr���� the are d�ffA{ ea0o. reason to keep the pi�, y*rng o_to address th�* kep . ... comments? Applicant Aller responded 'I��eVit_ ra abo} ftht myself, a barge portion of those are different oomni, Citi �� e r��� with at this pont storrrwater runoff ar stuff Ike * F } F } r s * krip +rF } r # }Fa r� �rF+F.Fr �ffR�� 'wti xh� }x� a * � that. 1lve amf the .�. eats fro rin It try about the different plans and the grading. 1 y}F T•ttsf YtF.+ wish I c}�eplalr rri':o,ut th m water comments but I do not fully understand the }AFF+�#/ • *�•}R +d y}}}r} X ■ ���k* } � engin -yin calculations. I•= y } }xlogi e � yaw �r ere not able to get all the comments answered but I feel ��.FF}i h'`T�■fp:'doser. we are .,l 'i.p Fast }%', �AfA}Fs+f}. ■kik . � i Y t tstxs'T�r is Howleyasl� a : Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 201 1 Engineer Poppler responded we met with the developer and his engineer after the meeting to address the comments when we received the revised plans all the comments were not met. There was not enough time for the developers engineer to answer all the comments. Perez asked as far as the different options that Mason has shorn with moving the driveway three feet can you comment on that Larry Engineer Pop pl er responded I felt that the driveway is fine where it is. With the steep grades you don't want to have the driveway way curve much or change it around to dra% ally. }hh Y}*Yr �i hY IF Billington asked are the comments on the hydrology solvable? Engineer P ler responded es -this is something vire can �rorlat.'1365'P..'6fore eve mai a any g pp p g fa rovals a need lar that oars indicate that.{YFy�t� C y t a y}• � YY h Y h k A it THE CHAlrlll�Al PERE oPEED UP THE FLOOR EF Tl� Xr`; U LIC T SPEAWAONr arYt ��y#a■#■.y C ONPUBLIC HEADING FOR THE BLUFFS FF,k�'CANDY COVE ��;�•R��.•'a'+ The Public Hearing continued at 6:36 p.m. Comments from the Public: Mark Toohey 5584 Candy Cove Trail, stat -'Ith,%tbe current plan R, tuff wiII cornpleteIy core out 4f and our concerns isnrith the noise that gill en`'} +*'` x�ore� If thoaFa��. t# foot retaining walls ten Y } R �. R �Ra h �#FaaaatyV. feet apart and kept the trees ■ Y;lC ..d#•; }�:� xhA,� p p e then �t could epanlr ,Trail quiet. y �}yaY r w►rrn •%}%+}}Y} fFY its �■ � w,w+Yr Yr}x f�f*h}}}}*Y}r#YiX FFXR .. Fr 1yR Kathleen Pri ble 5584 Cand --,Q v Trail, state x y?T,hc!Venjt Vii'' d 6m Jason since the last meeting �f*XfF'a'FFki Yr�t- so as far as working somet� : �0 � #r }} asn't been` at 4�hYFY y�a`'FYa'+'x�}hY �i y'i �}rh}xh } • }��`h+� �xf h Perez asked Larry � r * h s,�loo ed ffiby the appl i an .: f city staff in regards to the size of the retaining � r • r Y F r s a+ r r r#. p� rrF#aFr#aa°r Y rte+ • r + �� galls .. •' � �; , •. y �p. n�x.y: •�k ■ Yaa FaF ' �F 3r•RR • th F� �� �'J'b�the developer. There is a lot of different ova s Engineer Po..�*.ended •t.ras}-=�] you could a• pr lthat is bef fe s minimizes the amount of all needed to retain * h+ t t s �Y".� Y 4`�� r# t Frrt � 6�■tine hillx di the more h'lf:, FAPP; eds• 61 --be retained the more of a gall is needed. Ilar'r'.stated l have 'fflF photo the wail that l had to install when l developed the property. I had to g6lhX}� gh a similar pho"cbss and many neighbors were concerned with the bluff coming out and alloingYo eater Cary Cove. Kathleen Pri le`,'O what. are trying to o is to try and sage ars much of the trees and the land to Keep Candy Cove l , � ko peaceful. Jason Giller stated ire id look at Keeping more of the hill there but it resulted in a 25 foot high retaining wall. We tried to do two Oft retaining galls but I haven't been able to work with my neighbor. l still have the offer on the table to pay cash to assist with the relocating of Mr. Toohe is retaining galls and to assist hien in other landscaping alterations. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILLINGTON AND SECONDED BY HOWLEY To CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. OTE: Ages by Billington, Hole, Perez and Fosak. The motion carried LAII I*ILESUI PLANNfNG COMMISI I III MIN U TESk 9I2ILlo Planning Commission fleeting Minutes ,duly 11, 201 1 The public hearing was closed at 64.45 p.m. Commissioner Comments and Questions: Billington stated it is obvious that this project meet the components of the practical difficulties of the variance. The problem I have as far as recommending mernding approval is the engineering, hydrology and storm water issues. We reed to see more of the hydrology and engineering* f it. We need to spend more time to get these issues resolved and we meed to get these solved F ; 4 f} ewe are not talking about this to January. I will support the variances and the combined r.,.:l�i�ir�aryand final flat application if these issues can be resolved. Howley asked I have one more question to Larry. The portion th y' referr �`-.,';-.Os the pond is this still Y the T right away? � t�► *�� �i {}}h}}r TF, ltd a + out that is stll.,,the lot and Engrner Pler resnded no there i a rtin f tl � t th t juts �xYx ■ Iiryy7, Sy s } s s} t r • . Y r h} i Y M s 1� i s not t i the T right-of-way. �4Y Yts}s}s}�rxra } hR Y}iFYY}i i y � Howley stated I am on board with all the variances and th Yuri't criteria on whi WWe would grant r them. In a perfect world we would put two lots there and not i f - but I am sure that the project isn't a go with just two there or I would imagine a ft_ .Jbere would be twd`# . The second issue i grading g down that existing bean with the trees on it. ortu nately in order the housing dads in there the berm is in��/�yJ7] to have to o under the knife; t�`T} 1 &A,4,i. ,,n other waY`t& � rit. I certainly support Y 4r SX Y# +hai k}*}}# AR}7F#►�Y 1� some of the illustrations that work with the nei n r16,A4 t�"r arller retairjffi'� walls, but it is their property and if there cannot be compromise then we W'IfPave fto-' �� x# �t� �1 'f t wall. I arra still shocked that we have this many enginqA.ung o merntspn . here is*n ay I would put forth recommendation to send ti :J � }�h_ t r Council wi 6� his many Mmore time involved in working}t; "Pugh fffi F: airnage and&hding issues. I will be in support of tabling this ■;%�] r`J1ry rla�-+}yyk ## 44Y tA F y4 ! hFr *.F }hFit szak stated once again � ant#s tern fit to complete to this project. I also encourage •A wF VFJf >wnk ....F,hl.. ". _.}- y J ��tF�h "}f� %}" • . s t x t#r¢a}}¢n}}"r}r �r " r"� r r* . X a the applicant t .kw h%,rw th the . ��,"Option of having terve smaller retaining galls} In •. t*}�}x k t xti. r}h Fll. ■".Fatr �# r .'� � s a r ■ ■ ren rind a. ONg ,.O . Fining wa ;i never a g d option. Until the engineering issues r be wori ed�y;y, ugh I ar n t*rt md this forward. At this time I will also support tabling the project. Peri if i J do agree withfVW ellow c " " .'missioners in that these engineering issues need to be worked off"K e I can mai e� om Mended approval to the City Council# i would life to seeyou do as much that;l ;. Bible to protdg the berm if you can't then try and mitigate it as much as possible. Cantil you can �' ; with an engineering plan that can meet all the satisfactions of everyone I too cannot recommen 'U rs.,to be Moved on. MOTION WAS i iAD vV~ ILLiNGT N AND SECOND BY ROSZAK TO TABLE THE DISCUSSION E THE VARIANCE REQUEST UNTIL THE APPLICANT HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TUNIT TO REVISE ISE THE DEVELOPMENT PLAT VOTE: Ages by Howley, Perez, Eilligtornx and rad. The motion carried. Perez asked Jeff as far as the public hearing goes what is the net step* Planner Matzke responded since the public hearing has been closed by the Planning Commission and the discussion and recommendation tabled this topic can be discussed again at a future meeting once LAI I FIL1] I PI,ANNfNISSI 111 MINUTESVMN09121 Ldo Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2011 the developer has addressed City Staff comments. Likely that will take a minimum of a month based on the complexity of the project changes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY E ILLINGT N SECOND BY ROSZAK TO TABLE THE DISCUSSION OF THE COMBINED AND PRELIMINARY PLAT UNTIL THE APPLICANT HAS THE OPPORTUNITY T REMISE THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS. TE: Ayes by Howley, Perez} Edlington, and r os al . Themotion carried. Panner Matzke presented a request to an application for a CUP to a I loW-Thik Cove Restau rant to continue serving liquor in the C-2 zoning district. The property is J, ated at 15750 Hwy 13 S at the intersection of Franklin Trail and Hwy 13, andlicatio yYf k ,.variance to allow The �Y Cove Restaurant to serve liquor until 2 AM. The property isted`W Jy b- 75 Hwy 13 S$ at the ���t i �rrrFfttha}t}r` ti.� ,/YhFaf. intersection o Franklin Trail and Hwy 13. i h V �;�4a�RFafa�i Questions from the Commissioners: Billington asked what is the area between the 00V kd the r0'_ jdential i e ti r�o .:`,it is pretty heavily treed is it note mart►, a ss i• Planner Matzke responded that is cor( between the restaurant and the resident Billington asked have vire checked with th problems with the restaurant? Planner Matzke resW-Whi the site. The have�,yF+, area restaurants wlfh��le a With the request to rov back an hour from".- .a0M. open to 2,t; ■ r'. A M I -O. H EAR 11�=_ TE: Aye The Public Hea Comments from the it is a large woo re then a and there is some distance ny pervious complaints or tment ha°9 not had any recent major calls to y rake routine stops at the closing hours of r' any disturbances or possible Dills. �hes their patrolling tires for these area ady a fever restaurants In the City that are Iib SECOND BY HVL,EY TO OPEN THE PUBLIC The notion carried. Applicant Bruce Lair* on 24790 Newport Ave, stated that at The Cove we just serve beer and wine, we do not serve any hard liquor at the restaurant. Applicant Larson asked is this meeting for the outdoor patio also? Planner Matzke responded no this meeting is not for the outdoor patio} because City Staff did net receive any site plans or drawings of the outdoor patio area with the application. LAI 1 FILE 111 PLAN IIIG COMMISSIONRI1 MIN UTES\MN091211.do Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2011 Planner Matzke l e stated that The Cove had shown interest in possibly wanting to construct an outdoor patio area but vire did not receive all the materials that would show what the outdoor patio would look like and where it would be placed. Perez asked Jeff is that a Conditional Use Permit as well for the outdoor patio? Planner Matzke responded it is in some ways once we see the site plan for it there is a level at which changes the perplexity of the site. Right now one of the majorthingsfor this site is parking. Our code does allow an outdoor seating area to a an a k*X+::�" . use to an existing ■ i ■ ■ i ■ ^+a■X■#^� i conditional use permit and not require additional parking, but then %*is a mki um squame footage as to what that outdoor area would be. Without h ire{ x}#� osed site plan Cit Staff ;:�;. � r ■ - skh? Ra a+r�b,%ether cannot evaluate the size and location of the outdoor patio ar and it would require an amended Conditional Use Permit or separate variance. j `' ►R RF MOTION WAS MADE I Y BILLINGTON AND S PUBLIC HEAT ING. up;� A motioned to close public hearing :0 Commissioner questions and comment 1�■�f ■tea}Y 1Yy ~�Y�#kk X*Fhh tA' k X Y F 13�? SZAK T6)5WSE THE Howley asked if he does submit a f r na['E r th")10atipis i �x+: :ktl reapplication fees and such that he could combine this into orae }ti-- P.f''P0, r,�r,•wait to vote on this? Planner Matzke reg onded:: � that is an optibr applicant if he would like,.'.10116"".1he approval �rFihn R:A application. City Staff,.,.-,j.'unawar�s i it .'(at the ai l SFi Fyrri}R iixrlry hours to stay open=: �t r ,n � bu �, 'dding this to •a'}} t't s �rrrxrX longer for being able to ge hftq- would like to talk with the could posgibly review it under this rot's timeline is for wanting to change his :.view would push out his timeline a bit Howley --:' �-�p a.sK*" Y .` �iru�i � r on if h- M'm acomments? F }'F■•Y F Y}* w Y} X*Ar1F ii,FF■h1F}}hR}�j- r}� Y■ F h F h}* F Y F F F} F}. ■ h ,F Y k f Appl�h r X Y k} k x# h i k ■ l�F #� } �} Y F } } K } Y . L rsr sand �� '�k;:lf CVs a` w:r dred dollars for this application then vire would like Y*?� FFf*Y AYF hYIF hhJFp h}hhYx4�7 ♦ 1*1F�F}Ax**Frx�► t/�y■�J� * r �x+ 4 YS*\�}� one. �}AA}}AYYR� *�Fh1�F1F1F}Y Y Y *' y}*� t`+#}thy A�FxiYi44R Fi++hs#F 7 PlannerMatt."�;:}#fie ■yr�•��Jy n ed �t-jlAst y■r�'%��J�end on hover quicklyyou can et s a site plan of what • FRF`;+TxT ■ F■ J the outdoorai��.roul'e# then we can move forward with reviewing the lana ��. Peru asked Howle �qb".`.*-- u have any additionalcomments? Howley stated ray only reservation is about the adjacent properties if they would ever be developed but since there is a steep hill behind it and the lift station to the right there is no way that anybody will build closer to it. With that possibility thrown out I have no Issue with it. Roszak stated that 1 will support this as also. Billington stated yes, I will tee support this. It is a compatible conditional use for the property. L:11 1F1LESU 1 PLANNING COMMISSIONXI I TNUT 1MN0912I Ldo Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 11, 2011 Perez stated obviously we had a change in ordinance so that's why vire are seeing the conditional use permit, it seems reasonable and meets all the C.U.P. criteria. As far as the variance for the hours change I have no issues with that we have some other establishments that have the sane hours of being open to 2 a.m. I have no issues supporting this. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HO LEY SECOND BY BILLINTON TO TABLE THE REQUEST JEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE COVE RESTAURANT TO CONTINUE TO SERVE LIQUOR IN THE 2 ZONING DISTRICT. TE: Ayes by Howley, Perez, Billington, and Roszak. The motionhxtytrftiq d. A MOTION WAS MDE BY HOWLEY SECOND BY ILLINGT ;;�* +h:.x� *,;�TABLE THE REQUEST EST ,�F�x� �� FOR A VARIANCE T ALLOW THE COVE r ESTURANT T.Q.'}��ER"N,"`/',":"*LIQUOR UNTIL 2 A 11` 2 ZONING DISTRICT '#-.;Y".f •'R*.#+}irx* i }}} 1��YY�h YY}YyiyY} TE: Ares by Howley, Perez, E1I1ingtonx n os � . Th :�_ , lon;zxj rri 1. old Business: A. None 2■ New Business: A. None 3. ■ YyYFY11#;-031Y##i F�k�h„Ya'� }+a a Announcements ens an r esp n en .xrxee.arw +�a r a+ R} r} r} y WF A. F emin er about the September 2 � Wb rk `+� -6t-} h`- �;4Qp$Ie publicliterary *i} AA.�,kR i �R �fhili #y t # i4re . F�bPlanner M t ke aske th+ :�� n r Planr Commi'gion members that were oinf4ry+'� to SX -.f4: # ■ J,,4� ����./attend the Governn ±, ra n ng } vice on theto please notify nye. The work shop will � ■ . art - ,��, �` R"R'�a' Ya}}}}fr ' ► consist of topics �n 2famtop , land*'*' se} C.U.P.s, fI� y i 1gs of fact and regal jargon. Desyl Peterson is one of the tt6f eys*, ya:F rill- a Ie in t, She also led the workshop that was here Y Y r}} a r 1h.►�i � F} s r+ R R R i l� f A A �F } ) Y F } + � + r F . . trrR. tf R+F�I �}FS*,F�a+a+a��+i •�Y F t � r /'1�hY}} #♦ r} s ,Y } t i _• / T• ,F f h a t a a i R• 1F F F f X} r r ever rn o n t s. i s os.r.-* r. • ,,r#}rrt+Firt . }_.,`,Fh hh Ff ��aly Y��**+aR�#aF}tete*h*F%} Pl nn r i ke stat d,",. } t {� � f ave your September 2& meeting there is a sizable le � �#. raRrf• . } Fttt. ,} }a" ge04'Afaclu ing the ori h ation `F �""ove CUP the Eagle Creek Est tesPrelimina Plat a Y } a as well rns involving Hickory',38hores Development and the River Valley Veterinary Clinic Peres stated th r ran + 'the developer of Eagle Creek Estates is a holding neighborhood meeting this Wedn ::�+ : �. ,-Fire Station One on Fish Point Road. . Planner Matzke lsof ro u e Dan Rogness. as the new Community and Economic Development Director. MOTION TO ADJPN BY HO LEY SECOND BY ROSZAK TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. TE: Ares by Howley, Perez, Billington, and Pos ark . The 'motion carried. . Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. Peter Alritt, Development Services Assistant LA I FILESU I PLANINIING COMMISSIOMI I MIN TE II N09121 Ld AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: 4646 Dakota Street S Prior Lake, VIN 55372 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: G: DATE INTRODUCTION: PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT PUBLIC HEARING To CONSIDER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT To ALLOW A RESTAURANT T To CONTINUE As A RESTAURANT AIT SERVING LIQUOR IN THE C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT JEFF MAT [ E, PLANNER X YESNO-N/A SEPTEMBER 2 , 2011 Bruce Larson has applied for a conditional use permit to allover a restaurant with liquor in the C-2 (General Business) Commercial Zoning District. The site is located at 15750 Hwy 13 south, north of Counter State Aid Highway 44, at the intersection of Franklin Trail and MN State Trunk Highway a 13. The Planning Commission held the public hearing for this Conditional Use Permit request at the September 12, 2011 meeting; and, after discussion, decided to continue the item to this meeting to possibly allover the applicant to propose an additional outdoor seating area as part of the Conditional Use Permit request. The applicant has not been able to provide plans regarding the outdoor seating area. Therefore the request for the Conditional Use Permit remains the sane as presented at the September 12, 2011 meeting. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total site Area: The site is 2.3 acres. Topography: The subject site varies in elevation from 908 MSL to 942 MSL, eetation: The site contains a commercial building housing a retail bait and tackle shop and restaurant with a shared parking area. Otherwise, the remainder of the site is largely wooded areas of varying topography. Access: Access to the site is from southeast at the intersection of State Trunk Highway 13 Franklin Trail. 0 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated C-C.C. for Community Retail Shopping on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoin : The site area is zoned C - (General Business). ANALYSIS,: The site currently occupied by the Cove Restaurant has been the site of a variety of restaurant: uses. Indeed, 5 separate restaurants have occupied the site since 1992. The Cove Restaurant has been in Plione, 952.447.9800 Fax 95 .44 .4245 wwN%,.eit fpr1or1 e. t business at the current location since 2007. With the recent renewal of the liquor license of the Cove Restaurant the City Council unposed a condition of approval that the use obtain a Conditional Use Permit in compliance with the currently City Zoning Ordinance, Section 1102.1103 (5 of the Zoning Ordinance. The granting a Conditional Use Permit will bring the existing Cove Restaurant within compliance of the City Zoning ordinance for future annual renewals of the liquor license for the restaurant. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) AN, YSIS: Section 1108.200 of the City Code sets forth the criteria for approval of a CUP. (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are to "'determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry and population" and to "'maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and ind rshy." This proposal will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it complies with the conditions of approval. Another objective of the Comprehensive Plan is to "enact arra maintain ain policies and ordinances to ensure the public safety, health and welfare."" The proposed restaurant with liquor use would appear consistent with these policies. (2) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. Eased on staff review, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The conditions of the approving resolution are intended to ensure ongoing protection of the community. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. Section 1102.1103 (5) of the Zoning Ordinance allows a restaurant with liquor is an allowed use within the C-2 Zoning District. The conditions set forth in the Zoning Ordinance will be net with the issuance of the Conditional Use permit. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The use will not have adverse impacts on governmental facilities. No further construction improvements are proposed with the CUP request. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment ent of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity. The use is separated from adjacent residential properties by a highly wooded area with varying topography. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the state of Minnesota, approved by the city council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. No site plan modifications are currently proposed from the existing conditions on site. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the state of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city severer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas rias, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part f the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. No engineering plan modifications are currently proposed from the existing conditions on site. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the city Council, Additional conditions to ensure the protection of the general health} safety and welfare of the public are included as paint of the CUP. These conditions include approval of permits from other governmental agencies. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following conditions: a The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no later than 60 days after approval. b The Conditional Use Permit is subject to the issuance of required permits from all applicable governmental agencies. c Conditions outlined in Section 1102.1103 of the City Code, related to Restaurants with Liquor as a use permitted by a Conditional Use Permit, shall be adhered to. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the CUP subject to the above conditions. 2. Table this item to a date specific, and provide the applicant with direction on the issues that have been discussed. . Deny the request based on specific findings of fact. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative . ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to approve resolution 11-05PC approving the CUP, subject to the listed conditions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 1 1- PC 2, Location Map Prior Lake, NIN 55372 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION '1'1-0 PC A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A RESTAURANT SERVING LIQUOR IN THE C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, The Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 12, 2011, to consider ars application from Bruce Larson to allow a restaurant searing liquor in the c-2 (General Business) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said CUP was duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake ordinances} and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this CUP and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the CUP; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission finals the proposed CUP is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as they relate to conditionally permitted uses, and further, that the proposed CUP meets the criteria for approval of CUP as contained in Section 1108.202 of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION of PRIOR LACE* I . The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The Planning Commission hereby adopts the following findings: a. The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are to "determine ars strive for a balance of commerce, indus r and population" and to "maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and industry. " This proposal will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it complies with the conditions of approval. Another objective of the Comprehensive Plan is to "enact and maintain policies ars ordinances to ensure the public safety., health and welfare.' are.' The proposed restaurant with liquor use would appear consistent with these policies. . The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. Based on staff review, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The conditions of the approving resolution are intended to ensure ongoing protection of the community. Plione 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / %NrN%,w. ityof rior1a1- . oni o. The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. Section 1102.1103 of the Zoning Ordinance allows a restaurant with liquor is an allowed use within the C-2 Zoning District. The conditions set forth in the Zoning Ordinance gill be met with the issuance of the Conditional Use permit. d. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The use will not have adverse impacts on governmental facilities. No further construction improvements ent are proposed with the CUP request. e. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity. The use is separated from adjacent residential properties by a highly waled area with varying topography. f. The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under* the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the state of Minnesotan, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. No site plan modifications are currently proposed from the existing conditions on site. . The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the state of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council, No engineering plan rodifiartions are currently proposed from the existing conditions on site. h. The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CCP approved by the City Council. Additional conditions to ensure the protection of the general health, safety and welfare of the public are included as part of the CUP. These conditions include approval of permits from other governmental agencies. 3. The CUP is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: a The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no lamer than 60 Marys after approval. b The conditional Use Permit is subject to the issuance of required permits from all applicable governmental agencies. c) Conditions outlined in Section 1102.1103 5 of the City Code, related to Restaurants with Liquor as a use permitted by a Conditional Use Permit, shall be adhered to. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Planning Commission hereby grants a conditional Use Permit to allow a restaurant serving liquor within the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District. The contents of Planning case File #EP 11 -1 21 is hereby entered into and made a part of the public recon and the record of the decision for this case= Passed and adopted this 26th day of September, 2011. Paul Perez, Acting Commission chair ATTEST: Dan I ogness, Community & Economic Development ment C irector AGENDA ITEM: 413 SUBJECT: CONSIDER A REQUEST UEST Fold A VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED ED LIMITED ALCOHOLIC SERVICE HOURS To ALLOW RESTAURANT To SERVE ALCOHOL UNTIL 2 AQUI SITE ADDRESSES: 15750 HWY 13 SOUTH PREPARED ED B ; JEFF MAT KE, PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO -N/A DATE: -§-EPTEMBER 26, 2011 INTRODUCTION Bruce Larson, owner of the Cove Restaurant} has requested a variance from the limited alcoholic service hours for a restaurant to serve liquor in the C-2 (General Business) Commercial Zoning District. The site is located at 15750 Hwy 13 South, north of Counter State Aid Highway 44, at the intersection of Franklin Trail and MN State Trunk Highway 13. The applicants request the following variances: A variance from the 10 PM limitation requirement to allow the serving rgr o alcohol until 2 AM Monday through Sunday for a restaurant structure in the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District that is within loo feet of a residential property lire. (section 1102.1103 (5)). The Planning Commission held the public hearing for this variance request at the September 12, 201 meeting; and, after discussion, decided to continue the item to this meeting to possibly allow the applicant to propose an additional outdoor seating area as part of the variance request. The applicant has not been able to provide plans regarding the outdoor seating area. Therefore the request for the variance remains the same as presented at the September 12# 2011 meeting. BACKGROUND The property is zoned C-2 (General Business) and SD (Shoreland Overlay District), and is guided C -CC Community Retail Shopping) on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The site contains a commercial building housing a bait and tackle retail shop and a restaurant with a shared parking area. DISCUSSION The applicant is proposing to change the hours of alcoholic service at the restaurant to allow for service until 2 AM, Monday through Sunday. The current restaurant is serves alcoholic beverages until I All. Decently the City amended the Zoning ordinance for restaurants with liquor which are located within 100 feet of residential property to allow for alcoholic service until 10 PM on Sunday through Thursday and until 11pm Friday, Saturday, and holidays. Upon enacting of this ordinance change the Cove Restaurant has been currently identified as a nonconforming use for the reason that its current I AM alcoholic service time does not comply with the new ordinance change. In the specific case of the h o ne 95 2. it 4 T9/ Fax 9 52.47.4 2it 5 / ww%v. c it yofl) rioAa ke. c om Cove Restaurant site, however; there is a topographical and vegetative buffer between the restaurant building and the nearby residential properties. This level of buffering is specific to the site and is not generally found in other locations throughout the city between other commercial and residential properties. Also, while the restaurant building is approximately 60 feet to the nearest residential property line, the closest maintained rear yard within the nearby residential area lies over 250 feet from the restaurant building. The applicant believes that a 2 AM service time change is not drastically different from the `l Alli current service time but would allow for additional business opportunities. ANALYSIS Variance Hardshi Findings Section 1108:400 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that: (1) Thera are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a Variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning ordinance. Economic considerations alma do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties exist for the property owners. Due to the unique topography and wooded vegetative buffering between the restaurant building and the residential properties to the north, the use would be screened from residential properties. In addition, tine distance from the restaurant building to the nearest maintained residential rear yard area is more than 250 feet which is greater than the 100 foot requirement between residential properties and restaurant buildings which are limited on hours of alcoholic service. (2) The granting of the Variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the City subdivision and Zoning ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance is within harmony of the general purposes of the ordinance. Due to the distance and topographical and vegetative buffers between the uses the intent of the Zoning Ordinance requirement in this case will be achieved to separate the two land uses of residential properties and restaurants with liquor. The Zoning Ordinance strives to "provide for compatibility of different land uses by segregating, controlling, and regulating unavoidable nuisance producing uses.' In this case the physical distance between usable maintained areas and the specific natural buffers segregate the differing land uses. (3) The granting of the Variance is necessary to permit the reasonable use of the property involved. The variances are necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. The site is zoned C-2 (General Business) District and a restaurant with liquor service is an allowed and a reasonable use within the C-2 Zoning District. (4) The practical difficulty is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting from actions of the owners of the property and is not a mere convenience to the property owner and applicant. The practical difficulty in this case is due to the unique shape and natural topography of the commercial lot. While the restaurant building is approximately 60 feet to the nearest residential property, the closest maintained rear yard within the nearby residential area lies over 250 feet from the restaurant building. (6) The granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or e detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare. The granting of the variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. In exception to the requested alcoholic service time change from 1 AMI to 2 AM, no current change to the overall site is proposed. (6) The granting of the Variance will net result in allowing any use of the property that is not permitted in the zoning district where the subject property is located. The restaurant with liquor use i s a permitted use within the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District. (7) The granting of the Variance is necessary to alleviate an inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. The current proposal does not involve any proposed solar energy systems. CONCLUSION The applicant proposes to change the end of alcoholic service form 1 AM to 2 AMI. The Zoning Ordinance limitation which the applicant requests the variance is applicable for restaurants buildings which area within `IgD feet of nearby residential properties. While the restaurant building is approximately feet to the nearest residential property line, the closest maintained rear card within the nearby residential area lies over 250 feet from the restaurant building. In addition, varying topography and wooded vegetative buffering lies between the restaurant building and the residential properties to the north. Therefore City Staff recommends approval of the requested variance subject to the following listed conditions: + 1. This resolution must be recorded at Scott Counter within 60 days of adoption. . The applicant shall obtain approval of an application for a 2 AMI Liquor License from the Minnesota Department ent of Public Safety. ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the variance as presented. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the variance because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated practical difficulties under the Zoning ordinance criteria. RECOMMENDED ACTION The recommendations by staff require the following motions: 1. A motion and second to approve resolution 11 -06PC subject to the listed conditions. ATTACHMENTS `I. Resolution -0 PC 2. Location reap A RESOLUTION TION APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED LIMITED ALCOHOLIC SERVICE HOURS To ALLOW A RESTAURANT To SERVE ALCOHOL UNTIL 2 AM BE IT RESOLVED ED B the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS `I . Bruce Larson is requesting a variance from the required alcohol service hours of limitation to allow a restaurant to serve alcohol until 2 AM at the following location, to it; 5750 Hwy 3 South, Prior Lake, MN 55372 All that part of the East 600 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 115, Range 22, lying l orthedy of the Northerly Right-of-way line of New State Trunk Highway No. 13, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #11 - 121 and held a hearing thereon on September 12, 2011. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the pudic safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. . Practical difficulties exist for the property owners. Due to the unique topography and crooded vegetative buffering between the restaurant building and the residential properties to the north, the use would he screened from residential properties. In addition, the distance from the restaurant building to the nearest maintained residential rear yard area is more than 250 feet which is greater than the 100 foot requirement between residential properties and restaurant buildings which are limited on hours of alcoholic service. . The granting of the variance is within harmony of the general purposes of the Ordinance* Clue to the distance and topographical and vegetative buffers between the use the intent of the Zoning Ordinance requirement in this case will he achieved to separate the two land uses of residential properties and restaurants with liquor. The Zoning Ordinance strives to `provide for compatibility of different land uses by segregating, controlling, and regulating unavoidable nuisance producing uses." In this case the physical distance between usable maintained areas and the specific natural buffers segregate the differing land uses. 6. The variances are necessary to use the property in a reasonable manner. The site is zoned c-2 (General Business) District and a restaurant with liquor service is an allowed and a reasonable use within the c-2 Zoning District, Phone 952.447.9800 Fix 952.447.4245 ANr%NT%ilr.cityofpriorlake.coiii . The practical difficulty in this case is due to the unique shape and natural topography of the commercial lot. While the restaurant building is approximately o feet to the nearest residential property, the closest maintained rear yard within the nearby residential area lies over 250 feet from the restaurant building. . The granting of the variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. In exception to the requested alcoholic service time change from I AM to 2 AM, no current change to the overall site is proposed. g. The restaurant with liquor use is a permitted use within the C- (General Business) Zoning District. 10. The current proposal does not involve any proposed solar energy systems. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth afire, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following variance from the required alcohol service hours of limitation t allow a restaurant to serve alcohol until 2 AM on a C-2 (General Business) zoned property: variance from the 10 PM lim a ion requirement o allow the serving of alcohol until 2 Alli Monday through Sunday for a restaurant structure in the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District that is whin 100 feet of a residential property line. (section 1102.1103 . The variance is subject to the following conditions: 1. This resolution yeast be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption. . The applicant shall obtain approval of an application for a 2 AM Liquor License from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on September 2, 2011 Paul Perez, Acting Commission Chair ATTEST: Dan l ogress, Community & Economic Development Director The Cove Restaurant= Conditional Use Permit Variance TNs drawing is ne -the r a legAy recorded map nor a survey and is not Intended to be used as one. This drawing is a campila5on of re rds, information, and data located in various dty, county, and state offices, and othat sources affecting aha area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. Scott County Is not resportsi-ble for a ny Ina ccuracias herein contained. I disue panaes are found, please contact the Scott County S to r veyFors ice. Map Scale 1 inch = 272 feet w E Map Date m rye 9/6/2011 �� AGENDA ITEM: SI BJECT: 4646 Dakota Street S Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT 4D PUBLIC HEARING To CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT To ALLOW BUILDING ADDITION TO AN ANIMAL HANDLING LAND USE IN THE C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) ZONING DISTRICT JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER X YES NO -NIA �� rrrr.rrWrWrrrr SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 R. A. Cot Homes Inc. has applied for a conditional use permit to allover a building addition to an Animal Handling Land Use In the C-2 (General Business) Commercial Zoning District. The site is located at 5900 Jordan Avenue, south of State Trunk Highway 3, and north of 16& Street (County Highway 44). PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total site Area: The site is 1.1 acres. Topography, The subject site is generally flat, varying in elevation from 944 MSL to 952 MSL. Existing.Conditions: The site contains the River Malley veterinary Clinic building, a parking area, and a large outdoor pet run/training area. Access: Access to the site is from Jordan Avenue. A second entrance to a newly proposed parking area is proposed along Jordan Avenue, 2030 Comprehensive Plan Desi nation: This property is designated C -CC for Community Retail Shopping on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. rein The site area is zoned C - (General Business). ANALYSIS: The site is currently occupied by a 3,500 square foot veterinary clinic with an existing 29 stall parking let which were constructed in 1900. The applicant proposes to expand the building with a 3,528 square foot addition and add a 13 stall parking area south of the building addition. No previous Conditional Use Permit for Animal Handling has been issued for this site. The required conditions for an Animal Handling Land Use as outlined in Section 1102.1103 1 are as follows: a. No animals shall be kept outside the building, or be otherwise located, which cause offensive odor or noise discernible at the property lire of the lot on which the activity is conducted. Phone 2.447.9800 Fax 952.447.4245 / %,%v f. Ry f rior1a . m b. Where animals are boarded, the facility shall be located minimum of 100 feet from abutting properties in an "R" Use District. In this case the animal fennel area is proposed to he located within the building and the nearest residential property is more than 170 feet from the building. The site has been evaluated for ether Zoning ordinance requirements such as parking, landscaping, and architectural design. The site will meet these requirements subject to adherence to the listed conditions of approval. CONDITIONAL USE PENT (CUP) ANALYSIS; Section 1108.200 of the City Code sets forth the criteria for approval of a CUP. (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are to ""determine and s1rivefor a balance of commerce, industty and population"' and t "maintain high standards ire the promotion and vel ent of commerce and industry." This proposal will he consistent with the goals} objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it complies with the conditions of approval. Another objective of the Comprehensive Plan is to `enact and maintain policies and ordinances to ensure the public safety, health and welfare." The proposed Animal Handling Land Use would appear consistent with these policies. (2) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. Based on staff review, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The conditions of the approving resolution are intended to ensure ongoing protection of the community. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning ordinance and the Use District in which the conditional Use is located. Section 1102.1103 11 of the Zoning Ordinance allows an Animal Handling Lard Use within the C-2 Zoning District. The conditions set forth in the Zoning Ordinance will he ret with the issuance of the Conditionai Use permit. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The use will not have adverse impacts on governmental facilities. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity. The facility is separated from adjacent residential properties by a County Highway and over 170 feet of distance. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the city Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the city Council. The applicant has submitted site plans prepared by a civil engineer which identify existing and proposed site design and landscaping. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the state of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the city council. The applicant has submitted plans prepared by a civil engineer which illustrate existing and proposed drainage and utility details for the site. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the city council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements In this ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the city council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the City council. Additional conditions to ensure the protection of the general health} safety and welfare of the public are included as part of the CUP. These conditions include approval of permits from other governmental agencies and adherence to the conditions outlined in Section 1102.1103 '1 1of the Zoning Ordinance. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following conditions - a) The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no later than 60 days after approval. b Prior to any grading on the site, the applicant shall meet requirements set forth by the City Engineering Department in the memorandum dated September 12, 2011. c Prior to approval of a building permit, the applicant shall meet requirements set forth by the City Community & Economic Development Department in the memorandum dated September 22, 2011. d The Conditional Use Permit is subject to the issuance of required permits from all applicable governmental agencies. e Conditions outlined in Section 1102.1103 (1 1) of the City Code, related to Animal Dandling as a use permitted by a Conditional Use Permit, shall be adhered to. ALTERNATIVES: Approve the CUP subject to the above conditions. . Table this item to a date specific, and provide the applicant with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Deny the request based on specific findings of fact. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative 1 ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and Second to approve Resolution 11-07PC approving the CUP, subject to the listed conditions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution on 11- 7PC 2. Location Map . Site Plans and Building Plans . Engineering Department Memorandum randum dated September 12, 201 . Community & Economic Development Department Memorandum randum dated September 22, 201 1W lt V11 Prior Lake., NM 55372 !ESS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION 11- PC A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A BUILDING ADDITION TO AN ANIMAL HANDLING LAND USE IN THE C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, EAS, The Prior Labe Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 26, 2011, to consider an application from R.A. Kot Homes Inc. to allow a building addition to an Animal Handling Land Use in the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said CUP was duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this CUP and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the CUP; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission finds the proposed CUP is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Zoning ordinance as they relate to conditionally permitted uses, and further, that the proposed CUP meets the criteria for approval of CUP as contained in Section 1108.202 of the Zoning ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION of PRIOR LAKE: I. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The Planning Commission hereby adopts the following findings: a. The use is consistent with and supportive f the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are to "determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry and population" and t "maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and industry. 33 This proposal will he consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it complies with the conditions of approval. Another objective of the Comprehensive Plan is to "enact and maintain policies and ordinances to ensure the public safety, health and welfare." The proposed Animal Handling Land Use would appear consistent with these policies. . The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. Based on staff review, the proposed use will not he detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The conditions of the approving resolution are intended to ensure ongoing protection of the community. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / wwwAty fprior . om cf The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning ordinance and the Use District In which the conditional Use is located. Section 110. 103 of the Zoning Ordinance allows an Animal Handling Land Use within the C--2 Zoning District. The conditions set forth in the Zoning Ordinance will be met with the issuance of the Conditionarl Use permit. d. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements nts which are either existing or proposed. The use will not have adverse impacts on governmental facilities. e. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity. The facility is separated from adjacent residential properties by a County Highway and over 170 feet of distance. f. The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the city Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the city council. The applicant has submitted site plans prepared by a civil engineer which identify existing and proposed site design and landscaping. g. The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities, The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the city council. The applicant has submitted plans prepared by a civil engineer which illustrate existing and proposed drainage and utility details for tine site. h. The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the city council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained In subsection 1108.202. in these circumstances, the city council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth In the CUP approved by the city council. Additional conditions to ensure the protection of the general health, safety and welfare of tine public are included as part of the CIDP. These conditions include approval of permits from other governmental agencies and adherence to the conditions outlined in Section 1102-1103 (11) of the Zoning Ordinance. I The CUP is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: a The applicant shall recon the Conditional Use Permit at Scott Counter no later than 60 days after approval. b Prior to any grading on the site, the applicant shall meet requirements set forth by the City Engineering Department in the memorandum dated September 12, 2011. c Frier to approval of ar building permit, the applicant shall meet requirements set forth by the City Community & Economic Development Department in the memorandum r dated September 22, 2011. d The conditional Use Permit is subject to the issuance of required permits from all applicable governmental agencies. e Conditions outlined in Section 1102.1103 11 of the city Code, related to Animal Handling as a use permitted by a Conditional Use Permit, shall be adhered to. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Planning Commission hereby grants a Conditional Use Perot to allow a building addition to ars Animal Handling Lard Use within the -2 (General Business) Zoning District. The contents of Planning Carse File #EP 11-122 is hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of the decision for this Carse. Passed and adopted this 26th day of September, 2011. Paul Perez, Acting Commission Chair ATTEST: Darn F ogness, Community & Economic Development Director F m G � G Ln U V1 U L U 1,u o '3 �Wim�[ LW s .3•S �lbal is IVT &, at &, a:a rvi��Naa vwi '�llJ E Z� ry 7 HOin u.� � ` L pO �u rr�aaor o o Q"r �" w � a ¢ W p f�7 w `3 `a 'any 1NOW3J�ik1 asnd �nrd '15 Io NV;3! 5 �Ay 4J a4 LTJ o Nal SN "� a r .a w W O {Abid yfxyy�� J w^ �� ��f��V J apx 3�•s •�� w y 3q Q 88 m u^pi W Q v7 W C) =UWL�Q U zN rr.y yt VJ � 5 Nf a �Q � z a D U Q© cc"a µr I W m 3nN3AY .NVMjor xII pn �L L40- 0- 13 oi LT3 o Lo Z Uj 00 [? 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J J Wf T 4 V v7 i7 U / L77 0] U CCN77 V M► �¢wi[� ¢wwstrz� a? e ataea xOD��wWHW� Wow�c>[5[scX�i�iae�ix styc>iri�c�2>taca�>2�i>c�2�2a1>2xacacaca2a2�ac ac �i >f >c a C?,nwn.X [a p• ww�[�m In nu,ww In miY.R.wwl.Ufl. cz.a��n.wrau. w _j rn'z ,x U wwwwwwwwwwwwWw w w wwwwwW w wI.JLJLLIIa.I I.AI I.11l..,1a.1Wlx,l w w w ■ � W m rn x .a v=i �i-! •%•'� rT� IX >/,� „W4 A =0 i ®® � d I s Ix +! � i•C..>� � � [} • C7 �=��,' Ch � .`,x er +� p f�I 5r ill je' 6� A •7 �• r`� �j` :.I.i'"o oyr� J .. 7 ul j n U o rn x •a 1� Loo I �1 N l� LL 0 w t— 00 P LLJ oar¢- �u� oLLJ LLJ a N LLJ Z 1.4 L Z J Ci sv s L}`- F..• LLJ L7 pdVU Li-iC7QV) .a a¢ In N M• � Mho i :3y,6 U Z Lrl LLj 2>a a rt°cd I � I fl .Ji II +J h I-- IP ,4, �,' W ;• C Y A,~ 14—,jr 1 V v u[,_V1 q, pr i•� 1 Y. Asx may, Liz , [n S4. 1 C/} Lu 0: P eo o x r, F � ` i] _ `� � "r . �' :r��! e!e"nr�', � �'r..rd, �! ���"rk`�nAi i�✓,'.r� _ — i q � I R i a •_::ap•:•:•:•:•:•:•:..:.•.:...;: M.. �}99"L9Z. H1�14N�� , r. 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A revised sketch was provided by the design engineer for the northeast corner of he parking lot that was undated. W have the following remainincomments. Comment highlighted in bold text are of particular concern: Existin-q Conditions Plan 1. �Show benchmark for project 2. Shover existing severer and grater service locations on the plan Site Plan 1. Show benchmark used for project and construction limits. 2. Provide rotes detailing sa rc tting and street connection. Sawcut at bituminous inous edge for curb removal. It is the intent to tie into Tower Street without sarctting the bituminous. Care must be taken to achieve this. The pouring of the new concrete apron should be dome immediately after removal of the curb so that the existing bituminous does not slide into the excavation. If the contractor pours the following day, the bituminous edge must be shored and protected. 3. A concrete apron following city Detail #607 should be shown on the plans. 4. Shover ponding facilities on the plans. 5. Utility plan information can be shorn on the site plan. Please shover existing and proposed site utilities on the plans including eater and surer service information, hydrants, PIV location, easements, irrigation, and material size and class. 6. The proposed addition must include a fire sprinkler system, verify the existing grater service is sufficient to provide water to the system. Goes the proposed addition include bathroom facilities' . label radius for drive entrance. For commercial properties the minimum curb radius should be 25 feet. . Proposed addition is within 300 feet of a hydrant} however this hydrant is located across County Road 44. Consider addition of a fire hydrant off watermain to the north. Phon 952.447.9800 1 Yy 95 2.4 4 7.42 5 / mrwwxit ofprioflake. oin Grading, drainage, and Erosion Control 1. Please add the following iters to this plan sheet: benchmark} construction limits} roof scupper locations, door locations, finished floor elevation for both new and existing buildings, curb opening locations, and pedestrian curb ramp locations. 2. Provide soil boring information for the site. 3. It appears that a catchbasin is located at the proposed entrance. Provide notes that indicate the conversion of this drainage structure, . Provide typical section for raingarden. . Provide rim and invert for all catch basins, overflow structures, curb openings, and flared end sections. 6. Provide note on the plans giving contact information for person responsible for erosion control on the project. . The proposed finished floor elevation appears to be 946.06. The slope from the proposed entrance exceeds 2% to the 945.5 elevation. . Provide detail for curb opening. 9. The proposed drive opening configuration includes tight curares to the parking lot. Consider shifting the opening south. Provide analysis of turning movements. 10. For ease of plowing operations consider straightening the north curbline for the proposed parking area to match from the handicapped parking area to the tangent of the entrance curare. 11. Show "blow-upV of the handicapped area and entrance to show the pedestrian curb ramp. 12. The three lines for the curb disappear for the seven south parking Cot stalls. Curb should be shown at this location, 3. Show material type and class for the storm surer system. Details should be provided on the plan sheets. Hydrology and Hydraulics . Provide design information for curb drop on south parking lot, and Esc measures for flow path to rain garden. 2. Provide reprised grading, drainage map and infiltration requirement check with new parking lot configuration. . Provide detail to describe construction phasing to reduce soil compaction, soil amendments and plantings in infiltration areas. 4. The treatment system is on private property and it is assumed that it will remain under private ownership. The continued function of the treatment system is public benefit; therefore a maintenance plan and agreement will be required, binding property owners to maintain the system at its designed average level of service. The maintenance agreement must be drafted and signed and recorded, SWPPP . This project disturbs less than I acre. A NPDES permit will not be required but minima erosion and sediment control standards described in PWDM Part 3, section 3 must be met. Date: September 22, 2011 To: Rick Kot, R.A. Kot Homes Inc. Froin: Jeff Matzke, e, lanner, Community & Economic Development Department S } t: River Valley Veterinary Clinic — Conditional Use Permit City Project ##11-122 The Community & Economic Development Department has reviewed the CUP plans for the subject project stamp dated S eptember 22, 2011 and we have the following comments: Building Plans 1. Exterior materials - Indicate square footages of all exterior materials for building oil exterior building plans. Minimum % of each fag de must be Class I exterior materials (brick, stone, glass). Fiber cement siding is a Class la exterior material. Where Class la materials are used in combination with Class 1 materials, the sum of the Class I and Class la materials shall be equal to or greater than 60% and at least 30 of each building face must be Class I materials. Prone 952.447.9800 1 Fax 952.447.4245 vwxit of riorlak . com AGENDA ITEM: 4D SUBJECT: PUBLIC FEARING To CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT T To A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN AND A PRELIMINARY ARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS HICKORY SHORES PRESENTER: JEFF I AT t E, PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO -N/A DATE: SEPTEMBER, 26, 11 INTRODUCTION: James Deanovio, owner of Wyatt the Pudel Pointer, LLC has applied to amend the original Planned Unit Development(PUD) and Preliminary Plat of Hickory Shores. Originally proposed for development by Tollefson Development, ent, the City Council approved the Final Plat and Planned Unit Development for this subdivision on August 21, 2006. Since that time, the development has gone through foreclosure proceedings and is currently a bank -owned project. The property is located at on the south side of TIS 13 and north and west of Crystal Lake and Rice Lake. The original development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 79 single family homes and 3 townhouses, along with pros and trail on a total of 80 acres. The proposed plan changes would decrease the number of tornbome lots to3 , while maintaining the 79 detached single family homes sites. Section 1106.400 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the types of uses and standards allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum flexibility ire many areas, some of which include such aspects as setbacks, building heights, and densities. The developer is requesting modifications to the minimum lot areas for the single family lots, as well as building setbacks for the proposed detached to rnho nes. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 80 acres. The net site area (gross land area less existing right-of-way, wetlands and bluffs) is 67.62 acres. Topography: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 998' MSL at its highest point to 943' MSL at its lowest point. The site also includes 2.97 acres of bluffs. These steep slopes are located along the north shore of Rice Labe and the south shore of Crystal Lake, ho ne 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.42451 www. C it yofl) riorla e.coin Vegetation: Historically, much of the site has been used for agricultural purposes; however, the majority of the site is wooded. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Wetlands: There are several wetlands on this site. wetlands encompass approximately 9.12 acres of the site area, Access: Access to the site is from Village Labe Drive, off of State Truck Highway 13 2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for Urban Low Density Residential uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use leap. Zo is : The site is presently zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development), Shoreland: This property is also located within the Shoreland District for Rice Lake and Crystal Labe, both Natural Environment Lakes. As such, the property is subject to the Shoreland PDD requirements listed in Section 110of the Zoning Ordinance* PROPOSEDPLAN The developer is proposing modifications to the Approved Preliminary Plat and PIED within the proposed townhome area. Town o e Lots: Currently one 4 -unit attached townhome is constructed on Kennett Curve while the remaining 3 lots are vacant. The developer is proposing to replace the approved attached townhome design with a modified attached townhome model design on the remaining vacant lots A reduction of I less townhorne lot than previously approved (37 instead of 3 is proposed. The modified lot layout of the townhomes requires re -platting of the individual property lines since the lots would be smaller in size(approximately 2,850 3,050 sq. ft than the original platted lots. The developer proposes separate driveways for the m #ority of the snits blots 30-33 will require a shared driveway). Townhor a Setbacks: The typical residential required and proposed setbacks for the detached townhomes are shown on the following table: Townhouse Setbacks s Typical Originally Requirement Approved Proposed Front (private street) 2} from back of 20 20' curb Front rm public street) 25' from ROW line 251 2' Building to Building NA 15' 201 Lakeshore(OHW)150' T 150' 150' Impervious Surface: The amount of impervious surface approved with the original attached townhorne design was 150,924 sq. . for the bui ftldings and driveways. The developer's plan proposes to reduce this amount to a total of 112,961 sq. ft. for the buildings and driveways a reduction of approximately 25% impervious surface). Densit : Density of the development is based on the net area of the site, which is 20.03 acres and is further regulated by the Shoreland District. Themaximum density permitted is based on the net area of each tier divided by the minimum lot area. The permitted and proposed density for the entire Hickory Shores Development is identified in the following table: Permitted Density (# Units) Original Approved Density Units)_.__units Proposed Density Shoreland District Tier 1 82 70 69 Shoreland District Tier 2 41 31 31 Shoreland District Tier 14.2% 12.5 Shoreland District Tier 4 1 TOTAL 1 137 118 11 *(Includes 7 units outside of Shoreland Ditrict) Parks: Parks are another component of this proposal and will remain unchanged from the original connection fans. The plan includes 27.44 acres of total land dedicated to the City. of this land, 15.53 acres are located along the shoreline. The remaining 11.25 acres is located on the west side of the site. This area is part of a significant wetland complex, which will be preserved as a natural area as a result of this dedication. Streets Sanits ry Sewe Mate r Mains/Storm Sewer: All public irnprovernents for the platted I st Addition of Hickory Shores have been installed. Due to the proposed reduction of I townhorne lot in the plat, one lateral water and sewer service stub is proposed for removal in the street between lots 17 and 18. TownhomBuilding Styles: The plan proposes attached townhor e lots. Conceptual plans have been submitted which identify one story units with walkouts/lookouts/full basements of approximately 2,700 interior square feet and 3 -car tandem garages. Impervious Surface: The maximum impervious surface allowed in the Shoreland District is 30% of the let area above the OHW. The proposed development meets this overall 30% requirement. The following table identifies the proposed impervious surface for this development. Tier Originally Approved Proposed 1 22.3% 21.0% 2 24.9% 215% 3 14.2% 12.5 Overall 21.9% 20.8% Shoreland Open,Space Requirements:- The Shoreland ordinance requires at least 50 of the total project area, or 39.98 acres, within this PUD be preserved as open space. The originally approved PUD proposal included 40.07 acres of open space 50.09% including wetlands, parrs, and common open space. The proposed amended PUD Mould increase this open space area to 41.66 acres (52.07%). The conservation easement area will be delineated by fences and signage. In addition, the Shoreland PUD ordinance also requires that 70% of the shore impact zone 50% of the setback from the OHW be preserved in its natural state. In this case, there is a minimum 50' wide buffer located around Crystal Lake and Rice lake. This area meets this requirement. Tree epla ement/Lan l pin : There are many significant trees on the site. The original tree inventory identified 34,536 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. Up to 35% of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal above these amounts requires tree replacement at a rate of % caliper inch for each inch removed. The majority of tete tree replacement and landscaping of the site has been completed by the previous developer/bank owner. Remaining tree replacement landscaping under the originally approved plans include front yard trees to be installed for each lot at the time of individual lot construction and a line of 50 trees in the rear yards of lots on Hickory Circle and along Tuner Drive proposed in the unplatted outlot A at the far southern end of the development. Fees and Assessment: The amendment change to the townhome portion would not required additional development fees as these fees were paid in 20 06 with the final plat of the 1st Add ition. niusi. The developer has met with City staff to address the proposed changes to the PUD and ways to maintain the core of the originally approved plan of the Hickory Shores Development. The detached townhome design will reduce the overall impervious surface of this area by approximately 25%. Furthermore, the developer proposes to not only maintain the existing parr and trail system within the development but has also proposed an increase to the amount of overall open space within the development. Therefore, staff believes the proposed PUD changes to the original Hickory Shores Development appear appropriate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission finds the PUD and preliminary plat acceptable, the staff would recommend the following conditions be attached: 1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. 2. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Engineering Department memorandum dated September 6, 2011. 3. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Community & Economic Development Department memorandum dated September 12, 2011. . All grading, hydrology and storm water comments must be addressed prior to any grading on the site: 5. Prior to Final Plat of Outlot A the developer must provide a copy of the conservation easements, along with detailed specifications of how this area will be delineated on the site. 6. As part of the final PUD plan, provide a table which will enable staff to track the impervious surface on the site. Overall impervious surface may not exceed the percentages shown on the plans. . As part of the park development, the developer is responsible for any grading, topsoil, turf establishment and construction of any proposed trails to the specifications provided by the City. . The developer mast submit a Letter of Credit in an amount equal to 125% of the cost of the required replacement trees which have yet to beinstalled. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the PUD Amendment and the Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to another Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second to recommend approval of the Preliminary plat and the PUD plan for Hickory Shores subject o the listed conditions. FXHIRIT-- . Location Map 2. PUD and Preliminary Plat Plans I Conceptual Townhome Building Plans 4. City Engineering Dept. memorandum dated 9-6-11 5. City Community & Economic Development Dept. memorandum dated 9-12-11 Y n W 0 LAJ 6 11 �+�qnr tY (A „mei � ��M� ���a� gin; FS � �F■ o ' T x ,► ,� I • USA � r• , % .. I VAl l l Lu �s''3 aaob p +! z8 Mig Oa Nnw IZO moon q. bb a O WGC7� wa G7 5i ' �� ' T x ,► ,� I • USA � r• , % .. 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N p V'y//c��ri r Iri .6 06 ai 1 N y�J11, HNI IIID r*` �1 ,il;.. ... v ik III U, r, �• 0 V 7 W d � WW w N 4 f a 11j ' w 0 ,aJ • o 2 WU m � G� T Uz uj f� 7 V ¢ W� alr�� fly►-.���,'un� •— � WF � r 54 ►,wj �~k� . +fir Pm list "Oil ........ ........ HIT IN IsX. IUD I HIM P-1 mid i R m MEN ME sill IBM .... ... ... HIM RON MEA M �E ON Pi I ER I Date: September 6, 2011 To: Community Development and Natural Resources Department Froin: Engineering Department — Lari P ppler, Cite Engineer Public Works Department — Doss Bintner, water Resources Engineer Subject: Hickou Shores Second Addition The Engineering Department reviewed the preliminary plat for the subject project with a plan date of August 22, 2011 and we have the following col iients. Grading Plait 1. Show proposed contours only for Nvork involved to re -grade the site. 2. Provide name of company, contact person, and emergencyhon umbo • for person responsible for erosion and sedimentation control plan preparation, implementation and maintenance. . Grading is shown east of Ken lett. Curve i rther east than the original proposal toward the ad4acent trees west of Heritage Landing. Does the proposal remove any of those trees? . Retaining wall is proposed over sanitary sewer and watermain and Within the City easement near the Heritage Landing Development. Please remove the retaining wall within the casement. Con ult the original grading plan for guidance on grading this area. . Trees are shown over the existing watermain and sanitary sewer between Hickory Shores and Heritage Landing. Please remove the trees from this easement area. Siftdrol Water uall and Storm 1. The existing storinwater features on this phase of hickory shores were built with the original plat. while the rate control standard should technically be revised, in practice the pond is approximately 5 times the volume needed to meet water quality requirements and has never outlet water since its construction clue to sandy soils underlying the area. We are recommending no changes to the existing date control structures, except to provide additional water to this pond by diverting flog from an upstream pond into it. 2. Modify flow regime at storm basin 1 to provide eater from upstream pond system in low flow conditions. . Confirm that NP ES permit is still open, or apply for new NP S. Provide modified or new SWPPP for review. . The design engineer is encouraged to call Prior Labe water Resources Engineer, Ross i tner at 952-447-9831 with questions on any hydrological, hydraulic, and SWPPP comments. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.424 I Plan 1. Most of the sewer and water on the utility plan is not changing. Please lighten th existing utility lines an bold the work that will be completed, 2. provide detail for ren-ioval of the existing water service. A curbto curbpatch hould be shown for this work. Date: September 12, 2011 To: Jim Deanovic, Wyatt udel Pointer LLC John Bertelson, CES Consultants LLC From: Jeff Matzke, Planner Subject: Hickory Shores 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat and PUD City Project #11-123 The Community & Economic Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary Flat for the subject project with a plan date of August 23, 2011 and we have the following comments: General 1. Provide l v tions and draftfloor plans of proposed townhome units for review. Are any yard encroachments proposed within front setbacks and between building setbacks? Please specify. 2. Provide impervious surface chant for City Staff tracking of individual lots to be updated with each building permit review. Preliminary Play 1. Shit property lines for individual -units to meet 25/20 foot front setbacks. This will make for easier review and analysis of individual building permits. 2. Remove note identifying 30 foot lot setback along private street in Lot Criteria section. There is no indicated 30 foot setback on plans. Landscape Plan 1. Provide modified landscape plan for revised plat layout. Tree placements will be relocated with modified locations of proposed driveways and lots. Grading Plan 1. Remove existing building pads on Turner Drive lots from grading plan. Indicate only proposed building pact areas. Integra Telecom Company continent: 1. If relocation ofIntegra facilities is required, the Developer Will be required to pay all material and labor costs. This development is one of Integra's "Fiber to the Home" projects. For questions contact Don Bay#la e, Eng Design Manager at 952--226-7064. Phone 952.447.9500 1 Fax 952.447. 245 / iNivx F.ci1yo fpriorla .com AGENDA ITEM: 4E SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING To CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL A PRELIMINARY PLAT To BE KNOWN AS EAGLE CREEK ESTATES PRESENTER: JEFF IATKE, PLANNER PUBLIC HEARING: X YES NO -NIA DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 201 INTRODUCTION: Equity Properties LLC has subrnitted request for approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Eagle Creel Estates. The property is located on a 45 acre site located northeast of the intersection' of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road, south of the Cardinal Fridge residential development area. The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 64 single family homes and 14.1 acres of commercially designated property. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Pian and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 45.7 acres. TopograhThis site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 890 IASL at its lowest point to 950 MSL at its highest point. 1 etation: There are a large number of significant trees located on the west end of the site. Wetlands: Two wetlands exist along the eastern edge of the site and an additional wetland is at the northwest corner of the site. The site is subject to the provisions of the State wetland Conservation Act. Access: Access to this property will be from extensions of existing Fish Point Road and Credit River Coad. Utilities: Sewer services will be available from the existing lift station, southeast of the site. water services will be available from the north and south through the extension of Fish Point Road. 2030 Comprehensive Plan -Designation: This majority of the property is designated for Urban Low Density Residential(R-LD) uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Lard Use Map. . 16.0 acre area along Counter Highway 21 is designated for Community Retail Shopping(C-CC) commercial uses. Phone 952. 47.9800 / Fax 952.. 47.4245 / www. c ityfl r1orl ake. c o ni ZonIn : Separate areas of the development site are zoned -1 (Low Density Residential) and C-2 (General Business Commercial). Shoreland: The eastern portion of this property is located within the Shoreland District for llarkely Lake, a Natural Environment Lakes. As such, the property is subject to the Shoreland PIED requirements listed in Section 1104 of the Zoning ordinance. PROPOS PLAN The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 64 single family homes and 14.1 acres of commercially designated property. Lot Sizes: The residential lots are proposed with an average lot size of 13, 756 square feet and a minimum let size and width of 12,040 square feet and 86 feet in width respectively. The proposed lots will meet the minimum lot size and width requirements of the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District. The commercial area is being proposed as an outlot with final lot sizes and widths to be determined with a future final plat. The minimum lot size and width required In the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District is 1 acre and 150 feet respectively. Setbacks: The residential lots have proposed setbacks that will meet the minimum required 25 foot front yard, 10 foot side yard, 25 foot rear }yard, and 25 foot side yard abutting a street. The minimum required setbacks for the future platted commercial lots is 30 foot front yard, 20 foot side yard, 30 foot rear yard, and 30 foot side card abutting a street. Impervious Surfacer The maximum impervious surface coverage for each individual residential lot within the l arkely Lake Shoreland District is Soo of the total lot area as required by the Shoreland Ordinance. The maximum impervious surface for the future commercial lots is 5% of total lot area. Den if : Density of the residential development is based on the residential net area of the site, which is 29.6 acres. The density of the residential area of the development is 2.1 units acre. Parks: The developer proposes to dedicate 1.64 acreages of parkland into the City's public para system. The remaining parkland dedication required by City Ordinance (10% of net acreage) is proposed to be satisfied thru a cash payment into the City park fund. Grads . As identified in the Engineering Department memorandum, there remain significant items to address in relation to the wetland delineation and stormwater/hydrology which may alter the overall grading plan design. Sanitary Sewer[Water Mains/Storm Sewer: The hydrology and storrnwater design of the site is challenging given the site is located within the Markley Lake watershed area, a landlocked basin. The developer is working with the property owner to the east on a common storrnwater plan to help achieve an overall more efficient design of the storrnwater system for development of the entire area east of Markley Lake. The developer has been in contact with City Staff regarding the design of the system; however, there remain several comments regarding the stormwater plan which are identified in the Engineering Department memorandum. PhasinT. The developer proposes to develop the residential lots within the site in 2-3 phases beginning with Lots 1-25 of Block 1, followed by Block 2 and the remaining lots of Block I in the northeast corner of the site. The commercial area will be designated as an o Clot initially and platted by commercial businesses prior to future Site Plan or Conditional Use Permit application for individual sites. Tree laeement/La ndsea In r There are many significant trees on the site. The tree inventory identified 15,936 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. Up to 35 of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal b ve'these amounts requires tree replacement at a rate of Y2caliper inch for each inch removed. Per City Staff comments the developer is revising the tree replacement calculations. The majority of tree removals are in the interior eastern portion of the site. Fees and Assessment; The development will be subject to all development fees including trunk utility, park dedication, utility connection fees, a City administration fee, and a Construction Observation fee at the time f=inal Plat, DISCUSSION: The developer has met with City staff to address the comments as outlined in the City Staff memorandums. randur s. while City Staff believes the overall proposed development layout appears appropriate, City Staff recommends mends the iter e tabled to a future meeting to give the developer the opportunity to further address the comments, in particular the stormwater/hydrology and grading comments. ALTERNATIVES: Recommend approval of the PUD Amendment and the Preliminary Plat subject to any conditions as identified by the Planning Commission, 2. Table this item to another Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend 1 denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Alternative 2. ACTION REQUIRED: motion and second to recommend tabling the Item to a future Planning Commission meeting* EXHIBITS -- Location leap 2. Preliminary Plat Plans 3. City Engineering Dept. memorandum dated 9-19-11 4. City Community & Economic Development Dept. memorandum dated 9-16-11 EAGLE CREEK ESTATES - PRELIMINARY PLAT #$1 1 �y iU`'CSS��f $St7� r +r+�+E ur.•t+- +ins vf7 !� } �+ f 3 l! t' ]Ulu 19 9371- �W 402 5 m FAnal 3 6147 1@te.5 -S s 3 ) 62-9 SM 5-3t, - � , - -` 614 1 5 � � i ai t a 5537 # t t 13J $ -`R 1 r ' `� 6715 � - 7�67� X37 161&3 tit �35 ���� �1jp.ks X53 �1034 M) 527 5310 ��t�� L" $� 55#� � - ,�� � �� H2015 16-263--r-r-315— (5523 Ste2 q162M .�at�_ 152141 3W55' 113�13i i7162W53 3116233 #� 3i ias 183oo1 31 t � i+ 2' 3 16335 1 1alat6373# �i7 5� 1627 F. 3 163[ .. /) #131 11461 3 � 5531 - 1 � ] ► r � 55 ,. �~•-1;`i # 16D) dq 7t 5545 5 564 t3 i3'3 5559 1x354 f63 63357 �1 fWS 135 t i"a - ? 5 5)1 �5' SWI \.51X63#i f 37 tom 3 1B� 16 28 taste 1 337- 111 .4 1 i33 52 3r3 i 7 ►3 ] 1 ' 1 '1-16376 -1 357 1x3 r Y� .tB 3..�7 r t 5435 (-163 # t �11W4 t. 1 53tl53—'# 7 151 17 16375 f 5395 1 16565 .5207 -L-5405 rL 521 5-242 ILE 1631 14, .. ..WV � rv. 151 1277 13 v: its 675 F 14 i i i a 166 71 137AMf # i$• .%' z ~� W9 I 671113 -10374 5141 �$ .� 10s 167, :137 513:. #i t :.:::_ . is t 413:4 5197 521045 tam &ZI-3f I 5 16N ;' °N:1# /0"�. 'x16572 18) wan Gi5 1& 165 135 ...... 13WO n; fk �_n3��'y[ '} W)351093 16925, 1&%jA _ 3 m 9D) 1's9 i63 17I ,. 17014 17�i1 #7155 #7 1M23 � � � 7 X11 k 5714 .54 1 A 112 1� 17141 �'I7# h =. ;,.: #7 w 031 171 MY 1 ems- 512t x. t�3 . �;�;'' „��. .:.:� —.-, �rt f 771 � 1703., 1707a+'�,: 1�§ T' :N� i77#7 WO X17107 : t7611 17493 3 - �� 17 r 171G#1t r;..#�i7 >., } x:�#31 iii 1`3 13 17 5 t { i t 7_11717 t it# i1� #1 .t `T'-�- 521 Ll. � �, x 1�� int tt `' iP1#71i i7t��-� f7 {�, 1. #x,331 --� i 7 1�1t t7.,.�� � #7�3� 11�t�3f. R!-171 1715 #7 #F i7 7311 1 17,3 # t73B 17 7 A� t7� TNs ft ng Is rleittw a fegaly recorded tap nor a survey and Is wt Map Scale Intended to b used as one. THS drehing 4s a �fak of retards, . info abon, and data located in various t F comfy, and state o us, and I lath = 700 feet okhersources affecting a area am-rk and is to be used for reference W Wposes Y. Scott County is not responsiVe for any inacmacEes herein con1a'ned- If discreparraes efe found, lease contact the Scott County Map Date k +' Surveyors (Mice. Y ,23 C -....Y 't a LLJ v ' ",• Z v uj a v . w N © z t o � E— cn u�i � LLJ Lu N to Zo V LLL LU E 4] LO W0 CT 1 acn 5LO, cr l ti m to -�' v I r4 r ca - -J �- N �. CO) -� ov h ?. NCD co f CD r r N r�. C4 Tom C4 C4 o T T r `� &0 s N N C4 0 � c T CO)�r co 1,r N r 1 O ¢r 'Net co p ' r� N N Qj �. N rqj ` �ol LD N N CO) r c(D N =01 IN Q) N • ty /7, 1 I S \ T r a n N . ♦. -� f,. T (D r C T T r ' ♦♦ 1 T T pis, f T r 1 \\ \♦ f/ 1 r 1 Z� LOC.) ` E / �, fig r {oo. 0 0) C4 cg ---------------- — ---------- ------- — co — -------- ---------- cm ---------- -------------------- ----- - - ------ ----- Lej C4 co cm Z, L-- — C9 ------- — -- ---- — ----------- 0 9r — -------- ---------- -------------------- imp C7 Lej uj Z, L-- — C9 ------- — -- ---- — ----------- uj - ------------- -------- ; — ---------- — CM ----------------- ------- co ------- - - ----- -- 9c+4 --------------- -- — ------- — ---- W ------------- co ol 04 "o L-------- C4 ------- -- ------- L-- — ----------------- LO C4 0 T— cm co 0 9r Lej uj Z, (e)ols o w�l uj 0 Date: September 19, 2011 To: Community Developmentand Natural Resources Department yen From: Engineering Department — Larry Poppler, City Engineer Public Works Natural Resources Departmeift -- Ross Bintner, Water Resources Engineer Subject: Eagle Creek Estates(Project 1-101) The Engineering Depailment and Public Works/Natural Resources Department have reviewed the preliminary plat for the subject project with a draft plan date of September 2, 2011 and we have the following comments. Comments highlighted in bold text are of particular concern: General 1. Provide sni ey sheet that includes all spot elevations shot for this project. Include datum information on the survey sheet. 2. The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. . Permits from the Met Council, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Department o Health are needed. 4. Show approximate location of all existing private and public utilities. 5. Benchmark information and City Project o, j ect 11-101 should be shown on all plan sheets. 6. Shop block numbers on all plan sheets. 7. Show bar scale on all plan sheets. . Show front/side/rear yard easements on all plan sheets. 9. All plans should be drafted according to the Citi ofPrior Lake layer system. Seo Public Worts Design Manual for layer information, A digital copy ofthe plans in pdf or of format is required prior to construction. All drawings should use the Scott County Coordinate S stem. 10, The content of each plan sheet should highlight the featured topic is darker* text than the rest of the linework. For example on the watermain plan sheets, the watcrmain should be shown in darker text than the street linet p s and other utilities. 11. All plan sheets should be 22" x ". 12. Provide note on the plans stating that working in hours are from 7 ani to 7 pm Monday through Friday and 8 am to 5 pm Saturday. Phone 952.x 47.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / wmv. c ityofpriorlak . om 1 . Provide City details for hydrant, silt fence, rock construction entrance, wetland buffer signage, sanitary manhole, ole, waterrrrain service, sanitary sewer service, concrete sidewalk, bituminous trail, standard storm sewer manhole, catch basin for storm sewer, pond outlet skimmer, trash guards for concrete aprons, standard manhole for sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer outside drop maiiholo, waterm in insulation, street typical section, street typical section with sidewalk, cul -de --sac, curb ramp detail for trails and sidewalks, stop sign with street sign, sign and street light placement, street light types, and standard locations of public improvements. 14, Slow grading at least 200ft outside of project area. 15. Show concept plan for adjacent property to the east including preliminary utility layout. 16. Show property address of properties adjacent to the project area. 17. Provide overall layout of streets and utilities on one plan sleet including ring and inert elevations of all eatehbasins, manholes, and flared end sections. Plat 1. A county easement is shown over lots 17 and 18. The easement should be vacated as a part of the plat. 2. The commercial lots should be sho'wn as outlots or be assigned lot and block numbers. 3. Show easements for City utilities located within the Park. Gradin 1. The wetland delineation is required to be shown on the grading plait. Delineation is missing behind Block f, Lots 2- 2. Revise house styles as necessary to eliminate stor in sewer pipe in the backyard areas as well as eliminate long swats through backyard areas. 3. The project shows that the sto ni- ater• requirements for the commercial properties would occur on the individual commercial lots. The grading for these stormwater facilities should be shown on the plaits to provide assurance that they can. be built upon the footprint provided for the commercial lot, Drainage calculations for these facilities should also be provided. Regional ponding for the commercial lots is encouraged. The higher inherent value of the commercial property should be considered when looking at ponding locations. A regional pond could be located within the residential zoning area closer to the downstream water body. . Linetypes. used makes determining the drawing focus difficult. Consider revising. . Slow wetland buffer tutted and wetland buffer signage on the plans. Setbacks from wetlands niu t be checked to verify distance requirements. 6. Wetlands will be impacted by this development. Provide wetland mitigation doe it entatlon and show wetland mitigatio r a the plans. Report is pending. 7. The backyard drainage swale from Block 1, Lots 19-25 requires a permanent t easement. . The backyard drainage swale from Block 2. Lots 1-6 and 9-10 requires a permanent easement. Attempt to bring drainage to flow from the rear yards to toward the front yard to eliminate the need for backyard easement. 9. The backyard drainage wale from Block 2, Lots 2-6 requires a permanent easement. The proposed grading in this area would place the easement exceedingly close to the proposed walk -out basement locations. No permanent structures such as deeps) would be allowed in the drainage swale easement. 10. The backyard drainage wale from Block 1, Lots 13-17 requires a permanent easement. 11. The slope of the drainage wale from Block 1, Lots 19-20 does not meet minimum slope requirements. 12. The slope of the drainages swale from Block 1, Lots 21-24 does not meet minimum slope requirements. 13. The slope of the drainage swale from Block 1, Lot --6 does not meet minimum slope requirements. 14. The slope of the drainage swale froin Block 2, Lots 18-20 gees not meet mininium slope requirements. The swale on lot 22 has a % slope. 15. The slope ofthe drainage swale fron Bloch 2, sets 3-7 does not meet minimum slope requirements. 16. Home pads must be graded to have at least 10' back yard area with slope less than 10: 1. 17. Any backyard drainage paths must be sodded and protected at the conclusion of grading activities. Provide notes indicating that this protection is needed. 18. Show spot elevations for the shallow sloped areas for lots Block 2, Lots 20-22. 19. Review iew eo tours for the backyard drainage between Bloch 1, Lots 26-28 and 30-32. The proposed condition generates a highly concentrated floe path prose to erosion, 20. Review contours for the backyard grading of Block 1, Lots -12. Sections of contour lines appear to be missing or incomplete at this location. 21. Review contours at C 34 and downstream FES. The 938 and 940 contours appear to be missing or incomplete at this location. 22. Review contours behind lots 5-6 block 1, the 900 contour appears to be missing. 23. Grading plan shoes a dashed line in the rear yard of Block 1, Lots 27-29. This fine seems to reflect a retaining wall. If it is retaining wall please devise linetype to match City of Prior Lake symbology. Show top and bottom wall elevations on the grading plan. 24. Show lot corner elevations. 2 . Show slopes for maintained areas at no more than :1, unm irntained at 3: 1. 26. Provide name of company contact person, and emergency phone number for person responsible for erosion and sediment control plan preparation, implementation, and maintenance. 27. Provide note on the plans specifying that perimeter / downstream sediment control best management practices should be installed by the Contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. 28. Show all emergency overflow routes on the plans using arrows and show the elevation of the high point along the emergency overflow route. 29. Show double row of silt fence for areas that drain to the wetland. 3o. Provide 10 foot bench for the ponding areas. 31. Show casement for all EP paths. 32. Show outlet elevation, emergency overflow elevation, NWL and HWL for ponds and HWL for water bodies. 33. Provide tree plan that shows the proposed grades and significant tree locations. 34. Show proposed grading within the Park. Add Park parking lot with 7 stalls with access off of Credit River Toad. Utilities I. Construction of sanitary server to the east must be evaluated against the wetland and lake Ihni s and must coincide with the plans of the property owner to the cast of Eagle Creek Estates. Provide grading 'Information, wetland Delineation, etc, Easement for these Public utilities must he provided if Eagle Creek Estates is platted prior to the property to the east. 2. The sanitary seNver serving lots 26-32 Markle Road flow to the property to the east. This propeily must be platted and the services must be installed for development of these lots. 3. Storin sewer is shown directing drainage along Markley Labe Drive and then discharging to the south on the property to the east. Please show homer this drainage will be handled on the adjacent property. . Provide analysis to show that waters ain and sanitary sewer pipe sues are sufficient to handle the demands of the development, 5. Show all existing and proposed utilities on one utility plan sheet. Include inert elevations for eatehbasins and manholes. All City utilities adjacent the propel y should e shown including any connections. 6. Check invert consistency between sanitary sewer sleets. . The size, type, and class of all water services shall be noted on the plans. Water services should have a minimum I inch diameter, . Show utility service locations on the plan vies a point 10 feet beyond the property line. . Proposed outlot between MIS GG and MIS LL needs to be increased to Soft due to a depth greater than I on. 10. An existing easement, watermain pipe, and f beroptie conduit is located near the rear lot lines of lots 12-15 nd the proposed parkoff of Eagle Creek Boulevard. `these item should be shown on the plans. Elevations of these features should be shown to avoid the disruption of these utilities. 11. Please review material depth ehad and revise sanitary sewer pipe materials based on the depth. 12. Show additional easement between CIS 23 and MH DD parallel to pipe. 13. Increase o Clot width between MH R to FES and MH S to FES due to pipe depth. 14. Provide note on the utility plan sheet indicating that deflection testing shall be conducted after the final backfill has been in place for 30 days. 15. provide note on the utility plan sheet indicating the size and type of the sanitary sewer services. 16. provide note on the utility plan sheet indicating that the sewer and water services shall be included in the pressure and leakage testing requirements for the main lilies. 17. Utility as -bunts and televising report will be required at the conclusion of the construction of this project. The as -bunts must follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. 18. Provide note on the utility plan sheet indicating that activation of the Nvatermain system shall be performed by City personnel only. 19. Provide note on the utility plan sheet indicating theimishi and installing of hydr finder high visibility locating device. Contractor should also supply an extra hydr finder• per hydrant and one extra gate valve key, curb box key, and hydrant wrench per development to be delivered to the City of Prior Lake Public Works Department. 20. Provide note on the utility plan sheet indicating that all watermain gate valves and curb stops shall have adjustable gate valve extension stens. s i"e t . Provide geotechnical recommendation for pavement typical sections in the project area. Show soil boring locations on all plan sleets. Include street typical section recommendations in excess of City minimum requirements. Fish Point Road to be a 9 - ton collector type. a. Fish Point Road typical section does not meet City minimum requirements. Add at least 24" of granular borrow to typical section. b. Snell Court/Credit River Boulevard does not meet City minimum typical section. Increase base course to at least 2.5" and granular borrow to at least 24". 2. Cross slopes of sidewalks and trails are not to exceed 2% and must Follow the requirements of the Ainerican Disabilities Act . Fish Point Road boulevard slope of 2.1 % (1/4"' per foot) does not meet Public Works Design Manual requirements of 3-5 between the street and sidewalk/trail. . Fish Point Road concrete sidewalk proposed typical section of " of concrete sloes not meet Public Works Design Manual requirements of at least " of concrete and at least " of granular inateri 1. A profile of " of concrete and " of granular material is required at all eonmiereial entrances. 5. Fish Point Toad bituminous trail proposed typical section of 2" of bituminous and " of class 5 sloes not meet Public Works Design Manual requirements of at least 2.5" of bituminous and at least " of class 5 crushed limestone. . A temporary cul-de-sac is needed at the end of Markley Labe Road including signage per requirements in the public Works Design Manual. . A lighting plan in accordance with the City's Residential Street Lighting Policy is required. . Provide sidewalk along both sides of Credit Diver Road for area east of Fish Point Road. 9. Review vertical curves proposed for the development. Numerous vetlical. curves do not Beet 30 MPH standards. 10. Stationing information is missing for Snell Lane on plan & profile sheet 5 of 18. jj_ydrology and Storm S e ver 1. II1,2 requires plans to show OE, HWL, for ponds, and OHW for water bodies o plans. Minimum LFE for Markley Labe basin is 903.8, HWL = 900.8. Show gal -age floor, low floor and rear pail elevations and housing style for each unit. Provide schematic describing each housing style typical grading. fond on NW corner of CSAH 21 and r`i h Point: of = 938, HWL = 942.02, Lot 18-20 will be in EOF path. and LriE will be affected by pond HWL, 2. Storinwater Management Report should include a narrative to describe how the proposed system is intended to function. Please summarize the volume control requirement in esft or -in, the rate control requirement in CFS to each point of discharge, and water duality in terms of lb P and Ton TSS to each point of discharge. Report should stuns pari a calculations and computer files and describe how the system proposes to meet or exceed the requirements calculated,. Please tabulate all existing proposed soil type and land use, and list CN assumptions for each combination. Ester ville = A, Hayden = B, Lester = B. Please label all basins and BMPs ars the plan and grading plan, 3. PWDM 111.4 RATE CONTROL: Please tabulate, by discharge point, required and proposed peals discharge rates for 2,10, 100 year 2 HR NRCS TIT storms and include this tabulation in the St rinwater Management Report narrative. Please explain the use of wetlands for rate control, and whether alternate peals rate standard for wetlands is used. Reference MN -RAM results and PWDM 111. methodology. . PWDM 111A VOLUME CONTROL: Please tabulate, by discharge point, required standard and proposed volume control credits. The applicant must first tabulate all CN reduction credits before structural BMPs are considered. Please explain the use f lav areas and the function of constructed facilities and tabulate v reduction claimed in each practice. Please note the park area NE of this property in the high vulnerability zone of wellhead protection area, and will not be allowed to be used for infiltration ofstreet runoff. Please review the state stormwater manual, especially design elements listed as "Required" and "Highly Recommended." For example, what pretreatment is provided ahead ofthe infiltration la in . PWDM.111.5 Drainage alteration: St rmwater Management Report should include a narrative and tabulation describing what basins. are proposed to be connected t downstream ba his, the size of the alteration, and downstream lischarge volumes for 2,10, 100 acrd B2B100 in the case of landlocked basins. Please review the PWDM section for connection of landlocked basins — narrative should argue that proposal answer individual questions under the heading `demonstrate" and all requirements should be met. . PWDM.111,5 Floodplain management: St rrnwater Management Report should include a narrative and tabulation describing amount of 100 yr storage volume lost in each basin, and the location of the storage replacement. For those areas that bonder neighboring property public or private) if the flood elevations increase, easements must be acquired to allow for that increased flood elevation. 1f flood risk is changed on private property, easement is required for change in risk. Property adjoining lox area baclixig credit river road may need casement. 7. PWDM 111.6 Wetlands: Please submit at MN -RAM 3 for review and approval. 1. Provide the functional class ifscation for buffer'siri lth and st rrnivateir susceptibility. Wetlands and buffers should be shown on the plan and grading plan. 1, 2, and 1 year inundation periods and elevations should be tabulated ire Stormwater Management Report. Please note the 25' no -grading zone around wetlands in the Scott WM . Plan should provide detail on buffer signs and seed types, . Where does treatment take place from trunk s rmwater line serving commercial areas, or is it assumed that treatment will take place on site? . Low floor elevations must follow PWDM 111.4, Include in the sterimwater management report a tabulation E, HWL and the B2B 100 levels for landlocked areas and the, minimum allowable LFE, LOE per basin. 1 . The forest on site is classified as High Quality in the City of Prior Lake Natural Resource Inventory, The use of PUD or section 1106 flexible development standards is encouraged. 11. verify locations ofall EOE' paths. 12. P DM 111.4 WATER QUALIFY: Please tabulate existing and proposed P and TSS load by discharge point. Explain in narrative how proposed system meets requirements by referencing design calculations. 13. P DM 111.8 STORM SEWER: Please provide calculations for storm sever sizing. 14. Site hydrology must follow rules spelled out in the Public Works Design Manual, Part III, Hydrology Mules. The design engineer is encouraged to call Prior Labe Water Resources Engineer, Ross Bintner at 952-447-9831 with questions on any hydrological and storm sever comments. SWPPP 1. An NPDES Construction site permit will be required for this project. The City must approve the associated SWPPP prior to grading permit approval. Please review the individual provisions for temporary and permanent erosion. control measure and permanent water quality measure that are required for the NPDES permit and submit the SWPPP to the City for review. All areas coming out of agricultural production niust be seeded with a cover crop prior to development. 2. Permit section I1I,A details the requirements of a SWPPP. . I I. .1: Identify who will. have long term maintenance responsibility for main pond. . III.A.1: Describe requirements that need to be net prior to filing for Notice of Termination (NOT): . III.A. .a: More detail is required on location and timing for all permanent and temporary MPs. . Iv. . : Design., describe and slow 200' flow path stabilization through all phases of construction. {Movie detail required for construction phasing) 7. IV.C.2-7: Various requirements currently not addressed in SWPPP. nore info needed for teinporary stockpiles for building construction, and plan for rock construction entrances during various phases) . IV.E.3: More seasonal information needed such as winter provisions. 9. IV. 6.2: Describe and provide forms for handover of "Homeowner ner cts eet" for residential portions, where appropriate. Date: September 16, 2011 To: Ray Brandt, Brandt Engineering & Sut-veying toy' : Jeff Matzke, e, Planner Subject: EAGLE CREEK ESTATES Preliminary flat City Project HII -101 The Community ity & Economic Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary Plat for the subject project with a plan date ofSeptember 2, 2011 and we have the following comments. Comment in bold are major comments to be addressed. General 1. Provide phasing plan identifying different phases of the development and sequencing for final plat and street construction. 2. Provide City with draft warranty deeds for all o Clot areas to be dedicated to the City according to Ordinance 100.0. A recorded copy of the deeds shall be delivered to the City after recording of the final plat. 3. Estimated development fees forthis project can be indicated to developer once net lot area calculation is indicated on plans (see Preliminary Flat comment 2f. Preliminaa Plat 1. List the following items in the Legend notes: a. Zoning: .- l (Low Density Residential) and C-2 (General Con nercial and label areas for each zoning, (rot proposed zon ing). b. Remove side yard garage and house setback categories and replace with the following: Residential interior side yard setback: 10 ft. Residential side yard abutting a street setback: 25 f1. c. Wetland Storm water pond setback: 30 f1. from 100 yr. flood elevation (not ,Alarkleji Like) d. Label Commercial areas as outlots and list acreage for all outlot areas. Net Area (Net area = Gross Area minus outlots for ponding, wetlands, utilities and Fish Point Road right-of-way), Parkland dedication is 10% of net area, and development fees are based on not area. 2. Rename Streets --4- Credit River Boulevard mut be identified as Credit River Road. Phone 952.447.9800 1 Fax 952.447.4245 / %NiN,%v. ityofpriorl k . oiii . Indicate proposed drainage and utility ea en -tent areas on preliminary plat. Easements required over all utility lines within lots and outlots. Standard easements of 5 f side, 10 foot front and rear* of all lots. . Indicate sidewalk/trail along west Credit fiver Blvd and Eagle Creep Blvd. to Park area and along both sides of east Credit River Blvd, 5. Are any subdivision monument signs proposed at this time? If so indicate location and provide spec. detail rendering of sign(s) dimensions. Tree Preservation Plan Landscape Plan 1. Provide I a total inches in right-of-way and Ci - l ll at d outlot meas and 1b total inches removedin these areas. Also, indicate 35% calculation of total inches on entire site, Total inches removed d in excess of % calculation must be replaced at a ratio of 1/ inch replacement tree per 1 inch of removed tree. See Tree Pres ira ion Ordinance {Section 110 .210 for snore details on requirement. Landscape Plan 1. All proposed trees must be minimum 2 112" caliper inch for deciduous trees or 6 ft. in height for coniferous trees. a.. Front yard trees on landscape plan must all be o ger tory trees. Ornamental trees are not applicable for front yard tree requirement. Indicate 2 front yard trees located per lot for corner lots because they front along two streets) 2. Indicate dashed line as grading limit (limits of disturbance) on tree preservation plan. Gradina Plan 1. Identify existing wetland areas (label acreage) and mitigation areas (label acreage). Identify wetland buffer areas in accordance with Ordinance 1004.903. 2. Indicate drainage and utility easements on grading plan.